Joni asana
Joni asana: Asana
Asana Type
Forward Bend
Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण
Apta Pramana Source
Joga pradipika 215-219
Original Verse
दोउ पगथली संपुट करै एडी मेढु के ढिग धरै अर्ध हाथ को अंतर राषै लिलाट पगथल्यां उपर दाषै॥२१४ दसो आंगुरी अग्र मिलावै फणा अग्र पर ले पहरवै कहुणी लो भूपरि कर दाषै नली कहूणी मिलिवां राषै ॥२१५ सम करि राषै सकल सरीर नासा द्रिष्टि लगावै धीर मुष मारग सो वाई गहै आसक्त होय तहां लौ रहे ॥२१६ इडा नाडि कर पवन उतारे वार सात या जुगति विचारै चढतो चढतो कंभक साधे वार सात या जुगति अराधे ॥२१७ वंध होय मल मूत्र को वाय विग्रहै कोय या आसन के करत ही द्रवीभूत सो होय ॥२१८||
"dou pagathalī saṃpuṭa karai eḍī meḍhu ke ḍhiga dharai ardha hātha ko aṃtara rāṣai lilāṭa pagathalyāṃ upara dāṣai॥214 daso āṃgurī agra milāvai phaṇā agra para le paharavai kahuṇī lo bhūpari kara dāṣai nalī kahūṇī milivāṃ rāṣai ॥215 sama kari rāṣai sakala sarīra nāsā driṣṭi lagāvai dhīra muṣa māraga so vāī gahai āsakta hoya tahāṃ lau rahe ॥216 iḍā nāḍi kara pavana utāre vāra sāta yā jugati vicārai caḍhato caḍhato kaṃbhaka sādhe vāra sāta yā jugati arādhe ॥217 vaṃdha hoya mala mūtra ko vāya vigrahai koya yā āsana ke karata hī dravībhūta so hoya ॥218"
Join both the soles together and put the heels near the generative organ at a distance of half hand (12 fingers). Catch hold of sole with the help of all the ten fingers. Bring elbows on the ground near the shins. Balance the whole body. Gaze at the tip of nose. Sadhaka gets control over urine and ordure. Accumulated vayu is also liquified (removed). Inhale through mouth, exhale through the left nostril. Practise it for seven days with proper technique and also include kumbhaka gradually.
1. Sit on the floor with feet together, knees apart.
2. Bend forward and place the head on the heels.
3. Bring the forearms on ground.
5. Gaze at the tip of the nose
6. Remain in this posture for 30 seconds
Atma Pramana Benefits
Relieves disorders of Vata dosha in the abdomen region, including constipation.
Simple sketch
Joni Asana (JP 215-219).png