February 14 2018

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Cosmos and Theory of Gravitation explains Consciousness || Basic Important Sacred Secrets About This Superconscious Breakthrough || Science or Vedas, agamas ,oneness and power manifestation was revealed || Cosmos Gravitation || Ganadha’s Sutra || Consciousness || Vaisheshika Sutras || Siddhi and Shakthi ||


On this day’s the Presidential Address - Nithyananda Satsangh, SPH ​​expounded on the basic important Sacred Secrets about having a Superconscious Breakthrough. The SPH expounded on the Cosmos and the theory of Gravitation that is from the ancient Hindu text the Ganadha’s Sutra, which explains Consciousness. The SPH also revealed Truths about the movements of the planets and further expanded on Source, Levitation, Swapradakshana and Sadashiva. He shared a part of Vaisheshika Sutras and also explained the difference between Siddhi and Shakthi.

This day's live Presidential Address - Nithyananda Satsangh was presided over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on February 14, 2018, in Adi Kailasa Nithyananda Sarvajnapeetham, India.



nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects.

You may be wondering why I was sitting in the seat and laughing at looking this great team I have. I will tell you later on, when we come to comedy track I will tell this. Now, first serious introduction then comedy track.

See I will share some basic important sacred secrets about this superconscious breakthrough and how that can be directly useful in our day 2 day life. First of all beyond that direct usefulness superconscious breakthrough is not at all about silly pleasures or small mind games. NO

When I initiated people in 2002, sorry it may be 2 or I don’t know… 2001 when I started initiated people into healing, they said “Oh is it like a Reiki?”

Then I started speaking about the important powers of the Vedas: Integrity, Authenticity. People said “Oh is it like that Landmark?”

Then when I started initiating people into manifesting powers. “Oh is that like they bend the spoon and all that” What do you call that? “Tele Kinesis”

No, I really want to tell you guys. First of all, all those are not complete science or system, they are few things stolen. For eg., fundamentally there is no reiki healer who has healed somebody and did not get that disease on them. There is no reiki healer, I can challenge.

And there is no Nithyananda spiritual healer who got that disease.Foundation is DIFFERENT. Because this science is from the source, root. Foundation is different.

It is like, sometimes this illegitimate son of the king becomes more powerful and the legitimate son of the king is sent far away and that poor fellow doesn’t get the post. No am not talking about anybody, I am telling you I am not talking about anybody. Hey, I am telling you I am not talking about anybody.

The illegitimate son becomes more popular, that’s exactly happened in last 500 years. Understand, whether it is a gravitation theory or the great ideas about cosmology or the great truths about mind, body, everything.

First they stole from here and half-digested, and destroyed the source. Made us believe all this doesn’t belong to us and then imported same thing to us in a completely rebranded way but half-digested or half translated.

We are suffering with the sickening imported silly ideas. Understand - the gravitation theory by that stupid fellow who is that? “Newton”. It is so superficial when you look at Ganadha. Understand, I am telling you. Iam not against Newton, am against the gang which promoted Newton.

Listen! listen, now am going to tell one important truth. When I initiate you in the length dimension, the first expression will be any logic related question you will answer. And anybody manifest that power immediately west tries to call him as child prodigy or genius. But that does does not end there. Their child prodigy or genius will only do that. But when you start exploring the length dimension with oneness it is not that you will answer the length related question. It is not that you will answer only the logic related questions. You will manifest such multiple dimensional possibilities and abilities.

Understand, the first response is not complete science. The first power manifestation is not complete science. For that itself people are like Wow… The real job I am starting now. Listen! Ganadha, if you see his verses one of the conclusions you come to is Newton's gravitation theory. It is one of the small conclusions he came to from this fundamental sutra. But if you just take out the sutra and start meditating not only you will start understanding law of gravitation, you will understand law of meditation. Both are one and the same.

Listen carefully! in Hindu tradition Bho is flat. You need to understand. It is not equivalent to the Bible saying earth is flat. No.In hindu tradition Bhu is not just earth, It is a plane we exist. That is actually flat, the plane, the milky way, the whole milky way if you see from the cosmos it is literally flat.

Atleast we have two reference in vedic tradition, where the mantra very clearly says Sun goes round the planet earth. Please understand it is not like that bible declaring sun goes round the earth and earth is flat. No it is totally different context.

