September 13 2016

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Mystery Of Matrix - On Sadashiva Hindu Cosmology Q&A


Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers questions about the 25 states of Consciousness, the 11 Dimensions and the 5 aspects of Vyakta Sadashiva. He also explains an important point: Sadashiva will reveal all the sacred secret sciences of the Cosmos if we hold the right space. Out of anger or frustration, demanding answers from him will never work. We will sit in delusion for janmas. Only from the sweet space of Bhakti can we be in the receptive space to imbibe the sacred truths.

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nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Sarvajnapeetha Yajmaans, Visitors, Viewers, Thanedars, Kotharis, Subscribers, Everyone, sitting with us all over the World, through Nithyananda TV, Facebook live, Youtube live, and two way Video Conferencing. I welcome all of you with my love and respects. (1:26) Still, still the Matrix is going on. Still, the subject is not yet over. Now only the…it is ripening, it’s taking into a space, where experientially I can push, all these people into eleven dimensions. The intellectual understanding has become, the saturatory level, means the necessary level of intellectual understanding, it has reached. May be today and tomorrow, I will pushing into the experience of eleven dimensions. The experiential level of eleven dimensions. Yesterday, I was explaining the deeper aspects of Jeeva, Ishwara, Jagat - Matrix -Twenty Five Consciousness, eleven dimensions…. Twenty Five Consciousness of the Jeeva. Eleven dimensions of the Jagat. Five aspects of Vyakta Sadāshiva. We had some questions and answers, sharing, clarification. Now I will try to respond and answer, all the questions of the Viewers, one by one. So, Parashivananda can read out the questions. (4:15) Question (Daniel Kunkler is asking) - Swamiji, is the twenty five states of Consciousness, eleven dimensions of Jagat, five aspects of Ishwara, are they all maya or just different permutations and combinations? Where in it does Where they touch Sadāshivoham exist or is it only outside of that matrix that we exist? Swamiji - Daniel, listen, you have put…some two, three questions. I’ll answer, question by question. The first question is -Is the twenty five states of consciousness, eleven dimensions and five aspects of Isvara, Maya or just different permutation and combinations? Listen to this example. You are in a forest, a tiger sees you. You see the tiger, it is chasing you. You are running for life, that is Māyā. Because, the way you want to see, you create, what you want to see. It is called Drishti Srishti, because you see, you create. Listen carefully. Next, Ganga is flowing forever, from the Himalayas to Ganga Sagar, Ocean. That is Srishti Drishti, because it is there, you see. Listen carefully, this is the difference. Tiger chasing you, experience is Srishti Drishti, because you see, it is happening. Ganga flowing is Srishti, means it exists, because it exist, you see. Tiger chasing you is Drishti Srishti. Drishti means seeing, Srishti means creation. Because of your seeing, it is created. Ganga flowing, is Srishti Drishti, because it is there, you are seeing. What’s a difference? If there is a psychological intervention, for example, even the modern day researchers are proving - the moment you see the tiger, if you are shakened, frightened, certain chemicals are released in your body. Tiger hates the smell of that chemical. If you are not frightened, if you don’t release that chemical, tiger doesn’t chase you. It is not necessary always, the tiger should chase you. If you have a fear, you will project and have an animal chasing you. Whenever there is psychological intervention and the manipulation of the happening, it is called Srishti Drishti. Because you see, it is happening. Whenever there is no psychological intervention, the Ganga flowing, there is no psychological, intervention from your side. From your side, there is no intervention. It is flowing, whether you see it or not. It is flowing, whether you perceive it or not. That is Srishti Drishti - what is created, you are seeing. So listen, in this twenty five Consciousness, eleven dimensions, five aspects of Jiveshwara Jagat, neither everything is maya, nor everything is reality. There are certain things which are influenced by Drishti, that Srishti is Maya. Tiger chasing you is maya, Ganga flowing forever, is not maya, it is reality. Where your intervention, does not alter THE EXISTENCE - THE REALITY, it’s not Maya. So, your first question – is there twenty five Consciousness, eleven dimensions, five aspects of Ishwara? All this are Maya or just different permutations or combinations? Different permutation, combinations of this three, which is influenced by the Seer, is Maya ,which is not influenced by the Seer, is reality.


