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Gratitude Awakens your Consciousness!
Gratitude || Awaken  your Consciousness! || Shastra Pramana - Apta Pramana - Atma Pramana || Vishesh Deeksha  ||

Revision as of 04:36, 18 November 2020


Gratitude || Awaken your Consciousness! || Shastra Pramana - Apta Pramana - Atma Pramana || Vishesh Deeksha ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Gratitude during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Gratitude Awakens Your Consciousness!, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism revealed today’s powerful cognition of gratitude and how it makes you manifest the best things of Paramashiva. He explained that the biology you carry, your inner space, gives birth to your reality and that He is offering the extremely powerful space of Kailasa to manifest where all negativity disappears and becomes irrelevant in your life. He declared that sincere work on your consciousness is required if you want to achieve Power Manifestation and Enlightenment.

He requested to begin internalizing all the power manifestation slides with the Shastra Pramana, Apta Pramana, Atma Pramana and Sakshi Pramana and share them with the world. A Powerful meditation to sit in intense gratitude for everything showered on you by Paramashiva, including your life, happened. Following was an announcement for upcoming Vishesha Deeksha initiation on Nov 22nd and 23rd for everyone, even for those who may have abused Guru and the Sangha and want to declare completion and take the vow not to abuse again.

Satsang Video

Video Audio

Number of People Enreached And Enriched


Number of Temples Participated

16 temples from all round the world participated.

Satsang Transcript

00:16 om nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, sitting with us in all the Sarvajnapeethas all over the world and … all the Kayakalpa Program participants, Nithyananda Yogam participants, Nithyananda University Course students, participants, everyone, I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

01:59 Today's revelation, let me reveal it and then … I’ll enter into the details. Boons for life manifest from consciousness, which start feeling grateful for already what is showered. Listen. I am giving you the biology of karma. How something positive can be given birth or how you give birth negative. Listen carefully. All of us are given something and denied something. Nobody can say I am not given anything. You are still alive, breathing, so that proves life is given to you. Naturally, even if you are richest man in the world, there are some things which is not given to you. If you cultivate consciously a consciousness, the inner space which feels grateful for whatever is showered, your biology is ready to give birth to great boons of life. Understand. Person who cherishes ... what is showered in the life ... feels supported, loved, cared and goes on deciding to support, love, care. Understand. This space is heaven. I tell you, ... all I need for me to run my whole day is just consciously feeling joyful those devotees’ smile. That's all. See when I open the eyes from samadhi and see that two-way, when I see all these people, that's all is my food. Nothing else is needed. No other food is needed. Understand.

05:47 The biology you carry, inner space you carry gives birth to your reality. If you carry the inner space being grateful for whatever is showered in your life, you decide to go on showering with other, understand; I tell you, ... whoever enjoys by contributing are Gods, angels. Angels may not be the right word or what I wanted to convey is Devatas. The Sanskrit word “Devatas.” Maybe the rough translation in English can be Gods and Goddesses, not angels. Because Devatas are much higher than angels, the concept of angels. Listen carefully. If you feel exploited, frustrated, you will go on vomiting poison, destroying, pulling down, … spreading hatred, vomiting poison. You will be so deluded. You will know you are straight lying. And you will believe it is perfectly alright, that is the worst delusion. That’s the worst delusion. Understand.

08:04 If you see ... joyful people by adding more consciousness to them, powerful cognitions to them, and you make them blissful, and you are happy about that - you are already Living Enlightenment. You are manifesting enlightenment. Understand. Every time you add joy to people due to powerful cognition, not cheap vengentful; even demons give temporary joy, go and destroy somebody, that gives a kind of a kick. That is demonic joy. I am not talking about that. Understand destroy something, abuse something, you don't need much great knowledge. You just vomit the poison. That’s all. Because thousands around the world, I should say thousands or billions are waiting for poison. One thing, every day in satsang I am going on talking about powerful cognitions. So I am attracting millions and millions of people who are waiting for powerful cognitions towards me.

09:59 Devils, demons, rakshasas, rakshasis, every day they go on vomiting poison. Then, they also start attracting the people who are waiting for that poison. Understand, it is all about the frequency. The vibration for which you are waiting, Universe caters that to you. If you are waiting for frustration, negativity - Kalabhairava sends that. If you are waiting for enlightenment, positivity, powerful cognitions - Kalabhairava sends you that. I tell you, ... if you taste the sattvic ananda, means, the bliss powerfulness, you enjoy when you empower others. For example, every day all these deep secrets, the sacred secrets, powerful truths, I’ll go on reveal. Every day people applied that in their life, and they feel empowered, joyful. When I see their smile, I feel the joy of existence. And I feel empowered, I feel I should teach the truths more and more. I tell you, hard work gets you more hard work. Happy life gets you more happy life.

11:56 Money gets more money. Integrity gets more integrity. Laziness gets more laziness. Abuse gets more abuse. Joy gets more joy. Bliss gets more bliss. Sadness gets more sadness. What you work for, you get that. I tell you, listen carefully. I really tell you, … make integrity as a strategy for your life, you will attract such wonderful integrated people around you. Even if the non-integrated people come, you will know them by just by their smell, and they will not be able to harm you. You know how to protect yourself, save yourself and continue your service. See, … I am Kailaasa. I cannot close the doors for anybody. Actually Kailaasa does not have doors. It's open for all. Paramashiva knows how to protect Himself from all demons, devils. He gives opportunity, possibility for all. But, that doesn't mean … you can do some harm to Him. No. You can't. He knows how to protect himself.

13:53 I tell you, … when powerful cognitions are implemented, it always manifest as extreme love and integrity. Understand. My love does not mean I will support your non-integrity, cheating, fraudulent patterns. My love will empower your integrity and make you love more integrity and make you love more integrated people. It's a integrity chain. Understand. I have seen the joy of integrity. I have seen the joy of love. I have seen the power of love, how it can make you so healthy. Listen carefully. The space consciousness which feels grateful for what is showered, gets more showered. The space feels constantly frustrated about what is denied, gets more denied. Bandha or moksha is your inner space. Freedom or liberation is your inner space.

17:02 The extremely powerful space of Kailassa, ... go on living it, manifesting it. All negativity not only they will disappear, they will be irrelevant to your life. I really want you to know. Understand. Whether I am talking about energy, powerfulness, enlightenment, ... when you implement, it’ll be a intense sincere love. Love for the consciousness. Love for the existence. Understand. The source of life is all about going on contributing. Unfortunately, … when you developed anger, life negative patterns, anywhere you are asked to be alive, you start vomiting poison, anger. Arrhh! In the office, if your boss asked you to do work - anger. In the school, if your teacher asked you to study - anger. Anywhere you are asked to be alive, active, living, life positive, involved - anger. I can see many time, ... many people when they are in the sangha for contributing, enriching, they will not be active. They will be so lazy and do all kinds of strategy to cheat - hiding under the bunker bed, inside the restroom, run away and into the restroom and lock yourself to avoid yoga; they will try to do everything to be life negative. So much of strategy. But, when they get a chance to abuse.God! How much energy! From where they get energy?

20:21 Sometimes I used to be actually, see, for me joy is deities. If you just give me few deities and few clothes and jewels to dress up, whole day I can be sitting and doing that with so much of energy, joy! Just I can sit with my deities, my puja or just in samadhi! Just these simple things! Whole day I can just read few books and analyze and share the powerful cognitions. Whole day I can meet my sincere devotees who wanted to get enlightened and go on initiating them to manifest powers. I don't know how many of you are seeing? I sincerely recommend all of you to see the Autobiography of The Avatar - the website, and the slides getting loaded. Every day they loading thousands and thousands, hundreds and hundreds of slides - see them. If you see, you will understand the amount of work I have done in last twenty years.

21:44 Understand, the amount of energy I had and I am having to do this work. Just because of only one reason - my joy is sattvic joy. When I give powerful cognition and make people happy, I am feeling happy. The source of my joy is joy. The bliss of all the people, that is the source of my bliss, that is why I am constantly blissful! Somebody or other all over the world, I am constantly empowering and making them blissful. Understand, make your life, your bliss based on others bliss. That’s it. If others’ bliss is source of your bliss, you are now eternal bliss. Because you will going on be making people happy and blissful and you will be blissful. To become blissful, this is the best strategy. Make others blissful, go on make everyone blissful.

23:12 And I also have one more request. I request all of you to do the Vakyartha Sadas on Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Facebook profile, for various reasons. Still we do not know who all are using it, who all have access to it, who all are manipulating it. We are doing our own investigation, it’s all going on. But all of you do Vakyartha Sadas, in that page comment section itself. After satsang, the gist is uploaded in Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Facebook profile. All of you do Vakyartha Sadas in the comment section itself. For various reasons I am recommending this. Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam profile itself, you can all do the Vakyartha Sadas in comment section. I’ll also try to answer your questions. Umm. This is for various reasons.

25:02 Understand, ... the most powerful sacred truths, when it is lived, it explodes as intense love. Love for people. Love for yourself. Love for others. Understand. People who try to … infuse poison, violence, vengeance, anger, frustration, feeling exploited, victimhood, all that in you ... will be very sweet but they will just destroy, demolish and go away. It's like a, driver of the bulldozer, smiling does not mean he is doing good to your home. He’s bulldozing it. And he smiles at you and says, “Hi, how are you? Wow!” And he is bulldozing. It’s like cops give the ticket for two hundred dollar and say, “Have a good day! Have a nice day!” After two hundred dollar ticket, they tell you, “Have a nice day!” Understand.

27:53 Anyone wants to achieve, whether power manifestation or enlightenment - sincere work on your consciousness is required. Consistent, persistent. Work on your consciousness. I strongly recommend all of you, every day try to read the Bhagavad Gita commentary I wrote. See the whole Hinduism, is based on Veda Agamas. Essence of Veda Agamas is Upanishads, Brahma Sutra and Bhagavad Gita - Prasthana Traya, we call it. All Acharyas, all sampradayas write their own commentary for these three book. But these three book is the core, everyone accepts that non-controversially. Whether you are Shaivite or Vaishnavite, Shakta or Gaumara, Yogi, Vedanta Siddhanta, Agamanta, whatever sampradaya you may be - all accept authority of the Veda Agamas. And, all accept non-controversially, these three book - Prasthana Trayam. Upanishads, Brahma Sutra, Bhagavad Gita - these three book is accepted as … the core book. Or I should say the core principle of Hinduism. So for, for that core, you can give your own commentary and interpretation; Hinduism gives you complete freedom.

30:37 Each Acharya, somebody can give commentary as per Advaita. Somebody can give commentary as per Dvaita. Somebody can give commentary as per Vishishtadvaita. Somebody can give commentary as per Shuddhadvaita. Any of the philosophies you can give commentary. You can have your own interpretation. That's not a problem. Hinduism gives complete freedom. But core is Veda Agamas. Foundation is Veda Agamas. Understand, I have commented on all the three. Bhagavad Gita complete volume has already released. And the Upanishads and Brahma Sutras will be released soon. It’s getting edited. Read my commentary on Bhagavad Gita every day persistently, consistently and share with all. The ebook is available freely. You can go to nithyanandapedia.org, search for Bhagavad Gita. My Bhagavad Gita commentary in all languages is available freely. You can download and share. Understand.

32:36 I want all the Raja Vidya Gurukul, yuvarajas and yuvaranis to start downloading this book. See, keep the Bhagavad Gita in front of you, read through the Third Eye. You will have the whole thing downloaded into you. All the yuvarajas and yuvaranis will do this power manifestation today. I initiate all of you into this power. Keep the physical copy book in front of you. See the book through the Third Eye and start reading. You will all start reading. Not only you will be able to read without opening the book, you will be able to just download the whole thing. So today, all the yuvarajas and yuvaranis will master Bhagavad Gita. Downloading Bhagavad Gita, keep the book in front of you. Without opening it, start reading through Third Eye. I tell you, within next seventy two hours, you will master the whole book. And, in next few days, I'll make the yuvarajas and yuvaranis to do the demonstration, power demonstration of this power which I am initiating them now.

34:27 See always my kids have that feeling, so joyful for what they are showered, so I can shower more. See feeling joyful for what is showered is keeping yourself like that, more can be showered. Always feeling frustrated for what you are not given is keeping yourself like that. Even if it is showered, it just goes out. The powerful cognition for today: gratitude gets you more and more, more blessings and boons. Gratitude gets you more and more blessings and boons. It showers you with health. I tell you, gratitude even physically it alters the structure of your brain, not just physiological, psychological transformation. Even physically it changes the structure of your brain. Physically … you become more alive, awakened.

36:39 Actually I feel there is so much to tell. I am talking only the things which makes sense in your language. Because if I talk the truth as it is, ... human beings are so deluded. When I spoke about E≠mc2, that theory is not complete, there’s a next level - the deluded people were only trying to use that to harass me, not to seek the truth! So I wait till all the great truths make sense to your logic and dilute, dilute, dilute, dilute, dilute and then reveal it. So much work to tell the truth as it is. That is what is shocking. So much work to tell the truth as it is. Understand one thing. Consciousness need to be literally boiled, only then it becomes Siddha. Siddha means in Sanskrit two meaning: riped, boiled and enlightened. Riped and boiled and enlightened. Consciousness need to be boiled with Paramashiva’s pure space. Then not only you become enlightened, you become riped.

39:09 Kayakalpa Yoga is the way to ripe your consciousness. Even parivrajak yatra. We have crossed more than thousand applications for parivrajak yatra. I sincerely recommend all the people who applied, please start walking at least ten kilometres a day, as a training for yourself. In reality when you start the parivrajak yatra you may be walking - morning ten kilometres and evening ten kilometres, at least two ten kilometres. So start walking ... at least one ten kilometre every day as a training. One more thing, I also strongly recommend you do Nithyananda Yoga every day and build yourself strong for the parivrajaka yatra. Those who want to sign up and join for parivrajak yatra, please fill the form available at kailaasa.org/satsang and Kayakalpa Yoga next batch, if you want to sign up. The same link kailaasa.org/satsang. Both programs are free. Pada yatra, parivrajak yatra only men can attend. Kayakalpa Yoga: men, women - both, all genders can attend.

41:12 And I also have a one more good news. I am going to be doing a special kind of a satsang every day, only for enrolled participants so that I can reveal all the great truths of Kailaasa as it is. It’ll not be public relayed. Only for enrolled students. The enrollment will be free. But only for the interested seekers, I am going to be doing one more satsang every day. See there is going to be two satsang - Nithya Satsang, Vishesha Satsang. The Nithya Satsang will be for all. All the general spiritual truths, I will reveal there - powerful cognitions. There will be one more Vishesha Satsang. Only for the enrolled people, where I am going to reveal all the great truths like a … beings of Kailaasa, how Kailaasa looks, feels, the beings from the other space and the great truths. I don't want that to go for the open public because unnecessarily people will be using it, misusing it, misquoting, all these harassment. The Vishesha Satsang: soon I’ll announce the timing … for the Vishesha Satsang. It’ll be like a subject, specific subject every day. It may even be three hours session. Because directly I will be giving a powerful cognition, great revelations and then power manifestation, I myself will be guiding you and till you manifest powers. It’ll be like a, directly living with me.

43:25 We are ins ... we are installing in all the ashrams the Divya Sarira ... equipments needed for 7D hologram. So in all those ashrams, this Vishesha Satsang will be available. It will be free, but only for the interested seekers. Only for the seekers ... where I can reveal all the revelations of Kailaasa as it is without restriction. I don't need to wait or I don't need to feel, “Oh God! How these guys will manipulate, misinterpret.” Because you see these manipulators and misinterpretors, they know they are lying. They just try to intimidate us. If they do that, they think I’ll stop speaking or I’ll, I’ll reduce speaking. No! I am going to now increase speaking. I’ll just make sure the right people listen, that's all. I know the strategy. I can make sure that only right people, seekers listen. I cannot deny myself for seekers for the sake of because these pokers are trying to intimidate us. No! I’ll continue to make myself available to seekers in every way. I’ll not be bothered about the pokers. I have to revive the whole Hinduism and I will do it. I will do it. I will revive it. I will survive Hinduism, Sanatana Hindu Dharma.

45:33 The Vishesha Satsangs will be more like a intimate talks, it’ll be like, literally like a Kailash Courtyard Sessions, where I give the powerful cognition, give the powers you are supposed to manifest, and instruction, and you start manifesting it. I do have one more beautiful gift for all of you. Today ... major powers, the power manifestation session I conduct in that Kailash Courtyard, which I personally conducted is now compiled in the form of slides, and today it is ready; I am giving to all of you as a gift. Understand, every instruction I gave, means Shastra Pramana and Apta Pramana and the procedures, system, set of the instruction I did in the Kailash Courtyard power manifestation sessions - it's completely compiled. The first part, actually it is seven part compilation. The first part is ready today. I am sharing it with all of you. It is getting uploaded in HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam page. I don't know whether it is uploaded in profile. It is getting uploaded in page.

47:59 So please understand, this is the one of the beautiful gift. All of you read, understand, start internalizing; I will make you manifest each of these powers in Vishezz ... Vishesha Satsang. Understand. The Vishesha Satsang, special satsang: it will be focusing on power manifestation, like Kailash Courtyard Session. This PowerPoint presentation of Kailash Courtyard’s sessions which is already conducted, I think sixty or ninety days I conducted the sessions. Whatever is conducted, is coming out as seven set. The first set is today released. The other sets are getting organized and transcribed and that also come to you. Please internalize this and share this with the world. And ... it’ll be shortly available in Paramahamsa Nithyananda profile also. I think in the page it is already uploaded or getting uploaded. In profile also it’ll be shortly uploaded.

49:51 Today and tomorrow, I want all of you to focus on internalizing all these power manifestation slides. It’s beautifully presented. For each power: Shastra Pramana, Apta Pramana, Atma Pramana, Sakshi Pramana, and how to do it - clearly presented. So internalize them, and share with them, share with the world. Share and celebrate. Enrich and enjoy. Because … in next few days I wanted to start all of you to manifest Akashic Records, the great truths of Kalabhairava.

51:47 So now … today's powerful cognition: gratitude … makes you manifest the best things of Paramashiva. Sit with intense gratitude for everything showered on you by Paramashiva including your life. Connect with Him in Oneness. Let's manifest Paramashiva. Sit straight, close your eyes. Chant the Mahavakya “Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham” intensely, and connect with Paramashiva.

Meditation starts with Mahavakya being played in the background

01:08:21 Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. With this, I bless you all. Listen. It’s already uploaded in HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam page. The ... Kailash Courtyard Power Manifestation manual is uploaded. Please read, internalize and share. This will bring so much good to you. This is essence of Vedagamas, the power manifestation science from Kailaasa directly. And I’ll also continue to share the further sets of the instruction. This will work for all the people who are already initiated. If you are initiated, continue to declare your integrity. See, declaring your integrity to Master means not abusing Guru or Sangha or Linga, understand.

01:09:58 If you don't abuse the Guru who, who initiated you, for example, if Ramakrishna has initiated you in some technic, powerful cognition, as long as you don't abuse Ramakrishna, that initiation will work for you. If Osho has given you a powerful cognition, as long as you don't abuse Osho, that powerful cognition will work for you. So any Guru who initiated you into powerful cognition, as long as you don't abuse them, that initiation continues to be alive. If you don't, if you have not abused Nithyananda, Nithyananda Sangha or Nithyanandeshwara Linga, means that our temples, our sampradaya; if you have not abused me or my sangha and sampradaya - be very clear all the initiations I have given you will be alive, you can continue to manifest ... all the powers.

01:11:08 So, only if you have abused but if you really want to complete, and declare completion, and take the vow you will not abuse again, and declared your integrity, I am ready to accept. And you can start getting reinitiated. You can come to the Vishesha Deeksha, next Vishesha Deeksha - 22nd and 23rd November and get reinitiation. I am open. I keep my doors open for all. So now, bit.ly/manifestpowers, shortcut to Courtyard Session slides are available. It's already available in HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam page. You can go and download. I have one important announcement to share with you all. We are working on uniting the nations for world peace. So tomorrow I am going to share, how we are working on uniting the nations for world peace and betterment of the world. So be here for tomorrow satsang without missing to know how we are working on uniting the nations.

So with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 01:12:56




Initiation to manifest Paramashiva through Gratitude.

Sakshi Pramana

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