Hunger Free World

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Red Om
Providing relief work for natural & man-made calamities, working to eliminate world hunger

Jagat Guru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda has dedicated His life and His mission through Kailasa for creating a world that is free from hunger. His Divine Holiness and citizens of KAILASA are committed to providing relief to all victims of calamities. For the last 26 years, the Federal Government of KAILASA has created, maintained, and expanded several humanitarian services of KAILASA for the well being of all its citizens, Hindus, and the entire humanity.

His Divine Holiness established an international agency called Red Om to work towards its unified goal of eradicating hunger from the world, providing care to victims of calamities, and felicitating each and every individual to expand the impact of their divine consciousness and experience their higher identity by means of offering selfless humanitarian services through KAILASA’s humanitarian agencies.

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Nov 22, 2002 (Thiruvannamalai) - The pictures show the early days of KAILASA’s Red Om, where the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam is offering Annadaan (providing a free, organic, vegetarian meal), on Kartikai Deepam.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, JagatGuru MahaSannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam individually serving food and inspiring the peacekeepers of the Sovereign Order of Kailasa to engage in selfless service.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, JagatGuru MahaSannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam personally organized and supervised the relief-efforts for the victims of the Thane cyclone (Jan 2012).

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The written law of KAILASA, the Veda-Agamas declare :

|| अन्नम् बहु कुर्वीत ||
“Annam Bahu Kurveetha”

which means, “Let us produce food in large quantities”. Unlike producing enough such that the product may be exchanged, the law and policy of KAILASA state that food should be produced in large quantities so that the food may be widely shared such that nobody ever goes hungry on the planet earth.

It is the policy of KAILASA, to live and demonstrate these principles of Veda Agamas, especially during times when the global supply chain mechanism has undergone massive disruption.

The millions of peacekeepers from the Sovereign Order of Kailasa have dedicated their lives towards providing relief work for natural & man-made calamities, working to eliminate world hunger. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, JagatGuru MahaSannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, has organized all the peacekeepers under the international agency named Red Om.

All seventeen nations of KAILASA - all Samrajyams (kingdoms), Samasthanas (spiritual kingdoms), all their branches, all the 1,500 de facto embassies of KAILASA and sixty-four Sovereign orders of KAILASA empowered with 10 million peacekeepers have organized all manpower resources under the international agency of the ‘Red Om’, and are working with all Hindus and citizens of their respective nations, organizing under the structure of ‘Red Om’ reaching out to all citizens in providing social services.

All seventeen nations of KAILASA - all Samrajyams (kingdoms), Samasthanas (spiritual kingdoms), and all their branches operate Anna Daan (organic vegetarian free food offering) service.

Even during this time of COVID-19 pandemic, KAILASA increased its domestic production giving priority to perishable food items, and increased the allocation of human resources for this purpose. KAILASA also used novel food distribution mechanisms such as food packets so that - nobody seeking food would be refused food. The allocation of land for cultivation was increased, as His Divine Holiness gave a spiritual instruction to all KAILASA in April 2020, to utilize every possible inch of land throughout the kingdom of KAILASA for cultivation. KAILASA’s Food Banks maintain high integrity to procure pure Sattvik (rejuvenating) and organic food to feed people at a large scale and to bring holistic health to them also.

