April 17 2009

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Samadhi is Bliss! || Part 1 || Patanjali Yoga Sutras || 17 April 2009

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām

I welcome you all with My love and respects.


I thank Gujarati Samaj, Oklahoma for hosting this event. My blessings to all of them.

Let us enter into today's Sutra. Let us understand and internalize the few ideas we need to understand today. We are continuing the same Sutra from yesterday. I will read the Sutra and give you the translation. Then we will enter into the meaning:

Vitarka Vichara Ananda Asmita Rupaanugamaat Samprajnata

Patanjali is explaining to achieve first state of enlightenment. You see, the ultimate enlightenment what he calls Kaivalya, till you achieve that enlightenment, you go through different experiences which He calls different kinds of Samadhis, different levels of Samadhis. Here He is giving us technique to achieve the first level of Samadhi. We need to know first why do we need Samadhi first of all. It is not our food and bedroom and clothes are enough for life. Why do we need Samadhi at all? What is the necessary to know about this Samadhi?


Please understand, I can say, this is the ultimate luxury a man can have. Ultimate luxury a human being can have is opening or connection to the cosmic consciousness. Sometime these great ideas, words, they happen in our life once in a while like a breeze and after few days you forget about them. You are caught in your regular routine, in your regular life. Again after sometime when you get a chance to see somebody like this, some ideas, again they touch you. Again you forget about them in your life, you carry on in your life. Again sometime once in a while you come in contact. That is the reason we don't understand how important the necessity of this Samadhi experience. Please understand, a born blind man can never understand what he is missing. Same way, a person who has not experienced Samadhi even once can never understand what he is missing. It is a whole another dimension of life, whole another dimension of life.


The other day, one of My disciple was driving Me from Phoenix to Los Angeles. Suddenly I turned towards him and said, “I wish you have a body like Mine!” He started laughing, “What did you mean, Swamiji?” Nothing, I put little snacks in the mouth. They were eating little snacks and they gave Me little. The moment I put that little snacks in the mouth, immediately body was in Samadhi means it was in ecstasy. Nothing more is needed to please you. Just these few qualities, understand about these few qualities. Then you will understand the power of Samadhi, utility value of Samadhi. See, today I want you to understand the utility value of Samadhi. Only then the meaning of what I am talking will be understood. Only then you will understand why you should sit and listen for hours together about Samadhi. It has direct utility value in your life. Just little, little snacks, nothing else. Just that. Body was already in Samadhi means overflowing, ecstasy, joy. Just feels nothing is needed.


See, when that feeling nothing is more is needed is there, you feel like blessing the whole universe. Life is too good. Just understand, having that feeling life is too good is just… that is the…whenever you have the feeling life is too good, you are living. I can say, having that feeling life is too good 24/7, 365… sorry 366 is what I call Ananda or living in Samadhi. Just continuously feeling life is good, life is good, life is good. If that idea, that feeling life is good is not there, whatever you have, what is worth? It is nothing. It is not worthy of anything. It is not worthy of anything and if that feeling life is good there, you just know life is good, life is good.


Living in Samadhi, it has great utility value. Apart from that, you see, when you have that feeling life is good, suddenly you see there is no hangover on people. There is no hangover. You are just... you see, I am just traveling all over the world continuously. Before coming to USA, one of My brahmachari, My kid, he used to take care of Me. When I was in India, he will travel with Me and will give Me food or whatever I need, he will assist Me. When I was leaving, he started weeping, started crying because two and half months he was living with Me continuously. From January, I was walking. If you have seen in the website, you would have seen. Thousand kilometre, more than thousand kilometer, I walked, did Padayatra. It was a big Padyatra. Few days I did not walk but many days I walked with them. He was practically in My breathing space for two months because it was wonderful experience. We were walking in the villages and sleeping in the huts, eating with the villagers and sleeping under the tree. It was wonderful experience.


