April 10 2012

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You Are Pure Cosmic Energy


Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is a timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that even today it is used as a personal transformation guide. In today’s talk on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4, Verse 24, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamji) presents the most repeated verse of the entire Gita. This verse is recited in in every Hindu monastery and by every saddhu before taking any food or water. The sacred secret hidden within it is that what we eat, drink and breathe is cosmos, the mouth we eat and breathe through is cosmos, how we digest the cosmos is also cosmos, and what we return from our inner cosmos into the outer cosmos is -- cosmos as well! We do not own any part of the cycle. Food or air, mouth, digestion, exhalation – everything is simply cosmos. Paramahamsa informs us that meditation on this technique can lead to instant enlightenment.

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Before entering into the satsang, I wanted to share a unique experience happened just now in Me. See, See usually I sit there, and they show the aarti here, it doesn’t like hit you so personally, today I was sitting here, just in front of My eyes, they were showing the aarti. See when I am there, first thing I slip into that superconscious mode. By the time the aarti comes already the pada puja is happening ….I cannot sit quietly more than 2 to 3 minute, either I have to be in Samadhi, without mind or making people lose mind. Either, see if I am in samadhi, you are saved, if I am not in Samadhi I drive you to Samadhi, that's My life. Naturally, morning means I will be there sitting and by the time aarti comes, I am already in Samadhi, I do not feel it is directly done to Me.

I have never felt any pada puja done directly to Me, by the time I come and sit, already I have so much respect for My padukas. Actually the moment I come and sit, first thing I bow down to My padukas. As I said, once energized, they are independent of Me, whether I live in the body or don’t live in the body, they can lead you to Enlightenment. They are independent deity, but a common man cannot understand that I have so much of respect and devotion for My padukas. They will say, “Oh, some crazy”, they will try to find out what is the disorder called in psychology. So, I have so much devotion for My padukas, the moment I see them I bow down, I fall into Samadhi, even if I miss two three minutes looking around, blessing the people or greeting the person who has come to do pada puja, that Arunagiri yogeshwara’s dhyana sloka is there, that’s automatic bumper: Lalate tripundri shakita means… that’s it, I immediately know, memory of Aurnagiri Yogishwara is too much, so I will fall into Samadhi, I will never feel pada pooja is done to Me or aarti is done to Me, never have the idea it is being done to Me, just like you are also sitting and doing I am also sitting and, “ok, it is happening”.


I know it is all done to the intense presence of cosmos, the ultimate, but today just then I came and sat, I was looking around all these centers, missed the Aurnagiri Yogishwara’s dhyana shloka also, I have had this experience in those days when devotees called Me to their houses and when I go there, they will do a special pada puja in their houses and literally they will put camphor into My nose, and ted-ted-ted-ted…. I will slowly try to move back, ah…I will not leave you, they will chase Me and shows the camphor. Today it is almost like that scene, for a moment it just hit that around the world at least in a hundreds of places, people are worshiping with so much of sincerity. By the time the second thought came, I already slipped into Samadhi. There was no second thought. Just like that one idea came, “Oh God.” Because I could see the aarti today only I saw how grand it looks in every temple when they show the huge maha aarti, because sitting there in the Garbha mandir, I will not be….. I can see what is going on, but today it is too close. And usually if My paduka is there, I will put the responsibility on paduka, okay it is done to the paduka what is there for Me. Today now My paduka is also missing. It‘s not there.


Paduka is considered in the vedic tradition as Padugai Nachiar, means the independent Devi, who can liberate people without even the concern…. without even the consent of the Master. It doesn't have any concern about right or wrong about the people, it doesn’t judge. Padugai Nachiar is presented as a Devi, because only mother can liberate without judging. Anyhow, so padukas also missing. It’s a… I am giving exact insider’s information, how I was feeling. Suddenly I felt huge responsibility, for a moment, and then I slipped into Samadhi. After the aarti is over I was trying to settle, because I have to now talk means share something with you guys, satsang has to happen. I could see very clearly, that responsibility coming out as action. It ‘s like in a river, a box is flowing. It was flowing, and coming out and opening, I saw what is that responsibility, how it is getting converted into action. Compassion of not compromising that is what exactly I felt. As long as I keep that one quality, compassion of not compromising with original teaching, I can be worshiped.


