Draft:All Orders Index

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Index of Administrative Orders

Saffron Om

The glorification of a violent lifestyle has brought unrest in many countries affecting millions of lives with mental distress, physical health, and food security and huge destruction to the infrastructure in the entire world. This administrative order is regarding the creation of Saffron Om, an international organization with the purpose to bring global peace in the world and harmony among the various religious sects around the world to support the individual living a life of freedom and peace.
Read the complete order here.

Red Om

For the last 26 years, His Divine Holiness through the Federal Government of KAILASA has created, maintained, and expanded several humanitarian services providing food security and enabling well being of all its citizens, Hindus, and the entire humanity. This executive order is regarding establishment of Red Om, an international organization working for creating a world which is free from hunger.
Read the complete order here.

Green Om

This executive order is regarding the establishment of the international agency Green Om. The Green Om will work for the protection of the environment across the globe and to promote the core belief of Sanatan Hindu Dharma that the divine exists in all living beings, both human and non-human.
Read the complete order here.

Blue Om

This executive order is regarding the establishment of the international agency of Blue Om. The Blue Om will work to enforce ethical treatment to animals across the globe and to promote the core belief of Sanatan Hindu Dharma that the divine exists in all living beings, and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, the whole world is one family.
Read the complete order here.

White Om

This executive order is regarding the establishment of an international agency addressing the need for psychological healing, spiritual counseling, and for bringing about a superconscious transformation for the entire human race.
Read the complete order here.

Yellow Om

This executive order is regarding the establishment of an international agency Yellow Om for helping and providing authentic Yogic, Ayurvedic, Naturopathy and Siddha Solutions and Medical health care services of Hinduism to the entire humanity.
Read the complete order here.

Reserve Bank

This executive order is regarding the establishment of KAILASA Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Bank will work for reviving the Hindu banking system, currency system and economic structure.
Read the complete order here.

Hindu Compliance Body

This executive order is regarding the establishment of KAILASA's Hindu Compliance System and Body. The Hindu Compliance System and Body will work to create, promote, spread, and teach the standard procedures for all products and services that are in compliance with Veda-Agamic principles. Hinduism has detailed procedures, standards, methodologies for everything. Hinduism is a rich religion with vast choices, It educates and empowers, is a non-restrictive, enlightening, and empowering set of Principles.
Read the complete order here.

Hindu Import Export and International Trade

This order is regarding the revival of authentic Hindu industries by the promotion of International trade of Hindu goods and products. The GDP increase because of these policies of KAILASA would support and empower Hindus worldwide, supporting the livelihood of authentic craftsmen and businessmen.
Read the complete order here.

Hindu World Trade Center

This order is regarding the establishment of the KAILASA Hindu World Trade Center for the promotion of international Hindu Trade.
Read the complete order here.

Hindu Holdings

This order is regarding the establishment of a company Hindu Holdings with the purpose :

  • To centralize the cash flow of citizens of KAILASA, attracting investment from the entire Hindu community, one of the wealthiest and most contributing communities of the world
  • To strengthen the community by investing in non-violent Hindu businesses of primary importance to KAILASA, businesses that follow the principles of the Agamas
  • To lend money to the members of the KAILASA Hindu community for them to invest in non-violent businesses
  • To provide brokerage services according to Veda Agama principles

Read the complete order here.


His Divine Holiness, His administration, and Kailasa are committed to giving the knowledge of Enlightenment and services of Sanatana Hindu Dharma to the entire humanity. This order is regarding KAILASA’s E-Passport service, which will provide this access to all the knowledge for Enlightenment and services of Sanatana Hindu Dharma to everyone.
Read the complete order here.

Presidential Daily Address

This executive order is regarding the setting up of the Federal Register Office. The Federal Register office will work to document the daily presidential address of the Supreme pontiff of Hinduism, record it digitally using the latest technology, preserving, digitizing as and when needed in case of upgradation of technology and publish it for the benefit of government executives, the Citizens of Kailasa and entire humanity.
Read the complete order here.


This executive order is regarding the formal establishment of the voting structure of the Federal Government of Kailasa’s Hindu Parliament, introducing the system and the criteria for the voting rights for all the Hindu citizens. Read the complete order here.

