January 24 2016

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Celebration Of Thaipoosam


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam (SPH), expounded on the Cosmic Principles of the Wealth and Abundance during a 2 day workshop on Wealth Consciousness, part of the Nithya Dhyana Yoga. During this session titled Q&A Session on Wealth and Abundance, The SPH revealed the powerful truth that parents are parents only when we are given Birth, after that they are needed in our lives only as Guru.

He expanded further by sharing that having everything and sharing everything is the space of Completion, defining Aparigraha as living with minimal things. He explained that feeling bored means denying our life, denying the Possibilities of our Space and Time and revealed that a Guru can play the complete role of the parent and also give us Enlightenment. The SPH Further expanded on this truth sharing that while parents may come first, Guru only will come for last. The power and benefits of Completion were shared with all sharing that Completion itself has reached its Completion with the Nithyanandoham process.

Video and Audio - Q&A Session on Wealth and Abundance

This excerpt has been taken from the Nithya Dhana Yoga (enWealth) program conducted by Swamiji on 24 Jan 2016 at Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam.

Video Audio


I welcome you all for today’s session. I will answer your questions first.

QUESTION: From Dubai Saroj is asking, “Swamiji, I am attending your session for the 1st time, My question is, “Who comes first, Guru or parents? Thanks”

SWAMIJI: The question is very important—“I am attending your session for the 1st time. My question is, Who comes first, Guru or parents?” Listen, even parents...they are parents only when you are given birth, after that they are needed in your life only as Guru. Understand, even parents are needed in your life only as Guru. After they give birth, the job of the parent is done. Bringing you up properly is job of the Guru in the parents. So, the question, “Who comes first, Guru or parents?”, literally the parents come first, actually Guru comes first. If you take this letter, see if you take this question as per letter, parents come first, but as per spirit Guru comes first. Understand, whether you want to take this question as per letter or spirit is up to you. Even parents have to come as Guru. Even Guru has to play the role of the parent. It is actually both. But ultimately, parent cannot play the complete role of Guru, of Guru by giving enlightenment. Guru can play the complete role of the parent and give you Enlightenment also. Parents may come first but Guru only will come for last. Understand, parents may come first but only Guru can come last. So Guru has his own place. Parents cannot come at last, only Guru can come at last. Yesterday’s evening satsang was about this from Isa Vasya Upanishad. Maybe today’s evening satsang if you attend, this question will be cleared more detailed way. Today’s evening satsang on Isa Vasya Upanishad it’s going to be about death—the Hindu, Indian way of death. Yes, next question.

QUESTION: From Houston Adheenam, Pratibha asks, “I want to come out of worldly life and be more with God which is not happening these days. I am so busy with worldly life and I don’t get time.”

SWAMIJI: This question, “I want to come out worldly life and be more with God which is not happening these days”, please understand, the concept of worldly life is worldly life, the context of God is God. There is no such thing as coming out of worldly life, come out of your concept of worldly life; that’s all you need. Come out of your concept of worldly life. Get into your context of God. Understand, coming out of worldly life getting into God does not mean you will come out from one place and enter into another place. You have to come out from one space and enter into another space. It’s not place to place shift, it’s a space to space shift. Sometimes, initially a place to place helps you to strengthen your space to space transformation. For example, if you go to some place where really this truth is taught to you–moving from concept of worldly life into the context of God–that place may be a help for you, but that place itself cannot give you what do you want. For example, you all have come here, I can help you to move out of the concept of your worldly life and context of God. But, moving from that place to this place itself is not enough. You have to move from that space to this space. That only will lead you...experience God. I think just moving from place to place, may not be solution. Learn to move from space to space and then...if needed we can move from place to place, also. See, only if the movement from space to space happens, place to place is useful. Otherwise you will come and eat My head here; no really. Actually I have more Jatta just to scratch the Jattas only. I am, each one pulls My hair so much, now I decided, all right, let Me have more Jattas, so that more people can pull. ☺ Without changing the space if you just change the place, what will happen? You will be hanging on my Jatta. So, that is no way going to help you and surely it is not going to help Me. It’s only going to be more trouble for Me. So understand, please do not change place to place unless you change space to space. It is My humble request ☺, and prayer to all My devotees ☺. You would have seen disciples praying to Guru and please see first time, Master praying to disciples ☺. Unless you change from the space of the context of world or the concept of world to the context of God, please do not change your place from house to Ashram ☺. It is My humble prayer to all the devotees through the Pratibha of Houston Adheenam ☺. Next.

