July 20 2022

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Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi's younger brother, Niranjanananda Swami, has only one son T N Venkatraman (purvashram name). He got deeksha from Swami Chidananda at Rishikesh Shivananda ashram and was named as Swami Ramanananda. He has 3 sons youngest of whom is V Subramaniam lovingly called as Mani Anna by everyone. Bhagwan himself used to call him Mani. Born in Tiruvannamalai in 1939, he left he body at 83 years old. He had left a lucrative job in mumbai when he was 45 and started serving the ashram for the past 38 years.

The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam prays to Paramashiva for the atma shanti of V Subramaniam.

For all these departed souls, The SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam blesses and gives liberation during Maheshwara Puja.

About Maheshwara Puja
This is a yeoman service provided free by KAILASA’s Department of Religion & Worship.

Regardless of the number of births the soul would have taken, regardless of the soul, while embodied having been initiated by the Master or not in his lifetime - the Master can intervene and make His presence available in the departed soul’s life and lead it to Enlightenment. This is possible only through Maheshwara Puja.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (“SPH”) Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam (“JGM”) His Divine Holiness (“HDH”) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam says, "The best place on Planet Earth to give “pinda tarpana” is the stomach of a sannyasi (monk). That is, the hunger fire (jatharagni) of a sannyasi is the best fire into which you can offer the “pinda tharpana”, the “shraaddha”, which reaches the departed ancestors (pitrus) directly.

The Hindu scripture, the Somashambhu Paddhati, says that this is thousand times greater than offering any “shraaddha”, any “pinda”, in any river, any water-body, any lake, any holy land, any holy place. Offering it in the stomach of the living incarnation of Paramashiva is the best form of “pinda tharpana” and “shraaddha”. In Hinduism, “shraadhha” wherein food is offered to sannyasis for the completion with the departed souls, is called Maheshwara puja.

In the Somashambhu Paddhati, Shraadhha Vidhi, Sloka 3

लिङ्गिनो ब्राह्मणाद्याश्च श्राद्धीयाः शिवदीक्षिताः ।
liṅgino brāhmaṇādyāśca śrāddhīyāḥ śivadīkṣitāḥ ।

The translation goes “The Sannyasis and Brahmanas who have been initiated into the Shiva deeksha are eligible to be appointed as the representatives of Pitrus in the Shraadhha.”

KAILASA’s Department of Religion & Worship conducts the Maheshwara Puja as prescribed by the Vedas and Agamas revived by The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam, the Head of State of KAILASA. In the Maheshwara Puja, as the 1008th living incarnation of Paramashiva, The SPH personally receives the “bhiksha” (alms) and He liberates the departed soul along with the Nithyananda Sannyas Order (Monastic Order).

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