August 19 2010

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Healing Science of Ananda Linga - Nithyananda's Message of the day 19 Aug 2010


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Science of Alchemy during a live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Healing Science of Ananda Linga, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared about the Siddha Tradition that used a very subtle, powerful method called alchemy which refers to a sacred process of using right meditations and energized herbs into the body to awaken the non-mechanical part of the human brain. He explained about Navapasana and other elements that came together to create the Ananda Lingam that is in the spiritual energy field of Vaidyasarovar at the Bidadi ashram. His Divine Holiness shared that this is the greatest happening in the cosmos in the past two years where the energy heals your body and mind and prepares both for initiation from the Master leading to Enlightenment itself.

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Healing Science of Ananda Linga - Nithyananda's Message of the day 19 Aug 2010

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I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today I’ll speak on alchemy, the science of alchemy. In India, all possible methods and technologies have been used to awaken the Kundalini Shakti - the potential energy of human beings. The modern terms - the non-mechanical parts of the brain. Please understand, mechanical parts of the brain are responsible for your breathing, your blood flow, normal body functions, like a liver functioning, simple body functions. But, the mechanical parts of the brain are only very small part in your brain. There is a huge part non-mechanical parts of the brain which is not awakened in normal human beings.


In India, different traditions have tried to awaken those non-mechanical parts of the human brain for various reasons - to have extraordinary powers, to have union with Cosmos, to have the ultimate Enlightenment itself. There are some traditions which used the breathing exercises for Enlightenment. There are some traditions which used bending the body, Yoga asanas for Enlightenment. There are some traditions which used creating right understanding and ideas for Enlightenment. There are some traditions which used very subtle, powerful method called alchemy means with the right meditations, adding energized herbs into the body. It is called Siddha tradition. In South India, especially in Tamil Nadu, this Siddha tradition was very popular. They made disciple to do particular meditation and Pranayama techniques and add particulars herbs into their system.


When the herbs are added with meditation it awakens the non-mechanical parts of the brain. Patanjali very beautifully describes - mind, mantra, aushada, these are the three different methods of achieving extraordinary powers and Enlightenment itself. Aushada means the right herbs energized works different ways in your system. It heals, awakens different extraordinary energies and leads you to Enlightenment itself. You will be surprised there are herbs energized and given by Enlightened being, can lead you to Enlightenment just instantaneously. Because the Master, whenever He initiates He literally gives Enlightenment to you that moment. Unfortunately, your brain and the system is not intelligent enough to hold that energy forever; so it just loses. It’s almost like a water poured on the inverted pot. The pot is kept inverted, how much ever water is poured on it, not a single drop stays in the pot. Many of our vessel are inverted pot that is why symbolically it is the same shape. That is why any energy Master pours does not stay in it.


But if the right herbs were added, exactly for those few moments the non-mechanical parts of the brain may be available to hold that energy. The energy is held by the body and mind immediately Enlightenment stays with your system. If that energy stays in your system for twenty-one seconds that is enough. Then it will open the doors. It cannot again be lost. It cannot again be lost. So those herbs are only called navapashana. Understand, pasana means literally in Sanskrit ‘poison’. That is the word. But when it is processed it is not poison; it is poison for your ego, not poison for your body or mind. It is a very powerful process. It is not actually poison in an ordinary sense. These herbs actually saves very life and heals very body. Our Masters have used all possible methods and techniques to heal human body, mind and Consciousness.


This navapashana and these unique herbs are specially created in the planet earth, this science is specially made available to planet earth by a great Siddhas from southern part of India to make the bio-memory available to the Masters energy. See when you open, when your body opens itself to the Master's energy, first instant healing, spontaneous healing, quantum healing. That’s the first effect. The second: evolved high mental state, beautiful blissful mental state. Third: body and mind which is ready for Enlightenment. So naturally Master can heal, just like that he can share it. It’s a very rare science.


For that navapashana to happen, three things has to happen. One: the right sthapati - person who is in the field of construction of traditional architecture, traditional deities, traditional temples. Second: the person who is mastered the science of herbs, who knows where it is available, where it is...where you can get it and collect and do the process. Third: an Enlightened being who can put energy into it. It’s a very rare happened, happened two thousand years before once in a place called Palani in Tamil Nadu. A great Siddha, Bhogar, He was Master of all this three. He was an architect, means traditional sthapati who can build deities and who knows the science of herbs because He had lot of associates, disciples who are in tribe...different tribes, tribal people. So He was able to collect all those medicines and herbs. And third, He himself is an Enlightened Siddha, mahapurusha.


