Ishavasya Upanishads - Manual for living - Say Yes to life

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Manual for living - Say Yes to life


Today’s (8th February, 2015) Morning Satsang continues with the Upanishads Series - Living Advaita.

Isha Upanishad–Verse 2

kurvann eveha karmāṇi jijīviṣec chataṁ samāḥ| evaṁ tvayi nānyatheto ‘sti na karma lipyate nare || 2 ||

In this profound delivery of the Isha Upanishad, Paramahamsa Nithyananda expands on the second verse: Saying “Yes” to life is not just breathing and thinking but deciding to live, taking responsibility for whatever we believe is life. When we internalize this verse, we can walk out of any disease.

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Manual for living - Say Yes to life