April 09 2004

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Recognize Your Beauty || Part 1 || Shakti Spurana Convention || 09 Apr 2004


Name Of The Convention : Shakti Spurana
Session on: Recognise Your Beauty
Date : 09 April 2004
Venue : Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda gives a discourse on recognizing that you are beautiful, and the dangers that come when you try and compare your appearance or any part of you, with anybody else. We also get a small insight into how we live our lives today, can be affirming for the birth we choose to take next.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Drop the idea that somebody else's body is beautiful. As long as you have the idea some other body is beautiful you will continue to struggle, struggle, struggle, struggle, struggle. Even after death you will worry, “What dress they are going to put on me, I don't know.” You will write a will and create life insurance. Anyhow, when you have the idea somebody else's body is beautiful, even after death you cannot relax. Even after death you cannot relax. Understand, your body is beautiful. Your body is enough. You are beautiful unto yourself. This is the way God has chiseled you. This is the way God has created you. This is the masterpiece from the master of the universe. You can never be intelligent than the Whole. Can you be intelligent than God? Can you be intelligent than the Whole? Part can never be intelligent than the Whole.


Each one decides the way in which they want to live before taking birth and based on that, the body is created. If you live, if you live your whole life just by eating, eating, eating, doing nothing except eating, such big coca-cola bottle, such big starbucks coffee, such big that…what is that.... No not only McDonald's, chips, potato chips and burgers building like a storey, multi story burgers and if you continuously, continuously eat, eat, eat and spend your whole life just by eating. I always tell, there are two kinds of people: people who eat to live, people who live to eat. If you spend your whole life just by eating, naturally what you will think? Next janma even if I take one more body what am I going to do? I am going to eat. Let me take the pig body. I can eat lot. So you choose to take the pig birth. Actually that is the way you decide.


You see, the way in which you live, based on that you decide your next body and if you live whole life just sleeping, what do you think? After all, I am going to sleep. Let me have a better body which can help me to sleep. Buffalo body is the best body. It is based on which.... the attitude with which you live. Based on that you decide. So some people, they do not want to take the responsibility of some parts of the body. So they leave that and come and one more thing, if you had a.... if you had suffered too much because of your leg pain in past janma, next time you think, better let me not have that portion at all and let me give you a incident which has happened. It is not a story. It is a history. In America it happened.


In one NSP, one of our devotee…. in the NSP we talk about the guilt, how the people feel guilty about their life and we open up the… our guilts. One lady actually she was suffering for twenty two years, having a tumor in muladhara. She is having a tumor, she was having a tumor in the muladhara. For twenty two years she was suffering even after surgery. Once she underwent surgery but again it came back. The tumor came. She is suffering and she did NSP. Actually when we were opening up our guilt layer, she started speaking about she being abused sexually when she was a very small girl. When she was a girl she has been abused sexually by some of her own relative and that continued, continued, continued for more than ten years. That created such deep guilt and energy blockage in her muladhara, she says, “I always hated that portion. I feel in that in my body if I can somehow remove that muladhara area and throw it away, I will be happy.” She hated that portion so much and she opened up this guilt and she wept like anything and finally I spoke to her and I spoke to her. I said, “Don't worry, now you opened up your guilt. It will be healed.”


When you open in front of the Master's energy, guilt simply get flushed away because guilt is a low energy. When you open it, it just gets flushed. It is cleansed, it is cleared. I said, “It is cleared now, don't worry.” That very opening is enough. You will be surprised, in eleven days the tumor disappeared. It has disappeared and already six months over, it has never come back. It has not come back. It got healed. It is not there now. Twenty years of tumor disappeared. I just gave her one small meditation technique. I told her, “Don't do anything. Just sit and meditate in that area and not only that, stop hating that area. You are supposed to hate that person, not yourself. You are supposed to hate only that person, not yourself. Don't hate your body. Sit in the bathtub. Just sit and feel you are inhaling and exhaling through the hip area, through the muladhara area so that the awareness can be awakened, the hatred can be removed. The disconnection can be again bridged. The connection can again happen.” You will be surprised, in eleven days tumor disappeared.


Understand this incident. This will make you understand hating the body is no way going to help you. I was answering your question. The people who hate some portion of their bodies due to some, like this incident they come without that part. That is the problem. Q: So it's kind of like our own doing? Swamiji: Yes, own misunderstanding, not even doing, own misunderstanding. Now let Me explain the next step in the concept of somebody else being beautiful, concept of the beauty. You can't even drink a cup of water using the other body. Can you? No, even if he or she is beautiful you cannot do anything about it. This is the instrument you have. This instrument is the instrument with which you live. With this only you can eat. With this only you can live. With this only you can enjoy the planet earth, you can enjoy the life. So why do you bother so much about somebody else's body?


There is a beautiful book written by one doctor, Louis L Hay, ‘You can heal yourself.’ Any of you have read that book? I feel she is a lady who attained satori. She is a lady at least one satori she must have had because I can never expect a doctor who has never read anything of Eastern religion so clear in her ideologies. She herself underwent cancer. She had cancer when she was young and she overcame the cancer and she healed herself and not only she got healed herself and the techniques which she used, she has brought it out and she is helping thousands of people to heal also with that techniques and not only that she has done a deep research, scientific research and proved everything.


Whatever Patanjali and Tantra says, the major concepts, she has done everything by research, by working with a group of disciples or group of patients, by observing the report, reading, everything. She has presented so beautifully. How many of you have read that book ‘You can heal yourself?’ Wonderful lady! I felt that she is a lady at least... if she would have been in India, she would have been respected as a saint but at least this I can say, every bit... I read page by page. Every bit is our wisdom of the masters, ancient masters but one thing, she brought it in a modern term. In a beautiful way she presented. You can go through. Anyhow, in that she says, the moment you start thinking somebody else's body is beautiful, you implant the seed of cancer inside you. You sow the seed of cancer inside you because you stop living inside your body totally. You start living like a ghost. It is truth.


I tell you from My own personal experience, from My own personal experience. Let Me tell you one of My fantasy. Before enlightenment, I always had a fantasy about Vivekananda. I should look like Vivekananda. I should talk like Vivekananda. I should... what to say that.... dress like Vivekananda, all those things, before enlightenment. And after enlightenment, when I was scanning My old mental setup and all those things, the day I started thinking that I should become like Vivekananda, I should think like Vivekananda, the uneasiness which started in My body was there till I became enlightened. Only when I became enlightened, the craze stopped and I became Vivekananda. Only when the idea that I should look like Vivekananda dropped, I became Vivekananda. I tell you, this is My personal experience. I do not know how much you will be able to understand. In My mind I could analyze and find out.


Forget about this, what you said.... Berlin Munro, all these names, even Vivekananda. If you think that you should become like somebody, you should look like somebody, then you are in trouble. Look as you are. Be as you are. Your body is beautiful unto itself. Appreciate your body. Learn to appreciate yourself. I think this meditation ladies can do easily. You can stand always in front of mirror very easily. Yes… Q: Is there a negative thing that happens like if you look if you would be while it is said if you look at a body that is like something you don’t want to be like somebody was obese and you look at them and say, Oh! I hope I never look like that.” Swamiji: Again that is the problem. Again, again you are going to create a problem. Even when you are creating a fear, you are creating the imprint inside you. There is no need. There is no need to be afraid. You see, the fear and greed both are standing topsy turvy, that's all. Fear when it stands topsy turvy it is a greed. The greed when it stands topsy turvy, fear. Fear and greed are one and the same, maybe two sides of same coin. So, same way, if you have a greed or you have fear, you are in trouble. You are in trouble.


I think mostly we have only greed. Fear is very less but according to Me, at least mostly only greed we have. Usually we have only greed and even I should not look like that means you should look like something. That something is a greed. So root is the greed. First thing, drop and next thing, once in a while, stand in front of mirror and appreciate your body, appreciate your body. Do you see the kids how they are alive? You see, if you see the kids, they are alive or the life which is there in the cheek, the same life will be there in the feet also. The shining, the alive, the life in the cheek and the feet will be same. You can't differentiate but look at your body. The life in the cheek and life in the leg because you don't live in your whole body. You don't live in your whole body. Kids are alive in their cheeks and feet. You are dead in both. That is the problem. They are alive. They are just living, bubbling because they don't have idea that they should look like somebody, they are supposed to become like somebody.


The moment the idea enters you should become like somebody, you should look like somebody, a deep tension starts happening inside you and I tell you from My personal experience, I know many supermodels, many so-called at least in India, not America in India, many so-called supermodels or many models, actors very closely. They also suffer the same trouble. You crave seeing them. They are craving seeing somebody else. Be very clear, you crave seeing them and they crave seeing somebody else and just before coming to States, one very famous guy, he is a actor and supermodel. He came to the Ashram to give farewell. He was telling Me, “Swamiji”... he was seeing our DVD wrappers and he was sitting and talking with Me. “Swamiji, even we don't allow to take such close up shots. If you come to the field of acting, we all have to leave the field and we should become a swamy.” I told him, “Arey, fool! My main teaching itself don't look at the other body and you are coming and looking at Me and passing this comment. I am teaching you and before I finish My teaching, you works against the teaching on Me.” I told him, “Surely don't be afraid. I won't come to your field. That is different and second thing, don't be... people are crazy of your form. You are crazy of some other form. That is not going to work.”


