April 09 2012

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Survive the Spiritual Culture-Shock


Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is a timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that even today it is used as a personal transformation guide. In today’s talk on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4 Verse 23, Paramahamsa Nithyananda unveils the first step to deepening our awareness and open us to liberation. Our basic bio-memory is programmed to respond to life at the lowest level of fear and greed. We can purify this programming through repeated study of the great spiritual truths. Even when we fall short, we continue to soak ourselves in the teachings until they completely replace our bio-memory. Then our bodies become clean vehicles through which we can vibrate to a higher frequency.

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Today in Bhagavad Gita 4th chapter Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga, 23rd verse - “gatha-sangasya muktasya jnaanaa-vasthita-chetasaha | yajnaayaa-charatak-karma samagram pra-vileeyate ||” “Duties that are performed as an act of adoration by the one in whom attachment has ceased, who is relaxed and whose reasoning faculty is settled in consciousness, completely dissolve, bear no binding result.”


Three technical terms you need to understand in this verse. ‘gatha sangasya muktasya’- unattached to the modes of the material nature. Means, see the material nature is to drive you with the fear or greed. It is very nature of the matter you are carrying, not just the matter of nature which is driving you. Because you are carrying the body, you can be driven only by fear and greed. It is not just the driver’s mistake, it is the vehicle’s mistake also. The vehicle, your body itself is a matter. Just two days before I was discussing with some of our ashramites about this administration rules. That time, I was sharing an important insight which I wanted to share with all of you, now. By the nature of the bio memory, human beings need to be feeling certain level of fear and greed. If you don’t even provide that much of material for them to be afraid of something and to be greedy of something, they will feel so empty inside, they will create unnecessary phobias - height of fear, suddenly something will happen... The unnecessary, reasonless, causeless phobias settle in your system if enough fear and greed is not supplied to your basic bio memory.


By your nature, just because you are carrying a human body which is programmed with fear and greed, certain amount of fear and greed is required even to drive you. That becomes survival necessity. The administration is supposed to take care you don’t create the fear and greed in everybody the same level. No. There are some people, a little bit of fear and greed is enough, they will be full, they will run, start driving. There are some people, maybe more fear & greed is required for them to run. Some people who need more fear & greed, if you give them less fear & greed, they are in danger. Now, they will start creating unnecessary phobias. Please understand, many of your unnecessary phobias are created when you try to protect yourself from the basic amount of fear and greed which is required to run your life.


I have seen many people, they try to protect themself from the basic fear and greed which is needed to run their life, without purifying their bio memory. If you purify your bio memory by actions – karma, and evolve, then move out of fear and greed, nothing wrong - you will be liberated! But without making your bio memory matured, if you try to move out of fear and greed… I can give you this one example - people who leave everything and go for parivrajaka, yatra, aghori lifestyle, nagas - without maturing your bio memory if you leave everything and go, the small, small phobias – phobia of cockroach, phobia of scorpion, phobia of snake – small, small fears will take over your inner space, you will develop unnecessary phobias. I have seen there was a sadhu who had phobia about rivers. See, if you go near a river and have a fear that ‘suddenly some flood may come, I will be flooded’, that is ok. He will not even go on a bridge, well-built bridge where buses and trains can go. No. Forget about going on a bridge, he will not even see the river from the distance. How many phobias are there! God! When I read the list, I got the phobia of phobias! Phobias are pseudo fear, perverted fear. Like how pornography is perverted lust, phobias are perverted fears. Never pornography lust can be transformed; because it is perverted, it is impossible to transform it. Nor the phobias can be cleared; because it is perverted, impossible to clear, almost.


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Of course, only working on your non-mechanical parts of the brain and the inner space, you can be free of this. By the mode of the material nature, you are driven by fear and greed. Mature your bio memory, then liberate yourself from the fear and greed. Before maturing your bio memory, if you try to escape from fear and greed, you will create unnecessary phobias. I have seen many sadhus. They try to escape from fear and greed, give up all their wealth, property, life, run away, but they have not matured their bio memory by building a yogic body and vedic mind. When they go there, I see very clearly they are caught in the greed of polishing their kamandalu, fear of losing the 2 feet by 2 feet place where they sit and beg! I have seen Sadhus literally beating each other, fighting with each other with their stick just for the place where they stand and beg. And when I investigated into their life, they have left crores worth of property in their hometowns, came out and became Sadhus! It is true. It is not that they are born beggars. They have left everything.


One Sadhu I remember very clearly who had a huge property in Haryana, who was a farmer, suddenly he got vairagya and left everything and went away. He was staying in Rishikesh. Maybe after five, six years all his vairagya went down, his inspiration has gone. But his ego--he doesn’t want to go back to his house and reclaim his property. So he is sitting there itself. His bio memory is not matured but he has given up the fear and greed. What happens? I saw him fighting for the place small two feet by two feet on the banks of Ganges where they sit and beg. That’s a prime spot!


Understand when your bio memory is not matured, this happens. Many time, even in the West I have seen, when people come to Me for phobias, to get healed of phobias, all I do is I give them some real fear, straight forward fear, immediately they come out of phobias. Phobia is perverted fears which happens in you when your bio memory is not matured enough to handle the fearless, greedless zone but you are forcing yourself into fearless greedless zone. I always tell people, make your bio memory matured by building the Yogic body and Vedic mind. Then, go for the parivrajaka, go for yatra. Before that if you do, you will only be caught in unnecessarily phobias, not in fearless zone.


First technical term you need to understand in this verse is ‘gatha sangasya muktasya’. The very mode of the material nature - fear and greed - be liberated from that. Means, let your bio memory be matured. Maturing your bio memory can be done only by two ways. One, again and again and again and again reading the spiritual truths even if it is same. For ten years, I read gospel of Sri Ramakrishna every night. Never felt bored of the spiritual truths. Sometimes, the spiritual truths create guilt in you, because, you feel you are reading but you are not practicing or you are failing. Then you stop reading. No. Whether it creates dissatisfaction in me, greed in me or fear in me, I am not going to stop. Again and again and again, without feeling boredom, tiredness, guilt, listening to the spiritual truths, internalizing the spiritual truths. Now I am making a new playlist in the YouTube.


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Now I am making a new playlist in the YouTube, the title, ‘Guaranteed Solutions’. I am going to give you 1008 Guaranteed Solutions for different problems! So, you have any problem just type Guaranteed Solutions and the problem’s name, you have it. Again and again and again, without boredom, tiredness, guilt, fear, suffering, discontentment… because when you read the spiritual truths again and again, all this is possible. When I tell something to people second time, third time they tell, “Ah, you break my self confidence by constantly telling this”. I tell them, “Okay…” Whether you feel guilt or discontentment, your self-confidence is breaking, suffering, go on listening to these great truths and go on internalizing it. It is not that always when I read Ramakrishna’s gospel I was feeling very pleasant and happy to read further. Many times I felt, “Oh! I am not executing these words, I have to live these words.” There was millions of struggle. Sometime I won’t even feeling like reading the next page. I’ll feel, let me complete this, let me master this one truth, then I will go to the next. All kinds of mood swing, all kinds of thinking, all kinds of discontentment, all kinds of dissatisfaction, all types of guilt. I have seen everything, of course in a different scale. The scale in which you see is very different, the scale in which I see is different.


It is like yesterday I described, when I give you one word – “drop TV and internet”, and if you are struggling with that one word and having the guilt - that is different level. And you are struggling to drop the inside visualization and having the guilt - that is different level. Understand. Those experiences were there and went on drilling the bio memory with these raw spiritual truths. Only when you listen, hear from an enlightened being, you get the raw spiritual truths. From the great speakers, scholars, pundits, orators, trained priests, you will get very sophisticated, polished, politically polite, socially polite, spiritual truth almost lost all the juice of the truth. Those words, spiritual truths which has almost lost the truth, cannot transform you. Listen to the raw spiritual truths. When you internalize them again and again and again and work heavily on your body through the Hatha Yoga, Kriya, Pranayama, Yoga, weight lifting, with all this, Akhada, only then your bio memory gets liberated from the modes of the material nature. ‘gatha sangasya muktasya’. From the modes of the material nature you get liberated!


The second technical term Bhagavan is explaining here, jnaanaa-vasthita-chetasaha’--established in the spirit of knowledge. This is very important thing. Liberating yourself from the modes of the material nature is one part. The second important part, establishing in knowledge of spiritual center. Establishing yourself in spiritual knowledge. “jnana-avasthita-chetasaha”--means, able to handle every problem you face in your life from your spiritual center, able to solve all the problems of your life with spiritual solutions. ’jnana-vasthita-chetasaha’


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That is why, when disciples sometime, when they come to Me with some problem, first one or two time, I tell them, I try to give them solution. If they come again and again, I tell them, “Alright, you suffer with it. What can be done”. Because, till you establish yourself in that jnaanaa-vasthita, me solving is not going to help. You will come up with some other problem. When you start solving only you will take the responsibility of not creating problems. Then, you are too busy in solving. You will not at least create more and more. ’jnana-vasthita-chetasaha’. That is why sometime when you bring the problems to me, I give you little more problem. Only then, you are forced to find solution by yourself. You will be established in the spiritual knowledge.


Third point. Bhagavan describes in this verse - ‘yajnaaya-acharatak-karma’ - practice the duty which is practiced for adoration, for the devotion as sacrifice. The duty which is practiced as adoration. I can give you one more sacred secret from this line - even your mental patterns can be offered as a garland to the divine. Your mental patterns are actually hanging on your consciousness. Now it is hanging like a torn cloths on the divine. Even out of torn clothes, you can make a beautiful garland and offer it to the divine, say, “This is what I have and I am really interested in getting out of this. You please have this and liberate me”. Even your patterns can be offered as the adoration to the divine.


Bhagavan beautifully explains, anybody who lives with these three qualities – ‘samagram pra-vileeyate’ – means, he melts totally into the ultimate. He is liberated completely. These three qualities - liberating yourself from the modes of material nature and established in the spiritual knowledge, performing the acts as adoration, you melt into the ultimate. Again and again and again, listen to the spiritual truths and internalize them. Do not bother about the guilt, discontentment, dissatisfaction, agitation which may happen in you when you listen to the spiritual truths again and again and try to live them and fail. In the struggle whatever you go through, don’t worry about that. But, go on listening and try to internalize. Second, go on building your new bio-memory by working on your body through Kriyas. Third, offer all your actions as adoration to the Divine.


That is why I insist on every seeker taking one year off. See, the moment seeking opens in you, the moment inspiration happens in you, that first one year is very important year. Please understand, first one year of your marriage is very important because you set a trend - how your life is going to be, your patterns are going to be, how you are going to respond to each other, what is your boundary, what is his boundary, everything will be defined in the one year. The first year is very important in marriage, in any relationship. Same way, first year is very important when you are born. Because that first year is going to decide whether you are going to live or not. Even for the house, the first year is very important. That first year only is going to decide whether the house is going to stand or not. Because it is going to face the seasons, all four seasons only in the first year. If seeking opens in you, you are feeling something new happening in your life, if you are excited about spiritual seeking, take that one year off.


How you are going to create relationship with your seeking is going to be decided in that one year. Whether you are going to ripe and get enlightened or your seeking is going to be killed will be decided in the first one year. The first one year the actions you perform based on the seeking, the amount of seeking you allow to penetrate into your actions, that is going to decide whether you are going to evolve and get enlightened or your seeking is just going to die down; it is going to be just one more breeze you experienced for few months. That one year, if you reach the depth of spiritual experience, even by struggle--it is okay. But if you withstood the spiritual experience and I call this with a new word - spiritual cultural shock. Every individual who comes inside the ashram and stays for more than a week goes through that - spiritual cultural shock. Because it is completely new culture. What you call as love will not be love. This is the place where the pure love of Kailash flows, where everybody loves your possibility, your being.


Fight between two being, two persons happens when the possibility is not loved. When the possibility is loved, never there will be fight. There will be lot of screaming, there will be lot of shouting, but there will not be fighting. Screaming and shouting does not constitute fighting. Understand, fighting constitutes ideological difference to the core. Ideological difference to the core is a basic ingredient for fight. So, what you call as fight outside, you will see as if it is happening, but it will not be happening. Same way, what you call as love outside. So, what you call as love will not be love here, what you call as fight will not be a fight here, what you call as fear will not be fear here, what you call as greed will not be a greed here. It is Kailash. Only thing you need is somehow hang on! Don’t get down from the train, that’s all. Whether you are in first class or AC compartment or second class or third class or third class bathroom. And I even have a fourth class - just hanging in the train bar. I have all four classes. But somehow hang on, that’s all. You will reach. And all four of you will reach the goal. The fellow who was in AC coach, for him the travel itself was little tasty, that’s all. Otherwise, the goal is same for all of you. All four of you will reach the goal. No doubt. Nothing else. Whether you are in AC coach, first class or second class or third class or third class bathroom or fourth class - hanging, hang on! That’s it!


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Photos From The Day:

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/1_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/3_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/4_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/5_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/6_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/7_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/8_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/9_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/10_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/11_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/12_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/13_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/14_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/15_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/15_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012%20%282%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/16_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/16_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012%20%282%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/17_Nithyananda_9_Apr_2012.JPG

==Photos Of The Day:==










Bhagavad Gita, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, unveil, deepen, awareness, liberation, bio-memory, respond, life, fear, greed, purify, programming, spiritual, teachings, vehicles, bodies, vibrate, frequency



