April 17 2004

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Flowering Of Bliss || Part 1 || ASC || 17 April 2004


Name of Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Flowering Of Bliss Part 1 Date: 17 April 2004 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explained to His delegates that having bliss is the ultimate goal for everyone. Having bliss is our basic life. We had forgotten about bliss. The Ananda Spurana is all about helping us to find back the bliss fountain which is continuously happening in us. We just need to allow it to happen.

Logic has something to do with life. Yet life has nothing to do with logic. Intellectually one cannot understand how this is possible. Your understanding & sharp effort can just change your life. Put your whole effort in every meditation technique to achieve the maximum result out of this course. Come and find out more from the Avatar and what 2 things are like mother-in-law and daughter-in-law!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Whether you are a medalist or a spiritualist or both or neither, whatever it may be, bliss is the ultimate goal for everyone in their life. The bliss is continuously happening in our being. Of course, around the world all the intelligent people, not only in the field of spirituality, even in the field of science, they say, whatever we search is already existing. If it is not existing you cannot search. If you say you search for bliss, it means it was there. Only thing we have forgotten, just like a headache. There was a time when you did not have headache. So the memory of that calls you back, inspires you to come out of headache. The same way, there was a time you had joy, you had bliss, you had total peace. Whatever the great qualities you call- bliss, love, beauty, energy, all those moments were there in your life. You have tasted it. You have experienced it. It is your basic life. Only thing, we forgot, due to some reason we have forgotten it. It has become a forgotten language.


So now in these two days, you will learn how to uncover or how to clear the mud and the stones accumulated around the fountain. We will again start the fountain, the Ananda Spurana. We will again taste the bliss fountain which is continuously happening in you. You are just supposed to let it happen. You need nothing to be done. You need only one thing, just allow the thing to happen. The class can be used in three ways. You can use this course in three ways. One, intellectually. If you just sit with your head, with your attention, you will have an intellectual result. If you just attend this class intellectually, it can be used as a stress management course. Of course, it is nice but not enough. It is nice but not enough. Just you can manage your stress. You can balance your life. That much it will help. If you attend with little bit of emotion, with little bit of sincerity, it can give you the glimpse of bliss. You will have at least one glimpse of Ananda in some one meditation, one glimpse where you taste the no mind feeling or the no mind experience.


If you put your whole effort these two days, this weekend will not be just a weekend, it will be a end for all your weaknesses. It will be weakness end, not simple weekend. It can change your whole life. You may say, “How just two days can change my life? How just two days can change my life?” If thousands of years a room was dark, it is not that to lit that room you need thousand more years. No. The room may be dark, the room may be dull for thousands of years because of no light but you don't need one thousand more year to lit the room. Just bring a lamp, bring a candle. You will see, in a moment the darkness has disappeared! So intellectually you cannot understand the darkness was lying there one thousand years. It was staying there. Legally it has become a resident, a owner of that room. How can we drive the darkness out in a minute? Of course, legally or intellectually you cannot understand. Court of law cannot prove God. Court of law or logic can never prove the life. Life is nothing to do with logic. Of course, logic has something to do with life but life has nothing to do with logic.


Understand, darkness maybe residing in your heart thousands and thousands of years but it is not that it is a permanent thing. Thousands of years it may reside but it has no green card, it has only visa. Any moment you can send him out. Only one thing, just your understanding, your sharp decision. If you put your whole effort, it can just change your whole life. It will not be just weekend, it will be a weakness end. Put your whole effort. That is the only way to take the maximum from this class. If you are attending for the first time, be very clear, you will be able to get the result only by putting your whole effort in every meditation technique. If you are attending for second time, understand, put your effort 120% because last time you missed. If you are first time, put 100% effort. If you are second time, put 120% effort. You have missed last time. That is why you are here again. So don't miss at least this time.


The whole class you will be learning to deal with your emotions, with your mind, ultimately with your life. Never think, “Oh! After all, these are meditation techniques. I will go and practice in the house.” No. If you can't practice here, how will you practice in the house? So please don't postpone. We have a mind. Our mental structure is such we always postpone. We try to take the notes. That is why I discourage taking notes. Never go for taking notes. Try to work. Don't create workbook because you have thousands of workbooks. It is not that we don't have workbooks. We have thousands of workbooks and owners’ manuals. Only thing we don't work. The workbook cannot satisfy, only working can satisfy. So put your effort, put your attention, put your energy to work, not to create a workbook.


Even in your mind, don't bother about recalling all these things. I have seen many people. Mentally they try to recall everything and they miss the next statements. Don't bother about recalling. If you understand, well and good. If you don't understand, again well and good. Don't worry about it. Put your effort into the meditations. That is more than enough. Of course, whenever you feel what I am talking is not relating with you, never think I am talking to the next person. I am not talking to a generalized group. It is not a political meeting. For political meeting generalized talk is necessary. Generalisation means continuously telling lies. A small story:


After one hour lecture by the president, one reporter asked, “Sir, I heard your whole lecture but what is your stand on Abortion bill? Please explain about it. Even after listening one hour, we are not able to understand what is your stand on the Abortion bill.” The president said, “Oh! That is nice. My secretary has done wonderful job after one hour work.” He says, “It took ten hours for my secretary to write a whole lecture such a way that nobody understand what stand I am taking.” To tell a lie, you need to generalize the whole thing. I am not generalizing the whole thing. Here I am talking to everyone of you. So whenever you feel I am not relating with you, just raise your hands and question. If you feel what I am talking is not for you, immediately you are welcome to stop and crisscross Me with your questions. Be very clear, never think what Swami is speaking for somebody else. Every step is just for you. Every step is just for you.


Few tips to have the total benefit. Put your total effort. You must have attended lot of spiritual discourses. You must have heard enough of spiritual stuff or you must have read enough of things. Just for these two days, keep them all little aside from your mind. If you keep them all little aside, you will have fresh mind to understand what I say. If you have enough of stuff already in your mind, either you will be playing the game of accepting Me or playing the game of rejecting Me. Both games are not going to work. If you try to accept Me, again you will miss Me because you accepted thousands of philosophers but you never practiced. If you try to reject Me, of course, there is no relationship happens. When you reject Me, relationship never happens. When you accept Me, again you accept Me just like one more philosopher. It never penetrates your life. I say, neither accept nor reject. Just try to give a chance for Me. Try just like a scientific hypothesis.


When something is given to you, you try to work it out, you try to see whether it works in your life or not. So give a small trial. Nothing more than that. Don't start believing or don't start disbelieving. Think, “Oh! Here is something new. Let us try to workout.” When you reject, nothing enters in your mind. When you accept, you classify it. You dovehole it. You think, “Oh! Already I have heard from that Swami.” “Oh! He speaks exactly like JK.” “He speaks exactly like Chinmayananda.” Somewhere whatever you have heard, you will compare and dovehole Me also; but by doveholing, you will miss the whole thing. You will miss the whole process. Please don't dovehole it.


The course is going to be more or less mingled with physical exercises where you need to put your physical effort. It is not going to be just a mental visualizations. Meditation means we always have a thought, it is going to be just mental visualization but according to the masters, body and mind are not two separate things. According to doctors, body and mind are two separate things. According to masters, body and mind are not two separate things. They call it body-mind. There is no separate body and mind. The same space… it cannot be even called as a material, it is a space. Your body is a space. The space which has become a matter. Your mind is a space which is subtle. The subtle portion of the space is called mind. The physical portion, the material portion of the space is called body. The overall space itself is called spirit, that's all.


The space is a spirit. In the space something is material, that is body. Something is subtle, something is energy, that is mind. So we are going to work on both levels- body and mind. It is going to be more or less like a alchemy process. We will be adding one by one A + B + C + D. It will be one by one additions. So don't miss some one session. Don't think, “If I miss one session, I will miss only one seventh of the course.” No. If you miss one session, don't think you will miss only one chakra. The whole alchemy process you will miss. It is like a alchemy process, a step by step will be taken in within your being. So don't miss the alchemy process. Don't miss even a single session and don't forget to put your whole effort even in single session and don't worry about any of your pains, any of your problems. You may be thinking, “Oh! I have this pain, I have that pain. How can I do the meditation?” And don't worry about it. Your mind will create enough of problems, enough of difficulty to avoid you meditating.


Meditation and mind are just daughter in-law and mother-in-law. They cannot stay in the house, how much you try. You will try from morning till evening. At the end, when you come back to the house, you will understand all your trials are like to wear. Both try to possess a same person. The same thing happens to you. If you allow the mind to possess you, the meditation cannot possess you. If you allow the meditation to possess you, mind cannot possess you. So mind knows. Just like a every being in the universe, mind also wants to survive. So it creates its own mechanism for self survival. So it creates enough of doubts, enough of problems, enough of complications to stop you entering into the state of meditation.


First thing, it will create a physical pains and physical troubles. Next thing, it will create a psychological fears, “Oh! What will happen? If this happens because of this meditation? If that happens because of that meditation? Oh! In my neighborhood somebody has gone to meditation and he has become very weak after that. Somebody has gone to this meditation. He has become mad.” You get some details, some data somewhere and confuse yourself. Don't worry. These meditation techniques are fool proof techniques. Around the world, thousands are practicing. So I take the responsibility for the techniques. Put your whole effort, that's all. Nothing else needs to be done. Else will be taken care by itself. So hereby we are creating a space in which you are supposed to flower. The flowering of bliss can happen to you.


First we will all introduce ourself to each other. You may think why. Unless you introduce yourself to each other, you will not feel comfortable. For next two days, many of you are going to sit next to each other. Somebody will be sitting next to you. Somebody will be sitting in front of you. Somebody will be rear you. So many will be sitting around you. If you don't know the other person, you will not feel comfortable. I have always seen, whenever I say, “Close your eyes and tie the ribbon,” people always look at the other, whether he closed his eyes or not, whether she has tied the ribbon or not. So if you know the other person, you will be comfortable. You will be able to relax easily. So that is the only reason. I tell you go round, introduce yourself to everyone and you will be comfortable. Please go round.


We will go for the next session. Actually the time for introduction is given not only to introduce, so that you will not speak later on. If this time is not given, we will be continuously talking even till tomorrow evening and moreover, the mind means curious. It is just a curiosity. You will have a simple curiosity to know about the other. That is the reason a separate space or time is given to introduce with everyone. Please don't sleep and that is the reason the whole class is kept in a very interactive way. It will not be like a regular discourses. It will be more or less like a interaction. You will be free. In a way, you are welcome to question anything.


Don't think, “Oh! This question is not appropriate, this question is not right, I may look like a fool.” I tell you one thing, when you question, you may look like a fool. When you don't, you are fool. When you question, you may look like. When you don't, you are. So don't bother about I may look like a fool and all those things. Any question, just come up. It is not even the question, the main thing is you are opening up. You are opening up. It says, it proves you are still not yet asleep, you are active. Just for that. You are listening. The interaction is happening. So come up with any question. Never think some question is silly. All questions are silly. So let us be very clear, anytime you can come up with any question. Any thought pops up your mind, bring it out, verbalize it, try to relate.



Flowering Of Bliss || Part 2 || ASC || 17 April 2004


Name of Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Flowering Of Bliss Part 2 Date: 17 April 2004 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explained to His delegates how to remove the mud and stones accumulated around the fountain of bliss. Having bliss is the ultimate goal for everyone. At some point, we all have experienced bliss, and that is what we are searching for again. Being in bliss is our basic way of life but we have forgotten about it. The Ananda Spurana is all about helping us find the bliss fountain again

Logic has something to do with life. Yet life has nothing to do with logic. Intellectually, one cannot understand how this is possible. The Ananda Spurana Convention is to help us deal with our emotions and mind and ultimately with our life!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



A small story: Once after the second world war, in the deep jungles of Amazon, the tribal area, a small open aircraft was left by a army people. After the war, everything is not packed by the army people. They leave here and there something and go away. Just like that they left a small open aircraft in a tribal village in the deep Amazon jungles. In a small tribal village, a open aircraft was left and they went away. Suddenly one fine morning, the whole village noticed something new is there near their village. They have no idea about aircraft or any other vehicles, any other machineries. The guys have lived such a simple life, they do not even know something called civilization exists outside their forest. They know only few things. The fruits which should be eaten, the fruits which should not be eaten and the animals which are pet animals and which are wild animals. Wild animals they kill, pet animals they keep, that's all. Nothing much is known to them. Their lifestyle is totally different.


So when they saw some new machinery, something new in their village, they are not able to make what it is. The whole village gathered to do research, what is exactly happening or what it is. Finally one guy came up with an answer. It may be a bullock cart because bullock cart is also having a wheel, this is also having a wheel. It can be a bullock cart. So the villagers thought, “Yes, it must be a bullock cart.” They decided it is a bullock cart. They put two big bamboos and put a big bullock in front of it, started pulling all over the village. They started using the aircraft as a bullock cart to transport persons and the materials. It went on for few months.


After few months, a young boy who has gone outside the village to have a basic simple education nearby county. He came back to that village. He saw the whole program and told the villagers, “No, it is not bullock cart. If it is a bullock cart then why so many mechanisms are needed? There is no need for so many things inside. It must be a tractor.” Because he has seen only the tractor. So he thought it is a tractor. He started driving. He started using that object as a tractor. The vehicle now got the promotion as a tractor.


Then next, a retired pilot, a retired pilot came to the village for some reason. When he came he saw the whole show, whole scene and told the villagers, “It is neither bullock cart nor tractor, it is an aircraft.” Of course, villagers are very logical people. They are not ready to believe. They wanted a explanation. The man entered into the vehicle and flied and showed them that you can use this as a aircraft. It is an aircraft. Once he showed, the whole villagers have understood.


It is a very small story. If you understand this story, you will be able to understand the whole class. The body is the mechanism or the vehicle given to you by God, this body. 90% of the people use this body just like a tribals as a bullock cart. Other 10% use this body as a tractor. There are few exemptions. Only those few, you cannot even make percentage out of them. Only those few use their system as a aircraft. One thing, the people who use their life just for food, eating and moving, sleeping, just for the basic requirements. Taking birth, getting married, few issues, a little bit of money and death. If you write their history, you can write in one page, nothing much is done. Practically taking birth, reproducing and dying. If you weigh their life, it is nothing more than few Benz and few bungalows, nothing else. Nothing much is achieved. Few crores of money and few bungalows, few Benz. This is the first kind of life. This is the first kind of life: the people who are born and die.


Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, why in all graveyards, tomb stones, we write born- the date, died- the date. Why these two are mentioned?” I told them, “Nothing worth mentioning happens in between.” In most of the lives, nothing much worth mentioning happens in between. That is why only these two things are mentioned. Most of our life, 90% of the people they live just like a bullock cart. The life goes on, goes on, goes on, very dull, dead, dragging way. Even you can see in your own lifestyle. If your routine does not change more than six months, be very clear, you are living a bullock cart life. If you live a same routine more than six months, be very clear, you are living bullock cart life. The life should be more creative, more innovative. If you are living the same routine, somewhere something is problem.


You need to understand and any… anyway, not only in the physical way, even the spiritual practices, if you do it as a routine it only dulls you, even the spiritual practice. That is why, most of the time the repetition of Mantra becomes unconscious process. I have seen many guys. Hare Rama Hare Rama Hare Rama Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Hare. The mouth will be repeating and outside they will be doing all the work. It becomes an unconscious process. Anything which is done without awareness becomes unconscious process. 90% of our life is nothing but a dull, dead routine- bullock cart life.


Few who have become poets, who have become artists, who have become the creators, in their life they use their system as a tractor. Tagore, Bharati, Van Gogh. There are a few painters, Ravi Verma, few poets, few creators, these guys, they use their system as a tractor. They see the second dimension of the life. That is why, the creators, even if they live with poverty, they will live like a kings. Their body language will show they are living like kings. The outer comforts will never touch them, will never bother them. They will have the tremendous satisfaction that they lived their life. Architects will have a tremendous satisfaction; contractors will have money. Contractor will have a bed; architect will have a sleep. So you can choose. Creators will have a deep satisfaction that they lived their life.


I tell you, creators actually exercise their total visualization capacity. So all their dreams, the dreaming capacity is brought to the peak. It is almost like a whole water has become vapor, whole water has evaporated, whole being has become steam. You can always see, creators will live like a feather. Their life will be just a beautiful flower. The creators use their system as a tractor. There are only few people who use their system as a aircraft. A Buddha, a Jesus, Krishna, Mahaveer- these are the few people who use their system as a aircraft.


People who have understood, who have realized the potentiality of their being… if the aircraft is used as aircraft, only then the potentiality is realized. Just like that, if you use your whole potentiality, you realize yourself. When you realize your self, that is what is called self realization. Self realization does not mean becoming a Swami or living a different kind of life. It is not that you will live a different kind of life, you will live in a different way. Nothing outside will be changed but everything inside will be changed. It will be a different understanding. It will be a different trend. Your whole being will live in a different way.


So, the difference between the tribal persons and the pilot is only one thing. It is the wisdom. The tribal people are not able to handle the mechanism. They are not able to use the vehicle totally. The pilot is able to use. In these two days, you are going to learn how to use your system, how to use your being, how to use your mind and body totally. Here we have a seven major mechanisms of your body, what I call seven chakras. Almost all the religions have spoken about these seven chakras. You have seven energy centers in your body. Please don't connect them with your glands. Glands are not your energy centers. The energy which moves the glands are only called energy centers. Sometimes we even remove some of the glands from our body but chakras cannot be removed.


Glands can be removed. Chakras cannot be removed and you may ask what is the proof for these chakras. There is a famous thing called Kirlian photography. Now in the modern world, Kirlian photography is the best diagnostic methods. Kirlian photography is one of the best diagnostic methods. It is just like an x-ray. Through this photography they can find out, they can diagnose even the cancer, even the cancer six months ago, six months earlier. Six months prior to the symptoms, the cancer can be diagnosed through this Kirlian photography. So through this Kirlian photography they proved the existence of chakras. By photographing your body, the chakras have been proved. If you are depressed, dull, the dimensions of the chakras are very small. If you expand or if you express, the dimensions of the chakras are totally different. The existence of the chakras are proved through the Kirlian photography.


Each and every chakra is related to some one emotion of your life. For example, heart is related to love. We may ask how. How can we prove it? If you see, a surprising thing. Around the world, almost in all the languages, almost in all the languages, heart and love, these two words are used as synonyms. Not only in English, in every language, heart and love, these two words are used as synonyms. It is not that God created all the language in one day and made translation CD packages and dropped in one, one country. No! All the different languages are created in different time, in different days, in different countries, by different persons but you can see one thing, almost all the languages, heart and the love- these two words are used as a synonyms which proves there is a deeper connection between these two words. For example, if you see a friend whom you have not seen for a long time for more than ten years, your childhood friend with whom you have loving memories. If you suddenly meet him in a mall or airport, you will see something gushing out, something just coming out from your heart. You can feel something is happening. How many of you have felt it? When you feel some of your old friend, you can feel something happening, something flowing. That is what we call love. Love is the feeling which happens from the heart center. Love is the emotion which controls your heart center.


A same way, navel center is controlled, navel center is disturbed by the depression and worries. Again if you hear some news which you can't bear, immediately you say, “I can't digest it.” The expression, I can't digest it, also exists in all the languages and whenever you listen some..... whenever you hear some shocking news which you can't digest, the first blow will be for your stomach. You will have either stomach upset or nauseating feeling. You will have the stomach trouble. How many of you have experienced? It is a common thing. First blow will be for stomach. You will see that you will feel the churning effect in the stomach.


Every emotion is very closely related to some one of the energy centers. You have seven major chakras, seven major energy centers in your being. So when you know how to use that emotion, when you use that emotion, you open this chakra. When you abuse that emotion, you lock this chakra. Use and abuse. You are supposed to learn only about the use and the abuse. When you abuse the emotion, you abuse the chakra also. You abuse your being. When you use that emotion, you use that chakra. Whenever you use it, you expand it. Expansion is life; contraction is death. When you use it, you expand. You start living. When you abuse it, you contract, you die. It is just the use and abuse, nothing else.


So let us enter into the chakras one by one. You will have seven sessions. In every session, you will be having a discussion about that chakra and then a meditation technique. The intellectual understanding cleanses the conscious mind and meditation cleanses the unconscious mind. Most of the time our problems are not only conscious, they are unconscious. That is why people come and tell Me, “Swamiji, I understand smoking is something wrong but I am not able to drop.” One guy came and told Me, “Swamiji, I read a book about the bad effects of the smoking on the body, direct smoking and indirect smoking, bad effects of the both. After reading that book, I stopped.” I asked him, “Oh! It is nice, you stopped smoking?” He said, “No, I stopped reading this type of books!” So problems are not only conscious, they are unconscious also. Most of the time our problems are unconscious. The intellectual understanding will clear the conscious problems. The meditation will clear the unconscious problems. So we will have… every session we will have a understanding, a group discussion about that emotion and then meditation to cleanse the unconscious process.



Flowering Of Bliss || Part 3 || ASC || 17 April 2004


Name of Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Flowering Of Bliss Part 3 Date: 17 April 2004 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explained to His delegates how to remove the mud and stones accumulated around the fountain of bliss. Having bliss is the ultimate goal for everyone. At some point, we all have experienced bliss, and that is what we are searching for again. Being in bliss is our basic way of life but we have forgotten about it. The Ananda Spurana is all about helping us find the bliss fountain again.

Logic has something to do with life. Yet life has nothing to do with logic. Intellectually, one cannot understand how this is possible. The Ananda Spurana Convention is to help us deal with our emotions and mind and ultimately with our life!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



So the course will be in this way. One more thing, your regular routine mind, your regular habit structure will be broken. Your regular food habit and the regular sleeping habit will be broken. This is broken purposely to create a different kind of energy in you. You will be given food which is called Satvik food which will not have onion, garlic, green chili and other masala items. Just for these two days, please bear with the food, because the food helps you tremendously to meditate and to make your body ready for the understanding. Even for understanding, you need a different kind of food. If you eat full and sit here, what will you understand? You can understand one thing- in how many minutes you can fall asleep, nothing else! So the food is given to you with a purpose and the timings are also designed in such a way now you will not know the timings.


So just go with the whole program and for next thirty six hours, your routine will not be as you live, as you lived. Please bear with this routine because only when you break the old habits, your mind can take new dimensions, your life can change a bit. That is the reason you are given a new routine and new kind of life. So put up with this new routine for these two days. So you will have a small gap, small interval of fifteen or twenty minutes. After that interval, we will start working on every energy center. We will work on one by one, every chakra.


First we will work on the Anahata chakra, the heart center. The chakra is called Anahata. Anahata means which cannot be done. Aahata means which can be done, which can be created. Anahata means which cannot be done, which cannot be created. Anahata Dhwani. There is a Sanskrit word called Anahata Dhwani means the sound which is not created. In love also, you cannot do it, it has to happen. You cannot do anything about it. If you start loving, it will be only an action. It will not have the juice. Only when it happens, the love will be a solid love. So we will have to do something for it to happen. You cannot do anything directly. You have to do something indirectly.


Let us understand the emotion love which is related to this heart center. People ask Me, “Swamiji, I underwent bypass surgery. Will that Anahata chakra be there as it is?” Your bypass surgery has nothing to do with this Anahata chakra. Whether you underwent bypass surgery or open heart surgery, the Anahata chakra will be there as it is. It will not be disturbed. Of course, I always tell the people, love is a peacemaker. If you have the peacemaker in your heart, you don't need pacemaker. When you don't have the love which is a peacemaker, you need pacemaker. Let us understand what is exactly love. I wanted your answers on the subject of love but please be very clear, don't give Me any intellectual answer. The moment I say love, always people say, it is a selfless sacrifice or service. Please don't give Me the answers from books. Give Me the answer from your life, what you feel because we always say love is selfless but in reality we know what it is. So I wanted the day- to-day practical life answer, the answer which you feel, which you experience, not from the books. Just answer what you think as love, what is your idea about love.


Tantra says, when you are really in love with somebody, when your being is filled because of the other person, you see that person as a God. You just feel that person as a God. The deep love shows the other person as God. Of course, when you are in deep love, the whole world looks like God. But again it is a word from the books. Our experience, I wanted our experience. If somebody loves you, how do you know that he loves you and if you say you love somebody, with what scale you measure?


There was a small research done by the doctors. A person is just made to sit with the closed eyes. Someone else will touch him with love and the other person will touch him with hatred. Even with closed eyes, the person is able to sense whether this person is touching with hatred or with love and they try to measure the pressure, they try to measure the heat of the.... warmth of the hand but with nothing of these things, they are able to find out. None of these outer things, the pressure or the heat are able to convey whether the person touches you with love or hatred but by instinct, by nature, the man recognises whether the other person is touching you with the love or the hatred. Of course, no scale to measure but everybody finds out. There is no scale but everybody knows. Everybody feels but nobody can explain. That is what we call love.


Of course, love in the ultimate sense, this is the explanation. Love in the common sense, let us start understanding the initial levels. Love in the ultimate sense opens the Anahata Chakra. Love in the lower level locks the Anahata Chakra. What is the higher level and lower level? Now what all you said is a higher level- the selflessness, feeling of expansion, seeing the other person as God, all these things are higher expression of love, the higher version of love. There is a lower version which I call attention. When you ask continuously attention from others… most of the time, we mistake attention as love. If somebody attends you, you think he loves you. If you attend somebody, you think you love him. So just having attention or giving attention is considered as a love. Most of the time you mistake love as attention or attention as love. The lower level of love is what I call attention.


Most of the time you see, all your activities, your doings, if you scan once, you will be able to understand everything, every step, every step which you go forward, go ahead. Every moment which you touch, which you move your activities, if you scan them, you will be able to find out it is just for the sake of attention from somebody. You want somebody's attention. You want the attention from the other person. We may say, “No, no, no, Swamiji, just selflessly I serve my family.” Anybody who says that? If you really say that you do a selfless service, at the end of the day, you will not wait for their good words. At the end of the day, what we do? We just stand there for their signature. You have a big notebook. In that you have written, I am a good mother, good father, good son, good daughter. Please sign it. You wait for somebody else’s signature. You wait for the others’ opinion. You wait for the others’ attention. The asking of the others’ attention or getting inspired just by the others’ words shows we live in a lower kind of love.


If you feel pampered when somebody gives their attention to you, be very clear, it means you are not standing on your own legs. If somebody can pamper you just by their attention, you can be sure they can bring you down also by taking their attention away from you. Have you seen the kids playing, kids building castles with the playing cards? With the playing cards they will build castles. If you take away one card, what will happen? Just like that, you also build your personality with the opinions of others. There is a beautiful saying from J Krishnamurthy. You bother so much about others’ opinions because you don't know about yourself!


Most of the time we don't know about ourself. We just collect everybody’s opinion. It is like a parcel is sent from here to America, you send it to Los Angeles. First in this post office, they put the seal- Bangalore. Then the next seal will be given America and when it lands there, they will put the seal- Los Angeles. Then the exact county, Capacitance, something, they will put the seal. Then it will be delivered. Because of so many seals, the parcel has started thinking that it is collection of the seals, it is a collection of rubber stamps. For you also, somebody gives a rubber stamp-you are very beautiful, somebody gives a rubber stamp-you are not intelligent, somebody gives a rubber stamp-you are a good father, somebody gives a rubber stamp-you are a bad brother. So many persons are giving rubber stamps to you. You collect all those rubber stamps. By and by, you forget your individuality and you start thinking their rubber stamps are truth.


A small experiment is conducted by Chicago University. One day morning, a healthy young guy is going to his office. They arranged just when he came down from his house, the watchman was standing. The watchman is telling, “Why, why are you going to the office, sir? You look so tired. Why don't you go and rest?” The guy said, “No, I am perfectly alright. I am going.” The driver… the moment he got into the vehicle, the driver said, “Sir, you look very tired. I think you are having a fever. Why don't you rest? I will tell the office that you will not be coming to the office.” He said, “No, I will be going to the office.” On the way, he stopped to have a breakfast. The hotel person also says the same thing, “You look so tired. Why don't you go and rest?” Anyhow he went to the office. The office watchman, he says, “You look so tired. Why don't you rest, sir?” He said, “No!”. By the time the office watchman said, he started getting little doubt, “Am I really not feeling well? Am I really having some problem?” He went to the office. Of course, every colleague asked him, “Arey, you look so tired. Why don't you go and rest?” Like a ritual everybody started telling, “I think you are running a temperature. Do you have headache? Shall I get you hot tea or shall I get you some tablet?” Slowly he started really feeling or started thinking, “I think I am not feeling well.” Then after two-three hours, the boss called him and said, “Why don't you go and rest? You look really tired. I think you are running a temperature.” The guy said, “Yes sir, please give me one day leave.” He went to the house. He went to the bedroom and rested. When they checked him, really he was running temperature. When they diagnosed him, really he was running a temperature!


You will be surprised. It is not that once or twice. They did this for more than eleven times with different eleven persons. All the eleven persons fell sick. The others’ opinions plays a major role on you. You live and you run your life based on others’ opinion. If somebody says, “Oh! You look very bright today,” you really feel it. If somebody says, “You shaved your face, you look very cute,” you really feel you are cute. If somebody says, immediately you feel that. In the ordinary simple things even about your intelligence, you decide about your intelligence, you decide about your success based on others’ opinions. Why? Why are we so much bothered about others' opinions? Because you don't have energy by yourself to stand. You don't have enough of energy to stand by yourself. You don't have a clear opinion about yourself. You don't have a clear individuality about yourself. If somebody says you are good, you feel you are good. If somebody says you are bad, you feel you are bad. You are just a mixture of others’ opinions about you, others’ views about you. It is like a… you build your personality based on others’ certificates.


If some one person takes away their certificate, what will happen to you? What will happen to your personality? It just tumbles down. It just collapsed. If you see, at least once in twenty one hours, you fall, if you watch. This you take it as homework. Just for three days, watch your day, how many times you fall depressed, you feel dull even if you want to say to yourself, “No, no, no, no, no, things are going well. Come out, let us be happy, let us be joyful.” But somewhere, in some portion of your being, you feel very low, you feel very dull. Just take a survey, once in how many days you feel that or everyday how many times you feel that. If you take survey, you will be able to see, at least once in twenty one hours you will feel that. Why? Continuously you are asking for somebody’s attention. Only when somebody gives you attention, you feel things are going well. If somebody does not give attention or if they take away their attention from you, immediately you feel at loss, immediately you feel at loss but how long people will give their certificate to you?


Understand, how long you can expect others’ certificate? As long as you dance according to their tunes, you will be given a certificate: good dancer. The moment you start having your own dance, what will happen? It is like a… one side your son is playing rock music. You have to do rock steps. The other side, your daughter is playing Bharatanatyam music. So you have to do two-three Bharatanatyam step. The third side, your husband is doing some other song. The fourth side, some other music. So all the four corners, different musics are going on. You have to do few steps here, jump there and do few steps there, jump here and do few steps there and jump here and do some more steps here. If you are jumping here-there, there-here, here-there, how your dance will be? It will not be a dance, it will be just a mess. And you have to find your own time to do your own dance. Your life becomes just mess if you dance for so many persons’ tunes.


As long as you dance for their tunes, you will be given a certificate. When you dance on your own, what will happen? They will naturally take away their certificate. When the certificates are taken away, you just fall, you just fall. The whole thing is collapsed. Your personality, your whole personality is based on others’ opinions. Personality is the gift of society; individuality is the gift of nature. If you want to live a life which is natural, live on your individuality. If you want to live the life of societal, live based on personality.



Flowering Of Bliss || Part 4 || ASC || 17 April 2004


Name of Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Flowering Of Bliss Part 4 Date: 17 April 2004 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explained to His delegates how to remove the mud and stones accumulated around the fountain of bliss. Having bliss is the ultimate goal for everyone. At some point, we all have experienced bliss, and that is what we are searching for again. Being in bliss is our basic way of life but we have forgotten about it. The Ananda Spurana is all about helping us find the bliss fountain again.

Logic has something to do with life. Yet life has nothing to do with logic. Intellectually, one cannot understand how this is possible. The Ananda Spurana Convention is to help us deal with our emotions and mind and ultimately with our life!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Many people ask Me, “Swamiji, You mean to say we should not live a adjusted life? We should not adjust with the society? Should we not have adjustment? Should we not adjust with the family?” I tell you one thing. You need to understand two things: One is adjustment, another one is compromising. Adjustment means you will be the center of your personality. Nobody can pull you down, nobody can pull you down, nobody can disturb you, nobody can depress you. You will be centered on yourself but you will bend your head, you will come down, you will adjust, you will extend your love, you will extend your warmthness, you will share your being, you will share your love, you will share everything. This is what I call adjustment.


Compromising means you yourself are not centered. You don't have base for you. You are living on others’ opinions, on others’ base. You are not an individual, you are just a collective opinions. So naturally you have to dance for everybody's opinion. You have to go behind begging everybody, “Please give a certificate.” Your whole life is a long signature campaign. If your whole life is a long signature campaign, you are a politician. Politicians can never rest. Politicians can never have holiday. You can never have an holiday because any moment anybody may pull his chair. Any moment anybody can pull his chair. You cannot relax. You cannot rest. You cannot have your own time. So if you are continuously running behind the signature campaign, life will not be lived as you wanted. A signature campaign is no way going to help you. If you are based on others’ opinions, either you will be having a signature campaign or you will be standing with a big begging bowl, “Please give your attention.”