QUESTION: From Auckland, New Zealand, Stephen asks, “Dear Swamiji, some people are keen on doing Inner Awakening from my center. Can you please share some words on why Inner Awakening 21 day program and what will they get by doing the program. Gratitude, Stephen.”

SWAMIJI: Stephen, Auckland New Zealand. First thing, the Inner Awakening, especially now the way the program is offered, literally awakens the God particle in you. Now especially after this Nithyanandoham process added, with this beautiful method of completion and through completion cleaning up bio-memory, sorry, cleaning up the muscle-memory and opening your possibilities... and through the Shivoham process cleaning up your bio-memory and opening the powers and ultimately awakening the God particle–bio-energy in you–the Kundalini Shakti, and flooding that Kundalini Shakti into your bio-memory and muscle-memory; the whole Inner Awakening has reached to its next higher level. I can say its perfection... its completion through the Nithyanandoham process. You should attend the Inner Awakening now, because it is THE Inner Awakening. It has reached its completion. I can say, Inner Awakening itself has reached its completion, with this Nithyanandoham process; completion cleans up muscle-memory. Shivoham process cleans up bio-memory. The Nithyanandoham process awakens your bio-energy. Completion itself has reached its completion, with the Nithyanandoham process. All I can tell you... see actually I am not a person who can market or promote something. With all My integrity I can say, it’s really worth trying at least once, then you will understand; and you will never feel you wasted your time or money or your energy. That much I can guarantee you... that much I can guarantee you. Actually with this new combination of completion, Shivoham process, Nithyanandoham process, I can comfortably tell you, at least one spiritual power will start expressing through you, which will be useful for you in your day to day life... strengthens and enriches you in your everyday life. And, it’s THE program. At least on the planet Earth, this is the most powerful spiritual program available now. That much I can be very clear. On the planet Earth the most powerful spiritual program available is Inner Awakening. Narada can vouch for it because he only goes to all the world. Next.

QUESTION: From Toronto, Rajeshwari Ramasamy asks, “Swamiji, this is the first session with You. My question is how do I find my Guru?”

SWAMIJI: You do not need to worry, think, so much about finding your Guru. It is like, if I have to put it in a language which you all understand—love at first sight. Don’t even try to make Me as a Guru or remember and all that—just leave it—you will not be able to forget Me if I am your Guru. You will not be able to forget Me if I am your Guru. It is like a click happens; something will click in you, you just will not be able to forget. I am there all the time inside, whether you are cooking or you are in your office meeting... whatever you are doing, I am there all the time as undercurrent in you, then I am your Guru. If that does not happen, don’t worry; continue your search you will find. My Blessings! So you don’t have to worry, think too much about how do I find my Guru. You go on become more and more authentic, you will see simply you will, the Guru will find you and the click will happen. Understand, this is the underline; the moment you wake up–whether you are brushing the teeth or taking bath, or cooking, going to office, attending your routine, or reading books, or watching TV, or watching movie–whatever you may do, I will be there as undercurrent sitting inside you. How many of you feel that experientially? For all of you I am Guru, that’s all I can say. There is a big team, so you don’t have to think, plan—nothing—it will just click, it will just click. So in your language you call it falling in love, I say rising in love. It will just happen, it will just happen. Rajeshwari, I bless you—it will happen to you now, My Blessings.

QUESTION: From New York center, “Dear Swamiji, I heard you say not having time is one of the worst forms of poverty. Also heard you say in Abundance Webinar that not having time is just because of your deep boredom and tiredness. I feel like I don’t have any time because I am constantly so busy doing so many things, so I am not seeing where the boredom or tiredness comes in. Please clarify for me. Thank You.”

