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Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam
Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.
Today’s subject is ‘Rewiring your Brain’. Some of the shastra pramanas, some truths from the field of neurophysiology; it’s from a website yogachannel.com. Samskaras or engrams create mental grooves in the brain like rivalents in sand that let water run in certain patterns. They say each time we react in a certain way, for example getting angry, we strengthen the power of the pathway. It’s a one truth. It’s a very important truth. The more and more you react in the same way the more and more you strengthen that engram. If you are habituated to fall sick due to any stress or fear you encourage, you strengthen that engram of falling sick due to stress and fear. I tell you if you are really feeling stressed or fear or anxiety, do something very active. Either cathartic meditation or kind of an intense weight lifting;
activating body. I tell you, you will create a new engram. So whenever fear or stress happens in you that whole thing gets converted as energy, useful energy instead of that staying in you and making you weak and diseased; that same thing can be used as energy.
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
You see rajas; rajas when it is added with awareness can just become part of your life, can be directly useful. If you are stressed, if you have the anger towards somebody, fear, just take it out on weighing machine, weight lifting machine. Just take it out on the gym or do some intense catharsis process. I have given so many catharsis process from different traditions. Manipuraka shuddhi kriya, so many kriyas; the cathartic kriyas are there. Pranayams like bhastrika, kapalbathi; there are so many cathartic kriyas, talking in tongues. In Christian tradition they call it Glasalolia. In Hindu tradition we call it Manipuraka shuddhi kriya or loud chanting of Upanishads, Vedic mantras. Take out your anger in these ways, release your stress in these ways, release your fear in these ways. You will see you will be creating new rivalents. You will not be strengthening that old pattern. You will not be strengthening that ugly mental setup of suffering and torturing yourself.  
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
Today’s subject is ‘Rewiring your Brain’. Some of the shastra pramanas, some truths from the field of neurophysiology; it’s from a website yogachannel.com. Samskaras or engrams create mental grooves in the brain like a river-lands in sand that let water run in certain patterns. They say each time we react in a certain way, for example getting angry, we strengthen the power of the pathway. It’s a one truth. It’s a very important truth. The more and more you react in the same way the more and more you strengthen that engram. If you are habituated to fall sick due to any stress or fear you encourage, you strengthen that engram of falling sick due to stress and fear. I tell you if you are really feeling stressed or fear or anxiety, do something very active. Either cathartic meditation or kind of an intense weight lifting; activating body. I tell you, you will create a new engram. So whenever fear or stress happens in you that whole thing gets converted as energy, useful energy instead of that staying in you and making you weak and diseased; that same thing can be used as energy.  
It’s almost like, see when you have the anger or fear of stress you are victim, but when you carry that inside you, you are punished for being a victim; case in me. So don’t be punished for being a victim; if you are a victim, release it intensely. Don’t keep it inside, have this cathartic kriyas; Manipuraka shuddhi kriya or intense samana balancing techniques. You can do 108 surya namaskar or intense weight lifting; working out. This samana balancing immediately will convert that stress into energy. Rajas will become energy. Only first few days you need to create this new rivalent then every time this new rivalent will become strengthened; that will become strength.
So as neurophysiologist say, each time you react in certain way you strengthen the power of the pathway. So each time when the river runs in that same rivalent, the rivalent becomes more deeper. So the river running in the same direction becomes more stronger more permanent. Same way in your brain also you have so many rivers Ganga, Cauvery, Yamuna, Saraswati, Godavari, Narmada, Sindhu; so many rivers. Some are wild rivers, forest rivers. The rivers which really creates calamity by the forest flood or sudden floods you need to make a dam and divert it in different direction. Making dam and directing it in different direction is what I call sadhana. Sadhana means making dam and diverting it to different direction. But unfortunately we have another one biggest rivalent, engraved memory, engram, samskara; laziness, eternal laziness!!!
One of the biggest engram biggest enemy for awakening non mechanical parts of your brain or sadhana or for enlightenment or for achievement is laziness. See once the laziness enters into your system nothing can be done; any big idea........tomorrow. Good idea, great, but you see tomorrow is a good day to start. Always our elders say you should find out the right day, right time. See today if I start tomorrow I am not going to be there, I am busy. Dvandva vighna dvitiya vighna should not be there. Our tradition there is a tradition the second day nothing should be broken; dvandva vighna. Oh! Second day it should not be broken dvitiya vighna. So I will start maybe day after tomorrow.
You see rajas; rajas when it is added with awareness can just become part of your life, can be directly useful. If you are stressed, if you have the anger towards somebody, fear, just take it out on weighing machine, weight lifting machine. Just take it out on the gym or do some intense catharsis process. I have given so many catharsis process from different traditions. Manipuraka shuddhi kriya, so many kriyas; the cathartic kriyas are there. Pranayams like bhastrika, kapalbhati; there are so many cathartic kriyas, talking in tongues. In Christian tradition they call it Glasalolia. In Hindu tradition we call it Manipuraka shuddhi kriya or loud chanting of Upanishads, Vedic mantras. Take out your anger in these ways, release your stress in these ways, release your fear in these ways. You will see you will be creating new river-lands. You will not be strengthening that old pattern. You will not be strengthening that ugly mental setup of suffering and torturing yourself.  