Listen to this. Understand very carefully. This is earth, this is sun. Modern science says the earth is going round the sun but Hindu tradition says this Sun itself going round some other centre called meru dhanda or brahmanda. So because this is going round, this is going round. 366 days this goes around, In one brahma kalpa this goes round the planet earth.

Am repeating listen! This is planet earth, this is sun. This going round, bloody donkeys you guys know only 100 year 200 year calculation what do you fellows know. That is why you call only Oh earth goes round the sun. We live from brahma to brahma. This going around. See this is going round, this is going around something. So by the time this finishes one round, it has gone around the earth. That time is only one kalpa.

Listen! I will give you one fundamental understanding today then I will explain how the ganadha and the cosmic truths revealed in agamas and vedas can be applied in day today life. I will just give you some understanding. Listen to it carefully. When ganadha talks about his laws, he talks about power. Listen! two different things exist. One is power, another one is force. Force has source. Power’s source is silence.

Listen! the source of the force is action. Like if I push something, something gets pushed, something falls, gets pulled that’s called force. Power – from the very space of Maha Sadashiva, and the power manifests in you that is power. Understand! the source of power is not action. I will describe. If lethargy is source of your inaction, it is called tamas. Because you cracked the code and you are inactive it is called satva.

Listen! I will repeat. If lethargy is the reason for your inaction it is called tamas. Because you cracked the code of the action and inaction you are not doing any action is satva. The tamas and sattva externally may look similar but both are not same. I told you yesterday similar looking twins are not same. The software decides who you are, personification decides the person. So tamas and sattva externally both will be lying down. One in the dorm bunker cot another one in the courtyard cot. Both will be lying all the time. One in the dorm bunker cot, another one in the courtyard cot. Both will be always lying.

If lethargy is the reason for your inactiveness that is different. Because you cracked the code of the action and inaction that is the reason for your inaction that is different. So Force and power understand this word. You need to understand this. This Newton fellow – If that apple fell and, ah that and all is lie. Actually they were cooking up something, something something and then finally they landed in the soup and they called that soup into newton's laws. That’s all I tell you misconception of the cosmic power in to a cosmic force is silly expression of Newton's gravitation theory. Listen! ganadha describes the source of gravitation 'power or the levitation power as the power – pure consciousness. Newton can’t understand he tries to map a silly way of confused understanding.

This modern day these girls getting married especially in indian families nobody knows cooking, ah! why cooking we are feminist, communist. And finally they get married like this some stupid days. This day that day comes. No you guys need to seriously do a wikipedia or google search on valentines day. Ah! It is not kadhalar dhinam idhu kalla kadhalar dhinam. (it's not lovers day its fake lovers day). No no you guys need to do a.. you see what is fundamentally valentine. You see a king was there, his daughter got married already settled and she fell in love with somebody out of the marriage it is the extra marital affair. And the king was not ok with the whole game and then this valentine fellow gave a place. I don’t know what reason I don’t want to talk much further about it. And then king killed him. And no you do the google research, Wikipedia research. Whoever is celebrating valentine's day they are encouraging their wives to have affairs, their daughters to have affairs out of their marriage. They are encouraging their mothers to have affairs out of marriage. No that’s what it means know. I Am not inventing history, anybody.. why don’t you guys go to wikipedia and google and see the history. Anyhow am not interested in talking much about it and I don’t want to talk much about it and it is nothing to do it with Hinduism why should I talk about it. Let me comeback to Hinduism.

No, Like this someday comes and you want to please husband or husband wants to please you something and maybe you saw new necklace in the shop, or you want to cook something for your husband. Pick up the cookbook. TV is too fast so switch off the TV and pickup the cookbook. Add ½ kg sugar, 1 kg rava, 1 ltr water Go on kindify for 15 mints. Halwa is ready, not ready.. “Aduppa patha vai da loosu… Adhu bookla padalayae”. She forgot to light the stove because it is not mentioned in the book. Understand, when you translate power into force you may come to limited conclusions correct for the brains which cannot look further.

I will prove newton is a fool and cheat. See, it really, this incident really happened in my life. In the school from 5th grade to 6th grade you have to go to a different school. In indian villages you call it as Elementary school and then from 6th you move to another school that is called as High school. So me and one of my distant relative boy both of us went for the entrance exam in to that school for the high school to take, to get admission in to the school. So we all wrote the entrance examination. Next day that headmaster called my cousin and beat him left and right complaining that he copied from my paper. I was also standing and I do not know why, how the headmaster found out. Because the question is “What is your name?”

I was trying my best to defend, no no no I never showed, he was far away, he could not have seen my paper and copied. Initial marama eludhi vachiruken. No this really happens without even missing the initial he copied.

Newton is exactly same level stupid fellow. He did not even know where he has to map. Understand! You need to experience consciousness. You need to know from shiva the shakthi generates only then you understand the difference between power and force. Gravitation is not force, it is power. Listen, what is gravitation. Being pulled towards the planet earth. If it is force it should always be from external. If the source is active or inactive. Source which is pulling is active or inactive. Ah who is telling active, the core of the earth is inactive understand the axle on which the earth is rotating the centre is in active. If the axle is active how can there be consistent movement. Towards which centre everything is pulled. Towards the core of the planet earth. So, there is something listen, you may say no no no, any mass if it rotates intensely it has the capacity to pull things towards it. That is what am saying… by its existence it is exercising the gravitation not by any action.

I don’t know how many cracked the code. You guys got it, Understand! Somebody externally pushes it then it is force by its existence. By its core this power is exercised generated, operated, existing. Why earth is rotating is a separate question, but it is not force it is power. The difference is, if the source is silence not active participant but some effects are happening it is called power. Understand shiva is not active participant in shakthi, but shakthi is manifesting, that is power. Responsible but not accountable. Listen! you need to meditate on it the mass rotating by its existence it is attracting, force is exercised. It is not pushing or pulling or it is not participating. If you study the whole newton's law he has no answer for elongated question. Ganadha solves the whole question, whole mystery. There is a black hole and big bang which is responsible for planets self movement and self rotation of the earth and its rotation around the sun. Listen carefully Ganadha talks about that powers and their ability to criss cross and deliver various results. That is why if you study Ganadha you will not only understand gravitational force, you will understand the levitation force.

Because he talks about the powers manifesting and the logic of the powers. Gandha’s principles will be exactly true in sun, moon, planet earth, mars, saturn, jupiter in international space station everywhere. But Newtons theories will not apply outside their scientist community. We should say Newton's theory applicable for those who don’t question it. Not further, I think some of you have not cracked what am saying. See, if the planet earth is the source towards which it is getting, all the objects are getting pulled. If this directly exercises power on something it is called force but this is rotating on its own. It doesn’t care about who is pulled, who is gravitated towards it. By its existence the effects and side effects happening is not force, it is power.

Listen! in Sanskrit Sa the sa dhadhu basically used for existence. Swa swayam existence. Shakthi is component of two existence and vyakthi. Vyakthi means which operates. Identity which operates just because of existence is shakthi. Understand, planet earth attracts just because of its quality. I give you some more clarity, some more understanding. If I push this mic it is force, but just in my inner space am intensely rotating for my reason, and it is pulled towards me that is not force that is power. I have so many reasons to rotate, understand force is the specific calculated result oriented actions and inactions. Power is the smell or the flavour or the side effect of existence. I did not generate wealth as force, I generated wealth as power. My existence! I go on contributing. My lifestyle, my thought current, the way I exist. Continuously everything gathers around. Whether money or human resources or whatever whatever gets gravitated. That is why whenever anything need to be attended, I attend here increase the speed. Increase the speed more things gravitate. Understand the difference between power and force. This stupid fellow has mis translated laws of power into laws of force. What he missed exactly west missed when they stole knowledge from the history. In every line. I have a quotation sent by Amba here, I will read out. Initial cause of something to fall called Gurutwa, Gurutwa is beyond the perception of senses and it is in prithvi and up water. This gurutwa is eternal in the pure prithvi and water but it is temporary in the prithvi and water that we see in the world because what we see is the combination of all five elements. This is from vaisheshika sutras.

More than this I will give you some more detailed understanding. Brahma sending ganga to earth is force. Sadashiva releasing it from his head is power. Actually the way I was manifesting powers we got little struck why you know, most of you guys are already corrupted by the western logic, vatavarana. So you just started translating all my initiations into a small utility value and started looking only into that and started focussing only into that instead of focussing into oneness. Understand! am not alternative lifestyle for you am oneness for you. When the power manifestors whether balasands or adults have started looking at a small narrow view and started perceiving me as an alternative lifestyle you stop looking at the force. And power manifestations stopped with the one or two manifestations you stop looking at the force with just one or two manifestation. I don’t know how many of you are understanding.

A tree is beautifully coming, first the flowers are happening. You eat few flowers so tasty, you pluck all the flowers how will the fruit come. So all the when I initiate you into length. Your ability to solve all the logic questions is one flower but you are so glamoured about the flower. Entertained about the flower. Engalves in to the flower. You forgot the root, when you forget the root and remove the flower from the source how can fruit happen. Now my job is getting you back to original length dimension not just logic, logic is one aspect of life. Chemistry, biology, geology all are the part of the length dimension. Through the length dimension power manifestation you can tell how many drops From tapovan where ganga originates where she originates you can count and tell the drop. Understand, am not telling you stories, length dimension is million times more than the logic but when you started manifesting the

Head goes crazy, cranky, whether you accepted or not accepted you got oriented on one and you got centered on force. Understand as long as powers are side effect of you you are shiva when you get centered when you get attention to the powers. Then they get converted to force. All struggle is when you put this is one of the important click, whether you manifest or not focus should be on the source. More and more on oneness more and more on rotation swapradakshana your existence your reality. It should be on this then this will automatically happen.

If you have sincerely try to manifest powers you will know the problem about which am talking and you should crack the code today. Anybody who thinks very strongly power manifestation is not for me means you are completely centered on force logy. You don’t know logy of power or you think I will not be able to know which is also not right. How can you not know the logy of your existence when you still alive.

If you are dead and say don’t know how heart is functioning that is accepted. But you are alive and heart is functioning, pumping how can you say my heart is functioning? No, when you are alive you may not know you can't say I will not be able to know. How many of you come to the conclusion power manifestation is not for me, I cannot manifest. Now drop today understand. Focus on the happenings of inside, when you declare oneness the fears raising, anxiety raising, inability raising, all your past failures raising, frustration raising, focus there, bring more completion there, bring more oneness there, bring more trust there, bring more understanding there, you will crack the code.

Crack the code. If you crack the code, you will manifest powers. The difference between siddhi and shakti, siddhi is force, shakthi is power. Shakthi is mother, siddhi is chithi - stepmother. Understand not this chithi, In tamil step mother is always shown as a villain. See that stepmother is like your father marries once more that chithi but practically your mother's sister is chitthi. I gave chitthi her name as my mother’s sister. Always indian stories mother dies and father remarries when the father marries second time that person is called as chitthi and she will be portrayed as villain and … Force is different and powers are different. I think with this click, with this understanding, declare oneness from inner space whatever comes out attend to it, complete with it and again goes for you. What atmamurthy atma itself will be attracted to you. Come on with this understanding lets manifest powers today. Atma murthy challenge with this understanding.

With this understanding what atma murthy’s weight, atma’s weight itself you can pull. Come on let's manifest powers with this understandings today. So I highly recommend everyone to sign up to become part of nithyananda sangha so we can continue to support manifest the states, space and powers of maha Sadashiva.

So with this I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful!


Crack the Code for Power Manifestation || Nithyananda Satsang Live Stream || 14 Feb 2018

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nithyānandeśvara sadāśiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari ādiśakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respects. You may be wondering why I was sitting in the seat and laughing at looking at this great team I have. I will tell you later on, when we come to a comedy track I will tell these. Now, first serious introduction then comedy track. See, I will share some basic important sacred secrets about this superconscious breakthrough and how that can be directly useful in our day today life. First of all beyond that direct usefulness superconscious breakthrough is not at all about the silly pleasures or small mind games. No. When I initiated people in 2002, sorry it may be two or I don’t know 2001 when I started initiating people into healing, they said “Oh, is it like a Reiki”?


Then when I started speaking about the important powers of the Vedas: Integrity, Authenticity. People said that, “Oh, is it like that Landmark?” Then when I started initiating people into manifesting powers, “Oh, is that like they bend the spoon and all that.” What do you call.”? Telekinesis. No, I really want to tell you guys; first of all, all those are not a complete science or system, they are all few things stolen. For example fundamentally there is no reiki healer who has healed somebody and did not get that disease on them. There is no reiki healer, I can challenge. And there is no Nithyananda spiritual healer who got that disease. I can challenge. Foundation is different. Because this science is from the source, root. Foundation is different. It is like, sometimes this illegitimate son of the king becomes more powerful and the legitimate son of the king is sent far away and that poor fellow doesn’t get the post. No, I am not talking about anybody. I am telling you I am not talking about anybody. 😊Hey, I am telling you I am not talking about anybody.😊The illegitimate son becomes more popular.


