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Sampragnata Samadhi Experience of Paramahamsa Nithyananda
===Sampragnata Samadhi Experience of Paramahamsa Nithyananda===
From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  On April 21st 2009, Paramahamsa Nithyananda delivered his first scheduled discourse on Patanjalis [[Yoga]] Sutra at the Sri Radha [[Krishna]] [[Temple]] in Houston, Texas. He commented on the seventeenth Patanjali Yoga Sutra. Nithyananda expressed deep gratitude for his upbringing in a small Indian temple village where his inner space was not corrupted and the vitarka (right reasoning) was able to flower. He narrated the beautiful incident from his biography (feeding the Ganapati idol in his young age). He said that the right reasoning helped him to connect very deeply to the Ganapati idol as pure energy, in so much that Ganapati was alive in front of him and ate the food he offered! Nithyananda declared this incident as his first experience of samprajnata samadhi.
From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  On April 21st 2009, Paramahamsa Nithyananda delivered his first scheduled discourse on Patanjalis [[Yoga]] Sutra at the Sri Radha [[Krishna]] [[Temple]] in Houston, Texas. He commented on the seventeenth Patanjali Yoga Sutra. Nithyananda expressed deep gratitude for his upbringing in a small Indian temple village where his inner space was not corrupted and the vitarka (right reasoning) was able to flower. He narrated the beautiful incident from his biography (feeding the Ganapati idol in his young age). He said that the right reasoning helped him to connect very deeply to the Ganapati idol as pure energy, in so much that Ganapati was alive in front of him and ate the food he offered! Nithyananda declared this incident as his first experience of samprajnata samadhi.
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Sadaa Shiva Samarambhaam
Shankaracharya madhyamaam
Asmadacharya Pariyantham
Vande Guru Paramparam
I welcome you all with my love and respects.
As you all may be aware, this whole tour I am dedicating it to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.  Today I will be speaking on 17th Sutra.
Last two days, in Oklahoma, I was speaking on the same sutra but still there is so much to tell about that sutra.  I’m going to speak on the same sutra.
Each Patanjali’s sutras are independently intelligent to lead man to the Ultimate experience.  See whatever you are going through with the body and mind is an experience.  For example, eating food or sleeping, sitting, walking, even the weather, hot or cold.  Whatever you go through is an experience.  But your body and mind, your brain and the body is hardwired for Ultimate experience which we call Samadhi.  See by its very nature, it is hardwired for Samadhi.  So experiencing that Ultimate state is the purpose of human life.  All the spiritual literatures work towards that one experience.  The literatures which work towards that experience can only be called as spiritual literature.  Patanjali’s each sutra is independently intelligent to lead human beings to that state.  One sutra is enough; it can lead without any help of any other sutras.  It can directly lead a human being to the highest conscious experience for which he is hardwired, He is created, he’s made.  It is such a joy to see and experience each sutra. 
See sometime, if you remember some things which you really enjoy, like nostalgical memories, how you feel joyful, the same nostalgical sweet memories I have with these Patanjali’s yoga sutras. Each sutra brings so much of joy, clarity, understanding, experience.  It is unimaginable that how each sutra independently can lead human beings to the Ultimate conscious experience for which he is hardwired.  Let me recite the Sutra and give you the translation and we will try to understand the Truths.
Vitarka vichaara ananda asmita roopanagama samprajnathah
Last two discourses if you are seeing the live streaming, you might have heard last few days I’ve finished talking on vitarka, vichaara, ananda, but the moment I read the sutras, I am seeing so many wonderful new things coming up.  So we will again try to give you the essence, gist.
Vitarka, the first word. Let me give (you?) the translation.  Reasoning, contemplation, blissful flowering and the state of pure awareness are the characteristics of samprajnata Samadhi.  Reasoning, contemplation, blissful flowering and the state of pure awareness are the characteristics of the samprajnata Samadhi.
Vitarka, let’s understand this first word, vitarka.  Right reasoning.  In Sanskrit we have three words, tarka, kutarka, vitarka.  Tarka means simple logic.  Very simple logic.  Kutarka, means constantly negating, constantly negating.  If you want to see the kutarka, see in the intellectuals.  You can see kutarka obviously.  You can touch and feel kutarka in an intellectual’s presence.  See, you can touch and experience God in an Enlightened Being’s presence.  In the very air you can touch and feel the Divinity.  Same way, the kutarka can be experienced in the very air in which an intellectual is there.  Anybody goes around him they’ll feel sucked.  After half an hour, one hour being around him, if they come out they’ll be either in depression or almost on the verge of depression.  Somehow he knows how to put people down.
Kutarka. Negating logic.  Please understand, vitarka means beyond the ordinary logic or negating logic.  Let me describe this way.  See the simple basic truth.  I can say this is the click for today.  Having thoughts is not thinking.  Please understand, having thoughts is not thinking.  Having thoughts does not mean you are thinking.  Sometime you see huge crowd thoughts are there in you.  That does not mean you are thinking.  It is there, it is there, it is there! Suddenly some joy comes up and it dances in your inner space for half an hour and after one hour suddenly some suffering comes up and it dances and after two three hours suddenly some worry comes up and it dances and you don’t know why all these three guys came and what they did.  Please understand, having thoughts is not thinking.
Tarka means simple logic, kutarka means negative logic, vitarka means the right reasoning, beyond the simple logic or negative reasoning, the right reasoning.  See, the way in which you think, the way in which thoughts are created in your system, if it leads you to the peak potential for the experience for which you are hardwired you are having vitarka means right reasoning.
Sometime you can see one thought can lead to another thought will lead to another thought. Suddenly you are in such a deep relaxed feeling, a deep relaxed experience.  Any thought which leads you to the deep peace, relaxed feeling, it’s called vitarka.  Any thought, which creates so much of negativity, ill feeling about you and which radiates the same ill feeling about others, it’s called kutarka.  If you are going against the way in which you are hardwired, it’s kutarka.  If you are going in the direction for which you are hardwires, it’s called vitarka.  Please understand, I can give you thousands of examples, thousands of stories, thousands of examples how the kutarka and vitarka works.
The people with kutarka cannot agree with anything with anybody.  They will be constantly shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, shrinking.  This is one of the big danger, when we start creating conditioning.  Please understand, there are some religions which are more political and social.  There are some religions which are more physical.  There are some religions which are mental, there are some religions pure conscious.  Here Patanjali is a pure conscious religion.  That is why, the truths which he is giving if you start working on it, there is every chance you will become enlightened but there is every chance you may not be politically correct or you may not be socially correct.  You may not be politically correct, you may not be socially correct because when you go out of kutarka sometime you are little useless for the world.  See to be in the world you needs a little negating logic.  Constantly saying no, constantly saying no.  Here, if you start working in the line of vitarka suddenly you will see you start saying yes to everything.  Suddenly you feel such a deep yes in your being, your whole being will radiate that yes.  Your whole being will start radiating that yes.  For everything you will feel such a deep yes.  I can see very clearly, when I read this sutras how this transformation happened inside my very Being.  I have experienced these sutras, how I had the tarka, kutarka and vitarka.  All these things I can see very clearly.
Maybe, I can tell this story, this story which happened in my life.  It’s little mystical but it is Truth so I will share with you all.  The young age, I used to go to the many satsangs, the I was born and brought up in Arunachala, it’s one of the very spiritual nerve center in South India, largest Shiva Temple is there.  It’s a community based on Temple, temple-based community, there is no industry, there is nothing else.  Whole village runs with that one temple as a center. It’s like a huge temple complex and people who serve in that temple they are all around that city, that’s all.  That’s the way the whole village was developed and still now that is the largest building in that town is the temple.  Not only in that temple, not only in that town, I can say at least we have half a million towns in India still the largest building in that town is the temple.  And there are many towns and cities, there is a law you cannot build taller than that temple tower.  They don’t let you build any other building which is taller than the temple tower to maintain the sanctity and the respect.  Still, the temple is the largest structure and nobody can defeat because 25 acre built up area in granite.  So nobody will need that big a house.  So everyday some other some other satsangs, something will be going on.  Those days I used to have small Ganesha with me and I’ll do puja everyday to that Ganesha, I’ll pour water, put little food in front of Ganesha and do wave the lights, wave the camphor.  It was really like a really I was living with Him.  I was not just doing some little puja or anything, living with Him.  Strong feeling connection.  See if you are just doing puja for some other reason you will never enter into that place again second time.  I have seen many people doing puja.  Morning they will go into that puja room, damma, damma, dooma, dooma, doom, doom, doom, they will roll with that deity and pour water or whatever needs to be done.  Once they come out they will never even come that side again, because it is such a heavy routine on them, dead routine on them, they never do the mistake of entering into that same room again second time.  But with me it was like a living with Him.  