Laziness is Maya nothing else. So understand no sympathy towards laziness. He is a demon; so no question of allowing laziness. The first lesson in Zen they teach is the awakening your whole system, breaking the laziness pattern; because the whole Zen is based on silent sitting. You can very easily slip into laziness in the name of silent sitting. The very word Zen means dhyan; zezen means sitting. You can very easily slip into laziness in the name of silent sitting. See you can very easily slip into that laziness in the name of Samadhi. No. Zen first breaks that lazy mental setup. You need to break the lazy mental setup to work on these engrams and create the new awakened lifestyle.  
Zen monasteries they have a tradition, even the master who is the head of the monastery will not have food if he does not work for that particular hours. They have the system of eight hours of working. Even I created that system from the Zen only. The eight hours physically you need to work, eight hours mentally you need to work, means sadhana or some other teaching, learning. See a teacher works mentally when he teaches. Disciples work eight hours mentally when they learn. So eight hours of physical work eight hours of mental work, naturally the eight hours you will rest in consciousness. There will not be any unexhausted engrams; so the sleep will be deep sleep. Only when you don’t work eight hours physically eight hours mentally you will have a stressed sleep; disturbed sleep, disturbed memory; disturbed mental setup. You will not feel really as you slept.
It’s almost like a, see when you have the anger or fear of stress you are victim, but when you carry that inside you, you are punished for being a victim; case in Me. So don’t be punished for being a victim; if you are a victim, release it intensely. Don’t keep it inside, have this cathartic kriyas; Manipuraka shuddhi kriya or intense samana balancing techniques. You can do 108 Surya namaskar or intense weight lifting; working out. This samana balancing immediately will convert that stress into energy. Rajas will become energy. Only first few days you need to create this new river-land then every time this new river-land will become strengthened; that will become strength.  
So I tell you laziness is one of the worst engram. It is not even engram it’s almost like breathing. That’s why just yesterday I decided anybody who leaves the ashram due to laziness engram, I have decided I will not accept them any more back; no question of coming back. If they leave because of any other engram, maybe lust, they can go and get married and suffer in few years and come back; no problem. They will understand the lesson; it’s too costly. They can come back. If they have the anger then they can leave; because in the society when you express your anger you will be getting nicely beaten. That mental setup will be broken. They can come back. Or if you have greed then you can go and learn the lessons of the greed engram. What you need to do and you need not do if you want to come back come back. But if there is a lazy engram, laziness engram, and if they leave, nothing can be done, nothing can be done, no entry for them; because the laziness is the non return zone of spirituality. Enlightenment; Videha samadhi and laziness both are non return zone. If you are caught in laziness you can never be lifted. If you are relaxing in videha samadhi you will never come back. But this laziness God! The first thing you need to break is laziness.  
Especially that early morning brahma muhurta, so you wake up before sunrise and work out in nirvani akhada either 108 surya namaskar or doing the samana yoga or pranayama and take bath in the cold water in the sacred water body and come for guru puja, your day is set. You will break all samskaras. You will make a beautiful dam; sadhana. Once you break one or two strong samskaras, you just know, simply you know you simply know how to break; the science of breaking the samskara is learnt. The science of handling your body and mind is learnt. So you will create new rivalents.
As neurophysiologist say: each time you react in certain way you strengthen the power of the pathway. So each time when the river runs in that same river-land, the river-land becomes more deeper. So the river running in the same direction becomes more stronger more permanent. Same way in your brain also you have so many rivers Ganga, Kaveri, Yamuna, Saraswati, Godavari, Narmada, Sindhu; so many rivers. Some are wild rivers, forest rivers. The rivers which really creates calamity by the forest flood or sudden floods you need to make a dam and divert it in different direction. Making dam and diverting it in different direction is what I call sadhana. Sadhana means making dam and diverting it to different direction. But unfortunately we have another one biggest river-land, engraved memory, engram, samskara; laziness, eternal laziness!
Another one truth; neuroplastic science says your brain has the ability to create new grooves and pathways and the existing ones will heal up and disappear if left on their own This is yogaflavouredlife.com, website source. Understand it’s very important thing; your brain can create new grooves and pathways means the possibility for new life exists, possibility for becoming a new man exists, possibility for becoming new consciousness exists. That is what we call initiation and the existing ones will heal up and disappear if left on their own. They will just disappear if left on their own, nothing else is required; nothing else is required. You don’t need to do something special to fill the existing river. Just make a dam divert the water the existing pattern will dry up automatically. Then they will get closed automatically.  
Scientist Debbie Whitmore says the science of neuroplasticity focuses on how the brain can rewire itself to forge new connections and break cycles of negative thinking and acting. Patanjali very beautifully says if you are suffering with particular engram just create the anti engram anti emotion. For example if you are suffering with violence, create compassion. If you are suffering with anger, create peace and feel that it is spreading all over your body. Release that into the cosmos through your every pore. You will see, you will just create new mental set up, new brain pattern as you want; exactly what Pantajali is saying. Of course he said it 5000years before; at least 5000 years before. Now the neuro plasticists, scientists are proving it. Debbie Whitmore is proving it.
