June 2 1993

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1993, 2 June | A very rare capture where The Avatar is seen alongwith Yogi Ramsuratkumar, His immediate predecessor in the glorious lineage of incarnations of Paramashiva (Primordial Hindu Divinity) in Tiruvannamalai. This was taken in Oya mutt in Tiruvoodal street when The Avatar was 15 years old. The Avatar spent 6 years around him soaking in Advaita Bhakti (Devotional Oneness with the Divine) which Yogi Ramsuratkumar exuded. Yogi Ramsuratkumar recognised who The Avatar was and spent intimate six years with Him.

The occasion in this photograph is the sacred thread ceremony of The Avatar's biological family's friend's son. The father of the child is Balakumaran, an extremely popular Tamil writer who was very close to His mother's younger brother Venugopal. He was a devotee of Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar Swamigal. His family came from Chennai to celebrate this function in Tiruvannamalai under the auspices of Yogi Ramsuratkumar Swamigal.

Yogi Ramsuratkumar also called Visiri Swamigal (Visiri means 'hand-fan' which he used to carry with him always) had many well-known "sitting" spots where people could find him in Tiruvannamalai. One of them was on the steps of a building adjacent to Thermutti, where the temple chariot is parked.

The Avatar recalls one of His earliest encounters with Yogi Ramsuratkumar Swamigal, "He would be comfortably sitting there amidst a pile of garbage! The first time I saw him, he asked Me if Sakkuppai Swamigal had sent Me to him! I was surprised and told him about how I got to know Sakkuppai Swamigal, and how he had actually sent Me to him! Usually, people who passed by Visiri Swamigal would stop and ask him questions about their future. Many children on their way to school would stop and ask, “Swami, will I pass my exam today?” or, “Will I get a good report today?” But they rarely got a response from him.

On the way to school one day, I also stopped and asked if I would pass the test in school that day. I got the reply, 'You will pass the test of life, my boy!'

An old lady who always sat by Yogi Ramsurat Kumār overheard these words and told Me, 'Go, go! You will not understand these words now, but you will remember them later!'"


Yogi Ramsuratkumar is one of the predecessors of The Avatar and great enlightened being who has influenced and guided thousands all over the world in the the path of Enlightenment. After The Avatar was trained in extreme yoga by His yoga guru, Yogiraj Yogananda Puri, and by Mathaji VIbhutananda Puri in Vedanta & Tantra, He recalls Yogi Ramsuratkumar as the guru from whom He was able to imbibe deeper truths about life, the world and Universe - all in order to revive and teach His disciples today for the revival of ShriKAILASA- the Hindu nation where these great truths from Hinduism are lived. The following videos capture precious revelations of The Avatar on Yogi Ramsuratkumar as well as the powerful cognitions we can imbibe from him.

The Avatar Introduces Yogi Ramsuratkumar


Blessed are those who are directly asked to do the things which are not dharma as per your understanding - by Guru. I am telling you if your Guru says do something which is not dharma as per you and you do it, you are blessed! I still repent for not smoking when Yogi Ramsuratkumar gave me the cigarette. But I missed it. I missed the chance. Now how many ever times I smoke will not make the difference. If I would have picked up the beedi from him that day and spoken, I can say at least I would have come out of 2 years of my struggle. Two years struggle could have been sorted out in 2 seconds. I still repent for not picking up the beedi from Ram Suratkumar. May be many of you do not know that incident. Let me describe that incident. I am brought up in a very orthodox family. Oh god! My grandfather was very orthodox to a level you cannot even talk about cigar or non-veg or alcohol in the house. Forget you having it, you cannot even talk! I was brought up by him. One day I was sitting in the Tiruvannamalai cremation ground with Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Usually he sits there in night time. When I ask why you sit here. He will say this is a calm place. Only dead people will not disturb us. One day HE WAS sitting there and I went and sat. I don’t know what happened, one day suddenly he picked up the beedi from his mouth stretched it up to me. my love for him and my parental conditioning were fighting each other. It is like Krishna – the guru, getting down and taking the wheel using it as Sudarshana to kill Bheeshma which is parental conditioning . Krishna is guru, Bheeshma is parental conditioning. Guru always cannot directly kill your parental conditioning. That Is why I tell get your parents consent letter and come. I cannot directly kill. That is the law. I can only play around and inspire you to come out of parental conditioning. But I cannot directly do anything to instigate. See Krishna cannot directly kill. He can only inspire. So he takes the chariot wheel and goes to kilL the parental conditioning. So that day I could see very clearly my Guru, Krishna standing with the wheel which was the cigarette. And my parental conditioning is struggling. I neither said no nor did I move. Saying no is too much. But moving the body is too much. What to do? I was just frozen. But the beedi is burning. Time is running. See not deciding is deciding not to decide! I was no… Then the fire went and touched Ram Suratkumar’s finger, he just dropped the beedi. He just caught my ears – both the ears. He blew the smoke from his mouth on my face. Fortunately I had such a deep surrender to him, he was able to force me. I am blessed he forced me. but I am blessed for me not taking the step voluntarily. He forced me and blew the smoke on my face. I don’t know what happened for 3 days whatever was happening around me was a soundless movie. Everything happening around me was happening without background noise. I was seeing cycles and other old bikes were there. I could see all those vehicles but no noise. I could see temple aarthi happening but no sound of bell. Everything was such peace! But even then, of course after that never I smoked not even once. But I repent not picking up when he gave, when he stretched his hand! Gladly jump beyond dharma when master asks you. That is the best thing you will do for yourself and for your enlightenment! I can say only to ask you to do something which is not dharma as per you master happens in your life. Because that is the only thing you cannot do by yourself. What you think as dharma may not be dharma. Because that is the only thing which you cannot do by yourself in your life. Master is needed for that. For Ramakrishna, till that point he did not need totapuri. But without Totapuri, Ramakrishna would never have been enlightened. He was need to take Ramakrishna beyond dharma. He said cut the Kali – the most sacrilegious act. Especially a person like Ramakrishna who built his whole personality on Kali – if he wakes up, he wakes up Kali, breathes, eats, lives Kali was told by Totapuri – cut Kali. But Ramakrishna had the guts. I tell you master happens in your life just to tell you to do things which you think as dharma. All Totapuri did in Ramakrishna’s life is make you do the most sacrilegious act. But when he did Ramakrishna became enlightened. If master happens in your life and asks you to do something which you think is not dharma, for other sake you don’t need master. If master happens in your life and asks you to do something which you don’t think as dharma, understand, he is doing his Avataric mission then it is your choice whether you want to get enlightened or not. If Ramakrishna would have said no, Totapuri would have just left him. But Ramakrishna would have missed enlightenment like how I missed once. I still remember when I was sitting with the Naga baba in Uttara Kaasi who used to smoke marijuana continuously. He will sit with a chillum which would give gold coins. I used to feel. Will he not stretch his chillum to me, I missed already once with Yogi Ram Suratkumar. If he gives it now and I will grab it readily. Once he happened to look like as if he stretched, I put my hands as if to receive. He said no you already missed once. I was shocked!! Something which happened in Tiruvannamalai where only he and his pet dog and me where there!! He say you already missed once. I am not stretching for you, I am emptying it! don’t miss when master stretches his hand! Don’t miss when he asks you to do something which you think is not right or dharma. Catch it and jump into the higher consciousness or experience.

The Avatar Describes How Yogi Ramsuratkumar Grew Younger


I wanted to tell him and tell every one of you, if any action brings you tiredness and boredom, you already have a belief of “impossibility”, the subtle “impossibility” is already developed in you. I tell you, beauty in the action is “Possibility”. We all know how to beautify our body and skin. We need to know how to beautify our actions. When you are carrying “possibility” and acting, every action brings more and more joy and excitement. You will grow younger and younger. Your face will become more graceful, more younger, more beautiful. Very rarely I have seen people growing younger. One person, without doubt I can say, is Sathya Sai Baba. He grew younger and younger and younger. The more time passes; he was becoming more graceful and more younger. Without any controversy or doubt I will tell very clearly and boldly, one person I have seen in my life growing younger and younger and younger is Sathya Sai Baba. I have seen Yogi Ramsuratkumar also. Not only his face and the being, even the lifestyle, everything. Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar, the more number of years, the more he became like a child, he was growing younger.

