January 13 2011

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Asanas: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 98 - Aligning to Kundalini Awakening


Continuing on the practice of Asanas from yesterday's satsang, living enlightened master and avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda explained that as the Asana becomes sturdy and comfortable, you become aligned to the super consciousness through the effort, Prayathna.

He gave a technique to live Enlightenment every moment and achieve the alignment: Work intensely, continuously meditating on the infinite cosmos by unclutching.

Prayathna is not just the effort of sitting in that posture. It is also important to work at least 12 hours a day being productive or involved in social service. An empty mind is the devil's workshop. A lazy body is the devil's residence. Orthodox translations tell you to reduce activity. Some of these Vedantis stop living and are just waiting for death. But when you unclutch you start living.

Ultimate aligning to the awakening happens through intense work. Seva is the highest form of creativity. When you align to the understanding, even your words will serve the society. Meditate on the infinite continuously, keep on unclutching. Make it as a process, a spiritual practice.

Every action releases some engrams from your system. When the Kundalini is awakened, all the engrams will leave your system: fear, greed, craving for physical pleasure, fantasies will leave your system by the levitation.

When you are encaged by the engrams, you are gravitating, you are pulled down. Scientific research says that for at least 10 diseases, Inner Awakening can be prescribed more than any medicine. Paramahamsa Nithyananda explained, "I am throwing away all your engrams during the levitation and that's why your body becomes light and you levitate. Your consciousness enters the super-conscious zone, your mind enters the creative zone, your being experiences conscious bliss."

Aasana, right posture, aligns you to the awakening. Understand the ancient scriptures in the right way. His whole sangha is entering into a new super-conscious zone. A few hundred creative levitators run the mission. When a man experiences Kundalini awakening, he becomes a leader and aligns to the truth; he has less tiredness and fatigue, works smart and becomes unselfish.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda concluded, "I will push the Sangha into the next level-few 1000 enlightened beings. By the tremendous positive explosion though my system, the cosmos is taking revenge on the negativity of the world in a very playful way."

Video and Audio - Asanas: Aligning to Kundalini Awakening - Patanjali Yoga Sutra 98

Video Audio


(0:29) Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

(0:52) I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees who are sitting with us live around the world. I welcome all of you with My love and blessings. Today’s subject is again, ‘Asanas: Aligning to Awakening’; 98th Patanjali’s yoga sutra and 47th verse in second chapter; in second chapter 47th verse; in the Patanjali yoga sutra 98th sutra. Prayatna saitilyanaanta samapatibhyam prayatna saitilya anantha samapatibhyam samaapatibhyam.

(2:18) Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as, through the lessening of the natural tendency for activity caused by identification with the body and through meditation on the infinite, posture becomes firm and pleasant. Swami Prabhavananda translates this sutra as posture becomes firm and relaxed through control of the natural tendencies of the body and through meditation on the infinite. Swami Sachidananda translates as by lessening the natural tendency for restlessness and meditating on the infinite, posture is mastered.

(3:12) Prayatna saitliya ananta samapatibhyam... Each word is a technical term. The orthodox translation say, through the lessening of the natural tendency for activity caused by identification with the body and through meditation on the infinite, posture becomes pleasant and firm. Let Me try to give My insight, My experience: how the asana posture becomes steady and comfortable. How your body can be aligned towards super consciousness and how the posture becomes steady and comfort! Prayatna saitilyanaanta samapatibhyam Through the effort…..I am trying to give you idea; the exact insight. I am not just translating. Through the prayatna and samapatibhya…….it’s a very deep subtle truth. I can say this sutra can be a technique to live Enlightenment every moment.

(5:26) See two things you need to do to achieve the aligning to awakening. One: work intensely; second: continuously when you work meditate on unending infinite Cosmos; means unclutching. All your postures are to align yourself with the Cosmos. If you unclutch and work intensely you will just align yourself with the Cosmos; that’s it. If you unclutch and work intensely you will automatically align yourself with the Cosmos. Please understand! So prayatna, I am translating prayatna in a new way; not just effort to sit in that particular posture. I am translating prayatna as a intense hard work. Work at least 12 hours a day. Let there be physical and mental activity at least 12 hours a day. You may think oh God! That looks too much. But I tell you, for some reason, either to be productive to the society and make your life rich or just some social service; in some way work at least 12 hours. The funny part is you will never be able to work for 12 hours if you are working for profit; means to make your life more luxurious, more comfortable. Because your bio memory is such it will give way. It will say….after maximum 6 hours of work it will say no enough. If I have to work more than this to make myself comfortable I don’t want that comfort. It will just do a strike. Then how to work for 12 hours? The remaining 6 hours decide to do some nonprofit activity. I tell you nonprofit activity is the ultimate creativity.