One of the biggest engram biggest enemy for awakening non mechanical parts of your brain or sadhana or for Enlightenment or for achievement is laziness. See, once the laziness enters into your system nothing can be done; any big idea..."Tomorrow. Good idea, great, but you see tomorrow is a good day to start. Always our elders say you should find out the right day, right time. See, today if I start tomorrow I am not going to be there, I am busy. Dvandva vighna dvitiya vighna should not be there." Our tradition there is a tradition the second day nothing should be broken; dvandva vighna. "Oh! Second day it should not be broken dvitiya vighna. So I will start maybe day after tomorrow."
Again one more report, study done on yoga; the regular practice of yoga is a perfect formula for creating a new, deep, behavioral grooves in the brain, that take advantage of neuroplasticity. Just as I was telling now, working on the body, straight away working on the body uncompromising way, breaking the laziness system; I tell you this padayatra which I took up in my young age, this parivrajaka yatra, it has done so much in my system, so much. Because once you start walking in the morning till evening even if you are tired you can’t stop because you have to find the next village. Unless you find the next village, no food, no stay, no sleep. And it is a very powerful system I can tell you very powerful system. Same way, the morning sadhana should be a padayatra for you; nothing can be done.  
I am just waiting for the place to be ready. Actually the once I make this as a habit, see now I made this morning pada puja and message as a habit. Neither I can miss nor you can miss. Both of us are caught. Neither I can miss nor you can miss. I have to come and stretch my leg and you have to be here to do the puja and I have to be here to give the morning message. You have to be here to listen. Same way I am going to make the morning routine also. Morning five I will be there in akhada. Nothing can be done; because I have to be there you have to be there. I think this is what our Upanishad means. Sahana bhavatu sahanau gunatu. Let both of us grow together let both of us work together let both of us not have enmity so that we break the pattern of growing together. Before, see before sunrise to the complete sunrise means 5 to 9 and before sunset to the complete sunset 6 to 7.30, both time; both sandhyas I will be with you guys so that we constantly work on creating new man.
Laziness is Maya nothing else. So understand no sympathy towards laziness. He is a demon; so no question of allowing laziness. The first lesson in Zen they teach is the awakening your whole system, breaking the laziness pattern; because the whole Zen is based on silent sitting. You can very easily slip into laziness in the name of silent sitting. The very word Zen means dhyan; zezen means sitting. You can very easily slip into laziness in the name of silent sitting. See, you can very easily slip into that laziness in the name of Samadhi. No. Zen first breaks that lazy mental setup. You need to break the lazy mental setup to work on these engrams and create the new awakened lifestyle.
Understand you are not reality you are potentiality. You are not reality you are potentiality. We need to work, work, work, constantly everyday adding yogic body and vedic mind untiringly. One day missed is a miss; lost. See, one of the biggest crime in spiritual practice or in the line of, in the field of awakening, is this laziness. This comes and catches in such a way you don’t even know you are not doing anything. When you are possessed by ghost you don’t even know you are caught by ghost. I tell you guru droha and laziness is one and the same. It should be punished in a equal way. Guru droha and laziness both should be punished equally. Laziness is nothing less than gurudroha, because you will not even know that you are not doing; just hanging around. See there is enough of way to hang around, especially big campus like this you can just go and stand near kalabhairava and watching  and you can just go and hang around this bamboo grove and watching and you can just go around hanging around that banyan tree and watching. See when you are meditating and really spending the time of that conscious space that is perfect; but that we never do. Then that is again you are growing; that is perfect. We don’t do that. It is like easy drifting and non doing; just there what for and there. Laziness is the one of the worst crime.  
Zen monasteries they have a tradition, even the Master who is the head of the monastery will not have food if he does not work for that particular hours. They have the system of eight hours of working. Even I created that system from the Zen only. The eight hours physically you need to work, eight hours mentally you need to work, means sadhana or some other teaching, learning. See a teacher works eight hours mentally when he teaches. Disciples work eight hours mentally when they learn. So eight hours of physical work, eight hours of mental work, naturally the eight hours you will rest in Consciousness. There will not be any unexhausted engrams; so the sleep will be deep sleep. Only when you don’t work eight hours physically, eight hours mentally you will have a stressed sleep; disturbed sleep, disturbed memory; disturbed mental setup. You will not feel really as you slept.
So I tell you laziness is one of the worst engram. It is not even engram it’s almost like a breathing. That’s why just yesterday I decided anybody who leaves the ashram due to laziness engram, I have decided I will not accept them any more back; no question of coming back. If they leave because of any other engram, maybe lust, they can go and get married and suffer in few years and come back; no problem. They will understand the lesson; it’s too costly. They can come back. If they have the anger then they can leave; because in the society when you express your anger you will be getting nicely beaten. That mental setup will be broken. They can come back. Or if you have greed then you can go and learn the lessons of the greed engram. What you need to do and you need not do if you want to come back come back. But if there is a lazy engram, laziness engram, and if they leave, nothing can be done, nothing can be done, no entry for them; because the laziness is the non return zone of spirituality. Enlightenment, Videha Samadhi and laziness both are non return zone. If you are caught in laziness you can never be lifted. If you are relaxing in Videha Samadhi you will never come back. But this laziness, God! The first thing you need to break is laziness.
Especially that early morning Brahma muhurta, so you wake up before sunrise and work out in nirvani akhada either 108 surya namaskar or doing the samana yoga or pranayama and take bath in the cold water, in the sacred water body and come for Guru puja, your day is set. You will break all samskaras. You will make a beautiful dam; sadhana. Once you break one or two strong samskaras, you just know, simply you know you simply know how to break; the science of breaking the samskara is learnt. The science of handling your body and mind is learnt. So you will create new river-lands.
Another one truth: neuroplastic science says your brain has the ability to create new grooves and pathways and the existing ones will heal up and disappear if left on their own; This is yogaflavouredlife.com, website source. Understand it’s very important thing; your brain can create new grooves and pathways means the possibility for new life exists, possibility for becoming a new man exists, possibility for becoming new Consciousness exists. That is what we call initiation and the existing ones will heal up and disappear if left on their own. They will just disappear if left on their own, nothing else is required; nothing else is required. You don’t need to do something special to fill the existing river. No. Just make a dam divert the water, the existing pattern will dry up automatically. Then they will get closed automatically.
Scientist Debbie Whitmore says: the science of neuroplasticity focuses on how the brain can rewire itself to forge new connections and break cycles of negative thinking and acting. Patanjali very beautifully says if you are suffering with particular engram just create the anti-engram anti-emotion. For example if you are suffering with violence, create compassion. If you are suffering with anger, create peace and feel that it is spreading all over your body. Release that into the Cosmos through your every pore. You will see, you will just create new mental set up, new brain pattern as you want; exactly what Patanjali is saying. Of course, He said it 5000 years before; at least 5000 years before. Now the neuro-plasticists scientists are proving it. Debbie Whitmore is proving it.
Again one more report, study done on yoga; the regular practice of yoga is a perfect formula for creating a new, deep, behavioral grooves in the brain, that take advantage of neuroplasticity. Just as I was telling now, working on the body, straight away working on the body uncompromising way, breaking the laziness system; I tell you this pada yatra which I took up in my young age, this parivrajaka yatra, it has done so much in my system, so much. Because once you start walking in the morning till evening even if you are tired you can’t stop because you have to find the next village. Unless you find the next village, no food, no stay, no sleep. And it is a very powerful system I can tell you very powerful system. Same way, the morning sadhana should be a pada yatra for you; nothing can be done.
I am just waiting for the place to be ready. Actually, the once I make this as a habit, see now I made this morning pada puja and message as a habit. Neither I can miss nor you can miss. Both of us are caught. Neither I can miss nor you can miss. I have to come and stretch my leg and you have to be here to do the puja and I have to be here to give the morning message. You have to be here to listen. Same way I am going to make the morning routine also. Morning five I will be there in akhada. Nothing can be done; because I have to be there you have to be there. I think this is what our Upanishad means. Sahana bhavatu sahanau gunatu. Let both of us grow together, let both of us work together, let both of us not have enmity so that we break the pattern of growing together. Before, see before sunrise to the complete sunrise means 5 to 9 and before sunset to the complete sunset 6 to 7:30, both time; both sandhyas I will be with you guys so that we constantly work on creating new man.
Understand, you are not reality you are potentiality. You are not reality you are potentiality. We need to work, work, work, constantly everyday adding yogic body and Vedic mind untiringly. One day missed is a miss; lost. See, one of the biggest crime in spiritual practice or in the line of, in the field of awakening, is this laziness. This comes and catches us in such a way you don’t even know you are not doing anything. When you are possessed by ghost you don’t even know you are caught by ghost. I tell you Guru droha and laziness is one and the same. It should be punished in a equal way. Guru droha and laziness both should be punished equally. Laziness is nothing less than Guru droha, because you will not even know that you are not doing; just hanging around. See there is enough of way to hang around, especially big campus like this you can just go and stand near Kalabhairava and watching  and you can just go and hang around this bamboo grove and watching and you can just go around hanging around that banyan tree and watching. See, when you are meditating and really spending the time of that conscious space that is perfect; but that we never do. Then that is again you are growing; that is perfect. We don’t do that. It is like easy drifting and non doing; just there, what for? And there. Laziness is the one of the worst crime.  
Here I have another one beautiful research. It’s actually experience. As I said yesterday we will be working next few days on this past life memory. Breaking the laziness is one of the important step you need to do to go against the flow and open your past life memories, release and heal it. Laziness can be classified in different ways; laziness out of escaping mentality, laziness out of fear, laziness just for laziness. See laziness out of escaping mentality can be healed by greed. Laziness out of fear can be healed again by making you fearless. But this laziness just for laziness is the most dangerous laziness. Most of us suffer with that laziness only; even in simple things.  
Here I have another one beautiful research. It’s actually experience. As I said yesterday we will be working next few days on this past life memory. Breaking the laziness is one of the important step you need to do to go against the flow and open your past life memories, release and heal it. Laziness can be classified in different ways; laziness out of escaping mentality, laziness out of fear, laziness just for laziness. See laziness out of escaping mentality can be healed by greed. Laziness out of fear can be healed again by making you fearless. But this laziness just for laziness is the most dangerous laziness. Most of us suffer with that laziness only; even in simple things.  
If I tell you tomorrow onwards we will have this traditional dress yogavastra, just for ten days you will not bother because till the next reminder comes you will not bother to go the house keeping and take that cloth and make it, keep it ready for the next day to wear. Laziness for laziness, you see there is no fear in this, there is no greed in this. If you are not wearing yoga vastra it is not that you are going to be sent out of the ashram. So there is no fear. If you are not wearing the yoga vastra it is not that there is some greed. There is neither greed nor fear; laziness just for laziness. That’s a most difficult crime or the most cunning crime. Laziness for laziness; very dangerous; very, very, very, dangerous; do not allow that laziness for laziness. Break the body and mind with intensity. You will see the real rewiring of your brain happens. The only enemy the only reason why we don’t rewire our brain is laziness. It is just laziness.
If I tell you tomorrow onwards we will have this traditional dress yoga vastra, just for ten days you will not bother because till the next reminder comes you will not bother to go the house keeping and take that cloth and make it, keep it ready for the next day to wear. Laziness for laziness, you see there is no fear in this, there is no greed in this. If you are not wearing yoga vastra it is not that you are going to be sent out of the ashram. So there is no fear. If you are not wearing the yoga vastra it is not that there is some greed. There is neither greed nor fear; laziness just for laziness. That’s a most difficult crime or the most cunning crime. Laziness for laziness; very dangerous; very, very, very, dangerous; do not allow that laziness for laziness. Break the body and mind with intensity. You will see the real rewiring of your brain happens. The only enemy the only reason why we don’t rewire our brain is laziness. It is just laziness.  
I have some more researches and some more truths which I will share tomorrow, of course not because of laziness. They are more relevant for the tomorrow’s subject. Tomorrow I am going to talk deeply on this cleansing the past lives. Today the first thing, the brain grooves of the past life; means understand the first layer past life, from your birth to this moment is first layer. From the moment you started assuming the first body to this moment is second layer of past. From the moment cosmos happened to this moment is third layer past. Understand first layer past is from the moment you took birth, your date of birth to this moment; first layer past. First this one week I want to work on the first layer; first layer past.  
So today my message break the laziness to rewire your brain is the technique to cleanse and release the engrams of the first layer past. I can give three names. The first layer past; from your date of birth to this moment can be called as past living. The second layer past; first moment you took first body to this moment, it can be called as past lives. The third past; the moment Big Bang happened to this moment past happenings; past living, past lives, past happenings. First this week we will work on past living then we will work on past lives then we will work on past happenings. So by January I will give a special ten day workshop on past life regression; an experiential workshop on past life regression so that millions of people can be helped. See, this truth of past life is the unique contribution to the world from the vedic tradition. It is one of the unique contribution. So we will work on the past life regression and the truths of karma; everything.
I have some more researches and some more truths which I will share tomorrow, of course not because of laziness. They are more relevant for the tomorrow’s subject. Tomorrow I am going to talk deeply on this cleansing the past lives. Today the first thing, the brain grooves of the past life; means understand the first layer past life, from your birth to this moment is first layer. From the moment you started assuming the first body to this moment is second layer of past. From the moment Cosmos happened to this moment is third layer past. Understand, first layer past is from the moment you took birth, your date of birth to this moment; first layer past. First this one week I want to work on the first layer; first layer past.
So let you all break the laziness, pattern of laziness and experience the rewiring of brain. Achieve and radiate enlightenment. Achieve, live, express, experience, radiate, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.  
So today, My message: break the laziness to rewire your brain is the technique to cleanse and release the engrams of the first layer past. I can give three names. The first layer past: from your date of birth to this moment can be called as past living. The second layer past: first moment you took first body to this moment, it can be called as past lives. The third past: the moment Big Bang happened to this moment past happenings; past living, past lives, past happenings. First this week we will work on past living then we will work on past lives then we will work on past happenings. So by January I will give a special ten day workshop on past life regression; an experiential workshop on past life regression so that millions of people can be helped. See, this truth of past life is the unique contribution to the world from the Vedic tradition. It is one of the unique contribution. So we will work on the past life regression and the truths of karma; everything.
So let you all break the laziness, pattern of laziness and experience the rewiring of brain. Achieve and radiate Enlightenment. Achieve, live, express, experience, radiate, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.  
Thank you.
Thank you.

Revision as of 03:15, 11 January 2021


Rewiring Your Brain: Nithyananda Morning Message (26 Oct 2010)


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Samskaras during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Rewiring Your Brain: Nithyananda Morning Message (26 Oct 2010), His Divine Holiness (HDH) cited research from the field of neurophysiology which said that Samskaras or Engrams create mental grooves in the brain like rivulets in sand that make water run in a certain pattern. The studies said that each time we react in a certain way, we strengthen the power of the pathway. His Divine Holiness advised delegates to meet emotions like stress, fear and anger with intense physical activity. By doing weight lifting, Yoga, cathartic Kriyas from various traditions, or intense chanting, we will create new rivulets and new engrams. The stress, fear or anger gets converted to useful energy. He expounded that when Rajas is experienced with awareness in this way, it can be directly useful. He further expounded rivers that create calamity by flooding need to be dammed - this is the practice of Sadana. When rivulets come in the form of laziness, Maya, they become an enemy to awakening the non-mechanical parts of the brain. His Divine Holiness advised all to be ruthless with laziness and straight away work on the body. He concluded by advising delegates to break the body and mind with intensity and they will see a real rewiring of the brain happening.

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Rewiring Your Brain

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

Today’s subject is ‘Rewiring your Brain’. Some of the shastra pramanas, some truths from the field of neurophysiology; it’s from a website yogachannel.com. Samskaras or engrams create mental grooves in the brain like a river-lands in sand that let water run in certain patterns. They say each time we react in a certain way, for example getting angry, we strengthen the power of the pathway. It’s a one truth. It’s a very important truth. The more and more you react in the same way the more and more you strengthen that engram. If you are habituated to fall sick due to any stress or fear you encourage, you strengthen that engram of falling sick due to stress and fear. I tell you if you are really feeling stressed or fear or anxiety, do something very active. Either cathartic meditation or kind of an intense weight lifting; activating body. I tell you, you will create a new engram. So whenever fear or stress happens in you that whole thing gets converted as energy, useful energy instead of that staying in you and making you weak and diseased; that same thing can be used as energy.


You see rajas; rajas when it is added with awareness can just become part of your life, can be directly useful. If you are stressed, if you have the anger towards somebody, fear, just take it out on weighing machine, weight lifting machine. Just take it out on the gym or do some intense catharsis process. I have given so many catharsis process from different traditions. Manipuraka shuddhi kriya, so many kriyas; the cathartic kriyas are there. Pranayams like bhastrika, kapalbhati; there are so many cathartic kriyas, talking in tongues. In Christian tradition they call it Glasalolia. In Hindu tradition we call it Manipuraka shuddhi kriya or loud chanting of Upanishads, Vedic mantras. Take out your anger in these ways, release your stress in these ways, release your fear in these ways. You will see you will be creating new river-lands. You will not be strengthening that old pattern. You will not be strengthening that ugly mental setup of suffering and torturing yourself.


It’s almost like a, see when you have the anger or fear of stress you are victim, but when you carry that inside you, you are punished for being a victim; case in Me. So don’t be punished for being a victim; if you are a victim, release it intensely. Don’t keep it inside, have this cathartic kriyas; Manipuraka shuddhi kriya or intense samana balancing techniques. You can do 108 Surya namaskar or intense weight lifting; working out. This samana balancing immediately will convert that stress into energy. Rajas will become energy. Only first few days you need to create this new river-land then every time this new river-land will become strengthened; that will become strength.


As neurophysiologist say: each time you react in certain way you strengthen the power of the pathway. So each time when the river runs in that same river-land, the river-land becomes more deeper. So the river running in the same direction becomes more stronger more permanent. Same way in your brain also you have so many rivers Ganga, Kaveri, Yamuna, Saraswati, Godavari, Narmada, Sindhu; so many rivers. Some are wild rivers, forest rivers. The rivers which really creates calamity by the forest flood or sudden floods you need to make a dam and divert it in different direction. Making dam and diverting it in different direction is what I call sadhana. Sadhana means making dam and diverting it to different direction. But unfortunately we have another one biggest river-land, engraved memory, engram, samskara; laziness, eternal laziness!


One of the biggest engram biggest enemy for awakening non mechanical parts of your brain or sadhana or for Enlightenment or for achievement is laziness. See, once the laziness enters into your system nothing can be done; any big idea..."Tomorrow. Good idea, great, but you see tomorrow is a good day to start. Always our elders say you should find out the right day, right time. See, today if I start tomorrow I am not going to be there, I am busy. Dvandva vighna dvitiya vighna should not be there." Our tradition there is a tradition the second day nothing should be broken; dvandva vighna. "Oh! Second day it should not be broken dvitiya vighna. So I will start maybe day after tomorrow."


Laziness is Maya nothing else. So understand no sympathy towards laziness. He is a demon; so no question of allowing laziness. The first lesson in Zen they teach is the awakening your whole system, breaking the laziness pattern; because the whole Zen is based on silent sitting. You can very easily slip into laziness in the name of silent sitting. The very word Zen means dhyan; zezen means sitting. You can very easily slip into laziness in the name of silent sitting. See, you can very easily slip into that laziness in the name of Samadhi. No. Zen first breaks that lazy mental setup. You need to break the lazy mental setup to work on these engrams and create the new awakened lifestyle.


Zen monasteries they have a tradition, even the Master who is the head of the monastery will not have food if he does not work for that particular hours. They have the system of eight hours of working. Even I created that system from the Zen only. The eight hours physically you need to work, eight hours mentally you need to work, means sadhana or some other teaching, learning. See a teacher works eight hours mentally when he teaches. Disciples work eight hours mentally when they learn. So eight hours of physical work, eight hours of mental work, naturally the eight hours you will rest in Consciousness. There will not be any unexhausted engrams; so the sleep will be deep sleep. Only when you don’t work eight hours physically, eight hours mentally you will have a stressed sleep; disturbed sleep, disturbed memory; disturbed mental setup. You will not feel really as you slept.


So I tell you laziness is one of the worst engram. It is not even engram it’s almost like a breathing. That’s why just yesterday I decided anybody who leaves the ashram due to laziness engram, I have decided I will not accept them any more back; no question of coming back. If they leave because of any other engram, maybe lust, they can go and get married and suffer in few years and come back; no problem. They will understand the lesson; it’s too costly. They can come back. If they have the anger then they can leave; because in the society when you express your anger you will be getting nicely beaten. That mental setup will be broken. They can come back. Or if you have greed then you can go and learn the lessons of the greed engram. What you need to do and you need not do if you want to come back come back. But if there is a lazy engram, laziness engram, and if they leave, nothing can be done, nothing can be done, no entry for them; because the laziness is the non return zone of spirituality. Enlightenment, Videha Samadhi and laziness both are non return zone. If you are caught in laziness you can never be lifted. If you are relaxing in Videha Samadhi you will never come back. But this laziness, God! The first thing you need to break is laziness.


Especially that early morning Brahma muhurta, so you wake up before sunrise and work out in nirvani akhada either 108 surya namaskar or doing the samana yoga or pranayama and take bath in the cold water, in the sacred water body and come for Guru puja, your day is set. You will break all samskaras. You will make a beautiful dam; sadhana. Once you break one or two strong samskaras, you just know, simply you know you simply know how to break; the science of breaking the samskara is learnt. The science of handling your body and mind is learnt. So you will create new river-lands.


Another one truth: neuroplastic science says your brain has the ability to create new grooves and pathways and the existing ones will heal up and disappear if left on their own; This is yogaflavouredlife.com, website source. Understand it’s very important thing; your brain can create new grooves and pathways means the possibility for new life exists, possibility for becoming a new man exists, possibility for becoming new Consciousness exists. That is what we call initiation and the existing ones will heal up and disappear if left on their own. They will just disappear if left on their own, nothing else is required; nothing else is required. You don’t need to do something special to fill the existing river. No. Just make a dam divert the water, the existing pattern will dry up automatically. Then they will get closed automatically.


Scientist Debbie Whitmore says: the science of neuroplasticity focuses on how the brain can rewire itself to forge new connections and break cycles of negative thinking and acting. Patanjali very beautifully says if you are suffering with particular engram just create the anti-engram anti-emotion. For example if you are suffering with violence, create compassion. If you are suffering with anger, create peace and feel that it is spreading all over your body. Release that into the Cosmos through your every pore. You will see, you will just create new mental set up, new brain pattern as you want; exactly what Patanjali is saying. Of course, He said it 5000 years before; at least 5000 years before. Now the neuro-plasticists scientists are proving it. Debbie Whitmore is proving it.


Again one more report, study done on yoga; the regular practice of yoga is a perfect formula for creating a new, deep, behavioral grooves in the brain, that take advantage of neuroplasticity. Just as I was telling now, working on the body, straight away working on the body uncompromising way, breaking the laziness system; I tell you this pada yatra which I took up in my young age, this parivrajaka yatra, it has done so much in my system, so much. Because once you start walking in the morning till evening even if you are tired you can’t stop because you have to find the next village. Unless you find the next village, no food, no stay, no sleep. And it is a very powerful system I can tell you very powerful system. Same way, the morning sadhana should be a pada yatra for you; nothing can be done.


I am just waiting for the place to be ready. Actually, the once I make this as a habit, see now I made this morning pada puja and message as a habit. Neither I can miss nor you can miss. Both of us are caught. Neither I can miss nor you can miss. I have to come and stretch my leg and you have to be here to do the puja and I have to be here to give the morning message. You have to be here to listen. Same way I am going to make the morning routine also. Morning five I will be there in akhada. Nothing can be done; because I have to be there you have to be there. I think this is what our Upanishad means. Sahana bhavatu sahanau gunatu. Let both of us grow together, let both of us work together, let both of us not have enmity so that we break the pattern of growing together. Before, see before sunrise to the complete sunrise means 5 to 9 and before sunset to the complete sunset 6 to 7:30, both time; both sandhyas I will be with you guys so that we constantly work on creating new man.


Understand, you are not reality you are potentiality. You are not reality you are potentiality. We need to work, work, work, constantly everyday adding yogic body and Vedic mind untiringly. One day missed is a miss; lost. See, one of the biggest crime in spiritual practice or in the line of, in the field of awakening, is this laziness. This comes and catches us in such a way you don’t even know you are not doing anything. When you are possessed by ghost you don’t even know you are caught by ghost. I tell you Guru droha and laziness is one and the same. It should be punished in a equal way. Guru droha and laziness both should be punished equally. Laziness is nothing less than Guru droha, because you will not even know that you are not doing; just hanging around. See there is enough of way to hang around, especially big campus like this you can just go and stand near Kalabhairava and watching and you can just go and hang around this bamboo grove and watching and you can just go around hanging around that banyan tree and watching. See, when you are meditating and really spending the time of that conscious space that is perfect; but that we never do. Then that is again you are growing; that is perfect. We don’t do that. It is like easy drifting and non doing; just there, what for? And there. Laziness is the one of the worst crime.


Here I have another one beautiful research. It’s actually experience. As I said yesterday we will be working next few days on this past life memory. Breaking the laziness is one of the important step you need to do to go against the flow and open your past life memories, release and heal it. Laziness can be classified in different ways; laziness out of escaping mentality, laziness out of fear, laziness just for laziness. See laziness out of escaping mentality can be healed by greed. Laziness out of fear can be healed again by making you fearless. But this laziness just for laziness is the most dangerous laziness. Most of us suffer with that laziness only; even in simple things.


If I tell you tomorrow onwards we will have this traditional dress yoga vastra, just for ten days you will not bother because till the next reminder comes you will not bother to go the house keeping and take that cloth and make it, keep it ready for the next day to wear. Laziness for laziness, you see there is no fear in this, there is no greed in this. If you are not wearing yoga vastra it is not that you are going to be sent out of the ashram. So there is no fear. If you are not wearing the yoga vastra it is not that there is some greed. There is neither greed nor fear; laziness just for laziness. That’s a most difficult crime or the most cunning crime. Laziness for laziness; very dangerous; very, very, very, dangerous; do not allow that laziness for laziness. Break the body and mind with intensity. You will see the real rewiring of your brain happens. The only enemy the only reason why we don’t rewire our brain is laziness. It is just laziness.


I have some more researches and some more truths which I will share tomorrow, of course not because of laziness. They are more relevant for the tomorrow’s subject. Tomorrow I am going to talk deeply on this cleansing the past lives. Today the first thing, the brain grooves of the past life; means understand the first layer past life, from your birth to this moment is first layer. From the moment you started assuming the first body to this moment is second layer of past. From the moment Cosmos happened to this moment is third layer past. Understand, first layer past is from the moment you took birth, your date of birth to this moment; first layer past. First this one week I want to work on the first layer; first layer past.


So today, My message: break the laziness to rewire your brain is the technique to cleanse and release the engrams of the first layer past. I can give three names. The first layer past: from your date of birth to this moment can be called as past living. The second layer past: first moment you took first body to this moment, it can be called as past lives. The third past: the moment Big Bang happened to this moment past happenings; past living, past lives, past happenings. First this week we will work on past living then we will work on past lives then we will work on past happenings. So by January I will give a special ten day workshop on past life regression; an experiential workshop on past life regression so that millions of people can be helped. See, this truth of past life is the unique contribution to the world from the Vedic tradition. It is one of the unique contribution. So we will work on the past life regression and the truths of karma; everything.


So let you all break the laziness, pattern of laziness and experience the rewiring of brain. Achieve and radiate Enlightenment. Achieve, live, express, experience, radiate, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.




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