The next Question – where in it, does Sadāshivoham exist? No. All this exists in Sadāshivoham, not Sadāshivoham in it. Understand, all this, even Ishwara, Sadāshiva’s 5 dimensions of – srishti, sthiti, vinasha, trobhava, anugraha – srishti, sthiti, samhara, trobhava, anugraha - creation, maintenance, destruction, delusion and enlighten... liberation. Even these five aspects of Sadāshiva, is only the Vyakta component, so all this twenty five state of Consciousness of Jeeva, eleven dimensions of Jagat, five aspects of Ishvara – all this, is established on Sadāshivoham, all this exist on Sadāshivoham. Sadāshivoham does not exist in any of this. All this exists in Sadāshivoham. And you are asking - Or is it outside the matrix we exist? Please understand, Sadāshivoham exists, outside all this matrix. All this, Jeeva, Ishwara, Jagat, the overlapping and permutation, combinations, of all this, forms certain matrix and that matrix, that matrix, listen, that matrix, when it is influenced by the Seer, I call it Maya, when it is not influenced by the Seer, I call it reality. But, Sadāshivoham, is the space where all this are established, whether it is maya or reality, it is established on Sadāshivoham. So, Sadāshivoham, is outside this whole matrix. Actually you are going to experience Sadāshivoham, the space outside this matrix, in this Sadāshivoham 2016. I am very serious about it. Next question…..


Prabhat Kapur is asking – May you kindly clarify the eleven dimensions. I read about four dimensions in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, namely length, breadth, height and time. I wonder which other remaining seven dimensions? Swamiji - Listen, Einstein is the poor man’s version of our Rishis. Forget about him. Listen to the truth. Length, Breadth, Depth, Time – you say you know only this four. Where does this four exist, that is what is SPACE. This five are called unit dimensions. Listen carefully ,not dimensions, Unit Dimensions. Centimeter itself, is not enough information for you to understand, how many centimeter cloth you need. For example you go and ask the Tailor, “ I want to stitch my dress, how many meter dress I…. cloth I need”. He says,” meter.” Meter means what? “Tell me, how many meter.” Meter is only a unit not quantity. Length, Breadth, Depth, Time, Space – this five are Unit dimensions, not actual dimensions. The permutations and combinations of this five – Length, Breadth, Depth, Time and Space -permutations, combinations of all this five playing around, understand, that is what is the eleven dimensions. The permutation combination, of all this playing around is eleven dimensions. Understand, Length, Breadth, Depth, Time and Space…. Actually when the Length, Breadth, Time, gets activated in the Space…. Listen carefully, when the Length, Breadth, Depth, Mass gets activated in the Space, it generates Time. So, the Mass and its Velocity in the Space, produces certain frictions, which is called Time. Mass, when it produces certain Velocity in the space, the friction generated is called Time. I don’t know, as on now, any scientist can explain, what I am saying. But science, is too small kid to catch up with us. Hope he grows to catch up with us. Next……


