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==Photos From The Day: ==
Abundance from the Source Webinar
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of [[Seeking]] during this powerful webinar entitled [[Abundance from the Source]]. The SPH gave the final truths, last words on wealth and abundance, where He explained the basic concepts one needs to understand to be able to manifest abundance, and enjoy it. He beautifully shared that money, wealth, itself is not abundance and explained that abundance is overflowing ecstasy and experience of awakening. The definition of wealth was shared with all as the trust, the completion, one generates within oneself which manifests in multiple ways and the manifestation that happens beyond our plans.
The SPH expanded further by sharing that the source of abundance is our very bio-energy - the [[Kundalini]] and that the only solution to having abundance in  life  is to go deeper into our muscle memory and remove all life negative patterns, It was revealed that when one completes the patterns in the muscle memory, one then then awaken program them for greater and higher possibilities. He gave the essence of the webinar — To focus more and more on awakening your bio-energy, Kundalini Shakti, God particle in you, and complete your bio-memory and muscle memory.
Following this talk, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism engaged in a Q&A session where He answered several questions related to [[Goddess Lakshmi]] on the topic of spiritual seekers who have financial problems or difficulties, about charity and more
==Video and Audio - Abundance from the Source ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJlCqMF-TWA |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/abundance-from-the-source?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-playlist-2"/>
nithyānandeśvara samārambhām ||
nithyānandeśvari madhyamām ||
asmat āchārya paryantām ||
vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome all of you with My love and respects.
This special webinar - ‘Abundance from the source’. Please understand actually I am in the mood of giving the last word on this subject; that is why quickly I am entering into the subject. I don't want to waste your time. I don't want to waste your listening. I'll give you the last word on abundance, please understand. Wealth, money, abundance even though all these words look like they are same or synonymous, it is not. Please understand, money is directly controlled manipulated by few people who keep that concept alive. When brilliantly, intelligently, few people play with your greed and sell you some concepts and make you work for those idea that is money.
Money is not abundance. I am not saying for abundance money is not required but I am saying money itself is not abundance. Please understand, abundance is overflowing ecstasy, confidence in you that you can exist, your existence is joyful, blissful for you and the people around you. Please understand it may be looking very mystical, I'll explain step by step. But today I wanted to give you the last word on abundance; no beating around the bush, last word on abundance.
Listen, even that word has nice meaning, abundance; bund means bank, abund means without bank, dance, jumping without a bank, jumping without a bund – abundance.
See, a overflowing excitement, intensity, about your existence is wealth. Understand, overflowing abundance about your existence, which expresses as your health as the confidence to make whatever you want, as a strength to manifest everything you need and not attacked, disturbed, destroyed by the so-called social impossibilities put on you.
Please listen, society puts impossibilities on your head so that you can lose the idea, you can lose the purpose, you can lose the goal of your existence.
Please understand, man who remembers his purpose and goal can never be manipulated or controlled. He will always be living in abundance. If you want to enslave somebody first thing you have to make him forget his goal.
Yesterday we were having Ashramite's meeting, I was telling — the man who remembers his goal is the wealthiest man in the world. He is the most wealthiest man. Because continuous remembrance will create a ability to manifest. Some of the basic truths about abundance need to be internalized. Please understand, the real abundance is, awakened feeling. That's the essence; experiencing, a awakened feeling. Physically, mentally, in the muscle memory level, bio memory level and bio-energy level, experiencing awakening is abundance.
The wealth, huge properties you accumulated in your dream - will you call that as abundance or waking state as abundance? Even if you experience so called poverty, waking state is the abundance. And, same way, the huge wealth you acquire in this waking state, and awakened state if you see, awakened state is abundance. Everything you accumulated in this waking state and in the dream state is one and the same. Please understand, ultimately the huge money you acquired in the dream state doesn't save you even from a small pain of a hairline crack. You may have medical care but the pain, is a pain, is a pain.
Please listen, with these examples I am not saying don't make money. I am saying don't believe the ideology of money. When you go to a mall you need to swipe your credit card, it needs  to  show balance. I am not saying don't make money; but the ideology you have been taught, why you should make money - that context is wrong.
You sell your health to get the wealth and then you go on spending your wealth to gain the health back. The idea, the concept, with which the wealth is generated, you have been asked to work, is wrong, doubt that.
How you feel… actually this was told to Me by My guru. If you feel every rupee added to you makes you more rich, you should feel much more richer by every long breath added to you. Every long breath, the energy it awakens in you, energy it radiates through you is equivalent to every rupee you accumulate. He told in the sense of that the Kundalini energy which is functioning in your system is more important than wealth. Let Me explain more detail. Please understand, poverty is nothing but deciding to live without finding solution for your problem.
Somebody came to meet Me. The person knows all his problems. Almost six seven hours we were discussing only his problems, he himself says, "I am not interested in solution Swamiji." I told, be aware of negative people they will find a solution for, they will find a problem for every solution. See, if you go to a positive person he will find solution for every problem. If you talk to negative people, they will find a problem for every solution. And still after talking to negative people for hours if you are not drained you are an incarnation.
Poverty means knowing your problem... does not want to solve it.
Richness means, constantly being alive.
Please understand, being alive is enough, you will not tolerate the existence of conflict and confusion and dilemma. All I am requesting you to get out of poverty is just increase the number of you are waking hours, nothing else. Reduce the tiredness and boredom. The time you worship Nidra Devi [Nidra means sleep, Devi means Goddess], Nidra Devi puja [means worshiping Goddess of sleep, or worshiping sleep], reduce that time, that's all. Increase the number of waking hours, I tell you, because by your nature you cannot survive with dilemma and conflict, you will start finding solution. You will push yourself towards the solution. You won't keep quiet.
The meekness, weakness in thinking through about you your existential problems is poverty. Listen, meekness and weakness about thinking through in your existential problems is poverty. Poverty is nothing but resistance to life. Poverty is nothing but directly, indirectly cherishing and enjoying death. That is why for Abundance Webinar I have kept Kala Samhara murti here — by killing death only you will manifest abundance.
Poverty is nothing but direct, indirect way of worshiping death. Winding yourself or hiding yourself into boredom into tiredness is poverty. That is worshiping death. Every moment you are tired and bored, hide yourself into your bed, you go through the part-time death. Anger is part-time madness, madness is full-time anger. Boredom is part-time death, death is full-time boredom. Boredom is part-time death, death is full-time boredom. The idea you carry — resources are limited, and people have to fight for it, is stupidity, stupidity.
Understand, resources are limited, people have to fight for it, is stupidity. Society teaches such concepts, due to unconsciousness. Actually I don't even want to complain on society because nobody called society exists. It's all your unconsciousness put together is called society. It is unconsciousness, tiredness and boredom of all of you, is put together is society.
I tell you, being content is the most stupid word people use to hide their hypocrisy. Being in completion is different, being content is different. This so-called content is used always to tell people you keep quiet but I'll make wealth. That's the biggest social hypocrisy. People who teach, ‘be content’ — "You be content, but I will go on making wealth." The word — content, is the most stupid, hypocritical statement. Being in completion is different, being content is different. This content can come to you due to various reasons - the fear of action, the side effects and after effects of being active, if I become what will happen. No people are afraid of being active, come on, look into you. Every one of you has that part of you which is afraid of being active — "Oh from morning to night."
I tell you, if you want to learn being active and tune into being active, you should live next to a Shiva temple, active Shiva temple, which is run as per Agama, because whole day you will be engaged. In the young age, you should be born near a Shiva temple and brought up. Because morning till night you will be engaged, that will become part of your life style. Anyhow, if you are, if you did not have that opportunity, now I'll give you the solution.
Content is one of the most hypocritical concept. Don't be content. I tell you. Be in the space of completion, but not content. This content is, like a, “I am not able to then what to do, be content.” Content word is used nicely, to hide your hypocrisy and hide your tiredness and boredom. When you are in the space of completion the abundance will be your very quality. When you are content, it is not necessary, the feeling abundance will be your quality. I tell you, the man feels abundance he just knows the power of coincidence generated by your trust.
I tell you, the other day, one of My ashramites was explaining to Me how another ashramite is feeling that whatever she wants Swamiji will fulfill it and He is fulfilling. I told her, this trust and due to this trust, the power of coincidence happening around her is the greatest wealth can happen to a human being. Understand, the trust, completion, you generate within you, trust and completion, you awaken within you, is the ultimate wealth, which manifests wealth in multiple ways. What is wealth — knowing the knack of how you have to be useful to society and enrich it, so that they enrich you, that's all. That's all is money.
If you think money is too big, just by making it, you will become tired. That is the biggest poverty, please understand. Just by making it, if you become tired, you are working, functioning out of the concept of poverty. You will make but you will not be there to enjoy somebody else will be enjoying. That is why I am saying, make money without thinking it is too big. Make money, knowing, that it is the dust which flies while you walk.
I have to here put it on record, one of the statement I heard from My Guru,
நடக்கும்பொழுது பறக்கும் தூசியென நினைத்து செல்வோர்கே செல்வம்.
I'll translate, "While you walk that dust which flies, the feet dust which flies, equating that to your wealth and the person who walks, the wealth follows him."
Understand the Powerfulness, you demonstrate, the powerfulness you carry, in your thinking, in your feeling, in your words, in your action - the side-effect of it is wealth. The side-effect of it is wealth. The moment you think wealth is important, you will become tired, by achieving it. Becoming tired by achieving it means, you will feel cheated. Please understand, you feel cheated.
It is like you struggled so hard to marry the Miss Universe, you make wealth, you make this, you make that and feel the day you marry the Miss Universe is the day of your ultimate and you do all drama, get a new car and drive in front of her and all the stupidity described in movies. Materializing flower and giving, materializing diamond ring and giving, and you impress. Finally you propose. It is even accepted. You date, do everything. Finally, you got married and you landed in Miami for honeymoon. That night realize it is not even she it is he. That is exactly will happen to you if you think wealth is everything. Understand, then you may achieve it, but that night you will suddenly feel terribly cheated; because, it is useless.
Understand, always be clear your focus should be on the powerfulness and awakened state of your being and push through your life. As a side effect wealth will be overflowing; you'll be enjoying it. Uneducated are those who are educated only in schools. Poor are those who think money is only wealth. Poor are those who think money is the only wealth. If somebody thinks money is the only wealth how he is going to be cheated? He will discover it is not Miss Universe it is Mr. Universe. You won't realize on the day of the honeymoon only on the night of the honeymoon you will realize. Understand, நா அவளே இல்லபா, அவன்பா, I am not she, I am he. Understand, if you think, money is the only wealth and abundance you will terribly feel cheated.
