Article - Science of decision making

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Article Name Science of decision making
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Language English

==Photos From The Day: ==


If you are making decisions in your life everyday from good values, you are conflict-free person, you don’t have conflicts. If you are making your decisions out of will, you are powerful person. If you are making decisions out of discrimination, you are on higher side and higher scale of morality. But if you are making decisions out of Consciousness, you are a jeevanmukta, living enlightenment.

Look into how you make decisions in your life. Ask yourself - is it out of my mental pattern, or will power or discrimination? Ask yourself - am I doing this out of the honest, truthful right space? Am I taking decisions out of consciousness, out of spiritual strength? Or am I at least acting out of discrimination?

Discrimination is, seeing the larger truths of life and making decisions. It means you will be completely honest and integrated to the highest truths of life in that situation. For example, someone has stolen something. If he is trying to hide even after being caught, he is strengthening that pattern. But if he says, let me be honest. Once I will be punished, but at least I will be out of this pattern for lifetimes! - this is discrimination. So move from one step to other. If you are taking decision out of mental patterns, move to intention. If you are taking decision out of intention, move to discrimination. If you are in at least in the level of discrimination, then I can move you to Consciousness!