August 09 2014

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From Hearing to Listening


This program delivered on 09 Aug 2014, Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks on Listening. He says what every you want in your life it can be achieve just by starting to listening.

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'Description: From Hearing To Listening by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 09 August 2014'


Whatever you want in your life, you might have come for the program, here, through two-way video conferencing or in the Raja sabha, physically, you might have come here for health... or to achieve more wealth in the life or successful career or spiritual evolution or Enlightenment, may be just to spend two-three days with Me. Whatever can be the, whatever may be the reason, please understand, whatever may be the reason, whatever may be the purpose, whatever you may want from this program, through this program, can happen in you by Listening. It is with Listening... when you start Listening, it starts.

When I say Listening, I don’t mean just hearing.... the default hearing which all of us have. Let me define this default hearing and Listening. Default hearing means, you hear some words or sound. The moment you hear, some of your past incompletions stored in you, past memories, emotions, hangovers gets triggered in you. When that gets triggered, you are just lost. You are just lost in.... that triggered hangover.

I will give you an example. When you are ten, you went for a beach walk. There you saw, few people attacking one person and finally that fellow is dead. You saw literally a murder in front of your eyes. Naturally you will run away from that place. After that you may never go to beach for a walk or even if you get a chance to see the beach, you may remember only this painful memory. If you carry this incompletion, the moment I start speaking, I start uttering the word ‘beach’ or ‘a beautiful walk in the evening beach’, ‘the breeze of the evening beach’. Here I am talking about beautiful, loving, very soothing experience. But there in you, that incompletion gets triggered, you are already in the mood of that being terrorised, frightened, fear... carrying that hangover, that incompletion being triggered.

Understand. Hearing, and incompletions getting triggered and getting lost in those incompletions.... hearing, incompletions getting triggered, getting lost in those incompletions.... that is what is your default hearing. Now, when I ask you to listen, I mean, Listen and internalize everything I’m uttering, without allowing the interference of that past hangover - incompletion at least for next few hours; the program is around, almost three hours a day. Little more than three hours, with a break, if you see, it is around five and half hours. Listen. At least the next few hours, next three days, I am requesting you, to Listen and Intranalyse directly, without allowing your incompletions interfering, without allowing your incompletions hitting, without hearing your incompletions disturbing, without getting your incompletions triggered.

Listen... you listen and intra-analyze, means understand, cognize; then again listen- cognize, listen-cognize. This is like a binary action: zero-one, zero-one, zero-one, zero-one, zero-one, like the computer... how you hear the binary code in the computer - zero-one, zero-one. But, if the incompletions get triggered and interfere, it is not zero-one, zero-one, zero-one, it is like zero……sssssssssssssss……one , then again, ssssssssssss…zero! The incompletion getting trigged, stops the hearing and intra-analyzing; hearing and cognizing; hearing and cognizing. This process gets disturbed... this process gets disturbed.

Understand, when the hearing and cognizing is disturbed, you become tired; you get disturbed and the Listening gets broken. Especially Indian classrooms, you are trained not to listen. The long hours, boring syllabus, boring teachers, naturally you are pushed to get into the state of Samadhi by sitting with open eyes.

Listen. Just this next three days, I request you to listen and cognize, listen and cognize without allowing your incompletions getting triggered... without allowing your incompletions getting triggered. My commitment with you all, please listen, please listen carefully, I can make whatever you want as reality, please understand. I’m really serious about what I am uttering. I’m sincere about what I’m uttering. I can make whatever you want as Reality – Health, Wealth, Success, complete relationships. Whatever you want as Reality, I can make that happen. I can make whatever you want as Reality. But my only request, please provide Listening. This is the only wiring between you and Me. It is the only wiring between you and Me, Connection between you and Me.

In Vedic tradition, words are not used just to convey some idea, concept, theory; words are used to transmit energy. Understand, if the words are used only to convey an idea, concept, books are enough. But in Vedic tradition we use the words to transmit the energy, Experience. So Listening is the only wiring between you and Me. It is the only wiring between you and Me. So I request you to provide complete Listening. I request you, to use the words as a bridge between you and Me, so that I can transmit the experience to you.

Listen, when you sit with the space to listen, with the mood to listen, even Silence, My Silence does so much in you; even My Silence can do so much in you. So Listen. How many of you are ready to Listen for the next three days raise your hand. I’m requesting you only for next three days. Come on let’s take a oath. Declaration to yourself - oath is declaration to yourself. When you declare, you will be so alive, active, energetic, because your declared words, sets the trend, path through which your mind needs to travel.

Please repeat, “I Declare, I am in the space of authentic Listening. For the next three days, I decide, to be in the space of authentic Listening”.

My blessings! For you to be successfully Listening.

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