January 09 2021

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Superconscious Breakthrough | Vaikunta Darshan | Bhavasamadhi Darshan of Bhagavan Krishna and Bhagavan Venkateshwara


Superconscious Breakthrough | Vaikunta Darshan | Bhavasamadhi Darshan of Bhagavan Krishna and Bhagavan Venkateshwara

परिकलित पुर्वौ कस् चमत्कर करि स्फुरति मम गरियन् एस मधुर्य पुरौ अयम् अहम् अपि हन्त प्रेक्स्य यम् लुब्ध चेतौ सरभसम् उपभोक्तुम् कमये रधिकेव ~ दर्पनद्ये देखि यदि अपन मधुरि; अस्वदिते लोभ होय् अस्वदिते नरि विचर कोरिये यदि अस्वद उपय; रधिक स्वरुप होइते तबे मोने धय

When Krishna Once Saw His Own Extraordinary Sweetness Reflected In A Jewelled Wall, He Was Amazed And Said: “How Unprecedented And Astonishing Is This Deep And Indescribable Sweetness Of Mine! Alas! When I See It, Even I Become Greedy To Enjoy Its Sweetness, Just Like Radhika! “When I See My Own Sweetness In The Mirror, I Become Eager To Taste It, But I Can’t. After Due Consideration, I Find That The Only Way To Relish This Sweetness Is Through The Constitution Of Sri Radhika.”



Vaikunta is an enlighten space. You can reach Indra Loka and Deva Loka by ritual but not to Vaikunta. Vaikunta can be reached only by pure devotion. Vaikunta is a different space, which can be reached only by the purity of the Being. Parallel universe of your Anahata chakra is Vaikunta If you sit and open your Anahata chakra with a depth of seeking, simply Narayana has to wake up from His yoga nidra and appear before you. The Prana of Vaikunda is Love. Prema. Bhakti. It is a very intimate space, Vaikunta. The Prana of KAILASA is Oneness. Thyaga. Fire. Vaikunta is more like cool, Prema Bhakti, Love space. If you are too integrated to Maha Vishnu, you will be in Vaikunta


सहस्र शीर्षं देवं विश्वाक्षं विश्वशंभुवम् ।
विश्वै नारायणं देवं अक्षरं परमं पदम् ॥

Sahasra Sheerasham Devam
Vishvaksham Vishwashambhuvam
Vishwam Narayanam Devam
Aksharam Paramam Padam.

This universe is the Eternal Being (Narayana), the imperishable, the supreme, the goal, multi-headed and multi-eyed (i.e.,omnipresent and omniscient), the resplendent, the source of delight for the whole universe.

Brahmanda Puran also contains 'Sri Venkatesha Sahasra Naam'(1008 names of Lord Venkatesha), which occurs under conversation between sage Vasista and Narada and also 'Venkatesha Ashtottara stotram'(108 names of Lord Sri Venkatesha).

"Kruthethu Naarasimho Bhoo Trethayaam Raghunandana Dwapare Vasudevascha Kalau Venkatanayaka! ||"

Translation: In Kritha Yuga, Lord Narasimha, In Treta Yuga Lord Sri Rama, In Dwapara Yuga Lord Sri Krishna, and in Kaliyuga Lord Sri Venkateswara are called as Prathyaksha Dhaivams (Deities).

THE Vishnu Sahasranama phalashruti verse -6
यशः प्राप्नोति विपुलं याति प्राधान्यम् एव च |
अचलां श्रियम् आप्नोति श्रेयः प्राप्नोत्य् अनुत्तमम् || ६ ||
yaśaḥ prāpnoti vipulaṃ yāti prādhānyam eva ca |
acalāṃ śriyam āpnoti śreyaḥ prāpnoty anuttamam || 6 ||

He becomes endowed with great reputation and becomes the foremost amongst his kith and kin. He acquires undiminished wealth in this world, and unexcelled prosperity (in the other world ie. Liberation). Bhagavan Venkateshwara bestows all the Ananta Kalyana Gunas( Divine Auspicious Qualities) and the one who worships Him receives abundance in Wealth and all other dimensions of life.

Bhagavad Gita says vasudeva sutaṁ devaṃ kamsa cānūra mardanam I
devakī paramānandaṁ kṛṣṇam vande jagad gurum II

Meaning: ‘I salute unto you Bhagavān Kṛṣṇa, Guru (master) of the world, son of Vasudeva, supreme bliss of Devakī, destroyer of Kamsa and Cāṇūra’. Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the Purnavatara, Who has embodied Narayana, Paramapada, with all His glory, qualities and powers.

Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the being who first set a trend that macrocosm can express in human body microcosm in a full fledged and in full bloomed way.Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the Jagatguru - meaning His life is a teaching for everyone, in all levels of seeking, no matter what level they are in.As a child Bhagavan Sri Krishna expressed extraordinary innocence and extraordinary powers. As an adult Bhagavan Sri Krishna went beyond body, He did not have even an idea of ordinary body and reflected the pure consciousness in the human body.

Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita
Sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisto
mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca
vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo
vedanta-krd veda-vid eva caham

I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known. Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedanta, and I am the knower of the Vedas.

paritranaya sadhunam vinasayaca dushkrutam dharmasamsthapa narthaya sambhavami yuge yuge || 4.8 ||

Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita, ‘Whenever positive consciousness declines and collective negativity raises, I happen again and again!’ The possibility of updation is the unique contribution of Vedic tradition to the world – the divine descending into the human body again and again! He can also assume human body as an enlightened being to save the planet earth. Whatever form he takes, one thing is sure - he cares, he nourishes, he takes care that humanity does not get destroyed, he keeps this possibility of the highest conscious elevation alive.

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