Unfortunately for last two thousand years all three combination happened was almost impossible, never happened. By the divine grace after two thousand years, maybe two years before again all the thing fell in place properly. Maybe the world wants once more the science of Siddha tradition to made available to the world. Cosmos wants the science of this Siddha tradition made available to the humanity for the sake of physical, mental and spiritual healing. And we had the fortune of being a space where that can happen. We had right sthapati, and person who knows the science of creating deities and temples. Our sthapati who built this temple, is the sthapati who built the largest temple tower in India, means in the whole world - the Srirangam temple tower, largest traditional temple tower is Srirangam temple tower. He’s the sthapati who built that; not only he knows building the deities, the science of creating deities and temples, he knows the science of this herbs.


I asked, had right contacts, right people to collect, procure herbs. And he also had some more contacts to collect the right herbs. And fortunately the architectural excellence, intelligence of sthapati and this and some other people’s knowledge about the herbs and My Presence, energy - all three fell in place beautifully, what has happened is Ananda Lingam in our ashram in Vaidya Sarovar. That’s another greatest happening of this century. Please understand in the spiritual Consciousness, this is one of the greatest happening. All you need to do is just sit in the banks, in the steps of the Vaidya Sarovar for twenty-one minutes and unclutch. Apply ash, bhasma on your body, take bath in the Vaidya Sarovar, the water which comes out of Shiva Linga. And after the bath again sit there for at least five minutes on the banks and feel the chillness and inhale and exhale using the whole body.


Please understand, I am giving you the exact technique of how to use Vaidya Sarovar. It’s a spiritual energy field. How to use it completely for the optimum benefit? First, sit at the banks, unclutch for twenty-one minutes. Apply the ash all over the body and take bath from the water which comes out of Shiva Linga. Of course, the whole water is water out of Shiva Linga, it gets filtered13:02. You will be surprised the from the same sprinkler, before it touches the Shiva linga, Ananda Linga, if you take that water and keep it in a bottle it will be spoiled by fifteen days. If you take water just after ten seconds it travels from the Ananda Linga and comes out, that water does not get spoiled for six months. We experimented. Same way, milk, if you take it and keep it will be spoiled within a day. Same way pour it on the Linga and when it comes out, take it, just ten...then it will travel on the Shiva Linga for ten to twenty seconds, that's all. Take that milk and keep it for fifteen days it will not be spoiled. We tested it. The power of that herbs and energy.


So taking bath in the water, sit again on the banks for five minutes, inhale and exhale using the whole body. Your body will be healed, your mind will be in peace, you will be ready for initiation from the Master to hold the energy in your body, mind and bio-memory. Please understand this Ananda Lingam is one of the powerful, most powerful happening in the Cosmos in the last two years and it's one of the precious gift given to humanity by the Cosmos using this body. I can say thousands of healing miracles happened to the people who took bath in the Vaidya Sarovar and thousands of spiritual experiences for the people who took bath and meditated on the banks of Vaidya Sarovar. And thousands of benefits people experienced by installing Shiva Linga on the banks of Vaidya Sarovar. And the benefits people experienced by doing abhishekam directly to the Ananda Linga. More than Me explaining to you in words, I sincerely request all of you to come and experience Ananda Linga. I invite you all to come and live and experience Ananda Lingam, the power of Ananda Linga. How the medicinal part heals your body, how the energy heals your mind and both prepares your body and mind for initiation from the Master; to lead you to the Enlightenment itself. And meditating on the banks of the Vaidya Sarovar in the presence of the Ananda Linga, how it helps you, leads you to spiritual experience and ultimately Enlightenment itself.


So, let you all use Ananda Linga and experience Enlightenment. Let you all achieve and radiate the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank You. (17:00)


Inner Awakening Reminiscence - Part 2


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Inner Awakening Reminiscence - Part 2

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19 Aug 2010: Nithyananda World Family News


News from Bidadi, Aug 19, 2010


19 Aug 2010: Nithyananda World Family News

Photos Of The Day:
