July 23 2014

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Fear of Death is Stupidity


In today's (23rd July 2014) satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks on the topic 'death'. Death has no significance. If you know how to use that moment to be free once for all, you are the most intelligent person! For death to happen, you need just two things: the door which is open, and the presence of Mahakaala. Both happen during every death. With the right context you can just escape, be liberated once for all. A person with very less patterns, almost no patterns, can easily slip into eternity, infiniteness, during the time the door opens for his death. You can prepare to use your death as liberation; when you know how to make your death as liberation, life is celebration!

Link to Video:

Fear of Death is Stupidity

Video Audio


Experience Nirvikalpa Samadhi - Perpetual Completion


In this session dated (July 23 2014) from Inner Awakening His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda shares about Perpetual Completion, which leaves us in the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Swamiji says at the end it comes down to the a decision you make to be complete, the decision to persist with the decision beyond the tiredness and boredom. And when this process is done in the presence of an Avatar the prasada is the experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, one of the highest states of Samadhi.

Link to Video:

Experience Nirvikalpa Samadhi - Perpetual Completion

Video Audio


All right I don’t know about you guys still i am in the mood of Samadhi in Arunagiri yogishwara.Still i am not come out the Nirvikalpa samadhi and specially Arunagiri yogeswara.How many of you literally lived the whole thing i narrated. I know, I know just the brains, mirrors how many of you are still there in the kick.


Actually today i wanted to work on perpetual completion. Understand perceptual completion means ability to sit in the completion continuously without tiredness, boredom without any incompletion able to move you. without tiredness, boredom without any incompletion able to move you.It is like a sit when our incompletion comes up re-live and drop the incompletion, again just sit the space of completion. it l almost look like the initial level,the person who has a diarrhea, how he runs to restroom and comes back. Again in five minutes,again he runs to the restroom and come back, again he runs to restroom come back,In the initial it looks like that only in few minutes it will settle down. It looks like a wrong analogy.you can sit with open eyes or closed eyes, but you can't engage yourself in unconscious slumber means sleeping. you can't engage yourself in just getting last flow of thoughts,”No” you will only sit in the space of complete completion.I am going to be here continuously encouraging you and guiding you.


Listen to the instruction,you don’t need your eyes closed or eyes open its up to you,if you want to you keep your eyes open, keep it open.If you want to eyes closed,keep it closed,its up to you but no thought current in side.you sit in the space of completion any thoughts come up is a incompletion that see source why that thought feeling agitated,feeling irritated,feeling tired,feeling bored,why that thought.

See the source.when you started developing the same thought trend.Re-live,complete, relieve come back to completion.How many of you understand the process,shall we start.It not be difficult,very easy only first 10 thought you have to do completion and after that you will just simple decision you will be in the space of completion.That is all,permanent pain nothing but every individual separate,separate thoughts continuously coming that’s no permanent, only continuous. Broken leg every thought, i have had a hand fracture,every thought of pain is continuous is not permanent. you can look in what mind says “is pain”, from where the thought trend of pain is developing, how i am developing, look in,when you started developing.just see the thought trend is complete re-live you will see disappears.so thought will cross the thought and you will be thoughtless.


Understand completion is also one thought, Which completes the incompletion.you will be in the space of completion. I tell you you can complete with the life incidents happening.For example, If you are continuously abused.decide i am completing with this pattern.you will see suddenly you will stop attracting the persons who are abusing you.your life incidents will be completed.What is your talking about small pains. yes, i think going through a little bit inside reliving, will help you. “No” that hetered to go in is one more pattern.Yes, you can use anything you want.you want thing you want just come back to completion that's all. You can, everything in this session,I am trying to teach you is completion. Completion is your simple decision. That is incomplete. That is what I am telling,run to the bathroom immediately take him it a diarrhea patient.

Complete,Drop and come to the space of completion. Actually I am teaching you to live in Nirvikalpa samadhi. Perpetually living in Nirvikalpa samadhi Perpetually living in the space of advaita Perpetually living in the space of completion thats want to i am teaching you guys now Especially after this morning, today’s initiation you will see,I am sitting here and i will make you guys live in the perceptual completion. Even that is the one more incompletion,just go into that is the self doubt.Say,all this days we pulled out many incompletion from inside and completed.


Today we are just looking, who is come to fight with you,you are going to fight with them.We don’t call for Mahabharata war.who ever comes on the way, finish them tatatatatak. ”No” Every thought is a powerlessness.

Shall we start.You don’t need to close your eyes or tie the ribbon, just sit if you want to close your eyes you can close.If you want you can pick up your mirror, let start. I bless you all to achieve complete completion.


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paduka pooja and satsang

IA Session and Annadhaan


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, death, liberation, pattern, infinite, eternity, Mahakaala