January 18 2013

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Video and Audio - Gurukul Milestone - Levitation || Nithyananda Satsang

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam announces that he was able to successfully initiate a Gurukul student into the power of levitation. He says the Gurukul students will experience a very stable levitation that will be easily captured in pictures and video. HDH declares that upon completion of their studies at the age of 18 years, each Gurukul student will be a genius; and that now the science of making Gods starts expressing physically.

Video Audio


(00:15) Sadāshiva samārambām jnanasambandhaācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām

(00:44) I welcome you all with My love and respects. And today another one important milestone - I made a first child levitate today! And... I was waiting for the gurukul kids to evolve, to receive the Kundalini Awakening, today we did.

(01:22) When I blessed it just clicked with him. See, it is not necessary always My blessing clicks. The person also has to be without filters. If the person is with filters, it’ll take little time to click. It was so beautiful. His inner space caught it. So, that gave Me so much of joy. Then I allowed him to continue with this yoga.

(01:52) Today is a milestone for gurukul kids... And... real milestone for gurukul kids. Because now.. it is now just a simple downloading of the bio memory. I can tell by tomorrow the whole gurukul kids will start levitating. Today, tomorrow we have two sessions, one or two days only it will take, not more than that. It's just tak tak tak tak tak transmission, over.

(02:44) Nothing else. Transmission of that bio memory. That's all. Nothing else. Hmm. So, today will be the actually milestone of the history of gurukul. Because... You see, I was waiting for the gurukul kids to get prepared. Now immediately you will see levitation will start happening. Not like you guys hopping, there’s be a very stable levitation. They will stay in the air for photography and videography.

(03:27) See, when you, we take pictures of you guys levitating, we will not have a clear picture of you in the sky. Even if we get you off ground, we will get you only moving. But when you get a pictures of gurukul kids in, off ground, you, you, you will see a clear, unshaky frame. That kind of levitation they will have.

(03:50) Millions of doors now open. Millions of doors to experience the Nirahara samyamas, all samyamas. Millions of doors open. God! Now the science of making Gods starts expressing physically.(applause) Our gurukul has become a happening place. (applause) Maybe in a month we will do the MRI, CT scan, QEEG and prove our kids brain are active, alive, intelligent, aware at least ten times more than outside school kids.(applause)

(05:17) At least 10 times. And I commit with integrity and authenticity at least ten times... Each of My kid by 18 they complete the education, they will be geniuses, not just having a degree or.. genius. Nothing less than genius. (applause) We make geniuses. I tell you one more thing, very soon hundreds and hundreds of people will come and settle down in the ashram just to keep their kids in the gurukul. (applause)

(06:07) You’ll see. I will have hundreds and hundreds of ashramites. The main reason for them to become ashrimite is that they want their kids to grow in gurukul. (applause) We just now need to build a infrastructure, nothing else. Just build infrastructure. Child prodigies, we will create. Hmm.

(06:37) Just we want some more places to be built. Construction has to happen. That’s all. Nothing else. Anyhow, now we are building people, naturally building will happen.


Video and Audio - Deeper Truths about Authenticity || Part 1 || Nithyananda Satsang



Sadashiva Samarambham Gnanasambandam Acharya Madhyamam Asmad Acharya Paryantam Vande Guru Paramparam.

(00:43) I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samadhis, satsangis sitting with us in 446 places...Nithyananda TV, 35 places two way video conferencing having a Nayanadeeksha. In 228 cities in 25 countries around the world. I welcome you all with My love and blessings.

(01:23) The cities sitting with us in 2way video conferencing having Nayanadeeksha. Dakota - Dunes, Vancouver - Puri, Ohio - Praya, Seattle - Chidambaram, Los Angeles - Arunachalam, Dubai - Tiruvannamalai, Oklahoma, Hyderabad Bhagyanagaram, Toronto Kailasam, San Jose Madurai, Austin, Sidney - Australia, North Hollywood California, Hong Kong Adyar Chennai, Johor - Malaysia, Omen Sivagangai, Bangalore - Nithyananda Vidyalaya, Lawspet Pondicherry, Sripuram - Chennai, Chicago Loop, Ayvarped Malaysia, New York - Varanasi, Singapore - Singhapuram, Guadalupe - Rameshwaram, Charlotte SriSailam, St. Julien - France, Bengaluru - Marathahalli, St. Louis Turvamala, EdgeWater New Jersey, Louis Ville - Kenntucky, Malleshwaram Atlanta Ujjaini, New Zealand - Adiarunachalam.

(02:32) I welcome all of you with My love and blessings. Today, Nirahara Samyama, third level second day. And beautifully, as per My Anyakara, Brahmanyam Bahuputratam is happening. I tell you guys, this is the greatest blessing you guys can give for Me. Evolving to My Anyakara. Really, even if you don't evolve, I have no other way. I commited with you guys I have to take the responsibility for your inauthenticity and we will have to pull along. Neither you are going to leave Me, nor I am going to leave you. We will pull along, pull along for years and janmas and I won't leave. But you guys have blessed Me without the need for pulling along.

(03:52) Really, So beautifully. The whole ashram is evolving to the new tattva. To all the new tattvas, four tattvas: Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching… Yesterday I was meditating. I realised the whole Rgveda stands for Integrity. Whole Yajurveda stands for Authenticity. The Katho Upanishad is in Yajurveda; Shraddha. Whole Yajurveda stands for Authenticity. Whole Samaveda stands for Responsibility. And, whole Atharvaveda stands for Enriching.

(04:57) So these Chaturvedas, I was looking at the Upanishad… See, I wanted to embed Upanishad in Gold. Golden Letters and display in our temple... So that time I was working on what all Upanishad to choose. I wanted to spread all Vedas. So from each Veda I wanted to pick up two, two Upnishad. Well known, authentic, ancient Upanishad, not recent one. There are some recent ones also. Means like a in the course of times there is a recent day, they added. There is upanishad, Allaho Upanishads, you should know. Singing the glory of Allah. During Muslime period it was written. No, yes, It is Allaho Upanishad, it is called. It is, it is there. Ahu.. So of course, these all recent Upanishades but, the ancient, old Upanishad. See, from each Vedas, they wanted two Upanishads. So I was working on it.

(06:13) When I picked up, I was shocked... seeing the coincidence. The whole Ishavasya Upanishads is Integrity. The whole Katho Upanishads is Authenticity. The whole Kena Upanishads is Responsibility. The whole Parivraraj Upanishads is Enriching... I'm still working. I'll come up with more and more details and references. I was wondering how to make Deities for all these four Vedas. Now because each Vedas represent each Veda, we will have the same Veda Deities. Deities of those Vedas.

(07:12) And I'm also seeing so much of auspiciousness. Because you guys evolve in tattva. Kalabhairava is so happy. Kalabhairava has decided to build this whole campus beautifully... And make this campus alive, living. Now I don't even bother about construction, these, that away. Everything will happen. Because building human beings is the basic need, which is happening now. So now everything else will follow. All the materials will become buildings.

(08:06) We were literally having material outside stones and inside stones. When the inside stons become temple, outside stones will become temple. see, we have material for ten temples, do you guys know? How many lakh stones we have? Three lakhs stones we have. One thousand pillars we have. And how many thousand square feet flooring stones, we have? Around forty thousand square feet, easily. Fifty thousand square feet stone, flooring we have. It is not become, temple, why?

(08:51) Because human beings have not… You guys are also still... now, raw material. When you become the product, that also will become a product. I can see Kalabhairava is doing it. It is not a Vastu problem, it is va-stu problem. It is not the problem of Shani, it is the problem of you allowing Shani to influence you. Cooperating with Shani, instead of realizing and competing with Shani... And I'm also going to add new clarity with these Chaturvedas, with these truths to Navagrahas. Inauthenticity is Rahu, Covering the inauthenticity inside you is Shani. Justifying inauthenticity is Shani. Being reminded about your inauthenticity is Kethu. Taking responsibility for your inauthenticity and enriching others is Guru.

(10:19) Aligning yourself with integrity and directly enriching, without taking authenticity is Shukra: Asura Guru. Asuras have high level of integrity but not authenticity... High level of integrity. If they give word, they live by it and die by it. But not authenticity, not authentic, and not responsible... I’ll help you guys to understand, all these Grahas also. With this Chaturveda. Come on, let's enter in today's satsang.

(11:27) In the Integrity there will be two doors, two routs. Entrance to authenticity and its Ok. With entrance to authenticity you enter the Ultimate, If you just take the road, It's Ok. You entered, “into hell” One person, who is inauthentic is enough to destroy a whole group. One drop poison is enough to destroy the whole pot milk. You can't say: No, no, no. How can this be? So much milk, only one drop, poison. That's the way life works.

(12:16) Because poison is stronger. Inauthenticity has its own seductive power... Just like your fantasies you create, seeing the porno, pulls the external women or men or pushes you to external women or men. It’s ok, cute feeling which you carry inside, pushes you towards inauthenticity. What is that which pulls you towards the external women? The fantasys you carry inside. What is that which pulls you towards the external men? The fantasys you carry inside you. Same way, the concept you carry inside, It's ok. It’s ok, means you are attracting inauthenticity, going towards inauthenticity. The collective, “ It’s Ok” awakened at that time.

(13:45) When the collective “It’s Ok” wakes up, the Buddhi - Medha, intelligence itself votes for Inauthenticity. Understand. The words we discuss, the words we comment, the words we pass while we are in a casual mood is your mind. Not the words which you utter in front of Me. That doesn't... become mind. That stays as Intellect, that doesn't become art. Understand. There is only paint. The words you utter while you are casual, it’s ok mood, that is the foundation. The logic, is being used to justify inauthenticity is shukra. Shukras, the Shukra not gracing. If the Shukra’s grace us , the logic will be used to discover Inauthenticity. If Shukra doesn’t grace …

(15:06) Sometimes if Shukra is engaged by Buddha, some other forces, or he is busy with Surya, your logic will be used to justify your Inauthenticity. But unfortunately the whole thing has happened in unconsciousness. Mahadeva knows now the unconsciousness of the Cosmos is getting poisoned. He wakes up. He takes the responsibility for the inauthenticity. He pulls out that poison from... The deepest subconscious level, menas the depth of the ocean. He pulls that out and if he does not drink, take the responsibility, who will take?

(16:32) I take the responsibility for the inauthenticity of the Humanity, and I'll make sure the Humanity gets out of its Inauthenticity. Shiva meditates, does Tapas for Humanity to get Enlightened.. Takes the responsibility. I take responsibility. He says: “I'll stay in Smashan. I'll just have ordinary Rudraksa as My Abarana, and sacred ashes, ash as My cosmetic and some lion, the tiger skin or elephant skin as My blanket and bed sheet.

(17:38) When He does all these, He takes up the responsibility for the inauthenticity of the people, means what all come to you through inauthenticity, I am not going to have it. What all makes you inauthentic I am not going to have it. What, from where inauthenticity comes, towards which the inauthenticity moves, I'm not going to have it. Means I don't like inauthenticity. So I tell you tell you, the real renunciation is, out of which you derive in inauthenticity, towards which your inauthenticity drives you, renounce that! That is Tapas. Renonciation means, out of which inauthenticity derives is derived, towards which the inauthenticity drives you. Renounce that!


Video and Audio - Deeper Truths about Authenticity || Part 2 || Nithyananda Satsang

Video and Audio - Deeper Truths about Authenticity || Part 3 || Nithyananda Satsang










Morning Yoga, Satsang - Pada Puja, Dial-the-avatar, Nirahara Samyama, Vibhuti Materailization