December 17 2023

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LIVE SPH Darshan: Tripurantaka Murthy Bhava Samadhi Darshan || Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 17



Heartfelt congratulations to the resilient people of Bhutan on the National Day!

Heartfelt congratulations to the resilient people of BhutanπŸ‡§πŸ‡Ή on the National Day! May Bhutan continue to flourish in peace, prosperity, and spiritual harmony. Best wishes from The SPH on behalf of the United States of KAILASA.

Victory for KAILASA's Hindus πŸŽ‰

Victory for KAILASA's Hindus πŸŽ‰

We are thrilled to share a monumental victory with all KAILASA citizens and supporters! Three large corporate media houses – the Washington Post (US), Outlook magazine (India), and Dinamalar (Tamil Nadu, India) – removed their Hinduphobic and defamatory articles that carried disinformation against the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Nithyananda Paramashivam and KAILASA.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Nithyananda Paramashivam’s sacrifices, relentless hard work, and unwavering commitment are the source of the revival of KAILASA, the First Hindu nation.

This positive development is another example of the SPH’s uncompromising persistence to uphold the truth and stand for all Hindus worldwide. It showcases the impact of aligning ourselves to our Guru – the SPH – and His mission. This victory highlights the power of holding media organizations accountable to journalistic ethics and the accuracy of their content.

As we celebrate this victory, we witness the truth about the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam, KAILASA, Hindu Holocaust, and Hinduism emerging distinctly, correcting the false public narrative. Your unwavering support and dedication have made this outcome possible.

Let us continue the united pursuit of truth and justice, and inspire other media houses to follow suit and rectify any misinformation about the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam and KAILASA.

Thank you for being an integral part of this journey, and may this news inspire renewed confidence in our shared mission.

Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 17

Paramashivoham Level-2

Session 1
What is Karma?
🌟 Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a cycle of repetitive thoughts and actions that prevent you from achieving your desired reality? This is called Karma - the thought patterns that bind you.
πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ Don't lose hope! You can break free from these patterns and manifest your highest potential by identifying and releasing them. This is a spiritual science that you can learn and apply in your life.
πŸŽ‡ Join us at Paramashivoham Level-2 to learn more about this science and unlock limitless possibilities in your life! Embrace your true potential and experience the abundance of the universe.

Session 2
Drop Your Mind, Drop Your Karma
πŸŒ€ You experience reality when you do not have thoughts. Reality is the no-mind zone beyond thoughts. Your life struggles are the product of your unconscious thinking, which is called Karma. Your thoughts create your emotions, beliefs, and self-image and shape your life.
πŸŒ€ If you can reduce the number of thoughts you have, you will ground yourself in the present moment and harness the power to influence your reality and make your life the way you want it to be!
πŸŽ‡ Experience Unclutching, the technique that leads you to the no-mind zone.

Session 3
From Desire to Suffering: How You Entrap Yourself
πŸ”’ Desire is not wrong. However, unconscious desires that do not get fulfilled, complicated and contradicting desires, create deep unfulfillment, hatred, and denial inside you. These unfulfilled desires, as small as they might seem, follow you your entire life and push you to act in the same manner repeatedly until they are exhausted.
πŸ•ŠοΈ Free yourself from unfulfilled desires! Liberate your being and open the gates for a new life.

Session 4
The 3 Types of Karma You Need to Get Rid of
πŸ•°οΈ Your present moment is affected by the memories you accumulated from the past. This Karma is of three kinds: the past-lives memories from the multiple bodies you assumed, a small portion of that which you bring along with you into this life, and the new Karma you unfortunately accumulate in this life. Exhausting the Karma you brought along with you is the purpose of your life.
πŸ”“ Free yourself from the clutches of Karma and live a liberated life, free to create the future you want and enjoy your best possibilities.

Session 5
Stop Accumulating Karma!
πŸŒͺ️ Past Karma affects your inner peace in the form of unconscious and restrictive thoughts. As your present moment is disturbed, you lose your full capacity to create the life you desire. You become prone to accumulating more Karma by acting under the influence of emotions and negative thoughts.
πŸŽ‡ If you remove the influence of the past on your present, you will be free. You will regain inner peace and awareness, and the possibility for higher possibilities and miracles will open up in your life!
πŸ’ͺ Discover simple methods to stop your past from affecting your present and reclaim control over your life!

Session 6
Offer Your Past-Lives Karma to the Guru
πŸŽ‡ When you are in the present moment, you renounce attachment to fantasies about the future. You detach yourself from the results of your actions. This alone leads you to liberation from the bondage of Karma.
πŸ•°οΈ However, a portion of your Karma is not directly available to you. Karmas accumulated over previous births are stored, waiting to be exhausted in future births. This restrictive baggage cannot be overcome immediately unless an enlightened being, the Guru, removes it for you!

Session 7
Surrender Burns All Karma!
πŸŒ… Are you tired of feeling limited by your past Karma and restrictive thoughts? There's a shortcut to overcoming these obstacles - renounce what you do not have. Drop your attachments, fantasies, speculations, greed, and fear about the past or the future, as these are illusory.
πŸ•ŠοΈ Remember that you are Paramashiva, the Ultimate. Surrender your identity, and watch as Karma loses its power over your life. Ready to take the next step?

Session 8
Karma Guides You to Live A Blissful Life
πŸ”— As long as Karma is not understood, it is bondage. The moment you understand the true course of your life, you are liberated from Karma, and your life becomes bliss! None of us actually remember the past as it happened; we forget the thoughts that led us to act. Over time, we construct a wrong picture of our past, forgetting how it really happened.
πŸ’« Look into your past and realize that everything is your own creation. Karma will dissolve, and your life will transform!

🌌 Paramashivoham Level-3

Session 1
Experience KAILASAβ€”The Highest Plane of the Universe
πŸŒ€ The universe is multi-dimensional; life exists on other planes, more subtle than our physical reality. As you rise higher in the cosmic realms, the frequency of Consciousness increases. The most conscious beings live in the higher worlds.
β˜€οΈ Kailasa is the highest cosmic plane. It is the celestial residence of Paramashiva. Its brilliance exceeds millions of suns. It embodies sacrifice, limitless potential, and extraordinary powers.
πŸŽ‡ Raise your existence in the universe and gain access to limitless possibilities!

Session 2
God or Demon? How to Rise in the Universe
βš”οΈ Your life is a battlefield between your mind and your possibilities! You worry about the past, the present, and the future. This worry then leads to anger, hatred, and fear. Nurturing possibilities raises your consciousness, while perceived impossibility and negativity pull you down.
✨ The good news isβ€”you can change! You can interfere with the course of things and create a space of possibility free from worry to manifest your desired reality!
🌟 It is a spiritual science! Learn how you can apply it in your life.

Session 3
Open Your Third Eye!
πŸ’« Opening your Third Eye is a possibility, not probability. Whenever your brain looks down, you run for probabilities. When it looks up, you manifest possibilities. Probabilities lead to growth. Possibilities lead to breakthrough! Breakthrough is the lifestyle of leaders.
🧠 Open your Third Eye and awaken your brain's higher aptitudes. Begin your transformation today!

Session 4
I & Mine: Shades Of Lust & Attachment
πŸ’” Any action performed from the understanding that the other person or object is separate from you will never fulfill you. If you look at your life, you will see that some of your actions and decisions are driven by an impulse to possess, not from a state of clarity about yourself. In other words, you lose your center and awareness trying to make something or someone "yours."
πŸ”₯ "Mine" is the source of suffering and unfulfillment. "I" is the source of fulfillment and empowerment. Learn how this affects you and how to always make the right decisions in your life.

Session 5
Leadership Consciousness
⭐ Your life is your own creation. Either you sustain it and allow it to continue its course, or change it and make it the way you want; it is always in your own hands. Owning your life up, knowing that it is your creation, is the key to becoming a leader, because being a leader is not defined by fame or position, it comes from your self-drive and responsibilism.
πŸ† Discover the secrets of leadership consciousness and how you can immediately apply them to transform your life!

Session 6
Break DNA Barriers By Conscious Will
πŸ€ Have you ever felt like you're not as lucky as others or didn't get the best genes at birth? Well, the truth is, your DNA doesn't have to define you.
🧠 Your mental setup and lifestyle influence the genes you express. The science of epigenetics has found that, which ancient Hindu scriptures revealed thousands of years ago, that we have the power to exist as we want, activating genes and deactivating others. Your DNA merely reflects how you exist, not vice versa.
✨ So, why not harness the power of your intention and manifest your full potential? Join us for Paramashivoham Level-3 and discover how to overcome your limitations!

Session 7
Active Ego Vs. Passive Ego: Are You Really Living?
πŸ”’ Ego is wrongly associated with being aggressive or having high self-worth, which couldn't be further from the truth. Low self-image is also ego. Ego is that which confines you to a single identity. Ego constrains you to a fixed life experience. Ego removes your ability to have the right self-image in every situation and stops you from experiencing anything new.
πŸ•ŠοΈ Break free from the barriers of ego! Accept reality and allow new life to happen.

Session 8
Step Out of Fear & Greed Mindset
⏳ If you operate from fear or greed, you will never have enough time and free thoughts to express your true potential. Unfortunately, a lot of us choose a life path out of fear of not conforming to society's expectations, peer pressure, or out of greed for money or fame. This is what is called: the rat race.
✨ Do you feel it is time to take a break and spend time with yourself to unlock your true potential? If yes, learn the spiritual science that will allow you to change gears to live out of inspiration and fulfill your own uniqueness.

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