Let your focus be on the powerfulness, completion, awakening of your bio-energy, the Kundalini Shakti, strength! Strength of Kala Kala! The Kala Kala, the lord who killed death, strength of the Kala Kala, lord who killed death, temporary and permanent in your system.
Abundance is from inside to outside, inside to outside. Let your focus be on inside and I guarantee you, you will manifest in outside also, much beyond your plans.  Understand, manifesting much beyond your plans is abundance. Feeling you can't manifest for your plans is poverty that's all. Manifesting beyond your plans is abundance. The source of abundance is your bio-energy - the Kundalini. Taste Kundalini Shakti at least once.
That is why I am inviting everyone of you to come and experience Nithya Dhana Yoga program or Inner Awakening. Taste it once. You will see how the awakened bio-energy makes abundance and wealth as a side-effect of your exist[ence]. Man who makes wealth as the side effect of his existence is rich. Man who makes wealth as the main purpose of his life will be cheated how…. you all know now 😊 — married the Miss Universe to discover it is Mr. Universe.
Understand, the abundance, is always experience, wealth is manifestation. As long as you have this clarity, what should be experienced and what should be expression you are on the right direction.
If you think wealth should be experienced, abundance will be expression, you will be in poverty Forever. I have seen billionaires I tell you. When you have this understanding, the state, this is experience, abundance is expression you can even enjoy that billions. Otherwise even with billions you will be having insecurity “How can I keep it together and manifest, just expand, expand, expand.” Even with that you'll feel insecured and few of your friends who are having more than your zeros will be your pain point who drive you to work more.
Understand, what drives you to work more, if it is pain point, it will always be pain. What drives you to work more should not be pain points should be bliss points. If the pain points drive you to work, what you will find in honeymoon, you know. Otherwise the pain point based efforts may bring wealth, but in the end you will feel cheated. You will feel cheated.
The only solution to have abundance in the life - go deeper into your muscle memory, remove this tiredness, life negative patterns. Go into your bio-memory, remove this life negative cognitions. That is why I tell you, first step in abundance is yoga and the long breath. Breathing deeply and yoga is the first to step in abundance. Because that is when even your muscle memory is ready for abundance. Go deeper into muscle memory, bio-memory and bio-energy. Even if you have billions, but you are all the time tired, bored you are not going to experience abundance.
So the first thing, get into your muscle memory. The incompletions you stored against abundance. Actually there are people, the moment their project is going to be successful, even they cannot tolerate; they will fall into tiredness and confusion and collapse it, destroy it. Get into your muscle memory and see do you have that pattern.
If you say, "Every time I start something when it is about to happen it collapses Swamiji, it breaks Swamiji, it's not happening Swamiji, I think I am unfortunate Swamiji. It is…." If you have that kind of sufferings, understand, you carry that pattern in your muscle memory. Pull it out and complete it. When you complete the patterns in your muscle memory you can also awaken them and program them, for the possibilities that can open up.
One of the wrong beliefs you are all made to believe is, ‘If you have wealth you can't have health, if you have health you can't have wealth, if you have energy you can't have money, if you have, by the time you have money you will not have energy’, is the worst delusion you are made to believe, which is not right. Just retain energy – wealth will happen simply around you.
Awaken your muscle memory by a proper meditation technique. In next few days we are going to have Nithya Dhana Yoga. That is one option you have, or Inner Awakening program. Through any one of this awaken your muscle memory systematically and complete the incompletions you have stored against abundance.
If you carry the idea, "Oh, if I become wealthy I may become arrogant. I have seen many wealthy people becoming arrogant, abusive." If you carry that idea, you will never allow the wealth to become part of you. Go deeper into your cognition, bio-memory - where the cognitions are stored - bio-memory, and remove the cognitions you have against abundance.
Boredom, if you complete that you can manifest multiple powers which will just attract…. please understand, you have, you carry certain magnetic power, magnetic energy field in your bio-memory which is responsible for attracting the type of people, situations around you in your life.
Sometime people come and tell Me, "I all the time attract the people who abuse me Swamiji". Means, you are enjoying it. You are very happy about the victim feeling. You think that is the best safe identity with which you can survive. No! You are not Sati, you are Parvati. Understand, ultimately, your bio-energy, Kundalini should be awakened by a proper method, and with that awakened Kundalini, clean up your bio-memory and muscle memory.
Actually once your bio-energy is awakened, God particle in you is awakened, doing completion will be so easy. Just by remembrance completion will happen. Just by the decision, I am completing, completion happen. Completion will not be a spiritual practice but it will be a spontaneous process. With awakened God particle, completion will become just a spontaneous decision. “I am done”, that's all you're done.
Third eye awakening can powerfully make you abundant. Really, I am telling you. Just sit with your third eye and look into your life, what all the way you can manifest wealth to fulfill your plans. And every meeting, align yourself to your third eye and start; you just know what the other person is thinking and you'll talk to make the meeting successful. Third eye is the biggest gift you can use in one thousand ways to manifest abundance in your life.
Essence, the last word I want to tell you about this abundance is — let your focus  be on awakening your bio-energy, God particle in you, powerfulness in you. From that source let the wealth manifest. I tell you it is law of life, it has to manifest. And, when it manifests from that source, you will not be cheated. You will not be cheated. You will be there to enjoy the wealth. You will be there to enjoy the wealth. Having wealth and enjoying it.
Essence of today's webinar — focus more and more on awakening your bio-energy, Kundalini Shakti, God particle in you, and complete your bio-memory and muscle memory.
So with this, I'll answer some of your questions.
Question: "Why are some people always struggling with money, others it seems effortless?"
HDH: Please understand, if you are struggling with money, you are enjoying the struggle. You are not interested in manifesting. Please understand, at least understand, you are enjoying the struggle, you will feel abundance with your struggles, "Oh I want struggles and I have enough, let me enjoy it." At least feel abundance, you want struggles, 2000 struggles around you and you have 2500 struggles, enjoy them. Please understand, there is no such thing as struggling with money. If you want to have struggles you will have struggles. If you want to have money you will have money. The people who have struggles, they want to have struggles so they are having it. People who want to have money, they want to have money, they're having it. So decide, you want to have struggles or you want to have money, you will have it. That clarity should come to your bio-memory and muscle memory, you will have what you want. Next.
Question: "If you are not having something or have something you don't want now, does it mean you actually wanted it? Why would we want something that isn't good for us, like poverty, poor health and unhappy relationships etc?"
HDH: Please understand, in each of this, you have your vested interest. Many time, you visualize in poverty you are free from all responsibility. You just want to be free from all responsibilities and commitment. Then you constantly visualize, entertain, cherish, the poor life. When it actually lands on you, you say, "No, no, no, this is not what I wanted!" Without knowing what is going to come, you cherish, visualize, entertain a thought current. After you attract that you think, "Oh God! I think I messed it."
Please understand, Universe is intelligent and compassion. It gives you only what you asked for, never anything else. And if you have manifested poor health, unhappy relationship, poverty, look in why you manifested. Why you manifested? And dig it out from your muscle-memory and bio-memory, the root-patterns — why you manifested poor health, poverty, unhappy relationships and complete it. You will understand you always manifested only what you wanted, knowingly or unknowingly. Next.
Question: "If I think of myself as a good person and spiritual seeker, but I feel challenged or struggle to make my financial and abundance goals come into reality, what does this mean about me and my connection with the source?"
HDH: You are not spiritual seeker. You are just sick and broke. Please understand... the question, I have to read out the question once more. "If I think myself as a good person and spiritual seeker, but I feel challenged or struggle to make my financial and abundance goals come into reality, what does this mean about me and my connection with the source?"
As I said you are not seeker, you are just sick and broke. Because you don't have wealth you are trying to console yourself saying your spiritual. You just want to satisfy, console yourself, say, "No I may not have that but I have this," You not having that does not mean you have this. Sometimes people who have this, may not have that, that does not mean you not having that, you have this. Be very clear, Mahadeva maybe be wearing Rudraksha, that does not mean he doesn't have all the diamonds and gems.
Please be informed properly, do not try to console yourself by saying, "I am may not have spirituality," sorry, "I may not have wealth but I have spirituality," Because here nobody can challenge you and everyone tries to console you. False consolations are what I call feeling stuck in life. False consolations, is what I call feeling stuck in your life. At least this fellow goes to, who goes to honeymoon will find that night itself, it is not she it is he. But the fellows who are sitting with the false consolations, after marriage will not even be going for honeymoon; for elongated period they will be thinking it is she. They may discover it, during the cremation or burial they spent their whole life with he not she.
Understand, if you think yourself as a good person and seeker and you are challenged or struggling to make your financial abundance, if you are not able to make that into reality — be very clear you are just living with false consolations, you are stuck. You just need a strong, awakening. You just need to remember you are sick and broke, not seeker. Next.
Question: "Can you please give deeper insight into Goddess Laxmi and how to connect with and experience Her?"
HDH: First thing understand, do not connect with Goddess Laxmi like a energy, energy. No. Connect with Her as a being, intelligent, living in Vaikuntha and attends to your call, the moment you remember Her and request Her or pray to Her. Be very clear, Gods and Goddesses are Beings, independent intelligence. Connect with Goddess Laxmi as a being who resides eternally in Vaikuntha, but who is constantly available for your prayers and requests, calls... just out of Her sheer compassion; and do not worry about your past failures. "I try to call and it may not happen, it did not happen, it happened half" and all that; forget about it. Now I am setting the right context and initiating all of you — “Devi, respond to people who call you.” And, I am initiating all of you, relate with Her as a living ever powerful, ever intelligent being. Ever compassionate, ever showering, Being. Relate with Her from this context, simply She will respond to you, simply She will shower you. And She herself will guide you, even to clean up the mess you created in muscle memory, and the mess you created in your bio-memory. She will love to support you, to clean you up and shower you with wealth. Because She is Independent Intelligence.
I tell you, relate, connect with Gods and Goddesses of Sanatana Hindu Dharma as Beings. They may have a philosophical meaning, an ideology for which they are standing, but they are not just the ideology alone. Please listen. I may be standing for a Dharma but I am not Dharma alone. I am a Independent Intelligence standing for that Dharma. Laxmi is an Independent Intelligence standing for wealth, the ideology of wealth. Don't reduce the Laxmi to just some energy and concept. Hinduism is not just cultural identity it is spiritual, religious, cultural and more, identity.
Question: "I keep hearing that giving back, doing Seva, donating for charitable, charitable causes, all these things if done from the right context can increase your own abundance. Please explain exactly how this works. For example, how can giving away one crore actually make someone wealthier? Can you explain what is right versus wrong context to have when giving back?"
HDH: Understand, giving one crore does not make somebody wealthier, somebody who feels wealthy gives one crore.
Understand, abundance is the confidence they have on themself and their existence to manifest as much as they want. So they go on sharing, breathing out so that they can breathe in. They know they can breathe in that is why they breathe out. If you are doubting, "will I be able to breathe in and hold the breath inside," you will be dead. They breathe out because they know they can breathe in. They share because they know they can generate. They share, because they know they can create. They share, because they know they can manifest. Understand, giving one crore does not make you wealthier, person who feels wealthier gives one crore. So, I first make wealthy people, then they give. Understand, I first make wealthy people, then they give. It is the... see, there are some truths existentially you feel. If you are 24 and you existentially feel you can build muscles, you can do it, you can do yoga. How it is not just a belief, it is simply reality. Same way, I make people experience they can manifest wealth. Simply it is their existential reality. So they naturally share. Understand, I make people feel they can breathe in, so they breathe out. If you know you can breathe out, if you know you can breathe in, life floats as an ecstasy, that's it.
Next question.
Question: "I want to make more money but I am always feeling pressed for time, how do I complete this conflict? I think I heard you say."
HDH: No you need to complete first with your boredom and tiredness. Feeling pressed for time means entertaining boredom and tiredness, not otherwise, not otherwise. Feeling pressed for time, is entertaining boredom.
So understand, complete with your boredom and tiredness, the feeling for ‘pressed for time’ will disappear. ‘Lack of time’ is one of the worst forms of poverty. What do you mean by ‘lack of time’ — having too many thoughts not executing even one. Having too many thoughts, not executing even one, means a great bunch of confusion. No really I have seen people for every solution they will find a problem. So, if you are feeling pressed for time, just complete with your tiredness and boredom. The problem will be solved. Next.
Question: "I feel that making money is hard or experience worry just thinking about it. Why do I feel this and how do I complete?"
HDH: Again you just need to complete with all the lies society taught you. With all the false ideas you decided to pick up from society. Next.
Question: "What is Inner Awakening and Nithyanandoham? And how does it help with abundance?"
HDH: First in the Inner Awakening, you are Awakened to exist. In Nithyanandoham, the experience of God particle, the bio-energy happens in you. Naturally health, wealth, abundance, everything becomes side effect of your existence; just side effect of your existence.
Come and taste it, then you will see how it not just helps, makes you abundant.
Question: "What is the right context to have about money and wealth that will lead to enlightenment?"
HDH: Understand, completely be established on the spiritual powerfulness, and bio-energy, awakening, Kundalini awakening. Live your life. Money will just be the side effect of you. That’s all is the context you need to carry towards enlightenment. Don't say yes to money, don't say no to money. Just don't respond to it, it will be there behind you, because it is a matter. Understand, don't say yes, don't say no, it will simply follow you because it is a matter. Next.
Question: "What does creating the space, in terms of abundance mean and how exactly do you do it?"
HDH: Understand, when your bio-energy is awakened, when the completion happened in your bio-memory and muscle memory, anything you visualize you attract people, space, situations to make that into reality. You know how to manifest it and the space, the intelligence to create the space itself is intelligent enough to fulfill it.
HDH: So with this, I want to give you a small process, all of you, pen down what is abundance for you — it may be having health, financial freedom, nice relationships, spiritual awakening, whatever, whatever. Having a beach house, or having huge temple in your backyard. Yes for some people having a temple in your backyard is the greatest abundance.
So, what is abundance as per your reality? Pen down detailed. I'll infuse energy into it and make your bio-energy to function towards it. I’ll align your bio-energy towards it. So, you go back with at least one initiation, one glimpse of bio-energy awakening. And I'll also invoke, request and invoke Devi Lakshmi into all your bio-memories and request Her to manifest Her bio-energy and manifest wealth, abundance, whatever you write as abundance, in your bio memory and muscle memory.
So please take few minutes, and pen down. Mahants in Bangalore Adheenam, please distribute papers. Please pick up your paper and pen and do not speak. It is time for you to look into you and describe what is abundance for you. Because I am going to request Devi Lakshmi, Mahalakshmi to manifest in your bio-energy and align your bio-memory and muscle memory to what you experience as abundance. For some people, even receiving Sannyas, maybe abundance, for some people... no, whatever is abundance for you describe it. For some people having a long Jata will be abundance. So for some people becoming Mahant maybe abundance. So you pen down whatever you want whatever you feel as abundance. But sitting and talking to somebody else is not going to lead you to abundance. So please you talk to yourself, and pen down.
[Process - Music].
Whatever you wrote read it once for yourself. Either keep that paper on your pocket, or sit on it. No, it is actually, when I awaken your bio-energy I'll guide your bio-energy, request Mahalakshmi Devi to manifest in your bio-memory the way you are requesting abundance, the way you feel abundance as your reality. Once you finish reading, please keep your request on your pocket and sit straight.
Close your eyes.
Please close your eyes.
Relax. Slowly you can open your eyes.
I bless you all, the awakened bio-energy in all of you with the grace of Lakshmi flow into your bio-memory and muscle memory, manifest your abundance as reality. Whatever you feel as abundance, let it become reality.
The essence of today's webinar, give importance, first priority to awaken the God particle, bio-energy, Kundalini in you, live powerful life; wealth will just follow you.
With this I bless you all, let you all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing living Advaita, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
Be blissful.
==Video - What is Wealth? ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t1IxJd_pTk&t=13s |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/what-is-wealth?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-playlist-2"/>
I don't want to waste your time; I don't want to waste your listening. I’ll give you the last word on abundance. Please understand. Wealth, money, abundance - even though all these words look like they are same or synonymous, it is not. Please understand, money is directly controlled, manipulated by few people who keep that concept alive.
When brilliantly, intelligently, few people play with your greed and sell you some concepts and make you work for those idea, that is money. Money is not abundance. I am not saying for abundance money is not required, but I am saying money itself is not abundance. Please understand, abundance is overflowing ecstasy, confidence in you that you can exist, your existence is joyful, blissful for you and the people around you.
Please understand, it may be looking very mystical. I’ll explain step by step; but today I wanted to give you the last word on abundance. No beating around the bush. Last word on abundance, listen. Even that word has nice meaning - abundance. Bund means bank, abund means without bank, dance, jumping without bank. 😊 Jumping without a bund - abundance. See, a overflowing excitement, intensity about your existence is wealth.
Understand, overflowing abundance about your existence, which expresses as your health, as the confidence to make whatever you want as a strength to manifest everything you need, and not attacked, disturbed, destroyed by the so-called “social impossibilities” put on you. Please listen, society puts impossibilities on your head so that you can lose the idea, you can lose the purpose, you can lose the goal of your existence. Please understand, man who remembers his purpose and goal can never be manipulated or controlled.
He will always be living in abundance! If you want to enslave somebody, first thing you have to make him forget his goal. Yesterday we were having ashramites meeting, I was telling: The man who remembers his goal is the wealthiest man in the world. 😊 He’s the most wealthiest man! Because continues remembrance will create a ability to manifest. Some of the basic truths about abundance need to be internalised.
Please understand, the real abundance is awakened feeling. That's the essence. Experiencing a awakened feeling. Physically, mentally, in the muscle-memory level, bio-memory level, and bio-energy level experiencing awakening is abundance. 
==Video - Does Charity Pay Off?==
In this short video, Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers a devotee's question about doing charity whether charity pays off. Swamiji answers very beautifully, that giving 1 crore does not make a person wealthier, but only people who feels wealthy gives 1 crore. Abundance is the confidence they have on themselves and their existence, to manifest as much as they want, so they go on sharing. It is like having the confidence that when you breathe out, that you will also be able to breathe in. With this confidence, life flows like an ecstasy.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU4SzGK5pnY&t=10s |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/pay-off?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-playlist-2"/>
I don't want to waste your time; I don't want to waste your listening. I’ll give you the last word on abundance. Please understand. Wealth, money, abundance - even though all these words look like they are same or synonymous, it is not. Please understand, money is directly controlled, manipulated by few people who keep that concept alive.
When brilliantly, intelligently, few people play with your greed and sell you some concepts and make you work for those idea, that is money. Money is not abundance. I am not saying for abundance money is not required, but I am saying money itself is not abundance. Please understand, abundance is overflowing ecstasy, confidence in you that you can exist, your existence is joyful, blissful for you and the people around you.
Please understand, it may be looking very mystical. I’ll explain step by step; but today I wanted to give you the last word on abundance. No beating around the bush. Last word on abundance, listen. Even that word has nice meaning - abundance. Bund means bank, abund means without bank, dance, jumping without bank. 😊 Jumping without a bund - abundance. See, a overflowing excitement, intensity about your existence is wealth.
Understand, overflowing abundance about your existence, which expresses as your health, as the confidence to make whatever you want as a strength to manifest everything you need, and not attacked, disturbed, destroyed by the so-called “social impossibilities” put on you. Please listen, society puts impossibilities on your head so that you can lose the idea, you can lose the purpose, you can lose the goal of your existence. Please understand, man who remembers his purpose and goal can never be manipulated or controlled.
He will always be living in abundance! If you want to enslave somebody, first thing you have to make him forget his goal. Yesterday we were having ashramites meeting, I was telling: The man who remembers his goal is the wealthiest man in the world. 😊 He’s the most wealthiest man! Because continues remembrance will create a ability to manifest. Some of the basic truths about abundance need to be internalised.
Please understand, the real abundance is awakened feeling. That's the essence. Experiencing a awakened feeling. Physically, mentally, in the muscle-memory level, bio-memory level, and bio-energy level experiencing awakening is abundance.
==Video - Being Content Is Just a Cover Up ==
What is the difference between being content and complete? Many people use the word of being content as a way to hide from life. They do not get fully involved with life, they are afraid of being active, and use being content as a cover up.
In this short video, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains that involvement with life is needed for wealth and abundance to happen in our lives. For us to become active and involved, we need to complete with the incompletion we carry about life, about others, about ourselves. Through completion, the trust that is awakened in us is the ultimate wealth.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda goes on to explain that if you think money is too big and just by making it you’ll be tired, that is the greatest poverty. Make money without thinking it is too big, make money like it is the dust which flies from your feet. Wealth will happen in our lives only as a side effect.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jumqliGCY0E&t=56s |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/just-being-a-man?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-playlist-2"/>
Being content is the most stupid word, people use to hide their hypocrisy. Being in completion is different, being content is different. This so-called content is used always to tell people, “You keep quiet, but I will make wealth.” 😊 That's a biggest social hypocrisy. People who teach: “Be content, you be content, but I will go on making wealth.” The word content is the most stupid, hypocritical statement. Being in completion is different, being content is different. This content can come to you due to various reasons - the fear of action, the side-effects and after-effects of being active, ‘if I become what will happen?’ No, people are afraid of being active. Come on. Look into you. Every one of you has that part of you, which is afraid of being active. “Oh, from morning till night ahaa.”
I tell you, if you want to learn being active and tune into being active, you should live next to a Shiva Temple, active Shiva Temple, which is run as per Agama, because whole day you will be engaged. In the young age, you should be born near a Shiva Temple and brought up; because morning till night you will be engaged, that will become part of your lifestyle. Anyhow, if you are, if you did not have that opportunity now, I give you the solution.
Content Is one of the most hypocritical concept, don't be content. I tell you, be in the space of completion, but not content. This content is like aa... “I am not able to, then what to do? Be content.” Content word is used nicely to hide your hypocrisy  and hide your tiredness and boredom. When you are in the space of completion, the abundance will be your very quality.
When you are content, it is not necessary, the feeling abundance will be your quality. I tell you, the man who feels abundance, he just knows the power of coincidence generated by your trust. I tell you, the other day one of My ashramite was explaining to Me how another ashramite is feeling that whatever she wants Swamiji will fulfil it and He is fulfilling. I told her: “This trust and due to this trust, the power of coincidence happening around her is the greatest wealth can happen to a human being.” Understand, the trust, completion you generate within you, trust and completion you awaken within you, is the ultimate wealth which manifests wealth in multiple ways.
What is wealth? Knowing the knack of how you have to be useful to society and enrich it, so that they enrich you, that’s all. That's all is money. If you think money is too big, just by making it you will become tired. That is the biggest poverty. Please understand, just by making it if you become tired, you are working, functioning out of the concept of poverty. You will make, but you will not be there to enjoy somebody else will be enjoying.
That is why I am saying make money without thinking it is too big. Make money knowing that it is the dust which flies while you walk. I have to here put it on record, one of the statement I heard from my Guru
நடக்கும்பொழுது பறக்கும் தூசியென நினைத்து செல்வோர்கே செல்வம்.
I'll translate, "While you walk that dust which flies, the feet dust which flies, equating that to your wealth and the person who walks, the wealth follows him."
Understand, the powerfulness you demonstrate, the powerfulness you carry in your thinking, in your feeling, in your words, in your action - the side effect of it is wealth. The side effect of it is wealth. The moment you think wealth is important you will become tired by achieving it. Becoming tired by achieving it means you will feel cheated. Please understand, you will feel cheated.
==Video - Third Eye and Abundance ==
In this short video, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains how abundance in our life is connected to our energy, our aura, our magnetic field. And to the awakening of Kundalini energy in us and the opening of the chakra's, especially third eye, the brow centre or ajna chakra. If you maintain your energy, if you build it in the right way, wealth will simply happen in your life.
So how do we maintain that energy? By completing any incompletions we have with wealth and abundance. If you remove cognitions against abundance, then you can manifest multiple spiritual powers. You will build a strong aura, a strong magnetic power. Ultimately, your bio energy should be awakened. When this happens, when the god particle in you is awakened, completion will just be a spontaneous process.
Third eye awakening can make you powerfully abundant. Let your focus be on awakening the god particle in you. From that context, wealth has to manifest, and you will not be cheated but you will be able to enjoy the wealth that happens in your life.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBG-ZfVA-14&t=2s |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/third-eye?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-playlist-2"/>
One of the wrong beliefs you are all made to believe is: if you have wealth you can’t have health. If you have health, you can’t have wealth. If you have energy, you can’t have money. If you have, by the time you have money, you will not have energy is the worst delusion you are made to believe, which is not right. Just retain energy, wealth will happen simply around you.
Complete the Incompletions you have stored against abundance. If you carry the idea “oh.. if I become wealthy, I may become arrogant. I have seen many wealthy people becoming arrogant, abusive.” If you carry that idea, you will never allow the wealth to become part of you. Go deeper into your cognition, bio-memory, where the cognitions are stored bio-memory and remove the cognitions you have against  abundance. Boredom - If you complete that, you can manifest multiple powers, which will just attract.
Please Understand, you have.. you carry certain magnetic power, magnetic energy field in your bio-memory, which is responsible for attracting the type of people, situations around you in your life. Sometimes people come and tell Me, “I all the time attract the people, who abuse me Swamiji.” Means you are enjoying it. You are very happy about the victim feeling. You think that is the best safe Identity with which you can survive.
Understand, Ultimately your bio-energy, Kundalini should be awakened by a proper method and with that awakened Kundalini clean up your bio-memory and muscle-memory. Actually once your bio-memo...energy is awakened, God particle in you is awakened. Doing completion will be so easy, just by remembrance completion will happen. Just by the decision I am completing, completion will happen. Completion will not be a spiritual practice, but it will be a spontaneous process... With awakened God particles completion will become just a spontaneous decision. I’m done, that's all. You are done.
Third eye awakening can powerfully make you abundant. Really I’m telling you.. Just sit with your Third Eye and look into your life. What all the way you can manifest wealth to fulfill your plans, and every meeting, align yourself to your Third Eye and start. You just know what the other person is thinking and you’ll talk to make the meeting successful. The Third Eye is the biggest gift you can use in 1000 ways to manifest abundance in your life.
Essence, the last word I want to tell you about this abundance is, let your focus be on awakening your bio-energy, God particle in you, powerfulness in you, from that source let the wealth manifest. I tell you, it is law of life, it has to manifest. And when it manifests from that source, you will not be cheated. You will not be cheated. You will be there to enjoy the wealth. You will be there to enjoy the wealth. Having wealth and enjoying it.
Essence of Today’s webinar, focus more and more on awakening your bio-energy, Kundalini shakti, God particles in you and complete your bio-memory and muscle-memory.
==Video - What Is Poverty?==
This short video is taken from the webinar: Abundance from the Source. In this video, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains about the nature of poverty. He shares how poverty is nothing but the decision to live without finding a solution to your problem. For getting out of poverty, being alive is enough. One very important way in which we increase this in our lives, is by being awake more number of hours.
Poverty is resistance to life, and poverty is worshipping death. One beautiful quote Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives in this video is: 'Anger is pastime madness, madness is fultime anger. Boredom is partime death, death is fultime boredom'. By knowing what is poverty and what attracts poverty in our lives, we learn how not to handle ourselves if we want to manifest wealth and abundance in our lives.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BVCqKQotek&t=14s |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/poverty?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-playlist-2"/>
Poverty is nothing but deciding to live without finding solution for your problem. Somebody came to meet Me, the person knows all his problems, almost 6, 7 hours we were discussing only his problems, he himself says, “I’m not interested in solution Swamiji.” I told, “Be aware of negative people, they will find a solution for ev.., they will find a problem for every solution.” See, if you go to a positive person, he will find solution for every problem. If you talk to negative people they will find a s.., problem for every solution. [...] And still after talking to negative people for hours, if you’re not drained, you are an incarnation.
Poverty means, knowing your problem does not want to solve it. Richness means, constantly being alive. Please understand, being alive is enough, you will not tolerate the existence of conflict and confusion and dilemma. All I’m requesting you, to get out of poverty is, just increase the number of your waking hours. Nothing else... Reduce the tiredness and boredom. The time you worship Nidra Devi, Nidra Devi puja, reduce that time, that’s all. Increase the number of waking hours, I tell you, because by your nature you cannot survive with dilemma and conflict, you will start finding solution. You will push yourself towards the solution. You won’t keep quiet. 
The meekness, weakness, in thinking through about your existential problems is poverty. Listen, meekness and weakness about thinking through in your existential problems is poverty... Poverty is nothing but resistance to life... Poverty is nothing but directly, indirectly, cherishing and enjoying death. That is why for abundance webinar, I have kept Kala Samhara moorthy here. By killing death only you will ex.. manifest abundance. 
Poverty is nothing but direct, indirect way of worshiping death. Winding yourself or hiding yourself into boredom, into tiredness, is poverty, that is worshipping death. Every moment you are tired and bored, hide yourself into your bed, you go through the part-time death.  Anger is part-time madness, madness is full time anger. Boredom is part-time death, death is full time boredom. Boredom is part-time death, death is full time boredom.
The idea you carry, resources are limited, and people have to fight for it, is stupidity. Stupidity. Understand, resources are limited, people have to fight for it is stupidity. Society teaches such concepts due to unconsciousness. Actually I don’t even want to complain on society because nobody called ‘society’ exists. It’s all your unconsciousness put together, is called ‘society.’ It’s a unconsciousness. Tiredness and boredom of all of you, is put together is society.
==Nithyananda Times==
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=== India Tourism Exhibition in Chennai ===
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{{#hsimg:1|356|Crowds gather to see the power of the Vedic Tradition - Initiated by H.H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the Gurukul kids can read and see with their Anja Chakra.|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-17th-nithyananda-diary_DSC02510_chennai-trade-fair-third-eye-demo-galleria.JPG}}
===<center>Abundance webinar</center>===
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===<center>webinar darshan</center>===
{{#hsimg:1|133,333333333333|H.H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda delivers brilliant, enlightened insights about abundance, wealth and poverty. |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-17th-nithyananda-diary__F0A6346_bengaluru-aadheenam-abundance-webinar-swamiji.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|355,555555555556|Nithyananda Galleria Stall at 42nd India Tourism Exhibition in Chennai, Tamil Nadu |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-17th-nithyananda-diary_DSC02512_chennai-trade-fair-third-eye-demo-galleria.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|355,555555555556|Crowds gather to see the power of the Vedic Tradition - Initiated by H.H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the Gurukul kids can read and see with their Anja Chakra.|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-17th-nithyananda-diary_DSC02510_chennai-trade-fair-third-eye-demo-galleria.JPG}}
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Abundance from the Source Webinar


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Seeking during this powerful webinar entitled Abundance from the Source. The SPH gave the final truths, last words on wealth and abundance, where He explained the basic concepts one needs to understand to be able to manifest abundance, and enjoy it. He beautifully shared that money, wealth, itself is not abundance and explained that abundance is overflowing ecstasy and experience of awakening. The definition of wealth was shared with all as the trust, the completion, one generates within oneself which manifests in multiple ways and the manifestation that happens beyond our plans.

The SPH expanded further by sharing that the source of abundance is our very bio-energy - the Kundalini and that the only solution to having abundance in life is to go deeper into our muscle memory and remove all life negative patterns, It was revealed that when one completes the patterns in the muscle memory, one then then awaken program them for greater and higher possibilities. He gave the essence of the webinar — To focus more and more on awakening your bio-energy, Kundalini Shakti, God particle in you, and complete your bio-memory and muscle memory.

Following this talk, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism engaged in a Q&A session where He answered several questions related to Goddess Lakshmi on the topic of spiritual seekers who have financial problems or difficulties, about charity and more

Video and Audio - Abundance from the Source

Video Audio



nithyānandeśvara samārambhām || nithyānandeśvari madhyamām || asmat āchārya paryantām || vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


This special webinar - ‘Abundance from the source’. Please understand actually I am in the mood of giving the last word on this subject; that is why quickly I am entering into the subject. I don't want to waste your time. I don't want to waste your listening. I'll give you the last word on abundance, please understand. Wealth, money, abundance even though all these words look like they are same or synonymous, it is not. Please understand, money is directly controlled manipulated by few people who keep that concept alive. When brilliantly, intelligently, few people play with your greed and sell you some concepts and make you work for those idea that is money.


Money is not abundance. I am not saying for abundance money is not required but I am saying money itself is not abundance. Please understand, abundance is overflowing ecstasy, confidence in you that you can exist, your existence is joyful, blissful for you and the people around you. Please understand it may be looking very mystical, I'll explain step by step. But today I wanted to give you the last word on abundance; no beating around the bush, last word on abundance. Listen, even that word has nice meaning, abundance; bund means bank, abund means without bank, dance, jumping without a bank, jumping without a bund – abundance.

See, a overflowing excitement, intensity, about your existence is wealth. Understand, overflowing abundance about your existence, which expresses as your health as the confidence to make whatever you want, as a strength to manifest everything you need and not attacked, disturbed, destroyed by the so-called social impossibilities put on you. Please listen, society puts impossibilities on your head so that you can lose the idea, you can lose the purpose, you can lose the goal of your existence.

Please understand, man who remembers his purpose and goal can never be manipulated or controlled. He will always be living in abundance. If you want to enslave somebody first thing you have to make him forget his goal.

Yesterday we were having Ashramite's meeting, I was telling — the man who remembers his goal is the wealthiest man in the world. He is the most wealthiest man. Because continuous remembrance will create a ability to manifest. Some of the basic truths about abundance need to be internalized. Please understand, the real abundance is, awakened feeling. That's the essence; experiencing, a awakened feeling. Physically, mentally, in the muscle memory level, bio memory level and bio-energy level, experiencing awakening is abundance.


The wealth, huge properties you accumulated in your dream - will you call that as abundance or waking state as abundance? Even if you experience so called poverty, waking state is the abundance. And, same way, the huge wealth you acquire in this waking state, and awakened state if you see, awakened state is abundance. Everything you accumulated in this waking state and in the dream state is one and the same. Please understand, ultimately the huge money you acquired in the dream state doesn't save you even from a small pain of a hairline crack. You may have medical care but the pain, is a pain, is a pain.


Please listen, with these examples I am not saying don't make money. I am saying don't believe the ideology of money. When you go to a mall you need to swipe your credit card, it needs to show balance. I am not saying don't make money; but the ideology you have been taught, why you should make money - that context is wrong.

You sell your health to get the wealth and then you go on spending your wealth to gain the health back. The idea, the concept, with which the wealth is generated, you have been asked to work, is wrong, doubt that.


How you feel… actually this was told to Me by My guru. If you feel every rupee added to you makes you more rich, you should feel much more richer by every long breath added to you. Every long breath, the energy it awakens in you, energy it radiates through you is equivalent to every rupee you accumulate. He told in the sense of that the Kundalini energy which is functioning in your system is more important than wealth. Let Me explain more detail. Please understand, poverty is nothing but deciding to live without finding solution for your problem.


Somebody came to meet Me. The person knows all his problems. Almost six seven hours we were discussing only his problems, he himself says, "I am not interested in solution Swamiji." I told, be aware of negative people they will find a solution for, they will find a problem for every solution. See, if you go to a positive person he will find solution for every problem. If you talk to negative people, they will find a problem for every solution. And still after talking to negative people for hours if you are not drained you are an incarnation.

Poverty means knowing your problem... does not want to solve it. Richness means, constantly being alive.

Please understand, being alive is enough, you will not tolerate the existence of conflict and confusion and dilemma. All I am requesting you to get out of poverty is just increase the number of you are waking hours, nothing else. Reduce the tiredness and boredom. The time you worship Nidra Devi [Nidra means sleep, Devi means Goddess], Nidra Devi puja [means worshiping Goddess of sleep, or worshiping sleep], reduce that time, that's all. Increase the number of waking hours, I tell you, because by your nature you cannot survive with dilemma and conflict, you will start finding solution. You will push yourself towards the solution. You won't keep quiet. The meekness, weakness in thinking through about you your existential problems is poverty. Listen, meekness and weakness about thinking through in your existential problems is poverty. Poverty is nothing but resistance to life. Poverty is nothing but directly, indirectly cherishing and enjoying death. That is why for Abundance Webinar I have kept Kala Samhara murti here — by killing death only you will manifest abundance.


Poverty is nothing but direct, indirect way of worshiping death. Winding yourself or hiding yourself into boredom into tiredness is poverty. That is worshiping death. Every moment you are tired and bored, hide yourself into your bed, you go through the part-time death. Anger is part-time madness, madness is full-time anger. Boredom is part-time death, death is full-time boredom. Boredom is part-time death, death is full-time boredom. The idea you carry — resources are limited, and people have to fight for it, is stupidity, stupidity.

Understand, resources are limited, people have to fight for it, is stupidity. Society teaches such concepts, due to unconsciousness. Actually I don't even want to complain on society because nobody called society exists. It's all your unconsciousness put together is called society. It is unconsciousness, tiredness and boredom of all of you, is put together is society.


I tell you, being content is the most stupid word people use to hide their hypocrisy. Being in completion is different, being content is different. This so-called content is used always to tell people you keep quiet but I'll make wealth. That's the biggest social hypocrisy. People who teach, ‘be content’ — "You be content, but I will go on making wealth." The word — content, is the most stupid, hypocritical statement. Being in completion is different, being content is different. This content can come to you due to various reasons - the fear of action, the side effects and after effects of being active, if I become what will happen. No people are afraid of being active, come on, look into you. Every one of you has that part of you which is afraid of being active — "Oh from morning to night."

I tell you, if you want to learn being active and tune into being active, you should live next to a Shiva temple, active Shiva temple, which is run as per Agama, because whole day you will be engaged. In the young age, you should be born near a Shiva temple and brought up. Because morning till night you will be engaged, that will become part of your life style. Anyhow, if you are, if you did not have that opportunity, now I'll give you the solution.


Content is one of the most hypocritical concept. Don't be content. I tell you. Be in the space of completion, but not content. This content is, like a, “I am not able to then what to do, be content.” Content word is used nicely, to hide your hypocrisy and hide your tiredness and boredom. When you are in the space of completion the abundance will be your very quality. When you are content, it is not necessary, the feeling abundance will be your quality. I tell you, the man feels abundance he just knows the power of coincidence generated by your trust.


I tell you, the other day, one of My ashramites was explaining to Me how another ashramite is feeling that whatever she wants Swamiji will fulfill it and He is fulfilling. I told her, this trust and due to this trust, the power of coincidence happening around her is the greatest wealth can happen to a human being. Understand, the trust, completion, you generate within you, trust and completion, you awaken within you, is the ultimate wealth, which manifests wealth in multiple ways. What is wealth — knowing the knack of how you have to be useful to society and enrich it, so that they enrich you, that's all. That's all is money.

If you think money is too big, just by making it, you will become tired. That is the biggest poverty, please understand. Just by making it, if you become tired, you are working, functioning out of the concept of poverty. You will make but you will not be there to enjoy somebody else will be enjoying. That is why I am saying, make money without thinking it is too big. Make money, knowing, that it is the dust which flies while you walk.

I have to here put it on record, one of the statement I heard from My Guru, நடக்கும்பொழுது பறக்கும் தூசியென நினைத்து செல்வோர்கே செல்வம். I'll translate, "While you walk that dust which flies, the feet dust which flies, equating that to your wealth and the person who walks, the wealth follows him."


Understand the Powerfulness, you demonstrate, the powerfulness you carry, in your thinking, in your feeling, in your words, in your action - the side-effect of it is wealth. The side-effect of it is wealth. The moment you think wealth is important, you will become tired, by achieving it. Becoming tired by achieving it means, you will feel cheated. Please understand, you feel cheated. It is like you struggled so hard to marry the Miss Universe, you make wealth, you make this, you make that and feel the day you marry the Miss Universe is the day of your ultimate and you do all drama, get a new car and drive in front of her and all the stupidity described in movies. Materializing flower and giving, materializing diamond ring and giving, and you impress. Finally you propose. It is even accepted. You date, do everything. Finally, you got married and you landed in Miami for honeymoon. That night realize it is not even she it is he. That is exactly will happen to you if you think wealth is everything. Understand, then you may achieve it, but that night you will suddenly feel terribly cheated; because, it is useless.


Understand, always be clear your focus should be on the powerfulness and awakened state of your being and push through your life. As a side effect wealth will be overflowing; you'll be enjoying it. Uneducated are those who are educated only in schools. Poor are those who think money is only wealth. Poor are those who think money is the only wealth. If somebody thinks money is the only wealth how he is going to be cheated? He will discover it is not Miss Universe it is Mr. Universe. You won't realize on the day of the honeymoon only on the night of the honeymoon you will realize. Understand, நா அவளே இல்லபா, அவன்பா, I am not she, I am he. Understand, if you think, money is the only wealth and abundance you will terribly feel cheated.


Let your focus be on the powerfulness, completion, awakening of your bio-energy, the Kundalini Shakti, strength! Strength of Kala Kala! The Kala Kala, the lord who killed death, strength of the Kala Kala, lord who killed death, temporary and permanent in your system.

Abundance is from inside to outside, inside to outside. Let your focus be on inside and I guarantee you, you will manifest in outside also, much beyond your plans. Understand, manifesting much beyond your plans is abundance. Feeling you can't manifest for your plans is poverty that's all. Manifesting beyond your plans is abundance. The source of abundance is your bio-energy - the Kundalini. Taste Kundalini Shakti at least once.

That is why I am inviting everyone of you to come and experience Nithya Dhana Yoga program or Inner Awakening. Taste it once. You will see how the awakened bio-energy makes abundance and wealth as a side-effect of your exist[ence]. Man who makes wealth as the side effect of his existence is rich. Man who makes wealth as the main purpose of his life will be cheated how…. you all know now 😊 — married the Miss Universe to discover it is Mr. Universe.


Understand, the abundance, is always experience, wealth is manifestation. As long as you have this clarity, what should be experienced and what should be expression you are on the right direction.

If you think wealth should be experienced, abundance will be expression, you will be in poverty Forever. I have seen billionaires I tell you. When you have this understanding, the state, this is experience, abundance is expression you can even enjoy that billions. Otherwise even with billions you will be having insecurity “How can I keep it together and manifest, just expand, expand, expand.” Even with that you'll feel insecured and few of your friends who are having more than your zeros will be your pain point who drive you to work more.

Understand, what drives you to work more, if it is pain point, it will always be pain. What drives you to work more should not be pain points should be bliss points. If the pain points drive you to work, what you will find in honeymoon, you know. Otherwise the pain point based efforts may bring wealth, but in the end you will feel cheated. You will feel cheated.


The only solution to have abundance in the life - go deeper into your muscle memory, remove this tiredness, life negative patterns. Go into your bio-memory, remove this life negative cognitions. That is why I tell you, first step in abundance is yoga and the long breath. Breathing deeply and yoga is the first to step in abundance. Because that is when even your muscle memory is ready for abundance. Go deeper into muscle memory, bio-memory and bio-energy. Even if you have billions, but you are all the time tired, bored you are not going to experience abundance.

So the first thing, get into your muscle memory. The incompletions you stored against abundance. Actually there are people, the moment their project is going to be successful, even they cannot tolerate; they will fall into tiredness and confusion and collapse it, destroy it. Get into your muscle memory and see do you have that pattern.

If you say, "Every time I start something when it is about to happen it collapses Swamiji, it breaks Swamiji, it's not happening Swamiji, I think I am unfortunate Swamiji. It is…." If you have that kind of sufferings, understand, you carry that pattern in your muscle memory. Pull it out and complete it. When you complete the patterns in your muscle memory you can also awaken them and program them, for the possibilities that can open up.


One of the wrong beliefs you are all made to believe is, ‘If you have wealth you can't have health, if you have health you can't have wealth, if you have energy you can't have money, if you have, by the time you have money you will not have energy’, is the worst delusion you are made to believe, which is not right. Just retain energy – wealth will happen simply around you. Awaken your muscle memory by a proper meditation technique. In next few days we are going to have Nithya Dhana Yoga. That is one option you have, or Inner Awakening program. Through any one of this awaken your muscle memory systematically and complete the incompletions you have stored against abundance.

If you carry the idea, "Oh, if I become wealthy I may become arrogant. I have seen many wealthy people becoming arrogant, abusive." If you carry that idea, you will never allow the wealth to become part of you. Go deeper into your cognition, bio-memory - where the cognitions are stored - bio-memory, and remove the cognitions you have against abundance.


Boredom, if you complete that you can manifest multiple powers which will just attract…. please understand, you have, you carry certain magnetic power, magnetic energy field in your bio-memory which is responsible for attracting the type of people, situations around you in your life.

Sometime people come and tell Me, "I all the time attract the people who abuse me Swamiji". Means, you are enjoying it. You are very happy about the victim feeling. You think that is the best safe identity with which you can survive. No! You are not Sati, you are Parvati. Understand, ultimately, your bio-energy, Kundalini should be awakened by a proper method, and with that awakened Kundalini, clean up your bio-memory and muscle memory.

Actually once your bio-energy is awakened, God particle in you is awakened, doing completion will be so easy. Just by remembrance completion will happen. Just by the decision, I am completing, completion happen. Completion will not be a spiritual practice but it will be a spontaneous process. With awakened God particle, completion will become just a spontaneous decision. “I am done”, that's all you're done.


Third eye awakening can powerfully make you abundant. Really, I am telling you. Just sit with your third eye and look into your life, what all the way you can manifest wealth to fulfill your plans. And every meeting, align yourself to your third eye and start; you just know what the other person is thinking and you'll talk to make the meeting successful. Third eye is the biggest gift you can use in one thousand ways to manifest abundance in your life.

Essence, the last word I want to tell you about this abundance is — let your focus be on awakening your bio-energy, God particle in you, powerfulness in you. From that source let the wealth manifest. I tell you it is law of life, it has to manifest. And, when it manifests from that source, you will not be cheated. You will not be cheated. You will be there to enjoy the wealth. You will be there to enjoy the wealth. Having wealth and enjoying it.


Essence of today's webinar — focus more and more on awakening your bio-energy, Kundalini Shakti, God particle in you, and complete your bio-memory and muscle memory.

So with this, I'll answer some of your questions.


Question: "Why are some people always struggling with money, others it seems effortless?"

HDH: Please understand, if you are struggling with money, you are enjoying the struggle. You are not interested in manifesting. Please understand, at least understand, you are enjoying the struggle, you will feel abundance with your struggles, "Oh I want struggles and I have enough, let me enjoy it." At least feel abundance, you want struggles, 2000 struggles around you and you have 2500 struggles, enjoy them. Please understand, there is no such thing as struggling with money. If you want to have struggles you will have struggles. If you want to have money you will have money. The people who have struggles, they want to have struggles so they are having it. People who want to have money, they want to have money, they're having it. So decide, you want to have struggles or you want to have money, you will have it. That clarity should come to your bio-memory and muscle memory, you will have what you want. Next.


Question: "If you are not having something or have something you don't want now, does it mean you actually wanted it? Why would we want something that isn't good for us, like poverty, poor health and unhappy relationships etc?"

HDH: Please understand, in each of this, you have your vested interest. Many time, you visualize in poverty you are free from all responsibility. You just want to be free from all responsibilities and commitment. Then you constantly visualize, entertain, cherish, the poor life. When it actually lands on you, you say, "No, no, no, this is not what I wanted!" Without knowing what is going to come, you cherish, visualize, entertain a thought current. After you attract that you think, "Oh God! I think I messed it." Please understand, Universe is intelligent and compassion. It gives you only what you asked for, never anything else. And if you have manifested poor health, unhappy relationship, poverty, look in why you manifested. Why you manifested? And dig it out from your muscle-memory and bio-memory, the root-patterns — why you manifested poor health, poverty, unhappy relationships and complete it. You will understand you always manifested only what you wanted, knowingly or unknowingly. Next.


Question: "If I think of myself as a good person and spiritual seeker, but I feel challenged or struggle to make my financial and abundance goals come into reality, what does this mean about me and my connection with the source?"

HDH: You are not spiritual seeker. You are just sick and broke. Please understand... the question, I have to read out the question once more. "If I think myself as a good person and spiritual seeker, but I feel challenged or struggle to make my financial and abundance goals come into reality, what does this mean about me and my connection with the source?"

As I said you are not seeker, you are just sick and broke. Because you don't have wealth you are trying to console yourself saying your spiritual. You just want to satisfy, console yourself, say, "No I may not have that but I have this," You not having that does not mean you have this. Sometimes people who have this, may not have that, that does not mean you not having that, you have this. Be very clear, Mahadeva maybe be wearing Rudraksha, that does not mean he doesn't have all the diamonds and gems.

Please be informed properly, do not try to console yourself by saying, "I am may not have spirituality," sorry, "I may not have wealth but I have spirituality," Because here nobody can challenge you and everyone tries to console you. False consolations are what I call feeling stuck in life. False consolations, is what I call feeling stuck in your life. At least this fellow goes to, who goes to honeymoon will find that night itself, it is not she it is he. But the fellows who are sitting with the false consolations, after marriage will not even be going for honeymoon; for elongated period they will be thinking it is she. They may discover it, during the cremation or burial they spent their whole life with he not she.

Understand, if you think yourself as a good person and seeker and you are challenged or struggling to make your financial abundance, if you are not able to make that into reality — be very clear you are just living with false consolations, you are stuck. You just need a strong, awakening. You just need to remember you are sick and broke, not seeker. Next.


Question: "Can you please give deeper insight into Goddess Laxmi and how to connect with and experience Her?"

HDH: First thing understand, do not connect with Goddess Laxmi like a energy, energy. No. Connect with Her as a being, intelligent, living in Vaikuntha and attends to your call, the moment you remember Her and request Her or pray to Her. Be very clear, Gods and Goddesses are Beings, independent intelligence. Connect with Goddess Laxmi as a being who resides eternally in Vaikuntha, but who is constantly available for your prayers and requests, calls... just out of Her sheer compassion; and do not worry about your past failures. "I try to call and it may not happen, it did not happen, it happened half" and all that; forget about it. Now I am setting the right context and initiating all of you — “Devi, respond to people who call you.” And, I am initiating all of you, relate with Her as a living ever powerful, ever intelligent being. Ever compassionate, ever showering, Being. Relate with Her from this context, simply She will respond to you, simply She will shower you. And She herself will guide you, even to clean up the mess you created in muscle memory, and the mess you created in your bio-memory. She will love to support you, to clean you up and shower you with wealth. Because She is Independent Intelligence.

I tell you, relate, connect with Gods and Goddesses of Sanatana Hindu Dharma as Beings. They may have a philosophical meaning, an ideology for which they are standing, but they are not just the ideology alone. Please listen. I may be standing for a Dharma but I am not Dharma alone. I am a Independent Intelligence standing for that Dharma. Laxmi is an Independent Intelligence standing for wealth, the ideology of wealth. Don't reduce the Laxmi to just some energy and concept. Hinduism is not just cultural identity it is spiritual, religious, cultural and more, identity.


Question: "I keep hearing that giving back, doing Seva, donating for charitable, charitable causes, all these things if done from the right context can increase your own abundance. Please explain exactly how this works. For example, how can giving away one crore actually make someone wealthier? Can you explain what is right versus wrong context to have when giving back?"

HDH: Understand, giving one crore does not make somebody wealthier, somebody who feels wealthy gives one crore. Understand, abundance is the confidence they have on themself and their existence to manifest as much as they want. So they go on sharing, breathing out so that they can breathe in. They know they can breathe in that is why they breathe out. If you are doubting, "will I be able to breathe in and hold the breath inside," you will be dead. They breathe out because they know they can breathe in. They share because they know they can generate. They share, because they know they can create. They share, because they know they can manifest. Understand, giving one crore does not make you wealthier, person who feels wealthier gives one crore. So, I first make wealthy people, then they give. Understand, I first make wealthy people, then they give. It is the... see, there are some truths existentially you feel. If you are 24 and you existentially feel you can build muscles, you can do it, you can do yoga. How it is not just a belief, it is simply reality. Same way, I make people experience they can manifest wealth. Simply it is their existential reality. So they naturally share. Understand, I make people feel they can breathe in, so they breathe out. If you know you can breathe out, if you know you can breathe in, life floats as an ecstasy, that's it.

Next question.


Question: "I want to make more money but I am always feeling pressed for time, how do I complete this conflict? I think I heard you say."

HDH: No you need to complete first with your boredom and tiredness. Feeling pressed for time means entertaining boredom and tiredness, not otherwise, not otherwise. Feeling pressed for time, is entertaining boredom. So understand, complete with your boredom and tiredness, the feeling for ‘pressed for time’ will disappear. ‘Lack of time’ is one of the worst forms of poverty. What do you mean by ‘lack of time’ — having too many thoughts not executing even one. Having too many thoughts, not executing even one, means a great bunch of confusion. No really I have seen people for every solution they will find a problem. So, if you are feeling pressed for time, just complete with your tiredness and boredom. The problem will be solved. Next.


Question: "I feel that making money is hard or experience worry just thinking about it. Why do I feel this and how do I complete?"

HDH: Again you just need to complete with all the lies society taught you. With all the false ideas you decided to pick up from society. Next.


Question: "What is Inner Awakening and Nithyanandoham? And how does it help with abundance?"

HDH: First in the Inner Awakening, you are Awakened to exist. In Nithyanandoham, the experience of God particle, the bio-energy happens in you. Naturally health, wealth, abundance, everything becomes side effect of your existence; just side effect of your existence.

Come and taste it, then you will see how it not just helps, makes you abundant.



Question: "What is the right context to have about money and wealth that will lead to enlightenment?"

HDH: Understand, completely be established on the spiritual powerfulness, and bio-energy, awakening, Kundalini awakening. Live your life. Money will just be the side effect of you. That’s all is the context you need to carry towards enlightenment. Don't say yes to money, don't say no to money. Just don't respond to it, it will be there behind you, because it is a matter. Understand, don't say yes, don't say no, it will simply follow you because it is a matter. Next.


Question: "What does creating the space, in terms of abundance mean and how exactly do you do it?"

HDH: Understand, when your bio-energy is awakened, when the completion happened in your bio-memory and muscle memory, anything you visualize you attract people, space, situations to make that into reality. You know how to manifest it and the space, the intelligence to create the space itself is intelligent enough to fulfill it.


HDH: So with this, I want to give you a small process, all of you, pen down what is abundance for you — it may be having health, financial freedom, nice relationships, spiritual awakening, whatever, whatever. Having a beach house, or having huge temple in your backyard. Yes for some people having a temple in your backyard is the greatest abundance.

So, what is abundance as per your reality? Pen down detailed. I'll infuse energy into it and make your bio-energy to function towards it. I’ll align your bio-energy towards it. So, you go back with at least one initiation, one glimpse of bio-energy awakening. And I'll also invoke, request and invoke Devi Lakshmi into all your bio-memories and request Her to manifest Her bio-energy and manifest wealth, abundance, whatever you write as abundance, in your bio memory and muscle memory.

So please take few minutes, and pen down. Mahants in Bangalore Adheenam, please distribute papers. Please pick up your paper and pen and do not speak. It is time for you to look into you and describe what is abundance for you. Because I am going to request Devi Lakshmi, Mahalakshmi to manifest in your bio-energy and align your bio-memory and muscle memory to what you experience as abundance. For some people, even receiving Sannyas, maybe abundance, for some people... no, whatever is abundance for you describe it. For some people having a long Jata will be abundance. So for some people becoming Mahant maybe abundance. So you pen down whatever you want whatever you feel as abundance. But sitting and talking to somebody else is not going to lead you to abundance. So please you talk to yourself, and pen down.

[Process - Music].


Whatever you wrote read it once for yourself. Either keep that paper on your pocket, or sit on it. No, it is actually, when I awaken your bio-energy I'll guide your bio-energy, request Mahalakshmi Devi to manifest in your bio-memory the way you are requesting abundance, the way you feel abundance as your reality. Once you finish reading, please keep your request on your pocket and sit straight.

Close your eyes. Please close your eyes.




Relax. Slowly you can open your eyes.

I bless you all, the awakened bio-energy in all of you with the grace of Lakshmi flow into your bio-memory and muscle memory, manifest your abundance as reality. Whatever you feel as abundance, let it become reality.

The essence of today's webinar, give importance, first priority to awaken the God particle, bio-energy, Kundalini in you, live powerful life; wealth will just follow you.

With this I bless you all, let you all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing living Advaita, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.

Be blissful.


Video - What is Wealth?

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I don't want to waste your time; I don't want to waste your listening. I’ll give you the last word on abundance. Please understand. Wealth, money, abundance - even though all these words look like they are same or synonymous, it is not. Please understand, money is directly controlled, manipulated by few people who keep that concept alive.


When brilliantly, intelligently, few people play with your greed and sell you some concepts and make you work for those idea, that is money. Money is not abundance. I am not saying for abundance money is not required, but I am saying money itself is not abundance. Please understand, abundance is overflowing ecstasy, confidence in you that you can exist, your existence is joyful, blissful for you and the people around you.


Please understand, it may be looking very mystical. I’ll explain step by step; but today I wanted to give you the last word on abundance. No beating around the bush. Last word on abundance, listen. Even that word has nice meaning - abundance. Bund means bank, abund means without bank, dance, jumping without bank. 😊 Jumping without a bund - abundance. See, a overflowing excitement, intensity about your existence is wealth.


Understand, overflowing abundance about your existence, which expresses as your health, as the confidence to make whatever you want as a strength to manifest everything you need, and not attacked, disturbed, destroyed by the so-called “social impossibilities” put on you. Please listen, society puts impossibilities on your head so that you can lose the idea, you can lose the purpose, you can lose the goal of your existence. Please understand, man who remembers his purpose and goal can never be manipulated or controlled.


He will always be living in abundance! If you want to enslave somebody, first thing you have to make him forget his goal. Yesterday we were having ashramites meeting, I was telling: The man who remembers his goal is the wealthiest man in the world. 😊 He’s the most wealthiest man! Because continues remembrance will create a ability to manifest. Some of the basic truths about abundance need to be internalised.


Please understand, the real abundance is awakened feeling. That's the essence. Experiencing a awakened feeling. Physically, mentally, in the muscle-memory level, bio-memory level, and bio-energy level experiencing awakening is abundance.


Video - Does Charity Pay Off?

In this short video, Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers a devotee's question about doing charity whether charity pays off. Swamiji answers very beautifully, that giving 1 crore does not make a person wealthier, but only people who feels wealthy gives 1 crore. Abundance is the confidence they have on themselves and their existence, to manifest as much as they want, so they go on sharing. It is like having the confidence that when you breathe out, that you will also be able to breathe in. With this confidence, life flows like an ecstasy.

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I don't want to waste your time; I don't want to waste your listening. I’ll give you the last word on abundance. Please understand. Wealth, money, abundance - even though all these words look like they are same or synonymous, it is not. Please understand, money is directly controlled, manipulated by few people who keep that concept alive.


When brilliantly, intelligently, few people play with your greed and sell you some concepts and make you work for those idea, that is money. Money is not abundance. I am not saying for abundance money is not required, but I am saying money itself is not abundance. Please understand, abundance is overflowing ecstasy, confidence in you that you can exist, your existence is joyful, blissful for you and the people around you.


Please understand, it may be looking very mystical. I’ll explain step by step; but today I wanted to give you the last word on abundance. No beating around the bush. Last word on abundance, listen. Even that word has nice meaning - abundance. Bund means bank, abund means without bank, dance, jumping without bank. 😊 Jumping without a bund - abundance. See, a overflowing excitement, intensity about your existence is wealth.


Understand, overflowing abundance about your existence, which expresses as your health, as the confidence to make whatever you want as a strength to manifest everything you need, and not attacked, disturbed, destroyed by the so-called “social impossibilities” put on you. Please listen, society puts impossibilities on your head so that you can lose the idea, you can lose the purpose, you can lose the goal of your existence. Please understand, man who remembers his purpose and goal can never be manipulated or controlled.


He will always be living in abundance! If you want to enslave somebody, first thing you have to make him forget his goal. Yesterday we were having ashramites meeting, I was telling: The man who remembers his goal is the wealthiest man in the world. 😊 He’s the most wealthiest man! Because continues remembrance will create a ability to manifest. Some of the basic truths about abundance need to be internalised.


Please understand, the real abundance is awakened feeling. That's the essence. Experiencing a awakened feeling. Physically, mentally, in the muscle-memory level, bio-memory level, and bio-energy level experiencing awakening is abundance.


Video - Being Content Is Just a Cover Up

What is the difference between being content and complete? Many people use the word of being content as a way to hide from life. They do not get fully involved with life, they are afraid of being active, and use being content as a cover up.

In this short video, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains that involvement with life is needed for wealth and abundance to happen in our lives. For us to become active and involved, we need to complete with the incompletion we carry about life, about others, about ourselves. Through completion, the trust that is awakened in us is the ultimate wealth.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda goes on to explain that if you think money is too big and just by making it you’ll be tired, that is the greatest poverty. Make money without thinking it is too big, make money like it is the dust which flies from your feet. Wealth will happen in our lives only as a side effect.

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Being content is the most stupid word, people use to hide their hypocrisy. Being in completion is different, being content is different. This so-called content is used always to tell people, “You keep quiet, but I will make wealth.” 😊 That's a biggest social hypocrisy. People who teach: “Be content, you be content, but I will go on making wealth.” The word content is the most stupid, hypocritical statement. Being in completion is different, being content is different. This content can come to you due to various reasons - the fear of action, the side-effects and after-effects of being active, ‘if I become what will happen?’ No, people are afraid of being active. Come on. Look into you. Every one of you has that part of you, which is afraid of being active. “Oh, from morning till night ahaa.”


I tell you, if you want to learn being active and tune into being active, you should live next to a Shiva Temple, active Shiva Temple, which is run as per Agama, because whole day you will be engaged. In the young age, you should be born near a Shiva Temple and brought up; because morning till night you will be engaged, that will become part of your lifestyle. Anyhow, if you are, if you did not have that opportunity now, I give you the solution. Content Is one of the most hypocritical concept, don't be content. I tell you, be in the space of completion, but not content. This content is like aa... “I am not able to, then what to do? Be content.” Content word is used nicely to hide your hypocrisy and hide your tiredness and boredom. When you are in the space of completion, the abundance will be your very quality.


When you are content, it is not necessary, the feeling abundance will be your quality. I tell you, the man who feels abundance, he just knows the power of coincidence generated by your trust. I tell you, the other day one of My ashramite was explaining to Me how another ashramite is feeling that whatever she wants Swamiji will fulfil it and He is fulfilling. I told her: “This trust and due to this trust, the power of coincidence happening around her is the greatest wealth can happen to a human being.” Understand, the trust, completion you generate within you, trust and completion you awaken within you, is the ultimate wealth which manifests wealth in multiple ways.


What is wealth? Knowing the knack of how you have to be useful to society and enrich it, so that they enrich you, that’s all. That's all is money. If you think money is too big, just by making it you will become tired. That is the biggest poverty. Please understand, just by making it if you become tired, you are working, functioning out of the concept of poverty. You will make, but you will not be there to enjoy somebody else will be enjoying.


That is why I am saying make money without thinking it is too big. Make money knowing that it is the dust which flies while you walk. I have to here put it on record, one of the statement I heard from my Guru நடக்கும்பொழுது பறக்கும் தூசியென நினைத்து செல்வோர்கே செல்வம். I'll translate, "While you walk that dust which flies, the feet dust which flies, equating that to your wealth and the person who walks, the wealth follows him."


Understand, the powerfulness you demonstrate, the powerfulness you carry in your thinking, in your feeling, in your words, in your action - the side effect of it is wealth. The side effect of it is wealth. The moment you think wealth is important you will become tired by achieving it. Becoming tired by achieving it means you will feel cheated. Please understand, you will feel cheated.


Video - Third Eye and Abundance

In this short video, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains how abundance in our life is connected to our energy, our aura, our magnetic field. And to the awakening of Kundalini energy in us and the opening of the chakra's, especially third eye, the brow centre or ajna chakra. If you maintain your energy, if you build it in the right way, wealth will simply happen in your life.

So how do we maintain that energy? By completing any incompletions we have with wealth and abundance. If you remove cognitions against abundance, then you can manifest multiple spiritual powers. You will build a strong aura, a strong magnetic power. Ultimately, your bio energy should be awakened. When this happens, when the god particle in you is awakened, completion will just be a spontaneous process.

Third eye awakening can make you powerfully abundant. Let your focus be on awakening the god particle in you. From that context, wealth has to manifest, and you will not be cheated but you will be able to enjoy the wealth that happens in your life.

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One of the wrong beliefs you are all made to believe is: if you have wealth you can’t have health. If you have health, you can’t have wealth. If you have energy, you can’t have money. If you have, by the time you have money, you will not have energy is the worst delusion you are made to believe, which is not right. Just retain energy, wealth will happen simply around you.


Complete the Incompletions you have stored against abundance. If you carry the idea “oh.. if I become wealthy, I may become arrogant. I have seen many wealthy people becoming arrogant, abusive.” If you carry that idea, you will never allow the wealth to become part of you. Go deeper into your cognition, bio-memory, where the cognitions are stored bio-memory and remove the cognitions you have against abundance. Boredom - If you complete that, you can manifest multiple powers, which will just attract.


Please Understand, you have.. you carry certain magnetic power, magnetic energy field in your bio-memory, which is responsible for attracting the type of people, situations around you in your life. Sometimes people come and tell Me, “I all the time attract the people, who abuse me Swamiji.” Means you are enjoying it. You are very happy about the victim feeling. You think that is the best safe Identity with which you can survive.


Understand, Ultimately your bio-energy, Kundalini should be awakened by a proper method and with that awakened Kundalini clean up your bio-memory and muscle-memory. Actually once your bio-memo...energy is awakened, God particle in you is awakened. Doing completion will be so easy, just by remembrance completion will happen. Just by the decision I am completing, completion will happen. Completion will not be a spiritual practice, but it will be a spontaneous process... With awakened God particles completion will become just a spontaneous decision. I’m done, that's all. You are done.


Third eye awakening can powerfully make you abundant. Really I’m telling you.. Just sit with your Third Eye and look into your life. What all the way you can manifest wealth to fulfill your plans, and every meeting, align yourself to your Third Eye and start. You just know what the other person is thinking and you’ll talk to make the meeting successful. The Third Eye is the biggest gift you can use in 1000 ways to manifest abundance in your life.


Essence, the last word I want to tell you about this abundance is, let your focus be on awakening your bio-energy, God particle in you, powerfulness in you, from that source let the wealth manifest. I tell you, it is law of life, it has to manifest. And when it manifests from that source, you will not be cheated. You will not be cheated. You will be there to enjoy the wealth. You will be there to enjoy the wealth. Having wealth and enjoying it.


Essence of Today’s webinar, focus more and more on awakening your bio-energy, Kundalini shakti, God particles in you and complete your bio-memory and muscle-memory.


Video - What Is Poverty?

This short video is taken from the webinar: Abundance from the Source. In this video, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains about the nature of poverty. He shares how poverty is nothing but the decision to live without finding a solution to your problem. For getting out of poverty, being alive is enough. One very important way in which we increase this in our lives, is by being awake more number of hours.

Poverty is resistance to life, and poverty is worshipping death. One beautiful quote Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives in this video is: 'Anger is pastime madness, madness is fultime anger. Boredom is partime death, death is fultime boredom'. By knowing what is poverty and what attracts poverty in our lives, we learn how not to handle ourselves if we want to manifest wealth and abundance in our lives.

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Poverty is nothing but deciding to live without finding solution for your problem. Somebody came to meet Me, the person knows all his problems, almost 6, 7 hours we were discussing only his problems, he himself says, “I’m not interested in solution Swamiji.” I told, “Be aware of negative people, they will find a solution for ev.., they will find a problem for every solution.” See, if you go to a positive person, he will find solution for every problem. If you talk to negative people they will find a s.., problem for every solution. [...] And still after talking to negative people for hours, if you’re not drained, you are an incarnation.


Poverty means, knowing your problem does not want to solve it. Richness means, constantly being alive. Please understand, being alive is enough, you will not tolerate the existence of conflict and confusion and dilemma. All I’m requesting you, to get out of poverty is, just increase the number of your waking hours. Nothing else... Reduce the tiredness and boredom. The time you worship Nidra Devi, Nidra Devi puja, reduce that time, that’s all. Increase the number of waking hours, I tell you, because by your nature you cannot survive with dilemma and conflict, you will start finding solution. You will push yourself towards the solution. You won’t keep quiet.


The meekness, weakness, in thinking through about your existential problems is poverty. Listen, meekness and weakness about thinking through in your existential problems is poverty... Poverty is nothing but resistance to life... Poverty is nothing but directly, indirectly, cherishing and enjoying death. That is why for abundance webinar, I have kept Kala Samhara moorthy here. By killing death only you will ex.. manifest abundance.


Poverty is nothing but direct, indirect way of worshiping death. Winding yourself or hiding yourself into boredom, into tiredness, is poverty, that is worshipping death. Every moment you are tired and bored, hide yourself into your bed, you go through the part-time death. Anger is part-time madness, madness is full time anger. Boredom is part-time death, death is full time boredom. Boredom is part-time death, death is full time boredom.


The idea you carry, resources are limited, and people have to fight for it, is stupidity. Stupidity. Understand, resources are limited, people have to fight for it is stupidity. Society teaches such concepts due to unconsciousness. Actually I don’t even want to complain on society because nobody called ‘society’ exists. It’s all your unconsciousness put together, is called ‘society.’ It’s a unconsciousness. Tiredness and boredom of all of you, is put together is society.


Nithyananda Times


India Tourism Exhibition in Chennai

Nithyananda Galleria Stall at 42nd India Tourism Exhibition in Chennai, Tamil Nadu http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-17th-nithyananda-diary_DSC02511_chennai-trade-fair-third-eye-demo-galleria.JPG Crowds gather to see the power of the Vedic Tradition - Initiated by H.H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the Gurukul kids can read and see with their Anja Chakra. http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-17th-nithyananda-diary_DSC02509_chennai-trade-fair-third-eye-demo-galleria.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-17th-nithyananda-diary_DSC02508_chennai-trade-fair-third-eye-demo-galleria.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-17th-nithyananda-diary_DSC02506_chennai-trade-fair-third-eye-demo-galleria.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-17th-nithyananda-diary_DSC02505_chennai-trade-fair-third-eye-demo-galleria.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-17th-nithyananda-diary_DSC02504_chennai-trade-fair-third-eye-demo-galleria.JPG

Abundance webinar

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Photos Of The Day:

