Avahana Mudra
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For Worship
Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण
Sastra Pramana Source: Raurava Agama - Mudra Laskanam V.11
Original Verse: "अङ्गुष्ठौ तु निपीड्येते मध्यतो निबिडाङ्गुलिम्॥११॥ आवाहनी प्रयोक्तव्या देवदेवस्य चासने ।"
Transliteration: "aṅguṣṭhau tu nipīḍyete madhyato nibiḍāṅgulim॥11॥ āvāhanī prayoktavyā devadevasya cāsane ।"
Translation: Holding the open hands together so as to form a hallow, bringing them together up to the middle of the chest(heart), keeping the thumbs bent so as to touch the palms and keeping all other fingers close together - is avahana mudra. This mudra should be shown while offering a seat for the Deity.