August 25 2013
When you are whole and complete your whole nervous system continually moves you to the actions through which you will remain complete. When you have knowledge without completion you are never fulfilled. If you are incomplete and celebrating your good heartedness is fantasy. Goodness is reality only when others see and experience you radiating that goodness When you carry incompletions however much you struggle anything you try to do will be a struggle, a failure, chaos. Bring completion in and you act rightly without any restraining influence from the past. You don’t need to hide from the eyes of life. Look at how you feel every moment…is it anxiety or excitement. If it is anxiety that is the symptom of incompletion and every thought or action you take in anxiety leads to more incompletion. When you carry the space of completion Kundalini Shakti uses you. You radiate Kundalini Shakti when you are complete, you create miracles, the words you utter for yourself and others come true. When you awaken the Kundalini Shakti by establishing yourself in completion it is the best thing that can happen to a human being.
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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, incompletion, completion, kundalini, miracle, anxiety, excitement, reality