Craving or seeing thinking somebody else is beautiful will make you as a split personality, will not let your intelligence, bio intelligence be totally alive. You will not appreciate, enjoy your whole body totally. A simple meditation technique to do two work. First work is to cleanse the energy blockages. Throughout your body there are so many energy blockages. Like a blood clot, there is a thing called energy clot, the energy blockages. If you can remove these energy clots, energy blockages, naturally your inborn healing tendency will be awakened. Your healing, the innate healing habit will be awakened. The quality of self-healing, the power to heal yourself will increase. That is the first step. Second step, awakening the intelligence part by part, how are you going to do?



Recognize Your Beauty || Part 2 || Shakti Spurana || 09 April 2004


Name Of The Convention : Shakti Spurana
Title : Recognise Your Beauty Part 2
Date : 09 April 2004
Venue : Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda guides the delegates of the Shakti Spurana Program through a guided meditation to cleanse any energy blockages and start the process of self-healing. His Divine Holiness also explains that this meditation technique can awaken your intelligence.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



There is a idea in Patanjali. Every part of your body is independently breathing: inhaling and exhaling. It is very strange but truth. Every part of your.... don't think you are breathing only through nose. Through nose you take the air, through the whole body you take the air energy. Prana does not mean air. Prana means air energy. Please be very clear, prana means air energy. According to Patanjali, every pore takes the prana and sucks the prana and leaves the apana. It does that breathing- inhaling and exhaling. It takes the ether directly from the cosmos. Actually I had My own doubt, is this true?


I met a yogi who was under the ground in Uttar Karnataka. He stayed in under the ground in a closed type container for one full year. One full year no food, no water, no air. He stayed inside one full year. After the one full year, when he came out, suddenly, actually when he came out, he had My Darshan. Strange. I never knew him. He had My Darshan. He came to the Ashram to see Me and to have the blessings. When he was.... he came. I asked him, “How did you manage to do this? How are you able to do that?” He said, “This is the Sutra, Swamiji.” This is the Patanjali yoga sutra only. Then I understood even for modern men it is alive.


Then later on, I started scanning that technique consciously. Then I was able to understand, when ordinary plant can produce energy directly from Sun, why not your body? It is intelligent. It has got intelligence. When you can awaken this intelligence, naturally you will take.... food intake will be less. All our devotees, they come and tell Me, “Swamiji, after the ASP, the food intake has become so less but I am feeling alive, energetic. Food intake has become less. I have become little lean but I am alive and energetic. I am fresh.” Once the body intelligence is awakened, you don't need much food from outside. You don't need to put the stuff continuously inside. You don't need to stuff your body.


We will do meditation technique which is two step, which has got two step. First step is, from the toe to head, step by step by step, we will tense and release the energy blockages, energy clots. We will concentrate on it, tense, maximum pressure, create the maximum pressure in every region so that whatever energy clots are there, let them be evaporated. Create the pressure as if you will burst. We will go from toe to head cleansing the energy clots and then, from head to toe inhaling and exhaling. That is going to be very tricky. You should visualize, if I say ‘head,’ you are expected to visualize only this top portion, crown portion is inhaling and exhaling. Breathe through that area. Feel you are inhaling the prana, exhaling the prana through that region, every pore, every hair hole, every pore is inhaling and exhaling. Feel your head is shrinking and expanding through inhaling and exhaling.


Visualize it step by step. Then eyes. Visualize you are inhaling the prana, exhaling the apana through eyes. Then ears. Step by step by step, continuously visualize, continuously visualize, continuously inhale and exhale. Continuously step by step, finish the whole body. Don't stop at any portion at any time. Whether you are going from here to tensing or coming from there to here relaxing, don't stop. One more thing, after the leg, if I come to knee, remember only the knee. Forget about that leg. Don't bother about it. Don't think you should relax it. Don't think you should tighten it. Forget about it. Remember only the portion which I am guiding you. Step by step by step, we will go up and come down. Any doubt in the instruction? We can start? I will guide you step by step.


Please tie the ribbon. Anybody diabetic? You can go and eat if you want something. Start breathing as slowly and as deeply. Inhale and exhale as slowly as possible, as deeply as possible. Let your hands be relaxed in the side. Start breathing as slowly and as deeply as possible. If you have heart problem, if you are a heart patient or expected mother only then. Otherwise put your whole effort and do it. Anybody else? Any experience? Let us analyze that.


Participant: My body was trembling, feel very cold and I cannot stop it Swamiji: We stopped the AC, Ma. Not because of AC. Participant: Cold feel very cold, icy feeling Swamiji: No, we switched off the AC. See, we switched off. Actually for My sake they switched it off. Just before starting the meditation, I told switch it off. When the prana flow starts, you become more cool and your whole being becomes cool.


Participant: Does it trembles the whole body? Swamiji: Naturally. Participant: XXXX(not clear low volume) Swamiji: Wherever you have the blockages, wherever the pains are blocked, it will be released. Participant: I had a accident in July and I had a pain over here. It reduced but… Swamiji: You will see that it will disappear now. It will simply disappear. It will erupt out and disappear. Participant: XXXX(not clear low volume) Swamiji: That's nice. Visualization will help you.


Whenever you find time, you see, when you are sitting and watching a movie or talking, walking, driving... Especially in this country, half of your life will be spent in driving only. You don't need to do the first step. Be very clear. There is no need for doing the first step. Second step you can do it directly. There is no need for first step. Just second step. Just visualize your whole body is inhaling and exhaling. Your whole body is porous and taking the energy and releasing it. You will see immediately you will be fresh and alive. That is first thing and lie down in the bathtub with full water and do the same meditation. Your body will take the water energy. Skin diseases will be healed. And apart from the skin disease getting healed, water energy will be taken in. Your body will take the water energy. Water is not water energy, understand. There are subtle energies, the Jalashakti. Water energy will be taken by your body. Your body will have more water energy. At least just lie down ten minutes and allow the water energy to go in and come out.



Is this a dream or reality? || Part 1 || Shakti Spurana Convention || 09 Apr 2004


Name Of The Convention: Shakti Spurana
Session on: Differences between dream state and waking state
Date: 09 April 2004
Venue: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam candidly answers questions from delegates of the Shakti Spurana Convention on the meaning and nature of the dream state and how that differs from the waking state. HDH challenges delegates to provide any contradictions to his hypothesis that the stuff out of which dreams are made is the same stuff out of which the world is made. The ensuing questions and conversation reveal many sacred truths about the nature of existence.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Swamiji: Yes.. Q: When I visit the Ashram I never dream even though I want to. Why? Swamiji: You see, dreams have no meaning except these two. Sometimes some red light from the superconscious slips, superconscious penetrates the unconscious. Then it has got some meaning. When you touch the glimpse of your higher being, when you get the glimpse of your higher being, in the dream, sometimes it penetrates the dream and expresses itself in your being. If it does not, there is nothing wrong. You don't have to worry about it. And if you want to dream, you will create dream and see. That is not real vision.


Q: Why do we not have control over what happens in our dreams? Swamiji: One thing, the frequency of ‘I’ is much less than the frequency of thoughts. The frequency of thoughts is more. That is why, thoughts are just taking you away. You can't do anything. You are just guided. You can't do anything. The moment you try to stand on your legs, you try to understand, “No, I am not going to fall from the cliff,” you wake up. You wake up.


Q: If we remember something important, we wake up in the middle of sleeping. Why? Swamiji: Then it means waking body is entering into the subtle body. Even that is not good. Subtle body should be given its own place and space. Waking body should not interfere into the subtle body. Q: What is the reason for that? Swamiji: Because you see, you wanted so many things to be done in the waking body, too much of desire to get attached to the waking body. It disturbs the subtle body. It comes into the space of subtle body. All the three, if they are given enough of your attention, you will never have problem and confusion between each other. When something is lacking, each one jumps on the other and tries to take its attention or her space. Naturally then you are in trouble. Q: Swamiji, some people say early morning dreams come true. Is there any truth to that? Swamiji: No, no, no.


Q: Sometimes I fall asleep thinking about a work problem and when I wake up, I have the answer. I kind of like that. Swamiji: But according to Me, it is not a healthy way of living. That time should be allotted for the dream and for the subconscious and unconscious process. It should not have any unnecessary interference from the physical layer. The more you try to utilize that two space, the more you will only feel sickness. You may like because you are having utility. It becomes a useful time but surely harnessing those energies unconsciously will not help. When you are having a dream, it should not be continuation of your waking state. He says that I solve my problems there. It should not happen there. It should be a some sort of relief for your regular mental setup. It should be a vacation for you. It should not be a continuous work. It should be a weekend for you. It should not be day, weekday for you. That is more healthy.


