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[[Varanasi]] Inner Awakening Day - 7 | [[Meenakshi]] [[Brahmotsavam]] Day -7
[[Varanasi]] Inner Awakening Day - 7 | [[Meenakshi]] [[Brahmotsavam]] Day -7
The Power of Vaak Siddhi: You Can Make Your Words Come True | Nithyananda Satsang | 07 Mar 2014
==Link to Video: ==
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Nithyānandeśvara samārambhām
Nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām
vande guru paramparām ||
Iss samay hamare sath upasthit sabhi darshakon aur bhakton ka main prem evam aashirwad sahit swagat karta hun.
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana deeksha all over the world in many cities, many countries, around the world. I welcome all of you with all My love and blessings.
Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Ohio-Prayag, Guadeloupe- Rameshwaram, Nithyananda Nagaram-Hyderabad, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Toronto-Kailasam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Hollywood, Hollywood-California, Thiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Charlotte-Srisailam, Newfoundland- Canada, Bangalore-Malleshwaram, Belgium Dhyanapeetam, Indrani-New Jersey, Yun Moon-HongKong, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Bogotá-Colombia, Dakota Dunes, Paris-Home Temple, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Northumberland-UK, Jorpati-Nepal, High Point-North Carolina, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Tallahassee-Florida, London-Kashi, Dallas-Dwaraka, Houston- Kalahasti, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, New York-Varanasi, San Jose-Madurai, High point-North Carolina, Scottsdale-Arizona, Bangalore- Malleswaram, Singapore-Singapuram, Jorpati-Nepal, Oman-Sivagangai, Philadelphia, and Guadalajara-México, San Antonio-Texas. I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.
Morning itself I have a beautiful message for all of you.  It is like, every morning I get pregnant and deliver during satsang.  When I take bath, that is the time I feel I get pregnant.... pregnant with that consciousness to reveal something.  And in the satsang, I feel the joy that I delivered. Please listen.  Listen.  Today I wanted to expand on the Power of Vaak Siddhi, your Vaak, means the… Please listen. Just because your inhaling and exhaling happens again and again at different time in different speed, almost not connected to each other, don’t think your breathing, the morning breathing and evening breathing and night breathing is independent of each other. 
Please listen.  The way you breathe in the morning, the way you breathe in the noon, the way you breathe in the night, completely different, totally different. The heat of the exhaling air, quantity goes inside, quantity comes outside, quality goes inside, quality comes outside, everything is different.  But that does not mean each of your breath is independent. 
Same way, sometimes you utter beautiful, sweet words.  Sometimes you utter defensive words.  Sometimes you utter offensive words.  Sometimes you utter abusive words.  But your Vaak is one and the same.  Please listen. Your words may be different, unconnected. 
Why do you think people enjoy this kind of a this Big boss kind of reality shows?  Because it is so foolish.  Morning you behave one way, and evening you behave in another way, and night you behave in a different way. You can see very clearly the play of your hormones which is happening in your life and you can also feel you are not responsible for it.  That is why all these Big boss kind of reality shows became super hit.  Morning the same couple fight bitterly, noon they try to help each other, evening they get cozy, night they cuddle up. Again, morning starts the war. Just with the flow of your hormone, your action, your words, your response to life, everything changes.  This kind of reality shows, shows you that reality. 
Actually, if you fix a camera in your own room, office, and see your life itself, after ten days you will understand the fun going on; how completely broken you are. Your words are broken from your actions, your actions are broken from your thinking.  If somehow we can have a camera which can captures your thinking also, that will be real fun.  You don’t need so many people to run a Big boss show.  Your own body, mind, words, action, these five-six fellows are enough to give you a lot of entertainment.  Your body will run in a different direction, your mind will be running in a different direction, your words will be running in a different direction, your thinking will be running in a different direction.  All of them when they meet, there will be lot of fun.  You can see the greatest war, greatest comedy, greatest romance, all the navarasas – nine emotions – between your body, mind, words, emotion and thinking, action; between this itself, you can see all the navarasas going on.
Listen. You may be uttering completely different words in the morning, in the noon, in the night, in the middle of the night, in the early morning; but you have something called Vaak which connects, which is responsible for all your words.  Please listen.  Listen.  You may have fast breathing, slow breathing, shallow breathing; but there is something called lungs which is responsible for all your breathing.  Sameway, you may be uttering right words, wrong words, positive words, negative words, good words, bad words; there is an organ called Vaak exists in you.  Please understand, this organ is referred by yogic physiology.  In yogic physiology we refer this organ.  Still the allopathy physiology is not able to equate any part to this organ, because this organ exists in the cross-section of body and mind. Unfortunately, the western medicine believes body is a bio-mechanism.  But, fortunately, the yogic tradition believes, body is the sheath of consciousness, ‘kosha’, not mechanism.  ‘Kosha’ means, living independent intelligence responds to the consciousness. 