Just yesterday I was having a small meeting with a group of ashramites. I told them, I stopped sitting with ashramites. Yesterday one of my disciples gave Me a letter, “You made me go through all my low moods and problem by myself, You did not stand by me, You did not support me, You thought I am a stable strong person, You did not support me to go through that.” Understand, Me not showing any love, not showing any sympathy, not showing any support, is My ultimate uncompromised compassion. If I show any support, when you go through mood swings, if I show any concern, over. You will be forever a child, never you will break free. Even I was thinking.. no ..no… I should be a little more socially compassionate, socially loving, but now, I am very clear, I cannot even think in that line. I just have to be a Trishul of Kaal Bhairava..that is My compassion. That is the ultimate compassion.. sword of Karuppar, Trisul of Kaala Bhairava.


Uncompromising compassion makes you worthy of worship. I wanted all of you to note down this in your book of heart, uncompromised compassion makes you worthy of worship. All of you imbibe this. Uncompromised compassion means, don’t compromise with your compassion, don’t just replace it with the pseudo love. Pseudo love is very easy to practice, because society immediately appreciates you. If you show the love, a concern, a hug, a sympathy in your eyes, immediately the society recognizes, what a great Saint, what a great Master, what a loving personality. Shiva can be recognized as loving only by Sati, who has gone beyond Daksha’s rules, society’s rules. A person who is still stuck with the rules of Daksha, with the rules of society can never understand Shiva’s compassion; there is no further happening, not much growth or transformation. Breakthrough in the quality of consciousness never happens by the social compassion or pseudo love. Breakthrough in consciousness happens in disciples only when the uncompromised compassion is practiced.


Yesterday I received a twitter from one ex-brahmachari in the ashram, he was here thrown out because of indisciplined reasons. Did not withstand this training, and such an unproductive dull head, even the last our department does not want to entertain him. Anyhow he withstood here for one or one and half years.. left. Now he is sending with the twitter, “Swamiji, your training has made me evolve so much whichever company I am going, I am getting highly paid… all compliments, and best job. Everybody is flowed by my perfection and thinking speed, and performance. You turned a stone into a diamond.”


This is My rejected piece, not even rejected piece. In the explosion the piece which has jumped out of the scene, that piece is considered as a diamond in outside society. It is true. Anyhow I did not send any reply to that guy because even after leaving, he did not change, transform much. Recently he was teasing one of our brahmachari. That’s why I did not send any reply. He did not know I was sitting next to that brahmachari, and the brahmachari is talking on the speaker-phone, he was abusing him, so I did not reply. That is different. All I am trying to tell is, this fellow when he was here he will curse everybody, in the department, and curse Me, everybody. Anything which he sees he will curse. Because we are training him. Now suddenly he realizes the value of this uncompromised compassion.


How a stone can be turned into a diamond? Only by polishing, coming in contact with a dynamic diamond. Pseudo love, social compassion, will never make you diamond. Whether it is My teachings, or My satsangs, or My classes, or My programs, all of them carry one quality - uncompromised compassion means the powerful vajrayana, in Buddhism they say, the path of diamond. If you see My compassion, it is vajrayana - path of diamond, the purity of Shiva, the ash. Sacred ash reminds of the purity of Shiva means what stands after everything disappears is ash. That is why that represents Shiva. Shiva is the only one stands after everything disappears, after everything is destroyed. Whatever can be destroyed, destroy them as early as possible. Whatever can be destroyed in you, destroy them as early as possible. What stands undestroyed is Shiva. Burn whatever can be burnt; what remains is ash, that is why ash represents Shiva.