He started crying and he asked Me, “Swamiji, will You forget me?” And I just..... suddenly I thought what to answer. I looked into him. If I tell the truth, he may be hurt and I cannot tell a lie also. I have to prepare him because he is going to be around Me for quite a long time. He has to understand the truth. So I turned him and asked, “You want actual answer or you want just some consolation?” He said, “No, no. Tell me actual answer, Swamiji.” I told him, “I don't even remember you. Forget about forgetting.” There is no remembrance first of all. Only then you can forget. And he was shocked! When I look inside My inner space, that is the truth. I remembered the whole thing just because now I have to tell you, that's all. There is no hangover about objects or people. Understand how great freedom it is! How great freedom it is! You need to understand the utility value of Samadhi. Only then we will even start looking towards that direction. We will start looking towards that direction. We will start putting little energy in that direction. There is no hangover on people. What great freedom it is!


Each one of you, look inside. How much of hangover you have with people with whom you are working in the office, or the people with whom you are living or the people you meet here- there. The hangover, that is the worst punishment. That is the worst punishment. Constantly you have hangover on somebody. The big problem is, when you are physically with them, present, you don't know completely how to be open. That is why, you always have that hangover. I have seen many time people, when they are around Me, they are very sad that tomorrow I am going to leave. They say, “Swamiji, in two days, You will be leaving. We have to be all alone by ourselves. When I am around them, they have this feeling and after I leave, naturally they will have hangover. See, when you are in the physical presence also you are not complete and you are waiting that you will be depressed. So naturally when I am not there you will be depressed. What else to do?


When they are physically present, not only with Me, I am saying about everybody, even in ordinary relationship. When you are physically with somebody you don't have the courage or guts to open. Afraid, fear of rejection. Fear of rejection is one of the worst thing. You are afraid you may be rejected and once you are rejected, you can't respect you. That is a big problem. See, it is not only the fear that other person will reject you, if you are rejected that so much of disrespect will start creating, you will start creating so much of disrespect about you inside you. That is a big problem. You can't handle that disrespect, that fear of rejection. So naturally you don't know how to be open, how to be alive, how to be connecting.


When you are not open in the physical presence, naturally in the absence you will have that hangover. In the presence also you are not fully present. In the absence also you are not completely absent. That is a big problem and you go on hanging over, hanging over, hanging over. Too many people are hanging in your inner space. That is why the person with whom you are living, you are not complete with that person. So it is like a vicious circle. Samadhi liberates you from all hangovers. There is no hangover. There is no remembrance of the people. There is no feeling I want them again, I want to see them again or want them again around Me. Nothing. It is like, you are like a breeze untouched, unpolluted, just flowing, flowing, flowing. So many wonderful things starts expressing by itself in Samadhi.


Actually Patanjali explains in the next sutras, coming sutras. A person who has developed this mind based on this science, what all the extraordinary powers he expresses. It is a pure science. You see, it is like a... If you study in the field of law and specializes and do some higher level degrees, you will be able to practice in all this course, you will be able to do all these things, you will have all these powers. Just like that, it is a science. You study this, do this, then you will have handle all these extraordinary powers and energies and life. It is a simple science. A big problem is, in the young age we are not taught and we never had a time to spend. We never had a patience to practice. So finally we dumped the whole science itself as useless. It is not. It is a living science. There is no expiry date for Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali Yoga Sutra. There is no expiration date. There is no expiration date. They are truth till today, they are relevant till today, the day they are uttered. I can say, more relevant especially Patanjali Yoga Sutra and all, more relevant.


The stress level in the modern civilization and the modern civilization is facing an important problem. All the things needed in the outer world, everything is overflowing, fulfilled. The luxury, comforts, infrastructure, everything. And suddenly human beings have realized there is no hope just in the outer world. There is no hope. They have seen the extreme. It is all done. There is no more hope in the outer world, whether it is in the medical field or in the technology or in the communication or in the lifestyle, in everything. The amount of research and development done. Now we have doctors for upper jaw and lower jaw, different dentists. Forget about dentists, specialists. Even in the dental field, dentistry field, so many different varieties, different specialists. In any field and human expectancy also is increased the life, everything. We have seen the outer world to its extreme.


Humanity is facing a big danger. The other day I was reading an article in the newspaper, people are feeling loaded about the elderly people in many countries because the human life is more now. Load is not just the food or the infrastructure, cloth or home. The load that how to keep them excited, how to entertain them. The other day I was reading an article. Above sixty, the suicide rate is such, the government is trying all possible things to stop the suicide rate, suicide rate in the above sixty people and they say you can have a person to entertain you, assistant. We will pay for that. They are doing all sorts of things to cut down the suicide rate. I am saying in many countries this is the big problem.


We learnt how to keep a man… how to add years to the life but we have not learnt the science of how to add life to years. Understand, prepare your body after preparing your mind to live long. Otherwise don't prepare. Better to die early. No, really. It will be hell if you have just prepared your body. Your body is ready and your mind is not ready. You don't have a right mental setup to live. What will you do after sixty? It is a hell, it is a hell. Better to leave early than just dragging, dragging. Even if you want, you can't die. It is a big problem. So first prepare the mind to live. Living without the load of the past, ability to live with the present and ability to live without that memory, without the load, without that constant bragging about the past, ability to connect with the present directly and ability to handle loneliness, converting or transforming loneliness into aloneness, being in peace, being in tune with that aloneness and respecting yourself not internalizing the idea given by society now you are useless, now you are not needed, you are just hanging. Naturally society is going to give that idea to you. Do not internalize that. Ability not to internalize that idea inside and retaining the self respect.


Prepare your system first. Prepare your mind first to live long. Then prepare the body. Then prepare the body. I can say, Samadhi is one of the best thing, best way to prepare your body, prepare your mind before preparing your body for the old age. If you are above sixty, take one year and spend your time and energy on working on this Samadhi. Understanding, internalizing, and meditating. Take one year. I say it will be worthy, it will be worthy.



Samadhi is Bliss! || Part 2 || Patanjali Yoga Sutras || 17 April 2009

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Please understand, this truth I am sharing with you as if I am talking to Me. The TV ads, you see a… I have seen in the TV, medicine ads, ads on medicines. They say this is the medicine most heart surgeons prescribe for their own family. Means what? The authenticity of the medicine. See, if you are telling the outer world, marketing it, 80% marketing and 20% truth. If you are giving it to your own family, 20% marketing, 80% truth. If you are telling yourself,100% truth, no marketing. So I am telling this to you as if I am talking to Me. This is what I am doing. This is what I have done. This is what is My life. So I am talking to Me. I am talking to you all as My very own extension.


If you are above sixty, don't bother. It is worthy. Take one year. Just contemplate with this. Make this as your priority contemplating continuously this one idea. Read these literatures, spiritual literatures. Internalize these ideas. Live, contemplate. Don’t say,”Oh! I tried three days to meditate, I am not able to do.” Relax! Sixty years you accumulated so much of nonsense on the head and how do you expect it will disappear in three days? No, really! We accumulated so much. How can it disappear? How will it disappear in three days? No. Take one year off. I tell you, it will really work wonders on you. Same way, if you are below thirty, take one year off. Your whole life will be new. If you are below thirty, take one year off. Work on this Samadhi. One more thing, when I say, I am responsible for what I am saying. I am responsible for what I am talking. I have seen the benefit of this in My life, in My life.


Wherever you may be staying, wherever you may be living, that's not a problem. One year put this as a priority working on this samadhi, working on this truth. If you are below thirty, above sixty, spend one year with this truth. It will really make wonders. Between thirty and sixty, have little suffering. Then you can do and you may not listen even if I say because the blood is hot. See, below thirty, they have some openness, they have some openness and they can try new things. Above sixty, they know there is no other way. Now nothing much to do and if you are between thirty and sixty, always there is a problem. All problems are between thirty and sixty and how much ever I try to tell them, “Eh! No, no, it's okay, it's okay and everything is going well. After all, now nothing is wrong.” So, then what to do?


Working on Samadhi really pays. It just… so many things which you can never imagine you will be doing, will be happening through you, will be happening through you. Just yesterday I was talking to another one devotee in Dallas. She was telling Me, “Swamiji, now whoever comes around me, they all feel that I am different. Everybody feels I am radiating something. I can never.... I have never expected this will happen in my life, even I can have this space of life, this part of life in me in my life.” I am talking about one devotee’s experience, one disciple's experience. I don't know how to tell. Thousands and thousands and thousands who are living and going through and radiating, working on samadhi.


Understand, when you start itself, decide you will take this one chunk, one year, six months. Only then you will see the whole transformation. Usually what these people do? “I will try from tomorrow onwards.” And after three days, how you start doing exercise seeing TV ads? When you see the TV ads, Bracket, something, some ads you see and immediately they… they go on saying, “Call now, call now, call now.” Then naturally you call and you bring all the things whatever you need and only here I saw that a very nice way of marketing. Just four payments of 39.98 dollars. So only the thirty nine dollars is seen in front of your eyes and you don't see that line, small word- four payments and after all credit card, you don't know.


Actually it is a very systematic method. If you count and spend, you know the value. I have seen My own disciples, in India they don't spend much and here they spend. I studied why. This fellow in India he will not spend. Why is he spending here? Because in India you have to count and give the money. So naturally it stops you. When you have to count, you need to handle big bunch and you say, “Oh God! This much of cash is leaving me.” But here you don't have that load at all. Just swipe. Whether it is $20 or $200 or $200000, only one swipe! You don't feel the difficulty. No, really. You don't feel. The whole… beautifully it is designed that you don't feel the difficulty. You just buy everything. All the goods arrive and that advertisement, that ad shows before and after pictures so glamorously taka taka taka taka taka taka. Then what you do? Express delivery! You don't even want to wait for twenty days!


Whole life you did not move your body and now suddenly you say, “No, no, no, I don't want to wait for twenty days and all. Express delivery. $30 value free!” That is another one thing and everything has arrived. Express delivery. It is lying in your garage for two months. You don't have time to open and after you open and try two times, you look at this side and that side. That ad was saying it will change the body. Anyhow at the most you do for one week. Then again it is again lying down in the garage. During the garage sale, you sell it for 20%- 30% off, that's all. Nothing much happens because there is no clear idea. Let your spiritual pursuit not become like that. I am not giving you any TV ad, “Call now, take off one year!” I am not giving you any TV ad.


Understand, decide now itself, at least one year you will play with these truths. Only then, you will see a substantial, strong, clear transformation. Otherwise what you will be doing? It’s like a two days you will play around, third day you just say, “It's okay. I think that Swami came,” and that memory also is not there, not much and two days, then over! Don't just miss it. I tell you, one year is worthy of your whole life. It is like replacing your inner software. Best thing can happen to a man, human being is yogic hardware and vedic software, yogic body and vedic mind. Yogic body, the body which believes I am just me. There is no restriction. There is no conditioning recorded in bio-memory. It just moves. It just lives. Still, still I travel with this cloth and with this lifestyle only. Only when people remind, “Oh! Swamiji, it is too cold. You have to wear coat, this-that,” I will tell, “Alright!” Otherwise the body is so beautiful. See, cold is nothing but your conscious resistance which happens in your skin for the weather. If there is no conscious resistance in the skin, it will just.... weather will just pass through your system.


See, you are embodiment of nature. You are embodiment of nature. The energy or the Prana which is in the cold air, the same Prana only is inside you. Just day before yesterday, I saw in the history channel. One person was… he was able to maintain his temperature even being inside the ice cubes. He was put inside the ice cubes. He comes out. His temperature he is able to maintain. The heart rate did not go up and he was able to maintain. He was saying because of the yogic practice. He proves. The doctor was saying he is a superhuman! He is superhuman here because the science is not known. The science is known, it is just science. Anybody can practice. It is possible. It is possible.


Simple thing that whenever you feel the cold or heat, just see. See how you are resisting, how you are using your skin as a shield instead of using your skin as a window. Your skin is supposed to be window to the Cosmos, door to the whole Existence. Instead, you feel always your skin is a shield. If you are feeling your skin is a shield, naturally you will create so much of stress in every dimension, I am telling you, in every dimension you will feel your skin is a shield. You are constantly..... you are sitting inside trying to protect you. Understand, if your skin is shield, you are in prison. If your skin is window, if your skin is door, only then you are living, you are living. Whether you are living or you are in prison, this is what is going to define, this is what is going to decide whether you feel your skin is a window to the universe or it is a shield.


One more thing, the prana which is there in the air and the prana which is there in your body is same. It is just same. Your ideas, “No, no, no”... especially the ideas taught in the young age, “No, no, no, this I have to resist. I will catch cold. This will happen to me. That will happen to me.” This is the worst thing can happen to human being. Worst thing can happen to human being is conditionings getting into the bio-memory, conditionings getting into the bio-memory. Understand, I am not asking you to go and play with it or break the conditioning overnight. You will not be able to do but you can prepare step by step, step by step. You can reclaim your natural state. You can reclaim your yogic body, yogic hardware. It is possible.