SWAMIJI: Actually, one of the biggest problem the humanity is going to face in next five years, is not HIV, aids or population, or terrorism, no. One of the biggest problem humanity is going to face in next five years, is deaths due to boredom and tiredness. Whatever you want to give, people don’t want to live anymore. They are bored. Give them pizza – they are bored. Okay, provide them all the variety, varieties of sex – no, they are bored; pornography – they are bored; entertainment–bored; alcohol–bored; drugs–bored; Facebook–bored; TV–bored. This is one of the biggest problem humanity is going to face within next five years. Understand, feeling bored means denying your life, denying the possibilities of your space and time meeting, it is very important truth. I have decided, I will do a 2 day program just like Nithya Dhana Yoga on Conquering Time; because, it is too much to share in one question answer–one question. I really want to help people to get out of boredom. Understand, if boredom captures you nothing can make your life happy. I am not promoting drinking, smoking, pornography, womanizing all that... I am not promoting. But all I am trying to tell you is boredom is much worse than all these. Even with all these if you are able to keep yourself excited at least okay, be alive. Boredom is going to be one of the worst problems. Because, nowadays by the time they are thirty, maximum thirty five, they have seen everything, they have done everything which you can imagine, you can’t imagine. What more to do, nothing more. The only way, to win this game of boredom is—understanding what is time, what is space, the interaction between this two, and knowing the very entry of time into space and space into time—is exciting celebration. Only that will give you the eternal celebration. Otherwise people are tired of dancing, drinking, marijuana; people are tired of everything, they have done everything. All these became outdated – drinks, womanizing, marijuana – whatever you call it as pleasure – vacation, cruise, this–that. Everything has become old fashion–old style. Now all this no more attracts, the next generation. Uh, we have seen, what is there – next! Uh, we have seen, what is there – next. Human-beings have gone to the extreme, now nothing more excites. I am not even looking at ten years; I am looking at next five years – the grand collapse of human civilization due to boredom. Understand, the human civilization is going towards, moving towards, heading towards grand collapse not because of economical melt-down, no global political crisis, no terrorism, no HIV–AIDS, or no virus, no aliens attack, no. All that is not going to be a big problem humanity will face. The share market melting down, banks becoming bankrupt – no, global warming – no. Within next five to ten years, the biggest blow, the human civilization is going to face is boredom. Big, big cars - we have seen; big, big cigarettes - we have seen; varieties of drugs - we have seen; multiple varieties of sex - we have seen; pornography - we have seen. All vacation, cruise, this food–that food, this drink–that drink - we have seen. Even if you see two drink, third, you know about the third drink – leave it, I am bored. The biggest problem is going to be inability to handle boredom. Human civilization will collapse due to boredom if we don’t teach people to conquer time. It is time... people learn the science of conquering time. So that the constant excitement, joy, cerebration, looking forward to life, having hope on life, joy. See something has to pull you towards the future. You can’t always be pushed from the past. See being pushed from the past is dragging your life; something has to pull you from the future...only then you will run with excitement. Please understand, being pushed by the past–being pulled by the future, there is too big difference. Pushed by the past, you will be moved hmm hmm hmm. Pulled by the future, you will be just flying, dancing. So this science of conquering time, need to be taught to the world. Mahadeva very beautifully, gives around thirty five verses on this science of time. Very recently I read. I may not be able to translate all the thirty five and transmit that knowledge...that experience to all of you, in this one question-answer. I’ll soon, we will have two day program just like Nithya Dhana Yoga–Conquering Time. This will be My gift to all of you from Agama. So you are free from this mess of not having time or feeling bored. It’s actually both are the agitation of the inner space. Next question…

QUESTION: From Nithyananda Sangha, Mulund Paduka Mandir, Meera asks, “First in the Gita it is said that steadiness in all situations good or bad, pleasure/pain is what we should be striving for, that your inner space is independent of external situations. Is this living in abundance? Is the desire for more a sign of incompletion?