If I have received your worship, I have to be waiting and sitting till you become enlightened. I cannot relax till My last disciple has realized and become enlightened. Still Buddha is sitting, still Mahavira is sitting, still Shankara is sitting, forget about Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharishi, they are all juniors. Still Buddha is sitting, waiting for his last disciple to get enlightened. Understand the moment I receive your worship, I accept your worship, the moment you give even one bale leaf, one drop of water, or one flower with respect and bowing down, now I am bound by it. Understand, it is a huge responsibility. I felt, “Oh God, thousands are worshiping, what a huge responsibility.” I was not elated when I saw thousands worshiping. I only felt responsible. God, I just quickly fell into Samadhi. That is like anesthesia, when there is too much responsibility to handle; you take anesthesia and lie down. Of course, in anesthesia nobody will do your job, but in Samadhi, Cosmos will do your job. That is the only difference. If you fall into Samadhi, cosmos will do your job.


When I was settling, I was thinking, what is the quality which makes person worthy of worship? This is the answer I received, is the answer happened; uncompromised compassion means - love only the possibility of the person, push every human being around you, including you, because you are also around you only towards the highest possibility. Push yourself to the highest possibility means high achiever, not just in the outer world, in the inner space also. And push everybody around you to the highest possibility. Contributing to others' life spiritually and making a difference in others’ life is the quality which makes you worthy of worship. Understand radiate this quality, then you are radiating Me. I can see ….


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Ramana Maharishi says, if somebody is attracted to you, the only punishment for them is you make them like you. Because, you are a vairagi means a sanyasi. If somebody is attracted to you, the only way you punish them is, you make them like you. Of course, that is the ultimate blessing. Just like that song, it is very difficult to be My devotee. First thing, your society, family, friends, nobody will accept. You have to listen to a spiritual satsang as if you are secretly watching pornography. Even for pornography they may not object so much. But watching Nithyananda satsang, so much objections will be there. I took away the social recognition, which was around Me to train My disciples strongly. Because there are thousands of fellows, without even able to look in whether they are seeking is really seeking, or it is just going with their social recognition which I was having. Now, all the fellows, who left, they were around Me because I am a socially big guy, not spiritual Master. They were eyeing on either My name and fame, or wealth or so many other things around Me. They were not eyeing on Me itself.. now when all those things left, I can see clearly who is following Me. Who really wanted Me from the beginning?


Ramakrishna says very beautifully, one eagle was carrying a fish and flying. Thousands of crows were around that eagle trying to attack the eagle to catch that fish. That eagle tried to fly this way..that way that way. The crows were chasing him shouting kaw..kaw..kaw..they were flying.. chasing the eagle. Finally the eagle has thrown the fish went and sat on a tree silently. Eagle saw, ‘Oh God’ because all the crows are now behind the fish, running around…kaw kaw.. Now I know, they were not running around Me for Me..for this name and fame and so many other social paraphernalia. When all that is lost when I am free now, I could understand all the crows went away.


It is not that easy to be My devotee. I will never think of one thousand sacrifices you did. I will only look at one or two patterns you are holding. There is a beautiful story. One old lady was having one cow and selling the milk she was living. One day she was a great devotee of Krishna, she invited Krishna to her house, Krishna went and blessed her, “Best thing is going to happen for you,” and he came away. Next day that cow died. At the same time another one incident happened, one greedy pundit, came and put one tulsi leaf at the feet of Krishna and asked I want wealth.. Krishna also said, “Alright, whatever you asked will happen” that Pundit got huge wealth and he became more egoistic and greedy. Narada sees both and asks Krishna, “What is going on? There that poor old lady, you killed her cow also. Only cow she had, and for this fellow, you gave so much of wealth. I don’t understand.” Krishna said, that is why you are Narada, I am Krishna. With that devotee, she lost all her patterns, except her attachment to the cow, now it is time for Me to liberate her from that one attachment. The moment she is free, she will be enlightened. With this guy, he is never going to get out of his greed and ego, so I gave him more wealth, to be in that suffering for more and more births.


So, I treat My devotees like how Krishna treated that old lady. I look at the one or two engrams you have, never the growth you made. That is what I call uncompromised compassion, I tell you, even if people around you, society around you does not appreciate what you are doing, have patience, go on infusing spiritual truths in their lives, by your actions, and uncompromised compassion. Constantly, untiringly with tremendous inspiration, and without any boredom, go on radiating this uncompromised compassion with the people whom you live. Appreciate the possibility of every person, inspire, encourage, continuously every individual towards his or her possibility. Go on inspiring every individual to be a high achiever. Inspire yourself constantly to be a high achiever, without any goal. That is the beauty, the goal will be constantly expanded. Go on, inspire yourself to be a high achiever, inspire others to be a high achiever.