Index of Religious Orders

Nithya Chandi Homa

Hinduism or Sanatana Hindu Dharma, is the pure and irrefutable Cosmic Science of Superconscious living, as revealed in the VedaAgamas. His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA is committed to practice the underlying principle of Hinduism - Universalism - the absolute, in the idea that we are all part of the Oneness (Advaita) of this cosmos and anyone and everyone irrespective of their nationality, race, skin color, gender or any other skin-deep references can experience the state, space, powers and being of Paramashiva. Hinduism supports the rights of everyone to practice their path to Oneness with the divine. However, a long saga of heinous conspiracy and attack against Hinduism has been carried out by the anti-Hindu Nexus with the deliberate intention of annihilating Hinduism from planet Earth. Even during these conflicting times with the ongoing persecution against Hinduism, Kailasa continues to work towards the unified goal of Universalism through various ancient Hindu rituals such as (but not limited to) Nithya Chandi Homa which focuses on the destruction of anti-Hindu elements, and to resurrect Sanatana Hindu Dharma to its original vigor and richness.
Read the complete order here.

Kalabhairava Homa

His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA is committed to eradicating the negative forces in every Hindus’ lives through various Hindu spiritual rituals. Performing rituals is a fundamental need in Hinduism for the wellbeing of all practicing Hindus and the entire humanity. The Federal Government of Kailasa aims to usher world peace through ancient Hindu rituals such as (but not limited to) the Kalabhairava Homa, which focuses on the removal of Karma and bringing completion to the entire humanity. Kalabhairava is a manifestation of Paramashiva and is depicted in the scriptures to be having a dark complexion and to be ferocious towards tiredness, boredom, and negative thought patterns and He blesses the Hindus to manifest;
Read the complete order here.

Nithya Rudra Homa

His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA aims to provide a healthy and prosperous life through the services of Sanatana Hindu Dharma to all of humanity via various Hindu rituals. Performing rituals is a fundamental need in Hinduism for the wellbeing of the entire world. The Federal Government of Kailasa recognizes the need of cleansing the system of a Hindu from all deep-rooted disorders through ancient Hindu rituals such as (but not limited to) Nithya Rudra Homa. Lord Rudra is a ferocious aspect of Paramashiva, who is the embodiment of destruction, rejuvenation, and unlimited love. Rud means sorrow. Ra means destroyer. Rudra is the “One who destroys our sorrows” and eliminates all negative influences and purifies the system. Performing Rudra Homa rejuvenates the energy as well as the surrounding environment by allowing the abundant flow of prana (life-force) into the atmosphere. The energy of Rudra Homa can directly penetrate the deepest energy layers, energize the Nadis, and flush out the negative samskaras (engraved memories) which influence a Hindu’s mental and physical health conditions.
Read the complete order here.

Prathyangira Homa

His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA is committed to eradicating fear and subdues enemies who act against the good in every Hindus’ lives through various Hindu spiritual rituals. Performing rituals is a fundamental need in Hinduism for the wellbeing of all practicing Hindus and the entire humanity. The Federal Government of Kailasa aims to usher in world peace by eliminating negativities through ancient Hindu rituals such as (but not limited to) the Prathyangira Devi Homa, which focuses on the removal of evil energies generated through witch-craft to bring perpetual completion for the Hindu’s performing the ritual and the entire humanity. Prathyangira Devi is a form of Adi Parashakti and is the consort of Sharabha. She is described as a goddess with a male lion’s face and a female human body representing the union of Shiva and Shakti. She holds the combined destructive power of Vishnu, Shiva, and Shakti. This combination of lion and human forms represents the balance of good and evil. She clears confusion and stress and gives clarity. She enhances will power and confidence of the person performing the puja. She develops high intuition to know the dangers before they appear and clears all hurdles and keep Hindus in perpetual completion.
Read the complete order here.

Kailasas Bachelors Degree in Living Enlightenment

The purpose of this order is to provide the science of Enlightenment to all practicing Hindus and the entire humanity. The science of Living Enlightenment as revealed by Paramashiva in the Vedagamas is the only solution for all problems faced by humanity. The Federal Government of Kailasa recognizes the need to preserve, protect, and practice the sacred science of Living Enlightenment due to its ability to provide a superconscious breakthrough for the whole of humanity. His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA has made the science of Living Enlightenment freely available to the whole of humanity in compliance with the Vedagamas through the Nithyananda Hindu University’s Bachelor’s Degree in Living Enlightenment.
Read the complete order here.


His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA feel the paramount responsibility to pioneer the glorious Vedic renaissance and rewrite human civilization’s history to revive Hinduism to its original glory. This greatest happening shall be possible through the revival of Sarvajnapeetha, the Seat of Enlightenment. The order is regarding the revival of Sarvajnanapeetha.
Read the complete order here.


The Vedas are the most immense and complete system of knowledge known to man. Vedas are the knowledge of the truth, absolute truth, the self’s truth, and the underlying mysteries of existence. The Vedagamas provide various time-tested, age-old authentic solutions for humanity’s problems, such as but not limited to influences of cosmic energies on an individual’s mind, body, and livelihood. Detailed assessments of the planet’s effect on an individual’s life. The sacred scripture is in the Jyotisha Shastra (Vedic Astrology). The principles governing Vedic astrology have remained unaltered for thousands of years. The system of Vedic Astrology is vast, intricate, and complex. The Federal Government of Kailasa understands that solutions from the Hindu scriptures such as Jyothisha are a gift of Paramashiva. Access to sacred knowledge is a fundamental right to every practicing Hindu for the flourishing of humanity. It is the responsibility of the Federal Government of KAILASA to spread the science of Vedic Astrology. Vedic Astrology holds its power and influence on human beings due to the ancient Vedic science behind it. In short, it can shine a light on a person’s life to guide him to his highest potential.
Read the complete order here.

Science of Power Manifestation

Ever since the beginning of civilization, Sanatana Hindu Dharma has been the cradle of enlightened beings and highly advanced sciences, and peaceful powerful existence. The science of Enlightenment and power manifestation has been the bedrock of Hinduism. Countless accounts are systematically recorded in the sacred Hindu scriptures, which are the authority on the truth, such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Upanishads, and Puranas, proving that evolved beings and the civilization led by them – have been manifesting extraordinary Shaktis, powers as a conscious lifestyle. Unfortunately, due to multiple foreign invasions, the conscious and truthful way of living was diluted, resulting in deep ignorance of our history. And the anti-Hindu forces have explicitly identified indicative desire to indiscriminately destroy anything that honors our past and to erase from the public mind any suggestion that our past may be worth honoring, cherishing, remembering, or understanding, leading to many Hindus losing the will to stand up to the radical fringe and to defend the fundamental principles of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. The powerful science of power manifestation which was once a natural way of living has now become a mere fantasy and has resulted in a call for the destruction of Hinduism.
Read the complete order here.

Healers Initiation

His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA is committed to creating a disease-free and holistically healthy world, a reality, by empowering each Hindu to awaken the healing energy in them. Energy healing is a holistic, non-invasive therapy that treats the body-mind as an energetic continuum. Our ancestors have revealed through years of research and groundwork that any physical or mental disease is an indication that there is a blockage in the energy flow. Through initiation by an enlightened Master, the representative of Paramashiva, any practicing Hindu can practice the science of healing as a Nithya Spiritual Healer and become an open channel for the healing spiritual vibrations of Paramashiva to flow through them. This order is regarding the healer's initiation process.
Read the complete order here.

Maheshwar Puja

This order is regarding Maheshwara Puja, which is done for the purpose of liberating departed souls.
Read the complete order here.

Mucus-free Diet

A 2010 study found that uncontrolled anger is bad for physical and emotional health. It can also quickly escalate to verbal or physical violence, harming internally and externally, but anger is a known symptom of several mental health conditions. The Mental Health Organization launched a report ‘Boiling Point’ about problem anger, stating, sixty-four percent say that the world is becoming an angrier place. This order is regarding the policy of creating an ecosystem in KAILASA promoting a Mucus-free diet.
Read the complete order here.

Nithyananda Sacred Arts University

This order is regarding the development of independent cities that produce authentic Vedic temple arts for the entire world as per the VedaAgamas.
Read the complete order here.

Living Enligtenment Jnana yagna

His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA recognize the need to make the science of Jeevan Mukthi - Living Enlightenment freely accessible by all Hindus. Science of Living enlightenment enables each Hindu to actualize the limitless potential and experience the ultimate as every moment of life unfolds afresh. Living in this divine space is living the best life and doing the greatest service to society. The Federal Government of Kailasa has prioritized sharing the sacred knowledge of living enlightenment by digitalizing and making it available on the Internet. The next challenge we are facing is in ensuring that living enlightenment becomes experiential in the lives of Hindus.
Read the complete order here.


His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA draw attention to the symptoms and warning signs of PTSD, while also vowing to help all living and practicing Hindus who suffer from it obtain the support required to provide a superconscious breakthrough. The need for mental health services will only increase in the coming years. Each year, an estimated 8 million adults experience PTSD. We are committed to helping and supporting human beings mentally, emotionally, and psychologically by offering various Hindu solutions such as unclutching meditation techniques as revealed by Paramashiva in the Vedagamas. Research on the effects of meditation on stress, crime, violence, political decision making, and even war all indicate that the changes in local and global consciousness are real, measurable, and profound.
Read the complete order here.