SWAMIJI: Meera first thing understand–what Gita says–steadiness in all situation in good and bad, pleasure and pain, is true, but striving for it is not good. Understanding it and living is good, but striving to achieve that is not good. Please understand, striving means what! You are not convinced about it; you are not clear about it. See, if you ask somebody, “Give me ten thousand rupee as donation, I want to build a temple.” That will be literally, legal snatching. That’s the word I will use. Thieves illegally snatch and run away, these people try to snatch legally. That is, that money will not be useful for Mahadeva. But if somebody understands – money is not the goal, it’s only the way, when you share you are showered – when all these cognition happens and then he offers, let this ten thousand be used to establish and teach, enrich what I learnt and how I became...that ten thousand only will be useful to build a temple, to spread this knowledge and science. Understand, always I tell people, people come and tell Me, “Swamiji, he is very rich guy; a big, rich person – shall I bring him?” I say first thing, if he is rich what is there, let him be, I don’t care. He is no way going to be useful for himself or Me. If somebody gets the context and then decides to share, only that money will be useful for doing any good work. Please understand, when he understands the higher context, these smaller things automatically happen. In your life also, you should understand the futility of ego and utility of knowledge. Futility of ego and utility of knowledge – truth, then simply just by listening you will be in the space of good and bad, pleasure and pain steadily. If you are striving for it, it is stupidity. Like a convincing somebody to give ten thousand rupee and taking that money is no way going to be useful. Same way, striving to achieve the good and bad, pleasure and pain situation steadiness, striving to achieve being steady during good and bad, pleasure and pain is not going to help you. Understand this example – this very important. When somebody understands – money is not everything, it is only utility, when you share more is showered and starts experiencing it – when he shares that's a real sharing... that will be useful for him and others. He has understood the highest context, then his actions are okay. But if he is struggling, I have seen people, they will take out their purse, remove all the hundred rupee, five hundred rupee, fifty rupee, twenty rupee, ten rupee, finally pick up one five rupee and find out, it’s only one note not two note and then put it at the feet. ☺ Understand, I have seen the givers like that. I have seen, no, I am not disrespecting. I am saying, you will be, if you are trying to practice steadiness... during pleasure and pain, and good and bad, you will be like that person only – opening the purse, moving all the thousand rupee note, five hundred rupee note, hundred rupee note, and fifty rupee note, twenty rupee note, ten rupee note, and finally five rupee, because below five rupee nowadays it is not available in the society. And you pick up that five rupee, not only that, after picking up that five rupee, just find out, make sure it is only one note not two note. Then, tatak, with a big sound ☺ You will be like that only. Understand, the striving is the bad word in your question. Your whole question is great, but that word striving is the bad word. Gita says, yes, “steadiness in all situations of good and bad, pleasure and pain”– is right. But that should be lived, not to be strived. It should become a simple understanding. So, your next question – “is desire for more is a sign of incompletion?” NO. Neither content is sign of completion nor the desire for more is incompletion. The context – why you are asking for more or why you are content? If you are content because you don’t want to take more responsibility, it is incompletion. You are asking for more because you want to enrich the world, it is completion. The why decides whether it is completion or incompletion – not what. What do you want has not decide, whether you are in the space of completion or incompletion. Why you want or don’t want decides whether you are in the space of completion or incompletion. I should say the best context is – have everything, share everything. Have everything, share everything – is the space of completion. Next

QUESTION: From Dallas Dwarka, Ghanshyam asks, “In one of your previous satsangs/videos, I heard you saying that being poor can give you lots of wisdom and that even you learned lots during your 9 years of being poor. How can someone manage such an experience?

SWAMIJI: Please understand, I never said being poor can give you lots of wisdom. Living in aparigraha can give you lots of wisdom. Means, living with minimal things, I never uttered a word “being poor”– look through the whole satsang. Living with minimal things, gives you lots of, lots of wisdom. During My 9 years of Parivrajaka Yatra, I lived with minimal things or nothing – no things, but I was never poor, understand. There is a big difference between these two. You want and you don’t have is poverty. You don’t want and you don’t have – is living with minimal things. You don’t want, you may/may not have is living with minimal things. Understand there is a big difference. In My case I lived with minimal things; even now in My personal life, I live with minimal things. See all these are... the responsibility I have taken up, for the sake of sangha. All this throne everything is to respect the dharma for which I stand up... the concept for which I am dedicating My life, the truths which I am radiating - for that. Understand, here, individual is not celebrated by this throne; a energy, a concept, a truth is celebrated by this throne. So still in My personal life, I live with minimal things and I tell you–it really keeps you in high energy, keeps you in high energy. So living with minimal things is what I call Aparigraha, yes. Next Question.

QUESTION: From Manhattan, Amy asks, “Dear Swamiji, can you open my third eye in this seminar or do I have to go to you in person? Thank you”

SWAMIJI: Oh Amy, if I open your third eye in this seminar, actually you are asking, “Can you open?”– I can open but you can’t handle. You need to be in a space where you are supported, helped, to get comfortable with the third eye for few days. That is why I am calling you to come to Inner Awakening. I can handle, I can open it, you won’t be able to handle the opening – that initiation. Imagine suddenly you know everything your husband does, your wife does... whole day and night, what will happen? Your whole family stability, everything, what will happen! ☺ Even within you, if you just know what all happens, you will be shaken. So understand, I can open your third eye even in this seminar, but you may not be able to handle it. That is why I am saying come here, spend little time, so I will make you comfortable with it and then send you back. I think it’s time; you all have to go for your meal break. For India - breakfast, for some countries–lunch, for some countries–brunch, for some countries–dinner, for some countries–evening snack. Literally all time zone–all temperature, people are sitting. So let’s gather for the next session. Thank You. Be Blissful.


The biggest problem humanity is facing in next five years


The biggest problem humanity is facing, the greatest calamity happening in the next five years, is boredom and tiredness. Excerpt from Q&A Session on Wealth and Abundance

We have seen it all, we have done it all: from drugs to porn and from cruise holiday to TV. Nothing excites us anymore! To overcome our boredom and tiredness, we need to conquer time. In the Agamas, Mahadeva gives around 35 verses on the science of time. To help people overcome their boredom, Swami Nithyananda is providing a two day program for free: ‘Conquering Time’.

Video and Audio - The biggest problem humanity is facing in next five years

Video Audio



One of the biggest problem the humanity is going to face in next five years is not HIV, AIDS, or population, or terrorism. No. One of the biggest problem humanity is going to face in next five years is deaths due to boredom and tiredness. Whatever you want to give, people don’t want to live anymore. They are bored. Give them pizza, they’re bored. Okay, provide them all the variety varieties of sex. No, they are bored. Pornography - they are bored. Entertainment - bored. Alcohol - bored. Drugs - bored. Facebook - bored. TV - bored! This is one of the biggest problem humanity is going to face within next five years.

Understand. Feeling bored means, denying your life, denying the possibilities of your space and time meeting. It is very important truth. I have decided I will do a two day program, just like Nithya Dhana Yoga, on conquering time. I really want to help people to get out of boredom. Understand. If boredom captures you, nothing can make your life happy. I am not promoting drinking, smoking, pornography, womanizing all that, I am not promoting. But all I am trying to tell you is, boredom is much worse than all this. Even with all this if you are able to keep yourself excited, at least okay, be alive. All these became outdated - drinks, womanizing, marijuana, whatever you call it as a pleasure, vacation, cruise, this, that. Everything has become old fashion, old style. Now all these no more attracts the next generation. Ah, we have seen what is there, next. Ah, we have seen what is there, next. Human beings have gone to the extreme, now nothing more excites.


I am not even looking at ten years, I am looking at next five years. The grand collapse of human civilization due to boredom. Understand. The human civilization is going towards, moving towards, heading towards grand collapse, not because of economical meltdown, no global politcal crisis, no terrorism, no HIV, AIDS or no virus, no aliens attack. No! All that is not going to be a big problem humanity will face. The share market melting down, banks becoming bankrupt... No. Global warming, no. Within next five to ten years the biggest blow the human civilization is going to face is boredom. Human civilization will collapse due to boredom if we don’t teach people to conquer time. It is time, people learn the science of conquering time. So that the constant excitement, joy, celebration, looking forward to life, having hope on life, joy, you see something has to pull you towards the future. You can’t always be pushed from the past. See, being pushed from the past is dragging your life. Something has to pull you from the future, only then you will run, with excitement.


Please understand. Being pushed by the past, being pulled by the future, there is too big difference. Pushed by the past, you will be moved, (Swamiji gesturing) mm, mm, mm. Pulled by the future, you will be just flying, dancing. So this science of conquering time need to be taught to the world. Mahadeva very beautifully gives around 35 verses on this science of time. Very recently I read, I may not be able to translate all that 35 and transmit that knowledge, that experience to all of you in this one question-answer. I’ll soon.. we will have a two day program, just like Nithya Dhana Yoga, conquering time. This will be my gift to all of you from Agama.



Nithyananda Times, 24th January, 2016


Video Magazine of the Nithyananda Peetham - 22nd January 2016 covering: - Live Evening Satsang from Bengaluru Aadheenam - Nithya Dhana Yoga worldwide program - 3rd Eye Awakening Demonstrations - Kalpataru Live programs in Tamil and Kannada - Nithyananda Galleria's best items available now - Sanskrit class for Nithyananda Gurukul and Ananda Yogam Students - Ananda Yogam Upanishads Classes - Nithya Yoga for Nithyanandam Kids - Thai Poosam Preparations from Nithyananda Peetham at Batu Caves - 3rd Eye Awakening demonstrations by Nithyananda Peetham at Chennai Trade Fair - "Do I need Inner Awakening?" - Upcoming Events

Video-Nithyananda Times, 24th January, 2016


Celebrating Thaipusam at Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalayam

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Lemon piercing

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Day's Events

Overview of today's events at Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam:

Thousands around the world experienced profond transformation during the concluding day of the Day Nithya Dhana Yoga meditation program delivered by His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.The Aadeenam was in a high festive spirit, celebrating Thaipusam, which is the day Devi gave the sacred Lance to Lord Subrahmanya to vanquish evil. At Nithyanandeshwari Hindu Temple, many participated in the ancient tradition of piercing the body with vels and lemons called Alagu Kuthal, that awakens the Kundalini, life energy. The day concluded with dancing as His Holiness lead Lord Subrahmanya's procession around the Aadeenam.

Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:




Photos Of The Day:


