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2011 Nithyananda Birthday Message - Sharing Enlightenment
2011 Nithyananda Birthday Message - Sharing Enlightenment
1st January 2011: Living enlightened master and avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda delivers his message for 2011 as a part of the Jayanthi celebrations - Sharing Enlightenment. He describes how sharing enlightenment will take enlightenment to the next level, as compared to living and radiating enlightenment. When one lives or radiates enlightenment, he is not bothered if the other person also has actually experienced it. But with sharing enlightenment this is possible.
==Video and Audio - 2011 Nithyananda Birthday Message - Sharing Enlightenment==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7aQ8ebQgXs&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-01jan-01_nithyananda-birthday-message-sharing-enlightenment"/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects… My message for this year 2011 is ‘Sharing Enlightenment’... In 2009, Living Enlightenment; I initiated, started initiating people to live Enlightenment; jeevan mukti. In 2010, we taught people how to radiate Enlightenment. We literally taught how to radiate Enlightenment during all possible struggles and abuses. I am so happy all of you... if you have been here last year this same day and you are here this year same day, be very clear you radiated Enlightenment... Because last year I really got into very practical, not just teaching through words, words, words and telling them face all insecurity, face all negativity, stand through the negativity. I saw people listen, don’t live. Then this year we know only who had the guts to live through the negativity and clear the negativity, only who are able to radiate Enlightenment are here back. Now you guys are really ready. Let’s move to the next step sharing Enlightenment. Let’s start sharing Enlightenment. This whole year let us dedicate it to sharing Enlightenment.
==Link to Video: ==
Let Me define sharing Enlightenment. Please understand Enlightenment is a constant happening, happening in all of us. For an example, one day you overeat and feel dull and decide not to overeat from next meal. It is an Enlightenment, and you feel the cloth is hurting you, you loosen it adjust it or decide to wear better clothings next time which will not hurt you. It is Enlightenment. Chappal is hurting, you decide ‘Oh I should not be wearing this and change it’. It is Enlightenment. And you feel some particular thoughts constantly harasses you, haunts you, depresses you and you decide let me not have it again or let me know how to handle it again if it comes back; let me unclutch or let me disclutch or let me destroy. This is Enlightenment. When there is useless people are around you in the name of devotees and disciples, just get rid of them. That is Enlightenment.
I tell you constantly Enlightenment is happening in all of you. Every moment the updating happening in your body, mind, emotion, consciousness is Enlightenment. If you decide oh I am having back pain and knee pain today, tomorrow I will do yoga and see that my body becomes strong. It is Enlightenment. So any furtherance towards the super consciousness is Enlightenment. Even keeping your body comfortable is Enlightenment. Understand, whenever you add luxury to your body you are destroying it you are not keeping it comfortable. If your clothes are hurting and you are deciding to wear better clothes which does not hurt is Enlightenment, means keeping it comfortable. But when you add luxury you add something’s which will not keep your body and mind comfortable or happy forever. That is luxury. That is not Enlightenment. Understand, anything which furthers your body, mind, emotion, consciousness towards the super consciousness, the ultimate is Enlightenment.
So this year decide, every experience which enlightens you, decide you will share it at least with one person; at least with one person. Every idea which clicks your inner world, in your inner world, which awakens your being, which raises your awareness, raises your consciousness, decide, you will have somebody at least one person you will share it. Every step be intense, sincere, honest, integrated, share Enlightenment. You will see completely new door opening in your life. Sharing Enlightenment is million times greater than living and radiating. I tell you this year we are going to have such a strong positive explosion, it is going to be million times more than living Enlightenment year and radiating Enlightenment year. I am telling you, really sharing Enlightenment is going to do a great wonder for all of us and Dhyanapeetam and to the whole world; ultimately whole universe.
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Share Enlightenment in every possible way. Sharing just Masters spiritual book or one truth about the Master or one truth you learnt from the Master, one enlightening experience you had from the Master or healing; any whatever possible way. I opened millions of ways for you guys. Just share any one concept. Just pick it up; one truth from one morning message, share it with somebody; just one person at least a day. Understand just for sharing you will naturally live and radiate. Living is in the inner world, radiating is inner world and muscle memory, sharing is inner world, muscle memory and to the whole world. Understand, let’s take living Enlightenment and radiating Enlightenment one step further; sharing Enlightenment.