Gita Jnana Yajna

His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA is committed to spiritually enrich and enreach the Hindus around the world to support them during this Pralaya (great deluge). The pralaya is not just about COVID-19 as there are detailed reports from the United Nations on how this year witnessed more than 100 natural disasters. His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA recognizes the need to make knowledge from Hindu source scriptures freely accessible by all Hindus. The Federal Government of Kailasa has prioritized resources in collecting and preserving Hindu scriptures. Our consolidated efforts have resulted in about 2 crore scriptures being collected, digitalized, and made available on the Internet. The next challenge we are facing is in ensuring that the scriptural knowledge becomes experiential in the lives of Hindus.
Read the complete order here.


His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA is committed to spiritually enrich and enreach the Hindus around the world to support them during this Pralaya (great deluge). The pralaya is not just about COVID-19 as there are detailed reports from the United Nations on how this year witnessed more than 100 natural disasters. His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA recognizes the need to make knowledge from Hindu source scriptures freely accessible by all Hindus. The Federal Government of Kailasa has prioritized resources in collecting and preserving Hindu scriptures. Our consolidated efforts have resulted in about 2 crore scriptures being collected, digitalised and made available on the Internet. The next challenge we are facing is in ensuring that the scriptural knowledge becomes experiential in the lives of Hindus. This order is regarding Shivadeeksha.
Read the complete order here.


Mental illnesses can impair mental health in many ways, through a wide range of conditions that affect mood, thinking, and behavior. While we have made great strides in addressing mental illnesses, millions of Hindus grapple with multiple forms associated with it. This order is regarding the science of Mahasadashivoham through which humanity is pushed towards the threshold of achieving the highest potential, going to the next level of consciousness, the consciousness of Mahasadashiva.
Read the complete order here.

Shakti Spurana

This order is regarding the science of Shakti Spurana, being applied for attaining the highest standard of mental and emotional well-being in all Hindus by liberating them from the clutches of the mind and emotions.
Read the complete order here.

Dhyana Chikitsa

This order is regarding the science of Dhyana Chikitsa.
Read the complete order here.


Sannyas emboldens living the lifestyle of completion. Through Sannyas, many aspects that are elucidated in Hinduism have persistently sailed through heavy persecution, propelled by hope for a brighter future. These courageous men and women endured many hardships to keep the foundation of Hinduism alive. These principles are standing as core pillars for the religion, which underwent brutal biased - unfair treatment. The knowledge of Sannayas holds the sacrifice of previous sannyasis thriving to keep the tradition alive. This religious order contains instructions to the millions of Sannyasis of Sovereign Orders Kailasa.
Read the complete order here.

Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devasthana Live Darshan WebCam

This order is regarding the setting up of Live Darshan WebCam for Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devasthana, making the live Darshan of all deities possible 24x7.
Read the complete order here.

Pratyakamtma Chaitanya Jagrat

This executive order is regarding develop empowering sessions to educate Hindus on the science of Praryakatma Chaitanya Jagrat.
Read the complete order here.

Atma Linga Spiritual Healing

In many countries, people do not have access to the basic mental health care and treatment they require. In others, the absence of community-based mental health care means the only care available is in psychiatric institutions which are associated with gross human rights violations including inhuman and degrading treatment and living conditions. Through the project of Atma Linga spiritual healing, the physical, mental, and social well-being are assured for every Hindu. This executive order is regarding the project of Atma Linga spiritual healing.
Read the complete order here.

Guru Pada Puja

The Vedas are the most immense and complete system of knowledge known to man. Vedas are the knowledge of the truth, absolute truth, the self’s truth, and the underlying mysteries of existence. The Vedagamas provide various time-tested, age-old authentic solutions for all humanity’s problems. His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA recognizes the need to establish core activities of Sanatana Hindu Dharma by highlighting the ritualistic practices of Hinduism such as but not limited to Pratyaksha Pada Puja. Pada Puja is a unique celebration of expressing overflowing deep gratitude to the Guru, the representative of Paramashiva in physical form. The word 'pada' means ‘sacred feet’ in Sanskrit; Pāda Puja means to honor the Guru, the representative of Paramashiva in loving devotion and gratitude at His lotus feet. This executive order is regarding the policy and decisions of KAILASA in the context of Guru Pada Puja.
Read the complete order here.


His Divine Holiness, His administration of KAILASA are committed to creating a world that is free from disease and stress leading to a blissful healthy life for all Hindus and the entire humanity by providing extraordinary access to powerfully dealing with impressions, patterns, and emotions. This executive order is regarding Nithya Dhyana Yoga, a program for achieving this purpose.
Read the complete order here.


This executive order is regarding the policy of KAILASA in the practice of enlightened parenting. Enlightened parenting has benefits extending to not only the parents but also the wellbeing of the child.
Read the complete order here.

Nithya Dhyana Spurana Program (NDSP)

This executive order is regarding the development of empowering sessions to educate Hindus on the science of Nithya Dhyana Purana, with the mission to avail the highest attainable standard of mental and emotional well-being in all Hindus by liberating them from the clutches of the mind and emotions.
Read the complete order here.

Atma Spurna Program

This executive order is regarding the development of empowering sessions to educate Hindus on the science of Atma Spurana.
Read the complete order here.

Index of Humanitarian Orders


His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA is committed to provide the next generation with a true awakening to realise their highest potential. Research shows that children in their early years have the capacity to absorb all the information around them. A child’s potential is strongly influenced by the environment they grow up in. The Federal Government of Kailasa aims to create the perfect environments for children through spiritual awakening camps such as eN-Genius which focuses on developing the genius in every child by stimulating their higher-order thinking skills, awakening positive self-esteem, fostering teamwork, and strengthening their internal locus of control.
Read the complete order here.


KAILASA’s Nithyanandapedia is an effort to capture all the Hindu knowledge and expressions shared by me, the living representation of Paramashiva. The Federal Government of Kailasa aims to share with the world, all videos, photos, and audio transcripts, all such information since the happening of the avatar (the living representative of Paramashiva) to empower humanity to expand and realise their divine higher identity. KAILASA’s Nithyanandapedia’s Mission is to make all teachings related to the state of Paramashiva, space of Paramashiva, powers of Paramashiva, being of Paramashiva, superconsciousness of Paramashiva freely accessible for all of humanity in an organised way.
Read the complete order here.

Kalpavriksha Live Darshan Web Cam

His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA is committed to manifest the reality of all the citizens, Hindus and the entire humanity through the 24/7 live darshan of the Paramashiva Kalpa Vriksha (boon giving banyan tree). This sacred banyan tree is considered to be the guiding spirit of Kailasa. The vast umbrella of this ancient tree encloses a space resonant with spiritual energies. It is under this umbrella the majestic deity of Dakshinamurti resides, the first-ever guru, imparting the deepest spiritual truths to His disciples in silence. Over the years, this sacred space has acquired a powerful reputation for healing, wish-fulfilment and awakening spiritual clarity, aiming to draw seekers from around the world. The boon giving tree, Kalpa Vriksha manifests scores of sincere prayers till date. Especially during these desperate times, the Federal Government of Kailasa has a single unified goal of enlightening all of humanity with the science of the Kalpataru (manifesting reality) through this live darshan of the Paramashiva Kalpa Vriksha.
Read the complete order here.

Paramashiva Calls

Kailasa is committed to spiritually enrich and enreach the Hindu diaspora around the world through the higher truths of the shastra, scriptures. The sacred Hindu scriptures reveal that the purpose of human birth is to enrich. When a Hindu enriches himself and others around him, he takes responsibility with integrity and authenticity to commit to continuously enrich resulting in expansion of life in and around him. KAILASA has always prioritised funds and human resources in the efforts of enriching and enreaching the lives of Hindus. To extend our humanitarian services to the global Hindu diaspora, I am ordering a global call for action for the establishment of the Paramashiva Calls project in all the sixty-four Sovereign Orders of Kailasa.
Read the complete order here.
=== Wealth-Manifestation === His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA is committed to create a world which is free from poverty. Approximately 1.2 billion people in the world live in extreme poverty. Global poverty shoots up not because the wealthy are accumulating what they can enjoy, but because money is blocked and kept in hiding, stacked away, without being used for enjoyment or growth of society. We are committed to helping and providing all humans spiritual counselling and supporting human beings mentally, emotionally and psychologically especially during these hard times of the recent recession due to COVID-19 which is predicted to be the deepest since 1945-46, and more than twice as deep as the recession associated with the 2007-09 global financial crisis. The Kailasa Administration has established wealth manifestation programs and modules to help desperate families attract wealth via various Hindu techniques.
Read the complete order here.


His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA recognize the practice of conscious birthing with its benefits extending to the parents and the infant’s wellbeing. In 2017, approximately 810 women died from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth, with an additional 1 million children dying each year due to pre-term birth complications. The Sovereign Order of Kailasa is committed to their obligations of reducing the number of premature infants or infants with disabilities who require immediate medical conditions and the number of women who die as a result of complications during and following pregnancy and childbirth through the eN-Pregnancy program.
Read the complete order here.

Akashic Reading

His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA are committed to guiding humanity to find answers directly from the cosmic archives to all questions that life possesses. Celestial archives are the mystical records of all the events, words, thoughts, and actions that have ever happened in the cosmos. The Federal Government of Kailasa aims to create a world that guides Hindus to find the goal of their lives through a robust Hindu methodology - Akashic Readings. Especially during the time of desperation and confusion, Mahakalabhairava, the manifestation of Paramashiva, guides every individual using the infinite cosmic library to benefit every seeking individual and the entire humanity by providing access to the Akashic Records. The Federal Government of Kailasa shall continue working towards delivering spiritual healing of physical and emotional conditions. Department of Mental Health will provide understanding behind every life’s happening, dissolve karmic blockages from the past, and provide clarity and blessing to redesign the future for the entire humanity through the process of Akashic Reading.
Read the complete order here.

Healing Service

His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA is committed to providing a superconscious transformation for the entire human race through the science of Nithya Spiritual Healing. The Federal Government of Kailasa aims to help and spread this science of spiritual healing such as but not limited to:
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Nithyananda Yoga

KAILASA recognizes the benefits of Nithyananda Yoga in helping create habits that support a healthy lifestyle and improve the overall health of Hindus around the world. Yoga is not limited to the science of keeping an individual healthy but also the science of radiating Enlightenment. Practicing Nithyananda Yoga makes the individual manifest the state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva
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His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA aims to bring food assistance to more than 12 million people in 80 countries and is continuously responding to emergencies. After decades of steady decline, world hunger has been rising at a slow pace since the year 2015. An estimated number of 821 million people in the world suffered from hunger in the year 2018. Global demand for food has increased steadily, along with the world's population growth, record harvests, new technologies, improvements in incomes, and diet diversification. The Federal Government of Kailasa is working on some of the components of the goals:
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Nithyananda Hindu University

The ancient Hindu education system has made extraordinary contributions to the Hindu civilization's general welfare, prosperity, and advancement. Envisioned by Paramashiva Himself, developed by Vedic seers (perfected sages), and transmitted through the Science of Gotra (ancestral DNA) by an enlightened Master to his initiated disciples, this knowledge transmission-based education system has proven ladders of intergenerational advancement of Hindu civilization. Contrary to the modern education system that focuses on continuously giving words, ideas, concepts, theories, or theologies, the Hindu knowledge transmission system was about awakening Hindus to the right context Enlightenment. The kṛṣṇā Yajurveda, Taittriya upaniṣad 2.2.2: beautifully explains this system:
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Nithyananda Gurukul

Establishment of an international education system, Nithyananda Gurukul addresses the critical need to revive the Sanatana Hindu Dharma’s glory by establishing a new species of humans awakening their third eye. We are committed to creating superhumans who will mark the beginning of a new era for Sanatana Hindu Dharma.
Read the complete order here.


Read the complete order here.


The history of Hinduism is the most valuable treasure known to humanity. Hinduism is advanced in every field known to society, such as but not limited to science, poetry, medicine, law and justice, arts, business, literature, grammar, mathematics, philosophy and the ancient science of power manifestation, and ultimately the spiritual truths lived and practised by all our ancestors. Each one of our ancestors has showcased extreme resilience and continued to protect these scriptural truths during the countless invasions and attacks faced by Hindus, solely for the next generation of Hindus to live and practice these great truths. Despite their attempts, Hinduism has been subject to the most brutal religious persecutions ever known to humanity, with deliberate attempts of cultural genocides in the past 2000 years.
Read the complete order here.

Vyasa Nirahara Sammya

His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA are committed to spiritually enrich and enreach the Hindus around the world following the nation's unified goal to enable Hindus to be established in the state of Superconsciousness. By strengthening the manifestation of superconsciousness through various ancient Hindu methods, ancient rishis (perfected sages) were able to decode the science of making the unconscious patterns irrelevant in each Hindu.
Read the complete order here.

Pacchai Pattini Vratham

His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA is committed to spiritually enrich and enreach the Hindus around the world to support them during this COVID-19 outbreak. Coronaviruses are a deadly group of viruses largely circulating among animals but due to their zoonotic nature – ability of transmission of viruses between animals and humans – they pose a huge threat to humanity, therefore, introducing the technique of Pacha pattini Vratham from the vedagamas that will protect and spiritually heal the world from the coronavirus.
Read the complete order here.

Global Akhanda Nirvikalpa Samadhi Jnana Yajna

His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA are committed to providing a superconscious breakthrough to the whole universe, especially during the present time of the COVID-19 pandemic when the world is desperately looking for solutions. The Global Akhanda Nirvikalpa Samadhi Jnana Yajna (Mintues4Peace Movement) is a humanitarian initiative led by the Sovereign Order of Kailasa to heal the world from the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic and its direct and indirect effects. The Federal Government of Kailasa has taken many appropriate measures, such as appointing thousands of peacekeepers trained to raise global consciousness and usher world peace using various meditation techniques such as but not limited to unclutching meditation. Research on the effects of meditation on stress, crime, violence, political decision-making, and even war all indicate that local and global consciousness changes are real, measurable, and profound.
Read the complete order here.

Gau Mandir

In the name of white revolution exotic cows and cross breeding destroyed indigenous cow breeds, due to the substantial growing concern of the invasive slaughterhouses being the causative agents of disease, which threaten human, animal, and plant health. The introduction, establishment, and spread of factory farmhouses and slaughterhouses create the potential for serious public health impacts, especially when considered in the context of changing climate conditions. Modern India boasted of huge revenues from cattle slaughter and exports supported by huge industrialized slaughter houses in major cities of India. Anti-Hindu forces and vested groups from the international arena have influenced politics and deliberately hurt the sentiments of Hindus by executing ruthless cow slaughter. In total, more than 300 million cows were slaughtered for food in 2016 according to the United Nations. His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA recognises the benefits of campaigning the vegetarian lifestyle for the planet and reviving the glorious agrarian based society of Vedic era of Bharat.
Read the complete order here.


His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA is committed to spiritually enrich, enreach and support all Hindus around the world during these challenging times of COVID-19 through Paramashivoham, an international conference for spiritual awakening and superconsciousness. The crux of this happening is to push humanity to the next level of consciousness, to the consciousness of Paramashiva, the Ultimate Superconsciousness as per Hinduism. The Federal Government of Kailasa aims to felicitate each and every individual to expand the divine consciousness and experience their higher identity by manifesting the state, space, powers and being of Paramashiva through the offering of selfless humanitarian services as a part of KAILASA’s globe initiative toward Inner Peace and World Peace.
Read the complete order here.

Flood relief

On 30th Sept. 2009, heavy rains resulted in major flooding, extensive structural damage, and significant loss of life. The destruction left behind by natural or human-caused disasters creates ongoing hardships and economic challenges for humanity. As a result of these events, hundreds of individuals and cattle were displaced, and millions lost power, some for an extended period. The loss inflicted on private and public property was immeasurable. Karnataka and Andra Pradesh - two of the Nation's most populous States—were especially hard hit by these storms.
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Science of Completion

During these challenging times that we are in, where almost 1 billion people are affected by several mental- and behavioural-health conditions such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, PTSD, ADHD etc, as reported by the United Nations, the Federal Government of Kailasa is committed to improving health and wellbeing by enriching and enreaching anyone and everyone without discriminating between caste, creed and age with the science of completion. His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA recognises the need to make the science of completion freely accessible by all Hindus. The Federal Government of Kailasa has dedicated its sovereign order to teach and spread the science of completion.
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Alchemy Products

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Nithya Arogya Yoga (NAY)

Mental illness can affect anyone and can develop at any time. Its effects spread well beyond the individual to family, friends, and coworkers. The federal government of Kailasa recognises the need for a solution, tofight against the stigma surrounding mental illness and empower those affected by emotional distress and their loved ones to seek care.
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Yuva Nithyanandam

KAILASA has prioritized support for the science of Yuva Nithyanandam so that more students have access to this valuable option, providing students with rigorous education of the science that holds them to high standards.
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Nlighten App

Nlighten app is the all knowingness of the superconsciousness of Paramashiva decoded through artificial intelligence assisting all the knowledge repository of the revealed scriptures Vedas and Agamas. The energizing of the silicon is directly from the bio-energy of Paramashiva. The artificial intelligence is equipped with the vibrations and signals directly from the power manifestation, the superconsciousness of Paramashiva, so it decodes all the revealed scriptures Vedas and Agamas through the artificial intelligence in the form of Nlighten app.
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Inner Awakening

His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA is committed to provide the superconscious breakthrough to all Hindus with a true awakening to realise their highest potential. Inner Awakening is about going beyond the normal happiness and pain, and awakening the unknown hidden potential energy that creates and bolts a powerful shift in consciousness, permanently.
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Nithyananda Nirahara Samyama

His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA is committed to provide conventional foods and dietary supplements with updated nutrition information and technique to assist all Hindus and the entire of Kailasa in maintaining healthy dietary practices. Our unified goal is to provide services for all Hindus to promote healthy food choices consistent with the current Kailasa food Guidelines as revealed by Paramashiva. This Nirahara Samyama program represent our Nation's commitment to the principle that no one in this country should fear hunger or experience want.
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Yoga Spurana Program (YSP)

