Even kalakuta (the deadliest of the poisons) would have any effect on him

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PRAMANA:Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source:

Hathatatvakaumudi (Chapter 12, Verse 23)

Original Verse: "न कृत्रिमैः स्थावरजण्गमैर्वा विषैः किमन्यैरपि कालकूतैः ॥

गुणाष्टकं कालवशादपेत्य महीतले क्रीडति भैरवो वा ॥ २३ ॥"


"na kṛtrimaiḥ sthāvarajaṇgamairvā viṣaiḥ kimanyairapi kālakūtaiḥ ॥

guṇāṣṭakaṃ kālavaśādapetya mahītale krīḍati bhairavo vā ॥ 23 ॥"

Translation: "No artificial, (poison from) animate or inanimate (source) or even kalakuta (the deadliest of the poisons) would have any effect on him. He transcends eightfold prakrti in due course of time. Being Bhairava (Siva) he roams on the Earth."