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Nithya Spurana Convention ||Q & A session at the convention || Traditions of Kumbh mela || Addressed the nithyananda Order of Sanyasis || Kundalini awakening || The powerful truth that human beings by their very nature is Bliss ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, during the Nithya Spurana Convention held in Andhra Pradesh, India, hosted an intimate Q&A session where several questions, received from delegates present at the convention were answered. His Divine Holiness shared further shared insights about the traditions of Kumbh Mela, the role of the Mahamandaleshwars and the Naga Sampradaya. He briefly addressed the Nithyananda Order of Sanyasis and explained that Kirtans should be kept alive, with children given the freedom to dance and be playful in a safe space. His Divine Holiness shared important knowledge and Truths surrounding Kundalini Awakening, the Causal Layer, going beyond Desires, Death and revealed an intense Mystical Process to remove pain. He also revealed that Saints, Sages, & enlightened masters will express the truth based on their own experiences and teach 90% through body language. His Divine Holiness concluded by sharing the powerful truth that human beings by their very nature are Bliss.

Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 1 || NSC

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Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 2 || NSC

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Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 3 || NSC

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Let’s enter into the sessions. I’ll introduce how this technology happened; how this whole science happened in Me. Knowing this, you would really have the strong vitarka and inspiration to enter into this whole science. Introduction is never waste of time, it’s a right investment. Person who creates formula to reproduce the outer world understandings on every mind is a scientist. Person who creates formula to reproduce the experiences of the inner world on everybody is a mystic. Person who creates outer world experiences to reproduce the outer world experiences into others, outer world understanding into others, who creates formula is a scientist. Person who creates formulas to reproduce the inner world experiences on others is a mystic.


So how this formula to reproduce this experience on others happened in Me is an introduction about this science, this technology. The young age I was spending lot of time in traveling, doing pilgrimages and wanderings. So I was near Varanasi, a small place near Gazipur there was a, there was a small town. I was staying there and taking care of one sadhu, a very eldery sadhu. He was in his deathbed. I was staying in the hospital ICU. ICU means don’t visualize Hyderabad ICUs; the village hospital ICU’s. I can say town hospital ICU, kind of a two broken steel cot and but for a town it was well equipped. For that size town it was well equipped. I was taking care of him. In North India that’s tradition is all the young sadhus will take care of the old sadhus.


Taking care of sadhus is considered as a great punya, especially when they are sick and old. I was taking care of this sadhu. At that time I happened to face, I happened to see one guy dying in the hospital, in the ICU - next bed, next bed. I was with this sadhu. I saw that next bed that guy started dying. Please understand, I am describing as I experienced and I am responsible for what I am talking. I know many people follow the instructions I give; many people practice these teachings. Because of that I have become, I have to be more responsible about what I am talking. See, nobody is listening. Nobody is caring. Nobody is practicing I can talk what I want. But I know millions of people are practicing what I am talking, listening to what I am talking so I am responsible for what I am uttering. With that responsibility I am telling you as exactly I experienced.


I saw this person dying. It was such a strong experience for me. Still even when I remember, even now I can just see visually the whole thing in front of me, including that old glass on that steel table near the patient. I can see everything so vividly. That guy was, he has started dying. The doctors were standing around and trying to help, support him whatever medically they can do, giving oxygen or whatever medically they can do, they were trying to do. But of course they were not able to, they were not able to save him. He started leaving the body. First time I was seeing a death directly.


At the young age I saw my old mother, old grandmother dying. I didn’t have the vision or the spiritual experience to see what is happening in the being. Here, I was able to see very clearly what is happening in that being, but I was not able to help. I was not able to do any help to that person, but I was able to see what was happening in that being. (06:28) I saw very clearly….. first that physical body suffering. It’s almost like a tremendous pain raising in the system. It’s like a thousands of scorpions biting at a time. Every pore, I saw intense pain happening in that body, thousands of scorpions. You see, you know if you cut yourself just half inch you know how you feel. It’s almost like a peeling the skin. I saw that intense pain happening in that body; every pore intense pain.


In few minutes I saw that, that person’s soul was not able to tolerate that pain. It just dived into coma; means like a, see, in your system you have an automatic pain killer mechanism, that is the coma. The pain is too much, you fall into coma, That’s a kind of a pain killer mechanism. It’s not that you will not have pain. You will not feel the pain when it becomes too much. Like a sound, if it is too less you can’t hear. If it is too much you can’t hear. The frequency is more, you can’t hear. The same way, if the pain is beyond certain frequency, you push yourself into coma. You don’t, you can’t experience it anymore. You can’t see anymore. I saw that person just jumped into coma. The moment he fell into the coma his being, his soul started leaving the body.


See, because he fell into the coma, all his old engrams, samskaras became alive, awakened. It's like ah when you fall into the dream state all your desires will be awakened. Desire, fear, guilt everything will be wildly playing on you. You can see very clearly, sometime early morning if you wake up, the moment you wake up, if you remember, just few moments before because you were not aware of yourself, you were not aware of the self, the self was not alive, individual, clear; how your fears were possessing you. For example, if you had the dream like you are being, you are running, escaping from a snake or elephant. You can see very clearly, the moment you wake up how the whole thing is empty. But when you are in that coma stage how it was looking really like a reality, truth.


I saw very clearly, same way that soul dropping into that coma and all the desires, unfulfilled desires just become alive. See when you don’t have logic, the individual awareness, you will not see the difference between the dream state and waking state. That is why kids till they develop the logic, if they feel hungry in the dream state they will cry in the waking state. If they, whatever they experience in the dream state they will feel in the waking state. They can’t differentiate between the dream state and waking state. In the dream if they feel that somebody have beaten them or some problem, they will be crying in the waking state. They can’t see the difference. If the logic is not sharp enough, if the individual awareness is not there. In sanskrit we have a word pratyagatma chaitanya jagratam - means the individual awareness. If that is not there you will not have the difference between the dream and waking state.


I saw in this person, please understand, through this story I am revealing some of the important truths related to death and I am responsible for all the words I am uttering. I’ll answer all your questions related to the subject I am talking. Any doubt you have you can note down and write a question. The next session I will answer. Just like if you go to a lawyer he is ethically bound to give you the right opinion about the problem. So an enlightened being is ethically bound to tell you the truth exactly as it happens about the cosmos. The cosmic questions like life and death and everything.


So, even it was a little shocking, even if it was little against your religious beliefs, your ideas, I am sorry. I am sorry about offending you, but what I am saying is truth. I am expressing it as it happened. Because the person fell into a coma, I saw very clearly all his desires become alive, almost like the frequency of the desires is much more than frequency of his individual soul. So he is just kicked left and right by those desires. This guy has just become four feet and the desires are standing twenty thirty feet. Like a football, he is being played by those desires. They are kicking him left and right.


Anyhow, it was a terrible suffering for that person. He has felt very deeply depressed that he did not live all these desires. He wants to stay back in the body and live all those desires but body is telling, “No. I am tired. I can’t host you anymore. Please get out.” Body says, “I am pushing you out.” But the desires are so tall, so imposing, so influencing, the soul wants to stay back in the body and enjoy, but unable to. This fight, conflict is what I call suffering, the death suffering. Understand, do not think you will go to hell and you will be put in the hell and boiled. NO! This process is hell. There is no separate hell. This process is hell. All the engrams, your engrams which you carry as, which you cherish, which you think as life will be awakened the moment you fall into the coma.


So I saw that soul was moving through the desires with tremendous suffering, deep suffering. Then slowly, slowly, slowly that soul moved to the next level. Next level I saw, instead of desires, that soul was attacked by the guilt. See, when you feel, “I should live like this”, it’s a desire. When you feel, “I should have lived like that”, it’s a guilt. When your soul goes towards the future is desire, if it goes towards the past, it’s guilt. I saw this soul getting caught with a deep guilt. “Oh! I should have done this. I should have done this. I should have lived like that. I should have finished that fellow that time. I did not fight properly. I did not do this properly.” You can see even now in your life morning you if finish your fight in the house and go to the office, office where you are working all the points would come. “Oh! I missed this point. I missed that point.” You’ll prepare your notes and come back in the evening. The moment you enter the house, shoes will fly and start the session again with all the points which you remembered. And again, when you are in front of the spouse, in that heat, you will forget points by points to answer. So that night when you are in the bed you will start taking the notes and the next day you are ready.


Anyhow, the guilt, guilt of that person was so strong, that soul immediately wanted to go back to that body and want to relive all those incidents as he wants; wanted to redo everything but body says, “No. I am tired. Get out.” And with that load, please understand, when that soul was going through every desire the stress on that soul was getting increased. The layer, the load was getting increased Then that soul started moving towards the guilt. Then again more load getting addedhi. This load is what I call Karma.


Please understand, when you go through the desire or guilt all the load happens on you, all your decision, “No! I did not live that way. Now I will live. I did not do this. Now I will do.” All those decisions you make is your prarabdha, with which you assume the next body.


Please understand, your life is not direct result of your past actions. It is your decisions made about the past actions is this life. For example, last life you gave hundred thousand rupees to somebody or you cheated two thousand rupees from somebody. You killed two people. You saved ten people. Your life in this life is not totality of those actions. Your decisions about all those actions. For example, you see, “Oh! Saving gave me so much of joy. This time I will save a hundred people.” “Oh! Killing gave me real joy. This time I am going to kill hundred people.” “No, no, no! When I swindled money I felt very bad. This time I won’t swindle.” “No, no, no! Last time when I served the money, gave money to others, I felt very joyful. This time I will give more.” What decisions you make about those incidents when you leave the body is this life. Please understand, I am throwing one important light on the concept of karma. I am breaking the traditional idea of karma.

Ends at (17:26)

Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 1 || NSC

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Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 2 || NSC

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Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 3 || NSC

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Video - Kumbh Mela, Kundalini and More! || Q & A || NSC

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Question: “In Kumbh Mela the first dip will be taken by persons from Naga Sampradaya. I came to know that this Kumbh Mela you will be taking the first dip. Are you from Naga Sampradaya?” Swamiji: No no no. I am not going to take the first dip. There are thirteen Mahamandaleshwars. One-three Mahamandaleshwars of the Nirvani Akhada. All thirteen will take the first dip. Last time they allowed Me to take first dip because in that thirteen, I am the only person who created an order, order of Sanyasis. All others are imbibed. They are like hereditary. Their Gurus have created the organisation; they came to the seat. Last time they allowed Me to take the first dip because I created the Sangha. They have respect for Me, that's all. And this time, all these thirteen will take dip. Please understand it is not that I’ll be taking the dip, all the thirteen will take the first dip. I am also from, I’m from Naga Sampradaya.


Naga Sampradaya means, he says he’s asking the question: “Can you explain Naga Sampradaya?” Naga Sampradaya means the Sanyasis who are from Shankara Parampara, Shankara's Parampara who accept the sky as the cloth and whatever comes in their way as their food. And it's a initiated into Paramahamsa order. I think day before yesterday I was explaining; they will wear the cloth only when they come inside the city to teach. If I am not inside the city, if I am not teaching and the sky is the dress, means living with nature. It’s a traditional way of living and we are supposed to eat whatever comes in our way.


That rules belongs to all the Sanyas Parampara like carrying the stick and all does not apply to us. As I said that avadhoota and Paramahamsas, it does not apply. It’s a tradition created to keep the enlightenment science alive. We are supposed to dedicate our time to practice and preach the Enlightenment science. There are like this few restrictions and few understandings. That's all.


This time all the thirteen will be taking bath. That is the traditional right. Last time they allowed Me. In that thirteen, nobody else has created an organisation, created a Sangha. It's like a understanding between the thirteen. Totally there are 30,000 Mahamandaleshwars and 300 Akhadas. Akhada means group, the organisation. So the first leading organisation is the Nirvani Akhada, which is our organisation, which we belong to. It is the leading organisation. It has only one-three Mahamandaleshwars.


In this organisation they have lot of restrictions. If to ordain somebody as Mahamandaleshwar. Somebody asked the question, how the Mahamandaleshwar is being ordained and all that. Who put the question? How the titles are given.


They have their own screening method. They should have had this kind of experiences. They should have initiated this many number of Sadhus and they should have written this many number of books and they go through their, some of their, they have their own calculations. Then they ordain.


Again a few questions on what is meant by Mahamandaleshwar. It is nothing. It is a traditional title given, honour given to somebody to recognise their contribution. Question: “Awakening Kundalini is not good for married couple.” Swamiji: Don't worry it is good. Nothing wrong, nothing wrong. Question: “Tea, alcohol, sex should stop, to practice Kundalini.” Swamiji: Nothing like that. See awakening of kundalini, you may drop alcohol. But other than that, nothing like a tea, coffee, the regular married life, or nothing. It's no way involved in that. So don't worry. Kundalini can be awakened for all the people.


Question: “Is the causal layer linked anyway predominantly to the throat chakra?” Swamiji: No. It is not linked to the throat chakra. It is beyond the seven chakras. Question: “What about kirtans?” Swamiji: Evening Kirtan and all that. All that should be kept alive. All these beautiful things, juicy things should be kept alive. Because you don't give chance to, chance for kids to jump in the temple, they go to the bar and jump. That's all. They drink and jump there. That's the problem. If you give them the space here itself they won't do there.


Video - Birth, Abortion and More! || Q & A || NSC

Video Audio



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At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6756.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6757.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6759.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6778.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6779.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6797.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6799.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6800.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6801.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6804.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6837.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6838.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6839.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6840.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6843.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6844.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6845.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6846.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6847.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6858.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6859.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6860.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6861.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6862.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6863.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6864.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6865.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6866.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6867.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6868.jpg

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