December 04 2016

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Day's Event


Pratyaksha Pada Puja and Rudra Abhishekam


There is no one greater in the three worlds than the Guru.

It is he who grants divine knowledge (divya-jnana)

and should therefore be worshipped with supreme devotion.

       -Yoga-Shikha-Upanishad (5.53)

"Any sentiment which creates a sweetness in your heart is a sacred sentiment, devotion. When more and more people dive into the sacred sentiments, the more life becomes livable on planet Earth. One such sacred sentiment is Guru Puja. There is no logical reason for ‘why Guru puja is done’, why people touch the Guru’s feet; it is an emotional ‘feeling connection’.

I always tell people, ‘bhakti’ or feeling connected to the Master is such an ultimate thing. Never miss it if at all you got it in your life. The feeling connection to something, which is higher than you, nullifies all the constant harassment you go through from your body and mind. ‘Feeling connection’ is the ultimate technique. You do not need any other solution or method to get out of any problem."

-Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Nithyananda Yoga Sessions Begin!

The main hall was full of participants getting into Sadashivatva, Oneness space of Sadashiva, aligning their breathing with the asanas, turning their focus inward.

“Adiyogi Mahadeva revealed this science in Shiva Agamas to whole universe as the science to awaken you inner potential energy. Yoga is organized by Patanjali, but gifted by Mahadeva Himself."

-Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Mandala Session with His Holiness!

Participants sat for the very first Mandala (powerful sacred geomentrical shape) session. To their delight and excitement of all he Sadashivoham participants, Paramahamsa Nithyananda spent the day with them, awakening the understanding and direct experience of the 25 states of consciousness. He patiently answered the many questions from the previous day's 25 States of Consciousness session.

His Holiness also gifted all the participants with the next Spiritual Alchemy Product: the Bhuvana Brahmananda Yoni Mandala. It holds the sacred energy of AdiShakti in physical form and awakens the Devi energy.

Day 4 concluded with the powerful spiritual process in which The Avatar awakened the Kundalini Shakti and the experience of Turiya and Turiyatita - higher states of consciousness. He revealed that Intuition happens from the Turiya states of consciousness.

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A participant in the Sadashivoham 2016 program ask Swamiji if Turiya is the same thing that top athletes experience in their peak moments where they go beyond themselves. In addition to answering this question Swamiji also gives a beautiful definition of 'Tapas' en shares the secret of going beyond tiredness and boredom. Watch, share and like the video's and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click to subscribe. Website and Social Media:


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Turiya State, Tapas, bio memory, psychology, physiology, physical, parivrajaka, samadhi, yoga, Tapas Defined


(Sadashivoham Participant = SP)

SP: I have a question regarding the Turiya state and I know the gentleman before me, I have not experienced the Turiya state, so as an analogy, trying to understand it, when world class athletes, they are at the top of the game and they say, well I don’t know what I executed.

Swamiji: Actually that is Turiya, at least 2-3 people who experience that zone, I’ve even checked their bio-memory, it is Turiya. Just body moves. Just body moves, I’ve experienced it, during My parivrajaka’s state, by walking, walking, walking, walking, walking sometimes I know My body is just moving, I’m there all around. See, your psychology and physiology binds your physical happening, if certain actions are performed where your psychology and physiology is made to feel tired and they both come to the convincing understanding that I cannot stop this physical fellow, he is just going to do what he wants to do, how much ever I try to stop him, I can’t; that is what I call Tapas. Tiring your physiological, physic... physiological and psychological signals and making them understand, they can’t dictate terms to your physical system, it’s called Tapas.

Understand. Sometimes people ask Me, in My Mahanirvani Akadha some Sadhus stand on one leg for 25 years, keeping their hands up for 40 years do all these required? Sometimes it is required, those actions are like a statement sent to your physiological and psychological circuits, you can’t dictate terms to me. Get out, move out, I’m not going to listen to you. Actually by walking, walking, walking, walking, walking, somehow My system has sent that statement to my physiological, psychological circuits. So I saw they just moved out and body is just moving. I used to walk 60 km a day. 60 km a day!