That’s exactly happened in last five hundred years. Understand whether it is a gravitation theory or the great ideas about cosmology, the great truths about mind, body, everything. First they stole from here and half-digested, and destroyed the source, made us believe all this doesn’t belong to us and then imported the same thing to us in a completely rebranded way but half-digested or half translated. We are suffering with the sickening imported silly ideas. Understand. Listen! Now I am going to tell one important truth. When I initiate you in the length dimension, the first expression will be any logic related question you will answer. And anybody manifests that power, immediately west tries to call him as child prodigy or genius. But that does not end there. Their child prodigy or genius will only do that. But when you start exploring the length dimension with oneness it is not that you will answer only the length related question. It is not that you will answer only the logic related questions. You will manifest such multidimensional possibilities and abilities.


Understand the first response is not complete science. The first power manifestation is not complete science. For that itself people are ‘Wow’. The real job I am starting now. Listen Ganada, if you see his verses, one of the conclusions you come to is Newton's gravitation theory. It is one of the small conclusions he came to from this fundamental sutra. But if you just take out that sutra and start meditating not only you will understand the law of gravitation, you will understand the law of Levitation. Both are one and the same. Listen carefully, in Hindu tradition Bhu is flat. You need to understand. It is not equivalent to the Bible saying earth is flat. No. In Hindu tradition Bhu is not just earth, It is a plane we exist. That is actually flat, the plane, the milky way, the whole milky way if you see from the cosmos it is literally flat. At least we have two reference in vedic tradition, where the mantra very clearly says Sun goes around the planet earth. Please understand it is not like Bible declaring sun goes round the earth and earth is flat. No, it is totally different context.


Listen to this. Understand very carefully. [Swamiji demonstrates using props]This is earth, this is sun. Modern science says the earth is going round the sun, but Hindu tradition says this Sun itself going around some other centre called meru danda or brahmanda. So, because this is going round and this is going round. 365… 366 days this (earth) goes around, In one brahma kalpa this (Sun) goes round the planet earth. I am repeating, listen. This is planet earth, this is sun. This (earth) going round, bloody donkeys you guys know only 100 year 200 year calculation what do you fellows know. That is why you call only, “Oh, earth goes round the sun.” We live from brahma to brahma. This (Sun) going around. See this (earth) is going around, but this (Sun) is going around something. So, by the time this (sun) finishes one round, it has gone round … around the earth. How many of you are understanding? That time is only is one kalpa.


Listen! I will give you one fundamental understanding today then I will explain how the Ganada and the cosmic truths revealed in agamas and vedas can be applied in day today life. I will just give you some understanding. Listen to it carefully. When Ganada talks about his laws, he talks about power. Listen! Two different things exist: One is power, another one is force. Force has source. Power’s source is silence. Listen! The source of the force is action. Like if I push something, something gets pushed, something falls, gets pulled that’s called force. Power from the very space of Maha Sadashiva, ufff [Swamiji blows] and the power manifests in you, that is power. Understand. The source of power is not action. I will .. I will describe. If lethargy is source of your inaction, it is called tamas. Because you cracked the code and you are inactive it is called sattva.


Listen! I will repeat. If lethargy is the reason for your inaction it is called tamas. Because you cracked the code of the action and inaction you are not doing any action is sattva. The tamas and sattva externally may look similar but both are not same. I told you yesterday, similar looking twins are not same. The software decides who you are, personification decides the person. So, tamas and sattva externally both will be lying down. One in the dorm bunker cot another one in the courtyard cot. Both will be lying down all the time. One in the dorm bunker cot, another one in the courtyard cot. Both will be always lying. If lethargy is the reason for your inactiveness that is different. Because you cracked the code of the action and inaction that is the reason for your inaction that is different. So, Force and power understand this word. You need to understand this. Listen! Ganada describes the source of gravitation power or the levitation power as the power – pure consciousness. Understand when you translate power into force you may come to a limited conclusions correct for the brains which cannot look further.


It really happened. This incident really happened in My life. In the school from fifth grade to sixth grade you have to go to a different school. In Indian villages the.. it’s called elementary school to high school till fifth you go to a school it’s called elementary school and then from sixth you move to another school, that is called high school. So, Me and one of My distant relative boy both of us went for a entrance examination into that school, for that high school to take, to get admission into the school. So we all wrote the entrance examination. Next day that headmaster called My cousin and he started beating him left and right complaining that he copied from My paper. And I was also standing and I do not know why and how the headmaster found out. Because the question is “What is your name”? Nathari appidyeva eluthi vaipai? 😊 I was trying My best to defend, “No, no, no I never showed, he was far away, he could not have seen My paper and copied.” Initial marama eludhi vachirukan. No, this really happened! Without even missing the initial he has copied.


Understand. You need to experience consciousness. You need to know from Shiva the Shakthi generates, only then you will understand difference between power and force. Gravitation is not force, it is power. Listen, what is gravitation? Being pulled towards the planet earth. If it is force it should always be from external. See, is the source is active or inactive? Source which is pulling is that active or inactive? Hey who is telling active? The core of the earth is inactive. Understand the axle on which the earth is rotating that centre is inactive. If the axle is active how can there be consistent movement? To which… towards which centre everything is pulled? Towards the core of the planet earth. So, there is something… listen, you may say “No, no, no, any mass if it rotates intensely it has the capacity to pull things towards it. That is what I am saying… by its existence it is exercising the gravitation not by any action.”


I don’t know how many cracked the code. You guys got it? Understand. Somebody externally pushes it, then it is force. By its existence, by its core this power is exercised, generated, operated, existing. Why earth is rotating is a separate question, but it is not force it is power. The difference is, if the source is silence, not active participant, but some effects are happening, it is called power. Understand Shiva is not active participant in shakthi, but shakthi is manifesting, that is power. Responsible but not accountable. Listen! you need to meditate on it. The mass rotating by its existence it is attracting, force is exercised. It is not pushing or pulling or it is not participating. Ganada solves the whole thing, whole mystery. There is a black hole and big bang which is responsible for planet’s self movement, self rotation of the earth and its rotation around the sun. Listen carefully Ganada talks about that powers and their ability to crisscross and deliver various results. That is why I am saying if you study Ganada not only you will understand gravitation force, you will understand the levitation force; because he talks about the powers manifesting and the logic of the powers.


Ganada’s principles will be exactly true in sun, moon, planet earth, mars, saturn, jupiter, in international space station, everywhere. But Newton's theories will not apply outside their scientist community. Not further, I think still some of you are not able to crack what I am saying. See, if the planet earth is the source towards which it is getting, all the objects are getting pulled. If this directly exercises power on something it is called force; but this is just rotating on its own. It doesn’t care about who is pulled, who is gravitated towards it. By its existence the effects and side effects happening is not force, it is power. Listen, in Sanskrit Sa; the Sa dhatu basically used for existence. Swa, swayam - existence. Shakthi is component of two words; existence and vyakthi. Vyakthi means which operates - identity. Identity which operates just because of existence is shakthi. Understand, planet earth attracts just because of its quality. I’ll give you some more clarity, some more understanding. If I push this mic it is force, but just in My inner space I am intensely rotating for My reason, and it is getting pulled towards Me, that is not force, that is power. I have so many reasons for Me to rotate.


Understand, force is the specific calculated result oriented actions and inactions. Power is the smell or the flavour or the side effect of existence. I did not generate wealth as force, I generated wealth as power. My existence! I go on contributing. My lifestyle, My thought current, the way I exist, continuously everything gathers around; whether money or the human resource or whatever, whatever, gets gravitated. That is why whenever anything need to be attended, I attend it here [Swamiji gestures towards inner space], increase the speed. Increase the speed, more things gravitate. Understand the difference between power and force. This stupid fellow has mis translated the laws of power into laws of force. What he missed exactly, West missed when they stole knowledge from the East in every line, every field. I have a quotation sent by Amba here, I will read out. Initial cause of something to fall called Gurutva, Gurutva is beyond the person of senses…. perception of senses and it is in prithvi and ap - water. This gurutva is eternal in the pure prithvi and water but it is temporary in the prithvi and the water that we see in the world because what we see is the combination of all five elements.’ This is from vashesika… vaisheshika sutras.


More than this I will give you some more detailed understanding. Brahma sending Ganga to earth is force. Sadashiva releasing it from His head is power. Actually the way I was manifesting powers, we got little stuck. Why you know? Most of you guys are already corrupted by the western logic, vatavarana. So, you just started translating all My initiations into a small utility value and started looking only into that and started focusing only into that instead of focusing into oneness. Understand. I am not alternative lifestyle for you, I am oneness for you. When the power manifestors, whether Balasants or adults, have started looking in a small narrow view and started perceiving Me as an alternative lifestyle, you stopped looking at the Source and power manifestation has stopped just with one or two manifestations which has happened. I don’t know how many of you are understanding?