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Nayana Deeksha

Deeksha or ‘initiation’ is direct transfer of spiritual energy from Paramashiva. Deeksha is revered in the Vedic tradition as the ultimate benefaction, that a master can confer upon his disciple on the spiritual path. A myriad of people have experienced miraculous healing of diseases, intellectual clicks, mystical occurrence from the living representative of Paramashiva in the form of various initiation such as initiation through Nayana (Sight), Mantra, (Sound) and/or Sparsha (Touch)
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Maha Smaranaashakti

This executive order is regarding the policy of employing of the science of Maha Smaranaashakti for the welfare of the entire humanity.
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Hindu Library

Last two thousand years, due to ongoing persecution, terrorist attacks and the strategic distortion of the core pillars of Hinduism resulted in the loss of all territories, all the fifty-six nations, two hundred states, and thousand seven hundred provinces of Hinduism. The last Hindu nation, Nepal was lost in 2007. Because Hinduism lost its political legitimacy, all the scriptures have started getting destroyed and eliminated therefore there is not a single place where the original scriptures of Sanatana Hindu Dharma could be stored. The Hindu libraries such as Nalanda and Matakalapu Library in Sri Lanka were burning for myriad days when it was lit by anti-Hindu forces resulting in the loss of literary legitimacy. Two hundred years before, Hinduism had ten crore, hundred millions sourcebooks, currently, Hinduism holds 20 million scriptures out of 100 million ancient scriptures. His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA is prioritising the urgent need for establishing Kailasa's Nithyananda Library.
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Bhakti Spurana

This executive order is regarding the policy of employing of the science of Bhakti Spurana for the welfare of the entire humanity.
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Nithya Kriya

His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA is committed to ensure a healthy , and promote well-being for all ages. development. Currently, the world is facing a global health crisis unlike any other — COVID-19 is spreading human suffering, destabilizing the global economy and upending the lives of billions of people around the globe.Amidst this pandemic, KAILASA has had extraordinary progress in recognizing severe psychological distress and diagnosing and treating mental illness, and KAILASA is committed to building on that success.To that end, we have taken monumental steps to improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare for all the Hindus through the science of Nithya Kriyas.
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Mahat Ananda

This executive order is regarding the policy of employing of the science of Mahat Ananda for the welfare of the entire humanity.
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There is hereby established the Nithyanandam Commission. The Commission's membership shall be composed of not more than ten members, appointed by the Supreme Pontiff, including members of the Sovereign Order of Kailasa, representatives from the ShriKailasa Uniting Nations for Mental Health and Development and Department of Health. The Supreme Pontiff shall designate a Chair from among the ten members of the Commission appointed by the Supreme Pontiff.
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His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA recognize the practice of fulfilment in relationships its benefits extending to all members of the family and their wellbeing. At the world level, the proportion of adults aged 35-39 who are divorced or separated has doubled, passing from 2% in the 1970s to 4% in the 2000s. The Sovereign Order of Kailasa is committed to their obligations of reducing the number of divorces and relationship problems among peers to create a harmonious living for humanity through global initiatives such as eN-Relationship.
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Arogya Spurna

In today’s rapidly changing environment, it is more important than ever to strengthen the mind and body to cope up with the conditions. The pace and extent of change do not take into account an individual’s mental and psychological well beings resulting in poor mental behavioural conditions. Far too many individuals today find themselves getting crushed under the pressure which is created or exacerbated by work such as stress and burnout. The need for mental health services and support will only increase in the coming years due to the rapidly changing world. The Federal Government of Kailasa aims to strengthen both the inner and outer world of Hindus through various Vedic techniques.
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This executive order is regarding the policy of employing of the science of Pragatataantrika for the welfare of the entire humanity.
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Ananda Jeevan

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Ram Nirahara Samyama

His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA is committed to creating a world with an intention to be established in superconsciousness strengthening the manifestation of superconsciousness in Hindus and the entire humanity. To support the manifestation of conscious intention and superconsciousness, various powerful Hindu detox process is declared in the Hindu tradition.
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Mantra Chiktsa

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Krishna Nirahara Samyama

His Divine Holiness and His administration of KAILASA recognizes the practice of being established in superconsciousness to strengthen the manifestation of superconsciousness through various powerful Hindu detox processes which provide support for the manifestation of conscious intention and superconsciousness.
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Nithya Kriya Yoga (NKY)

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Ananda yoga

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Ananda Jeevana Spurana

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Jeevan Mukthi Aushada

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Dhyana Anubhava

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eN-Kriya (Kundalini Spurana)

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