Try to just… whenever you feel satisfied because you did something in the dream and It helped you, try to stop, try to hate that. Tell your mind, “No, take rest at that time. You don't have to work.” Just have a good vacation. Then automatically you will see the attitude will change. If you encourage, the same thing will continue. There is every chance you will be just possessed by the job which you do which is not good actually. You need some vacation. You need some, something to change and the mechanism automatically, there is natural mechanism inside you which wants to give you a change in the rest. So you must have the change and rest. Otherwise there is a chance of becoming mad. Sorry but it is the truth because you will be possessed by single idea, there is a chance of becoming mad and if you are possessed by a higher ideal, there is a chance of becoming enlightened. But at least these ordinary ideas will not give you enlightenment.


Q: Are there any beings around us with no physical bodies? Swamiji: Yes, with no physical body there are beings who stay with just these two bodies. Let Me explain. If a person is supposed to live hundred years and he commits suicide or he is killed in forty years itself, other sixty years he has to live without physical body with just subtle body and causal body. One important thing you have to understand, they cannot harm you. Please be very clear, they cannot harm you. It is your fear towards them makes you feel they may harm you.They cannot harm you because they are lower level. They have sixty six acre only. You have hundred acre, you understand? You are much bigger person than them. See, you have all the three body- physical, mental and causal. They have only two body. So naturally they are weaker than you. How can they disturb you but your idea about them is given by horror movies. Please be very clear, no horror movie is true. Spirits cannot disturb you. Except your faith in them, no other disturbance can happen to you by spirits. The power of negativity is only one thing, your faith on them, that's all.


Q: Can they communicate with us or help us? Swamiji: Yes, they can help you. They can communicate with you. They can relate with you but they can never harm you because you are superior being and actually they are afraid of you. Actually they are afraid of you and I tell you from My experience. Only living people disturb us, never dead people. Living people only disturb us, never dead people. Dead people never disturb us. So they can never harm you, they can never disturb you. Yes...


Q: Kids day dream, is it related to night dreams? Swamiji: If the depth of the night dreaming is too much means there will be naturally height of the day dreaming. The day dreaming and night dreaming is very closely related. If the day dreaming is too much, then you will have deep night dreaming. If you dream less, then in the day also there will be less dream. Children need more dreams to cope up with reality. Mainly their visualization is disturbed by this education, by the... when you start getting ready in the line of logic or the verbalization, their visualization gets destroyed. So they need some support to hold on. They start dreaming. They start dreaming.


Q: Swamiji, if I dream about falling off a cliff, why do I wake up before I am harmed? Swamiji: By the time the fear comes to the peak Ma, you become aware of it. The awareness comes up. Then you are out. And here also, in the life also, if you come to the present moment, any bad incident which is supposed to happen in your life can be stopped and can be turned. Same thing what you see in the dream can happen here. One important insight which you need to understand. Again the same tribal people with whom I lived. They have a habit. There is a…. center of the village, there is a temple. If you hurt somebody, if you disturb somebody in your dreams, next day morning, you come to the temple, call that person and you ask him to forgive you. You offer some flowers and fruits to him, some gift to you... to him and ask him to forgive you. Strange habit! I asked them, “What is this? You hurt him only in the dream. Why are you asking him to forgive in the daytime?” You will be surprised. He gave a statement, shocking statement. Only a enlightened man can give. He said, “What are you talking? Dreams are made of the same stuff in which world is made. World is made of same stuff in which dreams are made.” Understand, it is very difficult for us to understand but truth. Let Me tell you a small story:


One Zen master, early morning he woke up from his bed, started weeping like anything. He started shouting, crying. All disciple ran to him, “Why are you weeping? Why are you weeping? What happened to you? You are enlightened person. You cannot cry.” Poor fellows, they can't even cry just because they are enlightened. You cannot cry. People have got weird ideas about enlightenment…. Anyhow, “You cannot cry. What happened?” He said, “Oh! Yesterday night, I dreamt I have become butterfly.” He said, “What is there? After all it is nothing wrong. It is a dream. Over! Now you are alright. Now you are here. Why should you bother about it? Forget about it. Enjoy this moment. Forget, don't bother. Why should you bother? It is a dream.” Then the master says, “The problem is, I do not know whether I dreamt I became butterfly or that butterfly is dreaming now it has become master. I don't have clarity. That is why I am weeping.”


Understand, actually there is no guarantee you are sitting and listening My discourse. There is no guarantee you are attending My discourse. It can be dream. Don't say, “I can pinch and see.” Even in the dreams you can pinch and see. What is the guarantee that what is happening now is a waking, not a dream, tell Me. Q: We might be a part of somebody's big dream. Swamiji: Hmm? Q: We might be a part of somebody's big dream. Swamiji: Or your dream, your dream. Q: Color Swamiji: Yes, color? When you dream actually you see in multicolor only. Only when you wake up, you don't remember. The dream you will remember multi colour only. Q: So it could be a vision? Swamiji: If you remember in multicolor only then, it is vision. Analyze this idea. I give a hypothesis now. Dreams are made of same stuff in which world is made and the world is made of the same stuff in which dreams are made. Any contradiction if you have, come up. Let us analyze. Yes...


Q: Dreams are individual, Sixty five people can't be having the same dream. Swamiji: Understand, in the dream, you think that it is individual? Dream also you can see ten people. What sixty five, seventy you can see. Q: But they can’t all be having the same dream. Swamiji: You see, one thing, you say now it is not same dream. When you see in the dream different people, different people actually have different parts. Am I right? Different people actually have different parts. Then what do you say about it? Q: And you don't know how other people here are perceiving this dream. You only know how you are. Swamiji: Yes


Q: If this were a dream, we wouldn’t have any control because we don't have any control when we sleep. Swamiji: One thing, you mean to say here you have control and there you don't have control? Q: Yes, because the dream would abort. Swamiji: One thing, in that dream also don't think you don't have control. When you come out, you don't have control. When you are in it, you have control. Now if you become enlightened, then you don't have control on this. In that, the time within a very short limit, you come out. You are thrown out. So you say it is a dream. Here in after ten janma or twelve janma, you are thrown out. You become enlightened. Then you say it is a dream. So only the time gap is little less or more and again one more thing, let Me give one more argument and give the answer also. Before that let Me answer her question, yes....


Q: If I am seeing a circle or the color blue is everyone else seeing a circle and the color blue? Swamiji: If everybody else is also seeing the same blue, even if it is that, it can be dream because in the dream whomsoever you are seeing, you see, in the dream you see a tiger and run. Your friend also will see a tiger and run with you. It is not that you cannot say it is a waking state. In the dream you and your friend, both of you see a tiger. Both of you run. Am I right? Q: If this is a dream then how is it that everyone is perceiving things the same way? Swamiji: There is no need it should be different.


Q: Why is it we all see a circle as a circle and blue color as blue? Is it collective consciousness? Swamiji: You see, because you are taught it is a blue. Q: Everybody else is taught the same way? Swamiji: Yes. One thing, if you see this, in My mind, the word ‘manjal’ only rises, not the yellow. Then it gets translated. In your mind, ‘yellow’ rises. In My mind, only Tamil word rises. So I can say it is manjal, tamil word for yellow and you can say it is yellow but when we speak in the same language, we use the same word, that's all. What we see, what we think can be different but because we speak in the same language, we understand the same thing. And that, I may tell that is a circle. You may have your own word but circle is a circle. Because both are taught it is a circle, we think it is a circle.


Q: What if you were taught something else? Swamiji: Naturally I will see that as different. I will have a different name. Q: If a baby were born and kept completely in isolation and taught something different? Swamiji: Surely it will have different words and different ideas. Q: But these are not just words. Why do You, me and everyone perceive it the same way? Why is it not completely different? Swamiji: Of course, in a subtle way, there is a complete, there is a different perception. Whether the perception is different or same, the argument this is dream stands. That is what I want to prove. Don’t bother about whether we are seeing differently or same way. That let us not bother about it. Let us bother about this idea, analyze this.



Is this a dream or reality? || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 09 April 2004


Title: Is this a dream or reality? Part 2 Name Of The Convention: Shakti Spurana Session on: Differences between dream state and waking state Date: 09 April 2004 Venue: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam candidly answers questions from delegates of the Shakti Spurana Convention on the meaning and nature of the dream state and how that differs from the waking state. HDH challenges delegates to provide any contradictions to his hypothesis that the stuff out of which dreams are made is the same stuff out of which the world is made. The ensuing questions and conversation reveal many sacred truths about the nature of existence.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Swamiji: Please tell Me. Q: If someone calls and asks me a question at night and I give an answer but the next morning I don't remember giving an answer. What is that? Swamiji: It means you answered in the half mind. You answered as automatic system. Many time the question-answer becomes automattic system especially when you are doctor, you know the... Q: Is it the real world meeting with the dream world? Swamiji: Ah yes, it can be said that there is a automatic mechanism between that area so that automatic mechanism takes over. You see driving, when you start learning, you learn with so many rules. Then after few days, you see, it becomes a automatic mechanism. Q: But you are still awake when you are driving. Swamiji: No, no, no. There is no need to be awake too much. There is no need to be awake too much. Little, half you can have and only if you see cops, you can... till that time you can manage. So that is the way you manage that.


Q: I have a problem sleeping at night. If I get stuck in my dream and wake up, I can’t fall back asleep. Swamiji: Again the waking body intervening. That is what I say, that... the waking body entering into the dream body. The whole day working, it blocks it. You try to work throughout the day. You try to use even the dream time for utility sake which should not be.


Q: Why sometimes when you are sleeping and you want to wake up but you can't and there is a feeling of weight pushing you down? Swamiji: Pressing? You see, you left the subtle body but you are not fully.... you have not fully entered into the waking body. Then you get that feeling. Disconnection has happened and connection has not happened. You are disconnected from waking body…. you have disconnected from subtle body and you are entering into the physical body and trying to possess the whole physical body. You are in the transit period. That is the time you try to possess the physical body quickly because you are always afraid of leaving physical body. In physical body, you enjoy more. So you are always afraid. You try to possess it quickly. When you try to possess it quickly, the pressure. It will be just for one hour two kshanas. Again you will see you are alright. Yes...


Q: That happens to me only in the daytime when I sleep, not at night. Swamiji: Because only in that time you suffer the transit period. In the night time the transit happens quickly it means. Q: If you force yourself to sleep only three or four hours a day over time do you lose your sleep? Swamiji: No, there is a clear proof. Now the psychologists are proving, any normal human being can sleep just for two hours a day and keep his physical and mental health properly and in a beautiful way. They are proving. In the Ashram, in the Ashram we worked on it. When I speak about the third body, I will tell about this and I will give you a technique also. If you want, you can work with it, a full proof, solid technique.


Q: What happens when people have out of body experiences and then they shake and are able to come back into their body? Swamiji: Again, if they are able to remember it with a four color, they have traveled. Otherwise they think they have traveled. Q: Some people say that whatever they read or listen to before falling asleep impacts them. Swamiji: That will be the first thought when you come back. Actually it is like a airport. From Oklahoma, if you take off from the airport, it can land only in the airport. Only from the airports you can take off. In the same airport you will land in the runway. Your last thought is a runway from where you have taken off.


Q: Can you memorize something better if you listen to it just before falling asleep? Swamiji: Oh! At that time? Yes, actually when you slip into unconscious if you put some idea into you, that goes on, goes on, goes on inside you, you pick up. That starts working in you. That is true. Q: So it would actually be a good idea to listen to, Your teachings at that time? Swamiji: Yes, you can listen My teachings when you sleep but don't sleep when you listen My teachings. When you go for sleeping, listen My teachings, nothing wrong but when you listen My teachings don't sleep. Yes...


Q: We think this is reality, not a dream because we keep discovering new things like new stars. Swamiji: You think in the dream state, you don't do all these things? Q: In a dream I might see someone who is ten years old and I assume they are born and raised in that dream. So it takes out all the time again. Swamiji: No, in the dream also you do all these type of things. You don't remember. Q: Then how do we differentiate a dream from what is real? Swamiji: Actually both are one and the same. That is what I am telling. Now, but now, we are so much attached with this world, we are not ready to believe it. We bring enough of arguments. One of the important argument, all of you missed but let Me give that argument and the answer. The argument is, “Swamiji, everyday I come back. I am same but everyday when I dream I am not same. You understand? That is the argument to prove this is reality and that is dream. Again not.


Q: It's a weird feeling of who you identify yourself as in a dream. Swamiji: One thing, be very clear, the idea of time itself is from projection from your mind. In the dream state, if you see from the waking state, you dreamt only eight hours. If you see in the dream state, you may be dreaming even ten years.Ten years of dream you will finish it. Ten year lifespan you will live it in ten hours. See, only ten hours you dreamt. You also know only ten hours you slept but in the dream you have taken birth, you have done your exams, you have gone for job, Ten years of work is over. In that ten years, you fall into dream and come out inside dream. Understand, inside dream you dream and come out. Just like you have three state now, you have three state in the dream also.


Very clearly Tantra explains the three kinds of dreams, the three states of dreams. In the dream, waking-dream, dream-dream, deep sleep-dream. Understand, dream with verbalization and visualization is waking-dream. Dream only with visualization is dream-dream. Dream only with verbalization is deep sleep-dream. Now I think half of the group is confused. Let Me finish the answer. Let Me finish the answer. Then you will be able to understand. So each layer has got three, three layer. Each layer has got three, three layer. Three, three, three. Waking state-three layer, dream state-three layer and deep sleep state-three layer. In each three layer, with I, without I, with thought, without thought, criss crosses. Now you are confused. Actually, actually if you see, 9 x 3, twenty seven are the layers of your being. There are so many layers, layers after layers after layers. Because we don't remember, we have made all the three dreams as one dream, that's all, as a one dream.


Now you understand this much. If you wake up from the moment you die, you realize, “Arey! Seventy years dream I dreamt but I slept only seventy days.” That is why we always say, devatas, one year for us is one day for devatas because the frequency of thoughts is much less there. More the frequency of thoughts, more the time flows, understand. If the frequency of thought is more, even if.... what to say that..... no, when you come out, you understand only few hours but when you are there, you feel as if so many years are going. For example, if you are sitting with a person who eats your head, naturally you feel even five minutes is like a five year because the frequency of thought is more. You are uncomfortable, disturbed. You are in hell. I always tell the people, hell means eternity: eternity means hell. Hell is always eternal because even if it is few minutes, you feel it is eternal, it is not moving but if the frequency of thought is very less, relaxed, you will see even if the twenty years are there, ten years are there, you do not know how time flies. Yes....


Q: You can go from this world or this dream to that dream and come back. But if I go back to that dream, there is no continuation. I don't even remember where I started from. Swamiji: No, you continue. Now you don't remember but when you die and before taking the body you see the whole scale. You see the whole scale- how many janmas you took and what all you did and what you want to do next. In the dream you say I don't remember about the waking state. You don't remember about the waking state in the dream. Same thing you say now. You don't remember about the higher state, no. If you wake up, when you are out of the body, you remember that state. Yes....


Q: Am I dreaming this dream? Or is this dream dreaming me? Swamiji: (laughs) Nice question! Is this dreaming dreaming me or I am dreaming? When your I, awareness I, if it is more intense than the frequency of thoughts, you are dreaming. If the frequency of thoughts is more intense than your I, the dream is dreaming you. For some, you have to only start smoking. Then smoking will smoke you. You have to start drinking. Then drinking will drink you. If you can control drinking, you are drinking. If you can't, then drinking is drinking you. If the thoughts are in more frequency than your I consciousness, if your I consciousness is in high frequency, you can stop thoughts. If your I consciousness is in high frequency, if you can stop thoughts, you are dreaming, you are thinking. Otherwise thinking is thinking you. When you are worrying, why do you say, “I don't want to worry, Swamiji, but worrying is happening?” Because the frequency of thoughts is more than frequency of your being. Instead of settling, you are quickly flying. You are again and again and again flying. Actually every moment you touch the time shaft and come back. Present-future, present-future, present-future but going to the present and coming out, if it reduces, just future, future, future, future, future, then the thought frequency becomes too much.


Q: If you can stop your dreams, put them on pause and then come back and restart them, what does that mean? Swamiji: No, it means… no no, it means, at that moment, the frequency of I becomes very solid. She can stop. Now if the frequency of I becomes solid, if it becomes solid, you can stop the whole dreaming. You can understand and you can stop even the whole life. Q: And then continue again? Swamiji: As you want. That is what I said morning, you can change the future. When the solid shaft of I penetrates the present moment and penetrates the dream shaft, you can stop. Actually if you just analyze logically and understand these three state, that itself will liberate you from the very big sufferings. There is a sloka, truth, just a logical understanding, Vivarana, Avastha Traya Vivarana is more than enough to bring you out of 80% of your sufferings. That is why, I am giving so much of emphasis to analyze and understand. Just understand. That will help you.


Q: Even babies when they sleep if they cry or smile, are they dreaming? Where does their stress or pressure come from? Swamiji: Yes, they bring. What is this? Q: Is it from their past life? Swamiji: Yes, yes, a little bit of mental setup you bring. Then you develop here. Just the... what to say.... hard disc you bring. Then you develop. Add everything.


Q: What if people don't believe in reincarnation? Swamiji: Hmm? Q: Lot of people don’t believe in reincarnation. Swamiji: You may not believe but it is truth. You can't say anything about it. Q: When the physical body dies, do you become part of the One? Swamiji: You become part of the One? Unless you become enlightened, you will never become part of the One. Q: Without the physical body, how do you stay separate? Swamiji: How does? You stay? You can't stay. That is why, in three kshana, you take a new body. In three kshana, you take a new body.


Q: What determines that? Your karma? Swamiji: Yes, your desires and karma determines. In the NSP, I speak about this death. What happens in the transition and all those things. Q: In NSP doesn't it cover the difference between the 21 and 27 layers? Swamiji: Ah, you see, Ma, twenty one and twenty seven, the manage is very subtle, subtle difference. You see, just understand this VIBGYOR, VIBGYOR ray. This side it is violet, this side it is red. You can make it as a hundred shadow or twenty seven shadow or twenty one shadow. There is no clear cut wall. You can make it even as a thousand shadow. You can make even a thousand layer, thousand layer. I am making in the SSP as a three-two, for our easy understanding. In the NSP, I am making the same thing as a seven.