(8:19) Seva is the ultimate creativity. You will never become tired, if you learn the trick of seva. The trick of seva means the knack of seva; means knack of serving without remembering the result; just working as a lifestyle. How you don’t breathe for purpose, you know it is your life. For life you breathe. Same way, prayatna, effort just as life, working physically or mentally or physically and mentally; 12 hours a day; take this as a spiritual instruction, try. You may think no, no, I will become tired and all that. No nothing just try. Try for next two months. You will see the asana happens in you. Working for 12 hours a day in unclutched way; whenever you remember, let the inner space be unclutched, the outer body be intensely working; you will see aligning to awakening happens.

(9:56) Please understand, empty mind is devil's workshop; I tell you empty body is devil's residence. Devil goes for work only for few hours. He resides in his house for long time. The lazy body is devil’s residence. Empty mind is devil's workshop, lazy body is devil’s residence. I am giving you completely a different insight. Some of the orthodox translations say that reduce the activity which comes out of the idea that you are the body. I am saying the same thing in a very practical way. When you unclutch and start living, please understand after unclutching start living, don’t start waiting for death. I am seeing so many of these vedantis, the moment they learn little bit of some vedantic ideas, they stop living. They are just dragging their life waiting for death. No! Unclutch and start living. Be active, alive, intense!! As long as you don’t physically become active in unclutched way, the suppressed pain engrams in you will continue to haunt you.

(12:12) One of the major problems all the male vedanta sanyasis suffer is the laziness leads to indulgence and creation of new engraved memories. One of the major problem all the female yoga vedantis, sanyasinis, suffer is the physical laziness leads to the indulgence of the past suffering engrams. Please understand all of you, followers of Me, students of Me, disciples of Me, devotees of Me, even if you are married, your mental setup is evolved to such a way you are yoga vedanta sanyasis. So if you are male the major problem you suffer is due to the laziness caused by the non appliance of proper unclutching, creates indulgence and new engrams. If you are female because of the non appliance of proper unclutching, the laziness causes, makes you indulge continuously in the past suffering and engrams. So understand the ultimate aligning to awakening happens by intense, please understand intense working.

(14:16) Take up for profit or nonprofit work; something. I tell you this nonprofit work, the seva - service is the highest form of creativity. There you get all opportunity, possibility, everything to express your creativity. I can give you a one more insight and understanding. When the aligning to awakening happens, even your words will be a great service to the world. You can serve the world not only physically, even by uttering right words, giving right truths, right understanding to people. Even that can be a very powerful amazing service to the world. So please understand aligning to awakening.

(15:34) Some more deeper insights into asana... From My own mentor Raghupathy yogi; when he was training Me into asana, he will make Me do such intense heavy activity like a shifting stones and rocks from one place to another, one corner to another and from the corner back to the same place. It is not directly productive, but he will insist no do that and after certain exhaustion when I feel exhausted, then he will ask Me to do the same work in a unclutched way; means meditating on the all pervasiveness, meditating on the infinite. I used to very clearly experience, first if I work that shifting a stone from right corner to left corner for six hours and I am tired, after he initiates Me into the technique of meditating on infinite, next six hours I will be able to work, shifting the stones from here to this corner, back.

(17:12) I tell you, meditate on the infinite continuously, which means unclutching, meditate on the infinite continuously; go on and on and on, take this as a process. Work for 12 hours a day; something, physically or mentally. If you don’t have any work, contact our centers we have lot of work. Take this as a spiritual practice. I tell you all the engrams which are not letting your body to align to awakening will leave your system, and you will be aligned to the awakening. I tell you every action either releases or creates certain engram in you. If your action is done not inspired by the engram, but meditation on the infinite, you see if you are engaged by the engrams it is encagemment. If you are inspired by the infinite it will lead to samadhi pathya, what Patanjali calls as samaapatibhyam; the state of ultimate consciousness, aligning to awakening.

(19:15) So I am making this whole sutra as a practical process; process which you can do every day. Do your regular job which you need to do to keep yourself alive for survival, necessities, food, clothes, money; keep your regular job. Apart from that continue to do more activity, work by meditating on the infinite; by meditating on infinite. Please understand by meditating on infinite, when more and more activities are performed, when more and more actions are done, you have no other way. Simply your engrams will leave your system. I will tell you one small example. Every action releases some engrams from your system.

(20:51) Even during the levitation which is happening in your body, when the kundalini is awakened, all the stored, suppressed engrams leaves your body. You can see lot of violence will leave your system, lot of fantasies and greed will leave your system. Just the intense physical vibration, your deep craving for the physical pleasure and fantasies will leave your system. Intense movement of the body; your stored deep fears will leave your system. Fears, the desire for pleasure, fantasy; all these leaves your system just like that by levitation. You may think how the levitation is leading to transformation. This is the way understand. This is the science of levitation. When you are encaged by the engrams, you are gravitating means you are just pulled down. All I am doing when I awaken your kundalini is just make your short sighted intellect into a vast sighted intelligence. Make your life energy alive. Naturally your ego dissolves into life energy. For those few moments your intense bio energy gets awakened. Naturally when the bio energy gets awakened, you are no more tied down by the engrams, engraved memories. Soon, very soon I will measure the physical weight of engrams and prove the science of levitation. It is possible actually.

23:43 I have a good news for all of you. The recent Inner Awakening, the December 2010 Inner Awakening, we have done so many medical researches and scientific researches. I challenge the scientific community to come and do some research on this Inner Awakening process; how the whole process does the physical healing, mental healing and awakening of the deeper strands of DNA; the scientific researchers are proving amazing results. The doctors and researchers who worked on this data we collected, they say, at least for ten major diseases Swamiji the Inner Awakening can be prescribed as direct medicine. You see even allopathy medicines if 30% of curing; they have some technical term I forgot; the 30% is the ratio allopathy medicine has prescribed as medicine for the particular disease... The researchers are saying for 10 major diseases Inner Awakening works more than any allopathy medicines; more than 30%, and still I am yet to get the detailed report. When I get the detailed report I will share with you all and with the whole world.

(25:31) Now I am saying the next step. I will measure the weight of the engrams. It can be; it is possible. Ramakrishna used to do. He will hold the hand of a person and tell the person to be relaxed and he will hold the hand and try to lift and see whether he is qualified for sanyas or sansar, or he is innocent or cunning, heavily loaded with engrams or simple; he used to measure. It is possible. I will prove this science; engrams can be measured. That is the… it’s actually a science. All I am doing during the awakening of your kundalini is just throwing away all the engrams out of your system. So naturally your body starts feels light and starts levitating. That’s the way the levitation happens. That’s the reason the kundalini awakening makes the levitation in your system. I tell you, every time you levitate, you are raising to the higher consciousness, your body is healing, your engrams are leaving your system, your brain is going to the highest possible conscience coherence and your mind is entering into the creative zone, your being is experiencing the spiritual bliss - Conscious Bliss.

(27:27) Aligning to awakening happens in you, when you work intensely for 12 hours continuously contemplating on the infinite. If any of you are feeling that you are not levitating, take this as a process and technique. For next two months, 12 hours a day, work physical and mental work intensely... You will see, please understand, work 12 hours a day meditating on infinite; means unclutching, trying to unclutch continuously. Within two months you will see the intense kundalini awakening in you and you will be experiencing levitation every day. The levitation is intense conscious experience which releases, removes all the engrams from your system.

(29:09) Asana; the right posture means aligning to awakening. Understand these ancient scriptures in the right way. Otherwise misunderstanding in these words can lead to such a big danger. You will become heavy; engrams which makes you heavy are dangerous. See as a siddhi if you become heavy that is different, that is totally different. In the being you will not be heavy but you can just make your body heavy; that immovable. But because of your engram when you become heavy, you will be deeply depressed. You will see levitation brings so much joy. Why, because the engrams just leave your system. See the people who are levitating or the amount of joy they radiate the whole day, and the conscious coherence in which they live, creativity they express.

(30:40) That is why I tell you, our whole sangha is entering into a new conscious zone, super conscious spirit because of this levitation. Because when you all experience levitation your very consciousness enters into higher creative zone. So now I don’t have just…… see, earlier our mission was run by some few hundred boys and girls from Indian villages; now few hundred creative levitators, which is equivalent to 1000s of ordinary workers. When a man experiences kundalini awakening he becomes a leader. He just picks up leadership qualities by himself, and he just aligns with the whole idea, concept, truth. Less depression, less psychological suffering, less tiredness, less fatigue; so naturally all the great leadership qualities starts expressing. Creativity, hard work, smart work, intelligence, everything starts expressing; above all unselfishness.

(32:29) I will push the sangha to the next level, means not just few hundred levitating yogis whose kundalini is awakened. I will push the sangha now to the next level; few 1000 Enlightened Beings. This year I will make it happen. You will see many of My swamis and brahmacharis, in their presence people will experience levitation. They will become such a solid divya shariris, they will go and initiate people into samana process and people will experience levitation. The tremendous positive energy exploding through My system I could see; actually Cosmos is taking revenge on the negativity. I am not doing anything. I am just sitting and enjoying. Cosmos is taking revenge on this collective negativity. A very playful way Cosmos is doing it.

(34:02) That is why, just few days before in the eN satsang I said, I predicted earthquake in Los Angeles. When we digged out we saw the moment I predicted within three hours there was a earthquake, and for some reason I blessed from paduka vibhooti will come. I think I just moved My hand in different direction in Toronto paduka vibhooti started coming. In three cities, January 2nd in India, Jan 1st in US, in three cities New York and Mexico and Toronto; in three places from paduka vibhooti has started coming. I am telling you honestly I am not doing anything. I am just enjoying My restful awareness. The Cosmos is doing; left and right expressing its energy intensely.

(35:36) I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. (35:56)