After reaching the place where I am supposed to reach, I just sit in Samadhi. I’ll not fall asleep. I’ll sit in Samadhi. So it is possible, the extreme physical activity in a tremendous loving, caring ambience. Where you do not feel you are tortured, but you are on the side of the physical activity, sending a statement to one part of you, makes you experience that. See if you feel I am putting you through this yoga from morning to night, I am forcing you, it’ll not be Tapas. If you are convinced, “no I am doing it, Swamiji and me, we both are on the same side, you fellow you be on the other side.”

If you tell your tiredness and boredom, “Aaa.. relax, relax you are on one side and me and Swamiji on one side,” then it is Tapas.

Understand. So basically your physical part, if that takes My side, this whole program will be a Tapas. Means, I’ll give you the practical statement, just do not respect your tiredness and boredom. Treat it like your spouse, how you secretly want to treat him, your boss. Treat your tiredness and boredom like your boss. Tell them, “no, I’m too busy with Swamiji.”


Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni Mandala - Brings Completion with Cosmic Mother Energy

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Transcript Video 2


00:11 All great things can start only with Mother. Only with Mother and it is’s’s the energy of the Adi Shakti. It’s the technical term in Agama. He calls Brahmanda Yoni, means the Cosmic womb, where the 2D diagram of the Sri Yantra - Cosmic Meru, is installed and above that the 3D diagram of the same Meru, the Cosmic DNA - is installed,means the 2D sheet and 3D Meru, both are installed with 7 Garbhas, means 4 Mandalas with the 2D, 3 Mandalas with the 3D, is installed. So all of them carry a program, literally programmed Garbhas inside, so all great things starts with Devi. so it’s a unique…..the spiritual alchemy product described by Sadāshiva in Kamika Agama and expanded by a great Saint called Tirumular as Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni. Bhuvanai means the Goddess of the whole Universe is called Bhuvanai, Bhuvaneshwari, it’s called Bhuvanai and Her Brahmanda Yoni, Cosmic womb, from which all of us come out, in which all of us will go back. So this represents that whole energy. The source of ‘I’ identity….see, all our identity whether you are in deep sleep or waking state or turiya or turiyatita, we all are from Mother and we go back to Mother. It is only if the Mother becomes active you can get enlightened. Understand. Sadāshiva is a state. Only Mother holds the key! Sadāshiva is a state, but only Devi - Adi Shakti holds the key in Her hip. He is in the hip of Adi Shakti. Only if She opens the door, you can experience Sadāshiva. Sadāshiva is only a space. It’s only Adi Shakti who decides who will experience that space. So we’ll start with Mother today, the process of awakening the Mother energy in you. Actually, what will happen you know? All the incompletions you have with your identity will melt down. All the incompletions with your identity is your incompletion with your source. That will start melting that, with this spiritual alchemy product. A very wild powerful kundalini awakening will start and...and that will make the incompletions with your identity, with your source melt down. Understand. Any incompletion you have with Cosmic Mother only, because She is the source. If you are incomplete about the person who is sitting next to you, it is not about the person next to you, it’s about the source of that person and you - both, Mother - Cosmic Mother.

03:54 The first spiritual alchemy products. So the sheet kind of a thing, that is the 2D of the Cosmic DNA. Please understand. The... how an individual DNA, please understand, how an individual DNA looks in certain shape, Cosmic DNA looks in certain geometric form, that is what is called Sri Mandala, Sri Yantra. It is literally the shape in which the Cosmic DNA is seen. And the Cosmic DNA ..that Sri Mandala, it has many names - Sri Mandala, Sri Yantra, Sri Chakra. It is drawn in 2D form and installed as foundation. In this foundation, it is drawn in 2D form in pure copper sheet and then the same thing is in 3D form above. In pure copper, made in pure copper as per Agama, but gold coated, the silver coated, specifically for those Tithi Vidya Devatas. See, there are different energies installed in this Meru. So, Devi is said to be residing on the top spot. It’s called Naada Bindu, means the sound and the energy source. Naada means sound, Bindu means the source of energy. Each of this Mandala, it is a Nava Avarana, means nine steps. In this Nava Avarana, each of this Mandala, different Deities, Gods, Devatas reside. Different energies are invoked. So now, there are four tubes associated to it. In that tube, literally the Sadāshiva manifested in powder form, means a certain powder component, mixed as per Agamic instruction. Keeping the Haritaki as the base material, that powder is created and that powder is energized with the high energy, so it carries and holds at least next 30-40 years very comfortable. Understand. The science of making the highest energy stay in matter, is available only to Sanatana Hindu Dharma. Hinduism evolved this science. So, this is the science based on which the deities are energized. It’s called Prana Pratishta.

07:55 You see, if you convert bread into blood, it is digestion. Same way, converting the matter into energy is Prana Pratishta. Matter - you can breathe life into it, it can be energized, it can hold the energy, it can store the energy, it can radiate energy. The powder inside, technically Agamically it is called Veerya - equivalent to the Cosmic energy. Sadāshiva’s space, energy is infused into that and then there is a leaf called Pulluruvi - means it will not be born out of a seed like a usual birth, it is Amalotpava. It is called Amalotpava, means without any male component it’ll be born - means the plant which grows in another one plant, without a seed. In English, you use the word parasite. I don’t have any other equivalent English word, but in Tamil we use the word Pulluruvi, in Sanskrit - Amalotpava Vriksha. The Agama uses the word Amalotpava, means that plant will not grow from the ground, it will grow from another branch of the plant. It will grow on the plant without a seed, means on the Neem tree - Bael tree will be growing. On the Bael tree - Sandal tree will be growing. That Amalotpava leaf is powerful enough to be programmed, means any Satya Sankalpa can be programmed into that leaf and that leaf will hold that energy and make that into reality. Because this plant itself, manifested its reality without any external help, it can make whatever you want into reality without external help. It’s a very powerful programming material, means matter on which you can do the programming, any spiritual programming, just like writing software. This is the base material.

10:41 So we have like that 18 trees in our Campus. Amalotpava...where...I’ll tell them to take you guys and show you, where the Bael tree grows from Neem tree, not in corner and all, it’s a straight branch. No way the seed can be stored, nothing is available, mud or nothing is available for a seed to sprout. Just from one branch the tree will be growing, another tree will be growing! And that leaf is programmed and Jnananjana is added. All that is kept in each of this tube which is gold plated, made in pure copper and gold plated and all of them are tied together in a thread called Panchavarna, means five color thread, which represents five different circuits happening in our system. See, this is almost like a living Being. So, this threads are the nervous system. These threads are the nervous system. The physical circuit, physiological circuit, psychological circuit, neurological circuit and energy, kundalini circuit. So, these five is represented by this Panchavarna. I’ll also give you the original verses out of which this product is evolved, which it is made. And then 3 Garbha is kept inside this Sri Chakra. If you shake you’ll see three inside. Three is kept inside representing the Cosmic Brahmanda Yoni, the Cosmic womb - muscle memory, biomemory and bioenergy of the Adi Shakti. This whole thing represents Cosmic Mother in 2D and 3D form. And it is made to reverberate with the 16 sounds. There are 16 sounds of Cosmos, it’s called primordial sound. When Adi Shakti manifested, the sound She created becomes the Bija Mantra to reach her, seed mantra, seed syllable to reach her. I know, I think it’s going above your head. I am seeing many of you are giving a blank look. I think I am explaining it for air.

13:28 Alright, let Me put it in short. The ‘I’ you carry, it has the Cosmic source. If that ‘I’ is complete with that Cosmic source, it resides in Turiyatita - highest space. And through this product, I am pushing your ‘I’ into Turiyatita, while you are asleep in the night. While you fall asleep, part of you tries to sleep. Instead of falling into a deep sleep, you will fall into Turiyatita and Sushupti. And then slowly slowly, the percentage of Turiyatita will take over your deep sleep component. So I am working on your neurological circuit through this and making you fall into the highest state of consciousness. All you need to do, just keep it in your bedroom anywhere. Keep it in your bedroom anywhere, it’ll do its job. It will bring completion with Mother energy in you, the Cosmic Mother energy. The technical term in Agama, it is referred as ‘Brahmanda Yoni’. The construct...this whole structure construct, means this four Garbha, representing the four energies and the three Garbha inside and this whole Mandala of 2D, on that 3D is established. This whole thing is worshipped as Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni - means the Bhuvaneshwaris. Bhuvaneshwari is the Cosmic Mother, her Cosmic womb, from which billions and billions of Universes comes out and go in. This is the Big Bang, Black Hole source. Source where the Big Bang and Black Holes go on. Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni, you can call it as Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni Mandala and the book describing the original verses, are getting printed. That has all the original verses. Now whatever I said, the original verses and the translation and I also want to tell you, with all My integrity,”successfully the whole thing is energized”.

16:51 So, it will it’s job of pushing you into Turiyatita, pushing you into Turiyatita. Basically these spiritual alchemy products are generated for your neurological circuit to have the highest experience. Raise you to the highest consciousness and bolt you there itself. Keep you there itself, that is why they are constructed, actually it is like a building, it is not actually a product, it’s a building. Step by step the foundation then everything is constructed. Fortunately, we had few people who were able to supply to our standard. That is the main thing. This..the whole thing is energizing process and the purity of the metal, which can hold the energy, systematically the size, shape, uncompromising purity. So everything is done as per Sadāshiva’s grace. For every session, I am going to introduce and every power you are going to manifest, I have developed the...sorry, I should not say,” I have developed…”, I have revived and I wanted all of you know, however awesome it may look, everything is from Agama. I have not invented anything. I only revived. I only revived. My contribution is only reviving. The Shastra Pramana, whatever is in Vedas and Agamas, which has become Apta Pramana for many enlightened Beings till My Guru, which has become My own experience - Atma Pramana - I am making it as Sakshi Pramana for all of you. That’s all is My contribution. And I am very clear about it. I am not inventor of any of this.

19:29 See, you have various circuits in your system, like your physical system. Body you are carrying - physiological circuits. Then psychological ups and downs, then neurological….see, why this neurological is very important because independent of your physical, physiological, psychological, your neurological circuit can create a complete different reality. It is like’ll be struggling psychologically, physiologically and doing fasting everything in the day time. In the night in dream, you’ll be having full feast. I always tell people,” In the dream if you see the restroom, don’t use, it’s a trap.” Same way, in the waking state you’ll control your mind physiological, psychological, physical, all that and then practice celibacy, brahmacharya, everything. In the night neurologically, system will create suddenly a different reality. Understand. That neurological circuits, the way it functions is totally different. It just creates signals as it wants. It gives you the experience as it wants. That neurological circuits are independently intelligent, capable of creating the world you want without any external support. If you have read the Puranic story, there is a story Vishwamitra created a heaven for Trishanku. That is neurological only. It’s not physical, physiological or psychological. Just neurological. So himself is experiencing his own heaven. Vishwamitra was capable of that energy, because he created Gayatri. Gayatri is capable of creating a neurological swarga for you. Anybody who chants Gayatri, independent of the external world, he can be in swarga, that science. Now, this product...please understand. It is not deity, even though energy put in this is equivalent it can run one full temple. If you keep this one in any temple, that temple will be alive!

22:37 But, it is not deity, why you know? It does not demand worship. It does not demand worship. You don’t need to do any maintenance. It is like having a wife who doesn’t go for shopping. Sorry….all the benefits of the deity and no responsibilities of maintaining deity. See, the joyful they are for this joke!! Many men are not able to shut their mouth. No, I won’t name anybody, because I have to protect My devotees. Anyhow see this…. You do not have the responsibility of maintaining a deity, but you have all the benefits of a deity. Actually, this construct of the objects of Rasasvada, please understand, technically in Agamas, Sadāshiva uses the word ‘Rasasvada’ for this spiritual alchemy product. So this Rasasvada science itself is evolved to hold specific energies and constantly release the vibes, so that your neurological circuits will be in tune with that experience and it will become permanent in you. So this basically is created, built, to keep you in Turiyatita and great things are done by Mother energy, so it is basically Mother energy based. A great Saint Tirumular, originally the methodology is from Kamika Agama, Tirumular describes in a detailed way, with his experience. The Shastra Pramana of Sadāshiva and Apta Pramana of Tirumular, with the two and My own Atma Pramana, I have made this as a Sakshi Pramana for you. Please understand. It is not deity, it is Rasasvada - spiritual alchemy product, does not need any maintenance. You don’t need to worship and all that, but you can pray to it. It’ll answer and respond just like a deity. As I said, remember this - “wife who doesn’t go for shopping”. All the benefits of deity, but the responsibility of deity does not exist. It is not there in this. Just if you keep, that’s enough.

25:58 These alchemy products actually work on your neurological system and create that reality, then naturally that percolates into your whole system and that becomes reality completely. I just picked up only the products which are related to spiritual powers. See, there are some products which drives away your enemies and actually it does the job. So keeps your enemies out of your life and all that. So all that I filtered, I did not make all that. Picked up only the products required for spiritual powers and I also picked up one for Vaastu. It means any Vastu imbalance you have in the house, the space imbalance - it will be balanced. I picked up one and one on NavaGraha - all the nine planets - one and one on Ashta Lakshmi, all the eight auspiciousness. But I vouch for the power of all these. See basically, basically My whole mission, My whole work is one statement - “Hinduism is real.” And all the revealed scriptures, if you follow everything verbatim, you will get that result verbatim. So it is not false or it is not outdated. It is not...there is no expiry date for all this. That is what I am trying to establish with all My integrity and I think Sadāshiva’s grace, I am successful in it. 27:46


Spiritual Alchemy Through Cosmic Mother Energy, Brahmanda Yoni

Link to Video:

Transcript Video 3

00:25 And before that I wanted to introduce the first spiritual alchemy product. So, the sheet kind of a thing, that is the 2D of the cosmic DNA, please understand, how an individual DNA looks in certain shape, cosmic DNA looks in certain geometric form. That is what is called Sri Mandala, Sri Yantra. It is literally the shape in which the cosmic DNA is seen. And the cosmic DNA that Sri Mandala, it has many names – Sri Mandala, Sri Yantra, Sri Chakra; it is drawn in 2D form and installed as foundation. In this foundation it is drawn in 2D form in pure copper sheet and then the same thing is in 3D form above. In pure copper, made in pure copper as per Agama but gold coated, silver coated specifically for those Tithi Vidya Devatas. See, there are different energies installed in this Meru. So, Devi is said to be residing on the top spot. It’s called Nāda Bindu; means the sound and the energy source. Nāda (naada) means sound, Bindu means the source energy. Each of this Mandala, it is a Nava avarana, means nine steps. In this Nava Avarana, each of this Mandala, different deities, Gods, Devatas reside. Different energies are invoked. 3:08 So now, there are four tubes associated to it. In that tube, literally the Sadashiva manifested in powder form, means a certain powder component, mixed as per Agamic instruction. Keeping the Haritaki as the base material, that powder is created and that powder is energized with the high energy, so it carries and holds at least next 30-40 years very comfortable. Understand, the science of making the highest energy stay in matter, is available only to Sanatana Hindu Dharma. Hinduism evolved this science. So, this is the science based on which the deities are energized. It’s called Pranaprathishta. You see, if you convert bread into blood it is digestion, same way converting the matter into energy is Pranaprathishtha. Matter - you can breathe life into it, it can be energized, it can hold the energy, it can store the energy, it can radiate energy. The powder inside, technically, Agamically it is called ‘Veerya’; equivalent to the cosmic energy. Sadashiva’s space, energy is infused into that and then there is a leaf called Pulluruvi, means it will not be born out of a seed like a usual birth, it is Amalotpava. It is called Amalotpava, means without any male component it’ll be born; means, the plant which grows in another one plant, without a seed. Actually, this is where they took that concept of virgin birth; the source of the virgin birth idea is this Amalotpava. A plant which is Amalotpava, in English you use the word parasite. I don’t have any another equivalent English word, but in Tamil we use the word Pulurvi, in Sanskrit Amalotpava Vriksha. The Agama uses the word Amalotpava, means that plant will not grow from the ground, it will grow from another branch of the plant; it will grow on the plant without a seed, means, on the Neem tree, Bael tree will be growing, on the Bael tree, Sandal tree will be growing. That Amalotpava leaf is powerful enough to be programmed, means any Satya Sankalpa can be programmed into that leaf, and that leaf will hold that energy and make that into reality. Because this plant itself manifested itself without any external help, it can make whatever you want into reality without external help. It’s a very powerful programming material, means matter on which you can do the programming, any spiritual programming; just like writing software. This is the base material. 7:29 So we have like that 18 trees in our campus. Amalotpava, where, I’ll tell them to take you guys and show you, where the Bael tree grows from Neem tree, not in corner and all, it’s a straight branch. No way the seed can be stored; nothing is available, mud or nothing is available for the seed to sprout. Just from one branch the tree will be growing, another tree will be growing! And that leaf is programmed and Jnananjana is added. All that is kept in each of this tube which is gold plated; made in pure copper and gold plated and all of them are tied together in a thread called Panchavarna, means five colour thread, which represents five different circuits happening in our system. See, this is almost like a living being. So, this threads are the nervous system. These threads are the nervous system. The physical circuit, physiological circuit, psychological circuit, neurological circuit and energy, Kundalini circuit. So, these five is represented by this Panchavarna. I’ll also give you the original verses out of which this product is evolved, which it is made. And then three garbha is kept inside this Sri Chakra. If you shake you’ll see three inside. Three is kept inside representing the cosmic Brahmanda Yoni, the cosmic womb – muscle memory, bio memory and bio energy of the AdiShakti. This whole thing represents cosmic mother, in 2D and 3D form. And it is made to reverberate with the 16 sounds. There are 16 sounds of cosmos called primordial sound. When Adi Shakti manifested, the sound she created becomes the Bija mantra to reach her; seed mantra, seed syllable to reach her. 10:05 I know, I think it’s going above your head. I’m seeing many of you are giving a blank look. I think I’m explaining it for air. Alright. Let me put it in short. The ‘I’ you carry, it has the cosmic source. If that ‘I’ is complete with that cosmic source it resides in Turiyatita - highest space. And through this product, I mm pushing your ‘I’ into Turiyatita, while you are asleep in the night. While you fall asleep, part of you tries to sleep. Instead of falling into a deep sleep, you’ll fall into Turiyatita and Sushupti. And then slowly, slowly the percentage of Turiyatita will take over, your deep sleep component. So, I’m working on your neurological circuit through this. And making you fall into the highest state of consciousness. All you need to do just keep it in your bed room anywhere. Keep it in your bed room anywhere; it’ll do its job. It’ll bring completion with mother energy in you; the cosmic mother energy. The technical term in Agama it is referred as ‘Brahmanda Yoni.’ The construct, this whole structure construct, means this four garbha, representing the four energies and the three garbha inside and this whole Mandala of 2D on that 3D is established. This whole thing is worshiped as Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni - means the Bhuvaneshwaris, Bhuvaneshwari is the cosmic mother, her cosmic womb, from which billions and billions of Universes come out and go in. This is the Big Bang, Black Hole source. 13:00

Photos From The Day:

Rudra Abhishekam

The warm Indian sun floods the Vaidya Sarover as His Holiness appears for the morning Pratyaksha Pada Puja and Rudra Abhishekam. He gracefully glides across the steps, looking in every direction, blessing the devotees and participants. Pratyaksha Pada Puja - wear devotees can pour their love and devotion at the Lotus Feet of the Avatar. Connecting with Sadashiva, the participants get into the Oneness space. Thousands of flowers adorn the 21' Sadashiva linga

Nithyananda Yoga

Nithyananda Yoga sessions begin!

Mandala Process

Participants wait to sit in specific points of the Mandala. His Holiness arrives to answer questions about the 25 States of Consciousness. His Holiness and Rajiv Malhotra with one of the Spiritual Alchemy Products.