Q: So when I first began, how did I kick off? Swamiji: One thing, the first began, the question is from this logic. From that logic, it could never be answered. Actually the first beginning itself has never happened from that point of view. Only from this point of view, the first beginning has started happening. The moment you realize that the first beginning never happened, that end never happens. That's what the problem is, now you are asking Me. I am answering you. This is one logical level. There is a logic, another one different kind of logic. The whole existence moves without even bothering about our logic. So the question is related to that logic.


When you try to ask question about that logic from this logic, the answer can never be given because it is too high. For example, if an ant shouts in front of a elephant, “Hey, why are you black? Give me explanation,” will elephant hear the question? And can elephant explain to the ant why he is black? No! The logic of the ant is so small, the logic of the elephant is so big, they can never meet and merge. So the logic of the life is so big, the logic of your question is so small, I will not be able to bring that logic and answer to your logic, connect it with your logic. If you meditate, if you go in, you will realize what I say is truth but logically it can never be connected.


You see, actually when I was ten year old boy, I was taken to a swami, Annamalai Swamy, in My native place. He is an enlightened master and he was sitting and talking with the people, “You are beyond body, you have no pain, you have no suffering,” all those things. I thought, “Arey, how can it be? When My mom beats Me, I have pain.” I went back to My house and took a knife and cut My thigh. Still now the mark is there. I cut My thigh to see whether I have pain or not. Of course, I had a pain. I had blows from mother. They took Me to the hospital, did first aid and all those things.


When I went back to that Swami again, he said the same thing. “Just do this meditation. You will realize what I said is truth but logically I can’t bring that and connect it to you.” What I said is truth but only technical experience can give you the experience. The technical, the meditation technique or anything, only that can give you the experience of what I said is truth. Logically, that logic and this logic doesn't meet and merges. Understand this one thing, if you ask a …if a ant asks the elephant, “Why are you black? Give me explanation,” no explanation. That is the same thing.



Is this a Dream or Reality? || Part 3 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 09 Apr 2004


Title: Is this a dream or reality? Part 3 Name Of The Convention: Shakti Spurana Session on: Differences between dream state and waking state Date: 09 April 2004 Venue: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam candidly answers questions from delegates of the Shakti Spurana Convention on the meaning and nature of the dream state and how that differs from the waking state. HDH challenges delegates to provide any contradictions to his hypothesis that the stuff out of which dreams are made is the same stuff out of which the world is made. The ensuing questions and conversation reveal many sacred truths about the nature of existence.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Swamiji: Yes… Q: Are expressions inadequate for experiences? Swamiji: Yes, expressions, words are inadequate for experience. Now itself you do not know how much of Sanskrit words I am trying to break and bring it into English. There are so many words are not equivalent. I have no word for this Turiya Samadhi. Samadhi word I have no English equivalent word. What to do? Q: When You say that dreams and reality are one and the same, I understand how visions play into that. But what about black and white dreams? Swamiji: If you see from ultimately, everything is just nothing. You are in this, then you have a classification. From dream state if you compare, this is a little higher state. So in dream state if you compare, that is little higher state, that's all. Ultimately nothing is true. That is what I was telling you yesterday. When you analyze this, you will understand two things. First thing, you will have tremendous energy because tremendous energy is locked in the dream body. If you meditate and bring that energy out, you will have tremendous energy to make your dreams into reality and you will have Shakti to make your dreams into reality and then you will have buddhi to understand reality is your dream. Both will start happening.


Q: What about hypnotizing people? Swamiji: When, you see, if your frequency of I is lower than somebody else’s I frequency, the man whose I frequency is more, he can suppress your I frequency. Q: How can a whole group be hypnotized? Swamiji: The guy’s I can be, his frequency can be little higher. You see, all of your frequency, if it is 200, just 220 is enough to hypnotize, not 10, 50 or 60 or 70, the whole. Let Me tell you a small story: Two friends, they were going for a picnic in the forest. Both are walking and enjoying the forest. Suddenly they see a lion. One guy tries to run. The other guy shouts, “Hey, do you think you can run faster than lion?” He says, “No, no. I don't have to overrun the lion but if I overrun you that is enough. I don't have to run faster than the lion. If I run just little faster than you, that is more than enough.”


So you don't have to be enlightened to hypnotize. Just the frequency, little more is enough, you can hypnotize. The main thing, never get hypnotized by a person who is other than enlightened because enlightened man will never hypnotize you. Anytime if you get hypnotized by a other person, he pours his thoughts also in your being. His thoughts also will affect you. Never, never, never get hypnotized. Never let the hypnotism happen to you. One important thing, with enlightened man, a different kind of things happen. When you are hypnotized and if you come out of hypnotism, you will always feel sick, low energy and less intelligent. If you come out of the enlightened master's presence, people ask Me, “How do we know that your Energy Darshan is not hypnotism?” I tell them, “This is the scale. If you come out of hypnotism, you will always feel sick as if you are sucked and less intelligent but when you come out of the Energy Darshan what do you feel?” Energetic, alive and more intelligent. That shows very clearly it is not hypnotism. It is de-hypnotism.


Q: What happens when we go through anesthesia for surgery? Swamiji: The frequency of the I is suppressed by the frequency of thoughts. Frequency of thoughts is increased and I is suppressed. Don't think you will not have thoughts. You will have thoughts but you will not have the feeling that I am having thoughts, that's all. Q: So pain is associated with “I”? Swamiji: Yes, pain and the bliss is associated with “I”. Q: They say you remember everything when you are in anesthesia. Swamiji: You see, for example, how the pain and bliss is associated with I, one old man went to the next village. Slowly he is walking and coming back. Suddenly he sees his house is in fire and he shouts, “Oh! My house is on fire, my house is on fire! I am gone, I am gone.” The son, one of his son who was with him. “Father, why are you shouting? Don't you know, just yesterday we sold the house.” Immediately he says, “Oh God! Yes, right. I have no problem.” And next son says, “No, we have not taken the money.” Immediately he thinks, “Arey! Yes, yes, we have not taken the money. Oh! My house is on fire, my house is on fire, my house is on fire.” He shouts. The fourth son says, “No, no, father, today morning the money is deposited in the bank. Don't worry.” Again he says, “Oh! I am free. I have no problem.”


In ten minutes, incident is same, person is same, situation is same, the pain and bliss, pain and bliss, just comes and goes. See, same scene, same person, same information but in ten minutes, two times he felt joy and two times he felt the pain because of the “I” connection. It is not the house, “I”. That does the whole thing. If you understand this one story... Q: Swamiji? Swamiji: Yes Q: There are no smoking sessions where people are hypnotized to stop smoking. Swamiji: Again if you are hypnotized and stop smoking, surely it will be disturbance for your consciousness. If you are de-hypnotized and stop smoking, you will grow out of it. Never get hypnotized and stop smoking. Now you know that they have done a research. They insert electrode. Your anger will be totally stopped and afterwards they found out. They did hundred surgery as a test. They found out the intelligence rate also has come down tremendously. They stopped doing that electrode insertion. So same way, if you get hypnotized and drop smoking, you will lose the intelligence. Intelligence is too much valuable for smoking.


Q: Some people say they can hypnotize you and take you back into your previous life. Swamiji: Again the problem is, you will be having, you will be taking his ideas also. You have to be careful about it. Yes.... Q: Is there a purpose to life? Is the purpose to life anything other than searching for God? Swamiji: Again you yourself said it is ant, question of the ant. One thing I can say, why do you take body? I can say, you take body to reach the state of bliss without the help of the body and mind. Purpose of life is to attain Nithyananda, that's all, attain eternal bliss, Nithya Ananda.


Q: Would it be wrong to understand it as we are an expression and we need to take this expression to another state? Swamiji: You are expression of certain experience. You are supposed to catch the experience solidly so that the expressions disappear. That's nice. Q: So the only way to get Nithyananda is to have a body? Swamiji: This body because this body is the cross road. This is the right exit. No other exit leads to enlightenment. Exit with body, with human body is the only exit takes you to the enlightenment. Q: Is it so that what you are thinking at the time of death is what you will become in the next birth? Swamiji: In the time of… before falling asleep, whatever you think, that only decides the whole dream. Same way whatever thought was strong at the time of leaving the body, that will decide next span of life. Q: Is it true what they say about 84000 lives before you can become One? Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, that is nothing like that. No cycle. If you become enlightened you become one. Otherwise till you run around.


Q: Can You please repeat what you said earlier about expression and experience. Swamiji: We are all expression of certain experience but we are too much caught with the expression. If you can slowly drop from the expression and catch the experience and one with that, to become one with the experience for getting the expression is what is the ultimate goal. Q: You are running around in circles then. Swamiji: Hmm Q: For children under three years old who are already connected, are they enlightened? Swamiji: They have the blueprint of enlightenment. Their body and mind has got a chance to retain it or a choice to lose it. The blueprint is there. Blueprint means potential, the experience, glimpse is there. They can retain it if they are intelligent, if they don't go to school.