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Today’s sutra in Bhagavad gita, fourth chapter - jnana karma sanyasa yoga, 24th verse: Brahmaarpanam brahma havihi Brahmaagnau brahmana aahutamI Brahmaiva tena gantavyam Brahma karma samadhina II Brahmaarpanam brahma havihi Brahmaagnau brahmana aahutamI Brahmaiva tena gantavyam Brahma karma samadhina II This verse is the largest number of repeated all in Bhagavad Gita, all over the world, because all Hindu monasteries before eating this is said as a prayer. In all hindu traditions, this mantra, this verse is chanted as a prayer, before eating or drinking any food or water. You would have seen sadhus and brahmins pouring little water in front of their food plate and then drinking the water and eating, they chant only this mantra. Brahma-arpanam brahma havihi Brahma-agnau brahmana aahutam I Brahmaiva tena gantavyam Brahma karma samaadhinaa II


Still I remember in Ramakrishna Mission, I learnt this habit of chanting this mantra before the food. When I read the meaning, I will give you the translation: The offering, the offered butter to the supreme, in the fire of the supreme, is offered by the supreme. Certainly the supreme can be reached by him who is absorbed completely in action. If I have to give you rough meaning, the offering offered, who offers, the action of offering, everything is supreme. It is cosmos, which is doing. It is like ocean having a wave in itself and rising in itself and finally falling in itself. The wave, and the reason for the wave, the place from where it rises, place where it stays and place where it falls, everything is ocean. The sacred secret from this verse is, it is a cosmos which is offered, in which it is offered, who is offering and the action of offering, everything is Brahman, Cosmos.


Once I understood that meaning and it clicked, everyday before the food when I chant this mantra, I used to have the experience. Nature happening here as a food, is entering into the nature, becoming the nature moving the nature, it is just the whole. Cosmos is only coming as food, cosmos is only putting it into the cosmos, the cosmos only is digesting, and cosmos only is using it to radiate again into cosmos. A Simple direct sacred secret, understand your breathing, the air is from cosmos, and it goes inside, automatically it functions and keeps the life inside and continues to relate with the cosmos. Same way food, same way every action, even information, comes from cosmos, gets into your system, makes you work, relate with the cosmos.


This verse can be a technique to put you into the Enlightenment immediately. This sutra is a instant technique, instant Enlightenment technique. See there are methods for gradual Enlightenment. There are methods for immediate experience, sudden Enlightenment. The moment it clicks, ‘Yes, whether food, or the air, anything which keeps me feeling, I am, I exist, the source is from cosmos going inside, and it is going through its own process inside itself, and expressing itself.’ So, whether the ingredient added, the experience ground and the expression happening, all are cosmos. Please understand ingredients added, experience of grinding and the expression happening, everything is cosmos. Then where am I in this picture, who am I to claim ownership? Who am I to possess one part and claim ownership, responsibility? It is your claiming of ownership, makes you tired, bored. If you claim ownership for a certain action, you feel you have done it, the feeling you have done it makes you tired. Making you feel, “Oh, I have done too much, now I have to go and lie down.” What were you doing? Half an hour sitting.


It is tiredness, which claims ownership. It is ownership which is responsible for tiredness. Live with this one understanding, you will experience Enlightenment suddenly, because this sutra is a sudden Enlightenment technique. Just if you can understand, it can liberate you, you can become enlightened. I think more than Me talking, you need to sit with this sutra, contemplating, meditating, thinking through. See all the resource for your life, what all are the resource for your life? Food, water, air, light, thoughts, inspiration, emotion, excitement, love, nothing is from you.. Everything is from cosmos. It comes inside you, it functions as the cosmos wants, and it gives you the experience as cosmos wants, and it expresses as the cosmos wants. That’s all.