A tree is beautifully coming, first the fruits are happening … sorry first flowers are happening. You eat few flowers ‘ahhh so tasty’, and you pluck all the flowers. How will the fruit come? So, all the… when I initiate you into length your ability to solve all the logic questions is one flower. But you are so glamoured about the flower, entertained about the flower, engrossed into the flower, you forgot the root. When you forget the root and remove the flower from the source, how can fruit happen? Now My job is getting you back to the original length dimension, not just logic. Logic is one aspect of length. Chemistry, biology, geology all are part of the length dimension. Through the length dimension power manifestation you can tell how many drop water is in Ganges now? From Gangotri… sorry Tapovan where Ganga origins, originates until Ganga sagar where she merges into ocean, you can count and tell the drop!! Understand. I am not telling you stories, length dimension is million times more than the logic but when you started manifesting one power logic and your head started going crazy, cranky, whether you understood or not understood, whether you accepted or not accepted, you got oriented on one and you got centred on force left the understanding of power.


Understand as long as powers are side effect of you, you are Shiva. When you get centred, when you give attention to the powers… gone, then they get converted into force. All struggle is when you put your focus on the force, I think power manifestors should know now. This is one of the important click, whether you manifest or not, focus should be on the source. More and more on oneness, more and more on rotation - swa pradakshina, your existence, your reality. It should be on this [Swamiji gestures towards inner space] then this [Swamiji gestures towards uter space] will automatically happen. If you have sincerely tried to manifest powers you will know the problem about which I am talking, and you should crack this code today, you will see power manifestation happening. Anybody who thinks very strongly ‘power manifestation is not for me’, means you are completely centred on force logic. You don’t know the logic of power, or you think ‘I will not be able to know’, which is also not right. How can you not know the logic of your existence when you are still alive.


If you are dead and you say, “I don’t know how my heart is functioning”, that can be accepted. But you are alive and your heart is functioning, pumping. How can you say, “I don’t know how my heart is functioning”? No. When you are alive you may not know; you can't say, “I will not be able to know.” How many of you have come to the conclusion “Power manifestation is not for me, I cannot manifest.” Now drop. Today understand. Focus on the happenings of inside, when you declare oneness; the fears raising, anxiety raising, inability raising, all your past failures raising, frustrations raising, focus there, bring more completion there, bring more oneness there, bring more trust there, bring more understanding there, you will crack the code.


Crack the code. If you crack the code, you will manifest powers. The difference between siddhi and shakti, siddhi is force, shakthi is power. Shakthi is mother, siddhi is chitthi - stepmother. Understand… not this chitthi!! In tamil, step mother is always shown as a villain. See, that stepmother is like your father marries once more and then that chithi. But actually in practical life your mother's sister is always very sweet chitthi. I gave her name chitthi as My mother’s sister. Always in Indian stories and movies when the mother dies and father remarries or when the mother… when the father marries second time that person will be called as chitthi and she will be portrayed as villain and … Force is different and powers are different. I think with this click, with this understanding… See, declare oneness from your inner space. Whatever comes out attend to it, complete with it, work on it and again go for oneness. You will see powers manifesting left and right. What atma murthy, atma itself will be attracted towards you.


Come on, with this understanding let’s manifest powers today. Atma murthy challenge with this understanding. With this understanding what atma murthy’s weight, Atma’s weight itself you can pull. 😊 Come on, let's manifest powers with this understanding today. So, I highly recommend everyone to sign up to become part of the nithyananda sangha so we can continue to support you manifest the state, space and powers of Maha Sadashiva. So, with this I bless you all. Let us all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Maha Sadashivoham, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful!



See Yourself as the Source! || Part 1 || NS || 14 Feb 2018


Name Of The Convention : Nithya Satsang Session on: See Yourself as the Source! Part 1 Date : 14 February 2018 Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam give a discourse on the sacred secrets of the superconscious breakthrough, and how we can apply it to our daily lives. His Divine Holiness shares a ferocious insight into his mission and provides an elaborate explanation on one particular scientific concept, mapping them against cosmic truths from the Vedas and Agamas.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:


See Yourself as the Source! || Part 3 || NS || 14 Feb 2018


Name Of The Convention : Nithya Satsang Session on: See Yourself as the Source! Part 3 Date : 14 February 2018 Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, we hear the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam continue the discourse on the sacred secrets of the superconscious breakthrough. His Divine Holiness explains here the power of understanding the length and breadth dimensions through the science of power manifestation. We learn the importance of understanding the logic of our very own existence, and that all of our focus in life should be on oneness and our own reality.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:


(00:16) Actually, the way I was manifesting powers, we got little stuck, why you know? Most of you guys are already corrupted by the western logic vatavarana. So you just translate, started translating all My initiations into a small utility value and started looking only into that and started focusing only into that instead of focusing into Oneness. Understand. I am not alternative lifestyle for you, I am Oneness for you... When the power manifestors, whether Balasants or adults have started looking at a small narrow view and started perceiving Me as an alternative lifestyle, you stop looking at the source and power manifestation has stopped with just one or two manifestations which has happened... I don’t know how many are understanding. (01:32) A tree is beautifully coming, first the fruits are happening. sorry, first flowers are happening. You eat few flowers, ‘Ah, so tasty’ and you pluck all the flowers. How will the fruit come? So all the… When I initiate you into length, your ability to solve all the logic questions is one flower. But you are so glamoured about the flower, entertained about the flower, engrossed into the flower, you forgot the root. When you forget the root and remove the flower from the source, how can fruit happen? Now My job is getting you back to the original length dimension, not just logic. Logic is one aspect of length. Chemistry, Biology, Geology, all are part of the length dimension. Through the length dimension power manifestation, you can tell how many drops of water is in Ganges now. From Tapovan where Ganga originates and till Gangasagar where she merges into ocean, you can count and tell the drop. (03:22) Understand, I am not telling you stories. Length dimension is million times more than the logic, but when you started manifesting one power logic and your head started going crazy, cranky, whether you understood or not understood, whether you accepted or not accepted, you got oriented on one and you got centered on force, left the understanding of power. (04:04) Understand, as long as powers are side effect of you, you are Shiva. When you get centered, when you give attention to the powers, gone! Then they get converted into force. All struggle is when you put your focus on the force. I think power manifestors should know now. This is one of the important click. Whether you manifest or not, focus should be on the source, more and more on Oneness, more and more on rotation, swapradakshina, your existence, your reality. It should be on this (shows the heart) then this (outer things) will automatically happen. If you have sincerely tried to manifest powers, you will know the problem about which I am talking, and you should crack this code today. You will see power manifestation happening. (05:46) Anybody who thinks very strongly power manifestation is not for me, means you are completely centered on force, logic. You don’t know the logic of power or you think I will not be able to know which is also not right. How can you not know the logic of your existence when you are still alive? If you are dead and you say I don’t know how my heart is functioning, that can be accepted but you are alive and your heart is functioning, pumping. How can you say I don’t know how my heart is functioning. No! When you are alive, you may not know, you can’t say I will not be able to know. (06:52) How many of you have come to the conclusion power manifestation is not for me, I cannot manifest? Now drop, today understand, focus on the happenings of inside when you declare Oneness, the fears raising, anxiety raising, inability raising, all your past failures raising, frustrations raising. Focus there, bring more completions there, bring more Oneness there, bring more trust there, bring more understanding there, you will crack the code. Crack the code. If you crack the code, you will manifest powers. (07:52) The difference between Siddhi and Shakti-Siddhi is force, Shakti is power. Shakti is mother, Siddhi is Chitti, step mother. Understand, force is different and powers are different. I think with this click, with this understanding, see, declare Oneness from your innerspace. Whatever comes out, attend to it, complete with it, work on it and again go for Oneness. You will see powers manifesting left and right. What Atmamurti, atma itself will be attracted towards you. (09:04) Come on, with this understanding, let’s manifest powers today. Atmamurti challenge with this understanding. With this understanding, what Atmamurti’s weight, atma’s weight itself you can pull. (laughs) Come on, let’s manifest powers with this understanding today. So, I highly recommend everyone to sign up to become part of the Nithyananda Sangha so we can continue to support you manifest the state, space and powers of Mahasadashiva. (10:10) So with this, I Bless you all. Let’s all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing, living Shuddhatvaitashaivam, Mahasadashivoham, the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you, Be Blissful! (10:28)


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