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Daily Update - PDB + Daily pictures

Event Details
Participants Count 3
Event Type Both
Was Food Served in Event? No
Count of Meals Served
Volunteers Count 0
Event Duration

In preparation for welcoming our beloved Guru in our lives, Kailasa Southeast USA offered Guru Puja & Jeevan Mukti Vratam Sankalpa.

Devotees from Texas & Southeast USA tied the yellow sacred thread after making the Sankalpa & made the Guru Mudi, thereby, officially commencing the Jeevan Mukti Vratam.

Guru Mudi is made using an unbroken coconut ( representing our ego ) & uncooked rice ( representing our Karmic baggage ) . These two are tied to the two ends of a clean , dry, white cotton cloth . đŸ„„đŸš

Every Saturday, for 250+ weeks, the Sangha Jananis perform the Thiru Vilakku (Lamp) Puja.

‘Vilakku’ (Lamp) is the symbol of Devi Maha Lakshmi, the Deity of Abundance and Prosperity.

Light Symbolizes God, and Knowledge. Oil or Ghee Symbolizes Vasanas / Negative Tendencies. Wick Symbolizes Ego - It Exhausts Slowly Just As Ego in Us Has To Burn & Perish. Higher Ideals are Indicated By the Lamp Burning Upwards

The worshipping of Devi Lakshmi during Vilakku puja brings auspiciousness for ourselves, our extended family & in turn the whole world.

Pictures from the day