Whole day I will be sitting, fanning Him, or doing whatever I can.  Anything given to me I will bring it and put it in front of Him.  I was living with Him, small boy.  I went to one satsang that teacher, that acharya who was talking he was narrating an incident from a saint’s life, his name is Nambiyar Nambi, he was born and brought up in South India.  Great saint.  His life story, that Master was describing, it’s a very beautiful story.  That, his father used to worship one Ganesha in one Ganesha temple every day.  One day the father fell sick and he asked the son, please you go and do the worship and son goes with the food and all the worship articles.  He does the worship and does all the things and puts the food in front of Ganesha and the son thinks really Ganesha will eat every day.  He’s doing first time so he things Ganesha is supposed to eat.  And he is sitting, waiting for Ganesha to eat.  Half an hour, one hour, two hours, food is there!  And this guy started worrying, what happened, did I do anything wrong, you are not eating.  And he started talking of course no response.  Then he started telling if you don’t eat and if I go back my father may fire me.  He may shout at me, please do something.  If I have done some mistakes, forgive me.  Please eat.  Of course, Ganesha is very silent.  If they start eating who will put the food in front of them?  Anyhow.  He was silent, then he became very serious, the Nambiyar Nandi, he became very serious, no, no, no you have to eat, please eat otherwise.  See the shraddha, beautifully the Upanishads says, Katopanishad says, shradda vivechah.  When he is describing  about Nachiketa,the Upanishad hero, they use the word shradda vivechah.  Hew as possessed by shraddha.  Sometime, rarely this happens to you and you.  You can see, you some very difficult time, suddenly you decide, I will be very straight and honest and dharmic.  I will not bend.  You know if you little adjust, tell one lie, or alter one word, you can escape from the situation.  It can be eased or suddenly sometime you feel, no I am going to be very straight, come whatever may.  Those few moments you are possessed by shraddha, that Truth.  Shraddha vivechah, very powerful word, possessed by shraddha, Truth, trust.  The shraddha vivechah happened to this Nambiyar Nandi.  Suddenly, he felt Ganesha has to eat, he has to eat.  He starts weeping, he says till you eat, I am not going to leave this place.  Five six hours over, but food is there, Ganesha is sitting.  Then he goes to the extreme, suicidal threat.  He says I will hit my head in this steps and die if you don’t eat and starts hitting his head.  Of course don’t try! 
The TV, the motor ads, the car ads, they say, closed lanes and professional drivers, don’t try.  Same way, saints try, you don’t try and the shradha vivecha happens you are in a different plane.  Even the doubt does not exist, he just knows that Ganesha is going to eat.  Started hitting his head and the story says suddenly Ganesha appeared and ate the food and blessed him.  When that saint, that small boy, he goes back to his father, father asks what happened, where is the food?  He said, Ganesha ate!  Father could not believe Ganesha ate or did you eat?  He said no, Ganesha ate!  You want come, I will show you.  Then he takes the father and there the father sees the mouth of Ganesha, the food, the remains.  Rest story says father fell at the feet of the son, said all these years, I was only doing it as a ritual, you made it as reality, you made it as Truth.
When I heard this story, suddenly I decided, I’ll also feed Ganesha.  That shradda vivechah happened.  Means possessed by the shraddha.  Strong.  See when you are possessed by shraddha, you will not have kutarka at all.  Understand you will not have kutarka, you may ask me, why when you heard the story of Nambiyar Nandi, you tried but you are telling us not to try.  See, in my case there was no kutarka at all.  If there is no kutarka, you are also a professional you can try, but see inside one corner of you there is a kutarka.  That’s why I am saying till that kutarka disappears, don’t try.  Especially these risky techniques.  I decided I’ll also make Ganesha eat.  Let me tell you what all the mistakes I did and how I had this kutarka.  See, when I heard the story, I decided I will also make my Ganesha eat.  This is tarka, simple logic.  When he made Ganesha to eat, why not me?  Simple tarka.
The next step what I did.  See, in my house, it’s a joint family.  Had one old lady, one of my grandmothers, means it’s like a many people will be staying, you will not know who is who and who is what.  And not only that three four streets are relatives.  That’s the way the Indian communities will live.  The three four street will be your cousin, cousin brother, nephew, name it and they will be there.  And they will marry just inside the family and relatives.  So, this old lady if the kids are not eating, she will always threaten them, eh I will put you inside the well in the center of the house there is a huge well, I will put you inside the well, she will shout.  So I heard only that logic.  So naturally what will I do?  I went and put little food in front of Ganesha and told Him eat now.  When I saw half an hour He did not eat, I started using the same thing, eh, I’ll put you in the well, kutarka!  Please understand, because I heard only that.  See, this satsangi, the teacher, he taught me tarka.  This environment, this old lady she taught me kutarka.  The same way I started shouting.  I told she will use all the old tamil words to threaten.  I started using all those words, better eat now or you are going to be in the well.  And, Ganesha was there silently.  I decided I am going to put Him in the well.  And usually what she does I have seen, she will take the kid in the hand, and take little food in the other hand and show the well, see, see I will drop you, drop you, these kids will cry, aaaah, she will put the food inside.  When the kids start crying, they will naturally open the mouth, she will put the food inside, then it will go, that’s the way she will feed.  I decided I will also do the same thing with Ganapati, with that Ganesha.  I took the Ganesha with one hand and food in the other hand, I showed the well, Ehhh, see the well, I’ll throw you inside.  And He’s not opening the mouth.  I tried two three times, then I decided, there used to be a vessel in which they will take the water from the well.  I put the Ganesha in the vessel.  I started lowering, threatening Him, see I will really drown you, I will really drown you and when the vessel was about to touch the water level, suddenly I realized, maybe now He would have changed the mind and He wants to eat, but there is no food in the vessel.  So I brought Him out, put the food also in the vessel and started doing again.  And it was almost the water level that vessel that bucket but nothing is happening.  I did not have the mind to really put the Ganesha into the water also.  It was too much.  He really means lot for me.  And it’s a very strong relationship.  So I can only threaten, I cannot put Him in the well actually.  So what to do?  Finally, I took Him out.  I said, alright, maybe He did not like the cooking.  He did not like the food, see how the kutarka works.  Kutarka says everything is wrong, except you.  Understand that is the kutarka.  Kutarka means everything is wrong, except you.  Then I started thinking the food is not right.  My mother is not cooking properly.  I went to the Temple, the temple they offer food to the deities.  I thought that food is eaten by deities every day. So I went to the cook, the temple cook.  I used to do lots of voluntary work and the young boy, I will go to the temple and wash the vessels, clean the floor.  All the kids, that is the only entertainment, that’s the only entertainment and I used to do lot of that kind of work. So I asked the cook, will you give me little food for my Ganesha.  He said what little food, have more.  He gave one big lot.  I brought it to the house and said, see I brought the same diet which you are eating in the temple every day.  Now there is no reason, no excuse, come on, eat.  And I was sitting, sitting, sitting, maybe three, four hours He was not eating.  I said, right diet I brought, I am not going to let you today.  So again I put Him in that bucket and started the same drama.  And then actually by then I memorized all the abusive words my grandmother tells to make a child eat.  All those words like a sloka I memorized and started repeating.  I really thought those words are very powerful, they will make Him eat.  And all the techniques I tried with my old diet, I tried everything step by step with this new diet.  And I put Him in the bucket and again started drowning, almost the water level, so from here I started shouting, I even started asking, are you listening to what I’m saying?  Whether the sound is audible.  Of course He was not eating.  But I could not drown Him because it’s a very strong relationship, very loving relationship.  So what to do?  I took Him out.  I can say I was really depressed, very worried and very strong depression.  Completely low mood, just I was sitting what to do?  Practically I fixed all the problems.  Whatever I was supposed to do.  See, if my grandmother does all these things to any child, the child eats.  And I know only those techniques.  I don’t know any other techniques.  I have not read any book how to feed Ganapati or how to feed kids.  Whatever manual was there in front of me, that whole thing I worked out, worked.  Nothing works.  Nothing is working.  So I was sitting.  The Ganapathi was lying there, so I was sitting.  One nice thing with shraddha, trust is, even if you stop with kutarka, the power of Trust is such, the power of shraddha is such, it turns the whole thing to vitarka.  Please understand, the power of Trust, is such even if you start with the wrong logic it turns the whole thing to right logic.  Because the Trust is not just energy or logic, it is intelligence.