Q: Can parents or society do something to help those children? Swamiji: That is what is a revolutionary society once upon a time existed run by the rishis did. So I am trying, maybe I don't know how much I will be successful but I am trying. But at least in one or two cases I can say, the initial signal was showing bright, whatever I am trying now, initial signals were showing bright but too much of manpower is necessary. It is not a small story, you understand. If I am successful in creating so much of manpower, there is a chance. I have an idea the parents themselves will become teachers. That is the Gurukulam idea. The parents will be teachers and each child will have one teacher. But working out the logistics is a big thing. Yes...


What is enlightenment? Swamiji: Aha! After listening full Ramayana what is relation between Sita and Rama. At least now you asked. Becoming one with the energy which moves the whole existence is what enlightenment. I know for sure you have not understood. I have also not understand. Forget about it. You can't express it more than this by words. That's all. Q: Is there no such thing as coincidence then? Swamiji: No, only cause and effect. When you do not know the link between cause and effect, when it is too high or too low from your understanding, you call it as coincidence or miracle. When it is too high, you call it miracle. When it is too low, you call it coincidence. No miracle, no coincidence.



Dreaming in Colour || Shakti Spurana || 09 April 2004


Name Of The Convention : Shakti Spurana
Title : Dreaming in Colour
Date : 09 April 2004
Venue : Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda speaks to the delegates of the Shakti Spurana Convention on dreams. Some delegates share their views and ideas on what dreams are, and why they happen, before His Divine Holiness explains the real meanings behind dreaming, and we get a deeper understanding of how they can happen, and the reasons why.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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We will enter into the next dream layer, we will work on the next level body, dream body or subtle layer. Few things I want you to know about this dream body or the dream layer. First thing, we will analyze what is dream, how it comes. Q: Dreams come, different kinds of dreams... Swamiji: How or why, any idea? Q: Dream? That's something that you do every night. Probably daytime also. Swamiji: Important, actually we do in daytime also. Then? Q: It's a bit complicated but I think from my experience sometimes if you eat certain foods and you go to bed, you have very strange dreams. Swamiji: Oh! You have observed in deep sleep. Even the food is associated with your dream. Please understand, what he said is truth. Certain kind of food you will always have same kind of nightmare. That's true and if you just fast for three days some vrata you do, you will have a good feast in the dream…. You will have wonderful feast in the dream.


Q: I think dreams come when you have found things that have happened during the day or thoughts that you have had that come alive in your dream? Swamiji: Anybody who has got any insights about their dreams? Why, any idea? Any special idea about the dreams? You are welcome. Q: Sometimes I fear my dreams and sometimes can’t remember them! Swamiji: Yes, I will answer why. Can you say anything about dream? Q: XXXX (not clear) Swamiji: You can be seated. Q: Some of the dreams come, you know, some of the things, you know, like the relations you see tonight, the next day it does happen. Some of them don’t have any meaning and they come and go and you know, some of the things they say that it is more basically the subconscious thing and whatever you are thinking about it will give you your problems are coming in your dreams and the other people, you know, some of the things I was reading about this is like a parallel world it does happen. It’s true and sometimes they don’t come true. Some of the things, they don’t come true. So I don’t know exactly how to interpret these dreams. Q: I think part of the dream is completely what’s happening and part of the dream is I am confessing. Most of the time dreams come true.


Swamiji: Alright, first thing, yes… Q: Sometimes I have noticed I play all the characters in my dreams and act out things but I am everybody that is in the dream and it is me and other times I don’t know if I am just partially awake or I will be in the middle of the dream or sort of something will make me wake up and I will say, “Oh! Well, that’s not finished. I need to go back,” and I”ll go back. I will go back into the dream and start doing it again but then I forget how it ends because I go into a deeper sleep or something. Swamiji: When you remember I am only playing the character of all the persons in the dream, you will wake up from the dream. Have you observed? Now let us analyze. Dream is nothing but the expression of whatever you suppressed, your suppressed desire and fear. You suppressed these two things. Whatever you suppress, when the steam pressure becomes too much there is a safety valve which automatically opens and steam is released, the pressure is in a manageable limit. Same way, if your suppressions are too much, if you have suppressed the desire and the fear too much, it comes out automatically and gets released. First thing about the dream.


Next thing, we are all bothered how to find out right dream or wrong dream. An important thing you need to understand, any dream, if you can remember it with four colors, it is not dream, it is a vision. Early morning, when you are able to remember, if you can remember in colors.... see, this is very subtle technique. When you see the dream you will always see only in colors. If you can remember the colors clearly, be very clear, it is something related to vision. It is bringing some message. It is the ray of light from superconscious, it is not dream. If you see any Divine personalities, Master, God, Guru, try to remember, if it is in multicolor, then be very clear, it is a vision but if it is just two color or black and white, forget, forget about it. It is nothing to do with vision. It is the usual dream. It is the usual just dream.


Q: So what is the purpose of vision? It teaches you? Swamiji: It can teach you. It can bring you intuition. It can give you more clarity or some information about the incident. Anything it can be. Some question? Q: It comes from our own subconscious? Swamiji: If it is…if you can remember with four color, it is not from subconscious, it is the ray of light from superconscious. If it is just two color when you remember, then it is subconscious. Q: What do You mean color, like if I see You in my dream, I remember Your orange robe. Is that one color? Swamiji: Not only orange robe, are you able to remember the other things, colors of the other things, colors of the other things? Are you able to see, are you able to remember just like these four color, then it is a vision. If you are never not able to see that then it is dream. That is the…


Q: Do the visions always have to make sense because I cannot remember right now if they are in color or not but my dreams don’t really make…. Swamiji: If it is four color, surely it will make sense. If it is not, it will not make sense. It has no sense. Q: What if it is not color at all? Swamiji: Then it is just a steam going out. Extra steam will lead you to less dream. You need to dream less. It is just… actually, when the steam is too much, if the too much of suppression is there of fear and the greed, there is a automatic mechanism which opens, automatic safety valve which opens and releases the steam. Automatically you maintain your steam pressure. The automatic safety valve is what we call dream. Yes…


Q: Is there any significance of seeing death or sometime you dying…. Swamiji: No, there is no other significance except this four color and two color. No other meaning, interpretation for any dream. Q: Should we like just ignore them as… Swamiji: Yes, simply ignore. Q: Because people say like when your dreams are falling, falling makes some sense or something like… Swamiji: No, none of them have any sense. Q: Swamiji, some people think that vitamin B6 can increase our ability to have dreams. Swamiji: I do not know about the medical part but according to Me, the dreams number if it is less you are more healthy. Q: XXXX(not clear) Swamiji: Yes, if you are dreamless, you are more healthy. Q: People who never dream, like they never have a dream. They just sleep and wake up. Swamiji: No, it can never be. Only an enlightened master can be like that. Q: Swamiji, my husband says that everyday. Swamiji: (laughs) You see, he may not remember. Then we should call Romal, the enlightened. You have the capacity to give enlightenment.


Q: Swamiji, what is the significance in dreams? You said that everybody dreams whether you remember it or not. Swamiji: No, remembering and not remembering has no meaning. Remembering four color and two color, only that has meaning. Nothing else has meaning. Q: Because normally people associate that if you can’t remember, they say, “Oh! You slept deep.” That’s what they say. Swamiji: No. No, no, no, no, no. It is not that. Even if you don’t sleep deeply and if you are continuously disturbed, you will have the same problem. You will not be able to remember the dreams.


Q: What about the sleep walking? Swamiji: (laughs) That is something to be analyzed. No, no, no, no, no. Let Me explain. Ma you asked right question. When this subtle body enters into the physical body, sleepwalking, restlessness, even when you are sitting, you will be just shaking the legs. All these problems starts happening when the subtle body enters into the physical body as uninvited guest. Many time, this subtle body just walks in into these two bodies. When it walks into the waking body, then it starts creating trouble. You see, sometimes you can see you will have nightmare, get up and you will still see the heart is beating and sweating and the same way, if the subtle body enters into the causal body, it enters into the causal body also sometime. If it enters into the causal body it causes insomnia. You will be lying in the bed rolling, rolling, rolling, never you will never sleep. You will never sleep. You will be just rolling, rolling, rolling on the bed. So whenever the waking body enters into these two bodies it creates this type of problems.


Q: Swami, last night we were here late, some of us were here late, settling up and then very late and when I got home Swamiji: Last night or now? Q: Last night. Swamiji: Oh! Q: Settling up here and when I got home I thought I should be able to fall asleep well but instead I thought I would be exhausted and I didn’t feel exhausted but it was like this. I couldn’t sleep all night even though it was so late and I was so tired from you know, working a long day. Swamiji: You have done ASP? In the ASP I speak about second layer energy. Do you remember? When you work beyond your capacity, whenever the emergency things are done, the second layer energy opens. If you have a deep love or desire, then again second layer energy opens. If you do some service with a deep love for Me, it has to be done, it has to be done, I cannot use the excuse I am tired. I have to do. You see, when you have the excuse, “Oh, I am tired, O dear Shanti Bai, I will come tomorrow, Shanta Reddy I will come tomorrow,” then first layer energy over. But when you decide, “No, I will do something, I have to do,” then naturally second layer energy opens. That is what you feel even after going to the house you don't feel sleepy.


Q: What about the recurring dreams that come back. come back again, again and again? Swamiji: If you see them in color, again they have some meaning. Otherwise they have no meaning. They have no meaning. Q: They are so uncomfortable. Swamiji: Of course, you have to totally release the steam. You should not maintain the steam in the optimum pressure level. You always maintain the steam in the optimum pressure level. Steam means the suppressed desire and fear. That is why you are in sickness. Better open the safety valve once for all and let the steam go out. We will be doing that. Today we will be doing the technique to open the safety valve. Q: Swamiji, You said we will move in sleep or when we are awake? Swamiji: Anytime Q: You can go from subtle state to physical state? Swamiji: The subtle body actually enters into the physical body by force. See, the subtle body enters into the physical body by force. It means the physical body also don't have so much of awareness. It gives place.


Q: So people that bite their nails all time, is it the same thing? Swamiji: Yes, same. Q: But what causes that to happen like what are the some things that cause them? Swamiji: Suppressed... if the... that's what, you see, the suppression, suppressed desire and the fear, if it becomes too much, if it is just on the verge level, any moment you can become this are that. That is the thing which keeps you in the restlessness. Q: Swamiji, whenever I have a bad dream, why is it that when something undesirable is about to happen, I am able to realize it as a dream and I can either stop that from happening or I wake up? Swamiji: If some bad is going to happen in the waking state it comes to the dream you mean? Q: No, when I am dreaming, if something bad like I am about to fall off a cliff or whatever I… Swamiji: You wake up Q: I realize and say, “I am not falling from cliff,” And I either change what happens or I wake up.


Swamiji: You see, in the peak of greed, in the peak of desire and the peak of fear, you wake up because desire and fear brings you to your consciousness, brings you to the present moment. The moment you come to the present moment, you wake up and many time people come and tell Me, “I had such wonderful dream, Swamiji. I was seeing that person,” whom they want to see, Suddenly they wake up. They come and complain, “Oh! I woke up.” Q: Why some dreams come true, some don't come true? Swamiji: That's what, if you can remember in the four color, it will come true. Otherwise it won't come true. It will never come true. Any two-colored dream will never come true. You can do research on your dreams. Yes… Q: Sometimes you do have a dream that you like and you want to continue… Swamiji: That is what. You see, that is what. The deep desire or the deep fear will bring you to the present moment. The moment you come to the present moment you are awake, you are out of the dream. Q: So You were just saying the deep desire and greed…In other words, could You say that whatever it is true, live it to the best and You say that will bring you back… Swamiji: That is what I mean. When you live totally, your greed comes to maximum. Then you fall in the present moment. You fall in the present moment. You are out for single moment. You get the glimpse of the higher consciousness. Whenever you fall in the present you come out, you come out.



Discover Secrets Of Best Quality Sleep || Part 1 || Shakthi Spurana || 09 April 2004

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Particular cycle of breathing, you will breathe as you will inhale as slowly as possible, hold yourself full as long as possible. When you feel I can't hold anymore, just one more second, just one more second. When it is really impossible, slowly exhale as slowly as possible. Then hold your lungs empty as long as possible. Again inhale as slowly as possible. Hold as long as possible. Exhale as slowly as possible. Hold the lungs empty as long as possible. This is the first ten minutes. The same cycle you are expected to repeat. Second ten minutes, continuously shake the whole body, just vibrate, just vibrate. Not even one nerve in your system should be resting. Continuously let your hands shake, let your head shake, let your body shake, let your hip, whole body let it shake. Let it shake totally. Neck, head, everything let it shake independently. Let your whole being shake. Let it shake independently.


Third step, sit and exhale through mouth with Omkara Mantra. Understand, not like Dukhaharana. Not like Dukhaharana. In Dukhaharana just you chant Omkara. Here you exhale the air continuously, exhale the air continuously through mouth. Ooooooo,oooooooo. Even if your body inhales, don't allow it. Again exhale. Again exhale. You will see like a words, letters, pictures, all coming out and going through your… going out through your mouth. You can even see literally. They are just coming out and going through out of your mouth like a air blower. When a air blower is blowing, how it is all picking up and going, it will just fly, you can see. Do it totally. Yes, any doubt?


Q: XXXX(not clear) Swamiji: Yes Q: And then shaking. Will we be sitting? Swamiji: No, first two is standing, second is sitting. Q: You start it off for us with omkara? Swamiji: Yes, yes, I will guide step by step. Any other doubt in the instruction? Q: The last part, even though you are breathing you want to quickly shift over to exhaling? Swamiji: Yes, exhaling itself. You must give more emphasis on exhaling. You should never allow the inhaling. Q: It is going to happen, right?


Swamiji: Yes, don't allow the inhaling. Continuously exhale. It is time to enter into the next session, the causal body. You need to know few things about the causal body. First thing, the deep sleep state, the darkness which you enter is not your enemy. In your so-called bringing up, again and again and again almost in all culture, all religion, darkness is referred as a villain. Darkness means villain. In all culture you can see, devil and satan is only described as a darkness but the darkness in which you enter at the time of deep sleep is not against you, it is your very being. Tantra says, Brahma created your body, creator created your body from the darkness which is inside your mother's womb. That is called Sushupti. Su shuptaha- good energy. Sushupti means su shuptaha. Su means good, shupti means energy- good energy. The sushupti... Sushupti is the name for the causal body.


In Sanskrit, Jagrat, Swapna, Sushupti. Jagrat means with high awareness. Swapna means just slipped I. Apana, apana means… have you heard of that word? Taking away. If your thoughts take away your I, then you are in Swapna and when you are in sushupti, su shupti good energy, it is causal body. Sushupti is the energy from which you are born. That is the energy in which everyday you rejuvenate your body. That is the energy in which finally you dissolve into it. So understand, it’s a energy, it is the living energy. It is not dead as you think. Why do you feel so fresh after sleeping? Because you are rejuvenated, you come out after getting rejuvenated. More you hate, the less will be the quality of your sleep. Quantity will be more, quality will be very less. The more you try to hate the sleep or the darkness, the more your sleep will be disturbed.


Few things about the causal body. If the causal body enters into the physical body, why they enter? Because you don't give enough attention to the causal body, enough of time and space to it. So naturally it enters into the physical body. If it enters into the physical body, you feel deep lethargic feeling and chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue and deep lethargic feeling. Always sitting. Even to move one tumbler, they will move one tumbler, again they will sit. After taking rest, they will move one more vessel and come and sit. Tired of taking rest, tired of taking rest. If you move, if you are in a deep lethargic state, if you have chronic fatigue, then causal body is entering into the physical body. If the causal body enters into the subtle body, then depression, mental depression. Then only mental depression. So if the causal body is given qualitative time, you see, you don't have to give quantitative time, too much of quantity but if you can give quality, then naturally, automatically you will see it will never enter into your physical and subtle bodies.


How to give a quality time to causal body? That is the first thing. That is the first thing. Before that I wanted to tell you about the strange research. Maybe in America the research is conducted. Maximum how many minutes a person continues to be in the deep sleep state? They say maximum is fourteen minutes in America. For any normal, average man, in fourteen minutes, he comes out, he moves to the dream state, then again goes back. You can ask, how it can be diagnosed? By the movement of the eyes. Rapid eye movement. Have you heard of that? Based on that you can understand whether this guy is dreaming or having a deep sleep. They say fourteen minutes is the maximum time for average person.


For Indian in India, in the eastern country, thirty six minute. Thirty six minute, understand, they did the same experiment in India. Average is thirty six minute. See, where is fourteen and where is thirty six? But you can never think in the Indian Standard… with the American standard. With such low hygienic level, people are alive. Not only alive, less… the disease is very less. At least the cancer and all, very, very less. You see, the comparison, ratio between the population and the people who suffer. Very less. The main reason is the sleep, sushupti is the main reason because sushupti totally rejuvenates the body. Have you heard that if somebody is pregnant, they are asked to sleep nicely. They are supposed to sleep continuously. They themselves will feel sleepy and in India the pregnant lady is continuously asked to rest and sleep because from sushupti only the body is created. Sushupti is the energy. From that energy only we create the body. The body is created.


Anyhow, now let us have a small technique, very small tip to have a deep sleep. See, yoga also declares with two hours of sleep, man can be alive without any physical illness and today modern day psychology also declares man can be alive with physical and mental health with just two hours of sleep. At least from My experience I can say it is true, it is true and we worked. If I say it is My experience, you will not believe. You will say, “No, no, Swamiji, You are enlightened, don't talk about Yourself.” I know that is what you will tell. That is the reason, that is the reason I worked with ashramites, with a group of seekers, for thirty seekers, for three months I worked before I came to the States. Thirty seekers, three months and simply I saw people are happy and healthy physically and mentally with hardly two-three hours, maximum four hours. They are able to manage. They are able to manage.


Understand a thing. The psychologists, they say at particular two hours of your sleep, your body temperature falls down by two degree but the time differs from man to man, person to person. If you can identify that time and sleep in that time, naturally your body will be rejuvenated. Your whole body will be rejuvenated. That is the secret. That is the key. Now how to find out? I always tell people even in the... I think even in the NSP I spoke, moon oriented and sun oriented. Moon oriented and sun oriented. If you are sun oriented, you will be alive and fresh when the sun rises. If you are body is moon oriented, you will be alive and fresh when moon rises. There are few guys who can remain awake till night 2 o'clock but morning they can't get up. There are few people who will be fresh early morning 3 o'clock, they will be fresh but night by ten, they have to go to bed. First thing, find out whether you are sun oriented or moon oriented, chandramani or souramani. People come and tell Me, “Swamiji, if I feel sleepy both the time what to do? You are neither chandramani nor souramani, you are avamani. You are just avamani. You have to do something serious about... seriously you have to do something about it.


Q: Two hours of listening or two hours of just… Swamiji: No, two hours if you just lie down that is enough. When the quantity is reduced, quality becomes automatically deep, Ma. The right time, naturally quality becomes deep. Then quality, quantity gets reduced. Q: Then they go for their daily chores all day? Swamiji: Then what else? Q: I think physically it is not possible. Swamiji: It is possible. Q: The teenagers in this country, they don’t sleep till 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock and they sleep till noon. Swamiji: No, but what she is asking, two-three hours how can they.. Q: No, they do all the day’s work and some time they go to sleep? Swamiji: That is what is happening. Again I say that is what is happening and they are not allowed to sleep in the day time. They have enough work. And find out whether you are chandramani or souramani, sun oriented or moon oriented. If you are sun oriented, don't miss ten to twelve. That is that time for you to sleep. If you are moon oriented, don't miss early morning four to six because moon oriented means you will be fresh when the moon is alive. You have to sleep when the sun rises. If you are sun oriented, you will be fresh when sun rises. You have to sleep when the moon rises.


So if you are sun oriented, sleep ten to twelve. If you are moon oriented, sleep four to six. Half an hour this side, that side, okay but don't miss that time. That is the time your body temperature falls down by two degree. Psychologists, they could understand only one thing. Body temperature falls down two degree but they do not know how to find out the technique for every individual. That is from East. That is the thing. See, concept is from Psychology, technique is from East. East they worked on the sleep. They have designed this technique. Find out first thing whether you are chandramani or souramani. How to find out? Q: XXXX(not clear) Swamiji: No, no. Q: In horoscope.. Swamiji: No, no, in horoscope it will never be written. It will not be explained Q: I think most people know that he is a morning person or… Swamiji: That's all. Night person and morning person. If you are both, then you are not person. Q: Sometimes when we intend to over sleep we feel tired. Swamiji: That's what. Tired of taking rest means the subtle body has entered into causal body. You are lying, rolling on the bed but you never slept. Q: You better make sure you get up Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no. You have to make sure you sleep well.


Q: Swami, in this country people work different shifts. So how can... Swamiji: You can change it. If you work for three months, body will understand. No, now I have to become night oriented, day oriented. We can shift it but try to stay in one. Try to stay in one. That will help your health. People ask Me whether any one is superior than other? Any one is superior than other? Actually there is nothing called superior or higher. Nothing is superior than other. Generally people who are intellectual, they will be sun oriented. People who are more being level, they will be moon oriented but nothing is higher, nothing is lower but there is no need for people to be sun oriented or moon oriented by force. Go behind the nature. If you want to change, change it and stick to that. Don't change once in three months.


Q: Is there a difference between men and women… Swamiji: No, nothing like that. Q: Swamiji, what do you do then if you are tossing and turning, not getting good sleep… Swamiji: Then find out first you are sun oriented or moon oriented. Q: Sun Swamiji: Early morning you are fresh? Then never miss the ten to twelve, night ten to twelve. Just go to bed ten to twelve. I think this meditation also can help you. This is the meditation about the darkness. This meditation is specially when you go to bed, do it and simply fall asleep. That will tremendously help you to increase the quality of your sleep. Meditating on darkness. Yes...


Q: So I feel that if you don't have eight hours sleep, you start aging faster? Swamiji: If you don't have eight hour sleep? Q: You need eight hour sleep? Swamiji: No, no, no, surely not. Q: Your body starts aging fast Swamiji: Surely not. Q: They say that, Swamiji. They say six to eight hours minimum depending upon… Swamiji: No, no, no. I did a clear research and one more thing, after reading, I myself did it because I know when I say, I take the responsibility of My words. You see, I know My words are going to be practiced by people. So when I say, I take the responsibility. I work with all kinds of people- old, young, aged or fresh, intellectual, emotional, all kinds of minds. I worked this technique. Only then I am bringing to you. It really works. It really works.



Discover Secrets Of Best Quality Sleep || Part 2 || Shakthi Spurana || 09 April 2004

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Q: I seem to be a morning person but then I get another burst of energy about midnight and then between two and four in the afternoon. I am sort of brain dead like I would like to sleep between four and six in the morning and two and four in the afternoon. Swamiji: No, no afternoon. Only once. Not continuously after every two hours you will have two, two hours rest. You see, I was telling somebody. He came and asked Me, “Swamiji, I am too fat. Please give me a some solution.” I said, “Morning have only two Idli. Noon time have one cup of rice. Night have only two chapati, roti. He asked, “All these things before food or after food?” So you are asking after every two hours, two, two hours can I sleep? That is nice story. Not two, two hours after every two hours. Once in a day two hours, understand. So that is not


Q: Why do we fast, Swamiji? Is there anything good about fasting? Swamiji: Once in a fifteen days if you fast, your system will have rest, Ma. Your system will rest. Actually usually itself... In My life I eat only twice a day, you know. People who live around Me, they know only usually itself I eat twice a day but here when I come to West, I eat a little more, a little more than usual but otherwise I eat only usually twice a day. That is the actually diabetes and obesity- diabesity. No actually new word they coined, the doctors. Am I right? Diabetes and obesity, both diabesity…. Actually one doctor only, one of our devotee doctor was telling Me. Kamalakar was telling Me, “Swamiji, now we technically termed it as diabesity. Diabetes and obesity both together-diabesity. Sixty percent of the population is suffering. Sixty percent of the population is suffering by diabetes, by obesity. Not a small number.


Q: Which continent? Swamiji: American population, what are you talking? The doctor was telling Me, “Swamiji, sixty percent of the country is suffering.” Q: If it is only three times a day or two times a day, you don’t have to… Swamiji: You see, the quantity, if you can reduce the quantity, even if you eat five-six times, nothing wrong. Q: No, we want to have one time a day. Just enough to satisfy your hunger, you know. Swamiji: But I think one time will be two little. At least have two times. In Buddhism there is a tradition. In Zen Buddhist monastery, ten times a day they eat. But only one cup, small cup. This size cup. Ten times a day. That is also a wonderful practice which will keep your body always alive and fresh. You will never feel stuffed. You will always feel light. You will always be dancing. You will never walk. That is also a good practice. But here where is the time for you? Ten times small, small cup. You have no time.


So find out whether you are chandramani or souramani and sleep at that time. That is one of the technique. Next thing, meditating on the darkness will penetrate and cleanse your causal body. Now we are going to enter into the causal body through a meditation. Causal body Is nothing but a deep, divine darkness. Understand, it is energetic darkness. Rishis are the first courageous guys who worshiped darkness. They made Kali out of darkness, dark energy. They made Kali. Kali means darkness. The very word means darkness. Kali means darkness. Now we are going to meditate on the darkness from which we are born, into which everyday we rejuvenate ourselves and into which we are going to merge.


Let Me explain the technique. You will visualize you are sitting in a dark cave and contemplate, meditate on darkness. You will inhale the darkness and exhale the darkness. Inhale the darkness and exhale the darkness. Meditate on the darkness as if darkness is covered by darkness. Meditate the darkness is covered by darkness. No other color in the mind. No other word. Darkness should become your Mantra. Darkness, darkness, darkness, only that word should reverberate into your mind. Enter into that meditation. Enter into the darkness. You will see the quality of your causal body becomes beautiful and you will have enough of attention and energy given to the causal body. Naturally causal body will not disturb you by entering into the physical body and subtle body.


Alright, close your eyes. Q: Swamiji, would it be okay to assume darkness as black? Swamiji: Yes, that is what. Black and darkness is one and the same. Q: First I saw red and green dots and then it remained dark. I think it is like a irresistible purpose to just stop and not to do this. It is like I am fighting it and my body is saying you don’t want to do this. Swamiji: Means the fear. Fear you enter into darkness. You have always fear to leave the physical body and enter the causal body. That fear is the main thing which makes you continuously reduce the attention and energy given to the causal body. Then causal body comes inside. When you want to sleep you will be rolling on the bed. When you want to sit and listen to the discourse you will be dozing and sleeping. Okay.