The Avatar Speaks on Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Truth Grinder - Pattern Breaker


When you listen to the greater truths, higher truths, internalize and share it with the others, you become truth grinding machine. Truth grinding machine not only grinds the truth, grinds and destroys all the patterns. I tell you, every moment I sat with Yogi Ramsuratkumar, the great yogi, every moment, I can see very clearly, he was a truth grinding machine. He was grinding all the great spiritual truths in his system. Every word he uttered was the guru prasada, the gift from the great yogi. And every word I received from him, every guru prasada I received from him has removed my own sufferings, my own delusions, my own illusion. I tell you, Ramsuratkumar is the right example of how a truth grinder behaves. See, I had the proximity of many great sadhus, babas, yogis, incarnations, but for this example, I can remember only Yogi Ramsuratkumar, because every time I had the possibility of being at his feet, he will be grinding some great truth in himself and put glimpse of the truth in me. I have seen, anything he said directly went and became part of me. Please understand, unfortunately, I had a love-hate relationship with Raghupati Yogi, Yogananda Puri, because he used to bend my body, torture my body. Otherwise he was a great loving being, but he had to stick his neck out to train my body. It was such a heavy training. I used to have a love-hate relationship with Raghupati Yogi. Few days I may not want to see him, I may just run away. I will escape from him. Few days I will feel overflowing love for him, and run and sit on his lap. I was more like a grandson for him, apart from the disciple. But fortunately, with Yogi Ramsuratkumar, there was never a physical process I need to go through with him. By the time I went to Ramsuratkumar, my body was already prepared by Raghupati Yogi. So Ramsuratkumar had the simple job of putting like Zen Koans into my system. That is why people like Zen Masters, but not that much the Yogis I know even in the west, people like Zen masters more, but not Hindu yogis that much. Because Yogis make you to do things. Yogis ask you- do it. But Zen tradition, nothing to be done. Just being. But I tell you, unless you finish the yoga part, Zen will not make direct sense to you. It was because of Yogi Yogananda Puri I was able to receive Yogi Ramsuratkumar directly. Every word he uttered simply made realization into me. I neither had contemplation, nor had tarka-vitarka or kutarka with Ramsuratkumar. Anything he says – done! Over! That’s all! Any word he utters was just realization in me, that’s all. When he puts one single word into me, I can see thousands of patterns getting completely bombarded. He will finish off thousands of patterns in one word. I have seen the great Yogi, truth grinder, pattern breaker. Of course without Raghupati Yogi’s support and help and training, I would have never been able to grasp Yogi Ramsuratkumar’s words or his actions. I tell you, receiving the greatest truths and bombarding the thick layers of patterns you built is exploring your mental possibilities. I tell you, if you add the truth and break the patterns, your very ego pattern will become self confidence pattern. Your very fear will become precautious patterns. The fear pattern will become precaution. Ego pattern will become self confidence. Arrogance will become unique expression of yourself. Your own patterns will destroy its existence and transform itself into knowledge, freedom. Please understand, only the one who perceives who perceived the discriminative knowledge and intense action as one really perceives, for the state achieved through discriminative knowledge or through intense action is one and the same.

yat-saankhyaihi praapyate staanam tadyo gairapi gamyate | ekam sankhyam cha yogam cha yah pashyati sa pashyati ||

Exploring and discovering the possibilities for human consciousness. I tell you, once I sat with disciples and started training them, then comes. Even to me the higher knowledge about the higher training possibilities. I never ever imagined, just by uttering simple sound and saying few words I will be able to put dozens of disciples into a state where they don’t need food or water for weeks together. I felt maybe the connection they have with me, with that I will be able to help them to be without food or water but with high energy for one day. When I explored the possibility, I discovered, without losing weight, without losing energy, even diabetic patients were able to live without food or water for weeks together at a time. Hunger-free, thirst-free! Niraahaara! I tell you, I always know I can live without food or water for weeks together because I explored and discovered that possibility in my young age in my own body. But I never ever felt I will be able to transmit the possibility into others in such a simple way, such a casual way, such a beautiful way, without any effort from the side of the disciples, just by participation.

The Avatar Reveals How Yogi Ramsuratkumar Taught How to Face Death


I tell you, coming to terms with reality is Completion. That automatically happens in Varanasi, in Manikarnika. How much ever I describe I may be a great orator, but in the orating, what all can happen in you when you see hundreds of dead bodies being burnt every moment, I cannot describe! Either you come to terms with reality, or....there is no “or” actually, just only one: you come to terms with reality! Fortunate are the May Inner Awakening participants who will be experiencing this in my presence, in Manikarnika Ghat in my presence. And I am also planning one batch of Gurukul kids; but only after the parents return consent. Parents have to give permission, only then. Because, I had the fortune of sitting in the cremation ground and seeing the bodies burning at the age of eleven, twelve, with a great Yogi, Ramsuratkumar. I had such a wonderful introduction about death by Ramsuratkumar. Understand it’s an amazing introduction. Nothing can equate his words and his way of introducing. I asked him one day out of curiosity. They were bringing one dead body. I asked him, ‘Swami, Swami, he has gone to heaven or hell?’ I asked him in Tamil, ‘Sollunga, ivan narakam ponaana Swami....?’ He laughed and said....he told in Tamil, ‘Ada, engeyum pogalai pa! Ivan irukkumpodhu engey irundhaano, angey thaan irukkaan!’ I’ll translate: ‘People don’t go to hell or heaven. When they were alive what kind of space they were in that will only continue!’ Please understand, when you are alive, make heaven for you by creating Completion within you and Completion with others. While you are alive, make heaven for yourself. While you are alive, make heaven for yourself. Don’t make hell for you. While you are alive, make heaven for yourself! If you are in hell now, if you die now, don’t think you will move to heaven or somewhere else. No. I was shocked actually when he said these words. ‘Hey, nobody goes anywhere!’ He told in a very colloquial Tamil...he addressed me as a child in the singular, ‘Hey, engeyum pogalai da! Irukkumpodhu irundha idam than iruppaanga!’ He doesn’t know Tamil. He is from Kashi. So, he picked up the North Tamil, very slang Tamil the area I was in and brought up. He said, ‘Nobody goes anywhere. When they were alive what space they are in, that same space continues that’s all!’ Come to terms with reality NOW! Let reality not bring powerlessness in you. Let reality not lead you to incompletion. Let reality not make you suffer. Let reality not make you powerless. Coming to terms with reality is Completion. Please listen, coming to terms with reality is Completion.

Yogi Ramsuratkumar Answers: Are Ghosts Real


One more Master key I received with Ramsuratkumar, a great Yogi. I was sitting next to him, it was a midnight, two-o-clock in the cremation ground, Amaavasya [moonless night] dark night, some sound, dog barking or something in the cremation ground in one corner. I asked him slowly, “Swamiji everyone always talks about this ghost, bhuta, preta, are you not afraid of it? how are you handling? What mantra are you doing to protect you from that bhuta, preta?” He laughed and just slapped me. He has the habit, whenever he gets excited he will just slap people. This Ramsumat Kumar, whenever he gets excited he will slap people. He slapped me and said, “Aye fool, you, everything outside me, you and everything outside me, all these are my projection. Me, everything outside you, is all your projection, even we are the projection of each other, then how can bhuta come without me projecting it outside!”

Listen, he said beautifully, (in tamil). Listen carefully I will explain, I will explain. What he meant, “Even things which you are seeing in front of you is your projection, then unless you project how can a ghost or bhuta or preta can come?” He said beautifully, “Even you are my projection, unless I project, how can bhuta, preta, pisacha can come separately.” It’s all our projection. I don’t know how whether it clicked with you guys or not, but the moment he said, the way he said it just clicked with me, like a Master click, Master key. So after that, anytime, anybody speaks about bhuta, I only applied this; and maybe in 6 months the very idea of bhuta disappeared from me. All these bhuta, preta, pisacha, all that idea, the very idea disappeared from me; because it clicked so strongly with me – “Arey, even the people whom you are seeing, even the things you are experiencing in this world is your projection, even this is your projection. If you see a bhuta, preta, pisacha or ghost or anything that is also your own projection, the moment you remember it is your own projection, they will disappear.” It was such a strong click in me, for that moment it clicked with me so much.

The Avatar Recalls The Power of Vak as Taught By Yogi Ramsuratkumar


Once you sit and talk to your mind and tell the solutions you found, it will be recorded in the non-mechanical parts of your brain, your mind will not ask that same problem. It happened in my own life. When I was a small boy, this yogi Ramsuratkumar, he’ll always sit in burial ground. He is Agori Sampradaya Sanyasi. He’ll always sit in burial ground and meditate. He’s a mahapurusha, siddha purusha. And whenever I go around the hill, I will go and sit at his feet to have his darshan. The big thing is, one of the important thing about him, he will always be smoking the village beedi. Beedi means the village cigarette. And no smell will be around him. And the cremation ground even if they burn bodies, in his breathing space that burning smell will not be there. It’s very amazing thing. So once I was telling him, many people tell me about this ghost and all that, every time I come here to have your darshan I’m afraid of ghosts, what should I do. He just said, hey ghost is nothing but your own projection. There is no such thing as ghosts. I said it is your idea, but the fear is different, it is deep. He just told one thing, eh tell your mind verbally ghost is mental projection, your own projection, don’t be afraid. I said how can that work? He said, just try. Maybe two or three times I told my mind, I tell you honestly after that, never even that fear idea came up. 9:18 If it comes up I have to give solution. It never came up again. Anything when you utter it, clearly to your mind, it gets recorded in your system so strongly, you will remember very clearly you already invented the solution for it. You don’t need to re-think, go through the same groove and re-invent the solution. So today’s my message is, any problem with your mind, of course your mind is all problem, always problem and all the problem. Sit with your mind and tell your mind. Find a corner where you will not be disturbed or mistaken if you speak to your mind and maybe you can put a board, I am busy with my mind, don’t disturb. And talk to your mind, eh c’mon. This is what you are worrying last three and a half hours. Hmmm? But the solution can only be this or this. You are up in the wall. Nothing can be done. 10:39 Now what are we going to do? Should we think of something else and continue our routine or do you want us to be just stuck and sitting here. Stuck with a deep worry and confusion. What should we do? Simple, if your mind says, no, no, no I am only interested in confusion than alright be confused nothing wrong. Then say anyhow I have decided to be confused let me be confused, nothing wrong, nothing can be done. Being clear! The verbal communication with our mind will make many things clear in you. And this is what I call taming the mind.

The Avatar Reveals How Yogi Ramsuratkumar was Mantra Maya


When I was told so many stories about ghost I went to Ramsuratkumar because he is the man always living in the cremation ground. I lived very closed to him be sitting so closed many time pressing his feet, pressing his hands, taking care of him serving him at least six years, I lived around him never I had even once any bad smell and he will be 24 hours bit smoking village beedi, not even a decent cigarette, a costly good cigarette, no, village beedi, chain smoker. But there don’t be smell, even the smoke, which he releases there won’t be any smell. I used to be shocked. But the power of the Ajapa japa, he has become mantra Maya, his whole body become Mantra Maya. Once I asked him, what is the mantra you are chanting. He smiled and said secret secret. Then I told him – no no tell tell tell, then he said very beautiful – my whole body is become Mantra Maya. You touch this knuckle, this is the point to see what this going on in the inner space. He said you touch this spot you yourself see. He has so powerfully the Mantra Maya, the moment I touched, I could see the manta in golden letters in my inner space. Sri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram was the Mantra. I could see with Tamil in golden letters Mantra and the sound started happening. Even he did not give me mantra, when I went to him about the fear of course. He could have told, chant Sri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram, Sri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram, Sri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram. No he did not give me the solution. Solving the problem with the right pattern with the right understanding. 

Let me come to main truth, I was explaining the sacred secret from this verses. Object itself is not required. The sense objects are not the purpose. But do not lose the maturity, which is offered, which is created, which happens in you, while you work for those sense objects. This is the subtlest truth.