March 31 2010

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Nityananda - Cult or Culture?


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Vidarka during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Nityananda - Cult or Culture?. His Divine Holiness (HDH) expounded that as long as people have Vidarka and love, everything looks like a culture explaining that when fear and greed take over, when vidarka is lost, everything looks like a cult. He went on further by sharing that when too many people resist it’s called cult, when too many people accept, it’s called culture. His Divine Holiness explained that defining something as cult or culture depends on the level of fear and greed in the observer and gave the example of the Sangha - when people are in love, they love to see His photograph everywhere and even wear it on their body. When HDH suggests that it's enough to wear one Mala, people don’t listen and wear rows and rows of malas. When the love is not there, when their ideas about the Master change, they remove the mala, the bracelet, the books and then call the same thing as a cult.

HDH explained that it’s an individual's choice to call the Sangha a cult, but that doesn’t make it a fact. For the last so many years He has been talking and teaching. Suddenly, now I have become silent and have created a strong situation where people can take a jump into Enlightenment and become Kalabhairava. He revealed that people have to jump into Enlightenment or drop and requested that the sincere seekers to go beyond His form and not harbour hatred towards Him that He did not fulfill their ideas about Him. “Drop your ideas about Me. Drop your anger. Go beyond My form and use intense Unclutching and vidarka towards the formless energy. Use this situation as an opportunity for Enlightenment.” His Divine Holiness said. He also commented on delegates who experienced Siddhis, but did not reach Enlightenment and so are feeling fooled sharing further that these ideas come up when, again, the vidarka is lost. His Divine Holiness concluded by saying that the solution is to unclutch and have vidarka with the Cosmos.

Video and Audio

Nityananda - Cult or Culture?

Video Audio