Garudasana i: Asana
Asana Type
Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण
Sastra Pramana Source
Rudrayamalam (uttara-tantram), 23.98-100
Original Verse
"गरुडासनमावक्ष्ये येन ध्यानं स्थिरं भ्वि। सर्वदोषाद्विनिर्मुक्तो भवतीह महाबली॥२३.९८॥ एकपादमुरौ बद्ध्वा एकपादेन द डवत्। जङघापादसन्धिदेशे झानव्यग्रं व्यवस्थितम्॥२३.९९॥"
"garuḍāsanamāvakṣye yena dhyānaṃ sthiraṃ bhvi। sarvadoṣādvinirmukto bhavatīha mahābalī॥23.98॥ ekapādamurau baddhvā ekapādena da ḍavat। jaṅaghāpādasandhideśe jhānavyagraṃ vyavasthitam॥23.99॥"
"Now (I shall talk) garuđāsana doing which the mind becomes stable in this world; (And the practitioner) becomes free of all sorts of imperfections and becomes a mahābali (a person with super powers). (23.98) Stand on one foot straight like a rod and place the other foot on the (opposite) thigh at the joint of the groin, doing so restless (practitioner for knowledge) becomes stable minded. (23.99) After doing this āsana meditate on samhāra mudra; Then worship Yoganātha and sarveśvara. (23.100)"
1. Stand on the right leg and slightly bend the knee
2. Bend the left leg and place the sole of the foot on the right thigh
3. Palms together in front of the heart. "
Atma Pramana Benefits
Strengthens the feet, groin, abdominals and back muscles. Stretches the knees, pelvic muscles and back of sacrum. Improves the balance, stability and focus. Anjali mudra stimulates the heart chakra and acknowledges divinity with oneself and all of life. 'Prevents spreading of snake poison and the like. It controls discharge of semen.'
Sakshi Pramana Benefits
Increased awareness on the body, opens the upper back
Simple sketch
Garudasana i (RY 23.98-100).png