Ishavasya Upanishads - Seek For ‘What Am I?
Seek For ‘What Am I?
Today’s (26th April, 2015) Nithya Satsang on Ishavasya Upanishad in Living Advaita Series by Paramahamsa Nithyananda starts with Day 6 of Meenakshi Brahmotsav celebrations, the day Jnana Sambandar reestablished Shaivism in Madurai. Paramahamsa Nithyananda expands on verse 10, which reveals the important necessity to keep the seeking alive as the fire that constantly helps you to reinvent yourself. Quoting from his own Enlightenment, he casts open the experiences of Enlightened Beings, Incarnations, who being the Cosmos, are always established in seeking; as Cosmos is constantly expanding, seeking, never stagnant. Defining the what, why of seeking, he affirms the need to keep seeking as a compelling reality in you; which is by looking into the basic questions— “What Am I? What Am I looking? Where Am I looking” and not “Who Am I?”, because we cannot make a presumption whether we are animate, inanimate being. Seeking is the antidote for ‘pattern compulsions’, forced on us by the materialistic society, which never lets us sit back and look. Varanasi, the golden city stands for Seeking, built by the intense fire-like seeking of millions.
Isha Upanishad – Verse 10 anyad evāhur vidyayā-anyad āhur avidyayā | iti śuśruma dhīrāṇaṁ ye nastad vicacakṣire || 10 ||
Today’s Vakyartha Sadas, topic for spiritual explorations on Truth is — “Difference between reinventing yourself, re-strategizing yourself because of your seeking, and trying to change because of your boredom. Studying the difference between the two is subject for Vakyartha Sadas today. So do Vakyartha Sadas on–Am I changing due to boredom? Am I reinventing, restrategizing out of my seeking.”
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