You will be asking for her attention; she will be asking for your attention. Both begging bowls hitting each other. All sounds which you hear in your house is nothing but the sounds of these two begging bowls hitting each other. Your life, if it is running based on others’ opinions, it is compromising. You compromise most of the time your lifestyle just for the sake of others’ opinions. Make a list. Make this as a homework. Take this also as a homework. Make a list who all can depress you, who all can suppress you or depress you. Make a list. If somebody says some word, immediately you feel depressed, who all are having the capacity to depress you, how many persons’ words can affect you. Make a list and make a small board very clearly; I am the psychological slave of all these persons because any moment they can depress you, any moment all these guys can depress you.


If somebody else can handle you psychologically, you are naturally psychological slave of them. I tell you, physical slavery is much better than psychological slavery. Psychological slave means you are not with yourself. You are not your own. Make a clear list and have it near your bed, just near your bed. Everyday morning at least read once. I tell you, this is much, much beautiful exercise than reading any Mantra. It is much beautiful technique than any other Mantra. Read that list and understand, I am the psychological slave of all these persons. These are all the persons can psychologically depress me.


One thing, freedom and awareness are one and the same. There is a beautiful word in Sanskrit called Satchitananda. Sat means Truth, Chit means Consciousness, Ananda means Bliss. All the three are one and the same. Sat means actually truth and freedom, chit means consciousness, bliss means ananda. Why they say this word, if you bring to awareness, naturally you will become free. If you are aware that you are slave of all these persons, the moment you are aware, you are free. Freedom and awareness is one and the same. The moment India felt we are slaves, immediately we worked for the freedom. Our leaders have done nothing. They did only one thing. They all made you aware that you are slaves. In every country, when you become aware you are slaves, immediately you work for the freedom and you get the freedom.


Freedom is nothing but the awareness that you are slave. The moment you get the awareness you are a slave, you free yourself. Your energy is such, you cannot be slave. You are born free. You are Nithya Muktas. You are eternally liberated. If you feel you are bound, you are in bondage, you do not know you are in bondage. The moment you understand you are psychological slave of so many persons, you are liberated. The very understanding liberates you consciously. So have these two as homework. First thing, scan your life. If you do all these homework, it can transform your life. If you remember.... I think homeworks you can write down. The first thing, understand you are psychological slave of all these persons. Next thing, once in how many days or once in how many hours you are falling into depression or low energy without even your understanding? You just feel very low, very dull. How many times you feel that? If you understand these two, the major thing which is a continuous disturbance in your life, the low energy or the low mood will be taken away from your mind, taken away from your heart.


Understand, others’ attention is not love. Giving your attention is not love. Attention has nothing to do with love but in most of our lives we mistake attention only as love. If somebody attends you, if somebody gives you continuously phone calls and talks to you very nicely or if somebody continuously attends you, immediately you feel he loves you or if you attend somebody, you say you love them. No, it is just a simple attention. Most of the time it is a need, not a love. If it is done it is Ahata. If it is not done it is Anahata. If you give your attention or have somebody's attention, it is Ahata. It is lower level love. If it just happens, as you said you feel the divine in the other. She says, “I am not able to stop loving you. I just feel it.” When it happens, only then it is love.


Understand these two words: adjustment and compromising. All our life is compromising. Don't mistake compromising as attention… compromising as adjustment. Adjustment means you will be living like a mother, mother adjusting with the kids. That is different but most of the time our compromising things we claim it as a adjustment. Adjustment happens out of strength. Compromising happens out of weakness. Compromising is a weakness; adjustment is a strength. To adjust, you need strength; to compromise, you need weakness. Understand very clearly you are based on what. This itself will liberate you.


These two homework. Make a clear list. Don't bother. Even your husband's name will be there in that list. Don't think my husband will see this name, my husband will see this list. Don't worry. It is your problem. You are working on it. You are working on your mind. We all work on our body so much, so much of makeup, so much of lipstick, so much of dressing but we forget we need to work on our mind also. You have a three levels of being: body, mind and spirit. We work so much for the body. For food we work, for cloth we work, for makeup we work, for health we work but we forget we need to work on the mind also. We take the mind for granted. When you take the mind for granted, you do not even know how much of dust you accumulate. So just like you work on the body, you need to work on the mind also. So these are the things you need to work on your mind.


Just understand. I tell you one thing, don't even try to come out of them. Don't even try to come out of the slavery. Just understand you are slave. That is enough. Automatically you will come out. If you try to come out, you will have again vengeance towards them, “You fellows, so many years you have ruled me. Now let me take my turn.” That is what these feminists are doing. The feminists all over the world, they are just taking revenge on the men. They are just taking revenge but don't go for the step of taking revenge. Even taking revenge is not going to help you. Understand you are slave, that is more than enough to liberate you. The moment you understand, automatically your activities will be centered. Continuously you will be able to think in a different way. The constant remembrance these are the persons can disturb me.


You see, as on now you are like a centipede. Have you seen a centipede? It can walk only with hundred legs. If one leg is gone, immediately it cannot move. As on now, you are walking like a centipede with hundred legs. All the hundred persons has to pamper you. Only then you feel good, you feel you are taken care. If someone takes away their leg, what happens to you? Immediately you fall depressed, dejected. Understand, you are psychological slaves of so many persons. Then naturally you will see you come out.



Flowering Of Bliss || Part 5 || ASC || 17 April 2004


Name of Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Flowering Of Bliss Part 5 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Date: 17 April 2004

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explained to His delegates how to remove the mud and stones accumulated around the fountain of bliss. Having bliss is the ultimate goal for everyone. At some point, we all have experienced bliss, and that is what we are searching for again. Being in bliss is our basic way of life but we have forgotten about it. The Ananda Spurana is all about helping us find the bliss fountain again. Logic has something to do with life. Yet life has nothing to do with logic. Intellectually, one cannot understand how this is possible. Come and find out more from the Avatar and if you are living a contractor or architect lifestyle!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Here is a small meditation technique to center yourself on the heart, to center yourself in the Anahata. The understanding will make you consciously liberate, consciously free. Understanding will solve the conscious problems; the meditation will solve the unconscious problems. Unconsciously you hang, you wait for many persons’ attentions and all your small, small diseases- catching cough, catching cold, catching fever, all these things are because of attention need. See, in the modern day society, nobody is ready to listen to others, nobody is ready to attend others. If you want attention, you have to fall sick. If you fall sick, everybody is around you standing near your bed, attending you, “Oh! How are you? Shall I bring you a blanket? Shall I get your Horlicks? Shall I give you some fruits?”


Kids, kids learn this technique. You can see, monday morning means, “Mom, I have headache.” “Mom, I feel I am running a temperature.” Kids know, know their technique. To get the attention from you, they say we are not feeling well. You also know, if you want attention, immediately you say I am not feeling well. All your simple diseases, the common diseases like headache, stomach pain, anything, the simple disease is related to this attention need. Whenever you need somebody's attention, immediately you fall sick. Whenever you don't want somebody near you, you fall sick. If you want somebody's attention or if you want to refuse somebody's attention, you fall sick.


It happened really. I had been to Howrah. Howrah is the this side of Ganga. In Kolkata, that side of Ganga is Kolkata, this side of Ganga is Howrah. I had been to an Ashram to stay in Howrah. I called that president to come to the another one Ashram in the opposite of Ganga. The president in the Howrah Ashram is supposed to come to the president of the Kolkata Ashram. I told him, “Swamiji, I am going. Please come.” I do not know that both of them don't get along well with each other. I just called him casually. Because I called, this Swami has to come, no other way but the Swami doesn't want to come. So what to do? He first said, “Oh! I have to come? Alright.” Then after half an hour he said, “Swamiji, can't You go by Yourself? I feel that I am having headache.” And after one hour, by the time we started, really he was running a temperature! I don't know how you will believe. It has happened. The feeling that he doesn't want to do creates the disease.


In most of our cases also, all our simple diseases, all our small problems are just attention need, the problem of Anahata. This meditation technique will center you in Anahata by energy level. It will remove the unconscious mental setup. You have something called an unconscious mental thinking system, unconscious mental setup. If you want somebody's attention, you fall sick. If you don't want to give attention, you fall sick. There is a unconscious setup. That unconscious setup will be broken by this technique and your energy will be centered on your Anahata. This technique is called Mahamantra. So let Me give the instruction. Then you can start doing. Whomsoever can sit on the ground, I request you to sit on the ground. It is a half an hour meditation. If you can't sit on the ground for half an hour, you can sit on the chair, no problem but if you can sit on the ground, please get down.


Feel both your eyeballs have become like a stone. Normally even after you close your eyes, your eyeballs will be having slow movements, simple movements. If you close your eyeballs....if you close your eye lids and feel both your eyeballs have become like a stone. Just feel both your eyeballs have become like a stone. Tighten it. Give pressure to the eyeballs from inside. Then naturally you will see the movements of the mind stops. This is the second instruction. You can try for a minute. Then we will go for third instruction. Visualize both your eyeballs have become just like a stone. Imagine. Give pressure to your eyeballs from inside.

(05:38) to (06:35)



Now you can open your eyes.

The third instruction is, let your mouth be closed. Start humming from the deep navel center. From this place start humming. Let Me show you. (Swamiji shows how to hum) As long as possible, as loud as possible, as deep as possible. In all the three levels, let the humming happen. Your hands may tremble. Your eyes may pour water. You may yawn. Don't bother about anything. All these things are usual because the Prana shakti in you will be getting cleansed. Don't bother about yawning, don't bother about coughing, don't bother about the tears, don't bother about trembling. These are the usual things. Your whole air energy will be cleansed. So hum as deeply as possible, as loudly as possible, as long as possible for twenty minutes. After the twenty minutes, sit silently and concentrate on the Heart center, concentrate in this area. (Swamiji shows the chest area) You may ask how to concentrate. There will be a light music. Visualize you are listening to that music from this area. Visualize from this area the music is coming up.


Four things: sitting straight, closing your eyes and twenty minutes of humming, ten minutes of concentrating on the Anahata chakra. This is the Mahamantra meditation. Put your whole effort. People ask Me, “Swamiji, how to control the thoughts? When you hum if thoughts come out, don't bother. Increase the speed of the humming. Thoughts will disappear. Increase the speed of the humming. Thoughts will disappear. Let us start. Please try the ribbon.

(09:06) to (10:01)




Eliminate Fear Strokes & Boost Health || Part 1 || ASC || 17 Apr 2004


Title: Eliminate Fear Strokes & Boost Health Part 1 Name Of The Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Healing the Swadhisthana Chakra Date: 17 April 2004 Venue: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam talks about fear and fear strokes. Fear strokes are the moment when we experience a shock of fear. An example is when someone sneaks up from behind and frightens you. That moment of fright is called a fear stroke and it impacts our entire nervous system. On average, we experience at least 6 fear strokes every 24 hours. Fear and fear strokes tremendously damages our immune system and reduces our life span. HDH says never think you are afraid of death, you die because you are afraid. The Upanishads says to move beyond fear and fear strokes, we need to consciously face our fears. When we do that, our consciousness gets a deep strength and we will not lose our balance the next time we encounter the fear.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Have you heard of the word ‘fear stroke?’ For example, in the night time around nine o'clock you are taking a small walk in your garden like this place. In some place there was no light. If you see a coiled rope, what will happen? And the moment you feel it is a snake, you get a shock. Of course, within one minute, you will understand it is a rope because it is not moving. You will understand it is a rope. Then you will reconcile, you will settle, that is different but the moment you think it is a snake, you get some shock. If you analyze you can see very clearly it starts from that point only. From Swadhisthana only the shock will start. That is why, any fear stroke will create a feeling of diarrhea in you. It will create, it will just churn your stomach.


There are so many instances we can say. When a flight is caught in turbulence, you get the fear stroke. When the lift stops in between, you get the fear stroke. Many more instances you can tell. Come up with some more instances from your life. When cell phone rings midnight, in midnight 12 o'clock, break failure. See mind, because of long time thinking, it gets its own intelligence to survive. It plans anything which is harmful for mind. If it is proposed for you, immediately you get some reason, some logic to avoid it. So it tries its best to escape. That is why, many people.... I have seen many people especially in the West. In the East, people are not afraid. Many people in the West, the moment they see Me they tell Me, “Swamiji, when I saw You, I felt so joyful, so pleasant but from inside my being, from some corner, a terrible fear attacked me.” They feel such a joy and pleasure and feeling of ecstasy. Alongwith it a deep fear arises. The deep fear is because of the mind. Mind just wants to escape.


See, anything which creates pain, mind is ready to receive because with pain, mind can survive but anything the way, any method to go beyond the pain or to go beyond the mind, mind will never let you do that. Mind will never let you do that. Mind will try its best to put some obstacles. Even at the time of meditation, it will create some doubt, “I think this portion I will do tomorrow. Now I think I am tired. Next meditation I am not going to do.” Many of us decide before even entering into the session. This is because the mind will never let you do all those things and moreover, mind has got its own regular setup of thinking, regular way of working. This whole camp, the whole camp is designed in such a way, your regular mental thinking setup itself will be broken.


You will not be like... you see, everyday at least eight hours you sit alone and think. Even if you are working, except that moments which you are talking, you are sitting and talking with yourself. The thinking is going on. The mind is alive. First time in your life you may be stopping thinking for so many hours. When you listen to Me, you cannot think. Your thinking will not be so solid. Not only listening to Me, continuously the meditation is going on- different, different techniques. So the mind will get frightened. Unconscious can predict the danger. Unconscious has got a intelligence or intuition to predict the danger. So if you totally get involved, you will reach a space, the joy or the bliss where mind cannot pull you down, where you cannot be same old personality. So naturally mind will create enough of problems.


I have seen many people coming and telling Me, “Swamiji, I don't have time at all for meditation.” What, what just I don't know what word to use. Simply cheating themselves. You see, if you say, “I can't give so much of preference to meditation,” that is okay but how can you say, “I don't have time?” Because everybody has got only twenty four hours. It is your priorities. For what you want to give priority. For money… if you want to give priority for money, you spend all your time in working. If you want to give priority to the family relationships, you are just continuously around them. You take them out. You spend time with them. You sit and chat with them, like this. What, for what you want to give priority, only for that you work. So if you really want to give priority for your life, for your joys, for your bliss, for the real energy, naturally you will find time for meditation. So if you say, “I don't find time for meditation,” it means two things. Either you have not understood the importance of meditation or you don't feel like giving priority to meditation.


Any moment of fear stroke in your life? Exam fear, oh? Okay, even exam is a fear, not fear stroke. Interview is the fear stroke. When he asks the question, you do not know the answer, you get that shock, fear stroke. The fear of unknown things. Whenever you see, you see, in the midnight, you feel like having a cup of coffee, you slowly come down from your bedroom to go to the kitchen. Suddenly you see a shadow moving. Then you get the real fear stroke. Instead of boiling the milk you are boiled! That's right. Some other situations? Participant: I have always had…whenever I am planning to leave my home, whether on work or whether on any private journey, immediately I get some churning in my stomach. I don't know.


Swamiji: Yes, yes yes, it means in the young age when you leave the house, mother will warn, “Hey, be careful. Come back properly. Don't go here. Don't go there.” The mothers train, na? That gets recorded. Actually the kids’ swadhisthana is very simple, very relaxed, sensitive swadhisthana. We actually inform, we put lot of inputs. So that gets recorded. That becomes a solid thing. That is why in the young age I have seen in some houses. They make the kids to sit on the dining table. If they do some mistake, if they do something wrong, if they are too naughty, they make them sit on the dining table. That only creates the height phobia. The height phobia is created if you punish the child making them sit on the heights. So naturally they get that fear. The fear is recorded inside the swadhisthana. So that only creates the height phobia. For every phobia, these things are only reasons.


So at least with your child please don't create, with your children please don't create the phobias or deep fears. Never let them... Don't give all these nonsensical inputs. I have seen many, many, many many parents doing it. You see, you may catch cold if you move in the rain. Never think children also will do the same thing. Children have got their own strong immune system. It is you who teach them, “Don't go in the rain. You will catch cold. Don't go here. Don't go there. This will happen, that will happen. Don't eat ice cream.” All these things are your teachings. By teaching all these things you make them dull. Once they have become dull, buffalo, then we feel comfortable, “Yes, we have created or we have reproduced or we created replicas.” Never create this type of strong imprints, samskaras in the kids’ mind and if the kids are jumping around, if they whirl, if they spin, immediately you tell them, “Hey, keep quiet. Sit. You will hit this wall, you will get hurt.” I tell you, if they get hurt, be prepared to do the first aid. Never stop them. If they try to climb on a tree, don't pull them down. Just be prepared to do first aid and just be there. Even if they fall, you can catch them. Never try to disturb them. Never try to pull them down.


In the West, I saw in the beaches, kids simply enter into the ocean and play. Parents are just waiting to take care of them, that's all. They never go and disturb them and in India, we cannot even imagine. I think they will put practically a chain and hold them. Except like a dog, except putting chain, they have done everything else. Don't do that. These are the reasons, these are the things which create very dull or a dead life system. These are the few things of fear stroke. You can very clearly feel the love is felt from the heart. The worry and the depression is felt from the stomach, navel. The fear stroke is felt from the swadhisthana. Sex is felt from the muladhara. In every layer you can see exactly the emotion being felt in those chakras.


Let Me explain the fear stroke. Three things you need to understand about the fear stroke. Average in twenty four hours… and one more thing, you all have forgotten you get fear stroke in dreams also. Even in the dream states, you get fear strokes and suddenly you get up and you will see your heart rate is high and you are sweating. You have fallen from a height and you get up. You see. Fallen from a height and many things. So even in the dream you get the fear stroke. Average at least six times you get fear strokes every twenty four hours. Every twenty four hours at least six fear strokes. You may think, it looks too much but the people who do research on this, they say, average at least six fear strokes you get. They say maximum even twelve… people get even twelve strokes per day, minimum six strokes.


One thing you need to understand, fear stroke is just like a shaking a rose plant. There is a rose plant. Everyday six times if you shake the root of the rose plant, what will happen? Plant will die and the whole flowers will wither out. Just like that only, the same effect happens on you. Fear stroke does the same effect on you.Your whole nervous system is just shaken for one moment. You see, after two minutes you understand it is a rope, it is not a snake, by torch or because it is not moving, you understand. You settle down, that is different but the moment you get the shock, that is like a almost like electric shock, especially the strong fear strokes you can feel almost like electric shock only. Your whole body is just shaken. The fear strokes shakes your whole nervous system. First thing, at least six fear strokes you get in twenty four hours. Second thing, it damages tremendously your immune system. Your immune system is just shaken. Third thing, your life span is reduced due to fear stroke.


Never think you are afraid of death. You die because you are afraid. We always think we are afraid of death but understand now, scientists are proving, you die because of fear. Your fear brings the death more closer. There is a beautiful Sanskrit saying, a man who is courageous dies only once. Man who is coward, dies everyday. The fear stroke only is called death of everyday. Everyday you die, every fear stroke is a death. In death, you will have only one fear stroke and leave, that's all, over but in the coward life, in the... this type of lifestyle, every moment you get the fear stroke. Every moment you are dying. So the fear stroke is simply a enemy for your life. Simple enemy, a direct enemy for your life. We all know that now the fear stroke is a enemy. How to deal with it? What has to be done?


Participant: You have to face it. Swamiji: He said beautifully. We have to face it. There is a upanishad called Kathopanishad in Vedanta which deals on the death fear. There is a beautiful idea- you need to face the fear. You need to face the fear. What is exactly fear? Let us analyze. What is your subjective feeling of fear? Let us reduce everything to words. Don't say, “I cannot explain, I cannot express.” Participant: It is an emotion which paralyzes all thinking. Swamiji: Yes, caught beautifully. Then? Participant: It is only an imagination.


Swamiji: Even the word imagination is not right, Ma. You see, he gave a beautiful subjective experience, subjective expression. A special kind of chemicals or hormones are released in your system which when the feeling is created, you just don't want to live inside your body. You want to jump out. You just don't want to be in that space. In a nutshell form, I will present it to you. Something happens in your system. Your system is not ready to put up with it. You just want to escape from that space. You just want to jump out of your skin. Some uneasy feeling, the tremendous uneasy feeling is created inside your system. That is what we call... you see, rise in the heartbeat or rise in the pulse, rise in the BP, all side effect. Basically an uneasy feeling is created which is not letting you to stay in your body comfortably, which is not letting you to stay in your space comfortably. That is what is fear.


What is the exact way to face it? Upnishad says, create the same space consciously and face it. When you create the same space, same hormonal changes, same BP, same heart beat rate and same pulse rate, same uneasiness. Create them consciously and face them. Once you create them consciously and face them, your consciousness gets a deep strength. Even if it happens unconsciously, you will be ready, you will not lose your balance. It is like a… if you had a deep foundation, if you have a deep foundation, even a flood cannot take away your building. If your foundation is not deep, if you have that type of foundation, even a small fear stroke can imbalance you, can put you off. If you have a deep foundation, if you have worked on your fears, if you have a deepest consciousness, even the unconscious strokes can never touch you. Even the unconscious strokes can never touch you. Swadhisthana is the master of paralysis. If this chakra is strong, you will never have the paralysis attack. If this chakra is weak, there is every chance of getting paralysis attack. Paralysis stroke is nothing but the side effect or by-product of fear stroke.



