August 29 2022

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unprecedented rainfall that flooded Adikailash Nithyananda Sarvajnapeetham campus

Bidadi and surrounding villages have been witnessing heavy downpour since the last few days. Today was an unprecedented rainfall that flooded Adikailash Nithyananda Sarvajnapeetham campus, rushing into the sacred Vaidya Sarovar and Manasarovar.

The waters rushed past touching the 21 feet healing navapashana Nithyananda Lingam in the Vaidya Sarovar which was submerged almost to the top. It is well known around Bidadi town that the lake in the town that had dried up for decades was brought back to life by the blessings of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam over decades ago when the villagers pled to the SPH to bring rains to fill the parched lake so they could do agriculture, one of their major means of subsistence. The SPH had showered on them the huge blessing that not only would the town receive adequate rains but also that the lake would fill up and never dry. To date, in the over two decades, the lake has never dried even in times of drought.

Today, the blessing has multiplied manifold as the waters rushing past touching the sacred Nithyananda Linga collect in the blessed lake which is the nourishing waterline for the agriculture that is now going to manifest as a bountiful nutritious crop.

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