1997 - SPH in Ramakrishna Mutt of Kancheepuram

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Archives of Sovereign Details
Date/Year 1997
Origin of Item Pushpa Samadhi
Item Type Photograph
Item Dimentions n.a
Item Material Photograph
Age of SPH 19
AssociatedGuru n/a
Location Ramakrishna Mutt, Mylapore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, South India
Role in the Revival of KAILASA Early socio-spiritual activities personally executed by SPH to revive the Kanchee Kailasa Sarvajnapeetam
Associated Kingdom Kailasa Paramparagatha Kanchee Kailasa Sarvajnapeetham

In ~1998, HDH was serving at Sri Ramakrishna Mutt, in one of its branches in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu during Navaratri*. It was a branch monastery yet to be developed although Kanchipuram is one of the ancient Kailasa enlightenment ecosystems pre-invasions and persecutions.

HDH breathed life into the monastery and the region, by crafting these three deities first - Durga, Lakshmi and Sarasvati, through a traditional method of deity-making called, “kattumoorti alankaram” where the deities’ are made by bringing different body parts together and making a single form and decorating them further. Single-handedly HDH enriched hundreds of citizens especially children of Kancheepuram who started flocking in and becoming part of the enlightenment ecosystem that HDH was evolving in Kanchipuram.