Eliminate Fear Strokes & Boost Health || Part 2 || ASC || 17 April 2004


Title: Eliminate Fear Strokes & Boost Health Part 2 Name Of The Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Healing the Swadhisthana Chakra Date: 17 April 2004 Venue: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam talks about fear and fear strokes. Fear strokes are the moment when we experience a shock of fear. An example is when someone sneaks up from behind and frightens you. That moment of fright is called a fear stroke and it impacts our entire nervous system. On average, we experience at least 6 fear strokes every 24 hours. Fear and fear strokes tremendously damages our immune system and reduces our life span. HDH says never think you are afraid of death, you die because you are afraid. The Upanishads says to move beyond fear and fear strokes, we need to consciously face our fears. When we do that, our consciousness gets a deep strength and we will not lose our balance the next time we encounter the fear.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



So the way in which you can overcome the fear stroke is, create the same fears consciously. When you create consciously, the same hormonal changes are happening in you, same pulse rate, same BP, same uneasiness but you are steady facing them. It is like a… you are the center of a cyclone. A big cyclone is happening around you but the center is always calm and relaxed. Even in the tornadoes… any of you have seen the tornado clippings? Even in the center of the tornado, there will be a space where total silent exists, total silence is existing. So if you create a conscious tornado in you, your awareness will be a center. Once you face the fears, once you go to the deepest layers of your fears, then even if the adrenalin release happens, even if the same sufferings are pressurising you, even if the same heart beat increasing or the same BP level, same pulse rate, even if the same thing happens, you will not lose your balance. You will not be imbalanced.


Please understand, any of you, if you don't understand this concept, this idea, you are welcome to question Me because based on this idea only the whole meditation is going to happen. How much you understand this idea, that much only you will be able to meditate. If you have any question please crisscross Me.

Participant: There are so many situations when a fear stroke can strike. How do we know which type to pick?

Swamiji: You have put a right question. All the innumerable situations can be brought under four classifications. You have the four layers of fear. This fear of losing some part of your body in accident or through some fatal disease like cancer, all those things. These are second layer of fear. The third layer of the fear is fear of losing your near and dear ones, your loved ones, fear of losing them or losing love from them. Losing them physically or losing love from them is the third layer of fear. The fourth is fear of the unknown: fear of your own death or fear of God, fear of the ghost. Fear of unknown is the fourth layer. These are the four major layers of fear. If you think there is some more fears than these four layers, you can tell Me. If we work just on these four layers that is more than enough to reduce the quality and quantity of fear strokes. Any other layers? Any other fears?


Somebody asked Me in America. Just like this I was telling. Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, I am afraid of marrying. Under what layer the fear of marriage comes? What is the layer under which the marriage comes?” I told them, “Marriage comes under all the four layers!” First thing is the fear of losing the status.

A small story: Once in the forest, marriage between lion and lioness was happening. Because the lion’s marriage, because the marriage was lion’s marriage, the whole forest gathered for celebration. Monkey is playing some instrument and fox is playing some instrument. Everybody is playing some instrument and celebrating. Big celebration is going on. Suddenly, a rat jumped in the stage. In the center of the stage it started dancing. Rat started dancing. One lion came and caught the rat and told, “Hey, it is a lion's marriage. What courage you will have to come and dance here? Fool, Who are you to come and dance here? Go outside. Get out.” Immediately the rat said, “No, no, no, before marriage, I was also lion only!”


So first thing, losing the social status. The next thing, of course, don't mind if you are already married. The next thing, the fear of losing the body, some part of the body or the fatal disease. I was just making fun. In all the four layers you can bring the marriage. Fear of unknown and fear of losing the love. All the four layers can happen due to marriage. Anyhow, any other, any other…

Participant: Fear of expression.

Swamiji: Fear of expression? Social status. You are afraid that you may fool you are a fool… you may prove you are a fool. Afraid of being called as a fool.

Participant: When I was thirteen or fourteen years old, my brother-in-law passed away by accident. While I was sleeping I woke up and heard his voice. I was so frightened.


Swamiji: Actually till the sixteenth day, the hangover will be there. That is why, we are expected to do… expected to keep that place separate and expected to do that regular Shraddha and all those rituals, to give a send off, peaceful send off. Emotionally when you relax, when you let go them, only then they can carry on their life. Emotionally when you let go, only then they can let go. They will be able to let go the whole thing.

Participant: I conduct Pooja in the morning but it takes lot of time. If I don't do it I worry. Is it a right thing?

Swamiji: No, it is a wrong thing. Anything done with a fear cannot be spirituality. That is why I always tell people, never take up Nitya Pooja. You see, one day you must have felt so joyful, ecstatic when you did Pooja. Some one day you will feel so joyful just sitting in front of God and chanting some sloka. Because of that joy, you become greedy of it. Then you start possessing. You wanted to do the same thing everyday but the same feeling will not be there everyday. The fear will start coming, “Oh! If I drop one day what will happen? Will God mistake me?”


Be very clear, God is not waiting for your milk or fruit. He has got enough of work, first thing. And next thing, because you have the fear, first you must come out of it. Simply drop the pooja. Don't bother about it. Simply drop it. Face the fear and I assure you, nothing wrong will happen. Nothing wrong will happen. That is the first thing. Second thing, face the fear, nothing wrong. Never do anything out of fear. I never prescribe Nithya Pooja for anybody. I always tell the people and one more thing, people who do Nithya Pooja, after doing the Nithya Pooja, they will never get into that room. You can see them. See, even ordinarily, you get into the pooja room, you go there, but people who do Nithya Pooja after that morning Pooja, you can never see them again in that room and even when they do Pooja, they will be just waiting when I can leave the room and go, when I can finish the things and go. They will be just waiting to finish and go.


I have always seen people who work in the garden. Once they finish the work, they will never go and sit in the garden. They just want to get out of it but people who are working somewhere else, the moment they finish the work, they want to come and sit in the garden. So it is just like that. Same way, if you take up Nithya Pooja, it becomes a work, duty. Duty is a four letter word. When I say four letter word, I mean ugly word. Never, never, never take up any Pooja as a regular routine. Whenever you feel like, do it. See, Pooja has to be done out of love and gratitude. Many people ask Me. Even in the West, many people ask Me, “Swamiji, please give us a set of Pooja, Guru Pooja. We want to do everyday, do Pooja to You, do the Guru Pooja.”


I told them, “No, never do that. If you want to hate Me, start doing Pooja to Me. Then naturally you will get hatred towards Me. Then naturally you will never look at My photo after the pooja time.” I always tell them, “Look at My photo with love, never with respect. When you start creating respect, you stop connecting with the God.” I always tell the people, “When you start respecting, you stop connecting. Never do that. Never create any ritual around you. Never do any things which creates fear in you. Always out of love. Somebody came and told Me…


Participant: But one day when we miss doing Pooja there is a fear something will go wrong.

Swamiji: And one more thing, you will feel as if something is lost. It is addiction. Addiction to Coca-Cola and addiction to mantra, addiction to Pooja is one and the same. I always tell the people, never be addicted. You see, out of too much of love and gratitude if you do the Pooja, it is totally different thing but never out of ritual and I tell you, when so much of gratitude and love flows, even your very walking will be a Pradakshina. Your eating will be offering Naivedya. Your thinking will be just a Japa. Even your sleep will be a meditation.

There is a beautiful sloka by Shankara: Even my nidra is Samadhi, meditation on you. Even my walking is a Pradakshina for you. Even my words are Archana for you. Even my eating is a Naivedya for you. When you live with love and gratitude, you live like a flower on the planet earth. That is the status, that is the state in which real Pooja happens.


Participant: What do we do when we don't feel like doing Pooja? Swamiji: Don't do it, that's all. Why do you bother? Participant: So that I don't feel guilt or fear. Swamiji: What is this? Why should you feel guilt? One thing, you see, if you think the God will punish you if you don't do Pooja, why should we worship him at all? Pull down. He is not God it means. If he accepts you whether you do it or not, only then he is God. You understand? Only then he is compassion, only then he is love. He will accept when you do it, he will not accept when you don't do means he is more or less a politician and pull him down from his seat. One thing, remembering him will be always with love. Then you will not have the fear. If it is a ritual, you will have a fear. Be very clear about the things. Be very clear, analyze yourself. If it is out of fear, drop today itself. This moment itself drop it. If it is out of love and gratitude, you can do it.

(12:54) I always tell people, no intelligent man can do any practice more than twenty one days. It is a law. If you are an intelligent man you cannot do any practice. Practice means this type of rituals. Of course, meditation you will be able to do, that is different. Any kind of ritual cannot be done more than twenty one days. If you do it, it will become a dull, dead thing. The moment you enter, you will be waiting when I will finish it and go out. That is why, Ramaya namah, Krishnaya namaha, Govindaya Namah. By the time you finish the 108 nama only Namaha, Namaha, Namaha, Namaha, will be there, nothing else will be there.


Participant: Swami, what is the significance of twenty one? Swamiji: Twenty one. In every twenty one minutes, your energy does one full circle. In every twenty one hours, your energy moves through all these seven emotions- the emotion of love, worry, fear, sex and jealousy, ego, discontentment. These are the seven emotions related to the seven chakras. Your mind at least goes once and comes out throughout these seven emotion in every twenty one hours. That is one thing. In every twenty one days at least three, three days, you fall in every one of these emotions. That is why, the twenty one is a very significant number. In every twenty one minutes, at least one thought related to these emotions come in your mind. You can just test it. Just sit for twenty one minutes and write down whatever thoughts come up in your mind. You will see, all these seven emotions thoughts will be there. Every twenty one minutes, all thoughts, all the thoughts which is related to all these seven emotions will appear at least once in your mind.


Same way, you will have the fall into that emotion at least once in twenty one hours and in twenty one days you will have a deep feeling of that emotion. The peak of that emotion will be realized in your body at least once in these twenty one days. Thought, feeling and the peak. Intellectual, emotional and being level. In all the three level, you will enjoy or you will experience these seven emotions at least once. In intellectual level- twenty one minutes, in emotional level- twenty one hours, in being level- twenty one days. That is why the twenty one.


Participant: What about meditation? Should it be twenty one minutes? Swamiji: Ah, of course naturally the depth, the quality gets reduces. Then quantity also gets reduced. That is why, all meditation techniques are designed for twenty one, twenty one minutes.

Participant: There is a puja room in every house and a practice of lighting the lamp. Do we still do that? Swamiji: Make it as a small ritual. When you feel emotional, that day you sit and do it casually, relaxed way two-three hours. When you don't feel, do it as a two-three minutes ritual and finish it and go, over! Or take turns. Tell somebody else. If you are feeling, today let them go and do, that's all.

Participant: Even that is to satisfy the mind? Swamiji: Ha, even that is also to satisfy the mind only. If you ask Me honestly, I will tell you, drop even that. Don't bother about it even. Don't even bother about that.


Participant: Is it okay if our partners have a vision about our future or imagine about our future?

Swamiji: You see, when you imagine about the future, you alter your life. When you imagine about partner, you alter her life. If it alters your life, it is welcome. It is a vision. Only in that way you grow. When it alters somebody else’s life, it is a imagination. Don't do that. Alter your life, okay but never try to alter other’s life. This is the difference. Bhavana-Kalpana. Bhavana means vision, visualizing. Kalpana means imagining, imagination. So do visualization, never imagination.


Participant: What if we have contradictory visualizations about the future? Swamiji: You see, whenever the vision is not same, work on the visualization. Work on any one visualization. If you think yourself as a cricketer, start working towards it. If you think yourself as a actor, start working towards it. When you start working, some one will drop automatically. Then you will understand for which you need to give importance. In one or two steps itself you will understand which is going to suit with…in your life. Then naturally the other one will drop but never drop any visualization without working on it, because you will have hanger…hangover. If you drop that visualization, if you drop the idea of being an actor without trying to work towards it, at least take one step towards some producer’s house. Then if you feel, “No, this is not for me, it is difficult,” then you drop. You will not have a hangover. If you drop without having taken any steps towards it, you will have a hangover. So start taking steps. Naturally whatever is not for you will drop, not that you need to drop it. That will drop you. Naturally you can go ahead in the steps which you need to go.


Participant: Swamiji, the visualizations are usually positive but sometimes the mind thinks of all the negative. How do we get rid of the trap of negativity? Swamiji: That is called unconscious visualization. Meditation is the only solution for unconscious visualization. Otherwise the unconscious visualization is nothing less than a poison. It is a simple poison which will kill your life. You see, with poison, only your body will be destroyed. With unconscious visualization, your lives after lives will be destroyed. You will carry this unconscious visualization everywhere. So drop the unconscious visualization. That is a just poison.


Participant: How do we avoid the unconscious visualization? Swamiji: Meditation and bringing more consciousness to your thinking set up. You see, if you meditate just twenty one minutes per day, the whole twenty one hour will be flooded with awareness, will be flooded with awareness. So don't miss at least twenty one minutes of meditation. Every twenty one hour, at least twenty one minute, allot for meditation. Then you will see because in every twenty one minutes you come up with one full circle. If one circle is filled with consciousness, it will have an impact on the whole day circles, on the whole day energies. So naturally the awareness will improve. When the awareness improves, the unconscious visualizations will disappear.



Eliminate Fear Strokes & Boost Health || Part 3 || ASC || 17 April 2004


Title: Eliminate Fear Strokes & Boost Health Part 3 Name Of The Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Healing the Swadhisthana Chakra Date: 17 April 2004 Venue: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam talks about fear and fear strokes. Fear strokes are the moment when we experience a shock of fear. An example is when someone sneaks up from behind and frightens you. That moment of fright is called a fear stroke and it impacts our entire nervous system. On average, we experience at least 6 fear strokes every 24 hours. Fear and fear strokes tremendously damages our immune system and reduces our life span. HDH says never think you are afraid of death, you die because you are afraid. The Upanishads says to move beyond fear and fear strokes, we need to consciously face our fears. When we do that, our consciousness gets a deep strength and we will not lose our balance the next time we encounter the fear.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organizing, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Participant: In a difficult situation does chanting of mantras help? Swamiji: You see, chanting of mantras makes you only unconscious. It never helps you. It makes you only forget. Chanting of mantra is like a painkiller. Painkiller only makes you forget the pain, not that it heals the pain. This meditation will heal the pain. It will heal the very symptom itself. So now don't miss this meditation. Do it totally. Then you will see the symptom itself is healed and you can do this meditation even in the house by sitting. Don't do it by lying. By sitting you can do it. Any one meditation technique if you practice, that is enough. Which is suitable for you, tomorrow I will answer. Tomorrow in Energy Darshan, everyone of you can take advice from Me. I will see the energy of everyone of you and you can take the right technique. That one technique if you practice, that is enough.


Please don't start practicing all the seven. That will become Arambha Shuratva. I have seen many people. In starting, they will start doing everything. Except cooking they do everything. If you do all the seven, where is the time for cooking in the house? Then after two days, “No, no, no, this is not for me.” So don't do that. Take up one meditation and do it sincerely everyday. Meditations you will not feel bored. Meditations are not rituals. So do one meditation everyday, that is enough. Of course, if you feel… you see, for some people I give two meditation. For that type of people, morning one, evening one. For some people I give only one meditation. If you receive only one technique, you can do twice. If you receive two technique, do it only once because I see the chakras. If some chakra is damaged, I give them the meditation technique. If some chakra needs more help, I give them that technique.


Participant: How do you know that the chakras are open? Swamiji: The very feeling of lightness and the bliss, that is the symptom. Participant: If we are asked to meditate on a particular chakra, how do we do it? Swamiji: Hah, just concentrate on the region. Don't meditate, don’t imagine any flower or any chakra or anything. If you start imagining, you will start seeing visions. You will not have the experience. So I don't want you to see visions. I want you to experience the maturity, the emotions. So best thing is just concentrate there.


Participant: What if we see a golden light? Swamiji: If it automatically happens, okay. Don't do it by yourself. So we shall start the meditation. Please sit straight. Let Me explain. Sit straight. And now I think you can close your eyes and listen. If you just listen, that is enough. Then when I start the meditation, I will guide you. If you are not able to sit, no need to tie the ribbon. If you are not able to sit on the ground, you can sit on the chair, nothing wrong but sit straight and close your eyes. Close your eyes.


As you are all aware, there are four layers of fears. First thing is fear of losing the wealth, comforts and social status. Next thing, fear of losing some parts of your body or fatal diseases or accidents. Third thing, fear of losing the near and dear ones, the loved ones. Fourth thing, the fear of unknown, your own death. If you have fear, deep fear in some one layer, work on that particular layer deeply. Otherwise come one by one along with Me. I will guide you one by one. First, if you have the fear of losing the wealth, visualize as if you have lost it. Imagine really you have lost it, you don't have it, you have really lost. Put yourself in the worst situation which can happen in your life. Allow the fear, allow the uneasiness to happen to you. Allow that shock to happen to you. Allow the suffering to happen to you. Consciously visualize and allow the suffering to happen to you. Same way, step by step, we will start penetrating all the four layers of fear. Now please try the ribbons.



Contamination of Muladhara Chakra || Part 1 || ASC || 17 April 2004


Name Of The Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Contamination of Muladhara Chakra Part 1 Date: 17 April 2004 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals layer by layer, how the muladhara chakra gets contaminated. The contamination in the muladhara chakra is responsible for 80% of the locked up energies of the being. It is also responsible for all major illnesses. The for layers of contaminations are caused at different stages of our lives. First layer contamination starts from the age 0 to 7 years, second layer contamination happens between the 7 to 14 years, the third layer contamination happens between 14 to 21 years, and the last layer contamination happens between age 21 to 28 years. Understanding how these contaminations happened will help us to resolve them and also equip parents with knowledge of how to treat their children at each stage of their growth.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Let us work on the next Chakra. Next we will be working on the root Chakra, Muladhara Chakra, the Chakra which is the root and base for the whole existence. Mula means root, Adhara means base. This is the energy which is the root and base for whole existence, for whole Cosmos. This Chakra is related to sex energy. Sex energy of the human beings is the cause for the human beings’ existence on the planet earth and sex energy of the divine is the cause for whole existence of the universe. If this Chakra starts working properly, more than 80% of our energy will be available to our being. 80% of our energy is blocked only in this Chakra. Don't think our 100% energy is divided by seven and it is invested in all the Chakras. No. 80% is in this one Chakra. Once it remains, 20% is in the all other six Chakras.


There are few basic truths to be understood about this Chakra. In various ages, in various ways this Chakra gets disturbed. Let Me explain, in various times how this Chakra is disturbed. At first, your age from zero to seven, then from seven to fourteen, then from fourteen to twenty one, from twenty one to twenty eight. These are the four major zones which we need to understand how this Chakra gets disturbed and what are the ways at least now to clear this energy, at least now how can we activate this Chakra properly. All fatal diseases are due to this Chakra. If this Chakra is not understood properly and used, your whole life contracts. If this Chakra is understood, no fatal diseases will happen to your body.


Let Me explain layer by layer how sex happens in your body and how it is disturbed, how this Chakra is condemned or disturbed in your body. At first between the age zero to seven, you live in the whole body. If your body is ten square acres or ten acres, you live throughout the ten acre when you are taking birth. That is the reason your sensitivity is so beautiful and you have a special grace. In all culture all over the world, you can see the kids below seven. They will have their own beauty and grace. Not only in India, take America or even the poverty stricken countries, even the Ethiopia where poverty is just killing the people. Even in that country if you see the photograph of the kids, they have their own grace. Even though they are in poverty they have their own grace. All over the world you can see. Have you seen a single kid who is ugly? No! Same way if you see, have you seen a single grown up man who is beautiful? Kids have got their own grace because they live throughout their body. Their energy is not genitalized or centered on one point. They live throughout. They are alive, active throughout the body.


By and by, our so-called bringing up… I always tell the people, we don't bring up the children, we bring them down. Understand this one word. It is not bringing up, it is bringing down. Between the age of zero to seven, we suppress the left side of the kids. Kids are not allowed to use the left side. We don't let them use the left side. So half of their area is disconnected from them. For example, kids will automatically use the left hand also to eat, left hand also to do the work, usually because they do not know something is right and something is left. They usually use the left hand, left leg but in our so-called bringing up system we suppress the left. We don't let the kids to use the left. When you suppress the left, when you don't allow the kids to use the left, half of their energy is suppressed. So hundred acres.... if living in hundred acres you reduce that to fifty acre, half of their area is made as a barren hand. They don't use that land anymore. It is just taken away from them.


The next step, you make a, give a tight clothings. If you really want your kids to be alive, intelligent, don't give them tight clothings till they are seven. In America, in the West, actually they are very intelligent guys. They picked up our Gurukulam system. Till the age of seven, kids don't have to go to school but here, we picked up their system. They picked up our system; we picked up their system. Here in our Gurukulam system kids don't have to go to school till the age of seven. Till the age of seven if they are given a long cloth, single piece cloth, their energy will be more sensitive, more alive, more active. In India we make them read or write only after seven in the Gurukulam system. Now by the age of three, we put them in the school.


You see, kids have got a special way of thinking. It is called thinking through visualization. When you put them in the school, that is reduced to verbalization. They start thinking through verbalization. Two things you need to understand: Thinking through visualization, thinking through verbalization. Thinking through visualization means it is a intelligence. Thinking through verbalization means it is a intellect. Whole joy, whole life is reduced to just words. So it is almost like a reducing the bull into bullock. Psychologically you are depressing them, you are depriving life from them.


Once they are brought down to verbalization, their whole life will be just dull. The jumping or the vibrating energy will simply disappear from them. We were all kids. We were all jumping, running around, spinning. What happened to all of us? Suddenly we became so silent. Our body language has become so dull. What has happened? There was a time, once we were all jumping and running around. Our body language was just vibrant, alive. Invariably almost everybody's body language has become so silent. How? How is it possible? Because the first thing, suppressing the left.


Second thing, the tight dress which separates the lower body and the upper body. When you separate the lower body and the upper body by the tight clothings, you forget the lower body at all. For example, just close your eyes and remember your name. You will remember only your upper body. Your mind will never imagine the lower body. Only by force you have to bring lower body to your memory. By the tight dresses which separates lower body and upper body, almost you left living in the lower body. You have vacated the lower body. They are there just hanging with upper body. Otherwise you don't use them. You don't live with them. How much you are sensitive in your cheeks, you are not so much sensitive in your feet. Why? Both of them are part of your body. You don't live throughout your body. That is the first blow for the Muladhara Chakra.


Muladhara Chakra gets contaminated, gets disturbed in four levels. That is why, this Chakra is called the Chakra with four petals. In four levels it gets disturbed. The first blow, first disturbance is suppressing the left and separating the lower body. The second, from seven to fourteen. Once your left is suppressed, you are disconnected to the feminine energy which is available in your own body. In our body, masculine and feminine energies are available. Once your left is suppressed, your own feminine energy stops working. Then you start searching for that feminine energy from outside. You wanted feminine support. Whole day you cannot be intellectual, you cannot be logical, you cannot be argumentative, you cannot be masculine. Sometime you need to rest into the feminine. Some little bit of rest is necessary. You need art, grace, love, poetry. You need little bit of feminine energy. So you start searching for the feminine energy.


That is the reason between seven to fourteen almost all the male kids will be attracted to mother, all the female kids will be attracted to the father. Seven to fourteen, it is the unwritten law. All the male kids, they will be with the mother. All the female kids, they will be with the father because that is the time they need healing from the mother’s presence or from the father's presence. If you want your kids to be intelligent between the seven and fourteen, they should be just around you. Not only in the same house, they should sleep in your bed. They should sleep in your lap. Physically they should have a touch continuously with you. That heals them. That is the age the boy becomes man, girl becomes woman. So, that is the age your physical energy or your just touch is needed for them.


In that age, if you put them in residential school, be sure, when you are old, they will put you in old age home. You teach them because that is the age they need your energy support. When you don't give that, naturally they don't have any emotional connection with you. Between the age of seven to fourteen, if you let them stay somewhere else, if you are afraid of taking their responsibility, you can be sure in future they will not have any emotional connection with you because you have not fulfilled them. Just by giving birth you cannot teach them how to live. Only by making them live around you between the age of seven and fourteen, your energy supports them. They flower in your presence.


You know, there is a new research, beautiful research. They have come up with some amazing understandings. If you plant hundred rose plants in one place, all the hundred grows beautifully. If the rose plant is up, if it grows one percent if it is in the hundred rose plants, they say it grows at least three times more because of the presence it naturally does something. Everything grows totally. Same way, if they are around you, your presence gives them courage to grow. Every cell of your body has got its own intelligence. If they have their own intelligence, naturally they will have their own fear, “Will I grow totally? Will I fulfill the purpose of my birth on the planet earth?” Every cell has got their own fear. Between seven and fourteen the fear will be in peak. Your presence, your nearness, especially your physical touch to the kids will encourage them to grow totally. You are a promise for your kids, “You see, I have grown up. You can also grow.” It is a continuous promise so that they can trust the Existence.


Of course, what I am explaining is the subtle part, subtle part of the sex energy. If you want really your children to grow optimum, your children to grow maximum, the best gift you can give to them is between seven to fourteen they should be around you. Not only they should be around you, they should sleep in your bed. They should just sleep in your lap. They should sleep in your bed. Your physical touch should be there for the kids. Of course, once they are fourteen, naturally they themselves will become father or mother. They are ready to become a father or ready to become a mother. Naturally after the fourteen, age of fourteen, they cannot be around you but at least till the age of fourteen, see that if you have the kids between seven and fourteen, don't deprive them from your presence. You do not know, you do not value your presence in their life but this is the age they really need your presence. They really need your being with them.


Of course, when you deprive them, naturally you will be deprived. Then get ready, have your bag and baggages to go to the old age home. That is the truth. You may not go to old age home but you will not have the emotional connection with them. They won't have emotional connection with you. They won't have the real feeling, love or gratitude to you. I have always seen the kids who are brought up by the father, mother, with the father, mother, staying with them between the age of seven to fourteen. They have the tremendous satisfaction in their sex life because their sensitivity is too much. They are growing in a proper way. For a rose to come up, for a rose plant to flower, only water or the fertilizer is not enough. You need a good sunlight and at least little bit of rain. Your presence is like a sunlight. It will help them to grow totally.



Contamination of Muladhara Chakra || Part 2 || ASC || 17 April 2004


Name Of The Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Contamination of Muladhara Chakra Part 2 Date: 17 April 2004 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals layer by layer, how the muladhara chakra gets contaminated. The contamination in the muladhara chakra is responsible for 80% of the locked up energies of the being. It is also responsible for all major illnesses. The for layers of contaminations are caused at different stages of our lives. First layer contamination starts from the age 0 to 7 years, second layer contamination happens between the 7 to 14 years, the third layer contamination happens between 14 to 21 years, and the last layer contamination happens between age 21 to 28 years. Understanding how these contaminations happened will help us to resolve them and also equip parents with knowledge of how to treat their children at each stage of their growth. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Cleansing Your Manipura Chakra || Part 1 || Ananda Spurana || 17 April 2004


Name Of The Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Cleansing Your Manipura Chakra Part 1 Date: 17 April 2004 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals how the manipura chakra, or commonly known as navel chakra, gets contaminated and blocked. Inner chattering starts from the manipura chakra. When depression and suppression lock up this chakra, you will not have clear thinking. When you understand and vomit out all the depression and suppression, the manipura chakra opens up. Find out how you can cleanse your manipura chakra through a kriya. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Cleansing Your Manipura Chakra || Part 2 || Ananda Spurana || 17 April 2004


Name Of The Convention: Ananda Spurana Session on: Cleansing Your Manipura Chakra Part 2 Date: 17 April 2004 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals how the manipura chakra, or commonly known as navel chakra, gets contaminated and blocked. Inner chattering starts from the manipura chakra. When depression and suppression lock up this chakra, you will not have clear thinking. When you understand and vomit out all the depression and suppression, the manipura chakra opens up. Find out how you can cleanse your manipura chakra through a kriya.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Let Me explain the technique. First thing, meditate one minute on the navel center on this area, just concentrate on this area. That is the first one minute. Next, start speaking in the language which you don't know. That is the problem. Start speaking in the language which you don't know. How many languages you know? English, Hindi, then Kannada, swalpa, swalpa Tamil? Then Telugu? Only these four? Nothing else? Okay, you can speak in any other language except these four. How to speak? Create the sounds just like animals, just like animals. You may ask how, why. When you create the sounds, unusual sounds which your mind does not understand, your inner chattering breaks. Your inner chattering is the wooden plank on which you are sitting. Once you break the inner chattering, the whole volcano will come out. There is a big volcano, suppressed emotions inside your being. You put a big wooden plank on it and you are sitting very comfortably. This is the technique to break that wooden plank. Then whole Pandora box will open. Dinosaur, everything will come out.


The suppressed emotions from the very young age… we have suppressed lot of pains. You must have asked an ice cream. Your mother must have told, “No, you are already having cold. No ice cream.” Even those small, small things are recorded in your mind as a pain. Your mother must have given something else to your sister. Then immediately the pain, “I am not attended, only she is attended.” So much of pain is suppressed in your navel center. Let all those pain go out. So when you create sounds as much as possible, create the sounds as much as possible, you will see very clearly you are totally vomiting out your emotions. You will remember the guys whom you have forgotten. If somebody has cheated you in your young age, now you will not be having them in the memory. When you start doing this meditation you will understand, all those emotions will be coming up. You will remember everything and let everything be vomited out.


Understand the instruction very clearly. Just start creating nonsensical sounds. Aaooo… aaooo….that’s all! Starting, you will feel, “What is this? Swami is making as mad!” Only when you do it, you will understand. In psychotherapy, they use this technique as a catharsis. It is called catharsis. It is a very powerful technique. If you have any body pain, stomach trouble or skin disease, this technique will tremendously help you. Any pain is related to this technique only. Because of your suppressions only, pains come into your life. So remember the persons who have cheated you. You can fight with everyone of them. Fight and throw out your anger and vengeance and pains which you have suppressed. We have suppressed lot of pains in our body. That is why, we continuously attract more and more pains. If you have suppressed lot of emotional pains, you attract more emotional pain and more physical pain.


See, only if you tune your radio to Madras station, you will receive the Madras waves. If you tune it to Bangalore station, you will receive the Bangalore program. If you tune it to Pondicherry, you receive the Pondicherry program. To which station you are tuning your radio, only those programs you will receive. Your navel is tuned to attract the sufferings. That is why, continuously you attract pains and sufferings. Let us change the tune of navel center by this meditation technique. So any doubt in the technique?


First let Me give the explanation. One minute you will concentrate on the navel center so that the navel will be ready to open. Next thing, just start screaming, creating sounds which neither you understand nor somebody else understands as much as possible. You can jump, roll, scream, shout, jog, do whatever you want. Only you should not hurt the neighbor. You should not only hit the next person. Do everything, whatever you want, for twenty minutes. Then last ten minutes, sit silently and meditate on the navel center. You will see the whole navel has relaxed.


Now, as on now, if you just meditate on the navel and see, you will understand, you always have a tension and the pain in the navel center. There will be a subtle pain always in the navel center. If you remember your hands, you don't have pain but if you remember your navel, you can feel even now, there will be a tension, there will be a subtle pain because in the navel you have suppressed a lot. Now this technique will help you to throw away everything. If eyes pour, don't worry. Let everything come out. It is technique to cleanse your Manipuraka chakra. It is called Manipuraka Shuddhi Kriya. Even in Ayurveda they use this technique. In Ayurveda, they first make you vomit and then they do this technique. Of course, now already your stomach is empty. You don't need to vomit anymore. Start the technique.


When you are doing the meditation, if you feel like vomiting… there will be few people who feel like vomiting. Just raise your hand. Volunteers will help you to go and vomit. It is nothing wrong. It is actually good but don't put your hand and try. That is different but it is good to cleanse your navel. It is a highly powerful and tremendously helping meditation technique. If you don't vomit here, you will be vomiting in the house. We are all vomiting in the house. Your boss vomits his anger on you. You go and vomit on your wife. Wife goes and vomits on the kids. Kids, they go and vomit on the staff, workers. Workers go and vomit on the pet animals. Pet animal comes and bites you, that's all. It is a circle. You and your wife, wife on the kids, kids on the pet, pet on you, again. It is just a circle. So if you vomit here, you will not vomit in the house. Otherwise we are continuously vomiting in the house.


You understand, even for small reasons, you become just like a volcano. We just emit poison. In our words, we have poison. I have seen, even there is a beautiful verse in Tamil scripture: if you burn somebody with a fire, even that can be healed but if you burn somebody with words, it can never be healed. (Swamiji recites Tamil verse) It is a Tamil verse. If you burn the people even with the fire, you can heal it but if you burn somebody with words, you can never heal it. In our life, you can see, even without your controlling, you are continuously burning the people. You use such sharp words unnecessarily. You are burning the people. It has become a style for you, lifestyle for you. Why? Because your Manipuraka is in deep tension. You are having a so much of suppression, suffering in the Manipuraka. That is why you continuously vomit. You vomit and get back. It is like a unconscious mental setup. When you vomit naturally you create a Karma Chakra. Then they vomit on you. Then you vomit little more on them. They vomit little more on you. Life becomes a wound, a deep wound if this Manipuraka is disturbed.


Now let us enter into the meditation which can cleanse your Manipuraka totally.


His Holiness Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted a 2 day meditation program called Ananda Spurana Program (ASP) in Bangalore on 17th, 18th April 20040417. Below are some photos taken during the program.


17Th And 18Th Asp Bangalore - BANGALORE-ASP-6.JPG 17Th And 18Th Asp Bangalore - BANGALORE-ASP-5.JPG 17Th And 18Th Asp Bangalore - BANGALORE-ASP-3.JPG 17Th And 18Th Asp Bangalore - BANGALORE-ASP-2.JPG