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== Day's Events ==
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of [[Seeking]] during the everyday live public talk - [[Nithyananda Satsang]]. In this talk entitled [[LSP Session 02 (Living Shuddhadvaita Process) Completing With Muscle Memories ]], The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) beautifully conducted the first level [[Nithyanandoham]] process for the delegates. He explained that the whole Nithyanandoham process is about awakening the God particle,  that [[bio-energy]] inside them and healing their [[muscle memory]] and bio-memory. He added that by flooding the muscle memory with God particle, so much [[completion]] happens and possibilities open up. He shared further that when muscle-memory opens up and becomes complete by the God Particle, one will just know the truth as a simple reality - all diseases; physical, mental are a hoax.
The SPH further elaborated that when our muscle-memory is awakened the basic thing we will start experiencing is amazing integrity and stability without even planning for it, and that naturally  brings tremendous health, wealth, amazing understanding and stability in relationships and overflowing ecstasy and love towards Guru.  He answered many of the questions brought forward by the delegates and expressed that He felt the highest frequency of [[Guru bhakti,]] devotion from his disciples only in the Nithyanandoham Process. The session ended by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism conducting  the muscle-memory exercise with the delegates..
==Photos From The Day: ==
nithyānandeśvara samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām
vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, satsangis, SriMahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, Sarvajnapeetha owners, visitors, viewers, IA graduates, everyone sitting with us through Nithyananda TV private streaming and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. There is huge number of cities, Aadheenams, ashrams sitting with us. I welcome all of you with My love and respects. Toronto Aadheenam, Morris Plains New Jersey, Philadelphia, Slovakia, Slovakia Kosice, Trinidad, Dallas, St. Louis, Chicago, Mill Valley, Dubai Aadheenam, Oman Aadheenam, London Aadheenam, Singapore Aadheenam, New York Aadheenam, Vancouver, Guadalupe Aadheenam, Austin. There are lot of cities you have not put your name properly on the top. If you put I will be able to read. Ohio Aadheenam, San Jose Aadheenam, Oklahoma Aadheenam, Kuala Lumpur Aadheenam, Chennai and Manhattan New York, and Vancouver Aadheenam, Greensboro, Winston Salem, I think a huge list. Vadodara India.
I welcome all of you with My love and respects.
Today, very important first level process I did for all the Nithyanandoham participants. Understand, the whole Nithyanandoham process is about awakening the God Particle in you, that bio-energy in you. Now when I am seeing the after effects, and side-effects experiences, reminisces in the Facebook—I am so happy for you guys and I am so happy the process is successful. Now actually this process has become time tested and fool proof. So powerful, I am condensing it, pushing it into 10 day Nithyanandoham process and making it available as part of Inner Awakening itself. The only thing I have to work out still is that how can I make you guys without sleeping in that 21 days of Inner Awakening because every minute you are here is useful, should be used, only then I can put Inner Awakening, Shivoham, Nithyanandoham all 3 into 1, 21 days. This is the February Inner Awakening is going to be that, that Inner Awakening, Shivoham, Nithyanandoham all the 3, that is why I did not put it in Varanasi because we won’t be able to go for sightseeing. That’s why I put this program in Bidadi where we can’t spend any time for anything else to see temples or to see sightseeing, nothing is possible; it is going to be very tight, but intense.
Bio-memory last week, last LSP process itself I explained. Bio-memory is a place where you store all your patterns about your actions — how you wake up, how you sleep, how you drink a cup of coffee, how you eat, how you do everything. When those patterns are completed, possibilities are awakened, for example: if you have the pattern, the fear of weight lifting… I have seen people, just 1 kg if they lift they will be completely tired and collapse. And that also, the funny thing I have seen, with the human mind, 2 kg gold they will lift easily, 1 kg stone they will become tired. If it is 1 kg brick or stone they will be tired immediately. If it is 2 or 3 kg gold they will lift so easily; these are patterns. When you complete that pattern, suddenly the possibility of lifting any amount of weight can be expressed in you bio-memory, sorry in your muscle-memory. So completing the patterns in your muscle-memory and awakening the possibilities is what I am going to do today.
I will explain about next bio-memory and bio-energy in the further LSP sessions; LSP means Living Shuddhadvaita Process. In further sessions I will explain about bio-memory and bio-energy. Now understand about muscle-memory and let’s enter into the process related to muscle-memory.
Awakening the God Particle in you, the Shiva component in you, the Atman in you, the Soul in you, and flooding that energy into the muscle-memory so that your muscles can be completed, possibilities open up. I tell you, I really tell you, when muscle-memory opens up, becomes complete by the God Particle you just know the truth as a simple reality all diseases; physical, mental are hoax, H-O-A-X. H for honking, O for orange, A for Anthony, X for X-mas. H-O-A-X, hoax. All physical and mental diseases are hoax. When your muscle-memory is awakened it’ll just click with you. Even now if this word is clicking with you, you are ready for your muscle-memory awakening. You are ready for you muscle-memory awakening.
Understand, realizing all diseases are hoax is the first step towards realizing whatever you experience is delusion. In the muscle-memory level, when your muscle memories are completed, and possibilities are awakened you will experience all diseases are hoax. Then, in the bio-memory level, when you complete and all powers open up, you will realize whatever you experienced is delusion; that will simply lead you to Enlightenment. Ultimately, this whole thing leads you to Enlightenment.
So before we enter into the process itself I'll answer some of your questions, then I will lead you all into this greatly appreciated, great process of muscle-memory into all of you.
Question: Swamiji, after Nithyanandoham I am experiencing many miracles and I am reading on Facebook that other participants are also able to get what they want effortlessly. Some are saying their diseases are cured. How do I retain the same space and manifest more and more powers and miracles?
HDH: First thing, everyone need to understand; retaining the same space, helping you to remain in the same space, is the purpose of this program - Living Shuddhadvaita Process, LSP. You do not need to do anything separate, special other than coming and sitting in this LSP. Come and sit here, I will clean you up again and again, awaken you again and again, help you to settle with your so-called day-to-day life, carrying this Nithyanandoham experience.
Please understand, what is it that can take away this experience from you? Your patterns in muscle-memory? Your patterns in bio-memory? I tell you, through this Living Shuddhadvaita Process, I’ll make your patterns and muscle-memory and bio-memory powerless. Again and again I will tell them, “Hey I am here, don’t get in, this is not the place for you, see the next house, see somebody else, he is My disciple you have no place here.” See the rudraksha in the neck means, “Ehh, occupied, get out, you have no place here, this place is already occupied.”
Understand, you yourself don't need to do anything specific other than coming and sitting in this Living Shuddhadvaita Process, LSP. Here I will explain how in every step, every step, the patterns are accumulated in muscle-memory, cognitions are accumulated in your bio-memory, and how it can be cleaned up. Actually, you don’t need to do anything; that is the ultimate truth. I’ll clean it up by awakening the bio-energy, the God Particle in you, the Kundalini in you. See if you are doing it on your own, its like you can. With a small toothpick you are trying to move the Everest. When, when it will happen, but awakening your bio-energy, God Particle and cleaning up your muscle-memory and bio-memory for Me is like awakening the volcano in you. All it takes is few seconds, your muscle-memory and bio-memory disappears; not just gets cleaned, it just explodes.
So from your side all you need to do is be available in the LSP hall, where Living Shuddhadvaita Process is happening; make yourself available that’s all. Be available, that is enough, I’ll do everything else. I’ll do everything else. Last week we started dispatching the Atmalingas, maybe for some ashrams it has reached, for some ashrams it has not yet reached, but this week process we don’t need Atmalinga, but before the next LSP process please have your own Atmalinga. Talk to the Bidadi ashram and push them or pull them or you fly here or make them fly there, do something and get your Atmalinga by next Living Shuddhadvaita Process next week.
And today I am going to give you guys one more special gift: the Kantha Rudraksha, the Rudraksha on your throat, energized. Mahadeva gives a commitment in Agama, whoever is wearing that, even when you leave the body, Lord of Death will not come near you, only the Shiva Gaṇas, Shiva Dootas [messengers of Lord Shiva] will come and receive you, Yama Dootas [messengers of Yama, lord of death] will not come near you. The ambassadors of death will not come near you, ambassadors of immortality only will come near you. Reinforcing that commitment, I am sending you energized Kantha Rudraksha and the mantra, the sacred sound which is supposed to be repeated in your system continuously, I am adding it in your system through this today’s muscle-memory process as a form of Shiva Deeksha. So now I am energizing all the Kantha Rudraksha [Shiva’s beads worn on throat], for all of you; hope the Bidadi people send it to you guys. Let Me create the space also that it should reach you guys quickly. Blessings.
So all you need to do - wear this all the time, it’ll give you the highest protection; it’s a protection and blessings from Mahadeva directly. See the rudraksha is born out of the bliss tears of Mahadeva from Third Eye. So He is the younger brother of Subramanya [son of Lord Shiva]. Subramanya was born first or maybe I think before Subramanya Himself because Mahadeva has given Rudraksha to Nandi. The first rudraksha was given to Nandi maybe He is the elder brother of Subramanya. The bliss tears fell out of Mahadeva’s Third Eye during His joy and ecstasy of Samadhi. That is the rudraksha. Rudra-aksha means eyes of Mahadeva. Wear this, you will always be in the space of Mahadeva. Mahadeva’s eyes will be always on you. Mahadeva’s compassionate, blissful eyes will always be on you. Next question.
Question: Swamiji has said in the satsang that it takes longer to express the initial one or two powers and then once the initial breakthrough happens many other powers will express easily. How can I get the initial breakthrough so I can easily express many powers? Swamiji, should I increase the amount of time practicing or will spend more time in Swamiji’s presence? What should I increase?
HDH: Actually this question, the questioner should think by increasing the time practicing have you got more benefit? Or spending more time in My presence, have you got more benefit, you should think. You should think which one has awakened more things in you and then decide. As I answered just now, ‘you can do it on your own but it is like using the toothpick and moving the Everest. I can do it for you like awakening the volcano.’ So simply said straight forward if you want an answer: come and sit in the LSP process, spend a little more time in My presence, I’ll do it for you guys, I’ll do it. Make yourself available to Me; that is the best thing you can do. More than that, neither I am cruel to expect anything from you, nor Cosmos is sadistic to let you suffer and struggle on your own. ‘Cosmos is compassionate’ is proved by constantly sending Incarnations to Planet Earth, to make your journey as easy as possible, as simple as possible, as comfortable as possible. So understand, just spend as much time as you can in My presence. I will do the job, I’ll do the job.
Understand this muscle-memory process. The muscle-memory awakening, please understand this process and the science behind this process. Your first layer is the memories of your actions. Second layer is memories of your cognitions; third, deepest part of you is bio-energy, the Kundalini in you, the bio-energy in you, God Particle in you.
Understand, when that God Particle is awakened, not mildly but rudely. Listen, the God Particle is sleeping in you for quite a long time; maybe I can say for last many births. Because it is sleeping for last many births it cannot be awakened by,  “Please wake up dear. Please come on, darling, cutie pie, sweetie”, no. “Hot coffee, bed coffee is here. Kumbakonam degree coffee [special South Indian coffee] is here, please wake up”. No. Just the hot coffee need to be poured on the face.
Please don’t mistake Me—the truth is the God Particle cannot be awakened, woken up mildly; it can be woken up only rudely, with tremendous ferociousness of Kalabhairava, Sadashiva, the Dakshinamurti’s intense silence; silence which is the source of all sounds, not the silence of graveyard, no. Silence which is the source of all sounds. And listen, unclutched space which is the source of all visualizations. When the God Particle in you is rudely awakened, that is the only way He can be awakened, because He is sleeping for not just years, decades, centuries, He is sleeping for janmas - means births and deaths. Your muscle-memory and bio-memory is born, expands, dies, again takes birth, gets inflamated, dies, again takes birth, gets inflamated, dies, but this fellow is sleeping. It is like the land grows, somebody harvests, again somebody sows the seeds, somebody harvests, owner is sleeping. Then the owner does not even know what is growing in his land, whether good or bad.
Understand, He need to be given a rude shock and He has to wake up, He has to wake up. That can be done only by a person who is already awakened. The awakened God Particle, when it shows His valor and powerfulness through all of the five senses of your muscle-memory and bio-memory…. Please understand, your senses are not only in your muscle-memory; your five senses which are in your muscle-memory are called karmendriya. Your five senses, which are in your bio-memory is called jnanendriya. For example: your tongue when it tastes, it is karmendriya, part of muscle-memory. When it speaks, it is part of bio-memory jnanendriya, because speaking is from the cognition you carry. Even though it is action, the source of the action is from bio-memory. So the karmendriya and jnanendriya, if both are made to experience the valor of God Particle, which is already awakened, when this awakened God Particle gives the Cosmic darshan, the Vishvarupa in all His glory and powerfulness to your muscle-memory and bio-memory, suddenly your God Particle, your God Particle rudely gets awakened. When He is awakened, He understands this is not rudeness this is the greatest compassionate act ever done to Him. That is why I tell you, the ferociousness of Kalabhairava is not wrath of Kalabhairava. Please understand, ferociousness of Kalabhairava is not anger of Kalabhairava, it’s not wrath of Kalabhairava, He is not angry, He is ferocious, means He is so powerful you can’t grasp Him, but He is not angry.
In this whole muscle-memory awakening process, I am just going to rudely awaken the God Particle in you. I only need one thing from all of you. As per the enlightened ethics, only if you give Me permission, I have a right to enter into you and awaken your God Particle. So now officially I ask for you permission. If you continue to sit in the hall in Raja Sabha in Bidadi, Bengaluru Aadheenam, or all the two-way video conferencing centers, or the private streaming, you may understand, you may not understand I am watching you, but I am watching you. In anyone of these, if you are sitting and continue to sit, I take this as your permission for Me to awaken your God Particle. So if you don’t want to give permission, if you do not want that to be done to you, please walk out now, you have next few more minutes; but by sitting I assume automatically, presume automatically that you are giving Me the permission to awaken your God Particle. Clear? Yes.
How it changes your life. Understand, I’ll explain now.
Every suffocation, restriction you suffer… one of the biggest lie told to you - ‘you are a human being’. All these suffocating, restricting, constraining patterns sit in your muscle-memory. One of the greatest lie told to you is the false generalized idea of human being and you were made to believe forcibly, you were made to confirm to that same identity. First of all this general human being idea itself is a false and you have been forcibly made to confirm to that truth is the worst thing done to you, I tell you. If all human beings can live only up to 100 years, that itself is a false. And you have been made to believe that false - first lie, and the second lie is - you are also the same type of human being you can also live maximum only a 100 years. In every level, actually all human beings does not need to eat thrice a day or twice a day, even once a day, but unfortunately the generalization is created and you are forced to believe that. When you are weak, vulnerable as child, you have been attacked, harassed, by the so-called elders to confirm to that stupidity which they are believing, which they were forced to believe. So all this is sitting in your muscle-memory. When the muscle-memory is awakened and completed, many of this will just disappear, they will run away from your muscle-memory without even informing you.
Just last few days I was reading Facebook postings from Singapore Aadheenam and many of the participants, they were saying that “suddenly I am seeing my whole body has becoming so flexible, I am doing all the asanas which I never can imagined I can do. All my yoga asanas, the yoga postures I am doing which I never imagined I can do. After this Nithyanandoham process, they were putting it in the Facebook. “This posture I can never do it but I can be in that posture now for one hour, I can be in the Sirsasana for whole day. I don't know what happened to my body, it is so flexible, light.”
Being frozen, constraining, restricting patterns, inability to face the society sitting inside your joints - that is Arthritis, understand. Society sitting inside your joints, your Facebook sitting inside your joints is arthritis. In this muscle-memory process all that will melt down, you will delete all the unnecessary friends and enemies. I have seen many people keep their enemies as friends in the false ID, just to know what these fellows are up to. They create a fake ID and be a friend with their enemy and see that once in a while and get depressed. I have so many fake ID requests. I know who is this fellow and purposely I accept him as a friend—burn, burn, just boil. They will secretly come in that ID and see what all I am doing, what is going on everything, burn, burn, burn and collapse. The friends and enemies you carry who will restrict you will be burnt. You will always have beautiful friends who always support you, never try to find out “why you are low”, only try to help “how you can be out of low”. Understand, whoever tries to find out “why you are low” are not your friends. Whoever helps you “how you can get out of that feeling low”, only are your friends. This is the definition. They are the real friends. “Why” will not be on their tip of their tongue, “how” will only be in the tip of their tongue. Those friends will be strengthened who always talk about “how”. Those friends and enemies who are talking all the time about “why” will be deleted.
