Brahma asana
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Brahma asana: asana
Asana Type
Arm Balancing
Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण
Apta Pramana Source
Joga Pradipika-344-345
Original Verse
"॥ atha brahma äsana ॥ vaéöhai prathama müla kai päëi do u paga kändhai dharai äëi | bahuri päpaòä pari le jävai küñi nañaila keà öhaharävai ॥ 344 ॥
- for extended verse see end of chapter "
First sit on the buttocks, place both legs upon the shoulder and remain suspended with the help of hands, Gaze to be fixed on tip of nose. One attains intuitive knowledge.
Apta Additional References
Hatharatnavali III.65
1.Sit on the floor.
2.Raise both legs over the head upon the shoulder.
3.Raise the uper body with the help of the hands.
4.Gaze to be fixed on tip of nose.
Atma Pramana Benefits
Increases the vak shakthi, the power of words. Intuitive knowledge is attained with regular practice.
Simple sketch
Brahmasana (JP 344-345).png