Be intense, sincere, whatever possible way pick up the spirit intensity and integrity from your super consciousness. With that strength, share Enlightenment continuously. Create as many centers as possible, as many temples as possible, as many paduka mandirs as possible; paduka mandir means having the padukas in the house, as many ghar mandirs as possible means home temples; ultimately as many heart temples as possible... Build millions of heart temples and lakhs of ghar mandirs- home temples, thousands of vedic temples, common temples; at least few hundred fully Enlightened Beings who can share Enlightenment with the world. We will create all this, this year 2011 because it is going to be a stepping stone year for us; preparation for the 2012 to push the whole world into super consciousness.
Share Enlightenment in all possible ways. You don’t need to now bother at all. Now whole world knows My name. Whole world knows My name. All you need to do is just remove their misunderstanding and add the right understanding; that’s all. I have made your job very easy... So understand share Enlightenment with tremendous compassion, tremendous love, tremendous integrity; I am telling you honestly, when you start sharing Enlightenment, somehow, really whatever the knots and the samskaras and granthis with which you are suffering, all that will be broken immediately because that only will be first hit. If you have the inhibition go and start talking to people about Me, you will be beaten left and right and inhibition will disappear; may not be physically but verbally. But by the time you stand that verbal abuse and convince them, your inhibitions will be broken; you are a new man, you will be sharing Enlightenment.
Master does training in two way; internal and external. Till 2009 I was doing only internal training. In 11, I started this new amazing training; external also. See earlier you wear mala for your spiritual reasons, over. Now you wear mala and everybody will question. By answering, answering you become clear; you are trained now to share Enlightenment. Stand strong and let us share Enlightenment. It is time we share Enlightenment. Take this as My message very intensely, sincerely. This is My message to all the devotees, disciples, samajis, followers, seekers, brahmacharis, brahmacharinis, vanaprasthis, sanyasis, sanyasinis and everybody who is directly indirectly connected to Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. This year let us dedicate just for sharing Enlightenment. Let us share our understanding, experience, everything, whatever auspicious thing we have, let us share with the world. Let us share with the world. Create beautiful world by sharing Enlightenment.
It is time we decide to share Enlightenment very sincerely and take it up as a spiritual practice; not just social service, as a spiritual practice. I invite as many of you as possible to dedicate this year as many ways as possible. If some of you have strength and intensity, I even request you to take off this one year from all other work and dedicate it. Let us all stand together. It is time to save planet earth... in whatever possible way. Let us stand together and share Enlightenment with the world. If you can’t take off the whole year at least part time. If you can’t take off even for part time full days at least evenings, whatever way you can, take time off and whatever possible way share Enlightenment with the world. Nothing, if you just sit everyday, send some 5000 emails of My morning message or our YouTube channel even that is like a squirrel service in the Rama Setu. In whatever way you can spread, spread, spread and share Enlightenment because we need to prepare the world, planet earth for 2012.
Understand now itself I am giving you the message for 2012 also. 2012 message is spreading Enlightenment. Share so that it prepares your body, mind and everything to spread. So now learn sharing. Let it be a preparation for 2012 spreading. When we are in the 2012 we need to spread much more faster than any tsunami, any forest fire, any natural calamity. Only then we can stop the natural calamities. We need to spread positivity much faster than any natural calamity, only then natural and manmade calamity, only then we can save the planet earth from natural and manmade calamities in 2012. Let us prepare all of us and the world by dedicating this whole year for spreading Enlightenment; for spreading Enlightenment.
I am really, really, really happy that all of you, all of us withstood one of the largest religious persecution of this modern day, modern times... I am proud of you all for withstanding this whole thing, with so much of patience and non violence and standing up with Me, standing up together for sharing Enlightenment. Neither you all have been violent nor you all have left. People who have been violent did not listen to My teachings, people who have left did not even listen to Me; not only My teaching they did not listen to Me at all in any way and people who neither behaved violently nor left, who stood strongly, you are all the gems, diamonds I was searching for. You are all for the people for whom I was, I am, I will be in the body freely doing My mission... I welcome all of you with My heart and being. Let us all share Enlightenment with the world. Let us all share Enlightenment with the world. Do it with a deep compassion.
I tell you, I wanted to tell all of you, today morning I saw during the procession, one so called ex devotee; means during the scandal because of the emotional imbalance could not stand by us or sangha, left, but could not forget, leave Me, could not….. Today morning I saw one so called ex devotee in the procession. See the…. with burqa, full burqa; not inside our campus, that’s the funny part. The procession, I just saw, looked and first I couldn’t understand. I thought somebody from the local village from Ramnagar some muslims have come, so they are standing there for My blessings. I was in the palki so I can see lot more than what you guys can see,. Beyond the compound also I can see. I saw and the moment I saw the height and the shape I know who is the person. And then only the eyes were open the tears were rolling in the eyes. I just did this. I don’t know whether air or the person wanted, burqa opened and I just gave a smile and I could see, I could see very clearly the tears and she just fell in the same spot and took the dust and stood up. And see that emotional turmoil during the scandal could not stand with the sangha, left, but could not leave Me. So I could see the hands folded and said the words. Of course I was not able to hear the words because of too much of sound and music, and just only the idea I could catch, that feeling; I can’t forget or be without seeing. Then I smiled. By that time palki left, the person has left, because the person cannot see all our devotee sangha.