Awakening your muscle-memory will first clean up all these friends and fake friends who restrict you sitting inside your muscles, who make you feel constrained, sitting inside your muscles. See one of the biggest punishment given to a liar is when he tells the truth, not only others, even he himself will not be able to believe it, that he is going to stick to that words. He himself feeling instable within himself is the biggest punishment given to a liar.
I tell you, that uncertainty about yourself is the hell which gets stored in muscle-memory will be burnt away, you will feel integrated to you; not only others, you will be confident about you. Please understand, you will be confident about you is the heaven. I tell you, this happens in you as a boon when you are confident about you, the first thing will happen to you is love for you, atma bhakti and then that will overflow as Guru bhakti. Your certainty about you is the foundation for the love you have about you, and the love you carry towards the Master. This double thought current fellows can never experience something called Guru bhakti, they can experience give and take, the business bargain jiln jin juck [Swamji makes a sound] I don’t have a name for that so I make a new name jiln jin juck. But a Guru bhakti can be experienced only by the stability you feel about you.
Please understand, I want to repeat: biggest punishment for a liar is, when he tells the truth not only others will not believe even he will not be able to believe because he himself doesn’t know whether he is going to stick to it, whether he is going to be stable on it, whether he is going to settle down with it, whether he is going to live it, whether he is capable of carrying it forward. When you have something stable about you, you will just love yourself - that is atma bhakti, love for yourself. When that happens automatically you will have Guru bhakti, devotion towards Master.
When your muscle-memory is awakened the basic thing you will start experiencing is amazing integrity and stability without even you planning for it. Amazing stability and integrity without even you, not only not struggling, without even you planning for it. Naturally that brings tremendous health, wealth, amazing understanding and stability in relationships, connection with your God Particle and overflowing ecstasy and love towards Guru.
I tell you, the highest frequency of Guru bhakti, devotion from My disciples I experienced only in Nithyanandoham Process. That devotion, pure devotion I experienced from My devotees, the highest frequency of pure devotion, I experienced only in Nithyanandoham Process. I say in everyone literally I am only there, nothing else, nobody else. For some people I became first priority, for many people I have become only priority. You will have so much of love, overflowing devotion for God and Guru. I know there are many people who are rolling on the ground and crying that they missed the Nithyanandoham Process; don’t worry that is why I am bringing the process to all you guys. If you are not able to reach Me, I will reach you. Even if you have not landed in Thailand, Thai will land on you, the Cosmic Thai will land on you. Cosmic Thai means Cosmic Mother. That is why I am saying, even if you are not able to reach out to Me, I’ll reach out to you. This LSP, Living Shuddhadvaita Process is Me reaching out to you. And the next doubt, usual doubt—will it be permanent?
Please understand, I do not waste My time in anything which is not permanent.  I am eternal, I do only work, anything, which is going to be eternal. Understand, the people who worked with Me, worked around Me, they know even when I build a temple, the first thing I will see; it should run till the Moon and the Sun is there and beyond. That will be the place from which I even strategize. That is why Aadheenams are built in stone, ashrams are built in fiber. I am building Aadheenams not ashrams. Understand, I am building Aadheenams not ashrams. Even if some are built already in fiber, I am stone-cladding it and making it into Aadheenam. Aadheenams are built in stone because it is expected to be eternal. The process I am doing inside you also, not just permanent, eternal. Even if you leave the body and assume the new muscle, the process I have done will be sitting inside you and guiding you. The laziness and boredom is some of the basic toxins stored in muscle-memory. Understand, I am branding laziness and boredom as toxins. Some of these toxins stored in your muscle-memory will be cleansed once for all.
People ask Me, “Are living without sleep and living without food is possible after muscle-memory awakening.” Yes, possible, possible. Just find out do you want to put your energy in that direction. If you want, it is simply possible - living without sleep and without food healthily. Living without food, without sleep and without losing your health is possible.
I think some more questions from the participants. Let Me answer these live questions and then lead you into the process. 
Question: Swamiji, What is the first, what is the difference between attending Nithyanandoham sessions during LSP and doing 10-day Nithyanandoham.
HDH: See it is all boils down to that time, in the 10-day Nithyanandoham Process, I’ll be able to sit with you, you will be able to sit with Me for 10 continuous days having at least even 3 or 4 process a day, it is like a 40 process. In Living Shuddhadvaita Process it takes 40 week to have 40 process, almost 1 year. In Nithyanandoham in 10 days you will finish it. It all boils down to just time, that’s all, just time. In that 10 days itself you will go through what you will be going through in the Living Shuddhadvaita for 40 weeks. For 40 process in LSP it will take 40 weeks, in Nithyanandoham it’ll take 10 days. I am saying 4 process a day, but many time in Thailand we had more than 4 process a day. I think after every 1-hour break one process. We were having more; so it is just number of process and cleansing and the purification, awakening you can go through. It boils down to quantity but not quality, quality is same, what you are going through in the LSP and Nithyanandoham is same. Quality doesn’t differ, but the quantity. Sometime you need to have more quantity for you to experience directly, visibly, physically. That’s all it boils down to.
Question: Swamiji, I missed Nithyanandoham in Phuket, please bless me to attend February Nithyanandoham.
HDH: Whoever fills the intention form today, I am blessing all of them and making it into reality. Go ahead, fill the intention form, I’ll make it into reality. Next.
Question: I have sinus problems and breathing difficulties. Will it be cured by muscle-memory awakening?
HDH: Sure. In one session, today’s session. It’ll be healed, and you will put it in your Facebook within the next few days that it got healed.
Next. Yes, I think questions are over.
Now let’s enter into the muscle-memory exercise. Please understand, listen, listen carefully; I want you to write down all the patterns you want to complete in your muscle-memory; like a patterns related to your action—the moment you see your mother in law you just jump and bite everyone around you, not just mother in law, everyone around you. 😊 The moment you see something or somebody, you shiver inside and outside. These are all the muscle-memory stored patterns. The moment you eat some food, your whole body throws it out. These are all muscle memory patterns, and you are not able to walk more than one hour or two hour, tiredness, anything. Any of these patterns you want to get rid which is in your muscle-memory, pen them down and any of the possibilities you want to open up in your muscle-memory; like I want to walk 20 hours a day, I want to work without sleep, I want to live without food, like that, anything.
The possibilities you want to open up in your muscle-memory, pen them down.
Write what you want to complete, means - what you want to get rid, separately, with a title: I want to get rid of all these patterns which are in my muscle-memory.
And, I want to express all of these possibilities in my muscle-memory.
Put separate, separate.
What you want to complete - the patterns in your muscle-memory - write them in a separate sheet
And in separate sheet - highest possibilities you want to express in your muscle-memory.
Pen them down. Take few minutes and do it. Then making it into reality is My job. I’ll do it. Please start writing. Receive 2 sheets, 2 paper. All the participants in Raja Sabha, in Bidadi, the Mahants can get up and circulate the paper for people. All the Mahants please get up and circulate the worksheet.
Yes, ready for the process, come on, it’s time. Settle down. The papers you wrote - either you can keep it on your pocket, if you don’t have pocket you can sit on it; you can keep it under you. Just for you to remember when I am awakening your muscle-memory and guide the energy. Or you can even put it in hip, no problem, let this be on your body. It’s like I am going to command to move your muscle-memory as you wanted.
Please sit straight. Close your eyes. You don’t have to do anything. I’ll do everything. You just sit. Relax. Sit back and enjoy the flight.
Muscle-memory meditation process
Relax. You can open your eyes. I bless you all. Let you all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda.
Thank you. Be blissful.
==Nithyananda Times ==
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Latest revision as of 09:37, 28 March 2022



The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Seeking during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled LSP Session 02 (Living Shuddhadvaita Process) Completing With Muscle Memories , The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) beautifully conducted the first level Nithyanandoham process for the delegates. He explained that the whole Nithyanandoham process is about awakening the God particle, that bio-energy inside them and healing their muscle memory and bio-memory. He added that by flooding the muscle memory with God particle, so much completion happens and possibilities open up. He shared further that when muscle-memory opens up and becomes complete by the God Particle, one will just know the truth as a simple reality - all diseases; physical, mental are a hoax.

The SPH further elaborated that when our muscle-memory is awakened the basic thing we will start experiencing is amazing integrity and stability without even planning for it, and that naturally brings tremendous health, wealth, amazing understanding and stability in relationships and overflowing ecstasy and love towards Guru. He answered many of the questions brought forward by the delegates and expressed that He felt the highest frequency of Guru bhakti, devotion from his disciples only in the Nithyanandoham Process. The session ended by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism conducting the muscle-memory exercise with the delegates..


(00:00:18) nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, satsangis, SriMahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, Sarvajnapeetha owners, visitors, viewers, IA graduates, everyone sitting with us through Nithyananda TV private streaming and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. There is huge number of cities, Aadheenams, ashrams sitting with us. I welcome all of you with My love and respects. Toronto Aadheenam, Morris Plains New Jersey, Philadelphia, Slovakia, Slovakia Kosice, Trinidad, Dallas, St. Louis, Chicago, Mill Valley, Dubai Aadheenam, Oman Aadheenam, London Aadheenam, Singapore Aadheenam, New York Aadheenam, Vancouver, Guadalupe Aadheenam, Austin. There are lot of cities you have not put your name properly on the top. If you put I will be able to read. Ohio Aadheenam, San Jose Aadheenam, Oklahoma Aadheenam, Kuala Lumpur Aadheenam, Chennai and Manhattan New York, and Vancouver Aadheenam, Greensboro, Winston Salem, I think a huge list. Vadodara India.

I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


Today, very important first level process I did for all the Nithyanandoham participants. Understand, the whole Nithyanandoham process is about awakening the God Particle in you, that bio-energy in you. Now when I am seeing the after effects, and side-effects experiences, reminisces in the Facebook—I am so happy for you guys and I am so happy the process is successful. Now actually this process has become time tested and fool proof. So powerful, I am condensing it, pushing it into 10 day Nithyanandoham process and making it available as part of Inner Awakening itself. The only thing I have to work out still is that how can I make you guys without sleeping in that 21 days of Inner Awakening because every minute you are here is useful, should be used, only then I can put Inner Awakening, Shivoham, Nithyanandoham all 3 into 1, 21 days. This is the February Inner Awakening is going to be that, that Inner Awakening, Shivoham, Nithyanandoham all the 3, that is why I did not put it in Varanasi because we won’t be able to go for sightseeing. That’s why I put this program in Bidadi where we can’t spend any time for anything else to see temples or to see sightseeing, nothing is possible; it is going to be very tight, but intense.


Bio-memory last week, last LSP process itself I explained. Bio-memory is a place where you store all your patterns about your actions — how you wake up, how you sleep, how you drink a cup of coffee, how you eat, how you do everything. When those patterns are completed, possibilities are awakened, for example: if you have the pattern, the fear of weight lifting… I have seen people, just 1 kg if they lift they will be completely tired and collapse. And that also, the funny thing I have seen, with the human mind, 2 kg gold they will lift easily, 1 kg stone they will become tired. If it is 1 kg brick or stone they will be tired immediately. If it is 2 or 3 kg gold they will lift so easily; these are patterns. When you complete that pattern, suddenly the possibility of lifting any amount of weight can be expressed in you bio-memory, sorry in your muscle-memory. So completing the patterns in your muscle-memory and awakening the possibilities is what I am going to do today.

I will explain about next bio-memory and bio-energy in the further LSP sessions; LSP means Living Shuddhadvaita Process. In further sessions I will explain about bio-memory and bio-energy. Now understand about muscle-memory and let’s enter into the process related to muscle-memory.


Awakening the God Particle in you, the Shiva component in you, the Atman in you, the Soul in you, and flooding that energy into the muscle-memory so that your muscles can be completed, possibilities open up. I tell you, I really tell you, when muscle-memory opens up, becomes complete by the God Particle you just know the truth as a simple reality all diseases; physical, mental are hoax, H-O-A-X. H for honking, O for orange, A for Anthony, X for X-mas. H-O-A-X, hoax. All physical and mental diseases are hoax. When your muscle-memory is awakened it’ll just click with you. Even now if this word is clicking with you, you are ready for your muscle-memory awakening. You are ready for you muscle-memory awakening.


Understand, realizing all diseases are hoax is the first step towards realizing whatever you experience is delusion. In the muscle-memory level, when your muscle memories are completed, and possibilities are awakened you will experience all diseases are hoax. Then, in the bio-memory level, when you complete and all powers open up, you will realize whatever you experienced is delusion; that will simply lead you to Enlightenment. Ultimately, this whole thing leads you to Enlightenment.

So before we enter into the process itself I'll answer some of your questions, then I will lead you all into this greatly appreciated, great process of muscle-memory into all of you.

Question: Swamiji, after Nithyanandoham I am experiencing many miracles and I am reading on Facebook that other participants are also able to get what they want effortlessly. Some are saying their diseases are cured. How do I retain the same space and manifest more and more powers and miracles?


HDH: First thing, everyone need to understand; retaining the same space, helping you to remain in the same space, is the purpose of this program - Living Shuddhadvaita Process, LSP. You do not need to do anything separate, special other than coming and sitting in this LSP. Come and sit here, I will clean you up again and again, awaken you again and again, help you to settle with your so-called day-to-day life, carrying this Nithyanandoham experience.

Please understand, what is it that can take away this experience from you? Your patterns in muscle-memory? Your patterns in bio-memory? I tell you, through this Living Shuddhadvaita Process, I’ll make your patterns and muscle-memory and bio-memory powerless. Again and again I will tell them, “Hey I am here, don’t get in, this is not the place for you, see the next house, see somebody else, he is My disciple you have no place here.” See the rudraksha in the neck means, “Ehh, occupied, get out, you have no place here, this place is already occupied.”


Understand, you yourself don't need to do anything specific other than coming and sitting in this Living Shuddhadvaita Process, LSP. Here I will explain how in every step, every step, the patterns are accumulated in muscle-memory, cognitions are accumulated in your bio-memory, and how it can be cleaned up. Actually, you don’t need to do anything; that is the ultimate truth. I’ll clean it up by awakening the bio-energy, the God Particle in you, the Kundalini in you. See if you are doing it on your own, its like you can. With a small toothpick you are trying to move the Everest. When, when it will happen, but awakening your bio-energy, God Particle and cleaning up your muscle-memory and bio-memory for Me is like awakening the volcano in you. All it takes is few seconds, your muscle-memory and bio-memory disappears; not just gets cleaned, it just explodes.


So from your side all you need to do is be available in the LSP hall, where Living Shuddhadvaita Process is happening; make yourself available that’s all. Be available, that is enough, I’ll do everything else. I’ll do everything else. Last week we started dispatching the Atmalingas, maybe for some ashrams it has reached, for some ashrams it has not yet reached, but this week process we don’t need Atmalinga, but before the next LSP process please have your own Atmalinga. Talk to the Bidadi ashram and push them or pull them or you fly here or make them fly there, do something and get your Atmalinga by next Living Shuddhadvaita Process next week.


And today I am going to give you guys one more special gift: the Kantha Rudraksha, the Rudraksha on your throat, energized. Mahadeva gives a commitment in Agama, whoever is wearing that, even when you leave the body, Lord of Death will not come near you, only the Shiva Gaṇas, Shiva Dootas [messengers of Lord Shiva] will come and receive you, Yama Dootas [messengers of Yama, lord of death] will not come near you. The ambassadors of death will not come near you, ambassadors of immortality only will come near you. Reinforcing that commitment, I am sending you energized Kantha Rudraksha and the mantra, the sacred sound which is supposed to be repeated in your system continuously, I am adding it in your system through this today’s muscle-memory process as a form of Shiva Deeksha. So now I am energizing all the Kantha Rudraksha [Shiva’s beads worn on throat], for all of you; hope the Bidadi people send it to you guys. Let Me create the space also that it should reach you guys quickly. Blessings.


So all you need to do - wear this all the time, it’ll give you the highest protection; it’s a protection and blessings from Mahadeva directly. See the rudraksha is born out of the bliss tears of Mahadeva from Third Eye. So He is the younger brother of Subramanya [son of Lord Shiva]. Subramanya was born first or maybe I think before Subramanya Himself because Mahadeva has given Rudraksha to Nandi. The first rudraksha was given to Nandi maybe He is the elder brother of Subramanya. The bliss tears fell out of Mahadeva’s Third Eye during His joy and ecstasy of Samadhi. That is the rudraksha. Rudra-aksha means eyes of Mahadeva. Wear this, you will always be in the space of Mahadeva. Mahadeva’s eyes will be always on you. Mahadeva’s compassionate, blissful eyes will always be on you. Next question.

Question: Swamiji has said in the satsang that it takes longer to express the initial one or two powers and then once the initial breakthrough happens many other powers will express easily. How can I get the initial breakthrough so I can easily express many powers? Swamiji, should I increase the amount of time practicing or will spend more time in Swamiji’s presence? What should I increase?


HDH: Actually this question, the questioner should think by increasing the time practicing have you got more benefit? Or spending more time in My presence, have you got more benefit, you should think. You should think which one has awakened more things in you and then decide. As I answered just now, ‘you can do it on your own but it is like using the toothpick and moving the Everest. I can do it for you like awakening the volcano.’ So simply said straight forward if you want an answer: come and sit in the LSP process, spend a little more time in My presence, I’ll do it for you guys, I’ll do it. Make yourself available to Me; that is the best thing you can do. More than that, neither I am cruel to expect anything from you, nor Cosmos is sadistic to let you suffer and struggle on your own. ‘Cosmos is compassionate’ is proved by constantly sending Incarnations to Planet Earth, to make your journey as easy as possible, as simple as possible, as comfortable as possible. So understand, just spend as much time as you can in My presence. I will do the job, I’ll do the job.


Understand this muscle-memory process. The muscle-memory awakening, please understand this process and the science behind this process. Your first layer is the memories of your actions. Second layer is memories of your cognitions; third, deepest part of you is bio-energy, the Kundalini in you, the bio-energy in you, God Particle in you.

Understand, when that God Particle is awakened, not mildly but rudely. Listen, the God Particle is sleeping in you for quite a long time; maybe I can say for last many births. Because it is sleeping for last many births it cannot be awakened by, “Please wake up dear. Please come on, darling, cutie pie, sweetie”, no. “Hot coffee, bed coffee is here. Kumbakonam degree coffee [special South Indian coffee] is here, please wake up”. No. Just the hot coffee need to be poured on the face.


Please don’t mistake Me—the truth is the God Particle cannot be awakened, woken up mildly; it can be woken up only rudely, with tremendous ferociousness of Kalabhairava, Sadashiva, the Dakshinamurti’s intense silence; silence which is the source of all sounds, not the silence of graveyard, no. Silence which is the source of all sounds. And listen, unclutched space which is the source of all visualizations. When the God Particle in you is rudely awakened, that is the only way He can be awakened, because He is sleeping for not just years, decades, centuries, He is sleeping for janmas - means births and deaths. Your muscle-memory and bio-memory is born, expands, dies, again takes birth, gets inflamated, dies, again takes birth, gets inflamated, dies, but this fellow is sleeping. It is like the land grows, somebody harvests, again somebody sows the seeds, somebody harvests, owner is sleeping. Then the owner does not even know what is growing in his land, whether good or bad.


Understand, He need to be given a rude shock and He has to wake up, He has to wake up. That can be done only by a person who is already awakened. The awakened God Particle, when it shows His valor and powerfulness through all of the five senses of your muscle-memory and bio-memory…. Please understand, your senses are not only in your muscle-memory; your five senses which are in your muscle-memory are called karmendriya. Your five senses, which are in your bio-memory is called jnanendriya. For example: your tongue when it tastes, it is karmendriya, part of muscle-memory. When it speaks, it is part of bio-memory jnanendriya, because speaking is from the cognition you carry. Even though it is action, the source of the action is from bio-memory. So the karmendriya and jnanendriya, if both are made to experience the valor of God Particle, which is already awakened, when this awakened God Particle gives the Cosmic darshan, the Vishvarupa in all His glory and powerfulness to your muscle-memory and bio-memory, suddenly your God Particle, your God Particle rudely gets awakened. When He is awakened, He understands this is not rudeness this is the greatest compassionate act ever done to Him. That is why I tell you, the ferociousness of Kalabhairava is not wrath of Kalabhairava. Please understand, ferociousness of Kalabhairava is not anger of Kalabhairava, it’s not wrath of Kalabhairava, He is not angry, He is ferocious, means He is so powerful you can’t grasp Him, but He is not angry.


In this whole muscle-memory awakening process, I am just going to rudely awaken the God Particle in you. I only need one thing from all of you. As per the enlightened ethics, only if you give Me permission, I have a right to enter into you and awaken your God Particle. So now officially I ask for you permission. If you continue to sit in the hall in Raja Sabha in Bidadi, Bengaluru Aadheenam, or all the two-way video conferencing centers, or the private streaming, you may understand, you may not understand I am watching you, but I am watching you. In anyone of these, if you are sitting and continue to sit, I take this as your permission for Me to awaken your God Particle. So if you don’t want to give permission, if you do not want that to be done to you, please walk out now, you have next few more minutes; but by sitting I assume automatically, presume automatically that you are giving Me the permission to awaken your God Particle. Clear? Yes.


How it changes your life. Understand, I’ll explain now.

Every suffocation, restriction you suffer… one of the biggest lie told to you - ‘you are a human being’. All these suffocating, restricting, constraining patterns sit in your muscle-memory. One of the greatest lie told to you is the false generalized idea of human being and you were made to believe forcibly, you were made to confirm to that same identity. First of all this general human being idea itself is a false and you have been forcibly made to confirm to that truth is the worst thing done to you, I tell you. If all human beings can live only up to 100 years, that itself is a false. And you have been made to believe that false - first lie, and the second lie is - you are also the same type of human being you can also live maximum only a 100 years. In every level, actually all human beings does not need to eat thrice a day or twice a day, even once a day, but unfortunately the generalization is created and you are forced to believe that. When you are weak, vulnerable as child, you have been attacked, harassed, by the so-called elders to confirm to that stupidity which they are believing, which they were forced to believe. So all this is sitting in your muscle-memory. When the muscle-memory is awakened and completed, many of this will just disappear, they will run away from your muscle-memory without even informing you.


Just last few days I was reading Facebook postings from Singapore Aadheenam and many of the participants, they were saying that “suddenly I am seeing my whole body has becoming so flexible, I am doing all the asanas which I never can imagined I can do. All my yoga asanas, the yoga postures I am doing which I never imagined I can do. After this Nithyanandoham process, they were putting it in the Facebook. “This posture I can never do it but I can be in that posture now for one hour, I can be in the Sirsasana for whole day. I don't know what happened to my body, it is so flexible, light.”

Being frozen, constraining, restricting patterns, inability to face the society sitting inside your joints - that is Arthritis, understand. Society sitting inside your joints, your Facebook sitting inside your joints is arthritis. In this muscle-memory process all that will melt down, you will delete all the unnecessary friends and enemies. I have seen many people keep their enemies as friends in the false ID, just to know what these fellows are up to. They create a fake ID and be a friend with their enemy and see that once in a while and get depressed. I have so many fake ID requests. I know who is this fellow and purposely I accept him as a friend—burn, burn, just boil. They will secretly come in that ID and see what all I am doing, what is going on everything, burn, burn, burn and collapse. The friends and enemies you carry who will restrict you will be burnt. You will always have beautiful friends who always support you, never try to find out “why you are low”, only try to help “how you can be out of low”. Understand, whoever tries to find out “why you are low” are not your friends. Whoever helps you “how you can get out of that feeling low”, only are your friends. This is the definition. They are the real friends. “Why” will not be on their tip of their tongue, “how” will only be in the tip of their tongue. Those friends will be strengthened who always talk about “how”. Those friends and enemies who are talking all the time about “why” will be deleted.


Awakening your muscle-memory will first clean up all these friends and fake friends who restrict you sitting inside your muscles, who make you feel constrained, sitting inside your muscles. See one of the biggest punishment given to a liar is when he tells the truth, not only others, even he himself will not be able to believe it, that he is going to stick to that words. He himself feeling instable within himself is the biggest punishment given to a liar.

I tell you, that uncertainty about yourself is the hell which gets stored in muscle-memory will be burnt away, you will feel integrated to you; not only others, you will be confident about you. Please understand, you will be confident about you is the heaven. I tell you, this happens in you as a boon when you are confident about you, the first thing will happen to you is love for you, atma bhakti and then that will overflow as Guru bhakti. Your certainty about you is the foundation for the love you have about you, and the love you carry towards the Master. This double thought current fellows can never experience something called Guru bhakti, they can experience give and take, the business bargain jiln jin juck [Swamji makes a sound] I don’t have a name for that so I make a new name jiln jin juck. But a Guru bhakti can be experienced only by the stability you feel about you.


Please understand, I want to repeat: biggest punishment for a liar is, when he tells the truth not only others will not believe even he will not be able to believe because he himself doesn’t know whether he is going to stick to it, whether he is going to be stable on it, whether he is going to settle down with it, whether he is going to live it, whether he is capable of carrying it forward. When you have something stable about you, you will just love yourself - that is atma bhakti, love for yourself. When that happens automatically you will have Guru bhakti, devotion towards Master.

When your muscle-memory is awakened the basic thing you will start experiencing is amazing integrity and stability without even you planning for it. Amazing stability and integrity without even you, not only not struggling, without even you planning for it. Naturally that brings tremendous health, wealth, amazing understanding and stability in relationships, connection with your God Particle and overflowing ecstasy and love towards Guru.


I tell you, the highest frequency of Guru bhakti, devotion from My disciples I experienced only in Nithyanandoham Process. That devotion, pure devotion I experienced from My devotees, the highest frequency of pure devotion, I experienced only in Nithyanandoham Process. I say in everyone literally I am only there, nothing else, nobody else. For some people I became first priority, for many people I have become only priority. You will have so much of love, overflowing devotion for God and Guru. I know there are many people who are rolling on the ground and crying that they missed the Nithyanandoham Process; don’t worry that is why I am bringing the process to all you guys. If you are not able to reach Me, I will reach you. Even if you have not landed in Thailand, Thai will land on you, the Cosmic Thai will land on you. Cosmic Thai means Cosmic Mother. That is why I am saying, even if you are not able to reach out to Me, I’ll reach out to you. This LSP, Living Shuddhadvaita Process is Me reaching out to you. And the next doubt, usual doubt—will it be permanent?


Please understand, I do not waste My time in anything which is not permanent. I am eternal, I do only work, anything, which is going to be eternal. Understand, the people who worked with Me, worked around Me, they know even when I build a temple, the first thing I will see; it should run till the Moon and the Sun is there and beyond. That will be the place from which I even strategize. That is why Aadheenams are built in stone, ashrams are built in fiber. I am building Aadheenams not ashrams. Understand, I am building Aadheenams not ashrams. Even if some are built already in fiber, I am stone-cladding it and making it into Aadheenam. Aadheenams are built in stone because it is expected to be eternal. The process I am doing inside you also, not just permanent, eternal. Even if you leave the body and assume the new muscle, the process I have done will be sitting inside you and guiding you. The laziness and boredom is some of the basic toxins stored in muscle-memory. Understand, I am branding laziness and boredom as toxins. Some of these toxins stored in your muscle-memory will be cleansed once for all.


People ask Me, “Are living without sleep and living without food is possible after muscle-memory awakening.” Yes, possible, possible. Just find out do you want to put your energy in that direction. If you want, it is simply possible - living without sleep and without food healthily. Living without food, without sleep and without losing your health is possible.

I think some more questions from the participants. Let Me answer these live questions and then lead you into the process.

Question: Swamiji, What is the first, what is the difference between attending Nithyanandoham sessions during LSP and doing 10-day Nithyanandoham.

HDH: See it is all boils down to that time, in the 10-day Nithyanandoham Process, I’ll be able to sit with you, you will be able to sit with Me for 10 continuous days having at least even 3 or 4 process a day, it is like a 40 process. In Living Shuddhadvaita Process it takes 40 week to have 40 process, almost 1 year. In Nithyanandoham in 10 days you will finish it. It all boils down to just time, that’s all, just time. In that 10 days itself you will go through what you will be going through in the Living Shuddhadvaita for 40 weeks. For 40 process in LSP it will take 40 weeks, in Nithyanandoham it’ll take 10 days. I am saying 4 process a day, but many time in Thailand we had more than 4 process a day. I think after every 1-hour break one process. We were having more; so it is just number of process and cleansing and the purification, awakening you can go through. It boils down to quantity but not quality, quality is same, what you are going through in the LSP and Nithyanandoham is same. Quality doesn’t differ, but the quantity. Sometime you need to have more quantity for you to experience directly, visibly, physically. That’s all it boils down to.

Question: Swamiji, I missed Nithyanandoham in Phuket, please bless me to attend February Nithyanandoham.

HDH: Whoever fills the intention form today, I am blessing all of them and making it into reality. Go ahead, fill the intention form, I’ll make it into reality. Next.

Question: I have sinus problems and breathing difficulties. Will it be cured by muscle-memory awakening?

HDH: Sure. In one session, today’s session. It’ll be healed, and you will put it in your Facebook within the next few days that it got healed.

Next. Yes, I think questions are over.


Now let’s enter into the muscle-memory exercise. Please understand, listen, listen carefully; I want you to write down all the patterns you want to complete in your muscle-memory; like a patterns related to your action—the moment you see your mother in law you just jump and bite everyone around you, not just mother in law, everyone around you. 😊 The moment you see something or somebody, you shiver inside and outside. These are all the muscle-memory stored patterns. The moment you eat some food, your whole body throws it out. These are all muscle memory patterns, and you are not able to walk more than one hour or two hour, tiredness, anything. Any of these patterns you want to get rid which is in your muscle-memory, pen them down and any of the possibilities you want to open up in your muscle-memory; like I want to walk 20 hours a day, I want to work without sleep, I want to live without food, like that, anything.

The possibilities you want to open up in your muscle-memory, pen them down.

Write what you want to complete, means - what you want to get rid, separately, with a title: I want to get rid of all these patterns which are in my muscle-memory.

And, I want to express all of these possibilities in my muscle-memory.

Put separate, separate.

What you want to complete - the patterns in your muscle-memory - write them in a separate sheet

And in separate sheet - highest possibilities you want to express in your muscle-memory.

Pen them down. Take few minutes and do it. Then making it into reality is My job. I’ll do it. Please start writing. Receive 2 sheets, 2 paper. All the participants in Raja Sabha, in Bidadi, the Mahants can get up and circulate the paper for people. All the Mahants please get up and circulate the worksheet.


Yes, ready for the process, come on, it’s time. Settle down. The papers you wrote - either you can keep it on your pocket, if you don’t have pocket you can sit on it; you can keep it under you. Just for you to remember when I am awakening your muscle-memory and guide the energy. Or you can even put it in hip, no problem, let this be on your body. It’s like I am going to command to move your muscle-memory as you wanted.

Please sit straight. Close your eyes. You don’t have to do anything. I’ll do everything. You just sit. Relax. Sit back and enjoy the flight.


Muscle-memory meditation process


Relax. You can open your eyes. I bless you all. Let you all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda.

Thank you. Be blissful.


Nithyananda Times


Living Shuddhadvaita Process

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Pongal Celebration at Goshala

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary__F0A6214_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-participants.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary__F0A6217_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary__F0A6218_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary__F0A6223_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary__F0A6225_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary__F0A6244_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-participants.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary__F0A6277_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-participants.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary_5F0A6186_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-participants.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary_5F0A6193_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-participants.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary_5F0A6235_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary_5F0A6250_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary_5F0A6252_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary_5F0A6259_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-participants.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary_5F0A6260_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary_5F0A6283_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-participants.JPG All the participants enjoyed playing with the cows and bulls http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary_5F0A6303_bengaluru-aadheenam-pongal-goshala-participants.JPG

India Tourism Exhibition in Chennai

42nd India Tourism Exhibition in Chennai, Tamil Nadu Third Eye reading in Nithyananda Gallery http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary_DSC02513_chennai-42nd-india-tourism-exhibition.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-1jan-16th-nithyananda-diary_DSC02516_chennai-42nd-india-tourism-exhibition_0.JPG

Living Advaita Process