Intelligence with logical energy.  Tarka is logic, kutarka is negative logic and vitarka is trust with positive energy and logic.  The shraddha is so powerful, suddenly something clicked in me, Oh God!  I can say this was one of the powerful click happened in my life. Very strong click.  I realized that Nambiandar Nandi, the saint that made Ganesha to eat, that saint tortured himself not Ganesha.  But here I am torturing Ganesha not myself.  The strong click that kutarka became vitarka.  The wrong reasoning became right reasoning.  When that click happened I thought right!  Yes.  Nambiandar Nandi found fault with himself when Ganesha did not eat.  When Lord Ganesha did not eat the food, he found the fault with himself not with Ganesha or not with something else, not with the diet.  He was not complaining about the outside, it turned inside.  In my case, I was complaining about Ganesha, I was trying what my granny was trying and I was talking about that diet and I was thinking that my mother is not cooking properly and I was thinking everything outer world.  I was doing kutarka, I was finding fault with everything external.  Suddenly I realized yes, I turned and looked in, the problem must be within me.  Let me work.  That vitarka, click has happened, the right reasoning, that click has happened.  Please understand, it’s a very strong click, yes, with Nambiandar Nandi, he did tapas, but in my case I am torturing Ganesha.  Let me do tapas.  When that click happened, see a strong shraddha which is already there.  Shraddha is like a loaded gun.  When the right vitarka happens with shraddha it’s like a triggering the gun.  Without shraddha, without the strong trust, the kutarka can never become vitarka.  The wrong reasoning can never become right reasoning.
With shraddha, when the right reasoning happens, trigger was pulled.  Just the trigger was pulled, the loaded gun.  Trust is like a loaded gun and when right reasoning happens, vitarka happens, it’s triggered.  The trigger is pulled.  Understand suddenly the click happened, yes.  It’s time I look inside, I turn inside and change something in me.  Then I decided now I am not going to eat till Ganesha eats.  It’s a strong will, even in those days, I used to be very strong.  Strong willed, once I decide, it has to happen, that’s all. 
I was sitting with Ganesha, brought the food, arranged everything.  I was sitting, actually I used to have a small shrine, kind of temple, back side of the house. My own, I’ll be staying and spending time only in there, there.  I can say that is the first ashram I built for myself and for my deities.  I used to be spending my time there only so nobody will disturb me in the house.  Usually they will send the food or I will go and bring my food for the food time otherwise I will be spending time there only.  So I sat with all the arrangements for Ganesha to eat.  I’m very clear because of the trust, the shraddha, no doubt that he may eat, may not eat.  See if He does not eat, there is some problem with me, that’s all!  But the way incident itself there is no doubt.  The possibility, the Ganesha came, and ate in that Nambiandar Nambi’s life, that incident is a reality for me.  The factuality of that incident I never questioned.  I can say that is where that kutarka.  Kutarka which happened with the factualities of our puranas is the worst thing happened to the Indian consciousness.  Understand, that’s the worst thing happened to the Indian consciousness.  Whether it happened because of them or some foreign invasion taught to them, but that’s the worst thing happened to Indians.  The kutarka happened with their tradition, with the great Puranas.  Please understand, I am working with thousands and thousands of patients, means people with diseases, different kinds of diseases.  In India I am well known for healing, different kinds of patients, diseases, all these things I’m handling.  Last six years I don’t know how many thousands of people have been healed, helped.  In my experience, I have started understanding many important secrets about body and mind.  I have read many of them in the Upanishads or the Puranas, or the traditional scriptures but experientially now I have started realizing. Please understand, literally what you believe as your body and mind becomes reality in ten twenty days in your life.  I have seen, I have seen this happening.
For example, allopathy, ayurveda, homeopathy, kapalpathy, all kinds of pathy’s are there now.  All kinds of pathy’s.  In India every doctor has his own pathy.  If you go to ayurvedic doctors, or siddhar doctors, each doctor has his own -pathy,  his own system.  Working with all these patients and listening to their case histories, the way in which they went to doctors and experiences and especially talking and relating with many doctors, with all of them, I came upon with some of the important truths.  What system you believe works for your body from the young age that system actually works for you.  From the young age for what system your vitarka is developed, for which system your vitarka, your right reasoning is built, that system exactly works for you.  From the young age if you are taught by somebody the yoga will work for you and you grow with that one idea, the yogic solutions straight away cures that person.  There is no other logic.  Please understand, I am revealing some of the important business secrets which are done in the yogic, ayurvedia and siddha and different other healing systems.
From the young age, somebody is brought up with the idea siddha works for his body.  And two three times the young age, the doctor gave some siddha medicine and it worked really for him.  If he was brought up with that idea, siddha straight away works for him.  The idea with which his vitarka is developed, that straightaway works for him.  If you are brought up with the idea the right reasoning, that Puranas are reality, please understand, I promise you can straightaway see that Puranic deities and the heroes and relate with them.  Very beautifully Aurobindo says in one of his book, his famous book, Savitri.  Aurobindo is a great modern-day Master from the Vedic tradition, one of this amazing books Savitri, he beautifully says in his foreword, in his introduction, The Deities and Gods and heroes and different energies represented in Puranas, described in Puranas are the physical manifestations of particular energies corresponding to the Cosmic Consciousness, cosmic conscious representations.  For example, Devi means she represents the mother energy of the Cosmos, which gives birth, which reproduces, which creates.  She represents that energy and you can connect with that energy through the manifestation with which you are brought up.  Please understand, if you are made to understand the Trust that this is the form of Devi.  If you connect to this form, you will connect to Mother Nature.  If this vitarka is developed in your system, please understand you have a channel open for you to create miracles in your life, you are a superhuman.  Please understand it’s like a difference between having a ten channel TV, ten channel network and hundred channel network.  But somehow, see, if you’re developed with the right vitarka, right logic, right reasoning that this ist eh form of a Devi, if you connect to this Devi, the Mother Nature works for you, you will connect with Mother Nature.  If you are brought up with this right reasoning, with this right vitarka, you are like a hundred channel dish, hundred channel TV network.  Now, you have that unique capabilities of expressing miracles in your life.  Attracting miracles in your life, your very Being, your very Consciousness is capable enough of creating the miracles.  Understand, I am working with millions of disciples, with my own experience I tell you, whoever has developed with that vitarka, I’m able to heal them do whatever they want in their life, play or express miracles in their life directly, one word is enough, that’s all!  1:20:54
Indian civilization was brought up with that vitarka, right reasoning.  The greatest civilization!  Otherwise you cannot imagine millions of people spending hundreds of years building temples.  If you see, any Indian temple, you will be shocked the amount of energy they have put.  The temple which is in my native place, I don’t know how many hundreds of years, how many millions of workers were working.  It’s complete granite hand carved.  Even the slabs for the ground, flooring is hand carved granite.  There is no question of machineries, hand-carved.  You cannot inspire millions of people, understand, pyramids are built by slaves, you don’t need intelligent people to build pyramids.  Just ten intelligent architects are enough and millions of slaves build it.  Because it is complete geometrical but these temples are not pyramids, it’s hand carved artist work.  Art work!  So every individual who is working has to be inspired and convinced towards the idealogy for which he is working.  You cannot make temples out of slave people because it is a art piece.  Each stone is carved.  I can say each inch is carved.  Expression of art completely centered on Divine, Divinity, our Puranas, our Upanishads, our Vedic Truths and the Vedic Deities and you cannot make millions of people work, inspired way unless they experience the Truth for which they are working.  And India is such a free civilization where the knowledge was encouraged, arguments were encouraged, thinking was encouraged, there was open society and especially anybody who is an artist naturally will have his own questions.  If he has evolved to the level of an artist, he cannot be bound, he cannot be slave, he will not be a slave.  It means what?  Naturally, all those millions had at least glimpse of those experience of the Deities, Gods, the energies which have described in those Puranas and expressed in those Temples.  Naturally, it was some way living Truth for them.  The whole civilization, please understand, the whole city, if the Temple has to be built, the whole Kingdom has to concentrate all its resources on that temple.  The whole Kingdom has to work.
There is one temple in South India, Tanjore, Shiva temple.  It’s a two hundred and seventeen feet tall tower complete granite and I don’t know how many miles, hundreds of miles that granite was moved by the elephants and carved and assembled the whole thing happened in just six years.  Means the whole Kingdom was working for that cause, the whole Kingdom was working for that cause and there are some temples built for generations, hundreds of years means for the whole civilization was dedicated to that cause.  How can that happen?  Because the whole civilization was built on right  logic, vitarka.  From the young age, the vitarka was taught, the right reasoning was taught.  Because of the right reasoning, the vitarka they were able to experience those Gods, they were able to experience those Truths, they were able to experience those energies.  See this the traditional stories you hear, that a rishi cursed somebody and that curse came true, rishi gave boon to somebody and that boon came true.  Means what?  The whole civilization was built on that right reasoning, on that right energy, vitarka.  So they were able to play with that energies, they were able to play with that energies, that kind of a power, the access they had, the worst thing happened to Indian civilization is kutarka towards their own tradition.
Understand, it is time, awaken, it is time, awake.
As beautifully Vivekananda says, Uthishtath jagrata prapyavara …bothah