I know I am showing you one example of that person. But like this there are so many, so many who feel that they missed but could not come back because of ego. I tell you all, I tell the whole sangha, please understand, have open arms and heart and welcome everybody. Whoever comes, do not have any hatred anything. If they have just missed one step, no, don’t worry. Whoever comes welcome them share Enlightenment with them. Have tremendous love and compassion for people; after all human beings, after all human beings. See finally the person could not come inside our campus, just saw from the distance and left. The person is not here now. The person just after the darshan just left. I don’t know how long she was standing there just for that one glimpse. So unfortunate! Not needed!
I am sending this message to everybody. Whoever wants to come back, I am here with open heart, open arms and open being. I welcome you all and I am and My sangha is ready to share Enlightenment with all of you, with all of you. Please understand I am telling all our devotees and disciples, let's radiate more compassion, more sympathy, more healing energy, and more supporting energy, and heal the whole world. It is time to heal the whole world and share Enlightenment with the world; not only healing let us share Enlightenment also. So understand it is time we stand together, we give strength to each other. It is time we share our strength with the world, share our Enlightenment with the world. Give our deep compassion, love, and support to everybody, everybody.
Understand, who has hurt, let us not bother about that but healing is our job, our life, our responsibility. Let us heal and support everybody even if they have cherished enmity towards us at some part of their life. Now I am updating, even if they cherish enmity towards us even now, let us share our compassion, healing and Enlightenment with all of them, even those who cherish enmity towards us even now; because compassion, love, Enlightenment is more powerful. It will destroy enmity. Light is more powerful than the darkness. Super consciousness is more powerful than unconsciousness. Love, light, non violence, compassion, Enlightenment are all more powerful than any negativity. Let us share Enlightenment destroy enmity, not enemies. If you just destroy enemies, you will have more and more. Some where some more people will be happening. Let us destroy enmity itself so that…… Don’t destroy enemies, destroy enmity so that we radiate Enlightenment, share Enlightenment with the whole world forever. Let us share Enlightenment and destroy enmity  not enemies. When you destroy enmity naturally the enemy, the enmity in enemy disappears. Understand then naturally he becomes friend and devotee.
So this whole year let us dedicate for sharing Enlightenment. It is time we receive with open arms and heart even those who showed enmity towards us. Let’s share Enlightenment. See I felt all she was feeling, the morning that person who came with burqa and who left, I was feeling she is I could see very clearly she was feeling all alone. But I send a message, surely I know for sure she is watching this satsang now or she will be watching it the moment it is uploaded. I am sending you the message, direct invitation. I am here with open arms and heart to receive you and share Enlightenment with you. Nobody needs to feel lonely. Nobody needs to be alone. So I invite and welcome, ready to share Enlightenment even with the people who showed enmity. So please understand it is time we open our heart, we open our whole being to support the whole world and the whole universe... Share Enlightenment intensely in all possible ways with the world.
Please understand, this campus is world living around Me. When you carry this Enlightenment and start sharing in your own way, creating a center in your house or temples in your places; Me living around the world. World living around Me is one and Me living around the world is another one. Let the world live around Me, I will also be living around the world with you all. Share compassion intensely, share love intensely, share your heart intensely, share Enlightenment intensely in all possible ways.
I thank all those who stood by us last whole year with so many different kinds of struggles. I remember, recall, thank all of them who stood by us, and millions of ways the sacrifices everybody did; all our devotees, disciples in thousands of ways; Whether it is a mental abusal, verbal abusal or the suffering in physical way, mental way, economical way, social way, millions of you have suffered in millions of ways by the societies negativity and the unconscious harassment and abusal... I thank all of you for going through everything and standing with a deep devotion and sacrifice with Me, by Me, for Me, and the sangha. I honor all your love, respect, devotion, commitment for Me and I give you all My commitment. I am standing with you all forever in all possible ways... Every one of you went through so much, but stood strongly with Me against all the negativities... I welcome you all.
I am just picking up, selecting words to describe all the sacrifices all of you did; whether My swamis or brahmacharis or vanaprasthis or devotees or disciples or ashramites or whoever. I am just picking up words to describe. All right… sacrifice is the only word. I don’t know any better word. Sacrifice is the only word the tyaga, tyaga, tyaga is the only word. As Upanishad says Tyagenaike amrutatvamanasu. It is because of the tyaga, only through the tyaga the Eternal Bliss, the eternal state is achieved. The tyaga is so great all of yours, the surprising thing of that, the strength of the tyaga is they don’t even want to be named as tyagis. I wanted to name so many people especially Ranjita who is here with us now. But they don’t even want to be named. But some places I need to name. Of course all My sanyasis, all My sanyasinis, all the devotees, the sacrifice is so much they don’t even want to be named. They just want to be in one corner. But anyhow, some places I need to name so that each one of you understand the sacrifice and the dedication with which all of you stood with Me.
Understand when you know somebody else’s sacrifice then the sacrifice the tyaga is awakened in you. Just for that purpose sometimes I tell the names; nothing else. Understand I tell the name of the people who don’t want to be named. I never tell the name of the people who want to be named. If they want to be named then it is not sacrifice, it is a business. Who doesn’t want to be named, withstood, sacrificed, I name them; because our devotees, everyone need to understand each other’s sacrifice. When you know what others went through, you will realize oh! What I went through is too less, leave it it’s ok.
So anyhow now it is time I welcome all of you, and I promise and commit I will stand by all of you. Understand for each one, Me and My sangha will stand. Same way for each one Me and others will stand. See for example for ‘A’ Me and all others will stand. For ‘B’ Me and all others including ‘A’ will stand and for ‘C’ Me and all others including ‘B’ and ‘A’ will stand. This is the way the sangha stands. So for every one of you I give you the assurance Me and My sangha will stand with you. Understand Me and My sangha will stand with you for the amazing sacrifice.
I could see actually so many people the day before yesterday; sorry 29th... two devotees came with a traditional sacrifice ritual of piercing their mouth through a big trishul. It’s called alaga in Tamil; sacrifice. They said to protect Swamiji, to destroy all the negativity which is working against Swamiji, to create positivity, we are sacrificing. We decide to bear pain. Patanjali says any decision to bear pain is tapas. Any decision to bear pain is tapas; whether it is physical or mental or emotional, decision to bear pain is tapas. Ordinary villagers, ordinary villagers; and they are from Taramangalam. Ordinary two devotees deciding to bear pain; like these thousands….. of course even physical pain is ordinary the mental pain I know how many of our disciples, devotees abused left and right verbally. You all stood by Me. You all stood by Me and the sangha. I bless you all and I commit with you all that Me and My sangha will stand by all of you and support you.
Ma yesterday I saw you telling in the interview you are a single woman fighting. No. Me and My sangha is with you. Understand it is not only for her, I am telling all the devotees who stood by Me. Understand there are some moments where nobody else can stand with you. I will stand by you at those moments. Whoever stood with Me, I give you the promise I will stand by you all the time. There are moments where nobody else can stand; neither the family nor the money. Understand the zones where all these things cannot stand, I will be with you. I will stand with you. Where only I can be there, I will be there with you. Understand these are not empty words. I promise these words are solid, integrated, honest, truth.
Of course I can’t name. I think if I have to name, I have to name every name. I can see every name because how much you all would have gone through socially. Especially there are so many respected people. Socially how much you would have gone through, how much of abusal people would have done to you. Ehhh you went to that Swami? See what is going on. I am so happy you stood with all that. Now go and tell……… you missed that Swami now what is going on….see. The latest proverb in Tamil is uttu pona ... gettu ponanda. Now go and tell all of them. You left that swami now see what is happening. He is literally blowing away people and giving Enlightenment.
So... ok... hmm, it’s time we stand strongly with the strength and tremendous patience and healing energy. Let’s not be arrogant. Let’s not be in the mood of taking revenge. Ohh.. you were talking against Swamiji no, see.... leave it poor fellows. You see, it was a social euphoria. So many were not able to stand, everybody was blown away in that euphoria. It’s ok. Let’s accept all of them. They are human beings, they are human beings. Hmm. And it is time we welcome and receive everybody and share Enlightenment. Not only welcome and receive and share, go and inspire and share. It is time if Mohammed can’t come to the mountain, mountain should go to the Mohammed. There is a proverb. It's time if they can’t come here, we should go there. So go round and share Enlightenment in all possible ways. That is My message. This is My message for eN year, eN Year 2011.
I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
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==== Jayanthi ====
===Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 114 (Jayanthi 2011 Celebrations at Tiruvannamalai)===
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[[Category: 2011]] [[Category: Devalaya]]  [[Sub Category: Nithyananda Birthday Message]]
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Latest revision as of 08:57, 16 February 2022


2011 Nithyananda Birthday Message - Sharing Enlightenment


Video and Audio - 2011 Nithyananda Birthday Message - Sharing Enlightenment

Video Audio


(0:28) Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

(0:50) I welcome you all with My love and respects… My message for this year 2011 is ‘Sharing Enlightenment’... In 2009, Living Enlightenment; I initiated, started initiating people to live Enlightenment; jeevan mukti. In 2010, we taught people how to radiate Enlightenment. We literally taught how to radiate Enlightenment during all possible struggles and abuses. I am so happy all of you... if you have been here last year this same day and you are here this year same day, be very clear you radiated Enlightenment... Because last year I really got into very practical, not just teaching through words, words, words and telling them face all insecurity, face all negativity, stand through the negativity. I saw people listen, don’t live. Then this year we know only who had the guts to live through the negativity and clear the negativity, only who are able to radiate Enlightenment are here back. Now you guys are really ready. Let’s move to the next step sharing Enlightenment. Let’s start sharing Enlightenment. This whole year let us dedicate it to sharing Enlightenment.

(3:56) Let Me define sharing Enlightenment. Please understand Enlightenment is a constant happening, happening in all of us. For an example, one day you overeat and feel dull and decide not to overeat from next meal. It is an Enlightenment, and you feel the cloth is hurting you, you loosen it adjust it or decide to wear better clothings next time which will not hurt you. It is Enlightenment. Chappal is hurting, you decide ‘Oh I should not be wearing this and change it’. It is Enlightenment. And you feel some particular thoughts constantly harasses you, haunts you, depresses you and you decide let me not have it again or let me know how to handle it again if it comes back; let me unclutch or let me disclutch or let me destroy. This is Enlightenment. When there is useless people are around you in the name of devotees and disciples, just get rid of them. That is Enlightenment.

(5:30) I tell you constantly Enlightenment is happening in all of you. Every moment the updating happening in your body, mind, emotion, consciousness is Enlightenment. If you decide oh I am having back pain and knee pain today, tomorrow I will do yoga and see that my body becomes strong. It is Enlightenment. So any furtherance towards the super consciousness is Enlightenment. Even keeping your body comfortable is Enlightenment. Understand, whenever you add luxury to your body you are destroying it you are not keeping it comfortable. If your clothes are hurting and you are deciding to wear better clothes which does not hurt is Enlightenment, means keeping it comfortable. But when you add luxury you add something’s which will not keep your body and mind comfortable or happy forever. That is luxury. That is not Enlightenment. Understand, anything which furthers your body, mind, emotion, consciousness towards the super consciousness, the ultimate is Enlightenment.

(7:07) So this year decide, every experience which enlightens you, decide you will share it at least with one person; at least with one person. Every idea which clicks your inner world, in your inner world, which awakens your being, which raises your awareness, raises your consciousness, decide, you will have somebody at least one person you will share it. Every step be intense, sincere, honest, integrated, share Enlightenment. You will see completely new door opening in your life. Sharing Enlightenment is million times greater than living and radiating. I tell you this year we are going to have such a strong positive explosion, it is going to be million times more than living Enlightenment year and radiating Enlightenment year. I am telling you, really sharing Enlightenment is going to do a great wonder for all of us and Dhyanapeetam and to the whole world; ultimately whole universe.

(8:57) Share Enlightenment in every possible way. Sharing just Masters spiritual book or one truth about the Master or one truth you learnt from the Master, one enlightening experience you had from the Master or healing; any whatever possible way. I opened millions of ways for you guys. Just share any one concept. Just pick it up; one truth from one morning message, share it with somebody; just one person at least a day. Understand just for sharing you will naturally live and radiate. Living is in the inner world, radiating is inner world and muscle memory, sharing is inner world, muscle memory and to the whole world. Understand, let’s take living Enlightenment and radiating Enlightenment one step further; sharing Enlightenment.

(10:08) Be intense, sincere, whatever possible way pick up the spirit intensity and integrity from your super consciousness. With that strength, share Enlightenment continuously. Create as many centers as possible, as many temples as possible, as many paduka mandirs as possible; paduka mandir means having the padukas in the house, as many ghar mandirs as possible means home temples; ultimately as many heart temples as possible... Build millions of heart temples and lakhs of ghar mandirs- home temples, thousands of vedic temples, common temples; at least few hundred fully Enlightened Beings who can share Enlightenment with the world. We will create all this, this year 2011 because it is going to be a stepping stone year for us; preparation for the 2012 to push the whole world into super consciousness.

(12:12) Share Enlightenment in all possible ways. You don’t need to now bother at all. Now whole world knows My name. Whole world knows My name. All you need to do is just remove their misunderstanding and add the right understanding; that’s all. I have made your job very easy... So understand share Enlightenment with tremendous compassion, tremendous love, tremendous integrity; I am telling you honestly, when you start sharing Enlightenment, somehow, really whatever the knots and the samskaras and granthis with which you are suffering, all that will be broken immediately because that only will be first hit. If you have the inhibition go and start talking to people about Me, you will be beaten left and right and inhibition will disappear; may not be physically but verbally. But by the time you stand that verbal abuse and convince them, your inhibitions will be broken; you are a new man, you will be sharing Enlightenment.

(13:56) Master does training in two way; internal and external. Till 2009 I was doing only internal training. In 11, I started this new amazing training; external also. See earlier you wear mala for your spiritual reasons, over. Now you wear mala and everybody will question. By answering, answering you become clear; you are trained now to share Enlightenment. Stand strong and let us share Enlightenment. It is time we share Enlightenment. Take this as My message very intensely, sincerely. This is My message to all the devotees, disciples, samajis, followers, seekers, brahmacharis, brahmacharinis, vanaprasthis, sanyasis, sanyasinis and everybody who is directly indirectly connected to Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. This year let us dedicate just for sharing Enlightenment. Let us share our understanding, experience, everything, whatever auspicious thing we have, let us share with the world. Let us share with the world. Create beautiful world by sharing Enlightenment.

(15:54) It is time we decide to share Enlightenment very sincerely and take it up as a spiritual practice; not just social service, as a spiritual practice. I invite as many of you as possible to dedicate this year as many ways as possible. If some of you have strength and intensity, I even request you to take off this one year from all other work and dedicate it. Let us all stand together. It is time to save planet earth... in whatever possible way. Let us stand together and share Enlightenment with the world. If you can’t take off the whole year at least part time. If you can’t take off even for part time full days at least evenings, whatever way you can, take time off and whatever possible way share Enlightenment with the world. Nothing, if you just sit everyday, send some 5000 emails of My morning message or our YouTube channel even that is like a squirrel service in the Rama Setu. In whatever way you can spread, spread, spread and share Enlightenment because we need to prepare the world, planet earth for 2012.

(17:36) Understand now itself I am giving you the message for 2012 also. 2012 message is spreading Enlightenment. Share so that it prepares your body, mind and everything to spread. So now learn sharing. Let it be a preparation for 2012 spreading. When we are in the 2012 we need to spread much more faster than any tsunami, any forest fire, any natural calamity. Only then we can stop the natural calamities. We need to spread positivity much faster than any natural calamity, only then natural and manmade calamity, only then we can save the planet earth from natural and manmade calamities in 2012. Let us prepare all of us and the world by dedicating this whole year for spreading Enlightenment; for spreading Enlightenment.

(18:58) I am really, really, really happy that all of you, all of us withstood one of the largest religious persecution of this modern day, modern times... I am proud of you all for withstanding this whole thing, with so much of patience and non violence and standing up with Me, standing up together for sharing Enlightenment. Neither you all have been violent nor you all have left. People who have been violent did not listen to My teachings, people who have left did not even listen to Me; not only My teaching they did not listen to Me at all in any way and people who neither behaved violently nor left, who stood strongly, you are all the gems, diamonds I was searching for. You are all for the people for whom I was, I am, I will be in the body freely doing My mission... I welcome all of you with My heart and being. Let us all share Enlightenment with the world. Let us all share Enlightenment with the world. Do it with a deep compassion.

(21:09) I tell you, I wanted to tell all of you, today morning I saw during the procession, one so called ex devotee; means during the scandal because of the emotional imbalance could not stand by us or sangha, left, but could not forget, leave Me, could not….. Today morning I saw one so called ex devotee in the procession. See the…. with burqa, full burqa; not inside our campus, that’s the funny part. The procession, I just saw, looked and first I couldn’t understand. I thought somebody from the local village from Ramnagar some muslims have come, so they are standing there for My blessings. I was in the palki so I can see lot more than what you guys can see,. Beyond the compound also I can see. I saw and the moment I saw the height and the shape I know who is the person. And then only the eyes were open the tears were rolling in the eyes. I just did this. I don’t know whether air or the person wanted, burqa opened and I just gave a smile and I could see, I could see very clearly the tears and she just fell in the same spot and took the dust and stood up. And see that emotional turmoil during the scandal could not stand with the sangha, left, but could not leave Me. So I could see the hands folded and said the words. Of course I was not able to hear the words because of too much of sound and music, and just only the idea I could catch, that feeling; I can’t forget or be without seeing. Then I smiled. By that time palki left, the person has left, because the person cannot see all our devotee sangha.

(23:59) I know I am showing you one example of that person. But like this there are so many, so many who feel that they missed but could not come back because of ego. I tell you all, I tell the whole sangha, please understand, have open arms and heart and welcome everybody. Whoever comes, do not have any hatred anything. If they have just missed one step, no, don’t worry. Whoever comes welcome them share Enlightenment with them. Have tremendous love and compassion for people; after all human beings, after all human beings. See finally the person could not come inside our campus, just saw from the distance and left. The person is not here now. The person just after the darshan just left. I don’t know how long she was standing there just for that one glimpse. So unfortunate! Not needed!

(25:14) I am sending this message to everybody. Whoever wants to come back, I am here with open heart, open arms and open being. I welcome you all and I am and My sangha is ready to share Enlightenment with all of you, with all of you. Please understand I am telling all our devotees and disciples, let's radiate more compassion, more sympathy, more healing energy, and more supporting energy, and heal the whole world. It is time to heal the whole world and share Enlightenment with the world; not only healing let us share Enlightenment also. So understand it is time we stand together, we give strength to each other. It is time we share our strength with the world, share our Enlightenment with the world. Give our deep compassion, love, and support to everybody, everybody.

(26:44) Understand, who has hurt, let us not bother about that but healing is our job, our life, our responsibility. Let us heal and support everybody even if they have cherished enmity towards us at some part of their life. Now I am updating, even if they cherish enmity towards us even now, let us share our compassion, healing and Enlightenment with all of them, even those who cherish enmity towards us even now; because compassion, love, Enlightenment is more powerful. It will destroy enmity. Light is more powerful than the darkness. Super consciousness is more powerful than unconsciousness. Love, light, non violence, compassion, Enlightenment are all more powerful than any negativity. Let us share Enlightenment destroy enmity, not enemies. If you just destroy enemies, you will have more and more. Some where some more people will be happening. Let us destroy enmity itself so that…… Don’t destroy enemies, destroy enmity so that we radiate Enlightenment, share Enlightenment with the whole world forever. Let us share Enlightenment and destroy enmity not enemies. When you destroy enmity naturally the enemy, the enmity in enemy disappears. Understand then naturally he becomes friend and devotee.

(28:44) So this whole year let us dedicate for sharing Enlightenment. It is time we receive with open arms and heart even those who showed enmity towards us. Let’s share Enlightenment. See I felt all she was feeling, the morning that person who came with burqa and who left, I was feeling she is I could see very clearly she was feeling all alone. But I send a message, surely I know for sure she is watching this satsang now or she will be watching it the moment it is uploaded. I am sending you the message, direct invitation. I am here with open arms and heart to receive you and share Enlightenment with you. Nobody needs to feel lonely. Nobody needs to be alone. So I invite and welcome, ready to share Enlightenment even with the people who showed enmity. So please understand it is time we open our heart, we open our whole being to support the whole world and the whole universe... Share Enlightenment intensely in all possible ways with the world.

(30:53) Please understand, this campus is world living around Me. When you carry this Enlightenment and start sharing in your own way, creating a center in your house or temples in your places; Me living around the world. World living around Me is one and Me living around the world is another one. Let the world live around Me, I will also be living around the world with you all. Share compassion intensely, share love intensely, share your heart intensely, share Enlightenment intensely in all possible ways.

(33:30) I thank all those who stood by us last whole year with so many different kinds of struggles. I remember, recall, thank all of them who stood by us, and millions of ways the sacrifices everybody did; all our devotees, disciples in thousands of ways; Whether it is a mental abusal, verbal abusal or the suffering in physical way, mental way, economical way, social way, millions of you have suffered in millions of ways by the societies negativity and the unconscious harassment and abusal... I thank all of you for going through everything and standing with a deep devotion and sacrifice with Me, by Me, for Me, and the sangha. I honor all your love, respect, devotion, commitment for Me and I give you all My commitment. I am standing with you all forever in all possible ways... Every one of you went through so much, but stood strongly with Me against all the negativities... I welcome you all.

(36:49) I am just picking up, selecting words to describe all the sacrifices all of you did; whether My swamis or brahmacharis or vanaprasthis or devotees or disciples or ashramites or whoever. I am just picking up words to describe. All right… sacrifice is the only word. I don’t know any better word. Sacrifice is the only word the tyaga, tyaga, tyaga is the only word. As Upanishad says Tyagenaike amrutatvamanasu. It is because of the tyaga, only through the tyaga the Eternal Bliss, the eternal state is achieved. The tyaga is so great all of yours, the surprising thing of that, the strength of the tyaga is they don’t even want to be named as tyagis. I wanted to name so many people especially Ranjita who is here with us now. But they don’t even want to be named. But some places I need to name. Of course all My sanyasis, all My sanyasinis, all the devotees, the sacrifice is so much they don’t even want to be named. They just want to be in one corner. But anyhow, some places I need to name so that each one of you understand the sacrifice and the dedication with which all of you stood with Me.

(39:33) Understand when you know somebody else’s sacrifice then the sacrifice the tyaga is awakened in you. Just for that purpose sometimes I tell the names; nothing else. Understand I tell the name of the people who don’t want to be named. I never tell the name of the people who want to be named. If they want to be named then it is not sacrifice, it is a business. Who doesn’t want to be named, withstood, sacrificed, I name them; because our devotees, everyone need to understand each other’s sacrifice. When you know what others went through, you will realize oh! What I went through is too less, leave it it’s ok.

(40:30) So anyhow now it is time I welcome all of you, and I promise and commit I will stand by all of you. Understand for each one, Me and My sangha will stand. Same way for each one Me and others will stand. See for example for ‘A’ Me and all others will stand. For ‘B’ Me and all others including ‘A’ will stand and for ‘C’ Me and all others including ‘B’ and ‘A’ will stand. This is the way the sangha stands. So for every one of you I give you the assurance Me and My sangha will stand with you. Understand Me and My sangha will stand with you for the amazing sacrifice.

(41:23) I could see actually so many people the day before yesterday; sorry 29th... two devotees came with a traditional sacrifice ritual of piercing their mouth through a big trishul. It’s called alaga in Tamil; sacrifice. They said to protect Swamiji, to destroy all the negativity which is working against Swamiji, to create positivity, we are sacrificing. We decide to bear pain. Patanjali says any decision to bear pain is tapas. Any decision to bear pain is tapas; whether it is physical or mental or emotional, decision to bear pain is tapas. Ordinary villagers, ordinary villagers; and they are from Taramangalam. Ordinary two devotees deciding to bear pain; like these thousands….. of course even physical pain is ordinary the mental pain I know how many of our disciples, devotees abused left and right verbally. You all stood by Me. You all stood by Me and the sangha. I bless you all and I commit with you all that Me and My sangha will stand by all of you and support you.

(43:23) Ma yesterday I saw you telling in the interview you are a single woman fighting. No. Me and My sangha is with you. Understand it is not only for her, I am telling all the devotees who stood by Me. Understand there are some moments where nobody else can stand with you. I will stand by you at those moments. Whoever stood with Me, I give you the promise I will stand by you all the time. There are moments where nobody else can stand; neither the family nor the money. Understand the zones where all these things cannot stand, I will be with you. I will stand with you. Where only I can be there, I will be there with you. Understand these are not empty words. I promise these words are solid, integrated, honest, truth.

(45:03) Of course I can’t name. I think if I have to name, I have to name every name. I can see every name because how much you all would have gone through socially. Especially there are so many respected people. Socially how much you would have gone through, how much of abusal people would have done to you. Ehhh you went to that Swami? See what is going on. I am so happy you stood with all that. Now go and tell……… you missed that Swami now what is going on….see. The latest proverb in Tamil is uttu pona ... gettu ponanda. Now go and tell all of them. You left that swami now see what is happening. He is literally blowing away people and giving Enlightenment.

(46:18) So... ok... hmm, it’s time we stand strongly with the strength and tremendous patience and healing energy. Let’s not be arrogant. Let’s not be in the mood of taking revenge. Ohh.. you were talking against Swamiji no, see.... leave it poor fellows. You see, it was a social euphoria. So many were not able to stand, everybody was blown away in that euphoria. It’s ok. Let’s accept all of them. They are human beings, they are human beings. Hmm. And it is time we welcome and receive everybody and share Enlightenment. Not only welcome and receive and share, go and inspire and share. It is time if Mohammed can’t come to the mountain, mountain should go to the Mohammed. There is a proverb. It's time if they can’t come here, we should go there. So go round and share Enlightenment in all possible ways. That is My message. This is My message for eN year, eN Year 2011.

(48:27) I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.


Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 114 (Jayanthi 2011 Celebrations at Tiruvannamalai)



Sub Category: Puja