March 28 2014
Revision as of 22:15, 24 August 2020 by Ma.mythreyi (talk | contribs)
At today’s morning Satsang in Haridwar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda illustrates that the universe is ever expanding. The mantra, sound vibration, of the Cosmos is of life and possibility. Most of the time, however, we don’t carry possibility with us. Instead we kill our capacity for expansion and creativity, chanting it is impossible and perpetuating powerlessness in our heart. But if we practice completion along with being non-resistant to life, we can stand up and destroy powerlessness from inside us– forever. Let us carry possibility in our heart and experience the joy and bliss of the Cosmos.
Link to Video:
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Haridwar, universe, mantra, cosmos, life, time, kill, creativity, heart, completion, joy, bliss.