Beautifully, Vivekananda says, Arise, Awake, stop not till the goal is reached.  Arise, awake Oh Indian civilization what you lost.  Understand, the loss is not only for Indian civilization.  Because they lost, the whole world lost.  It’s a great thing which got developed.  Amazing experiment which was done for thousands of years by the great missionaries and the amount of energy, intelligence put in the direction.  The essence is a civilization with a right logic, vitarka.  When we lost that understand, we lost the whole thing which Indian civilization can offer to us.  When that kutarka, the wrong, negative logic happened with about our own tradition, it’s practically like you put all your energy and created some gift, some great achievement and somebody came and destroyed it without even your knowledge.
Understand, India is not just a land, it is a way of life.  It’s way of life.  Bharat is way of life.  I know many people NRI’s – non residential Indians who are not residing in India but Indians.  And I know there are many people who are not born in India but Indians. Bharat, they live Bharat.  And I know many people RNI’s – residential non-indians. 1:28:00.0 Residential non-indians, the idiots are sitting inside the land, they’re inside the nectar ocean but tightly closing all their holes so that the nectar should not enter into their system.  Tightly sealed.  They’re very careful that nectar should not enter into their system by any mistake.  That is what I call them RNI’s – residential non-indians. 
Bharat is the culture, please understand, this vitarka is the greatest gift.  Their being brought up with the right reasoning, I can say this the worst thing happened to India.  That, losing the faith, losing the Trust, over their own Puranas or the kutarka, negating logic, happening towards their own Puranas.  Sometime these guys come and ask me, Swamiji is these deities all true or they are all just symbols.  I tell them, they are much more true than you!  Your nonsensical idea which you are carrying as you.  These guys, I am really.  These questions are, if it is from somebody who is born and brought up in some other civilization, alright, okay, it’s new for them.  It is not even from the people who are from some other civilization, from these very own Indians, RNI’s – residential non-indians.  This is the worst thing, understand.  I don’t know how strongly I feel when I tell you this Truth because I can see from both sides.  I can see the vitarka and kutarka.  I can see the right reasoning and wrong reasoning.  How this wrong reasoning fellows are suffering, losing the great heritage which their forefathers created, which their forefathers vision, the vision which they created, the civilization which they created, the amazing lifestyle which they created, the whole thing was based on vitarka. 
See, the young age, if you go to some people and talk to them, you will listen Ramayana.  If you go to your grandmother and talk to her, you will listen Mahabharata.  If you go to Temple, you will see the whole thing in stone, so naturally, the whole atmosphere was created to evolve with the right reasoning, vitarka.  I am so happy, I feel so blessed that I had a fortune and I was born and brought up in a place where still vitarka is alive.  The right reasoning is alive.  It is such a great gift, understand, it is an amazing gift.  You don’t know the amount of relaxation and the restful awareness and stress-free life I am living.  There is no fear!  Just there is no fear.  There is no insecurity, just it is not there.  Forget about the having and fighting and all those things, just it is not there.  I don’t know what to tell.  Such an ecstasy to live in this body with this they what I call consciousness or mental setup, it’s purely the only reason is, the bringing up, the where I lived and I grew, the possibility, the energy of the right reasoning the vitarka was alive.  It is time!  We remind our civilization what we lost and bring our civilization back to the vitarka, the right reasoning.  Let your kids at least let your kids learn about these deities and understand they’re alive, available for your call they’re available.  Please understand, when I am talking, I am responsible for what I am talking, I mean what I am saying.  And sometime people ask what to do about us Swamiji?  We can bring up our kids with the right reasoning but what to do about our mind.
Understand, things are not that bad. Don’t worry.  Start creating this vitarka, right reasoning.  In one or two years you will forget you had sometime kutarka, you had wrong reasoning.  One or two years is more than enough to build the right reasoning.  It’s not that difficult, it’s not that difficult.  Constantly remembering.  One thing with the right reasoning, you will see your mind is a child.  You may be thinking you are you have grown, relax. Fortunately it has not happened.  Fortunately it has not happened.  Even now the possibility for vitarka, right reasoning is available. 
Let me come back to my story.
When the right reasoning happened with the Trust, I was sitting with the Ganesha.  One day over and food is there.  I was very strong, no question of eating.  No question of eating till you eat.  So I’ll go and bring food from the house and keep the food in front of Ganesha and I will sit.  I’ll remove the old food, throw it away and sit.  One day was over, one night was over and I was not even sleepy, I was sitting.  And again, second day’s also over, I was very strong.  See a small boy without food naturally the logic will be imbalanced, the willpower will come down.  I said nothing doing, I’m going to do it, till He eats I am not going to eat.  Maybe third day, I touched that zone when this Trust and vitarka, right reasoning, both became part of the very biomemory, the prarabda, the very system, that is where, that is when, that explosion happened.  Suddenly, I can say it’s surely not unconscious, I fell into some state, and I saw very clearly, Ganesha sitting in front of me and eating.  If it hurts your kutarka, I’m sorry.  Again, but I have to tell you the Truth.  When I opened my eyes and saw, I promise there was no food, food disappeared.  (1:36:02.5)
Whatever way you want to understand, understand.  But the food was not there.  And I know Ganapathi ate.  Maybe, people with kutarka can tell who knows when you were closing eyes, some rat could have come and ate.  Whether Ganesha ate, His mouse ate, let the kutarkis decide.  Kutarkis think about that, I don’t know about that.  But I know for sure, Ganesha ate.  Because, see when He eats, He leaves you, gives you some prasada means He gives you some benefits, the boons.  A strong Trust, an extraordinary ecstasy, those are the prasadas, gifts, boon from the Lord.  I received that prasada, it means I know He has, He ate.  I have had that prasada, I had that experience in me so I know He ate.  Eventhough very difficult.  See, when you read these story in some Puranas, some Master’s life, you can relate because He is not there physically in front of you.  But here I am sitting alive and I am telling this story, it’s too much.  It feels too much.  But what to do?  When an enlightened person happens in the body, He brings all the great Truths to life.  He brings everything back to life.  Sometime people ask me, why did you do so many tapas, so much of spiritual practices Swamiji?  Like this puja, this feeding Ganesha, why you need to do all these things?  You are after all born enlightened, you could have expressed your Enlightenment directly.  I said no, expressing Enlightenment is one thing, bringing all these Truths back to life through every incident, through every ritual, through every technique is the purpose of an Enlightened Being landing in the body.  Eventhough it looks little strong, understand, what I say is honest Truth.  It’s honest. 1:39:15
It’s honest Truth, that’s all I can say.  Maybe, the power of these words, the Truth and strength behind these words will directly work on you.  You don’t even have to believe.  You don’t even have to have tarka, or kutarka, you will see the power of these words because this is vitarka, this is satya, it’ll create automatically the right vitarka in you, the right reasoning in you.
I wanted you to understand this incident, my experience so that you understand about that vitarka.  Please understand, when I heard that Master’s stry and started thinking, when He can why not me?  That is tarka.  When I started trying the wrong method, wrong technique, it’s kutarka.  And because of my Trust, when the right thing clicked, it is vitarka and it leads to samprajnata Samadhi.  That is what Patanjali calls here.  The vitarka leads to samprajnata Samadhi, means Samadhi with the experience of a form.
What I had is a samprajnata Samadhi with Ganesha and He came out and started eating, that’s called samprajnata Samadhi, one level of Samadhi.  It’s like a experience (spiritual experience) with the form of the God, with the form of the Deity, with the form of the Existence.
All the Enlightened Master’s forms are the expressions of the Existence.  If you have Samadhi experience with that means all other thoughts have disappeared, only your Master’s form is there in front of you, you are having samprajnata Samadhi.
Sometime, even while you are working I have seen many of our devotees come and tell me, Swamiji, morning whole day I was cooking, washing and doing all my work, but at the undercurrent, constantly your memory was there inside Swamiji.  It was so sweet, I was just filled with you I don’t know, I was not able to forget you.  This is what we call Sanskrit, leela dhyana, constantly being in the meditation of the Divine Leela.  When the leela dhyana gets matured, you enter into samprajnata Samadhi.  That’s what was happening with me in the Ganesha’s thing.  Whole day I will be playing with Ganesha as if I was living with Him.  I was literally living with Him.  Whole day whatever I do will be centered on that Ganesha.  Morning if I get up, I will make Him get up.  And before I take drink, I will give what to him.  After I brush the teeth, I’ll have a small stick to brush His teeth.  And after I take bath, I will (1:43)
For your call, they are available.  Please understand, when I am talking, I am responsible for what I am talking, I mean what I am saying.  Then sometimes people ask what to do about us Swamiji?  We can bring up our kids with the right reasoning, but what to do about our mind?  Understand, things are not that bad, don’t worry!  Start creating this vitarka, right reasoning, in one or two years you will forget you had some time kutarka.  You had wrong reasoning.  One or two years is more than enough to build the right reasoning.  It’s not that difficult.  It’s not that difficult.  Constantly remembering, working with the right reasoning, you will see, your mind is a child.  You may be thinking you have grown, relax.  Fortunately it has not happened.  Even now the possibility for vitarka, right reasoning is available.
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Latest revision as of 17:05, 19 January 2021


Sampragnata Samadhi Experience of Paramahamsa Nithyananda


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. On April 21st 2009, Paramahamsa Nithyananda delivered his first scheduled discourse on Patanjalis Yoga Sutra at the Sri Radha Krishna Temple in Houston, Texas. He commented on the seventeenth Patanjali Yoga Sutra. Nithyananda expressed deep gratitude for his upbringing in a small Indian temple village where his inner space was not corrupted and the vitarka (right reasoning) was able to flower. He narrated the beautiful incident from his biography (feeding the Ganapati idol in his young age). He said that the right reasoning helped him to connect very deeply to the Ganapati idol as pure energy, in so much that Ganapati was alive in front of him and ate the food he offered! Nithyananda declared this incident as his first experience of samprajnata samadhi.

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Sadaa Shiva Samarambhaam Shankaracharya madhyamaam Asmadacharya Pariyantham Vande Guru Paramparam

I welcome you all with my love and respects.

As you all may be aware, this whole tour I am dedicating it to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Today I will be speaking on 17th Sutra. Last two days, in Oklahoma, I was speaking on the same sutra but still there is so much to tell about that sutra. I’m going to speak on the same sutra.

Each Patanjali’s sutras are independently intelligent to lead man to the Ultimate experience. See whatever you are going through with the body and mind is an experience. For example, eating food or sleeping, sitting, walking, even the weather, hot or cold. Whatever you go through is an experience. But your body and mind, your brain and the body is hardwired for Ultimate experience which we call Samadhi. See by its very nature, it is hardwired for Samadhi. So experiencing that Ultimate state is the purpose of human life. All the spiritual literatures work towards that one experience. The literatures which work towards that experience can only be called as spiritual literature. Patanjali’s each sutra is independently intelligent to lead human beings to that state. One sutra is enough; it can lead without any help of any other sutras. It can directly lead a human being to the highest conscious experience for which he is hardwired, He is created, he’s made. It is such a joy to see and experience each sutra.

See sometime, if you remember some things which you really enjoy, like nostalgical memories, how you feel joyful, the same nostalgical sweet memories I have with these Patanjali’s yoga sutras. Each sutra brings so much of joy, clarity, understanding, experience. It is unimaginable that how each sutra independently can lead human beings to the Ultimate conscious experience for which he is hardwired. Let me recite the Sutra and give you the translation and we will try to understand the Truths.

Vitarka vichaara ananda asmita roopanagama samprajnathah

Last two discourses if you are seeing the live streaming, you might have heard last few days I’ve finished talking on vitarka, vichaara, ananda, but the moment I read the sutras, I am seeing so many wonderful new things coming up. So we will again try to give you the essence, gist.

Vitarka, the first word. Let me give (you?) the translation. Reasoning, contemplation, blissful flowering and the state of pure awareness are the characteristics of samprajnata Samadhi. Reasoning, contemplation, blissful flowering and the state of pure awareness are the characteristics of the samprajnata Samadhi.

Vitarka, let’s understand this first word, vitarka. Right reasoning. In Sanskrit we have three words, tarka, kutarka, vitarka. Tarka means simple logic. Very simple logic. Kutarka, means constantly negating, constantly negating. If you want to see the kutarka, see in the intellectuals. You can see kutarka obviously. You can touch and feel kutarka in an intellectual’s presence. See, you can touch and experience God in an Enlightened Being’s presence. In the very air you can touch and feel the Divinity. Same way, the kutarka can be experienced in the very air in which an intellectual is there. Anybody goes around him they’ll feel sucked. After half an hour, one hour being around him, if they come out they’ll be either in depression or almost on the verge of depression. Somehow he knows how to put people down.

Kutarka. Negating logic. Please understand, vitarka means beyond the ordinary logic or negating logic. Let me describe this way. See the simple basic truth. I can say this is the click for today. Having thoughts is not thinking. Please understand, having thoughts is not thinking. Having thoughts does not mean you are thinking. Sometime you see huge crowd thoughts are there in you. That does not mean you are thinking. It is there, it is there, it is there! Suddenly some joy comes up and it dances in your inner space for half an hour and after one hour suddenly some suffering comes up and it dances and after two three hours suddenly some worry comes up and it dances and you don’t know why all these three guys came and what they did. Please understand, having thoughts is not thinking.

Tarka means simple logic, kutarka means negative logic, vitarka means the right reasoning, beyond the simple logic or negative reasoning, the right reasoning. See, the way in which you think, the way in which thoughts are created in your system, if it leads you to the peak potential for the experience for which you are hardwired you are having vitarka means right reasoning. Sometime you can see one thought can lead to another thought will lead to another thought. Suddenly you are in such a deep relaxed feeling, a deep relaxed experience. Any thought which leads you to the deep peace, relaxed feeling, it’s called vitarka. Any thought, which creates so much of negativity, ill feeling about you and which radiates the same ill feeling about others, it’s called kutarka. If you are going against the way in which you are hardwired, it’s kutarka. If you are going in the direction for which you are hardwires, it’s called vitarka. Please understand, I can give you thousands of examples, thousands of stories, thousands of examples how the kutarka and vitarka works.

The people with kutarka cannot agree with anything with anybody. They will be constantly shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, shrinking. This is one of the big danger, when we start creating conditioning. Please understand, there are some religions which are more political and social. There are some religions which are more physical. There are some religions which are mental, there are some religions pure conscious. Here Patanjali is a pure conscious religion. That is why, the truths which he is giving if you start working on it, there is every chance you will become enlightened but there is every chance you may not be politically correct or you may not be socially correct. You may not be politically correct, you may not be socially correct because when you go out of kutarka sometime you are little useless for the world. See to be in the world you needs a little negating logic. Constantly saying no, constantly saying no. Here, if you start working in the line of vitarka suddenly you will see you start saying yes to everything. Suddenly you feel such a deep yes in your being, your whole being will radiate that yes. Your whole being will start radiating that yes. For everything you will feel such a deep yes. I can see very clearly, when I read this sutras how this transformation happened inside my very Being. I have experienced these sutras, how I had the tarka, kutarka and vitarka. All these things I can see very clearly.

Maybe, I can tell this story, this story which happened in my life. It’s little mystical but it is Truth so I will share with you all. The young age, I used to go to the many satsangs, the I was born and brought up in Arunachala, it’s one of the very spiritual nerve center in South India, largest Shiva Temple is there. It’s a community based on Temple, temple-based community, there is no industry, there is nothing else. Whole village runs with that one temple as a center. It’s like a huge temple complex and people who serve in that temple they are all around that city, that’s all. That’s the way the whole village was developed and still now that is the largest building in that town is the temple. Not only in that temple, not only in that town, I can say at least we have half a million towns in India still the largest building in that town is the temple. And there are many towns and cities, there is a law you cannot build taller than that temple tower. They don’t let you build any other building which is taller than the temple tower to maintain the sanctity and the respect. Still, the temple is the largest structure and nobody can defeat because 25 acre built up area in granite. So nobody will need that big a house. So everyday some other some other satsangs, something will be going on. Those days I used to have small Ganesha with me and I’ll do puja everyday to that Ganesha, I’ll pour water, put little food in front of Ganesha and do wave the lights, wave the camphor. It was really like a really I was living with Him. I was not just doing some little puja or anything, living with Him. Strong feeling connection. See if you are just doing puja for some other reason you will never enter into that place again second time. I have seen many people doing puja. Morning they will go into that puja room, damma, damma, dooma, dooma, doom, doom, doom, they will roll with that deity and pour water or whatever needs to be done. Once they come out they will never even come that side again, because it is such a heavy routine on them, dead routine on them, they never do the mistake of entering into that same room again second time. But with me it was like a living with Him. Whole day I will be sitting, fanning Him, or doing whatever I can. Anything given to me I will bring it and put it in front of Him. I was living with Him, small boy. I went to one satsang that teacher, that acharya who was talking he was narrating an incident from a saint’s life, his name is Nambiyar Nambi, he was born and brought up in South India. Great saint. His life story, that Master was describing, it’s a very beautiful story. That, his father used to worship one Ganesha in one Ganesha temple every day. One day the father fell sick and he asked the son, please you go and do the worship and son goes with the food and all the worship articles. He does the worship and does all the things and puts the food in front of Ganesha and the son thinks really Ganesha will eat every day. He’s doing first time so he things Ganesha is supposed to eat. And he is sitting, waiting for Ganesha to eat. Half an hour, one hour, two hours, food is there! And this guy started worrying, what happened, did I do anything wrong, you are not eating. And he started talking of course no response. Then he started telling if you don’t eat and if I go back my father may fire me. He may shout at me, please do something. If I have done some mistakes, forgive me. Please eat. Of course, Ganesha is very silent. If they start eating who will put the food in front of them? Anyhow. He was silent, then he became very serious, the Nambiyar Nandi, he became very serious, no, no, no you have to eat, please eat otherwise. See the shraddha, beautifully the Upanishads says, Katopanishad says, shradda vivechah. When he is describing about Nachiketa,the Upanishad hero, they use the word shradda vivechah. Hew as possessed by shraddha. Sometime, rarely this happens to you and you. You can see, you some very difficult time, suddenly you decide, I will be very straight and honest and dharmic. I will not bend. You know if you little adjust, tell one lie, or alter one word, you can escape from the situation. It can be eased or suddenly sometime you feel, no I am going to be very straight, come whatever may. Those few moments you are possessed by shraddha, that Truth. Shraddha vivechah, very powerful word, possessed by shraddha, Truth, trust. The shraddha vivechah happened to this Nambiyar Nandi. Suddenly, he felt Ganesha has to eat, he has to eat. He starts weeping, he says till you eat, I am not going to leave this place. Five six hours over, but food is there, Ganesha is sitting. Then he goes to the extreme, suicidal threat. He says I will hit my head in this steps and die if you don’t eat and starts hitting his head. Of course don’t try! The TV, the motor ads, the car ads, they say, closed lanes and professional drivers, don’t try. Same way, saints try, you don’t try and the shradha vivecha happens you are in a different plane. Even the doubt does not exist, he just knows that Ganesha is going to eat. Started hitting his head and the story says suddenly Ganesha appeared and ate the food and blessed him. When that saint, that small boy, he goes back to his father, father asks what happened, where is the food? He said, Ganesha ate! Father could not believe Ganesha ate or did you eat? He said no, Ganesha ate! You want come, I will show you. Then he takes the father and there the father sees the mouth of Ganesha, the food, the remains. Rest story says father fell at the feet of the son, said all these years, I was only doing it as a ritual, you made it as reality, you made it as Truth.

When I heard this story, suddenly I decided, I’ll also feed Ganesha. That shradda vivechah happened. Means possessed by the shraddha. Strong. See when you are possessed by shraddha, you will not have kutarka at all. Understand you will not have kutarka, you may ask me, why when you heard the story of Nambiyar Nandi, you tried but you are telling us not to try. See, in my case there was no kutarka at all. If there is no kutarka, you are also a professional you can try, but see inside one corner of you there is a kutarka. That’s why I am saying till that kutarka disappears, don’t try. Especially these risky techniques. I decided I’ll also make Ganesha eat. Let me tell you what all the mistakes I did and how I had this kutarka. See, when I heard the story, I decided I will also make my Ganesha eat. This is tarka, simple logic. When he made Ganesha to eat, why not me? Simple tarka.

The next step what I did. See, in my house, it’s a joint family. Had one old lady, one of my grandmothers, means it’s like a many people will be staying, you will not know who is who and who is what. And not only that three four streets are relatives. That’s the way the Indian communities will live. The three four street will be your cousin, cousin brother, nephew, name it and they will be there. And they will marry just inside the family and relatives. So, this old lady if the kids are not eating, she will always threaten them, eh I will put you inside the well in the center of the house there is a huge well, I will put you inside the well, she will shout. So I heard only that logic. So naturally what will I do? I went and put little food in front of Ganesha and told Him eat now. When I saw half an hour He did not eat, I started using the same thing, eh, I’ll put you in the well, kutarka! Please understand, because I heard only that. See, this satsangi, the teacher, he taught me tarka. This environment, this old lady she taught me kutarka. The same way I started shouting. I told she will use all the old tamil words to threaten. I started using all those words, better eat now or you are going to be in the well. And, Ganesha was there silently. I decided I am going to put Him in the well. And usually what she does I have seen, she will take the kid in the hand, and take little food in the other hand and show the well, see, see I will drop you, drop you, these kids will cry, aaaah, she will put the food inside. When the kids start crying, they will naturally open the mouth, she will put the food inside, then it will go, that’s the way she will feed. I decided I will also do the same thing with Ganapati, with that Ganesha. I took the Ganesha with one hand and food in the other hand, I showed the well, Ehhh, see the well, I’ll throw you inside. And He’s not opening the mouth. I tried two three times, then I decided, there used to be a vessel in which they will take the water from the well. I put the Ganesha in the vessel. I started lowering, threatening Him, see I will really drown you, I will really drown you and when the vessel was about to touch the water level, suddenly I realized, maybe now He would have changed the mind and He wants to eat, but there is no food in the vessel. So I brought Him out, put the food also in the vessel and started doing again. And it was almost the water level that vessel that bucket but nothing is happening. I did not have the mind to really put the Ganesha into the water also. It was too much. He really means lot for me. And it’s a very strong relationship. So I can only threaten, I cannot put Him in the well actually. So what to do? Finally, I took Him out. I said, alright, maybe He did not like the cooking. He did not like the food, see how the kutarka works. Kutarka says everything is wrong, except you. Understand that is the kutarka. Kutarka means everything is wrong, except you. Then I started thinking the food is not right. My mother is not cooking properly. I went to the Temple, the temple they offer food to the deities. I thought that food is eaten by deities every day. So I went to the cook, the temple cook. I used to do lots of voluntary work and the young boy, I will go to the temple and wash the vessels, clean the floor. All the kids, that is the only entertainment, that’s the only entertainment and I used to do lot of that kind of work. So I asked the cook, will you give me little food for my Ganesha. He said what little food, have more. He gave one big lot. I brought it to the house and said, see I brought the same diet which you are eating in the temple every day. Now there is no reason, no excuse, come on, eat. And I was sitting, sitting, sitting, maybe three, four hours He was not eating. I said, right diet I brought, I am not going to let you today. So again I put Him in that bucket and started the same drama. And then actually by then I memorized all the abusive words my grandmother tells to make a child eat. All those words like a sloka I memorized and started repeating. I really thought those words are very powerful, they will make Him eat. And all the techniques I tried with my old diet, I tried everything step by step with this new diet. And I put Him in the bucket and again started drowning, almost the water level, so from here I started shouting, I even started asking, are you listening to what I’m saying? Whether the sound is audible. Of course He was not eating. But I could not drown Him because it’s a very strong relationship, very loving relationship. So what to do? I took Him out. I can say I was really depressed, very worried and very strong depression. Completely low mood, just I was sitting what to do? Practically I fixed all the problems. Whatever I was supposed to do. See, if my grandmother does all these things to any child, the child eats. And I know only those techniques. I don’t know any other techniques. I have not read any book how to feed Ganapati or how to feed kids. Whatever manual was there in front of me, that whole thing I worked out, worked. Nothing works. Nothing is working. So I was sitting. The Ganapathi was lying there, so I was sitting. One nice thing with shraddha, trust is, even if you stop with kutarka, the power of Trust is such, the power of shraddha is such, it turns the whole thing to vitarka. Please understand, the power of Trust, is such even if you start with the wrong logic it turns the whole thing to right logic. Because the Trust is not just energy or logic, it is intelligence.