This “Vaak”, the organ I am introducing to all of you.  Please listen.  This organ – I wanted to use the word “organ”, so that you understand it exists very solid.  Just like your lungs, heart, kidney, liver, intestine, eyes, ears, you have a organ at the intersection of body and mind.  It is somewhere between the heart and the throat; in that region the intersection happens; but it happens in a slightly different places for every human-being.  But for every human-being it is between the throat and the heart; in this area where your body and mind intercedes, in that region this organ exists.  The organ is made out of the material of mind, but used in the field of body.  Please listen.  The base material out of which this organ is made is mind, but it is used in body. 
See, the heart and lungs, these organs are made out of flesh, skin, made out of the physical matter, and used in physical body.  That is why western medicine is able to diagnose it and catch it.  There are organs which are made out of mind, but used in body.  The Vaak is one of that kind of a organ.  Please listen.  It is not metaphysical, imaginary, hallucinate… hallucination.  It is an organ which is inside you, responsible for all the words you utter. 
Every non-integrated word you utter, that organ gets polluted. It is literally like a every cigarette you take; how the every cigarette pollutes your lungs. Every non-integrated word you utter pollutes your Vaak.  Listen. Good news is, because it can be polluted easily, it can be cleaned easily.  One lie, the Vaak will get polluted, will be loaded.  Just if you complete it, immediately it will be healed.  It will be free. Even one lie, one word which is non-integrated… for example, if you tell, “Now time is 8 o’clock”, that’s all, it will be polluted. Because, it is not 8 o’clock. And same way, cleaning it also is not a big job.  “Oh I withdraw this word which I uttered, ‘time is 8 o’clock’.  I complete with this… with it.  Now time is not 8 o’clock,” is enough. Because the word corrupts the Vaak, the word can purify the Vaak. 
Understand. The diseases which are created in your body because of wrong breathing can be completely healed by the right breathing.  The disease created in your body due to wrong way of handling the body, means, the wrong way of sitting, wrong way of lying down, that can be healed by the right way of sitting and right way of stretching.  The disease created in your system by wrong usage of the body can be healed by right usage of the body.  The disease created in your system by wrong usage of the word can be healed by the right usage of the word.  Understand. The whole science of integrity is based on this.  The whole science of Vaak Siddhi is based on this. 
I tell you, whoever thinks they are My followers, My disciples, My devotee, all of you should have Vaak Siddhi.  That is the gratitude you show for Me.  And it is not difficult.  That is the good news you have. It is not difficult; that is the good news you have.  It is as simple as brushing your teeth.  As simple as, Dyansaye suniye, as simple as brushing your teeth.  As simple as brushing your teeth. Just like every morning how you sit, brush your teeth, clean your body, have neti, dhauti, pancha kriya, every morning, every human-being should spend at least two hours in cleaning himself.  Not just physical cleaning, like cleaning the body external, body internal; Being internal also should be cleaned.  Please listen.  Not just body external, body internal; the Being internal also should be cleaned. After sometime you may not even need a separate time to clean your Vaak; you will start living integrity as a lifestyle.
I tell you, once you master the Pranayama, your breathing style itself will become Pranayama, your body language will become Yoga.  When your body language becomes Yoga, how many hours you sit, you will not have back pain. Your body knows how to align itself.  Sameway, only first few days you need Integrity training, the Vaak Shuddhi, Vaak Shuddhi, Vaak Shuddhi. 
Vaak is the organ which is there at the cross-section of body and mind.  It is polluted, weakened by the wrong, non-integrity words.  It is purified by Completion.  Understand how much ever you have corrupted your Vaak, it can be cleaned, it can be completed now.  Because, how much ever pollution you dump on the Ganga, it can be purified now, the moment more water comes.  By the nature of the Ganga, you cannot pollute it.  It is flowing. You should stop continuous pollution.  That is where the problem is, understand.  If we decide to stop, “Today we will stop all pollution”, tomorrow Ganga is completely clean. Because, one day water is enough to clean the whole Ganga, all the the pollution.  Because we are continuously polluting, Ganga is polluted.  Ganga is not polluted by one action; it is by the continuous pollution.
Understand.  We all forget this important obvious fact.  We are all going on saying, ‘Ganga is polluted.  Ganga is polluted’.  Ganga is “getting” polluted.  Ganga is “getting” polluted!  Ganga is “getting” polluted!  Polluted is not past-tense.  We should use the word ‘getting polluted’; past-continuous tense.  Because of continuous pollution, Ganga is polluted.  Otherwise, the very nature of the Ganga, you can’t pollute it.  If it is just once, you can’t pollute it; it purifies itself.  Sameway, your Vaak.  You are continuously telling lies; that is why your Vaak remains polluted.  Even if you stop one day lying, very nature your Vaak, it will clean itself, it will complete itself.   
Ganga and Vaak are one and the same.  Just if you declare today, “O, Vaak Devi…” Vaak is described as a feminine energy Vaak Devi.  She is one of the mantrini … mantrinis of Sharada, Saraswathi.  “O, Vaak Devi, today I declare I complete with you, and all the incompletions I created in you, I am completing.  From now I will live integrity.  I will be in the space of integrity.  If I miss, I will immediately complete and align myself to you.  O, Vaak Devi, you reside in my Vaak auspiciously.”  This one request and Completion is enough.  Declaration is enough. She is already alive, you are pure.  Again don’t pollute; that is the only thing. 
Understand. Ganga does not get polluted by the past pollution; it is getting polluted by continuous pollution.  If all of us decide from today no more pollution of Ganga, you don’t need a separate cleaning mechanism; she is a self-cleaning mechanism.  It takes just one season.
The other day I was reading a very important research paper, very beautiful research paper.  I just wanted to tell you all.  In the Ganga Purana – actually it is part of the Shiva Purana; Ganga avatarana is described in three puranas; means, the Ganga landing on Planet Earth and moving and reaching the Ganga Sagar. You need to know, the day she landed in Gangotri, this Purana describes the whole thing; maybe ten-thousand years ago they described.  And the day she reached Ganga Sagar. You will be shocked. Unless this is fact and happened our guys cannot record so precisely.  Because, it exactly matches the speed and the flow of the water, how much time and date it takes for the water of this volume to travel towards these regions and reach the ocean.  The date and time are so precise, it can never be a imaginary description.  For example, if they say, “Ashtami Tithi, she landed on this place, Dashami Tithi, she was in this Jahnu’s ashram”, the description is perfect, completely matching with the speed and the flow of this volume water river.  I was shocked.  The research paper beautifully presents the… our Puranic record and the scientific support. 
It takes only few days for the Ganga to clean herself if you stop pollution.  It is your continuous pollution keeps Ganga polluted.  It is your continuous non-integrity keeps your Vaak polluted.  Just declare today. And, I tell you, whatever may be the pollution, Ganga can clean it.  Her volume is hundred times more than any possible corruption, pollution you can add to it.  Sameway, whatever may be the non-integrity corruption you created, damaged your Vaak, the power of the Vaak Devi, Vaak Shakthi is thousand times more than any amount of corruption, pollution you can do to her.  The moment you tell her, “From this moment, O, Mahadevi, Vaak Devi, I decide I will not pollute you, corrupt you any more with non-integrity.  I will live integrity.  And if I miss any time, I will immediately restore myself to my integrity, complete the non-integrity.  O, Mahadevi, Vaak Devi, you reside in me auspiciously, blissfully, radiate the Vaak Siddhi, Vaak Shakthi, Vaak Siddhi in me.”  Immediately you will see she is alive, giving you Vaak Siddhi. 
Ganga is not angry with you because you polluted her.  She will be angry with you if you continue to pollute her.  Vaak Siddhi, Vaak Devi will never be angry with you because you polluted her due to your non-integrity.  She will be angry with you only if you continue to pollute her with non-integrity.  Vaak Devi is the mantri.. mantrini means minister of Saraswathi. All the schools, our gurukuls especially, should teach the kids the science of Vaak, the power of words, and how to keep your Vaak pure.
Understand. Whatever I am talking is not fiction.  If you pollute Ganga, you will see the smell.  If you pollute your Vaak, you will see so much of pollution in your thinking.  Pollution in your thinking is depression.  Pollution in your thinking is depression. At least in Ganga, if you pollute in Varanasi, the pollution does not come to Gangotri; it only goes down - Kolkata; it doesn’t come to Gangotri.  But, in your Vaak if you pollute, it comes out in your word and goes into your thinking, both. 
I request all My disciples, if you think you are My follower, or sympathizer, disciple, you SHOULD have Vaak Siddhi.  Not for showing miracles, not for egoistic, arrogant, exploiting. No. Manipulating,  no.  When you have Vaak Siddhi, if you have Vaak Siddhi, it means you are happy with Vaak and Vaak Devi is happy with you. Pain is related to physical organs, internal organs.  Suffering is related to intra organs.  I am introducing a new word – “intra”.  This “Vaak” is the intra organ which is there in the cross-section of body and mind.  Listen.  Vaak, Ananda Gandha, these are all don’t think imagination. No.  Illusion...No.  They are all intra organs.  Intra organs that’s a exact word I will use.  Intra organs.
Today, the first Completion we are all going to do in the Inner Awakening is working on our Vaak.  Please understand. How the lungs are the source responsible for your breathing, Vaak is the source responsibility for your thinking.  Cleaning of the lungs happens by Pranayama.  If you Master Pranayama, your breathing style itself becomes Pranayama.  Sameway, cleaning of your Vaak happens by Completion with all the non-integrity.  Once you come to Integrity, the nature of your Vaak becomes Ajapa Japa and Vaak Siddhi. 
A completely integrated Vaak will always be in the space of Ajapa Japa.  You may be chanting “Shiva”, or “Namah Shivaya”, or Shivoham”, or “Nithyanandoham”, as per your temperament.  What you chant is not the main but you will be in the space of Ajapa Japa and completely integrated, radiating Vaak Siddhi. 
See, if you think through the worship of Shiva you will achieve the Ultimate, you will have “Namah Shivaya” as Ajapa Japa.  If you think through the worship of Krishna you will have Ultimate, you will have the “Hare Krishna” mantra as Ajapa Japa.  If you think you are experiencing that powerful space by understanding the truth you are Shiva, “Shivoham” can be the Ajapa Japa mantra.  If you feel Nithyananda is a more fact in my life than anybody else, anything else, so I feel more powerful with that mantra “Nithyanandoham”, then that will be your Ajapa Japa.  It is up to you.  But an integrated Vaak will always be in the space of Ajapa Japa without any effort. Please understand, without any any effort… and you will be radiating Vaak siddhi.
I have seen people trying to carry Japamala 24 hours and go on saying, “ Rama, Rama, Krishna….” Great. I am not saying it is wrong. But just that japamala rolling 24 hours may not establish you in the Ajapa japa. If you do the completion with Vaak you will achieve Ajapa japa within 21 hours. It will be so nice if the followers of ISKCON can get to access this great truth. They can get established in Ajapa japa in no time for which they are struggling for years. Getting established in Ajapa japa; Ajapa japa means the constant repetition of the sacred syllable. It can be a god's name or a bija mantra or a great word denoting certain idea or the great word awakening certain experience and idea in you. It can be anything.
Unfortunately many of the Hindu organization lost this science of how to establish yourself in the Ajapa japa. And they… see it is like a, you use ten bucket and just clean the Ganga. It can be a beautiful photograph for the media publicity. But that can never clean Ganga. You can have ten boys and ten bucket and say, “Ganga cleaning movement.” By that will ever Ganga be cleaned? You can have publicity. Nothing wrong. But Ganga can never be cleaned. Because Ganga cleaning is a different science. You don’t even need to clean. Just stop pollution, that’s enough.
Same way just by picking up a japamala and trying to chant Rama, Rama, Krishna, Krishna is not going to complete or clean your Vaak. Your Vaak needs to be cleaned by stop being non-integrated. Stop the non-integrity. Your Vaak will be cleaned. Then any mantra you want to use, whether it is Rama, Krishna, Govinda or Shiva whatever, that mantra will become Vaak siddhi, Ajapa japa in you, Ajapa japa in you. I sincerely wish all the people who do japa gets the access to this knowledge, this science. Vaak is the intra organ; cleaning it happens through integrity. Polluting it will happen due to continuous non-integrity. I will give the essence of today’s satsang in Hindi.
Essence in Hindi, aaj ke satsang mein, main aap ko vaak siddhi ke vishay mein batana chahta hoon. dhyan se suniye jis prakar se aap subah saans lete hai, dopahar ko aur shyam ko saans lete hai, usme bahut antar hota hai. isi prakar se kayi baar aap sundar shabd bolthe hai, kuch baar aap shabd bolte hai. is ka arth nahi hai ki aapka vaak alag ho gaya hai. logon ko Big Boss jaise show isiliye pasand aate hai kyun ki unme jo log hote hai, din mein kuch aur bolthe hai, shyam ko kuch aur, aur ratri mein kuch aur; aap sabhi navras dekh sakte hai. logon ke vicharo, unke shabdon, aur unke vyavahar ke khel dwara. aap sahi shabd bol rahe ho, ya galat shabd, aap ke bhitar ek ang hai jo iskeliye uttardaayi hai. ye ang jo main aaj aapko bata raha hoon, samajhiye ki yeh aapke sharir aur man ke beech ki paridhi mein stith hai. aapka ye ang gale aur hriday ke beech ke bhaag mein sthit hai. vaak ek prakar ka ang hai. aap koi bhi asampoorthi ka shabd bolthe hai tho vaak pradooshit ho jata hai. dhyan se suniye, ek bhi galat shabd bolne se aap ka vaak prabhavit hota hai. kintu asani se swach bhi ho jata hai jab aap sahi shabd bolkar poornatva karle. aapke sharir mein galat vaak dwara jo bhi vyadhya hoti hai usko sahi vaak dwara door kiya jaa saktha hai. dhyan se suniye. jis prakar aap apne sharir ko prati din swachh karte hai, bhitar se bhi saaf karna atyant avashyak hai. kuch hi samay mein aap sampoorti ko jeevan shaili banaenge. pehle kuch din hi aapko vaak shuddhi ka abhyas karna hai.uske baad ye aap ki jeevan shaili ban jaati hai. agar aap ganga mein aap pradushan ko band karde ka vo poori tarah se swach ho jayegi. aisa nahi hai anga pradushit ho chuki hai. ganga ko prati din pradushit kiya ja raha hai, nahi to ganga ek din me swach ho jayegi agar aaj hum pradushan karna band karde. aap ka vaak bhi aisa hi hai. aap aaj sankalp le sakte hai ki “vaak devi mein aapke saath purnatva karta hoon aur aaj se mein sampoorti ke saath rahunga” aisa karne se hi aap ka vaak swach ho jaayega. usko punah asampoorti math pradhan kariyega. itna paryapth hai vaak ke saath purnatva ke liye. aur aaj sankapa lijiye ki aaj se aap sampoorthi mein rahenge. aaj se aap asampoorthi ka vyavahar nahi karenge.
Please understand. Good news is, your Vaak can be purified very easily.  There is no bad news.  Don’t think if there is a good news, always there should be bad news.  No.  It is a wrong pattern. The good news is, it can be completed.  All… you see, lungs if you pollute it beyond certain limit, if it becomes cancerous, you can’t heal it.  But Vaak, you can complete it, heal it, any extent you polluted it.  Any extent you would have polluted your Vaak, you can heal it and complete it today, now. The moment you decide you will not pollute it any more, you will live with integrity, already cleaning has started.  The moment you decide you will stop the pollution happening to Ganga, already the cleaning has started.  Otherwise, all your bucket, few boys can be a media gimmick. Ganga can never become clean.
vaak ke sath purnatva karle aur aaj sankalp lijiye ki aaj se aap sampoorti mein rahenge, aaj se aap asampoorti ka vyavahar nahi karenge
Let us all create sincere completion with our Vaak. Let us all align ourself to be integrated. Essence of today's satsang is Vaak shuddhi, cleaning your Vaak is possible. It happens by aligning yourself to integrity, when you align yourself to integrity, Vaak siddhi, the power of words happens in you.
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Latest revision as of 19:55, 6 July 2022


Varanasi Inner Awakening Day - 7 | Meenakshi Brahmotsavam Day -7


The Power of Vaak Siddhi: You Can Make Your Words Come True | Nithyananda Satsang | 07 Mar 2014

Link to Video:



Nithyānandeśvara samārambhām Nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

Iss samay hamare sath upasthit sabhi darshakon aur bhakton ka main prem evam aashirwad sahit swagat karta hun.


I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana deeksha all over the world in many cities, many countries, around the world. I welcome all of you with all My love and blessings. Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Ohio-Prayag, Guadeloupe- Rameshwaram, Nithyananda Nagaram-Hyderabad, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Toronto-Kailasam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Hollywood, Hollywood-California, Thiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Charlotte-Srisailam, Newfoundland- Canada, Bangalore-Malleshwaram, Belgium Dhyanapeetam, Indrani-New Jersey, Yun Moon-HongKong, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Bogotá-Colombia, Dakota Dunes, Paris-Home Temple, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Northumberland-UK, Jorpati-Nepal, High Point-North Carolina, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Tallahassee-Florida, London-Kashi, Dallas-Dwaraka, Houston- Kalahasti, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, New York-Varanasi, San Jose-Madurai, High point-North Carolina, Scottsdale-Arizona, Bangalore- Malleswaram, Singapore-Singapuram, Jorpati-Nepal, Oman-Sivagangai, Philadelphia, and Guadalajara-México, San Antonio-Texas. I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.


Morning itself I have a beautiful message for all of you. It is like, every morning I get pregnant and deliver during satsang. When I take bath, that is the time I feel I get pregnant.... pregnant with that consciousness to reveal something. And in the satsang, I feel the joy that I delivered. Please listen. Listen. Today I wanted to expand on the Power of Vaak Siddhi, your Vaak, means the… Please listen. Just because your inhaling and exhaling happens again and again at different time in different speed, almost not connected to each other, don’t think your breathing, the morning breathing and evening breathing and night breathing is independent of each other. Please listen. The way you breathe in the morning, the way you breathe in the noon, the way you breathe in the night, completely different, totally different. The heat of the exhaling air, quantity goes inside, quantity comes outside, quality goes inside, quality comes outside, everything is different. But that does not mean each of your breath is independent.


Same way, sometimes you utter beautiful, sweet words. Sometimes you utter defensive words. Sometimes you utter offensive words. Sometimes you utter abusive words. But your Vaak is one and the same. Please listen. Your words may be different, unconnected. Why do you think people enjoy this kind of a this Big boss kind of reality shows? Because it is so foolish. Morning you behave one way, and evening you behave in another way, and night you behave in a different way. You can see very clearly the play of your hormones which is happening in your life and you can also feel you are not responsible for it. That is why all these Big boss kind of reality shows became super hit. Morning the same couple fight bitterly, noon they try to help each other, evening they get cozy, night they cuddle up. Again, morning starts the war. Just with the flow of your hormone, your action, your words, your response to life, everything changes. This kind of reality shows, shows you that reality.


Actually, if you fix a camera in your own room, office, and see your life itself, after ten days you will understand the fun going on; how completely broken you are. Your words are broken from your actions, your actions are broken from your thinking. If somehow we can have a camera which can captures your thinking also, that will be real fun. You don’t need so many people to run a Big boss show. Your own body, mind, words, action, these five-six fellows are enough to give you a lot of entertainment. Your body will run in a different direction, your mind will be running in a different direction, your words will be running in a different direction, your thinking will be running in a different direction. All of them when they meet, there will be lot of fun. You can see the greatest war, greatest comedy, greatest romance, all the navarasas – nine emotions – between your body, mind, words, emotion and thinking, action; between this itself, you can see all the navarasas going on.


Listen. You may be uttering completely different words in the morning, in the noon, in the night, in the middle of the night, in the early morning; but you have something called Vaak which connects, which is responsible for all your words. Please listen. Listen. You may have fast breathing, slow breathing, shallow breathing; but there is something called lungs which is responsible for all your breathing. Sameway, you may be uttering right words, wrong words, positive words, negative words, good words, bad words; there is an organ called Vaak exists in you. Please understand, this organ is referred by yogic physiology. In yogic physiology we refer this organ. Still the allopathy physiology is not able to equate any part to this organ, because this organ exists in the cross-section of body and mind. Unfortunately, the western medicine believes body is a bio-mechanism. But, fortunately, the yogic tradition believes, body is the sheath of consciousness, ‘kosha’, not mechanism. ‘Kosha’ means, living independent intelligence responds to the consciousness.


This “Vaak”, the organ I am introducing to all of you. Please listen. This organ – I wanted to use the word “organ”, so that you understand it exists very solid. Just like your lungs, heart, kidney, liver, intestine, eyes, ears, you have a organ at the intersection of body and mind. It is somewhere between the heart and the throat; in that region the intersection happens; but it happens in a slightly different places for every human-being. But for every human-being it is between the throat and the heart; in this area where your body and mind intercedes, in that region this organ exists. The organ is made out of the material of mind, but used in the field of body. Please listen. The base material out of which this organ is made is mind, but it is used in body. See, the heart and lungs, these organs are made out of flesh, skin, made out of the physical matter, and used in physical body. That is why western medicine is able to diagnose it and catch it. There are organs which are made out of mind, but used in body. The Vaak is one of that kind of a organ. Please listen. It is not metaphysical, imaginary, hallucinate… hallucination. It is an organ which is inside you, responsible for all the words you utter.


Every non-integrated word you utter, that organ gets polluted. It is literally like a every cigarette you take; how the every cigarette pollutes your lungs. Every non-integrated word you utter pollutes your Vaak. Listen. Good news is, because it can be polluted easily, it can be cleaned easily. One lie, the Vaak will get polluted, will be loaded. Just if you complete it, immediately it will be healed. It will be free. Even one lie, one word which is non-integrated… for example, if you tell, “Now time is 8 o’clock”, that’s all, it will be polluted. Because, it is not 8 o’clock. And same way, cleaning it also is not a big job. “Oh I withdraw this word which I uttered, ‘time is 8 o’clock’. I complete with this… with it. Now time is not 8 o’clock,” is enough. Because the word corrupts the Vaak, the word can purify the Vaak.


Understand. The diseases which are created in your body because of wrong breathing can be completely healed by the right breathing. The disease created in your body due to wrong way of handling the body, means, the wrong way of sitting, wrong way of lying down, that can be healed by the right way of sitting and right way of stretching. The disease created in your system by wrong usage of the body can be healed by right usage of the body. The disease created in your system by wrong usage of the word can be healed by the right usage of the word. Understand. The whole science of integrity is based on this. The whole science of Vaak Siddhi is based on this.


I tell you, whoever thinks they are My followers, My disciples, My devotee, all of you should have Vaak Siddhi. That is the gratitude you show for Me. And it is not difficult. That is the good news you have. It is not difficult; that is the good news you have. It is as simple as brushing your teeth. As simple as, Dyansaye suniye, as simple as brushing your teeth. As simple as brushing your teeth. Just like every morning how you sit, brush your teeth, clean your body, have neti, dhauti, pancha kriya, every morning, every human-being should spend at least two hours in cleaning himself. Not just physical cleaning, like cleaning the body external, body internal; Being internal also should be cleaned. Please listen. Not just body external, body internal; the Being internal also should be cleaned. After sometime you may not even need a separate time to clean your Vaak; you will start living integrity as a lifestyle. I tell you, once you master the Pranayama, your breathing style itself will become Pranayama, your body language will become Yoga. When your body language becomes Yoga, how many hours you sit, you will not have back pain. Your body knows how to align itself. Sameway, only first few days you need Integrity training, the Vaak Shuddhi, Vaak Shuddhi, Vaak Shuddhi.


Vaak is the organ which is there at the cross-section of body and mind. It is polluted, weakened by the wrong, non-integrity words. It is purified by Completion. Understand how much ever you have corrupted your Vaak, it can be cleaned, it can be completed now. Because, how much ever pollution you dump on the Ganga, it can be purified now, the moment more water comes. By the nature of the Ganga, you cannot pollute it. It is flowing. You should stop continuous pollution. That is where the problem is, understand. If we decide to stop, “Today we will stop all pollution”, tomorrow Ganga is completely clean. Because, one day water is enough to clean the whole Ganga, all the the pollution. Because we are continuously polluting, Ganga is polluted. Ganga is not polluted by one action; it is by the continuous pollution. Understand. We all forget this important obvious fact. We are all going on saying, ‘Ganga is polluted. Ganga is polluted’. Ganga is “getting” polluted. Ganga is “getting” polluted! Ganga is “getting” polluted! Polluted is not past-tense. We should use the word ‘getting polluted’; past-continuous tense. Because of continuous pollution, Ganga is polluted. Otherwise, the very nature of the Ganga, you can’t pollute it. If it is just once, you can’t pollute it; it purifies itself. Sameway, your Vaak. You are continuously telling lies; that is why your Vaak remains polluted. Even if you stop one day lying, very nature your Vaak, it will clean itself, it will complete itself.


Ganga and Vaak are one and the same. Just if you declare today, “O, Vaak Devi…” Vaak is described as a feminine energy Vaak Devi. She is one of the mantrini … mantrinis of Sharada, Saraswathi. “O, Vaak Devi, today I declare I complete with you, and all the incompletions I created in you, I am completing. From now I will live integrity. I will be in the space of integrity. If I miss, I will immediately complete and align myself to you. O, Vaak Devi, you reside in my Vaak auspiciously.” This one request and Completion is enough. Declaration is enough. She is already alive, you are pure. Again don’t pollute; that is the only thing. Understand. Ganga does not get polluted by the past pollution; it is getting polluted by continuous pollution. If all of us decide from today no more pollution of Ganga, you don’t need a separate cleaning mechanism; she is a self-cleaning mechanism. It takes just one season.


The other day I was reading a very important research paper, very beautiful research paper. I just wanted to tell you all. In the Ganga Purana – actually it is part of the Shiva Purana; Ganga avatarana is described in three puranas; means, the Ganga landing on Planet Earth and moving and reaching the Ganga Sagar. You need to know, the day she landed in Gangotri, this Purana describes the whole thing; maybe ten-thousand years ago they described. And the day she reached Ganga Sagar. You will be shocked. Unless this is fact and happened our guys cannot record so precisely. Because, it exactly matches the speed and the flow of the water, how much time and date it takes for the water of this volume to travel towards these regions and reach the ocean. The date and time are so precise, it can never be a imaginary description. For example, if they say, “Ashtami Tithi, she landed on this place, Dashami Tithi, she was in this Jahnu’s ashram”, the description is perfect, completely matching with the speed and the flow of this volume water river. I was shocked. The research paper beautifully presents the… our Puranic record and the scientific support.


It takes only few days for the Ganga to clean herself if you stop pollution. It is your continuous pollution keeps Ganga polluted. It is your continuous non-integrity keeps your Vaak polluted. Just declare today. And, I tell you, whatever may be the pollution, Ganga can clean it. Her volume is hundred times more than any possible corruption, pollution you can add to it. Sameway, whatever may be the non-integrity corruption you created, damaged your Vaak, the power of the Vaak Devi, Vaak Shakthi is thousand times more than any amount of corruption, pollution you can do to her. The moment you tell her, “From this moment, O, Mahadevi, Vaak Devi, I decide I will not pollute you, corrupt you any more with non-integrity. I will live integrity. And if I miss any time, I will immediately restore myself to my integrity, complete the non-integrity. O, Mahadevi, Vaak Devi, you reside in me auspiciously, blissfully, radiate the Vaak Siddhi, Vaak Shakthi, Vaak Siddhi in me.” Immediately you will see she is alive, giving you Vaak Siddhi.


Ganga is not angry with you because you polluted her. She will be angry with you if you continue to pollute her. Vaak Siddhi, Vaak Devi will never be angry with you because you polluted her due to your non-integrity. She will be angry with you only if you continue to pollute her with non-integrity. Vaak Devi is the mantri.. mantrini means minister of Saraswathi. All the schools, our gurukuls especially, should teach the kids the science of Vaak, the power of words, and how to keep your Vaak pure. Understand. Whatever I am talking is not fiction. If you pollute Ganga, you will see the smell. If you pollute your Vaak, you will see so much of pollution in your thinking. Pollution in your thinking is depression. Pollution in your thinking is depression. At least in Ganga, if you pollute in Varanasi, the pollution does not come to Gangotri; it only goes down - Kolkata; it doesn’t come to Gangotri. But, in your Vaak if you pollute, it comes out in your word and goes into your thinking, both.


I request all My disciples, if you think you are My follower, or sympathizer, disciple, you SHOULD have Vaak Siddhi. Not for showing miracles, not for egoistic, arrogant, exploiting. No. Manipulating, no. When you have Vaak Siddhi, if you have Vaak Siddhi, it means you are happy with Vaak and Vaak Devi is happy with you. Pain is related to physical organs, internal organs. Suffering is related to intra organs. I am introducing a new word – “intra”. This “Vaak” is the intra organ which is there in the cross-section of body and mind. Listen. Vaak, Ananda Gandha, these are all don’t think imagination. No. Illusion...No. They are all intra organs. Intra organs that’s a exact word I will use. Intra organs. Today, the first Completion we are all going to do in the Inner Awakening is working on our Vaak. Please understand. How the lungs are the source responsible for your breathing, Vaak is the source responsibility for your thinking. Cleaning of the lungs happens by Pranayama. If you Master Pranayama, your breathing style itself becomes Pranayama. Sameway, cleaning of your Vaak happens by Completion with all the non-integrity. Once you come to Integrity, the nature of your Vaak becomes Ajapa Japa and Vaak Siddhi.


A completely integrated Vaak will always be in the space of Ajapa Japa. You may be chanting “Shiva”, or “Namah Shivaya”, or Shivoham”, or “Nithyanandoham”, as per your temperament. What you chant is not the main but you will be in the space of Ajapa Japa and completely integrated, radiating Vaak Siddhi. See, if you think through the worship of Shiva you will achieve the Ultimate, you will have “Namah Shivaya” as Ajapa Japa. If you think through the worship of Krishna you will have Ultimate, you will have the “Hare Krishna” mantra as Ajapa Japa. If you think you are experiencing that powerful space by understanding the truth you are Shiva, “Shivoham” can be the Ajapa Japa mantra. If you feel Nithyananda is a more fact in my life than anybody else, anything else, so I feel more powerful with that mantra “Nithyanandoham”, then that will be your Ajapa Japa. It is up to you. But an integrated Vaak will always be in the space of Ajapa Japa without any effort. Please understand, without any any effort… and you will be radiating Vaak siddhi.


I have seen people trying to carry Japamala 24 hours and go on saying, “ Rama, Rama, Krishna….” Great. I am not saying it is wrong. But just that japamala rolling 24 hours may not establish you in the Ajapa japa. If you do the completion with Vaak you will achieve Ajapa japa within 21 hours. It will be so nice if the followers of ISKCON can get to access this great truth. They can get established in Ajapa japa in no time for which they are struggling for years. Getting established in Ajapa japa; Ajapa japa means the constant repetition of the sacred syllable. It can be a god's name or a bija mantra or a great word denoting certain idea or the great word awakening certain experience and idea in you. It can be anything. Unfortunately many of the Hindu organization lost this science of how to establish yourself in the Ajapa japa. And they… see it is like a, you use ten bucket and just clean the Ganga. It can be a beautiful photograph for the media publicity. But that can never clean Ganga. You can have ten boys and ten bucket and say, “Ganga cleaning movement.” By that will ever Ganga be cleaned? You can have publicity. Nothing wrong. But Ganga can never be cleaned. Because Ganga cleaning is a different science. You don’t even need to clean. Just stop pollution, that’s enough.


Same way just by picking up a japamala and trying to chant Rama, Rama, Krishna, Krishna is not going to complete or clean your Vaak. Your Vaak needs to be cleaned by stop being non-integrated. Stop the non-integrity. Your Vaak will be cleaned. Then any mantra you want to use, whether it is Rama, Krishna, Govinda or Shiva whatever, that mantra will become Vaak siddhi, Ajapa japa in you, Ajapa japa in you. I sincerely wish all the people who do japa gets the access to this knowledge, this science. Vaak is the intra organ; cleaning it happens through integrity. Polluting it will happen due to continuous non-integrity. I will give the essence of today’s satsang in Hindi.


Essence in Hindi, aaj ke satsang mein, main aap ko vaak siddhi ke vishay mein batana chahta hoon. dhyan se suniye jis prakar se aap subah saans lete hai, dopahar ko aur shyam ko saans lete hai, usme bahut antar hota hai. isi prakar se kayi baar aap sundar shabd bolthe hai, kuch baar aap shabd bolte hai. is ka arth nahi hai ki aapka vaak alag ho gaya hai. logon ko Big Boss jaise show isiliye pasand aate hai kyun ki unme jo log hote hai, din mein kuch aur bolthe hai, shyam ko kuch aur, aur ratri mein kuch aur; aap sabhi navras dekh sakte hai. logon ke vicharo, unke shabdon, aur unke vyavahar ke khel dwara. aap sahi shabd bol rahe ho, ya galat shabd, aap ke bhitar ek ang hai jo iskeliye uttardaayi hai. ye ang jo main aaj aapko bata raha hoon, samajhiye ki yeh aapke sharir aur man ke beech ki paridhi mein stith hai. aapka ye ang gale aur hriday ke beech ke bhaag mein sthit hai. vaak ek prakar ka ang hai. aap koi bhi asampoorthi ka shabd bolthe hai tho vaak pradooshit ho jata hai. dhyan se suniye, ek bhi galat shabd bolne se aap ka vaak prabhavit hota hai. kintu asani se swach bhi ho jata hai jab aap sahi shabd bolkar poornatva karle. aapke sharir mein galat vaak dwara jo bhi vyadhya hoti hai usko sahi vaak dwara door kiya jaa saktha hai. dhyan se suniye. jis prakar aap apne sharir ko prati din swachh karte hai, bhitar se bhi saaf karna atyant avashyak hai. kuch hi samay mein aap sampoorti ko jeevan shaili banaenge. pehle kuch din hi aapko vaak shuddhi ka abhyas karna hai.uske baad ye aap ki jeevan shaili ban jaati hai. agar aap ganga mein aap pradushan ko band karde ka vo poori tarah se swach ho jayegi. aisa nahi hai anga pradushit ho chuki hai. ganga ko prati din pradushit kiya ja raha hai, nahi to ganga ek din me swach ho jayegi agar aaj hum pradushan karna band karde. aap ka vaak bhi aisa hi hai. aap aaj sankalp le sakte hai ki “vaak devi mein aapke saath purnatva karta hoon aur aaj se mein sampoorti ke saath rahunga” aisa karne se hi aap ka vaak swach ho jaayega. usko punah asampoorti math pradhan kariyega. itna paryapth hai vaak ke saath purnatva ke liye. aur aaj sankapa lijiye ki aaj se aap sampoorthi mein rahenge. aaj se aap asampoorthi ka vyavahar nahi karenge.


Please understand. Good news is, your Vaak can be purified very easily. There is no bad news. Don’t think if there is a good news, always there should be bad news. No. It is a wrong pattern. The good news is, it can be completed. All… you see, lungs if you pollute it beyond certain limit, if it becomes cancerous, you can’t heal it. But Vaak, you can complete it, heal it, any extent you polluted it. Any extent you would have polluted your Vaak, you can heal it and complete it today, now. The moment you decide you will not pollute it any more, you will live with integrity, already cleaning has started. The moment you decide you will stop the pollution happening to Ganga, already the cleaning has started. Otherwise, all your bucket, few boys can be a media gimmick. Ganga can never become clean.


vaak ke sath purnatva karle aur aaj sankalp lijiye ki aaj se aap sampoorti mein rahenge, aaj se aap asampoorti ka vyavahar nahi karenge


Let us all create sincere completion with our Vaak. Let us all align ourself to be integrated. Essence of today's satsang is Vaak shuddhi, cleaning your Vaak is possible. It happens by aligning yourself to integrity, when you align yourself to integrity, Vaak siddhi, the power of words happens in you.


Photos From The Day:

Inner Awakening in Varanasi http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-05may-07-nithyananda-diary_MG_6478_varanasi-inner-awakening-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-05may-07-nithyananda-diary_MG_6482_varanasi-inner-awakening-participants-crowd.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-05may-07-nithyananda-diary_MG_6491_varanasi-inner-awakening-participants-crowd.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-05may-07-nithyananda-diary_MG_6514_varanasi-inner-awakening-swamiji.JPG

Photos Of The Day:

1-IA Session

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