When I say all the below thirty people take one year off, I mean you will have yogic hardware. Now you need that and vedic software. When I say after sixty take off one year, you may not be able to do yogic hardware. It is too late but at least vedic software, that can be done. That can be done. That is possible. That is what I mean understanding the utility value of samadhi. Once you understand the utility value of samadhi, then you will start working for it. Here Patanjali is giving you defining the first level samadhi, Samprajnata samadhi. The first level samadhi he is describing.

Vitarka vichara ananda asmita Rupaanugamaat Samprajnatah


Reasoning, contemplation, blissful flowering and the state of pure awareness are the characteristics of Samprajnata samadhi. Reasoning, contemplation, blissful flowering and state of pure awareness. About reasoning and contemplation, yesterday we internalized, we understood. Yesterday I expressed few truths about reasoning and contemplation. Today let us work on Ananda and Asmita- Blissful flowering and state of pure awareness. Ananda, My favorite subject. I can say, that is our brand. Whatever subject I may touch, I look through that Ananda angle only, the angle of Bliss. I may be speaking on intelligence, I may be speaking on yoga, I may be speaking on tantra, I may be speaking on silence, I may be speaking on peace, whatever I speak, I connect to the bliss, ananda. That is our branding. I can say, that is the essence of life.


Here Patanjali describes Ananda as one of the important qualities which you experience and express in Samprajnata samadhi, the first level samadhi. Samprajnata samadhi means the samadhi which you experience through these four states. It is a first level. There is second level, Asamprajnata samadhi. Then he describes different kind. Savikalpa, Nirvikalpa, different kinds of samadhis, different kinds of spiritual experiences.



Samadhi is Bliss! || Part 3 || Patanjali Yoga Sutras || 17 April 2009

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Ananda, subject which was described, taught again and again and again by almost all the masters, by almost all the masters. There is so much to tell about Ananda. I am just feeling what to tell, what to leave. First, few understandings. The first thing which is needed for Ananda is that feeling life is good. Just look inside. Whenever you felt life is good, what was your mood? How did it happen? How did you feel? How did you experience? Why sometimes you feel life is good? How it is not happening in some other times? What is the component, elements or ideas responsible to make you feel life is good?


Suddenly sometime you see your whole body is overflowing, mind is overflowing, whole thing is too much, the energy is too much, the understanding is too much, life is too much. The continuously the problems which are sitting in front of your mental eye…you see, just like a physical eye, 120 degree vision you have, there is a mental eye. I can say, even I. Not only e y e, ‘I’. In front of your mental eye, constantly there will be just few fears and greeds sitting. It will always be sitting. If there are new fears or greed, it will be replaced. If there are some other new fears or greed, that will be replaced but there will be few guys, few fears and greed. Constantly it will be sitting. Constantly you will be seeing only them, addressing only them. You maybe.... whatever you may be doing in your life but internally that struggle between them will be going on: them and you. They will be just sitting on you continuously. Whole day from morning till night you will be thinking only about them, about those fears, those greeds, those problems. It will be there just continuously internally going on and on and on and on.


Sometime, some reason, because of one greed completely being fulfilled or one fear completely disappearing, suddenly your mind will start believing all the fears have no hold on you or all the greeds have no power over you. That faith, that confidence when it happens, those few hours only you feel life is good. Understand, I am describing exactly as it is happening inside you. I am videographing and describing clearly. You have some fears, some greed inside you sitting. Constantly you are brooding, brooding, brooding, brooding, brooding and playing with them.


Suddenly due to some incident, some happening or some understanding, some incident in the outer world, maybe suddenly you won the lottery and few million dollars you got or you won the person’s love you were always expecting, you got the green signal from the other side in the outer world or in the inner world, suddenly some understanding, strong understanding, a clarity or the energy of the master, something explodes. Due to some reason which happened in the outer world or in the inner world, one of your strong fear or greed, when it gives way, when it loses its power over you, suddenly you have confidence that all greeds have no power over me, all fears have no power over me. You feel free. Those few hours or those few days you feel life is good, life is good, life is overflowing. Ananda, what Patanjali calls Ananda is experienced by you.


Sometime, rarely there are different ways you experience the Ananda. The other day, I was walking with one of My devotee, from where I am staying to the temple in the Ashram, Bangalore Ashram. From My quarters to the temple I was walking. This guy was walking with Me. He is a close disciple and he was asking Me, “Swamiji, please do something. I myself don't know my problem. You read my problem and answer me.” Usually I don't do reading the mind. Two reason: one, I don't want to interfere in their privacy. Second, who want to read all the junk? Two reason I never look into the minds of the people. Because he begged, “Please guide me Swamiji, I need little guidance,” I said, “Alright, don't worry. I will look.”


I was just seeing what is going on inside. First scene. Morning when he was walking with Me, I will describe exactly as it happened. Then you will understand the logic of Ananda. If the logic of Ananda is understood, you can bring it back again and again and again. I will describe as it happened. Then you will understand what Patanjali means by this word Samprajnata Samadhi and Ananda. Don't be afraid of these Sanskrit words, too big, big words. I am translating. You understand the translation, and english word. That is enough and these words are too big and it has two many different meanings. I will describe exactly what has happened. I was walking with that guy, holding his hand. That guy was enjoying.


I saw the complication. The problem which was there in front of his mental eye is, he was in love with some girl. That girl is not giving green signal and this guy is really in love and the green signal did not come from the other side. He is feeling, “She is not understanding me. I am so open and available, sending so many signals but she is not understanding.” And this hangover, understand, it is really a terrible pain, terrible suffering. When I look into this guy’s, then I understand, “Oh God! How blessed to have an Enlightened Consciousness!” No, really. You see, It's not that you fall in love only once before marriage or.... then you marry…. It is all you can talk to the society in the outer world. People continuously people are falling in love at least once in fifteen days. No, really. Somewhere or the other here-there, here-there, here-there, continuously you are falling in love and you just balance it, that's all. You just balance it saying some logic, some reason and too risky, too costly.


See, you justify and you give some reason but your inner space is not civilized. It is not ready to get conditioned. It is not ready to believe your conditioning. You say, “No, no, no. I am gentleman. I am this, I am that. I am married man, I am very honest, I cannot cheat.” There are so many words you create, so many ideas you create, so many tendencies you create, so many conditions you create, so many walls you create but your inner space is pure, simple, innocent. When it sees somebody, it just falls in love. What can be done? Nothing can be done and this poor guy is in love and one nice thing, he is unmarried. So he has a chance. So he tried. He tried to express and he is not got the green signal and that problem was occupying his whole mental eye.


See, the 120 degree vision….usually the 120 degree vision you have in front of the eyes. If his mental eye is 120 degree vision, the whole 120 degree was occupied by this one girl's picture, a huge cutout and he was filled with that one idea and he was walking with Me. I went to the temple. Usually I spend little time in the... under the banyan tree and I just go around, do namaskar, stand and look. Our banyan tree is My romance. I always spend little time under the tree and whoever comes, if they are standing under banyan tree, they know that I will not say no anything under banyan tree. Anything they ask, it is given, whether they want to do namaskar or some boon or blessing or counseling, I will not say no and these guys, they know My weak points where.... and I will spend little time with the people and give them one hug or just whatever they ask. Anyhow, I came back and this guy was walking with Me.


After ten minutes, he got the phone call that his house is in trouble. That he had a house and he bought some money for… he got some money as a loan for that house. That was in trouble. I was just studying what goes on inside him. The moment he got the call, he got completely shaken that his house is going to be taken away, he is going to be homeless now, the home is going to go away. Within few seconds, I saw that girl has disappeared. The whole 120 degree vision of the mental eye, his house is there, full big picture, the huge flux of his house photograph, huge billboard of his house photograph. I was just looking what is going on, let Me see. That insecurity, the fear, whole thing was up and it was playing and he came and told Me, “Swamiji, this is the problem is going on.” I just said, “Don't bother, it will become alright.” I told him, “Why don't you talk to this person, that person, that two-three people whom, who are like a our devotees, who can… who has say in this problem, who can sort out the issue. And he called those few people. I also told, “Please do something. He is our guy. Why don't you help him out?” So just few phone calls. In two hours, the whole problem got solved. The house problem got solved.


Suddenly, I saw.... actually I thought once the house problem got solved, that girl's picture will come back. That's what you may be also thinking logically. That is what you may be also thinking. Now this house picture is removed and the girl’s billboard will land but please understand, that did not happen. That did not happen. Because the house problem was a survival threat, when that got solved, I saw this old picture did not land. This fellow was enjoying that peace, that security, that joy for such a long time, the fear or greed, the earlier things which he was suffering did not come up in his inner space. I was actually shocked. I was shocked. I thought once this problem is solved, immediately that problem will land and he will start brooding over about that again. Then I studied his inner space, what is really happening, why it did not come back.


Please understand, when a big wave comes and hits a small wave, the things which are carried in the small waves goes to the extreme, to the corner and after that, till that big wave’s energy settles down, small wave’s energy cannot come back. The love affair was a luxury. The home problem was survival. When the survival problem came, such a tremendous energy release happened in the system. When that got solved, he was just relaxed. That Ananda was happening inside in his inner space, that inner space with no billboards. The pure inner space suddenly which feels if you settle down, come out of one insecurity, get released from one fear, that joy, that peace, that bliss, I can say, around two and half days, he was in that joy. Then after two and half days, again she is back! Now he can afford luxurious things. Understand, his basic things are okay, settled. Now he can afford luxurious things. Now he says, “I am worrying about her. What to do?”


I understood the whole science. Please understand, when I saw the whole thing, I understood an important truth. This is the click. This is the key. If a strong wave, energy wave happens inside you, releasing you from one insecurity, one fear or one greed, one desire, that gives sudden courage and energy to your inner space. You can constantly reside in that space for at least next few days. As long as that courage is maintained, you are in Ananda. Please understand, this is the logic of Ananda. So all you need to do in your life, bring the courage, bring the memory, remember you can handle your fear and greed. It is handleable. It is inside your energy. It is inside your space, inside your being.


Please understand, if you have lived for last so many years, naturally now you have experience of so many years. It is not that last so many years you lived without fear and greed, you lived with that. So now you have experience of that… those fifty-sixty years. Naturally you can live with that experience further. If you can bring that confidence to you, that clarity to you, you can see that Ananda happening inside you, Ananda happening inside you. I have described exactly as it happened in him. You can internalize and compare and see how it happens in you. Usually after that house problem gets settled, you yourself start contemplating, “I am supposed to have that girl back in my inner space. Why I am not still having?” Your expectation only if she comes back and the billboard is back, you are settled. Till then, you yourself don't feel comfortable. Understand, you yourself don't feel comfortable. Relax from that.


When a wave happens, when the clarity happens, when you are relaxed from a fear or a greed, that continues to stay inside you for quite a few days. Understand, when that happens in you and stays inside you for quite few hours or few days, enjoy that, rejoice in that, celebrate that mood, encourage that mood, cooperate with it. It will start staying more and more inside you…. I am giving you a very strong, intense, important clues for living Ananda, living bliss. Whenever it happens, you see, it is happening inside you again and again many days, many time. Don't think it is not happening. Don't think it is not happening. You may strongly believe, “No, no, no, I never experienced joy, Swamiji.” No, you are experiencing. Because of your strong decision, you may not allow it to come up. You are experiencing. Constantly it is happening. That Ananda is happening.


Many time when a new wave comes, when the overflowing happens, suddenly you see Ananda is there. Allow it, live it, experience it. Allow it to flow on your being. Cooperate with it. Rejoice. Feel good you have Ananda. Just have a small write up on your bedroom, ‘Today I am in Ananda. It may stay till tomorrow evening.’ So I am in celebrating mood. Just cooperate with it. Know it is going to stay at least two days. Then you will see after two-three experience, it stays for few more days. After few experience, it stays for few weeks. So when you celebrate, first time, see how many hours it stays. Then know, “Arey, now it is going to stay at least for this many hours.” Instead if you are waiting, “No, no, no, usually it comes back in half an hour. Still I don't know why it is not back.” Then you don't rejoice, cooperate with that bliss mood. Ananda, the idea, life is good, feeling life is good, feeling whole life is auspicious, life is not cheating us, Existence is not cheating us, we are in hands of a loving, caring, compassionate energy. This feeling is what I call Ananda.