Intelligence with logical energy. Tarka is logic, kutarka is negative logic and vitarka is trust with positive energy and logic. The shraddha is so powerful, suddenly something clicked in me, Oh God! I can say this was one of the powerful click happened in my life. Very strong click. I realized that Nambiandar Nandi, the saint that made Ganesha to eat, that saint tortured himself not Ganesha. But here I am torturing Ganesha not myself. The strong click that kutarka became vitarka. The wrong reasoning became right reasoning. When that click happened I thought right! Yes. Nambiandar Nandi found fault with himself when Ganesha did not eat. When Lord Ganesha did not eat the food, he found the fault with himself not with Ganesha or not with something else, not with the diet. He was not complaining about the outside, it turned inside. In my case, I was complaining about Ganesha, I was trying what my granny was trying and I was talking about that diet and I was thinking that my mother is not cooking properly and I was thinking everything outer world. I was doing kutarka, I was finding fault with everything external. Suddenly I realized yes, I turned and looked in, the problem must be within me. Let me work. That vitarka, click has happened, the right reasoning, that click has happened. Please understand, it’s a very strong click, yes, with Nambiandar Nandi, he did tapas, but in my case I am torturing Ganesha. Let me do tapas. When that click happened, see a strong shraddha which is already there. Shraddha is like a loaded gun. When the right vitarka happens with shraddha it’s like a triggering the gun. Without shraddha, without the strong trust, the kutarka can never become vitarka. The wrong reasoning can never become right reasoning.

With shraddha, when the right reasoning happens, trigger was pulled. Just the trigger was pulled, the loaded gun. Trust is like a loaded gun and when right reasoning happens, vitarka happens, it’s triggered. The trigger is pulled. Understand suddenly the click happened, yes. It’s time I look inside, I turn inside and change something in me. Then I decided now I am not going to eat till Ganesha eats. It’s a strong will, even in those days, I used to be very strong. Strong willed, once I decide, it has to happen, that’s all.

I was sitting with Ganesha, brought the food, arranged everything. I was sitting, actually I used to have a small shrine, kind of temple, back side of the house. My own, I’ll be staying and spending time only in there, there. I can say that is the first ashram I built for myself and for my deities. I used to be spending my time there only so nobody will disturb me in the house. Usually they will send the food or I will go and bring my food for the food time otherwise I will be spending time there only. So I sat with all the arrangements for Ganesha to eat. I’m very clear because of the trust, the shraddha, no doubt that he may eat, may not eat. See if He does not eat, there is some problem with me, that’s all! But the way incident itself there is no doubt. The possibility, the Ganesha came, and ate in that Nambiandar Nambi’s life, that incident is a reality for me. The factuality of that incident I never questioned. I can say that is where that kutarka. Kutarka which happened with the factualities of our puranas is the worst thing happened to the Indian consciousness. Understand, that’s the worst thing happened to the Indian consciousness. Whether it happened because of them or some foreign invasion taught to them, but that’s the worst thing happened to Indians. The kutarka happened with their tradition, with the great Puranas. Please understand, I am working with thousands and thousands of patients, means people with diseases, different kinds of diseases. In India I am well known for healing, different kinds of patients, diseases, all these things I’m handling. Last six years I don’t know how many thousands of people have been healed, helped. In my experience, I have started understanding many important secrets about body and mind. I have read many of them in the Upanishads or the Puranas, or the traditional scriptures but experientially now I have started realizing. Please understand, literally what you believe as your body and mind becomes reality in ten twenty days in your life. I have seen, I have seen this happening.

For example, allopathy, ayurveda, homeopathy, kapalpathy, all kinds of pathy’s are there now. All kinds of pathy’s. In India every doctor has his own pathy. If you go to ayurvedic doctors, or siddhar doctors, each doctor has his own -pathy, his own system. Working with all these patients and listening to their case histories, the way in which they went to doctors and experiences and especially talking and relating with many doctors, with all of them, I came upon with some of the important truths. What system you believe works for your body from the young age that system actually works for you. From the young age for what system your vitarka is developed, for which system your vitarka, your right reasoning is built, that system exactly works for you. From the young age if you are taught by somebody the yoga will work for you and you grow with that one idea, the yogic solutions straight away cures that person. There is no other logic. Please understand, I am revealing some of the important business secrets which are done in the yogic, ayurvedia and siddha and different other healing systems.

From the young age, somebody is brought up with the idea siddha works for his body. And two three times the young age, the doctor gave some siddha medicine and it worked really for him. If he was brought up with that idea, siddha straight away works for him. The idea with which his vitarka is developed, that straightaway works for him. If you are brought up with the idea the right reasoning, that Puranas are reality, please understand, I promise you can straightaway see that Puranic deities and the heroes and relate with them. Very beautifully Aurobindo says in one of his book, his famous book, Savitri. Aurobindo is a great modern-day Master from the Vedic tradition, one of this amazing books Savitri, he beautifully says in his foreword, in his introduction, The Deities and Gods and heroes and different energies represented in Puranas, described in Puranas are the physical manifestations of particular energies corresponding to the Cosmic Consciousness, cosmic conscious representations. For example, Devi means she represents the mother energy of the Cosmos, which gives birth, which reproduces, which creates. She represents that energy and you can connect with that energy through the manifestation with which you are brought up. Please understand, if you are made to understand the Trust that this is the form of Devi. If you connect to this form, you will connect to Mother Nature. If this vitarka is developed in your system, please understand you have a channel open for you to create miracles in your life, you are a superhuman. Please understand it’s like a difference between having a ten channel TV, ten channel network and hundred channel network. But somehow, see, if you’re developed with the right vitarka, right logic, right reasoning that this ist eh form of a Devi, if you connect to this Devi, the Mother Nature works for you, you will connect with Mother Nature. If you are brought up with this right reasoning, with this right vitarka, you are like a hundred channel dish, hundred channel TV network. Now, you have that unique capabilities of expressing miracles in your life. Attracting miracles in your life, your very Being, your very Consciousness is capable enough of creating the miracles. Understand, I am working with millions of disciples, with my own experience I tell you, whoever has developed with that vitarka, I’m able to heal them do whatever they want in their life, play or express miracles in their life directly, one word is enough, that’s all! 1:20:54

Indian civilization was brought up with that vitarka, right reasoning. The greatest civilization! Otherwise you cannot imagine millions of people spending hundreds of years building temples. If you see, any Indian temple, you will be shocked the amount of energy they have put. The temple which is in my native place, I don’t know how many hundreds of years, how many millions of workers were working. It’s complete granite hand carved. Even the slabs for the ground, flooring is hand carved granite. There is no question of machineries, hand-carved. You cannot inspire millions of people, understand, pyramids are built by slaves, you don’t need intelligent people to build pyramids. Just ten intelligent architects are enough and millions of slaves build it. Because it is complete geometrical but these temples are not pyramids, it’s hand carved artist work. Art work! So every individual who is working has to be inspired and convinced towards the idealogy for which he is working. You cannot make temples out of slave people because it is a art piece. Each stone is carved. I can say each inch is carved. Expression of art completely centered on Divine, Divinity, our Puranas, our Upanishads, our Vedic Truths and the Vedic Deities and you cannot make millions of people work, inspired way unless they experience the Truth for which they are working. And India is such a free civilization where the knowledge was encouraged, arguments were encouraged, thinking was encouraged, there was open society and especially anybody who is an artist naturally will have his own questions. If he has evolved to the level of an artist, he cannot be bound, he cannot be slave, he will not be a slave. It means what? Naturally, all those millions had at least glimpse of those experience of the Deities, Gods, the energies which have described in those Puranas and expressed in those Temples. Naturally, it was some way living Truth for them. The whole civilization, please understand, the whole city, if the Temple has to be built, the whole Kingdom has to concentrate all its resources on that temple. The whole Kingdom has to work.

There is one temple in South India, Tanjore, Shiva temple. It’s a two hundred and seventeen feet tall tower complete granite and I don’t know how many miles, hundreds of miles that granite was moved by the elephants and carved and assembled the whole thing happened in just six years. Means the whole Kingdom was working for that cause, the whole Kingdom was working for that cause and there are some temples built for generations, hundreds of years means for the whole civilization was dedicated to that cause. How can that happen? Because the whole civilization was built on right logic, vitarka. From the young age, the vitarka was taught, the right reasoning was taught. Because of the right reasoning, the vitarka they were able to experience those Gods, they were able to experience those Truths, they were able to experience those energies. See this the traditional stories you hear, that a rishi cursed somebody and that curse came true, rishi gave boon to somebody and that boon came true. Means what? The whole civilization was built on that right reasoning, on that right energy, vitarka. So they were able to play with that energies, they were able to play with that energies, that kind of a power, the access they had, the worst thing happened to Indian civilization is kutarka towards their own tradition.

Understand, it is time, awaken, it is time, awake.

As beautifully Vivekananda says, Uthishtath jagrata prapyavara …bothah

Beautifully, Vivekananda says, Arise, Awake, stop not till the goal is reached. Arise, awake Oh Indian civilization what you lost. Understand, the loss is not only for Indian civilization. Because they lost, the whole world lost. It’s a great thing which got developed. Amazing experiment which was done for thousands of years by the great missionaries and the amount of energy, intelligence put in the direction. The essence is a civilization with a right logic, vitarka. When we lost that understand, we lost the whole thing which Indian civilization can offer to us. When that kutarka, the wrong, negative logic happened with about our own tradition, it’s practically like you put all your energy and created some gift, some great achievement and somebody came and destroyed it without even your knowledge.

Understand, India is not just a land, it is a way of life. It’s way of life. Bharat is way of life. I know many people NRI’s – non residential Indians who are not residing in India but Indians. And I know there are many people who are not born in India but Indians. Bharat, they live Bharat. And I know many people RNI’s – residential non-indians. 1:28:00.0 Residential non-indians, the idiots are sitting inside the land, they’re inside the nectar ocean but tightly closing all their holes so that the nectar should not enter into their system. Tightly sealed. They’re very careful that nectar should not enter into their system by any mistake. That is what I call them RNI’s – residential non-indians.

Bharat is the culture, please understand, this vitarka is the greatest gift. Their being brought up with the right reasoning, I can say this the worst thing happened to India. That, losing the faith, losing the Trust, over their own Puranas or the kutarka, negating logic, happening towards their own Puranas. Sometime these guys come and ask me, Swamiji is these deities all true or they are all just symbols. I tell them, they are much more true than you! Your nonsensical idea which you are carrying as you. These guys, I am really. These questions are, if it is from somebody who is born and brought up in some other civilization, alright, okay, it’s new for them. It is not even from the people who are from some other civilization, from these very own Indians, RNI’s – residential non-indians. This is the worst thing, understand. I don’t know how strongly I feel when I tell you this Truth because I can see from both sides. I can see the vitarka and kutarka. I can see the right reasoning and wrong reasoning. How this wrong reasoning fellows are suffering, losing the great heritage which their forefathers created, which their forefathers vision, the vision which they created, the civilization which they created, the amazing lifestyle which they created, the whole thing was based on vitarka.

See, the young age, if you go to some people and talk to them, you will listen Ramayana. If you go to your grandmother and talk to her, you will listen Mahabharata. If you go to Temple, you will see the whole thing in stone, so naturally, the whole atmosphere was created to evolve with the right reasoning, vitarka. I am so happy, I feel so blessed that I had a fortune and I was born and brought up in a place where still vitarka is alive. The right reasoning is alive. It is such a great gift, understand, it is an amazing gift. You don’t know the amount of relaxation and the restful awareness and stress-free life I am living. There is no fear! Just there is no fear. There is no insecurity, just it is not there. Forget about the having and fighting and all those things, just it is not there. I don’t know what to tell. Such an ecstasy to live in this body with this they what I call consciousness or mental setup, it’s purely the only reason is, the bringing up, the where I lived and I grew, the possibility, the energy of the right reasoning the vitarka was alive. It is time! We remind our civilization what we lost and bring our civilization back to the vitarka, the right reasoning. Let your kids at least let your kids learn about these deities and understand they’re alive, available for your call they’re available. Please understand, when I am talking, I am responsible for what I am talking, I mean what I am saying. And sometime people ask what to do about us Swamiji? We can bring up our kids with the right reasoning but what to do about our mind.

Understand, things are not that bad. Don’t worry. Start creating this vitarka, right reasoning. In one or two years you will forget you had sometime kutarka, you had wrong reasoning. One or two years is more than enough to build the right reasoning. It’s not that difficult, it’s not that difficult. Constantly remembering. One thing with the right reasoning, you will see your mind is a child. You may be thinking you are you have grown, relax. Fortunately it has not happened. Fortunately it has not happened. Even now the possibility for vitarka, right reasoning is available.

Let me come back to my story.

When the right reasoning happened with the Trust, I was sitting with the Ganesha. One day over and food is there. I was very strong, no question of eating. No question of eating till you eat. So I’ll go and bring food from the house and keep the food in front of Ganesha and I will sit. I’ll remove the old food, throw it away and sit. One day was over, one night was over and I was not even sleepy, I was sitting. And again, second day’s also over, I was very strong. See a small boy without food naturally the logic will be imbalanced, the willpower will come down. I said nothing doing, I’m going to do it, till He eats I am not going to eat. Maybe third day, I touched that zone when this Trust and vitarka, right reasoning, both became part of the very biomemory, the prarabda, the very system, that is where, that is when, that explosion happened. Suddenly, I can say it’s surely not unconscious, I fell into some state, and I saw very clearly, Ganesha sitting in front of me and eating. If it hurts your kutarka, I’m sorry. Again, but I have to tell you the Truth. When I opened my eyes and saw, I promise there was no food, food disappeared. (1:36:02.5)

Whatever way you want to understand, understand. But the food was not there. And I know Ganapathi ate. Maybe, people with kutarka can tell who knows when you were closing eyes, some rat could have come and ate. Whether Ganesha ate, His mouse ate, let the kutarkis decide. Kutarkis think about that, I don’t know about that. But I know for sure, Ganesha ate. Because, see when He eats, He leaves you, gives you some prasada means He gives you some benefits, the boons. A strong Trust, an extraordinary ecstasy, those are the prasadas, gifts, boon from the Lord. I received that prasada, it means I know He has, He ate. I have had that prasada, I had that experience in me so I know He ate. Eventhough very difficult. See, when you read these story in some Puranas, some Master’s life, you can relate because He is not there physically in front of you. But here I am sitting alive and I am telling this story, it’s too much. It feels too much. But what to do? When an enlightened person happens in the body, He brings all the great Truths to life. He brings everything back to life. Sometime people ask me, why did you do so many tapas, so much of spiritual practices Swamiji? Like this puja, this feeding Ganesha, why you need to do all these things? You are after all born enlightened, you could have expressed your Enlightenment directly. I said no, expressing Enlightenment is one thing, bringing all these Truths back to life through every incident, through every ritual, through every technique is the purpose of an Enlightened Being landing in the body. Eventhough it looks little strong, understand, what I say is honest Truth. It’s honest. 1:39:15

It’s honest Truth, that’s all I can say. Maybe, the power of these words, the Truth and strength behind these words will directly work on you. You don’t even have to believe. You don’t even have to have tarka, or kutarka, you will see the power of these words because this is vitarka, this is satya, it’ll create automatically the right vitarka in you, the right reasoning in you.

I wanted you to understand this incident, my experience so that you understand about that vitarka. Please understand, when I heard that Master’s stry and started thinking, when He can why not me? That is tarka. When I started trying the wrong method, wrong technique, it’s kutarka. And because of my Trust, when the right thing clicked, it is vitarka and it leads to samprajnata Samadhi. That is what Patanjali calls here. The vitarka leads to samprajnata Samadhi, means Samadhi with the experience of a form.

What I had is a samprajnata Samadhi with Ganesha and He came out and started eating, that’s called samprajnata Samadhi, one level of Samadhi. It’s like a experience (spiritual experience) with the form of the God, with the form of the Deity, with the form of the Existence.

All the Enlightened Master’s forms are the expressions of the Existence. If you have Samadhi experience with that means all other thoughts have disappeared, only your Master’s form is there in front of you, you are having samprajnata Samadhi.

Sometime, even while you are working I have seen many of our devotees come and tell me, Swamiji, morning whole day I was cooking, washing and doing all my work, but at the undercurrent, constantly your memory was there inside Swamiji. It was so sweet, I was just filled with you I don’t know, I was not able to forget you. This is what we call Sanskrit, leela dhyana, constantly being in the meditation of the Divine Leela. When the leela dhyana gets matured, you enter into samprajnata Samadhi. That’s what was happening with me in the Ganesha’s thing. Whole day I will be playing with Ganesha as if I was living with Him. I was literally living with Him. Whole day whatever I do will be centered on that Ganesha. Morning if I get up, I will make Him get up. And before I take drink, I will give what to him. After I brush the teeth, I’ll have a small stick to brush His teeth. And after I take bath, I will (1:43)

For your call, they are available. Please understand, when I am talking, I am responsible for what I am talking, I mean what I am saying. Then sometimes people ask what to do about us Swamiji? We can bring up our kids with the right reasoning, but what to do about our mind? Understand, things are not that bad, don’t worry! Start creating this vitarka, right reasoning, in one or two years you will forget you had some time kutarka. You had wrong reasoning. One or two years is more than enough to build the right reasoning. It’s not that difficult. It’s not that difficult. Constantly remembering, working with the right reasoning, you will see, your mind is a child. You may be thinking you have grown, relax. Fortunately it has not happened. Even now the possibility for vitarka, right reasoning is available.