The ingredients are from cosmos, the experience of grinding is of cosmos, and the expression is of cosmos. Where are you claiming your ownership? Who are you to claim any ownership? There is nobody to claim even responsibility. Anybody who claims ownership or responsibility are trying to retain the “I”; and “Mine”, looks fool. You are legally fool, not just cosmically, even legally a fool. Being cosmically a fool or socially a fool is tolerable, but you are legally a fool. At the most you if you feel you are a middle man OKAY. It’s like a wholesaler is giving gold to you to sell it to retail sale and give the money back to wholesaler. In between, if you feel, you a are middleman, at least legally you are forgivable. But suddenly you feel you are the owner who is between the chain. Suddenly the fellow feels he is owner. Then you are a legally fool. You are not even in between the chain. You try to hang on between the chain. And not only you try to hang on, you try to claim ownership also.


Today, with this great sutra which is used before eating or drinking anything in Vedanta tradition, I am going to initiate a group of disciples into the hunger free, thirst free samyama. See, I am experimenting with a group first, then I will bring that science to all of you. See today, I am going to initiate one small group in the ashram, then I will initiate the whole ashramites team and 2012 group. Maybe after 3-4 days, I will initiate the whole ashram and the 2012 group, then I will open this process and technique to the whole. All the devotees and everybody. Because first I wanted to see without any side effect, I know there won't be any side effects, I wanted to see how these bodies are responding for this programming, how it is happening I will open it to everybody. Now all of you sit for few minutes, just contemplating on this one verse. The source material, resource for Me is cosmos, the resource is doing the experience of cosmos in Me and expressing itself, then who am I to claim responsibility or ownership? Where am I intervening?


Middle men cannot claim ownership. You are only a middleman, at the most of your life. You can never be an owner. Close your eyes. Sit in a relaxed way. I initiate all of you with this mantra. From today before eating remember this mantra and this sacred secret: resources are from cosmos, experience is of cosmos, expression belongs to cosmos, then who am I to claim responsibility of ownership for anything? Middle men cannot be owner.


Photos From The Day:

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Stunning Medical Results on Pelegates' Health from Inner Awakening - April 2011


What is inner awakening ?

Inner Awakening® is a 21-day spiritual transformation program designed by HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam through yoga at all levels of body and mind. Deriving various techniques and processes from the Vedic scriptures and teachings like Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga, Gheranda Samhita, Inner Awakening® offers a powerful awakening of the Kundalini Shakti, one’s inner potential, through meditation, spiritual processes, yoga, pranayama, kriyas, and the powerful Shivoham process.

Why Inner Awakening ?

The Awakening of the Kundalini energy by the power of initiation by a rare living incarnation in just 21 days gives you access to a whole new realm of living. The program works on all the basic dimensions of your life, allowing you to experience deep healing at the physical, mental and emotional levels and the ultimate experience of enlightenment. You gain a state of deep inner peace coupled with tremendous productivity and creativity. Becoming constantly aware of every moment provides you with astonishing clarity to fully live the life you love!

Overview of the research

The recent April Inner Awakening focused on delving into the deeper layers of physical and psychological healing. Beginning with establishing positive patterns for living a life of total health it progressed to developing techniques for redesigning life situations to coincide with your true goals. Every aspect of this program was designed to promote and nurture the development of complete health and wellness, coupled with the actual experience of an extraordinary conscious breakthrough. The Master Key HDH bhagavan sri nithyananda paramashivam awakens the unknown hidden potential energy that creates a cleansing and energizing effect on the body, mind, and spirit. Inspired by the ancient Vedic Science of Enlightenment, Nithyanandas innovative, irreversible, and powerfully transformational processes are specifically formulated to meet the needs of modern man.


The Process At the beginning of the program, the participants completed an online medical survey that assessed pre-existing medical conditions and/or symptoms. At the end of the program, the participants were re-administered another survey which calculated the amount of change from the previously reported conditions.



Enriching Materials


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:



Paramahamsa Nithyananda,present, Hindu, food, water, sacred, secret, eat, drink, breathe, cosmos, return, own, cycle, enlightenment

Photos Of The Day:

Photos Of The Day:



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