Question - Ma Nithya Bhavajnananda asked - I understand Sadāshiva liberates us but why does Sadāshiva put us in delusion? Swamiji - Bhavajnananda, you need to understand one thing. You are saying,” I understand that Sadāshiva liberates us.” No! you have not understood. If you understand, you’ll be liberated now. If you understand, Sadāshiva liberates us, you will be liberated now. You do not understand, you want to keep that as a preposition. You want to keep that as a suppositions. The suppositions, prepositions, fixed questions cannot be answered. Understand, the suppositions, prepositions…..Bhavajnananda listen, if you understand He liberates, you will celebrate even if He puts you in delusion. If you know He liberates, then why are you worried about when He is putting you in delusion. You don’t believe He liberates, but you want to blame, He is putting you in delusion. That is why this whole question. This whole question, is out of anger, not out of understanding. Out of anger, not out of understanding. So, either try to understand He liberates, then you will understand why He puts you in delusion. As long you understand, why He liberates, you cannot understand, why He puts you in delusion. The question need to be dealt with tremendous love. The secret you are asking, can be revealed only in the love, but you are asking with so much of frustration and anger. So, the answer and the secret…...the answer for this question, is a very Sacred Secret Sweet Science – Four S not triple S - Sacred Secret Sweet Science. (20:26) It should be answered – like how Sadāshiva, is holding Adi Shakti, in that sacred secret sweet space, not only the way he is holding, a wink in the eyes. It is that space, where this sacred secret sweet science need to be revealed. But, you are asking, from the space of ‘rrrrr’. The space from where, the husband and wife jokes are revealed, experienced, or created. From that space, you cannot understand this sacred secret sweet science. Understand, why He liberates, why He puts us in delusion, is such a sweet sacred secret science, for that to be heard, for you to experience, receive it, the space you need is different, not this angry anti-face. Anti means angry Aunty. I can even say “angry aunty”, both. “H-u-n-g-r-i….g-r-y or A-n-g-r-y, A-n-t-i or A-u-n-t-y, you can have, any permutation and combination of these four word. Hungry, angry, anti, aunty, any permutation, combination of these four word, space will not work, to realize this sacred secret sweet science. Understand - There are some things of existence, which can be revealed only when, you become an insider. Today morning, while I was walking, I was defining, some of the relationships, understandings, to all the Balasanths, who were walking with me. Pangali, there is a word in Tamil, ‘Pangali’, means – in ruling, when you become a partner…. You see, life is all about ruling. The way you cognise and rule life, whoever is a shareholder, is a Pangali. (Tamil words uttered by Swamiji????24:02???) But, it has become a bad word in Tamil now. Same way the( ???24:23????), means the owner. Owner with whom you share and own, is (???24:37???). It has become a bad word now. Basically the Pangali and (???24:43???) are brother, sister. Brothers are called Pangali, (???24:49) is sisters, but both the words have become bad words. Same the word,’(???25:00???macha). (????25:01????) (25:13) Means, with whom you don’t have fear, you don’t have to hold back, you don’t have to retain yourself, with whom you share yourself. I tell you, some of the most important sacred secrets of life, can be shared, revealed, only when somebody has become part of you, part of you, very part of you. Bhavajnananda, you are demanding the answer, without becoming part. The Indians have the habit, without becoming intimate, they will try to get personal. They will not try to build relationships, but they will ask,” How many wife you have?” It is like investigation. In every house, there will be one Aunty, who will secretly spy through your Facebook profiles and friends, come back to you, in any party and update you about your own activities in the Facebook. “You see, I don’t mind, for your good….for the sake of you, I wanted to advise this....” Every house, there will be ‘Aunty’. One aunty. Without getting intimate, trying to get personal. The sacred secret sweet science of the Cosmos, cannot be revealed in that Space. Bhavajnananda, if you really want an answer, understand, Sadāshiva liberates, you will understand, why He puts you in delusion. Now you are in the mood of investigation. Sadāshiva, does not need to answer to any investigation. He is ready to answer, real seeker, enquirer not investigator. He will answer a person, who is seeking, enquiring, not investigating. So understand, the whole question is from the wrong Space, to know the right detail. Right detail cannot be known, from the wrong Space. Next question...


Question - Praveen asks - It was Hindus, who gifted Astrology to the world. It is also said that Stars, Grahas,play a very important role in the life of a person. Can we align them to support us for manifesting, whatever we want, including Enlightenment? Or have the stars already decided fates, for all of us? Swamiji - Praveen, first thing you need to understand. I do agree, it was Hindus who gifted Astrology to the world. But, the next statement, you are making,” it is also said that Stars, Graha…... Stars are not Grahas. Stars are different, Grahas are different. Please understand, Stars are very powerful but not energetic on the Planet Earth, because they are too far away, they do not exercise their power, on the Planet Earth, in a big way. Grahas, are less powerful than the Stars, but they exercise huge energy on the Planet Earth. Understand very clearly - Grahas are not Svayam Prakasha, self-effulgent. Stars are Svayam Prakashis, self effulgent. Stars are not Graha, even though they are self-effulgent, they do not have so much power, over Planet Earth, due to the way they are positioned. Grahas, even though they are not self-effulgent, they have a huge power over Planet Earth, because of the Space, in which they are positioned. So, Stars are not Graha, understand that. The next part of the question, you are asking,” Can we align them to support us….Can we align them to support us for manifesting, whatever we want?” Yes!, Big YES! Big YES!, including the Enlightenment. They are all interested in manifesting your reality, interested in you achieving the Space of Sadāshivoham and Enlightenment. Listen carefully - they are all interested in your Completion, in your Enlightenment, in your Sadāshivoham. You are asking,” Are the Stars have already decided, the fates for all of us?” Listen, if you are not interested in aligning with them, they have decided, there is a default course. If you decide to align with them, there is always ,an option to align with them and get enlightened, manifest what you want. So, whether our fate, is already decided or we can align with them, is not dependent on them, it is dependent on you. If you want to align, you can. If you think it is already decided, it is decided. That’s all. So, it is you who is supposed to decide, whether to align with them or not.


I’ll answer the further questions, clarifications on this Jeeva, Ishwara, Jagat, Maya Matrix, in further Satsangs. Today, I am going to continue, with the experiential sessions of Jiveshwara Jagat Maya Matrix. I also committed with them, in front of their eyes, I am going to demonstrate materialisation and teleportation, to make them understand, the eleven dimensions. So, let them see and come and share with you guys. So, with this I bless you all, let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaitam Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.

Photos From The Day:

Nithya Satsang

Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalayam

Sakshi Pramana:


Photos Of The Day:

