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==Link to Video: ==  
Power of Spiritual Community (Sangha)
== Description: ==
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda celebrates the end of three years of siege for His organization. In March 2010 a politico-religious persecution of His [[sangha]] was launched through the media. These past few days the cases against Him have been closed. Even during these events, however, the sangha has made large strides in growth and outreach. Now it takes another giant leap. Nithyananda discusses the importance of making an irrevocable commitment to the sangha. As long as we retain the option to depart in case our circumstances change, we are inauthentic: we are holding back. Like a banyan tree with hanging roots, the community seeks to settle those roots into the ground. Once we fully commit, we cease to be dangling roots and can enrich the tree of the sangha with nourishment and strength.
videoUrl=  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF8MsAvUeLo  |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="  https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2013-03-02-power-of-spiritual-community-sangha-part-1-of-3-by-nithyananda-on-02-mar-2013"  "/>
sadāshiva samārambhām jñānasambandar madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us around the world at this moment, four hundred and ninety nine places through Nithyananda TV, forty places two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in two hundred and forty three cities in thirty one countries around the world as per the statistics.
Cities sitting with us in two-way video conferencing: Nithyananda Nagar - Thiruvannamalai, Los Angeles - Arunachalam, Source Yoga - Los Angeles, Sharjah, Oklahoma - Somanatham, Nithyananda Nagar - Hyderabad, Phoenix - Kanchipuram, Toronto - Kailasam, Alwarpet - Chennai, Ohio - Prayag, Seattle - Chidambaram, San Jose - Madurai, Araiyad - Chennai, Bengaluru North, Paris Home Temple, Mananda Fans, Kulim - Malaysia, Kathmandu - Nepal, Lawspet - Pondicherry, Hyderabad Sri and Ann Delta. Ann Delta from?... Place. Okay, blessings. Gangamasla, Bangalore, London- Kashi, Houston, San Diego - Tirualavai, Bangalore Electronic City, Dubai Thirukovil, Hong Kong - Sirkazhi, Oman - Sivagangai, Guadeloupe - Rameshwaram, Kathmandu - Nepal, Hyderabad Sri.
Ah, that’s all Ma? Kulim - Malaysia, emm… emm. I read out all the name. No, no, whatever is shown, I read out. Kulim - Malaysia, Kathmandu - Nepal, Lawspet - Pondicherry, Hyderabad Sri. I can see now all you guys…. I’m… we have some more cities in two-way video conferencing. We are just re-starting those cities also. Please wait for few seconds, few minutes…. Alwarpet - Chennai, few seconds also not wrong. If I say even few... few janas, okay? Is Paris - Kalighat, St Louis - Tirumala, Atlanta - Ujjaini, and London - Kashi, Singapore - Singapuram, Devon - UK, Vancouver - Puri, Anna Nagar - Chennai. What is next? Dakota Dunes, New York - Varanasi, Monterrey - Mexico, Charlotte Srisailam, Guadeloupe - Rameshwaram. That’s it! Devon - UK. That’s it Ma? So now, I welcome all of you with My love and blessings. Ma, any other city? Not read?... St Louis - Tirumala, yes. That’s it. Ma, any other city? I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.       
Looking back socially, I Am not interested in judging what happened in last three years, but spiritually I tell you, I have successfully created the foundation on which My sangha is going to stand…. Because, understand My sangha has to be built on rock. Not on sand. It is going to be too tall! If it is just going to be few feet, it can stand on the sand. Because it is going to be too tall! Few thousands of feet. It has to stand on the rock. I dig, dig, dig, found My rock on which My sangha can stand. The hearts of the people which is radiating the four tattvas as satyas - integrity, authenticity and responsibility and enriching. That is the rock on which My sangha stands tall…. Three years, along with the war, three major achievements…. People with these four tattvas forming Nithyananda Sangha - Madurai Aadheenam and Mahanirvani Peetha Mahamandaleshwar. Woww!   
Spiritually we have achieved amazing things in these three years. We created the right foundation for whole sangha to stand - tall. Alright. Today, 9th batch Nirahara Samyama, first level, second day. 4th batch, THE Samyama - 14th day. 15th Inner Awakening and eN-Genius - fourteenth day successfully. Austin, Paneir Selvam, Tenmurli Karvya - I accepted your Pada Puja. Blessings, I’ll talk to you guys, and bless you guys during the Dial The Avatar. And Lauraine Rovera, River Saint California - I accepted your Pada Puja. I’ll bless you during Dial The Avatar.     
I tell you, honestly I tell you with authenticity and integrity, only after the four tattvas have become our life, the air we breathe - sangha is getting formed. Yesterday I was shocked when Bhakta came and told Me, one gurukul kid - Ananda Priyan; Bhakta came and told Me, after living around Me for I think eight or ten years now. Eight or ten? Nine years? Nine years around Me. He comes and tells Me yesterday, “Swamiji, I spoke to a gurukul kid, in first five minutes he changed my life.” No, I was amazed about two thing. One, a gurukul kid can enrich a senior Swami. And second, a senior Swami is ready to get enriched by a gurukul kid…. I felt so liberated, please understand, I got liberated once more. Because, continuously the unconscious pattern, “I came for Swamiji,” but, then you should be fulfilling My anyakara. When I give My anyakara, “No, that is not practical.” Anything which is trying to transform you, you destroy them!       
“I came for Swamiji,” “I came for the sake of Swamiji,” “I came for the love of Swamiji,” “I came just to be with Swamiji.” Alright. Then, you should be raising yourself to Swamiji’s anyakara. “No, no, no, no, no, how can? An enlightened Master should not have an expectation about anybody. It is wrong! Why is He constantly having expectation and drilling us, driving... screaming at us? Enlightened Master should be polite, humble, loving… peaceful… blessing.” Anything which is about to expose your inauthenticity to you, you don’t want them. And you know how to shut them off! All the spiritual knowledge has been used by many of these fellows to shut all the situations and persons exposing their inauthenticity to them!... How many of you cognise you were playing this game? So anything which is going to expose your inauthenticity to you, you know how to shut them off by using your logic or a spiritual knowledge or ideas! Relax. I tell you, that is the worst cunningness. 
I was so happy. I tell you, so happy. When he told Me in three minutes, or five minutes, I don’t know, whether three, huh? Five minutes. “Five minutes Ananda Priyan changed my life Swamiji.” And Bhakta is not telling inauthentically, he was excited about it! I could see the excitement in his eyes! No, that gave Me the assurance he is going to practice it. He’s going to live. He’s going to transform himself. He’s not just going to leave it. He’s serious about it! He’s sincere about it…. Actually I did not give him any further guidance, because he was so sincere, I didn’t want to meddle up or mess up. I want to leave him to Moksha, Ananda Priyan itself. No, really! When you start listening to Nachiketa, you have no yama. You have no death. It was so beautiful. A gurukul child can enlightened a senior Swami. One is capable, another one is re... receiving. One is capable of giving, another one is capable of receiving. Both are miracle. Listen! A gurukul kid able to give, how miraculous it is. Same way, a senior Swami able to receive is also miraculous. You don’t know.
Whatever exposes your inauthenticity to you, you use all your spiritual knowledge to shut that…. Dhyaan se suniye (ध्यान से सुनिये). Listen. I felt liberated. Because I know now, we have given enough power to satya which can guide itself by its own strength all of us!   
धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः |
dharmo rakṣati rakṣitaḥ |
Give power to satya. Don’t be afraid to be exposed to your inauthenticities. Whoever is ready to stand naked in front of your inauthenticity, you are Naga. You are a Nirvani! Only if you are ready to stand naked in front of your own inauthenticity, you are a Nirvani. You belong to Nirvani Peetha. You inherit the Sankhya Tattva of Kapila. Now it is My responsibility, I have to speak on Sankhya philosophy, Kapila Sutras.
Now we have a complete, a formal, official connection with all Shaktashanas through Raghupati Yogi, Patanjala, and through Mahanirvani Akhada - Sankhya and Vedanta; Kapila and Shankara. And, through Jnanasambandar and Sarvajna Peetha. All the philosophies, the source of all the philosophies directly from Mahadeva, the Vedic tradition, Shaiva Sampradaya…. Let’s come back to the tattvas. I tell you… Only if you are ready to stand in front of your inauthenticity naked, you are Naga, you are Nirvani. Whether your inauthenticity is exposed to you by a gurukul kid or your Guru... I tell you, ability to face your inauthenticity constantly helps you to become authentic.   
It seems Bhakta went and started in every meeting, “I take over.” Immediately, Moksha, Ananda Priyan said, “No. You control. You don’t take the responsibility.” You control but you don’t take ownership. He said, “That's it, I got the click, Swamiji. I got my root pattern.” Thanks to Ananda Priyan for giving. Thanks to Bhakta for receiving.
(In Hindi)
Lagatar aap ki ashradhdha ki sthiti ka samna aapko aur jyada shradhdha ki sthiti me dalta hai.
लगतार आप की अश्रद्धा की स्थिति का सामना आपको और ज्यादा श्रद्धा की स्थिति में दलता है।
Ability to face your inauthenticity constantly puts you in a more authentic state, more authentic space. I literally felt wow! Now, Nithyananda Sangha in US will grow exponentially. He will make people live authenticity. I tell you, any, I tell you, human beings create sangha.
As I said, if the matter is moving in a high velocity, it attracts other matters around it. For mass is moving, it’ll attract more mass towards it. If Consciousness is moving, it’ll attracts more Consciousness towards it. If you are vibrating with these four tattvas, you will just attract people to vibrate in these four tattvas of pure Consciousness. Each… ah listen! Each mass rotating in high speed creates a galaxy around it. Each Consciousness rotating in high speed of these four tattva creates a loka around him. That is what is Indra Loka, Chandra Loka, Brahma Loka, Bhuloka, and all lokas. If you are purely radiating these four tattvas, you create Akshardham around you. All the souls who wants to radiate these four tattvas and live in the high space just get attracted to you, and you create a world around you. Not just in this matter world - Bhuloka, in the space, in a higher space.     
If you can create a blissful sangha on the planet earth, understand, you are already ready with the beautiful, blissful sangha in a highest space - akshara dham. In the world of shara, if you create a sangha with these highest principles - tattvas and satyas, in the world of  akshara, akshara, your dham is ready.
(In Hindi)
Sangha ka sarjan keval manushyon se hota hai.
संघ का सरजन केवल मनुश्यों से होता है।
Sangha is created only with human beings. Go just with the strength of your authenticity, nothing else!... Decide the power of my conscious clearance - this integrity and authenticity and responsibility and ability to enrich is my only wealth! Go and sit there just with this only wealth. Guruvak is enough. Out of that Guruvak, I’ll attract, create whatever auspicious things required whether it’s a Lakshmi or Saraswati, or Kali. It’ll happen. I tell you, that’s a strength.
First enrich human beings. Human beings are the sangha.
(In Hindi)
Sangha ko labhanvit karne ke liye pehle manushyon ko labhanvit kijiye.
संघ को लभनवित करने के लिए पहले मनुश्यों को लभनवित किजिये
Really, really I wanted, now it’s time each one of you come up with your commitments. What do you want to commit? What do you want to do? Take up your responsibilities. I tell you, without taking up the responsibility and enriching, your old patterns will not die down, how much ever you sit and do completion! Because nothing new is forming. Only when the new forming, without the old, the new being will be forming! Understand, why I tell all the ashramites to take whatever is re… required, even vegetarian protein and build new muscle you know? When the new muscles are build with the new bio-memory, only then the old will die! Old will not have place over you! Same way, do the work responsibly with this new thought pattern of English, with the four tattvas. Only then the old patterns are going to die, the swapurnatva will become purnatva! You will achieve purnatva! Otherwise, how many hours you sit in front of the mirror, it can be catharsis. Okay you will complete with that pattern. But, you are not going to be transformed.
Completion of the pattern is not the transformation. Transformation is only when you build a new personality! So along with demolition of the old personality - completion, building the new personality should continue in the same speed. Let us have Shivaratri as a declaration day…. By this Shivaratri, let everyone be clearly prepared, think through and declaration. Same way, Krama Brahmacharya, you take up the same vows of sanyas, but you have the freedom to drop and get married. Naishtika Brahmacharya, you take the same vows, but you have no freedom to drop. If you’ve... as an extreme, somewhere if you have missed - you can have prayaschitta and stand up again. With sannyas, you can’t even be in the space of missing. You can’t have even the space of asampurti (असंपूर्ति, asaṃpūrti). Listen.
videoUrl=  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sovzea7d8o |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="  https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2013-03-02-power-of-spiritual-community-sangha-part-2-of-3-by-nithyananda-on-02-mar-2013  "/>
Listen. Till today, not a single day, single session I missed and then completed. No! Even one minute. How? Because, if the time for all of you nine thirty, I committed to Me nine twenty five. Because five minutes before I am there, at least few minutes before I am there, even the space of asampurti (असंपूर्ति, asaṃpūrti) does not happen. Clear? So now, you declare. Do you want Krama Brahmacharya, or do you want Naishtika Brahmacharya? Naishtika Brahmacharya has a one point, that somewhere beyond your… if you have failed once, immediately you can stand back, with proper prayaschitta. But, if you are declaring for sannyas, no space for lack of integrity or inauthenticity can exist in you. No space for asampurti or ashraddha, irresponsibility can exist in you. Now decide! Now decide. You decide and you have time - March 10th, you declare. 
Construct yourself with the new patterns, only then you experience true transformation. I tell you, only when you take up the Purna Sannyasa, your pattern of abrahmacharya gets destroyed. Not before. I tell you, yesterday Rishi Manesha was successful. Only now, he will build his new personality! If you say, “I’ll build the space of no lack of integrity,” That is what is Jnanatma will be thinking now, and be planning. Am I right? 😀 I can say PHD in the Science of Pachadi. Pachadi means what? All confusion mixed together, and have to eat because no other option. Bhaktika, Jnanatma, a spicy pachadi, PHD in spicy pachadi - achala. PHD in dirty pachadi - Priya. PHD in tamas pachadi - Priya. Rajas pachadi - Achala, confused pachadi: Shanta, Jnanatma, Bhaktika. What Shivaratri? Jnanatma is sending a message - she is not ready for initiation in Shivaratri. With this confusion, not Shivaratri, you’ll never be ready. You by declare, “It’s my life. Future is my life. The future is waiting for me. Am I going to put the same mental setup on that and walk? Then, when am I going to break?” That’s all! Break!
It is like in the army tanks, they will have a kind of a chain. You have seen? On the wheel itself, the chain will move and create a imprint and move. You are like that chain only. If you don’t remove the chain now, your whole life is going to be only imprinted by that chain. Don’t think, “Ooh, all the ten kilometer I came is… same imprint is there, naturally that ten kilometer I am going to travel, the same imprint is going to be there.” It will be there because you have not removing the chain! Deciding “I am not going to have sympathy towards me.” Not physically but mentally committing suicide. “I am not going to have sympathy towards any of my patterns.” But you always think of physical suicide. Why you know? That is the best inauthentic way  to hide your inauthenticity, escape from your inauthenticity. Inauthenticity always makes you do wrong prayaschitta, so that it can save itself.
Inauthentic kids, you can always see they will always create a chaos and put everybody in blame and they will hiding in one corner and crying, “Aah, seee… aah… haaa… aah... this has been donee...!” When mother comes, she will think this kid is suffering, he should not be punished. She will beat everyone else, and this fellow who is reason for the whole thing he’s escaped. Inauthenticity puts everybody else in trouble other than himself. And his prayaschitta will put everybody in trouble other than himself. You punish your body, you punish your everything else, you punish your consciousness, but not the mind which is inauthentic, the patterns which are inauthentic. You sometime even punish the mind which is authentic. That part you punish! And you safely guard part of inauthenticity. It is like a fellow who is swindling the country is sitting on the top job of the country. Punishing everybody else!
Shanta is sending a message - I am not pachadi anymore. I am ready. Then now you are a khichdi! 😃 No, if you are ready, I am ready to give you sannyas! I am only inspiring millions and millions of you. Evolve, practice these four tattvas and declare yourself to be a sannyasi. And live it!
>>>08:27 - Hindi<<<
Whenever you demolish old patterns, construct yourself with new patterns, only then you experience true transformation. The new patterns are not even patterns… new energy. Declare! That is the only way you grow.
In the young age I used to feel, whenever I take a big commitment, ‘if I fail, what will happen?’ Means, already I have planned to fail. Arrey, my future I am doing. How can I fail? There is nobody else involved in it. “No, I don’t trust myself that much.” What do you mean? Integrate yourself. No question of it’s okay. And cute, “I do so much, little okay.” No! Life is not going to give you teddy bear to hug and sleep. Only the real bear is going to come. Decide what to do. Life is not going to entertain you with the teddy bear for your cute feeling. Be authentic to yourself. Don’t be disrespectful to you by being inauthentic.
I can see, when this Sundal Shuddhananda is carrying that bag for last few days. I can see he is, he’s standing up! He’s standing up! You will see in a few days he will be out of that pattern. Otherwise, which would have destroyed his life for ages! For ages he would have suffered with that pattern. He’s supposed to go to now Sri Lanka. Three sannyasis are going to Sri Lanka - Sri Nirvikalpananda, Ma Atmapriya, and Sundal Shuddhananda. Even to all of them, he is giving the name as Sundal Shuddhananda. Everybody is asking what Sundal Shuddhananda? Then he explains, “Once breaking our rule, I ate sundal in the train. So that is why I am called Sundal Shuddhananda.” I told, “No. After that also you continue to do the same pattern, instead of sundal, some other items, so you are given that name. Not because once you did.” He said, “Yes Swamiji. I’ll change my introduction. Sri Nithya Sundal Shuddhananda, a direct disciple of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The name “Sundal” means, denotes, it was given as a title, because breaking the rule that I am not supposed to eat in the train the outside food due to its impurities, contamination. I broke the rule because of my taste buds, the taste pattern and ate, and continue to break the rules for my taste bud in many times. I was given this title to remind myself to establish in authenticity, by my Guru - Sri Sundal Shuddhananda.” True.
>>>14:14 - Hindi<<<
Don’t be disrespectful to you by being inauthentic. Be in the state of authenticity. Continuously clear yourself, drill yourself. Listen. It is through your declaration and commitment, the spiritual umbilical cord connection between you and Me exists. If you want to be a volunteer, declare to a city coordinator who has already declared to country coordinator, who has already declared to headquarters coordinator, who has already declared to Swamiji their commitments. Only through this commitment declaration, the spiritual connection between you and me exists. If you are Ananda Samaji, declare to your city coordinator who has already declared to the country coordinator, whose already declared to headquarters coordinator, who has already declared to the Master. It is through declarations, the spiritual commitments exist. Same way, when you want to be relieved from that commitment - declare it, and be relieved, be complete. Let everything happen with integrity, and authenticity, whether you taking up or completing. But things like brahmacharya and the commitment to sangha of not leaving - all these are irrevocable. 
>>>Hindi<<< Shraddha ki stithi mein rahiye ashraddha mein rehakar apne aap ka anaadar na kijiye, anaadar na kijiye
I tell you, with this clear commitments only, you will have stability with sangha. Sangha can have stability with you. So much you can enrich the sangha and the world, and sangha can enrich you through the world. Listen. You can enrich the world through the sangha, sangha can enrich the world through you, if both of you give stability to each other as a commitment. Understand. When you declare irrevocable stability to the Sangha, and the Buddha and Dhamma - you can do so much to the world through sangha, enrich so much yourself and the world through sangha. Sangha can enrich you and the world so much through you. How many of you cognise what I am saying?
I literally wanted each ashram, each one of you sit as a Peetadhipathi, Jagadguru! I literally wanted to give Jagadguru title to everyone and I have the right to give legally and socially and dharmically. What is stopping us? What is stopping us? Your non-committal, irresponsible attitude. If you can declare irrevocably with authenticity - really, really, I tell you, with authenticity and integrity, responsibility and enriching, I declare, “I want each one of you, each one of My sannyasis, rishis, brahmacharis, brahmacharinis to sit as the head of a peetha, which I have created in so many countries and states, and teach people all these truths - enrich.” This is not only I want. This is my anyakara about each one of you. My anyakara about you will continue to exist till you become Me. Till you are anya (अन्य) to Me, My anyakara to you will exist. If you fulfill it, you will become ananya (अनन्या, ananyā). If not, you will become anyaya (अन्याय, anyāya).
I wanted each one of you, not only sannyasis and rishis, even devotees. Muktananda is capable of heading a peetha! And he is capable of being a rishi! And Chennai, Atmaniranjananda, Uma Sundar - each one of them can sit in a peetha, can guide the world. Girish and Chirantana can sit in a peetha. They live this tattva, can guide. I am giving you few example. Sri Priyan in Oman can sit in a peetha. He can guide the world radiating these tattvas. I am also opening the next door of residential rishi, rishis. Means, you stay in your place and live a life of rishi. It is only the strength of your commitment that’s all, nothing else. Strength of your commitment - integrity, authenticity and responsibility and enriching. Nothing else. There are so many rishis who don’t stay in the campus.
>>> Hindi<<<  aap apne pratibaddhatha ka ghoshana kijiye. Jab aap sthirtha se apni pratibaddhatha ka ghoshana karte hai tab aap sangha evam sansar ko laabhanvith kar sakthe hai aur sangha evam samsar aapko laabhanvith kar saktha hai   
I can tell you guys, you can literally enrich the world in umm… unimaginable way if you can give an irrevocable stability to sangha. All the sanghas resources, everything will be directly available to you. And when you give a irrevocable stable commitment to Me, all the My resources will be available to you. Whether it is a spiritual or everything... intellectual, everything.
>>> Hindi<<< jab aap sthirtha se apni pratibaddhatha ka ghoshana karte hai tab aap sangha evam sansar ko laabhanvith kar sakthe hai aur sangha evam samsar aapko laabhanvith kar saktha hai
How many of you cognise this truth because of your instability and the insecurity you give it to sangha and the Buddha, is responsible for still not you flowering to your ultimate reality. Listen, dhyaan se suniye (ध्यान से सुनिये). The instability and insecurity you show to, sorry, instability is the right word, instability you show to the sangha and Buddha, makes sangha and Buddha not to make big decisions based on you. Understand.     
If Buddha smells authenticity and responsibility, integrity in you, he immediately puts you in the seat of Buddha, and asks you to enrich the world. You are not competitor for Me. You are a compliment for Me. Listen. Even if I make exactly the same throne and the same infrastructure and the same thing for you - never I am going to feel you are a competitor for Me. I am only going to feel you are complimenting Me. I wanted everyone of you carry the same pravara, introduction, resume, dress, grace - everything I carry - and enrich the world. Then you will understand, it is the grace I carry enriches the world. You will also decide to carry that. If you carry that grace, peetha carries you, or you will be carrying the peetha. Whether peetha sits on you or you sit on the peetha. I know there are some people, peetha is sitting on them, means, they are so stressed out, afraid, inauthentic, when the peetha will disown them. I tell you, when you are carrying the grace, you grace the peetha, not peetha gracing you. Now all you guys should think in this language, becoming Peethadheeshwar.
Bhanu should be Peethadheeshwar of Oklahoma Somanatham. And, Snehamayi should be the Peethadheeshwar of San Jose Madurai. Muktananda, Peethadheeshwar of Nithyananda City, Seattle. Shivananda has a right to be Peethadheeshwar of Ohio Prayag. Each one of you guys come up with your commitment and declaration. Have the collective responsibility meeting.
Kripaya suniye (कृपया सुनिये). Only when you take the responsibility, life happens to you. Don’t tell me, “No, no, no, no, no, I don’t want peetha and all. I don’t want all these, I just came to be around you, and just be blessed by you.” No. Then you have not come for Me. At least don’t tell a lie that you came for My sake. No. If you have come for My sake then fulfill my anyakara. I want you to be Peethadheeshwar, responsible Peethadheeshwar. If you say, “No, no, no, I am not interested in all that. I don’t have greed. I don’t have all that attachment. I don’t want to be Peethadheeshwar. I just came for your sake.” Then tell very clearly, you came for your own fantasy, not for Me.
>>> Hindi<<< keval zimmedaari uthane se hi aap jivan jeene lagte hai. keval zimmedaari uthane se hi aap jivan jeene lagte hai.
How many of you feel “I am not greedy” or “I am not interested in peetha and all these things. I’ll just live as a sadhu at your feet and then tsk… great.” How many of you feel that way, please raise your hand?
Ma Achala is asking a question - what is giving irrevocable commitment? I am able to understand in a negative way only. Not giving it means keeping the threat of fear of leaving the sangha.” Yes. You are right. You are keeping the threat means sangha will not be able to trust you on bigger responsibilities. Where sangha, you see, sangha will be able to feel only you as a hanging root, not rooted hanging root! Understand! The hanging root and rooted hanging root. Both of them are completely different for a banyan tree. If you are a hanging root, you are part of the sangha, no doubt. If you have given a irrevocable commitment, you are a rooted hanging root. It means what? Now, not only you are part of the sangha, sangha is part of you. You’ve rooted! Now you are standing. Not only you are part of the sangha, you are supporting part of the sangha. Clear?   
When you give a irrevocable commitment, and when I see you behaving with integrity and authenticity, responsibility and enriching in your day to day small small actions like a morning you come for yoga, and you take the responsibility for who is not coming for yoga and call him back, call him to do the yoga - I know now you are a rooted supporting root. Hanging root is part of the sangha but weight on the branch, original tree. When you declare irrevocably, now you have become rooted root, trusting you, banyan tree can extend its branches. How many of you cognise it? That’s it. Trusting you, banyan tree can take further steps. Sangha is like a banyan tree. Giving shadow, cleaning the environment, purifying, reducing the carbon dioxide. If you are not giving, I don’t want to say it is right or wrong - it is just the hanging root. The tree cannot trust the hanging root and extend itself. Understand. So it has to wait, and tree will not give up on hanging root. It’ll wait till the hanging root becomes a rooted supporting root. Tree will continue to supply energy to the hanging root. It’ll not give up on hanging roots.         
Jnanatma okay? Jnanatma has a question - Swamiji, me staying with the sangha should be because of inspiration and excitement to be part of it, not because I gave a commitment to someday. You already have started planning one day you will lose the excitement and inspiration. Listen! You already started planning, ‘There will be someday I may lose the inspiration and excitement, that day I should have a freedom to walk out. If I give the commitment, it will be bondage.’ Am I right? So you have planned to lose the inspiration, excitement. How are you not going to lose at one day? Drop the plan to lose the inspiration and excitement. Plan to become the Peethadheeshwar. Now, without even knowing unconsciously, you already have strong plan. ‘One day I am going to lose my inspiration and commitment. That day this world will be a bondage for me. How can I be?’ Am I right? Catching the inauthenticity, and lack of integrity?
It is lack of integrity constantly visualizes that part. ‘One day, if I lose the excitement and inspiration and feel suffocated, this commitment will be a bondage.’ You should be visualizing other way. ‘By now giving this commitment, I break the pattern of one day possibility of losing the inspiration and excitement, and I’ll make sure not only I don’t lose, I’ll make sure others also don’t lose.’ Then you are a wild river - Ganga. Otherwise, you are the Koam?, already planning… for disappearing. Clear?
How many of you cogniszed what I said? Now only I am exposing all your fears to you. Still Nirvikalpa is shivering inside, I can see. Am I right? Emm. But you are not able to cognize what I am saying? Emm. That is what I am saying, that lot of things only is iz shivering. How many people tried that I should give up My commitment to you guys. How many people! They promised, I will not have any harassment, I can live happily, and they were even ready to give all the money to My hand, but I should not run this sangha. How many people were asking! I said no. What I have given to My disciples is irrevocable commitment. It cannot be revoked even by My death. That is why I am going to live without dying eternally. I am going to live in the space I am living eternally! Because, I do not plan for breaking from this space one day. I do not have a doubt, ‘if one day if I lose my enlightenment, what will happen? What will I do? I have committed to the all My disciples, I’ll liberate all of them.’ I know, I am not going to break from My enlightenment.
Turiya has a question - ‘Swamiji, I feel irrevocable commitment to Master and Dhamma, Dharma, but not same for sangha.’ No!! That is what is not taking responsibility and not ready to enrich. Then, I tell you, your integrity and authenticity will just die down. It is not going to complete you. Integrity and authenticity lives and completes you, only when it extends as responsibility and enriching. Irrevocable commitment to sangha is the completion of irrevocable commitment to Buddha and Dhamma. Because, the intensity, integrity and authenticity will expand and lead you to the next level of its experience, next level of his space only when you feel responsible, and enriching others and you. Now if you take responsibility, listen, if you take responsibility you may create few beings with integrity and authenticity. And decide to continue to enrich, then few more beings integrity, authenticity.
Listen! By the time you take responsibility for few hundred peoples’ inauthenticity, you will be so pure! You will be so pure, because everytime you see inauthenticity in others, you will be doing prayaschitta taking responsibility. It is going to purify you so much.
Me coming to the morning yoga is nothing but Me doing prayaschitta for your inauthenticity, laziness. So now finally I am getting more pure. My body is getting more pure. How many of you cognize this? So, you’ll become so pure, you will not only create the space of completion here, you will create the space of completion even without body you will be able to reside in that space. That is what I call mukti. The space where you can be alive without body just because of your strength of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching is akshara dhama. Only when you create more and more integrated and authentic beings around you, you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. That is the only way you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. Commitment to sangha constantly raises you to the next, next level of integrity and authenticity, because any level of integrity and authenticity you know now is not complete. Only when you take the responsibility and enriching, it becomes complete, complete and complete.
Bhaktika has a question - Swami, I have a so many unkept commitments. Though I feel the energy to commit, the current unkept commitment is pulling me back. I am moving from non-integrity to more non-integrity. Unkept, commitments are all, after all revocable. They are not irrevocable. Complete them by declaring that I am dropping those commitments. And start from now in completion. Now in complete completion. The irrevocable commitments will never make you incomplete. What will be? That will be like a brahmacharya and being with the Master forever or being with the sangha; those things will not have any problem. Any of the unkept commitments related to work and your incompletion and all that - now complete all of them, that I am dropping from that commitment. I am declaring that I will not be able to take up this job, I am completing it. Complete from all of them! And now have completion, from the completion - begin. All revocables complete. Then now you have the place. You have the space to start.                 
You see, authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Listen! Sometime… I’ll give an example of what Ma Jnanatma can understand. With authenticity you have to commit for the next Inner Awakening - thousand participants, but that should not be destroying your integrity. So integrity always gets the first priority. Clear? With integrity expanding, stretching is authenticity. Leaving integrity, stretching is not authenticity. How many of you are clear? Authenticity… Jnanatma, you understand? Supriya, understand this? See, now Jnanatma, if she sees from authenticity, she has to commit thousand for the next Inner Awakening. She will enrich thousand people’s life in the next Inner Awakening. But will it be integrated? No. Then, she has to stretch but she cannot say ten people. With integrity, ten she can manage. Understand. With integrity if you, if she says ten, it is living authenticity. With authenticity if she says thousand, it is leaving integrity. With integrity, authentic should go up to two hundred. Clear? Now, your declaration has integrity but not authenticity.       
Emm, what’s the question? Type. So all of you understand, authenticity without leaving integrity. Jnanatma says, ‘if Jnanatma commits to two hundred and it does not happen, then Jnanatma again comes back to…’ so when you commit itself, you know it is two hundred, your planning two hundred will not happen. Noo… noo… noo… with a clear authentic feeling, by now you will be able to, you should be able to easily judge at least near future. Authenticity gives you to judge the near future; it does not allow surprises in your life. If you are still feeling constantly surprises waiting in your life, something is lacking in your authenticity. Again, this is a planning for failure. See, if you say thousand, and you plan for, you feel it may fail, then I can say it may, it is not even planning for failure, it’s a right thinking of failure. But by now because of all your work, based on all this work, if you have this doubt, I tell you, there is a inauthenticity in the work which you performed earlier. Now at least get back to integrity and let you not be inauthentic in the work you perform now. So that in the next near future, you are able to perform with authenticity. Authenticity is being in the state of integrity and stretching yourself.
>>> Hindi<<< sampoorthi ke stithi mein rehkar apne aap ko vistharith karna shraddha hota hai.
I have a commitment declaration, collective responsibility declaration from Malaysia Sangha. When I read it, I tell you, I just want to send Kalabhairava immediately to Malaysia to bless all of them. I am sending. I’ll read out their declaration. Please listen, they are stretching themself from the state of integrity without leaving the state of integrity. “We declare in front of Swamiji, Kalabhairava and the sangha with integrity, sampurti, authenticity, responsibility and enriching ourself and others that the Malaysia Palani Sangha declares that we are enriching the world by building self sustaining Nithyananda Nagar in over five years period of time. Tsk! The Nithyananda Nagar is distributed in various places across Malaysia.” Nirantaras, alter your plan based on this! Alter your plans based on this Master plan. Master’s plan is the plan going to be executed. Master’s plan is planning to make Masters. They say “enriching the community through setting up of three different organization to overlook and run the whole project in different areas.”   
“Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Malaysia already started the registration process, mainly to run all the charitable activities and community service projects. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end of October 2013.
Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society Limited: enriching the members to uplift their economic status through various business opportunities by obtaining grants from government and also funding various projects such as building temple and ashram. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end October 2013.” Blessings! Blessings to both the projects.
Nithyananda Foundation Malaysia enriching the members by providing assistance to their children to pursue the higher studies by providing scholarships and loans.” Blessings! Successful, you will be successful. “This Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society can be like getting best things from India, importing to Malaysia and selling.” And we will give you the all the support from India.
I tell you, start create shops, ‘Anything Indian - we have it or we will get it.’ That’s your tagline. Shop should be called as ‘Anything Indian.’ That’s the name. Start the chain stores - Anything Indian, title. Tagline is ‘We have it or we will get it.’ So Malaysia guys, I give you the clear business plan. Anything Indian, that should be the shop name. ‘We have it or we will get it.’ If you wanted a Tamil name, I give you the name - Madurai Kedai. That’s a Malaysian thing. ‘Madurai, anything you want, we have it or we get it.’ Do this, we will give you complete support from India to get all the best things. Nirantara, plan for employing all the devotees who are living these tattvas; who are living these tattvas, employ them. Have a huge group of employees. Think like a Walmart. You’ll be able to do.
And, third plan: “Representing as an official and the largest living Hindu Vedic community in Malaysia.” Yes! I bless you guys! “And Southeast Asia.” I bless you guys, it’ll happen. “We will be the largest living Hindu community in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.” Blessings.       
“Enriching hundred thousand people for living the four tattvas as a way of life by creating Brahmanas.” I can give even Tamil Inner Awakening in Malaysia. Plan for it.  So understand, the fourth commitment you guys gave is naivedya. Now the updation I gave and I am giving it back to you is prasada. Whatever you guys sent is naivedya. Now what I am giving back to you guys as updated it’s a prasada.
“Fifth, enriching thousands of youths by creating the biggest Hindu monastery by educating and training sannyasis and rishis.” Blessings, you guys will be successful. Do it. Do it. By then you will have start the work. Soon you will have lot of sannyasis, and rishis happening. As I said, we will start the next, residential rishis. “Creating a temple based on the Bogar’s concept of Palani Navapashana Murugan, we’ll also include multi storey complex with Nithyananda Sabha, accommodating five thousand people at a time, accommodation for visitors and ashramites, Nithyananda Annalaya serving thousands at a time, and Vedic Library and international standard gym and yogalaya.” Blessings.                   
Only one line I wanted to add in this “creating a temple based on Bogar’s concept of Palani Navapashana Murugan.” “Palani” name I gave for one center - Kuala Lumpur. For whole Malaysia, we may have some other name. Please understand, Malaysia Palani was given to only Kuala Lumpur Center. So for each different centers, we’ll give different-different spiritual name.
“And, enriching five thousand families living this tattva as community.” Tathastu! So be it. “Enriching the community by establishing agriculture business based on these four tattvas, as oil palm estate plantation and rubber plantation which is the main income generation in Malaysia. Also various small-medium enterprises such as textiles, tailoring and food based industry. Enriching people through setting up of Nithyananda Research Institute of Science and Technology based on the Gaumara.” I get, just add only one addition - based on the Nithyananda Sampradaya itself. So Nirantara, do Research Institute of Science and Technology based on Nithyananda Sampradaya.
“Enriching Ayurvedic and Siddha knowledge to the world by forming Ayurvedic and Siddha research center and university.” Wow! Blessings. Nithyananda Ayurvedic and Siddha, I tell you, N-A-S-A, NASA - Nithyananda Ayurvedic Siddha Academy. Make NASA, you call it as… great. Hmm. Make a university, beautiful.
“And the eleventh project - enriching the world by providing Nithyananda Vedic Library to do further study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality. Study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality will be setup by 1st October 2013, also includes internet cafe with interactive technology.” Blessings, you will be successful. You will be successful. “Enriching the beautiful meaning of goshala to the world and make people understand and sacred value of cows to rear… rear five hundred cows in the first year and gradually increase every year.” Wow! (Swamiji clapping his hands👏)
“And thirteenth project - enriching through free medical camp known as the Nithyananda Mobile Clinic conducted every two weeks. Also creating physiotherapy and rehabilitation center by January 2014.”
“All the above declarations will be described in detail by next meeting on 23rd March 2013. By then all the volunteers who have taken up responsibility to do the land search, various licensing needs and planning, organising various activities to raise fund. Every one of the sangha members will have at least one responsibility for collectively enriching in this declaration.” Tathastu. Bless you guys. My blessings. It’ll become reality.
First thing I want to tell, the headquarters of the Malaysia should be near Kuala Lumpur. Plan, look for everything near Kuala Lumpur. And, this is My commitment to you guys - smoothly money, land, people, everything will flow. The whole thing will be successful. Power of your integrity and commitment will make everything reality… will make everything reality. So first, first thing you guys need to do - start enriching hundred thousand lives through Inner Awakening.
Create a beautiful... already English website for the four tattvas is getting created by Seattle. You guys can think of creating... I don’t think you need to even create a separate website. No need. Everybody in Malaysia knows English. And start enriching people with four tattvas. And enriching them through Inner Awakening at least hundred thousand lives. That is the first goal.
I tell you guys, only if hundred thousand people live these tattvas, a group consciousness for all these things to happen is created. Then you don’t need to struggle, simply it’ll happen! To make an ashram, I don’t need to struggle now because I made people who want to live in ashram. Then simply ashram will happen. I already made people who want to worship in temple. Temple will happen. I made people who want to study this knowledge, monastery will happen. So make people who want to live these tattvas, simply this community will happen. Nithyananda Nagar will happen. Understand. So the first job is making people to live these tattvas. [01:04:52]                           
videoUrl=  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AzXlz6yrjw|
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="  https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2013-03-02-power-of-spiritual-community-sangha-part-3-of-3-by-nithyananda-on-02-mar-2013  "/>
How many of you feel “I am not greedy” or “I am not interested in peetha and all these things. I’ll just live as a sadhu at your feet and then tsk… great.” How many of you feel that way, please raise your hand?
Ma Achala is asking a question - ‘what is giving irrevocable commitment? I am able to understand in a negative way only. Not giving it means keeping the threat of fear of leaving the sangha.’ Yes. You are right. You are keeping the threat means sangha will not be able to trust you on bigger responsibilities. Where sangha, you see, sangha will be able to feel only you as a hanging root, not rooted hanging root! Understand! The hanging root and rooted hanging root. Both of them are completely different for banyan tree. If you are a hanging root, you are part of the sangha, no doubt. If you have given a irrevocable commitment, you are a rooted hanging root. It means what? Now, not only you are part of the sangha, sangha is part of you. You’ve rooted! Now you are standing. Not only you are part of the sangha, you are supporting part of the sangha. Clear?   
When you give a irrevocable commitment, and when I see you behaving with integrity and authenticity, responsibility and enriching in your day to day small small actions like a morning you come for yoga, and you take the responsibility for who is not coming for yoga and call him back, call him to do the yoga - I know now you are a rooted supporting root. Hanging root is part of the sangha but weight on the branch, original tree. When you declare irrevocably, now you have become rooted root, trusting you, banyan tree can extend its branches. How many of you cognise it? That’s it. Trusting you, banyan tree can take further steps. Sangha is like a banyan tree. Giving shadow, cleaning the environment, purifying, reducing the carbon dioxide. If you are not giving, I don’t want to say it is right or wrong - it is just the hanging root. The tree cannot trust the hanging root and extend itself. Understand. So it has to wait, and, tree will not give up on hanging root. It’ll wait till the hanging root becomes a rooted supporting root. Tree will continue to supply energy to the hanging root. It’ll not give up on hanging roots.         
Jnanatma okay? Jnanatma has a question - Swamiji, me staying with the sangha should be because of inspiration and excitement to be part of it, not because I gave a commitment to someday. You already have started planning one day you will lose the excitement and inspiration. Listen! You already started planning ‘There will be someday I may lose the inspiration and excitement, that day I should have the freedom to walk out. If I give the commitment, it will be bondage.’ Am I right? So you have planned to lose the inspiration, excitement. How are you not going to lose at one day? Drop the plan to lose the inspiration and excitement. Plan to become the Peethadheeshwar. Now, without even knowing unconsciously, you already have strong plan. ‘One day I am going to lose my inspiration and commitment. That day this world will be a bondage for me. How can I be?’ Am I right? Catching the inauthenticity, and lack of integrity? It is lack of integrity constantly visualizes that part. ‘One day, if I lose the excitement and inspiration and feel suffocated, this commitment will be a bondage.’ You should be visualizing other way. ‘By now giving this commitment, I break the pattern of one day possibility of losing the inspiration and excitement, and I’ll make sure not only I don’t lose, I’ll make sure others also don’t lose.’ Then you are a wild river - Ganga. Otherwise, you are the Koam?, already planning… for disappearing. Clear?
How many of you cognized what I said? Now only I am exposing all your fears to you. Still Nirvikalpa is shivering inside, I can see. Am I right? Emm. But you are not able to cognize what I am saying? Emm. That is what I am saying, that lot of things only is shivering. How many people tried that I should give up My commitment to you guys. How many people! They promised, I will not have any harassment, I can live happily, and they were even ready to give all the money to My hand, but I should not run this sangha. How many people were asking. I said No. What I have given to My disciples is irrevocable commitment. It cannot be revoked even by My death. That is why I am going to live without dying eternally. I am going to live in the space I am living eternally! Because, I do not plan for breaking from this space one day. I do not have a doubt, ‘If one day if I lose My enlightenment, what will happen? What will I do? I have committed to the all My disciples, I’ll liberate all of them.’ I know, I am not going to break from My enlightenment.
Turiya has a question - Swamiji, I feel irrevocable commitment to Master and Dhamma, Dharma, but not same for sangha. No!! That is what is not taking responsibility and not ready to enrich. Then, I tell you your integrity and authenticity will just die down. It is not going to complete you. Integrity and authenticity lives and completes you, only when it extends as responsibility and enriching. Irrevocable commitment to sangha is the completion of irrevocable commitment to Buddha and Dhamma. Because, the intensity, integrity and authenticity will expand and lead you to the next level of its experience. Next level of his space only when you feel responsible, and enriching others and you. Now if you take responsibility, listen, if you take responsibility you may create few beings with integrity and authenticity. And decide to continue to enrich, then few more beings integrity, authenticity. Listen! By that time you, you take responsibility for a few hundred peoples’ inauthenticity, you will be so pure! You will be so pure because everytime you see inauthenticity in others, you will be doing prayaschitta - taking responsibility. It is going to purify you so much.
Me coming to the morning yoga is nothing but me doing prayaschitta for your inauthenticity, laziness. So now finally I am getting more pure. My body is getting more pure. How many of you cognize this? So you’ll become so pure. You will not only create the space of completion here, you will create the space of completion even without body you will be able to reside in that space. That is what I call mukti. The space where you can be alive without body just because of your strength of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching is akshara dhama. Only when you create more and more integrated and authentic beings around you, you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. That is the only way you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. Commitment to sangha constantly raises you to the next, next level of integrity and authenticity, because any level of integrity and authenticity you know now is not complete. Only when you take the responsibility and enriching, it becomes complete, complete and complete.
Bhaktika has a question - Swami, I have a so many unkept commitments. Though I feel the energy to commit, the current unkept commitments is pulling me back. I am moving from non-integrity to more non-integrity.’ Unkept, commitments are all, after all revocable. They are not irrevocable. Complete them by declaring that I am dropping those commitments. And start from now in completion. Now in complete completion. The irrevocable commitments will never make you incomplete. What will be? That will be like a brahmacharya and being with the Master forever or being with the sangha forever; those things will not have any problem. Any of the unkept commitments related to work and your incompletion and all that - now complete all of them, that I am dropping from that commitment. I am declaring that I will not be able to take up this job, I am completing it. Complete from all of them! And now have completion, from the completion - begin. All revocables complete. Then now you have the place. You have the space to start.                 
You see, authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Listen! Sometime… I’ll give an example of what Ma Jnanatma can understand. With authenticity you have to commit for the next Inner Awakening - thousand participants, but that should not be destroying your integrity. So integrity always gets the first priority. Clear? With integrity expanding, stretching is authenticity. Leaving integrity, stretching is not authenticity. How many of you are clear? Authenticity… Jnanatma, you understand? Supriya, understand this? See, now Jnanatma, if she sees from authenticity, she has to commit thousand for the next Inner Awakening. She will enrich thousand people’s life in the next Inner Awakening. But will it be integrated? No. Then, she has to stretch but she cannot say ten people. With integrity, ten she can manage. Understand. With integrity if you, if she says ten, it is leaving authenticity. With authenticity if she says thousand, it is leaving integrity. With integrity, authentic should go up to two hundred. Clear? Now, your declaration has integrity but not authenticity.       
Emm, what’s the question? Type. So all of you understand, authenticity without leaving integrity. Jnanatma says, ‘if Jnanatma commits to two hundred and it does not happen, then Jnanatma again comes back to…’ so when you commit itself, you know it is two hundred, your planning two hundred will not happen. Noo… noo… noo… with a clear authentic feeling, by now you will be able to, you should be able to easily judge at least near future. Authenticity gives you to judge the near future; it does not allow surprises in your life. If you are still feeling constantly surprises waiting in your life, something is lacking in your authenticity. Again, this is a planning for failure. See, if you say thousand, and you plan for, you feel it may fail, then I can say it may, it is not even planning for failure, it’s a right thinking of failure. But by now because of all your work, based on all this work, if you have this doubt, I tell you, there is a inauthenticity in the work which you performed earlier. Now at least get back to integrity and let you not be inauthentic in the work you perform now. So that in the next near future, you are able to perform with authenticity. Authenticity is being in the state of integrity and stretching yourself.
>>> Hindi<<< sampoorthi ke stithi mein rehkar apne aap ko vistharith karna shraddha hota hai.
I have a commitment declaration, collective responsibility declaration from Malaysia Sangha. When I read it, I tell you, I just want to send Kalabhairava immediately to Malaysia to bless all of them. I am sending. I’ll read out their declaration. Please listen, they are stretching themself from the state of integrity without leaving the state of integrity. “We declare in front of Swamiji, Kalabhairava and the sangha with integrity, sampurti, authenticity, responsibility and enriching ourself and others that the Malaysia Palani Sangha declares that we are enriching the world by building self sustaining Nithyananda Nagar in over five years period of time. Tsk! The Nithyananda Nagar is distributed in various places across Malaysia.” Nirantaras, alter your plan based on this! Alter your plans based on this Master plan. Master’s plan is the plan going to be executed. Master’s plan is planning to make Masters. They say “enriching the community through setting up of three different organization to overlook and run the whole project in different areas.” 
“Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Malaysia already started the registration process, mainly to run all the charitable activities and community service projects. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end of October 2013.
Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society Limited: enriching the members to uplift their economic status through various business opportunities by obtaining grants from government and also funding various projects such as building temple and ashram. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end October 2013.” Blessings! Blessings to both the projects.
Nithyananda Foundation Malaysia enriching the members by providing assistance to their children to pursue the higher studies by providing scholarships and loans.” Blessings! Successful, you will be successful. “This Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society can be like getting best things from India, importing to Malaysia and selling.” And we will give you the all the support from India.
I tell you, start create shops, ‘Anything Indian - we have it or we will get it.’ That’s your tagline. Shop should be called as ‘Anything Indian.’ That’s the name. Start the chain stores - Anything Indian, title. Tagline is ‘We have it or we will get it.’ So Malaysia guys, I give you the clear business plan. Anything Indian, that should be the shop name. ‘We have it or we will get it.’ If you wanted a Tamil name, I give you the name - Madurai Kedai. That’s a Malaysian thing. ‘Madurai, anything you want, we have it or we get it.’ Do this, we will give you complete support from India to get all the best things. Nirantara, plan for employing all the devotees who are living these tattvas; who are living these tattvas, employ them. Have a huge group of employees. Think like a Walmart. You’ll be able to do.
And, third plan: “Representing as an official and the largest living Hindu Vedic community in Malaysia.” Yes! I bless you guys! “And Southeast Asia.” I bless you guys, it’ll happen. “We will be the largest living Hindu community in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.” Blessings.         
“Enriching hundred thousand people for living the four tattvas as a way of life by creating Brahmanas.” I can give even Tamil Inner Awakening in Malaysia. Plan for it.  So understand, the fourth commitment you guys gave is naivedya. Now the updation I gave and I am giving it back to you is prasada. Whatever you guys sent is naivedya. Now what I am giving back to you guys as updated it’s a prasada.
“Fifth, enriching thousands of youths by creating the biggest Hindu monastery by educating and training sannyasis and rishis.” Blessings, you guys will be successful. Do it. Do it. By then you will have start the work. Soon you will have lot of sannyasis, and rishis happening. As I said, we will start the next, residential rishis. “Creating a temple based on the Bogar’s concept of Palani Navapashana Murugan, we’ll also include multi storey complex with Nithyananda Sabha, accommodating five thousand people at a time, accommodation for visitors and ashramites, Nithyananda Annalaya serving thousands at a time, and Vedic Library and international standard gym and yogalaya.” Blessings.                   
Only one line I wanted to add in this “creating a temple based on Bogar’s concept of Palani Navapashana Murugan.” “Palani” name I gave for one center - Kuala Lumpur. For whole Malaysia, we may have some other name. Please understand, Malaysia Palani was given to only Kuala Lumpur Center. So for each different centers, we’ll give different-different spiritual name.
“And, enriching five thousand families living this tattva as community.” Tathastu! So be it. “Enriching the community by establishing agriculture business based on these four tattvas, as oil palm estate plantation and rubber plantation which is the main income generation in Malaysia. Also various small-medium enterprises such as textiles, tailoring and food based industry. Enriching people through setting up of Nithyananda Research Institute of Science and Technology based on the Gaumara.” I get, just add only one addition - based on the Nithyananda Sampradaya itself. So Nirantara, do Research Institute of Science and Technology based on Nithyananda Sampradaya.
“Enriching Ayurvedic and Siddha knowledge to the world by forming Ayurvedic and Siddha research center and university.” Wow! Blessings. Nithyananda Ayurvedic and Siddha, I tell you, N-A-S-A, NASA - Nithyananda Ayurvedic Siddha Academy. Make NASA, you call it as… great. Hmm. Make a university, beautiful.
“And the eleventh project - enriching the world by providing Nithyananda Vedic Library to do further study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality. Study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality will be setup by 1st October 2013, also includes internet cafe with interactive technology.” Blessings, you will be successful. You will be successful. “Enriching the beautiful meaning of goshala to the world and make people understand and sacred value of cows to rear… rear five hundred cows in the first year and gradually increase every year.” Wow! (Swamiji clapping his hands👏)
“And thirteenth project - enriching through free medical camp known as the Nithyananda Mobile Clinic conducted every two weeks. Also creating physiotherapy and rehabilitation center by January 2014.”
“All the above declarations will be described in detail by next meeting on 23rd March 2013. By then all the volunteers who have taken up responsibility to do the land search, various licensing needs and planning, organising various activities to raise fund. Every one of the sangha members will have at least one responsibility for collectively enriching in this declaration.” Tathastu. Bless you guys. My blessings. It’ll become reality.
First thing I want to tell, the headquarters of the Malaysia should be near Kuala Lumpur. Plan, look for everything near Kuala Lumpur. And, this is My commitment to you guys - smoothly money, land, people, everything will flow. The whole thing will be successful. Power of your integrity and commitment will make everything reality… will make everything reality. So first, first thing you guys need to do - start enriching hundred thousand lives through Inner Awakening.
Create a beautiful... already English website for the four tattvas is getting created by Seattle. You guys can think of creating... I don’t think you need to even create a separate website. No need. Everybody in Malaysia knows English. And start enriching people with four tattvas. And enriching them through Inner Awakening at least hundred thousand lives. That is the first goal.
I tell you guys, only if hundred thousand people live these tattvas, a group consciousness for all these things to happen is created. Then you don’t need to struggle, simply it’ll happen! To make an ashram, I don’t need to struggle now because I made people who want to live in ashram. Then simply ashram will happen. I already made people who want to worship in temple. Temple will happen. I made people who want to study this knowledge, monastery will happen. So make people who want to live these tattvas, simply this community will happen. Nithyananda Nagar will happen. Understand. So the first job is making people to live these tattvas.                           
Even to Bidadi Sangha I am saying very clearly, work in all these village, go round in these villages. Don’t expect them to come to you for a typical ASP or NSP. No! Go and spend time with them. Small small groups, even four-five people - talk to them about integrity, authenticity, responsibility. That is why with all these only Swamiji is having so much power. You also start practicing, this power will be supporting you, healing you, bringing you health, bringing you peace in the life, bringing you intelligence, bringing you success in money, economy. Give them these tattvas. Then if they want money to start business, give them the interest free loan - The Nithyananda Lakshmi, Nithyananda Lakshmi Project. Enrich them in all their dimensions of life. This should be done by Bidadi Sangha. Enriching them with four tattvas. Giving them the loans, interest free loans for standing up, enriching themself economically. And constantly helping them to live these tattvas and showing the power of these tattvas - how they can grow economically, mentally, physically, in socially and in the relationships, family, in every way through these four tattvas.           
>>>Hindi<<< aapke pehla uttardaayi hai manushyon ko in char tattvon ke saath jeevan jeene ka tareka sikhana hai. 
Anybody with integrity and authenticity, that you are going to fulfill, will commit this project of Nithyananda Lakshmi by enriching people with these tattvas and supporting them, whoever is need, in need by giving them interest free loans; see to it they know the power of these tattvas and live these tattvas. Anybody is committing? In and around Bidadi. Raise the hand. You should be knowing Kannada. Come on. Come to the front, let me see the team, group. Come and stand as a group. Oh God! So many. That is great. Get the mic for them. Let’s see. Aye, all you guys listen. Now when you commit... listen. It is your life! You will not commit anything which is contradicting to this commitment. You can commit any more projects which you can be doing being here. No, this project is supposed to be done around Bidadi, this… this whole district, around two hundred-three hundred village I want this to happen. So, is already the commitments you guys made, is it anyway going to contradict this commitment? Are you guys clear? Can you read your Book of Heart once and come back. Come on, listen. You have to read your Book of Heart, and you have to be very integrated and authentic. You should make sure you are going to complete it.
Any of you, is your other projects which you already committed will suffer because of this commitment? Anybody thinks like that, please leave. See, it is only more stretching, not replacing. Clear? It is only more stretching, not replacing.
Listen! This group first thing, do you… is your other commitments are going to suffer in anyway because of this new commitment? Raise your hand. If your earlier commitment is going to suffer in anyway because of this new commitment, don’t commit. Are you clear? How many of you are clearly declaring because of this new commitment, my earlier commitments will not suffer in any way? Raise your hand. I am only stretching with more responsibility and authenticity. Raise your hand. So clear? Aye, Jagdish, you committed to me that you will go to Mau… err… Sri Lanka and create the sangha. Is it not? Then, how are you committing now?
மைக்குக்கு வா. இலங்கைக்கு போயி வர்க் பண்றேன்னு தானே சொன்ன. என் கிட்ட கம்மிட் பண்ண. அப்பறம் என்ன இங்க கம்மிட் பண்ற?
"இல்ல சாமி ஃபர்ஸ்ட் நா எந்த ரெஸ்பான்சிபிலிட்டியும் எடுக்கல. ஆனா இன்னைக்கு சாமியோட சத்சங்கம் இது பண்ணதுக்கு அப்புறம் தான் ஃபர்ஸ்ட் ஃபைட் பண்ணனும் சொல்லி ஒரு இது வந்திருக்கு சுவாமிஜி."
சரி கரெக்டு. அப்போ இலங்கைக்கு கம்மிட்..இலங்கைக்கு டிக்ளார் பண்ணு. இதே பிராஜெக்ட் இலங்கையில போயி பண்றியா? சொல்லு.
"கண்டிப்பா சுவாமிஜி. பண்றேன் சுவாமிஜி. இப்போ அது இருக்கு. ஆனா எனக்கு இப்போ நா இன்னும் கம்ப்ளீட் பண்ல. கம்ப்ளீட் பண்ற சில விஷயங்கள் டிஸ்கஸ் பண்ணி அம்மா கிட்ட சொல்லனும். 1 இயர், நா சாலெஞ்சு பண்றது என்னன்னா, 1 இயர் வந்து தமிழ் நாட்ல,"
சாலெஞ்சு இல்ல டிக்ளர்.
"டிக்ளர் டிக்ளர். எதாவது ஒரு ஜோன்ல. சாலெஞ்சு பண்ணி 1 இயர் ல, எனக்கு இது பண்ணினேன் அப்டிங்கரது இல்லாம, ரிசல்ட், அந்த 1 இயர் ல நா என்ன ரிசல்ட், ஜதீஷ் என்ன ரிசல்ட் காட்டி இருக்கிறான். அபடிங்கரது. அதாவது 4 ஜோன் ல எவ்ளோ பேர் வேணும்னாலும் சாலென்ஜ் பண்ணட்டும். டிக்லர் பண்ணட்டும். அந்த எனக்கு குடுக்குற.. ஜதீஷ்க்கு குடுக்குற 1 இயர்ல ஜதிஷ் என்ன ரிசல்ட் காட்டுறான்? அப்டிங்றது வந்து நா புல்ஃபில் பண்ணி காட்டனும்னு விரும்புறேன், சுவாமிஜி."
இது வந்து காம்பட்டிஷன் ஸ்பிரிட் ல தான் சொல்ற. நல்லா கம்ப்ளீட, நல்லா தெரிஞ்சுக்கோ. அவங்கள பத்தி எல்லாம் கவலைப்பட வேண்டாம். நீ என்ன சாதிக்க போறேன்னு டிக்ளர் பண்ணு.
"கண்டிப்பா சுவாமிஜி"
அத சொல்லு. அப்போ அத திங்க் பண்ணிட்டு வா. திங்க் பண்ணிட்டு வா.  இப்போ நீ தமிழ்நாடு எடுத்தீனா இல்ல ஶ்ரீலங்கா எடுத்தீனா, இங்க பண்ண முடியாது. நீ ஏற்கனவே ஶ்ரீலங்காவுக்காக கம்மிட் பண்ணி இருக்க. புரிதா? அப்போ கம்ப்லீஷன் பண்ணி முடிச்சு ஶ்ரீலங்காவுக்கு பிளான் பண்ணு.
"Ok , Swamiji. Thank you. Swamiji "
All of you are very clear? And you will, you will only be residing in this campus, only then you will be able to do this. Am I right? All of you know Kannada? Communicate means you should be able to communicate to the villagers. Hmm, then okay. So, come on, come as a group collectively. Emm. Wow! Nithyananda Lakshmi Project starts. I tell you, it will not only enrich the people around, it’ll enrich us also. So now you guys have to sit, plan. You guys will do the collective responsibility meeting now. Am I right? You will do the meeting … and when you will come back and declare how many cities you are going? See, how many village you are going to enrich? How many people you are going to enrich? How many families you are going to enrich? If you work sincerely, you will create a real Nithyananda Nagar with these two hundred-three hundred villages. Two-three hundred village will be Nithyananda Nagar.
[technical glitch]
Ashramite commits: Okay, I will be joining your team and commit fully for this sangha.         
So Malaysia Sangha, listen. Make hundred thousand people live these tattvas. That’s the first thing you need to do. Everything else will simply follow. Now, with the local newspapers, magazines, TV channel - you have to start putting the discourses on these four tattvas, and start conducting house to house, house meetings, home meetings. Immediately you may not be able to start the ASP, that is okay. Home meetings, house satsangs on the four tattvas - Chaturveda (छतुर्वेद) meeting, four Vedas meeting. Start house to house. Each one of you should become acharya and go to house to house and start conducting four tattva meeting. Understand, you can’t expect just Rishi Nirantara and Ma Nirantara to come. Each one of you go to different different houses, places and start teaching these four Vedas, four tattvas. Okay? Start.
My blessings to Malaysia Sangha. Blessings. We will win. Now only I feel life is happening. So much life is happening everywhere. Shiva is so happy. Kalabhairava is so happy. Life is happening.
I’ll move to the next part of the satsang - Dial the Avatar.
sadāshiva samārambhām   
jñānasambandar madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us around the world at this moment, four hundred and ninety nine places through Nithyananda TV, forty places two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in two hundred and forty three cities in thirty one countries around the world as per the statistics.
Cities sitting with us in two-way video conferencing: Nithyananda Nagar - Thiruvannamalai, Los Angeles - Arunachalam, Source Yoga - Los Angeles, Sharjah, Oklahoma - Somanatham, Nithyananda Nagar - Hyderabad, Phoenix - Kanchipuram, Toronto - Kailasam, >>>?<<< - Chennai, Ohio - Prayag, Seattle - Chidambaram, San Jose - Madurai, Araiyadu? - Chennai, Bengaluru North, Paris Home Temple, Mananda Fans, Kulim - Malaysia, Kathmandu - Nepal, Lawspet - Pondicherry, Hyderabad Sri and Ann Delta. Ann Delta from? Place. Okay, blessings. Gangamasla, Bangalore, London- Kashi, Houston, San Diego - Tirualavai, Bangalore Electronic City, Dubai Thirukovil, Hong Kong - Sirkazhi, Oman - Sivagangai, Guadeloupe - Rameshwaram, Kathmandu - Nepal, Hyderabad Sri.
Ah, that’s all Ma? Kulim - Malaysia, emm… emm. I read out all the name. No, no, whatever is shown, I read out. Kulim - Malaysia, Kathmandu - Nepal, Lawspet - Pondicherry, Hyderabad Sri. I can see now all you guys. I’m… we have some more cities in two-way video conferencing. We are just re-starting those cities also. Please wait for few seconds, few minutes. Alwarpet - Chennai, few seconds also not wrong. If I say even few... few janas, okay? Is Paris - Kalighat, St Louis - Tirumala, Atlanta - Ujjaini, and London - Kashi, Singapore - Singapuram, Devon - UK, Vancouver - Puri, Anna Nagar - Chennai. What is next? Dakota Dunes, New York - Varanasi, Monterrey - Mexico, Charlotte Srisailam, Guadeloupe - Rameshwaram. That’s it. Devon - UK. That’s it Ma? So now, I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.  Ma, any other city? Not right? St Louis - Tirumala, yes. That’s it. Ma, any other city? I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.       
Looking back socially, I am not interested in judging what happened in last three years, but spiritually I tell you, I have successfully created the foundation on which my sangha is going to stand. Because, understand my sangha has to be built on rock. Not on sand. It is going to be too tall! If it is just going to be few feet, it can stand on the sand. Because it is going to be too tall! Few thousands of feet. It has to stand on the rock. I dig, dig, dig, found my rock on which my sangha can stand. The hearts of the people which is radiating the four tattvas as satyas - integrity, authenticity and responsibility and enriching. That is the rock on which my sangha stands tall. Three years, along with the war, three major achievements. People with these four tattvas forming Nithyananda Sangha - >>>?<<< Aadheenam and Mahanirvani Peetha Mahamandaleshwar. Woww!   
Spiritually we have achieved amazing things in these three years. We created the right foundation for whole sangha to stand - tall. Alright. Today, 9th batch Nirahara Samyama, first level, second day. 4th batch, THE Samyama - fourteenth day. 15th Inner Awakening and eN-Genius - fourteenth day successfully. Austin, Paneir Selvam, Tenmurli Karvya - I accepted your Pada Puja. Blessings, I’ll talk to you guys, and bless you guys during the Dial The Avatar. And Lauraine Rovera, River Saint California - I accepted your Pada Puja. I’ll bless you during Dial The Avatar.     
I tell you, honestly I tell you with authenticity and integrity, only after the four tattvas have become our life, the air we breathe - sangha is getting formed. Yesterday I was shocked when Bhakta came and told me, one gurukul kid - Ananda Priyan; Bhakta came and told me after living around me for I think eight or ten years now. Eight or ten? Nine years? Nine years around me. He comes and tells me yesterday, “Swamiji, I spoke to a gurukul kid, in first five minutes he changed my life.” No, I was amazed about two thing. One, a gurukul kid can enrich a senior Swami. And second, a senior Swami is ready to get enriched by a gurukul kid. I felt so liberated, please understand, I got liberated once more. Because, continously the unconscious pattern, “I came for Swamiji,” but, then you should be fulfilling my anyakara. When I give my anyakara, “No, that is not practical.” Anything which is trying to transform you, you destroy them!       
“I came for Swamiji,” “I came for the sake of Swamiji,” “I came for the love of Swamiji,” “I came just to be with Swamiji.” Alright. Then, you should be raising yourself to Swamiji’s anyakara. “No, no, no, no, no, how can? An enlightened Master should not have an expectation about anybody. It is wrong! Why is he constantly having expectation and drilling us, driving... screaming at us? Enlightened Master should be polite, humble, loving… peaceful… blessing.” Anything which is about to expose your inauthenticity to you, you don’t want them. And you know how to shut them off! All the spiritual knowledge has been used by many of these fellows to shut all the situations and persons exposing their inauthenticity to them! How many of you cognise you were playing this game? So anything which is going to expose your inauthenticity to you, you know how to shut them off by using your logic or a spiritual knowledge or ideas! Relax. I tell you, that is the worst cunningness. 
I was so happy. I tell you, so happy. When he told me in three minutes, or five minutes, I don’t know, whether three, huh? Five minutes. “Five minutes Ananda Priyan changed my life Swamiji.” And Bhakta is not telling inauthentically, he was excited about it! I could see the excitement in his eyes! No, that gave me the assurance he is going to practice it. He’s going to live. He’s going to transform himself. He’s not just going to leave it. He’s serious about it! He’s sincere about it. Actually I did not give him any further guidance, because he was so sincere, I didn’t want to meddle up or mess up. I want to leave him to Moksha, Ananda Priyan itself. No, really! When you start listening to Nachiketa, you have no yama. You have no death. It was so beautiful. A gurukul child can enlightened a senior Swami. One is capable, another one is re... receiving. One is capable of giving, another one is capable of receiving. Both are miracle. Listen! A gurukul kid able to give, how miraculous it is. Same way, a senior Swami is able to receive is also miraculous. You don’t know.
Whatever exposes your inauthenticity to you, you use all your spiritual knowledge to shut that. Dhyaan se suniye (ध्यान से सुनिये). Listen. I felt liberated. Because I know now, we have given enough power to satya which can guide itself by its own strength all of us!   
धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः |
dharmo rakṣati rakṣitaḥ |
Give power to satya. Don’t be afraid to be exposed to inauthenticities. Whoever is ready to stand naked in front of your inauthenticity, you are Naga. You are Nirvani! Only if you are ready to stand naked in front of your own inauthenticity, you are Nirvani. You belong to Nirvani Peetha. You inherit the Sankhya Tattva of Kapila. Now it is my responsibility, I have to speak on Sankhya philosophy, Kapila Sutras.
Now we have a complete, formal, official connection with all Shaktashanas through Raghupati Yogi, Patanjala, and through Mahanirvani Akhada - Sankhya and Vedanta; Kapila and Shankara. And, through Jnanasambandar and Sarvajna Peetha. All the philosophies, the source of all the philosophies directly from Mahadeva, the Vedic tradition, Shaiva Sampradaya. Let’s come back to the tattvas. I tell you… only if you are ready to stand in front of your inauthenticity naked, you are Naga, you are Nirvani. Whether your inauthenticity is exposed to you by a gurukul kid or your Guru... I tell you, ability to face your inauthenticity constantly helps you to become authentic.   
It seems Bhakta went and started in every meeting, “I take over.” Immediately, Moksha, Ananda Priyan said, “No. You control. You don’t take the responsibility.” You control but you don’t take ownership. He said, “That's it, I got the click, Swamiji. I got my root pattern.” Thanks to Ananda Priyan for giving. Thanks to Bhakta for receiving. >>>Hindi<<< Ability to face your inauthenticity constantly puts you in a more authentic state, more authentic space. I literally felt wow! Now, Nithyananda Sangha in US will grow exponentially. He will make people live authenticity. I tell you, any, I tell you, human beings create sangha.
As I said, if the matter is moving in a high velocity, it attracts other matters around it. For mass is moving, it’ll attract more mass towards it. If consciousness is moving, it’ll attracts more consciousness towards it. If you are vibrating with these four tattvas, you will just attract people to vibrate in these four tattvas of pure consciousness. Each… ah listen! Each mass rotating in high speed creates a galaxy around it. Each consciousness rotating in high speed of these four tattva creates a loka around him. That is what is Indra Loka, Chandra Loka, Brahma Loka, Bhuloka, and all lokas. If you are purely radiating these four tattvas, you create Akshardham around you. All the souls who wants to radiates these four tattvas and live in the high space just get attracted to you, and you create a world around you. Not just in this matter world - Bhuloka, in the space, in a higher space.     
If you can create a blissful sangha on the planet earth, understand, you are already ready with the beautiful, blissful sangha in a highest space - akshara dham. In the world of shara, if you create a sangha with these highest principles - tattvas and satyas, in the world of  akshara, akshara, your dham is ready. >>>Hindi<<< Sangha is created only with human beings. Go just with the strength of your authenticity, nothing else! Decide the power of my conscious clearance - this integrity and authenticity and responsibility and ability to enrich is my only wealth! Go and sit there just with this only wealth. Guruvak is enough. Out of that Guruvak, I’ll attract, create whatever auspicious things required whether it’s a Lakshmi or Saraswati, or Kali. It’ll happen. I tell you, that’s a strength.
First enrich human beings. Human beings are the sangha. >>>Hindi<<< Really, really I wanted, now it’s time each one of you come up with your commitments. What do you want to commit? What do you want to do? Take up your responsibilities. I tell you, without taking up the responsibility and enriching, your old patterns will not die down, how much ever you sit and do completion! Because nothing new is forming. Only when the new forming, without the old, the new being will be forming! Understand, why I tell all the ashramites to take whatever is re… required, even vegetarian protein and build new muscle you know? When the new muscles are build with the new bio memory, only then the old will die! Old will not have place over you! Same way, do the work responsibly with this new thought pattern of English, with the four tattvas. Only then the old patterns are going to die, the svapurnatva will become purnatva! You will achieve purnatva! Otherwise, how many hours you sit in front of the mirror, it can be catharsis. Okay you will complete with that pattern. But, you are not going to be transform.
Completion of the pattern is not the transformation. Transformation is only when you build the new personality! So along with demolition of the old personality - completion, building the new personality should continue in the same speed. Let us have Shivaratri as a declaration day. By this Shivaratri, let everyone be clearly prepared, think through and declaration. Same way, Krama Brahmacharya, you take up the same vows of sannyas, but you have the freedom to drop and get married. Naishtika Brahmacharya, you take the same vows, but you have no freedom to drop. If you’ve... as a extreme, somewhere if you have missed - you can have prayaschitta and stand up again. With sannyas, you can’t even be in the space of missing. You can’t have even the space of asampurti (असंपूर्ति, asaṃpūrti). Listen
Till today, not a single day, single session I missed and then completed. No! Even one minute. How? Because, if the time for all of you nine thirty, I committed to me nine twenty five. Because five minutes before I am there. At least few minutes before I am there. Even the space of asampurti (असंपूर्ति, asaṃpūrti) does not happen. Clear? So now, you declare. Do you want Krama Brahmacharya, or do you want Naishtika Brahmacharya? Naishtika Brahmacharya has a one point, that somewhere beyond your… if you have failed once, immediately you can stand back, with proper prayaschitta. But, if you are declaring for sannyas, no space for in… lack of integrity or inauthenticity can exists in you. No space for asampurti or shraddha, irresponsibility can exists in you. Now decide! Now decide. You decide and you have time - March 10th, you declare. 
Construct yourself with the new patterns, only then you experience true transformation. I tell you, only when you take up the Purna Sannyasa, your pattern of abrahmacharya gets destroyed. Not before. I tell you, yesterday Rishi Manesha was successful. Only now, he will build his new personality! If you say, “I’ll build the space of no lack of integrity,” this is what is Jnanatma will be thinking now, and be planning. Am I right? (Swamiji guffawing away) I can say PHD in the Science of Pachadi. Pachadi means what? All confusion mixed together, and have to eat because no other option. Bhaktika, Jnanatma, a spicy pachadi, PHD in spicy pachadi - achala. PHD in dirty pachadi - Priya. PHD in tamas pachadi - Priya. Rajas pachadi. Achala - confused pachadi: Shanta, Jnanatma, Bhaktika. What Shivaratri? Jnanatma is sending a message - she is not ready for initiation in Shivaratri. With this confusion, not Shivaratri, you’ll never be ready. You by declared, “It’s my life. Future is my life. The future is waiting for me. Am I going to put the same mental setup on that and walk?” Then, whenever, whenever you’re going to break? That’s all! Break!
It is like a in the army tanks, they will have a kind of a chain. You have seen? On that wheel itself, the chain will move and create a imprint and move. You are like a chain only. If you don’t remove that chain now, your whole life is going to be only imprinted by that chain. Don’t think, “Ooh, all the ten kilometer I came is ah… same imprint is there, naturally that ten kilometer I am going to travel, the same imprint is going to be there.” It will be there because you have not given up the chain! Deciding “I am not going to have sympathy towards me.” Not physically but mentally committing suicide. “I am not going to have sympathy towards any of my patterns.” But you always think of physical suicide. Why you know? That is the best inauthentic way  to hide your inauthenticity, escape from your inauthenticity. Inauthenticity always makes you do wrong prayaschitta, so that it can save itself.
Inauthentic kids, you can always see they will always create a chaos and put everybody in blame and they will hiding in one corner and crying, “Aah, seee… aah… haaa… aah... this has been donee...!” When mother comes, she will think this kid is suffering, he should not be punished. She will beat everyone else, and this fellow who is reason for the whole thing is escaped. Inauthenticity puts everybody else in trouble other than himself. And his prayaschitta will put everybody in trouble other than himself. You punish your body, you punish your everything else, your punish, you punish your consciousness, but not the mind which is inauthentic. The patterns which are inauthentic. You sometime even punish the mind which is authentic. That part you punish! And you safely guard part of inauthenticity. It is like a fellow who is swindling the country is sitting on the top job of the country. Punishing everybody else!
Shanta is sending a message - I am not pachadi anymore. I am ready. Then now you are a khichdi! (Swamiji guffawing away) No, if you are ready, I am ready to give you sannyas! I am only inspiring millions and millions of you. Evolve, practice these four tattvas and declare yourself to a, to be a sannyasi. And live it!
>>>08:27 - Hindi<<<
Whenever you demolish old patterns, construct yourself with the new patterns, only then you experience true transformation. The new patterns are not even patterns, new energy. Declare! That is the only way you grow. In the young age, I used to feel whenever I take a big commitment, if I fail, what will happen? Means, already I planned to fail. Arrey, my future I am doing. How can I fail? There is nobody else involved in it. “No, I don’t trust myself that much.” What do you mean? Integrate yourself. No question of it’s okay. And cute, “I do so much, little okay.” No! Life is not going to give you teddy bear to hug and sleep. Only the real bear is going to come. Decide what to do. Life is not going to entertain you with the teddy bear for your cute feeling. Be authentic to yourself. Don’t be disrespectful to you by being inauthentic.
I can see, when this Sundal Sundananda is carrying that bag la for last few days. I can see he is, he’s standing up! He’s standing up! You will see in a few days he will be out of that pattern. Otherwise, which would have destroyed his life for ages! For ages he would have suffered with that pattern. He’s supposed to go now to Sri Lanka. Three sannyasis are going to Sri Lanka - Sri Nirvikalpananda, Ma Atmapriya, and Sundal Sundananda. Even to all of them, he is giving the name as Sundal Sundananda. Everybody is asking what Sundal Sundananda? Then he explains, “Once breaking our rule, I ate sundal in the train. So that is why I am called Sundal Sundananda.” And I told, “No. After that also you continue to do the same pattern, instead of sundal, some other items, so you are given that name. Not because once you did.” He said, “Yes Swamiji. I’ll change my introduction. Sri Nithya Sundal Sundananda, a direct disciple of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The name “Sundal” means, denotes, it was given as a title, because breaking the rule that I am not supposed to eat in that train outside food due to its impurities, contamination. I broke the rule because of my taste buds, that taste pattern and ate, and continue to break the rules for my taste bud in many times. I was given this title to remind myself to establish in authenticity by my Guru - Sri Sundal Sundananda.” True.
>>>14:14 - Hindi<<<
Don’t be disrespectful to you by being inauthentic. Be in the state of authenticity. Continuously clear yourself, drill yourself. Listen. It is through your declaration and commitment, the spiritual umbilical cord connection between you and me exists. If you want to be a volunteer, declare to a city coordinator who has already declared to country coordinator, who has already declared to headquarters coordinator, whose already declared to Swamiji their commitments. Only through this commitment declaration, the spiritual connection between you and me exists. If you are Ananda Samaji, declare to your city coordinator whose already declared to the country coordinator, whose already declared to headquarters coordinator, whose already declared to the Master. It is through declarations, the spiritual commitments exist. Same way, when you want to be relieved from that commitment - declare it, and be relieved, be complete. Let everything happen with integrity, and authenticity, whether you taking up or completing. But things like brahmacharya, the commitment to sangha of not leaving - all these are irrevocable. 
>>>16:46 - Hindi<<<
I tell you, with this clear commitments only, you will have stability with sangha. Sangha can have stability with you. So much you can enrich the sangha and the world, and sangha can enrich you through the world. Listen. You can enrich the world through the sangha, sangha can enrich the world through you, if both of you give stability to each other as a commitment. Understand. When you declare irrevocable stability to the Sangha, and, the Buddha and Dhamma - you can do so much to the world through sangha. Enrich so much yourself and the world through sangha. Sangha can enrich you and the world so much through you. How many of you cognise what I am saying? I literally wanted each ashram, each one of you sit as a Peetadhipathi, Jagadguru!     
I literally wanted to give Jagadguru title to everyone and I have the right to give legally and socially and dharmically. What is stopping us? What is stopping us? Your non-committal, irresponsible attitude. If you can declare irrevocably with the authenticity - really, really, I tell you, with the authenticity and integrity, responsibility and enriching, I declare, “I want each one of you, each one of my sannyasis, rishis, brahmacharis, brahmacharinis to sit as the head of a peetha, which I had created in so many countries and states. And teach people all these truths - enrich.” This is not only I want. This is my anyakara about each one of you. My anyakara about you will continue to exists till you become me. Till you are anya (अन्य) to me, my anyakara to you will exists. If you fulfil it, you will become ananya (अनन्या, ananyā). If not, you will become anyaya (अन्याय, anyāya).
I wanted each one of you, not only sannyasis and rishis, even devotees. Muktananda is capable of heading a peetha! And he is capable of being a rishi! And Chennai, Atmaniranjana, the Uma Sundar - each one of them can sit in a peetha, can guide the world. Girish and Chirantana can sit in a peetha. They live this tattva, can guide. I am giving you few example. Sri Priyan in Oman can sit in a peetha. He can guide the world radiating these tattvas. I am also opening the next door of residential rishi, rishis. Means, you stay in your place and live a life of rishi. It is only the strength of your commitment that’s all, nothing else. Strength of your commitment - integrity, authenticity and responsibility and enriching. Nothing else. There are so many rishis who don’t stay in the campus.
>>>22:07 - Hindi<<<     
I can tell you guys, you can literally enrich the world in umm… unimaginable way. If you can give a irrevocable stability to sangha, all the sangha resources, everything will be directly available to you. And when you give a irrevocable stable commitment to me, all the my resources will be available to you. Whether it is a spiritual or everything... intellectual, everything.
>>>23:25 - Hindi<<<
How many of you cognise this truth because of your instable, instability and the insecurity you give it to sangha and the Buddha is responsible for still not you flowering to your ultimate reality. Listen, dhyaan se suniye (ध्यान से सुनिये). The instability and insecurity you show to, sorry, instability is the right word, instability you show to the sangha and Buddha, makes sangha and Buddha not to make big decisions based on you. Understand.     
If Buddha smells authenticity and responsibility, integrity in you, he immediately puts you in the seat of Buddha, and ask you to enrich the world. You are not competitor for me. You are a compliment for me. Listen. Even if I make exactly the same throne and the same infrastructure and the same thing for you - never I am going to feel you are a competitor for me. I am only going to feel you are complimenting me. I wanted everyone of you carry the same pravara, introduction, resume, trust, grace, everything I carry and enrich the world. Then you will understand, it is the grace I carry enriches the world. You will also decide to carry that. If you carry that grace, peetha carries you, or you will be carrying the peetha. Whether peetha sits on you or you sit on the peetha. I know there are some people, peetha is sitting on them, means, they are so stressed out, afraid, inauthentic, when the peetha will disown them. I tell you, when you are carrying the grace, you grace the peetha, not peetha gracing you. Now all you guys should think in this language, becoming Peethadheeshwar.
Bhanu should be Peethadheeshwar of Oklahoma Somanatham. And, Snehamayi should be the Peethadheeshwar of San Jose Madurai. Muktananda, Peethadheeshwar of Nithyananda City, Seattle. Shivananda has a right to be Peethadheeshwar of Ohio Prayag. Each one of you guys come up with your commitment and declaration. Have the collective responsibility meeting. Kripaya suniye (कृपया सुनिये). Only when you take the responsibility, life happens to you. Don’t tell me, “No, no, no, no, no, I don’t want peetha and all. I don’t want all these, I just came to be around you, and just be bless by you.” No. Then you have not come for me. At least don’t tell a lie that you came for my sake. No. If you have come for my sake and fulfil my anyakara, I want you to be Peethadheeshwar, responsible Peethadheeshwar. If you say, “No, no. no, I am not interested in all that. I don’t have greed. I don’t have all that attachment. I don’t want to be Peethadheeshwar. I just came for your sake.” Then tell very clearly, you came for your own fantasy, not for me.
>>>29:41 - Hindi<<<
How many of you feel “I am not greedy” or “I am not interested in peetha and all these things. I’ll just live as a sadhu at your feet and then tsk… great.” How many of you feel that way, please raise your hand?
Ma Achala is asking a question - what is giving irrevocable commitment? I am able to understand in a negative way only. Not giving it means keeping the threat of fear of leaving the sangha. Yes. You are right. You are keeping the threat means sangha will not be able to trust you on bigger responsibilities. Where sangha, you see, sangha will be able to feel only you as a hanging root, not rooted hanging root! Understand! The hanging root and rooted hanging root. Both of them are completely different for banyan tree. If you are a hanging root, you are part of the sangha, no doubt. If you have given a irrevocable commitment, you are a rooted hanging root. It means what? Now, not only you are part of the sangha, sangha is part of you. You’ve rooted! Now you are standing. Not only you are part of the sangha, you are supporting part of the sangha. Clear?   
When you give a irrevocable commitment, and when I see you behaving with integrity and authenticity, responsibility and enriching in your day to day small small actions like a morning you come for yoga, and you take the responsibility for who is not coming for yoga and call him back, call him to do the yoga - I know now you are a rooted supporting root. Hanging root is part of the sangha but weight on the branch, original tree. When you declare irrevocably, now you have become rooted root, trusting you, banyan tree can extend its branches. How many of you cognise it? That’s it. Trusting you, banyan tree can take further steps. Sangha is like a banyan tree. Giving shadow, cleaning the environment, purifying, reducing the carbon dioxide. If you are not giving, I don’t want to say it is right or wrong - it is just the hanging root, the tree cannot trust the hanging root and extend itself. Understand. So it has to wait, and, tree will not give up on hanging root. It’ll wait till the hanging root becomes a rooted supporting root. Tree will continue to supply energy to the hanging root. It’ll not give up on hanging roots.         
Jnanatma okay? Jnanatma has a question - Swamiji, me staying with the sangha should be because of inspiration and excitement to be part of it, not because I give a commitment to someday. You’re already started planning one day you will lose the excitement and inspiration. Listen! You’re already started planning there will be someday I may lose the inspiration and excitement, that day I should have the freedom to walk out. If I give the commitment, it will be bondage. Am I right? So you have planned to lose the inspiration, excitement. How are you not going to lose at one day? Drop the plan to lose the inspiration and excitement. Plan to become the Peethadheeshwar. Now, without even knowing unconsciously, you already have strong plan. One day I am going to lose my inspiration and commitment. That day this world will be a bondage for me. How can I be? Am I right? Catching the inauthenticity, and lack of integrity. It is lack of integrity constantly visualises that part. One day, if I lose the excitement and inspiration and feels suffocated, this commitment will be a bondage. You should be visualising other way. By now giving this commitment, I break the pattern of one day possibility of losing the inspiration and excitement, and I’ll make sure not only I don’t lose, I’ll make sure others also don’t lose. Then you are a wild river - Ganga. Otherwise, you are the Koam?, already planning… for disappearing. Clear?
How many of you cognise what I said? Now only I am exposing all your fears to you. Still Nirvikalpa is shivering inside, I can see. Am I right? Emm. But you are not able to cognise what I am saying? Emm. That is what I am saying, that lot of things only shivering. How many people tried, that I should give up my commitment to you guys. How many people. They promised, I will not have any harassment, I can live happily, and they even ready to give all the money to my hand, but I should not run this sangha. How many people were asking. I said no. What I have given to my disciples is irrevocable commitment. It cannot be revoked even by my death. That is why I am going to live without dying eternally. I am going to live in the space I am living eternally! Because, I do not plan for breaking from this space one day. I do not have a doubt, if one day if I lose my enlightenment, what will happen? What will I do? I have committed to the all my disciples, I’ll liberate all of them. I know, I am not going to break from my enlightenment.
Turiya has a question - Swamiji, I feel irrevocable commitment to Master and dhamma, dharma, but not same for sangha. No!! That is what is not taking responsibility and not ready to enrich. Then, I tell you your integrity and authenticity will just die down. It is not going to complete you. Integrity and authenticity lives and completes you, only when it extends as responsibility and enriching. Irrevocable commitment to sangha is the completion of irrevocable commitment to Buddha and dhamma. Because, the intensity, integrity and authenticity will expand and lead you to the next level of its experience. Next level of his space only when you feel responsible, and enriching others and you. Now if you take responsibility, listen, if you take responsibility - you may create few beings with integrity and authenticity. And decide to continue to enrich, then few more beings - integrity, authenticity. Listen! By that time you, you take few hundred pee… responsibility for a few hundred peoples’ inauthenticity, you will be so pure! You will be so pure because everytime you see inauthenticity in others, you will be doing prayaschitta - taking responsibility. It is going to purify you so much.
Ma, me coming to the morning yoga is nothing but me doing prayaschitta for your inauthenticity, laziness. So now finally I am getting more pure. My body is getting more pure. How many of you cognise this? So you’ll become so pure. You will not only create the space of completion, here you will create the space of completion even without body you will be able to reside in that space. That is what I called mukti. The space where you can be alive without body just because of your strength of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching is akshara dhamma. Only when you create more and more aut… integrated and authentic beings around you, you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. That is the only way you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. Commitment to sangha constantly raises you to the next, next level of integrity and authenticity, because any level of integrity and authenticity you know now is not complete. Only when you take the responsibility and enriching, it becomes complete, complete, complete.
Bhaktika has a question - Swami, I have a so many unkept commitments. The door I feel the energy to commit, the current unkept commitment is pulling me back. I am moving from non-integrity to more non-integrity. Unkept, kept commitments are all, after all revocable. They are not irrevocable. Complete them by declaring that I am dropping those commitments. And start from now in completion. Now in complete completion. The irrevocable commitments will never let, make you incomplete. What will be? That will be like a brahmacharya and being with the Master forever or being with the sangha, those thing will not have any problem. Any of the unkept commitments related to work and your incompletion and all that - now complete all of them, that I am dropping from that commitment. I am declaring that I will not be able to take up this job, I am completing it. Complete from all of them! And now have completion, from the completion - begin. All revocables come complete. Then now you have the place. You have the space to start.                 
You see, authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Listen! Sometime, I’ll give you an example of what Ma Jnanatma can understand. With authenticity you have to commit for the next Inner Awakening - thousand participants, but that should not be destroying your integrity. So integrity always gets the first priority. Clear? With integrity - expanding, stretching is authenticity. Living integrity, stretching is not authenticity. How many of you are clear? Authenticity… Jnanatma, you understand? Supriya, understand this? See, now Jnanatma, if she sees from authenticity, she has to commit thousand for the next Inner Awakening. She will enrich thousand people’s life in the next Inner Awakening. But will it be integrated? No. Then, she has to stretch but she cannot say ten people. With integrity, she, she ten, she can manage. Understand. With integrity if you, if she says ten, it is living authenticity. With authenticity if she says thousand, it is living integrity. With integrity, authentic should go up to two hundred. Clear? Now, your declaration has integrity but not authenticity.       
Emm, what’s the question? Type. So all of you understand, authenticity without living integrity. Jnanatma says, Jnanatma commits to two hundred and it does not happen, then Jnanatma again comes back to… so when you commit itself, you know it is two hundred, it is not your planning two hundred will not happen. Noo… noo… noo… with that clear authentic feeling, by now you will be able, you should be able to easily judge at least near future, authenticity gives you to judge the near future, it does not allow surprises in your life. If you are still feeling constantly surprises waiting in your life, something is lacking in your authenticity. Again, this is the planning for failure. See if you say thousand, and you plan for, you feel it may fail, then I can say it may, it is not even planning for failure, it’s a right thinking of failure. But by now because of all your work, based on all these work, if you have this doubt, I tell you, there is a inauthenticity in the work which you performed earlier. Now at least get back to integrity and let you not be inauthentic in the work you perform now. So that in the next near future, you are able to perform with authenticity. Authenticity is being in the state of integrity and stretching yourself.
>>>49:17 - Hindi<<<
I have a commitment declaration, collective responsibility declaration from Malaysia Sangha. When I read it, I tell you, I just want to send Kalabhairava immediately to Malaysia to bless all of them. And I am sending. I’ll read out their declaration. Please listen, they are stretching themself from the state of integrity without leaving the state of integrity. “We declare in front of Swamiji, Kalabhairava and the sangha with integrity, sampurti, authenticity, responsibility and enriching ourself and others that the Malaysia Palani Sangha declares that we are enriching the world by building self sustaining Nithyananda Nagar in over five years period of time. Tsk! The Nithyananda Nagar is distributed in various places across Malaysia.” Nirantara, alter your plan based on this! Alter your plans based on this Master plan. Master’s plan is the plan going to be executed. Master’s plan is planning to make Masters. They say “enriching the community to setting up of three different organization to overlook and run the project in different areas.”   
“Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Malaysia already started the registration process, mainly to run all the charitable activities and community service projects. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end of October 2013. Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society Limited: enriching the members to uplift their economic status through various business opportunities by obtaining grants from government and also funding various projects such as building temple and ashram. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end October 2013.” Blessings! Blessings to both the projects. “Nithyananda Foundation Malaysia: enriching the members by providing assistance to the, to their children to pursue the higher studies by providing scholarships and loans.” Blessings! Successful, you will be successful. “This Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society can be like getting best things from India, importing to Malaysia and selling.” And we will give you the all the support from India.
I tell you, start create shops, Anything Indian - we have it or we will get it. That’s your tagline. Shop should be called as Anything Indian. That’s the name. Start the chain stores - Anything Indian, title. Tagline is we have it or we will get it. So Malaysia guys, I give you the clear business plan. Anything Indian, that should be the shop name. We have it or we will get it. If you wanted a Tamil name, I give you the name - Madurai Kedai. That’s a Malaysian thing. Madurai, anything you want, we have it or we get it. Do this, we will give you complete support from India to get all the best things. Nirantara, plan for employing all the devotees who are living these tattvas. Who are living these tattvas, employ them. Have a huge group of employees. Think like a Walmart. You’ll be able to do. “And, third plan representing as an official and the largest living Hindu Vedic community in Malaysia.” Yes! I bless you guys! “And Southeast Asia.” I bless you guys, it’ll happen. “We will be the largest living Hindu community in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.” Blessings.             
“Enriching hundred thousand people for living the four tattvas as a way of life by creating Brahmanas.” I can give even Tamil Inner Awakening in Malaysia. Plan for it. So understand, the fourth commitment you guys gave is naivedya. Now the updation I gave and I’m giving back to you is prasada. Whatever you guys sent is naivedya. Now what I am giving back to you guys as updated is a prasada. “Fifth, enriching thousands of youths by creating the biggest Hindu monastery by educating and training sannyasis and rishis.” Blessings, you guys will be successful. Do it. Do it. By then you would have start the work. Soon you will have lot of sannyasis, and rishis happening. As I said, we will start the next, resident… residential rishis. “Creating a temple based on the bogus concept of Palani Navapashanam Murugan. We’ll also include multi storey complex with Nithyananda Sabha, accommodating five thousand people at a time. Accommodation for visitors and ashramites, Nithyananda Annalaya serving thousands at a time, and Vedic Library and international standard gym and yogalaya.” Blessings.                   
Only one line I wanted to add in this “creating a temple based on bogus the concept of Palani Navapashanam Murugan.” “Palani” name I gave for one Spiritual Embassy - Kuala Lumpur. For whole Malaysia, we may have some other name. Please understand, Malaysia Palani was given to only Kuala Lumpur Center. So for each different Spiritual Embassies, we’ll give different different spiritual name. “And, enriching five thousand families living this tattva as community.” Tathastu! So be it. “Enriching the community by establishing agriculture business based on these four tattvas as oil palm estate plantation and rubber plantation which is the main income generation in Malaysia. Also various small-medium enterprises such as textile, tailoring and food based industry. Enriching people through setting up of Nithyananda Research Institute of Science and Technology based on the Gaumara.” I get, just add only one addition - based on the Nithyananda Sampradaya itself. So Nirantara, do Research Institute of Science and Technology based on Nithyananda Sampradaya.
“Enriching Ayurvedic and Siddha knowledge to the world by forming Ayurvedic and Siddha research center and university.” Wow! Blessings. Nithyananda Ayurvedic and Siddha, I tell you, N-A-S-A, NASA - Nithyananda Ayurvedic Siddha Academy. Make NASA, you call it as… great. Hmm. Making university, beautiful. “And the eleventh project - enriching the world by providing Nithyananda Vedic Library to do further study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality. Study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality will be setup by 1st October 2013, also includes internet cafe with interactive technology.” Blessings, you will be successful. You will be successful. “Enriching the beautiful meaning of goshala to the world and make people understand and sacred value of cows to rare… rear five hundred cows in the first year and gradually increase every year.” Wow! (Swamiji clapping his hands) “And thirteenth project - enriching through free medical camp known as the Nithyananda Mobile Clinic conducted every two weeks. Also creating physiotherapy and rehabilitation center by January 2014.”
“All the above declarations will be described in detail by next meeting on the 23rd March 2013. By then all the volunteers would have taken up responsibility through land search, various licensing needs and planning, organising various activities to raise fund. Every one of the sangha members will have at least one responsibility for collectively enriching in this declaration.” Tathastu. Bless you guys. My blessings. It’ll become reality. First thing I want to tell, the headquarters of the Malaysia should be near Kuala Lumpur. Plan, look for everything near Kuala Lumpur. And, this is my commitment to you guys - smoothly money, land, people, everything will flow. The whole thing will be successful. Power of your integrity and commitment will make everything reality. Will make everything reality. So first, first thing you guys need to do - start enriching hundred thousand lives through Inner Awakening. Create a beautiful... already English website for the four tattvas is getting created by Seattle.
You guys can think of creating... I don’t think you need to even create a separate website. No need. Everybody in Malaysia knows English, and start enriching people with four tattvas. And enriching them through Inner Awakening at least hundred thousand lives. That is the first goal. I tell you guys, only if hundred thousand people live these tattvas, a group consciousness for all these things to happen is created. Then you don’t need to struggle, simply it’ll happen! To make an ashram, I don’t need to struggle now because I make people who want to live in ashram. Then simply ashram will happen. I already make people who want to worship in temple. Temple will happen. I make people who want to study this knowledge, monastery will happen. So make people who want to live these tattvas, simply this community will happen. Nithyananda Nagar will happen. Understand. So the first job is making people to live these tattvas.
How many of you feel “I am not greedy” or “I am not interested in peetha and all these things. I’ll just live as a sadhu at your feet and then tsk… great.” How many of you feel that way, please raise your hand?
Ma Achala is asking a question - what is giving irrevocable commitment? I am able to understand in a negative way only. Not giving it means keeping the threat of fear of leaving the sangha. Yes. You are right. You are keeping the threat means sangha will not be able to trust you on bigger responsibilities. Where sangha, you see, sangha will be able to feel only you as a hanging root, not rooted hanging root! Understand! The hanging root and rooted hanging root. Both of them are completely different for banyan tree. If you are a hanging root, you are part of the sangha, no doubt. If you have given a irrevocable commitment, you are a rooted hanging root. It means what? Now, not only you are part of the sangha, sangha is part of you. You’ve rooted! Now you are standing. Not only you are part of the sangha, you are supporting part of the sangha. Clear?   
When you give a irrevocable commitment, and when I see you behaving with integrity and authenticity, responsibility and enriching in your day to day small small actions like a morning you come for yoga, and you take the responsibility for who is not coming for yoga and call him back, call him to do the yoga - I know now you are a rooted supporting root. Hanging root is part of the sangha but weight on the branch, original tree. When you declare irrevocably, now you have become rooted root, trusting you, banyan tree can extend its branches. How many of you cognise it? That’s it. Trusting you, banyan tree can take further steps. Sangha is like a banyan tree. Giving shadow, cleaning the environment, purifying, reducing the carbon dioxide. If you are not giving, I don’t want to say it is right or wrong - it is just the hanging root, the tree cannot trust the hanging root and extend itself. Understand. So it has to wait, and, tree will not give up on hanging root. It’ll wait till the hanging root becomes a rooted supporting root. Tree will continue to supply energy to the hanging root. It’ll not give up on hanging roots.         
Jnanatma okay? Jnanatma has a question - Swamiji, me staying with the sangha should be because of inspiration and excitement to be part of it, not because I give a commitment to someday. You’re already started planning one day you will lose the excitement and inspiration. Listen! You’re already started planning there will be someday I may lose the inspiration and excitement, that day I should have the freedom to walk out. If I give the commitment, it will be bondage. Am I right? So you have planned to lose the inspiration, excitement. How are you not going to lose at one day? Drop the plan to lose the inspiration and excitement. Plan to become the Peethadheeshwar. Now, without even knowing unconsciously, you already have strong plan. One day I am going to lose my inspiration and commitment. That day this world will be a bondage for me. How can I be? Am I right? Catching the inauthenticity, and lack of integrity. It is lack of integrity constantly visualises that part. One day, if I lose the excitement and inspiration and feels suffocated, this commitment will be a bondage. You should be visualising other way. By now giving this commitment, I break the pattern of one day possibility of losing the inspiration and excitement, and I’ll make sure not only I don’t lose, I’ll make sure others also don’t lose. Then you are a wild river - Ganga. Otherwise, you are the Koam?, already planning… for disappearing. Clear?
How many of you cognise what I said? Now only I am exposing all your fears to you. Still Nirvikalpa is shivering inside, I can see. Am I right? Emm. But you are not able to cognise what I am saying? Emm. That is what I am saying, that lot of things only shivering. How many people tried, that I should give up my commitment to you guys. How many people. They promised, I will not have any harassment, I can live happily, and they even ready to give all the money to my hand, but I should not run this sangha. How many people were asking. I said no. What I have given to my disciples is irrevocable commitment. It cannot be revoked even by my death. That is why I am going to live without dying eternally. I am going to live in the space I am living eternally! Because, I do not plan for breaking from this space one day. I do not have a doubt, if one day if I lose my enlightenment, what will happen? What will I do? I have committed to the all my disciples, I’ll liberate all of them. I know, I am not going to break from my enlightenment.
Turiya has a question - Swamiji, I feel irrevocable commitment to Master and dhamma, dharma, but not same for sangha. No!! That is what is not taking responsibility and not ready to enrich. Then, I tell you your integrity and authenticity will just die down. It is not going to complete you. Integrity and authenticity lives and completes you, only when it extends as responsibility and enriching. Irrevocable commitment to sangha is the completion of irrevocable commitment to Buddha and dhamma. Because, the intensity, integrity and authenticity will expand and lead you to the next level of its experience. Next level of his space only when you feel responsible, and enriching others and you. Now if you take responsibility, listen, if you take responsibility - you may create few beings with integrity and authenticity. And decide to continue to enrich, then few more beings - integrity, authenticity. Listen! By that time you, you take few hundred pee… responsibility for a few hundred peoples’ inauthenticity, you will be so pure! You will be so pure because everytime you see inauthenticity in others, you will be doing prayaschitta - taking responsibility. It is going to purify you so much.
Ma, me coming to the morning yoga is nothing but me doing prayaschitta for your inauthenticity, laziness. So now finally I am getting more pure. My body is getting more pure. How many of you cognise this? So you’ll become so pure. You will not only create the space of completion, here you will create the space of completion even without body you will be able to reside in that space. That is what I called mukti. The space where you can be alive without body just because of your strength of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching is akshara dhamma. Only when you create more and more aut… integrated and authentic beings around you, you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. That is the only way you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. Commitment to sangha constantly raises you to the next, next level of integrity and authenticity, because any level of integrity and authenticity you know now is not complete. Only when you take the responsibility and enriching, it becomes complete, complete, complete.
Bhaktika has a question - Swami, I have a so many unkept commitments. The door I feel the energy to commit, the current unkept commitment is pulling me back. I am moving from non-integrity to more non-integrity. Unkept, kept commitments are all, after all revocable. They are not irrevocable. Complete them by declaring that I am dropping those commitments. And start from now in completion. Now in complete completion. The irrevocable commitments will never let, make you incomplete. What will be? That will be like a brahmacharya and being with the Master forever or being with the sangha, those thing will not have any problem. Any of the unkept commitments related to work and your incompletion and all that - now complete all of them, that I am dropping from that commitment. I am declaring that I will not be able to take up this job, I am completing it. Complete from all of them! And now have completion, from the completion - begin. All revocables come complete. Then now you have the place. You have the space to start.                 
You see, authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Listen! Sometime, I’ll give you an example of what Ma Jnanatma can understand. With authenticity you have to commit for the next Inner Awakening - thousand participants, but that should not be destroying your integrity. So integrity always gets the first priority. Clear? With integrity - expanding, stretching is authenticity. Living integrity, stretching is not authenticity. How many of you are clear? Authenticity… Jnanatma, you understand? Supriya, understand this? See, now Jnanatma, if she sees from authenticity, she has to commit thousand for the next Inner Awakening. She will enrich thousand people’s life in the next Inner Awakening. But will it be integrated? No. Then, she has to stretch but she cannot say ten people. With integrity, she, she ten, she can manage. Understand. With integrity if you, if she says ten, it is living authenticity. With authenticity if she says thousand, it is living integrity. With integrity, authentic should go up to two hundred. Clear? Now, your declaration has integrity but not authenticity.       
Emm, what’s the question? Type. So all of you understand, authenticity without living integrity. Jnanatma says, Jnanatma commits to two hundred and it does not happen, then Jnanatma again comes back to… so when you commit itself, you know it is two hundred, it is not your planning two hundred will not happen. Noo… noo… noo… with that clear authentic feeling, by now you will be able, you should be able to easily judge at least near future, authenticity gives you to judge the near future, it does not allow surprises in your life. If you are still feeling constantly surprises waiting in your life, something is lacking in your authenticity. Again, this is the planning for failure. See if you say thousand, and you plan for, you feel it may fail, then I can say it may, it is not even planning for failure, it’s a right thinking of failure. But by now because of all your work, based on all these work, if you have this doubt, I tell you, there is a inauthenticity in the work which you performed earlier. Now at least get back to integrity and let you not be inauthentic in the work you perform now. So that in the next near future, you are able to perform with authenticity. Authenticity is being in the state of integrity and stretching yourself.
>>>19:51 - Hindi<<<
I have a commitment declaration, collective responsibility declaration from Malaysia Sangha. When I read it, I tell you, I just want to send Kalabhairava immediately to Malaysia to bless all of them. And I am sending. I’ll read out their declaration. Please listen, they are stretching themself from the state of integrity without leaving the state of integrity. “We declare in front of Swamiji, Kalabhairava and the sangha with integrity, sampurti, authenticity, responsibility and enriching ourself and others that the Malaysia Palani Sangha declares that we are enriching the world by building self sustaining Nithyananda Nagar in over five years period of time. Tsk! The Nithyananda Nagar is distributed in various places across Malaysia.” Nirantara, alter your plan based on this! Alter your plans based on this Master plan. Master’s plan is the plan going to be executed. Master’s plan is planning to make Masters. They say “enriching the community to setting up of three different organization to overlook and run the project in different areas.”   
“Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Malaysia already started the registration process, mainly to run all the charitable activities and community service projects. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end of October 2013. Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society Limited: enriching the members to uplift their economic status through various business opportunities by obtaining grants from government and also funding various projects such as building temple and ashram. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end October 2013.” Blessings! Blessings to both the projects. “Nithyananda Foundation Malaysia: enriching the members by providing assistance to the, to their children to pursue the higher studies by providing scholarships and loans.” Blessings! Successful, you will be successful. “This Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society can be like getting best things from India, importing to Malaysia and selling.” And we will give you the all the support from India.
I tell you, start create shops, Anything Indian - we have it or we will get it. That’s your tagline. Shop should be called as Anything Indian. That’s the name. Start the chain stores - Anything Indian, title. Tagline is we have it or we will get it. So Malaysia guys, I give you the clear business plan. Anything Indian, that should be the shop name. We have it or we will get it. If you wanted a Tamil name, I give you the name - Madurai Kedai. That’s a Malaysian thing. Madurai, anything you want, we have it or we get it. Do this, we will give you complete support from India to get all the best things. Nirantara, plan for employing all the devotees who are living these tattvas. Who are living these tattvas, employ them. Have a huge group of employees. Think like a Walmart. You’ll be able to do. “And, third plan representing as an official and the largest living Hindu Vedic community in Malaysia.” Yes! I bless you guys! “And Southeast Asia.” I bless you guys, it’ll happen. “We will be the largest living Hindu community in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.” Blessings.             
“Enriching hundred thousand people for living the four tattvas as a way of life by creating Brahmanas.” I can give even Tamil Inner Awakening in Malaysia. Plan for it. So understand, the fourth commitment you guys gave is naivedya. Now the updation I gave and I’m giving back to you is prasada. Whatever you guys sent is naivedya. Now what I am giving back to you guys as updated is a prasada. “Fifth, enriching thousands of youths by creating the biggest Hindu monastery by educating and training sannyasis and rishis.” Blessings, you guys will be successful. Do it. Do it. By then you would have start the work. Soon you will have lot of sannyasis, and rishis happening. As I said, we will start the next, resident… residential rishis. “Creating a temple based on the bogus concept of Palani Navapashanam Murugan. We’ll also include multi storey complex with Nithyananda Sabha, accommodating five thousand people at a time. Accommodation for visitors and ashramites, Nithyananda Annalaya serving thousands at a time, and Vedic Library and international standard gym and yogalaya.” Blessings.                   
Only one line I wanted to add in this “creating a temple based on bogus the concept of Palani Navapashanam Murugan.” “Palani” name I gave for one Spiritual Embassy - Kuala Lumpur. For whole Malaysia, we may have some other name. Please understand, Malaysia Palani was given to only Kuala Lumpur Center. So for each different Spiritual Embassies, we’ll give different different spiritual name. “And, enriching five thousand families living this tattva as community.” Tathastu! So be it. “Enriching the community by establishing agriculture business based on these four tattvas as oil palm estate plantation and rubber plantation which is the main income generation in Malaysia. Also various small-medium enterprises such as textile, tailoring and food based industry. Enriching people through setting up of Nithyananda Research Institute of Science and Technology based on the Gaumara.” I get, just add only one addition - based on the Nithyananda Sampradaya itself. So Nirantara, do Research Institute of Science and Technology based on Nithyananda Sampradaya.
“Enriching Ayurvedic and Siddha knowledge to the world by forming Ayurvedic and Siddha research center and university.” Wow! Blessings. Nithyananda Ayurvedic and Siddha, I tell you, N-A-S-A, NASA - Nithyananda Ayurvedic Siddha Academy. Make NASA, you call it as… great. Hmm. Making university, beautiful. “And the eleventh project - enriching the world by providing Nithyananda Vedic Library to do further study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality. Study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality will be setup by 1st October 2013, also includes internet cafe with interactive technology.” Blessings, you will be successful. You will be successful. “Enriching the beautiful meaning of goshala to the world and make people understand and sacred value of cows to rare… rear five hundred cows in the first year and gradually increase every year.” Wow! (Swamiji clapping his hands) “And thirteenth project - enriching through free medical camp known as the Nithyananda Mobile Clinic conducted every two weeks. Also creating physiotherapy and rehabilitation center by January 2014.”
“All the above declarations will be described in detail by next meeting on the 23rd March 2013. By then all the volunteers would have taken up responsibility through land search, various licensing needs and planning, organising various activities to raise fund. Every one of the sangha members will have at least one responsibility for collectively enriching in this declaration.” Tathastu. Bless you guys. My blessings. It’ll become reality. First thing I want to tell, the headquarters of the Malaysia should be near Kuala Lumpur. Plan, look for everything near Kuala Lumpur. And, this is my commitment to you guys - smoothly money, land, people, everything will flow. The whole thing will be successful. Power of your integrity and commitment will make everything reality. Will make everything reality. So first, first thing you guys need to do - start enriching hundred thousand lives through Inner Awakening. Create a beautiful... already English website for the four tattvas is getting created by Seattle.
You guys can think of creating... I don’t think you need to even create a separate website. No need. Everybody in Malaysia knows English, and start enriching people with four tattvas. And enriching them through Inner Awakening at least hundred thousand lives. That is the first goal. I tell you guys, only if hundred thousand people live these tattvas, a group consciousness for all these things to happen is created. Then you don’t need to struggle, simply it’ll happen! To make an ashram, I don’t need to struggle now because I make people who want to live in ashram. Then simply ashram will happen. I already make people who want to worship in temple. Temple will happen. I make people who want to study this knowledge, monastery will happen. So make people who want to live these tattvas, simply this community will happen. Nithyananda Nagar will happen. Understand. So the first job is making people to live these tattvas.                           
Even to Bidadi Sangha I am saying very clearly, work in all this village, goes, go around in these villages. Don’t expect them to come to you for a typical ASP or NSP. No! Go and spend time with them. Small small group, even four-five people - talk to them about integrity, authenticity, responsibility. That is why with all these only Swamiji is having so much power. You also start practicing, this power will be supporting you, healing you, bringing you health, bringing you peace in the life, bringing you intelligence, bringing you success in money, economy. Give them these tattvas. Then if they want money to start business, give them the interest free loan - The Nithyananda Lakshmi, Nithyananda Lakshmi Project. Enrich them in all their dimensions of life. This should be done by Bidadi Sangha. Enriching them with four tattvas. Giving them the loans, interest free loans for standing up, enriching themself economically. And constantly helping them to live these tattvas and showing the power of these tattvas - how they can grow economically, mentally, physically, in socially and in the relationships, family, in every way through these four tattvas.           
>>>37:10 - Hindi<<<
Anybody with integrity and authenticity, that you are going to fulfil, will commit this project of Nithyananda Lakshmi by enriching people with these tattvas and supporting them. Whoever is need, in need by giving them interest free loans. See to it they know the power of these tattvas and live these tattvas. Anybody is committing? In and around Bidadi. Raise the hand. You should be knowing Kannada. Come on. Come to the front, let me see that team, group. Come and stand as a group. Oh God! So many. That is great. Get the mic for both of them. Let’s see. Aye, all you guys listen. Now when you commit... listen. It is your life! You will not commit anything which is contradicting to this commitment. You can make any more projects which you can doing being here. No, this project is supposed to be done around Bidadi, this… this whole district, around two hundred-three hundred village I want this to happen. So, is already the commitments you guys made, is it any way going to contradict this commitment? Are you guys clear? Can you read your Book of Heart once and come back. Come on, listen. You have to read your Book of Heart, and you have to be very integrated and authentic. You should make sure you are going to complete it.
Any of you, is your other projects which you already committed will suffer because of this commitment? Anybody thinks like that, please leave. See, it is only more stretching, not replacing. Clear? It is only more stretching, not replacing. Listen! This group first thing, do you… is your other commitments are going to suffer in anyway because of this new commitment? Raise your hand. If your earlier commitment is going to suffer in anyway because of this new commitment, don’t commit. Are you clear? How many of you are clearly declaring because of this new commitment, my earlier commitments will not suffer in any way? Raise your hand. I am only stretching with more responsibility and authenticity. Raise your hand. So clear? Aye, Jagdish, you committed to me that you will go to Mau… err… Sri Lanka and create the sangha. Is it not? Then, how are you committing now?
>>>43:03 - Tamil<<< 
All of you are very clear? And you will, you will only be residing in this campus, only then you will be able to do this. Am I right? All of you know Kannada? Communicate means you should be able to communicate with the villages. Hmm, then okay. So, come on, come as a group collectively. Emm. Wow! Nithyananda Lakshmi Project starts. I tell you, it will not only enrich the people around, it’ll enrich us also. So now you guys have to sit, plan. You guys will do the collective responsibility meeting now. Am I right? You will do the meeting, when you will come back and declare how many cities you are going? See, how many village you are going to enrich? How many people you are going to enrich? How many families you are going to enrich? If you work sincerely, you will create a real Nithyananda Nagar with these two hundred-three hundred villages. Two-three hundred village will be Nithyananda Nagar. Okay, I will be joining your team and commit fully for this sangha (Jagdish answered Swamiji).           
So Malaysia Sangha, listen. Make hundred thousand people live these tattvas. That’s the first thing you need to do. Everything else will simply follow. Now, with the local newspapers, magazines, tv channel - you have to start putting the discourses on these four tattvas, and start conducting house to house, house meetings, home meetings. Immediately you may not be able to start the ASP, that is okay. Home meetings, house satsangs on the four tattvas - Chaturveda (छतुर्वेद) meeting, four Vedas meeting. Start house to house. Each one of you should become acharya and go to house to house and start conducting four tattva meeting. Understand, you can’t expect just Rishi Nirantara, Ma Nirantara to come. Each one of you go to different different houses, places and start teaching these four Vedas, four tattvas. Okay? Start. My blessings to Malaysia Sangha. Blessings. We will make… Now I only feel life is happening. So much life is happening - everywhere. Shiva is so happy. Kalabhairava is so happy. Life is happening.
I’ll move to the next part of the satsang - Dial the Avatar. 50:36
===Paramashivoham Oneness capsule===
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== Description: ==  
===<center>Inner Awakening - Tamil Session</center>===
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===<center>His Divine Holiness is welcomed at the temple</center>===
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===<center>temple procession - sura-samharam</center>===
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===<center>temple procession - sura-samharan-set 2</center>===
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===<center>Surasamharam Procession</center>===
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===<center>Temple Procession</center>===
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===<center>Akashic Reading</center>===
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In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda celebrates the end of three years of siege for His organization. In March 2010 a politico-religious persecution of His [[sangha]] was launched through the media. These past few days the cases against Him have been closed. Even during these events, however, the sangha has made large strides in growth and outreach. Now it takes another giant leap. Nithyananda discusses the importance of making an irrevocable commitment to the sangha. As long as we retain the option to depart in case our circumstances change, we are inauthentic: we are holding back. Like a banyan tree with hanging roots, the community seeks to settle those roots into the ground. Once we fully commit, we cease to be dangling roots and can enrich the tree of the sangha with nourishment and strength.
== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, celebrate, politico-religious persecution, media, growth, outreach, commitment, sangha, community, nourishment, strength.
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[[Category: 2013]]
===<center>1-Surasamharam Procession</center>===
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{{#hsimg:1|200|IMG_3688_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/albums/2013-Mar-02-AFP-12527/1-Surasamharam Procession/IMG_3688_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|IMG_3689_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/albums/2013-Mar-02-AFP-12527/1-Surasamharam Procession/IMG_3689_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|IMG_3690_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/albums/2013-Mar-02-AFP-12527/1-Surasamharam Procession/IMG_3690_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|IMG_3693_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/albums/2013-Mar-02-AFP-12527/1-Surasamharam Procession/IMG_3693_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|IMG_3694_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/albums/2013-Mar-02-AFP-12527/1-Surasamharam Procession/IMG_3694_CMP_WM.jpg}}
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Latest revision as of 21:45, 28 April 2023


Power of Spiritual Community (Sangha)


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda celebrates the end of three years of siege for His organization. In March 2010 a politico-religious persecution of His sangha was launched through the media. These past few days the cases against Him have been closed. Even during these events, however, the sangha has made large strides in growth and outreach. Now it takes another giant leap. Nithyananda discusses the importance of making an irrevocable commitment to the sangha. As long as we retain the option to depart in case our circumstances change, we are inauthentic: we are holding back. Like a banyan tree with hanging roots, the community seeks to settle those roots into the ground. Once we fully commit, we cease to be dangling roots and can enrich the tree of the sangha with nourishment and strength.

Video Audio



sadāshiva samārambhām jñānasambandar madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us around the world at this moment, four hundred and ninety nine places through Nithyananda TV, forty places two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in two hundred and forty three cities in thirty one countries around the world as per the statistics.


Cities sitting with us in two-way video conferencing: Nithyananda Nagar - Thiruvannamalai, Los Angeles - Arunachalam, Source Yoga - Los Angeles, Sharjah, Oklahoma - Somanatham, Nithyananda Nagar - Hyderabad, Phoenix - Kanchipuram, Toronto - Kailasam, Alwarpet - Chennai, Ohio - Prayag, Seattle - Chidambaram, San Jose - Madurai, Araiyad - Chennai, Bengaluru North, Paris Home Temple, Mananda Fans, Kulim - Malaysia, Kathmandu - Nepal, Lawspet - Pondicherry, Hyderabad Sri and Ann Delta. Ann Delta from?... Place. Okay, blessings. Gangamasla, Bangalore, London- Kashi, Houston, San Diego - Tirualavai, Bangalore Electronic City, Dubai Thirukovil, Hong Kong - Sirkazhi, Oman - Sivagangai, Guadeloupe - Rameshwaram, Kathmandu - Nepal, Hyderabad Sri.


Ah, that’s all Ma? Kulim - Malaysia, emm… emm. I read out all the name. No, no, whatever is shown, I read out. Kulim - Malaysia, Kathmandu - Nepal, Lawspet - Pondicherry, Hyderabad Sri. I can see now all you guys…. I’m… we have some more cities in two-way video conferencing. We are just re-starting those cities also. Please wait for few seconds, few minutes…. Alwarpet - Chennai, few seconds also not wrong. If I say even few... few janas, okay? Is Paris - Kalighat, St Louis - Tirumala, Atlanta - Ujjaini, and London - Kashi, Singapore - Singapuram, Devon - UK, Vancouver - Puri, Anna Nagar - Chennai. What is next? Dakota Dunes, New York - Varanasi, Monterrey - Mexico, Charlotte Srisailam, Guadeloupe - Rameshwaram. That’s it! Devon - UK. That’s it Ma? So now, I welcome all of you with My love and blessings. Ma, any other city? Not read?... St Louis - Tirumala, yes. That’s it. Ma, any other city? I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.


Looking back socially, I Am not interested in judging what happened in last three years, but spiritually I tell you, I have successfully created the foundation on which My sangha is going to stand…. Because, understand My sangha has to be built on rock. Not on sand. It is going to be too tall! If it is just going to be few feet, it can stand on the sand. Because it is going to be too tall! Few thousands of feet. It has to stand on the rock. I dig, dig, dig, found My rock on which My sangha can stand. The hearts of the people which is radiating the four tattvas as satyas - integrity, authenticity and responsibility and enriching. That is the rock on which My sangha stands tall…. Three years, along with the war, three major achievements…. People with these four tattvas forming Nithyananda Sangha - Madurai Aadheenam and Mahanirvani Peetha Mahamandaleshwar. Woww!


Spiritually we have achieved amazing things in these three years. We created the right foundation for whole sangha to stand - tall. Alright. Today, 9th batch Nirahara Samyama, first level, second day. 4th batch, THE Samyama - 14th day. 15th Inner Awakening and eN-Genius - fourteenth day successfully. Austin, Paneir Selvam, Tenmurli Karvya - I accepted your Pada Puja. Blessings, I’ll talk to you guys, and bless you guys during the Dial The Avatar. And Lauraine Rovera, River Saint California - I accepted your Pada Puja. I’ll bless you during Dial The Avatar.


I tell you, honestly I tell you with authenticity and integrity, only after the four tattvas have become our life, the air we breathe - sangha is getting formed. Yesterday I was shocked when Bhakta came and told Me, one gurukul kid - Ananda Priyan; Bhakta came and told Me, after living around Me for I think eight or ten years now. Eight or ten? Nine years? Nine years around Me. He comes and tells Me yesterday, “Swamiji, I spoke to a gurukul kid, in first five minutes he changed my life.” No, I was amazed about two thing. One, a gurukul kid can enrich a senior Swami. And second, a senior Swami is ready to get enriched by a gurukul kid…. I felt so liberated, please understand, I got liberated once more. Because, continuously the unconscious pattern, “I came for Swamiji,” but, then you should be fulfilling My anyakara. When I give My anyakara, “No, that is not practical.” Anything which is trying to transform you, you destroy them!


“I came for Swamiji,” “I came for the sake of Swamiji,” “I came for the love of Swamiji,” “I came just to be with Swamiji.” Alright. Then, you should be raising yourself to Swamiji’s anyakara. “No, no, no, no, no, how can? An enlightened Master should not have an expectation about anybody. It is wrong! Why is He constantly having expectation and drilling us, driving... screaming at us? Enlightened Master should be polite, humble, loving… peaceful… blessing.” Anything which is about to expose your inauthenticity to you, you don’t want them. And you know how to shut them off! All the spiritual knowledge has been used by many of these fellows to shut all the situations and persons exposing their inauthenticity to them!... How many of you cognise you were playing this game? So anything which is going to expose your inauthenticity to you, you know how to shut them off by using your logic or a spiritual knowledge or ideas! Relax. I tell you, that is the worst cunningness.


I was so happy. I tell you, so happy. When he told Me in three minutes, or five minutes, I don’t know, whether three, huh? Five minutes. “Five minutes Ananda Priyan changed my life Swamiji.” And Bhakta is not telling inauthentically, he was excited about it! I could see the excitement in his eyes! No, that gave Me the assurance he is going to practice it. He’s going to live. He’s going to transform himself. He’s not just going to leave it. He’s serious about it! He’s sincere about it…. Actually I did not give him any further guidance, because he was so sincere, I didn’t want to meddle up or mess up. I want to leave him to Moksha, Ananda Priyan itself. No, really! When you start listening to Nachiketa, you have no yama. You have no death. It was so beautiful. A gurukul child can enlightened a senior Swami. One is capable, another one is re... receiving. One is capable of giving, another one is capable of receiving. Both are miracle. Listen! A gurukul kid able to give, how miraculous it is. Same way, a senior Swami able to receive is also miraculous. You don’t know.


Whatever exposes your inauthenticity to you, you use all your spiritual knowledge to shut that…. Dhyaan se suniye (ध्यान से सुनिये). Listen. I felt liberated. Because I know now, we have given enough power to satya which can guide itself by its own strength all of us!

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः | dharmo rakṣati rakṣitaḥ |

Give power to satya. Don’t be afraid to be exposed to your inauthenticities. Whoever is ready to stand naked in front of your inauthenticity, you are Naga. You are a Nirvani! Only if you are ready to stand naked in front of your own inauthenticity, you are a Nirvani. You belong to Nirvani Peetha. You inherit the Sankhya Tattva of Kapila. Now it is My responsibility, I have to speak on Sankhya philosophy, Kapila Sutras.


Now we have a complete, a formal, official connection with all Shaktashanas through Raghupati Yogi, Patanjala, and through Mahanirvani Akhada - Sankhya and Vedanta; Kapila and Shankara. And, through Jnanasambandar and Sarvajna Peetha. All the philosophies, the source of all the philosophies directly from Mahadeva, the Vedic tradition, Shaiva Sampradaya…. Let’s come back to the tattvas. I tell you… Only if you are ready to stand in front of your inauthenticity naked, you are Naga, you are Nirvani. Whether your inauthenticity is exposed to you by a gurukul kid or your Guru... I tell you, ability to face your inauthenticity constantly helps you to become authentic.


It seems Bhakta went and started in every meeting, “I take over.” Immediately, Moksha, Ananda Priyan said, “No. You control. You don’t take the responsibility.” You control but you don’t take ownership. He said, “That's it, I got the click, Swamiji. I got my root pattern.” Thanks to Ananda Priyan for giving. Thanks to Bhakta for receiving.

(In Hindi)

Lagatar aap ki ashradhdha ki sthiti ka samna aapko aur jyada shradhdha ki sthiti me dalta hai. लगतार आप की अश्रद्धा की स्थिति का सामना आपको और ज्यादा श्रद्धा की स्थिति में दलता है। Ability to face your inauthenticity constantly puts you in a more authentic state, more authentic space. I literally felt wow! Now, Nithyananda Sangha in US will grow exponentially. He will make people live authenticity. I tell you, any, I tell you, human beings create sangha.


As I said, if the matter is moving in a high velocity, it attracts other matters around it. For mass is moving, it’ll attract more mass towards it. If Consciousness is moving, it’ll attracts more Consciousness towards it. If you are vibrating with these four tattvas, you will just attract people to vibrate in these four tattvas of pure Consciousness. Each… ah listen! Each mass rotating in high speed creates a galaxy around it. Each Consciousness rotating in high speed of these four tattva creates a loka around him. That is what is Indra Loka, Chandra Loka, Brahma Loka, Bhuloka, and all lokas. If you are purely radiating these four tattvas, you create Akshardham around you. All the souls who wants to radiate these four tattvas and live in the high space just get attracted to you, and you create a world around you. Not just in this matter world - Bhuloka, in the space, in a higher space.


If you can create a blissful sangha on the planet earth, understand, you are already ready with the beautiful, blissful sangha in a highest space - akshara dham. In the world of shara, if you create a sangha with these highest principles - tattvas and satyas, in the world of akshara, akshara, your dham is ready.

(In Hindi)

Sangha ka sarjan keval manushyon se hota hai. संघ का सरजन केवल मनुश्यों से होता है।

Sangha is created only with human beings. Go just with the strength of your authenticity, nothing else!... Decide the power of my conscious clearance - this integrity and authenticity and responsibility and ability to enrich is my only wealth! Go and sit there just with this only wealth. Guruvak is enough. Out of that Guruvak, I’ll attract, create whatever auspicious things required whether it’s a Lakshmi or Saraswati, or Kali. It’ll happen. I tell you, that’s a strength.


First enrich human beings. Human beings are the sangha.

(In Hindi)

Sangha ko labhanvit karne ke liye pehle manushyon ko labhanvit kijiye. संघ को लभनवित करने के लिए पहले मनुश्यों को लभनवित किजिये

Really, really I wanted, now it’s time each one of you come up with your commitments. What do you want to commit? What do you want to do? Take up your responsibilities. I tell you, without taking up the responsibility and enriching, your old patterns will not die down, how much ever you sit and do completion! Because nothing new is forming. Only when the new forming, without the old, the new being will be forming! Understand, why I tell all the ashramites to take whatever is re… required, even vegetarian protein and build new muscle you know? When the new muscles are build with the new bio-memory, only then the old will die! Old will not have place over you! Same way, do the work responsibly with this new thought pattern of English, with the four tattvas. Only then the old patterns are going to die, the swapurnatva will become purnatva! You will achieve purnatva! Otherwise, how many hours you sit in front of the mirror, it can be catharsis. Okay you will complete with that pattern. But, you are not going to be transformed.


Completion of the pattern is not the transformation. Transformation is only when you build a new personality! So along with demolition of the old personality - completion, building the new personality should continue in the same speed. Let us have Shivaratri as a declaration day…. By this Shivaratri, let everyone be clearly prepared, think through and declaration. Same way, Krama Brahmacharya, you take up the same vows of sanyas, but you have the freedom to drop and get married. Naishtika Brahmacharya, you take the same vows, but you have no freedom to drop. If you’ve... as an extreme, somewhere if you have missed - you can have prayaschitta and stand up again. With sannyas, you can’t even be in the space of missing. You can’t have even the space of asampurti (असंपूर्ति, asaṃpūrti). Listen.


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Listen. Till today, not a single day, single session I missed and then completed. No! Even one minute. How? Because, if the time for all of you nine thirty, I committed to Me nine twenty five. Because five minutes before I am there, at least few minutes before I am there, even the space of asampurti (असंपूर्ति, asaṃpūrti) does not happen. Clear? So now, you declare. Do you want Krama Brahmacharya, or do you want Naishtika Brahmacharya? Naishtika Brahmacharya has a one point, that somewhere beyond your… if you have failed once, immediately you can stand back, with proper prayaschitta. But, if you are declaring for sannyas, no space for lack of integrity or inauthenticity can exist in you. No space for asampurti or ashraddha, irresponsibility can exist in you. Now decide! Now decide. You decide and you have time - March 10th, you declare.


Construct yourself with the new patterns, only then you experience true transformation. I tell you, only when you take up the Purna Sannyasa, your pattern of abrahmacharya gets destroyed. Not before. I tell you, yesterday Rishi Manesha was successful. Only now, he will build his new personality! If you say, “I’ll build the space of no lack of integrity,” That is what is Jnanatma will be thinking now, and be planning. Am I right? 😀 I can say PHD in the Science of Pachadi. Pachadi means what? All confusion mixed together, and have to eat because no other option. Bhaktika, Jnanatma, a spicy pachadi, PHD in spicy pachadi - achala. PHD in dirty pachadi - Priya. PHD in tamas pachadi - Priya. Rajas pachadi - Achala, confused pachadi: Shanta, Jnanatma, Bhaktika. What Shivaratri? Jnanatma is sending a message - she is not ready for initiation in Shivaratri. With this confusion, not Shivaratri, you’ll never be ready. You by declare, “It’s my life. Future is my life. The future is waiting for me. Am I going to put the same mental setup on that and walk? Then, when am I going to break?” That’s all! Break!


It is like in the army tanks, they will have a kind of a chain. You have seen? On the wheel itself, the chain will move and create a imprint and move. You are like that chain only. If you don’t remove the chain now, your whole life is going to be only imprinted by that chain. Don’t think, “Ooh, all the ten kilometer I came is… same imprint is there, naturally that ten kilometer I am going to travel, the same imprint is going to be there.” It will be there because you have not removing the chain! Deciding “I am not going to have sympathy towards me.” Not physically but mentally committing suicide. “I am not going to have sympathy towards any of my patterns.” But you always think of physical suicide. Why you know? That is the best inauthentic way to hide your inauthenticity, escape from your inauthenticity. Inauthenticity always makes you do wrong prayaschitta, so that it can save itself.


Inauthentic kids, you can always see they will always create a chaos and put everybody in blame and they will hiding in one corner and crying, “Aah, seee… aah… haaa… aah... this has been donee...!” When mother comes, she will think this kid is suffering, he should not be punished. She will beat everyone else, and this fellow who is reason for the whole thing he’s escaped. Inauthenticity puts everybody else in trouble other than himself. And his prayaschitta will put everybody in trouble other than himself. You punish your body, you punish your everything else, you punish your consciousness, but not the mind which is inauthentic, the patterns which are inauthentic. You sometime even punish the mind which is authentic. That part you punish! And you safely guard part of inauthenticity. It is like a fellow who is swindling the country is sitting on the top job of the country. Punishing everybody else!


Shanta is sending a message - I am not pachadi anymore. I am ready. Then now you are a khichdi! 😃 No, if you are ready, I am ready to give you sannyas! I am only inspiring millions and millions of you. Evolve, practice these four tattvas and declare yourself to be a sannyasi. And live it!

>>>08:27 - Hindi<<<

Whenever you demolish old patterns, construct yourself with new patterns, only then you experience true transformation. The new patterns are not even patterns… new energy. Declare! That is the only way you grow.


In the young age I used to feel, whenever I take a big commitment, ‘if I fail, what will happen?’ Means, already I have planned to fail. Arrey, my future I am doing. How can I fail? There is nobody else involved in it. “No, I don’t trust myself that much.” What do you mean? Integrate yourself. No question of it’s okay. And cute, “I do so much, little okay.” No! Life is not going to give you teddy bear to hug and sleep. Only the real bear is going to come. Decide what to do. Life is not going to entertain you with the teddy bear for your cute feeling. Be authentic to yourself. Don’t be disrespectful to you by being inauthentic.


I can see, when this Sundal Shuddhananda is carrying that bag for last few days. I can see he is, he’s standing up! He’s standing up! You will see in a few days he will be out of that pattern. Otherwise, which would have destroyed his life for ages! For ages he would have suffered with that pattern. He’s supposed to go to now Sri Lanka. Three sannyasis are going to Sri Lanka - Sri Nirvikalpananda, Ma Atmapriya, and Sundal Shuddhananda. Even to all of them, he is giving the name as Sundal Shuddhananda. Everybody is asking what Sundal Shuddhananda? Then he explains, “Once breaking our rule, I ate sundal in the train. So that is why I am called Sundal Shuddhananda.” I told, “No. After that also you continue to do the same pattern, instead of sundal, some other items, so you are given that name. Not because once you did.” He said, “Yes Swamiji. I’ll change my introduction. Sri Nithya Sundal Shuddhananda, a direct disciple of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The name “Sundal” means, denotes, it was given as a title, because breaking the rule that I am not supposed to eat in the train the outside food due to its impurities, contamination. I broke the rule because of my taste buds, the taste pattern and ate, and continue to break the rules for my taste bud in many times. I was given this title to remind myself to establish in authenticity, by my Guru - Sri Sundal Shuddhananda.” True.

>>>14:14 - Hindi<<<


Don’t be disrespectful to you by being inauthentic. Be in the state of authenticity. Continuously clear yourself, drill yourself. Listen. It is through your declaration and commitment, the spiritual umbilical cord connection between you and Me exists. If you want to be a volunteer, declare to a city coordinator who has already declared to country coordinator, who has already declared to headquarters coordinator, who has already declared to Swamiji their commitments. Only through this commitment declaration, the spiritual connection between you and me exists. If you are Ananda Samaji, declare to your city coordinator who has already declared to the country coordinator, whose already declared to headquarters coordinator, who has already declared to the Master. It is through declarations, the spiritual commitments exist. Same way, when you want to be relieved from that commitment - declare it, and be relieved, be complete. Let everything happen with integrity, and authenticity, whether you taking up or completing. But things like brahmacharya and the commitment to sangha of not leaving - all these are irrevocable.

>>>Hindi<<< Shraddha ki stithi mein rahiye ashraddha mein rehakar apne aap ka anaadar na kijiye, anaadar na kijiye


I tell you, with this clear commitments only, you will have stability with sangha. Sangha can have stability with you. So much you can enrich the sangha and the world, and sangha can enrich you through the world. Listen. You can enrich the world through the sangha, sangha can enrich the world through you, if both of you give stability to each other as a commitment. Understand. When you declare irrevocable stability to the Sangha, and the Buddha and Dhamma - you can do so much to the world through sangha, enrich so much yourself and the world through sangha. Sangha can enrich you and the world so much through you. How many of you cognise what I am saying?


I literally wanted each ashram, each one of you sit as a Peetadhipathi, Jagadguru! I literally wanted to give Jagadguru title to everyone and I have the right to give legally and socially and dharmically. What is stopping us? What is stopping us? Your non-committal, irresponsible attitude. If you can declare irrevocably with authenticity - really, really, I tell you, with authenticity and integrity, responsibility and enriching, I declare, “I want each one of you, each one of My sannyasis, rishis, brahmacharis, brahmacharinis to sit as the head of a peetha, which I have created in so many countries and states, and teach people all these truths - enrich.” This is not only I want. This is my anyakara about each one of you. My anyakara about you will continue to exist till you become Me. Till you are anya (अन्य) to Me, My anyakara to you will exist. If you fulfill it, you will become ananya (अनन्या, ananyā). If not, you will become anyaya (अन्याय, anyāya).


I wanted each one of you, not only sannyasis and rishis, even devotees. Muktananda is capable of heading a peetha! And he is capable of being a rishi! And Chennai, Atmaniranjananda, Uma Sundar - each one of them can sit in a peetha, can guide the world. Girish and Chirantana can sit in a peetha. They live this tattva, can guide. I am giving you few example. Sri Priyan in Oman can sit in a peetha. He can guide the world radiating these tattvas. I am also opening the next door of residential rishi, rishis. Means, you stay in your place and live a life of rishi. It is only the strength of your commitment that’s all, nothing else. Strength of your commitment - integrity, authenticity and responsibility and enriching. Nothing else. There are so many rishis who don’t stay in the campus.

>>> Hindi<<< aap apne pratibaddhatha ka ghoshana kijiye. Jab aap sthirtha se apni pratibaddhatha ka ghoshana karte hai tab aap sangha evam sansar ko laabhanvith kar sakthe hai aur sangha evam samsar aapko laabhanvith kar saktha hai


I can tell you guys, you can literally enrich the world in umm… unimaginable way if you can give an irrevocable stability to sangha. All the sanghas resources, everything will be directly available to you. And when you give a irrevocable stable commitment to Me, all the My resources will be available to you. Whether it is a spiritual or everything... intellectual, everything.

>>> Hindi<<< jab aap sthirtha se apni pratibaddhatha ka ghoshana karte hai tab aap sangha evam sansar ko laabhanvith kar sakthe hai aur sangha evam samsar aapko laabhanvith kar saktha hai

How many of you cognise this truth because of your instability and the insecurity you give it to sangha and the Buddha, is responsible for still not you flowering to your ultimate reality. Listen, dhyaan se suniye (ध्यान से सुनिये). The instability and insecurity you show to, sorry, instability is the right word, instability you show to the sangha and Buddha, makes sangha and Buddha not to make big decisions based on you. Understand.


If Buddha smells authenticity and responsibility, integrity in you, he immediately puts you in the seat of Buddha, and asks you to enrich the world. You are not competitor for Me. You are a compliment for Me. Listen. Even if I make exactly the same throne and the same infrastructure and the same thing for you - never I am going to feel you are a competitor for Me. I am only going to feel you are complimenting Me. I wanted everyone of you carry the same pravara, introduction, resume, dress, grace - everything I carry - and enrich the world. Then you will understand, it is the grace I carry enriches the world. You will also decide to carry that. If you carry that grace, peetha carries you, or you will be carrying the peetha. Whether peetha sits on you or you sit on the peetha. I know there are some people, peetha is sitting on them, means, they are so stressed out, afraid, inauthentic, when the peetha will disown them. I tell you, when you are carrying the grace, you grace the peetha, not peetha gracing you. Now all you guys should think in this language, becoming Peethadheeshwar.


Bhanu should be Peethadheeshwar of Oklahoma Somanatham. And, Snehamayi should be the Peethadheeshwar of San Jose Madurai. Muktananda, Peethadheeshwar of Nithyananda City, Seattle. Shivananda has a right to be Peethadheeshwar of Ohio Prayag. Each one of you guys come up with your commitment and declaration. Have the collective responsibility meeting.

Kripaya suniye (कृपया सुनिये). Only when you take the responsibility, life happens to you. Don’t tell me, “No, no, no, no, no, I don’t want peetha and all. I don’t want all these, I just came to be around you, and just be blessed by you.” No. Then you have not come for Me. At least don’t tell a lie that you came for My sake. No. If you have come for My sake then fulfill my anyakara. I want you to be Peethadheeshwar, responsible Peethadheeshwar. If you say, “No, no, no, I am not interested in all that. I don’t have greed. I don’t have all that attachment. I don’t want to be Peethadheeshwar. I just came for your sake.” Then tell very clearly, you came for your own fantasy, not for Me.

>>> Hindi<<< keval zimmedaari uthane se hi aap jivan jeene lagte hai. keval zimmedaari uthane se hi aap jivan jeene lagte hai.

How many of you feel “I am not greedy” or “I am not interested in peetha and all these things. I’ll just live as a sadhu at your feet and then tsk… great.” How many of you feel that way, please raise your hand?


Ma Achala is asking a question - what is giving irrevocable commitment? I am able to understand in a negative way only. Not giving it means keeping the threat of fear of leaving the sangha.” Yes. You are right. You are keeping the threat means sangha will not be able to trust you on bigger responsibilities. Where sangha, you see, sangha will be able to feel only you as a hanging root, not rooted hanging root! Understand! The hanging root and rooted hanging root. Both of them are completely different for a banyan tree. If you are a hanging root, you are part of the sangha, no doubt. If you have given a irrevocable commitment, you are a rooted hanging root. It means what? Now, not only you are part of the sangha, sangha is part of you. You’ve rooted! Now you are standing. Not only you are part of the sangha, you are supporting part of the sangha. Clear?


When you give a irrevocable commitment, and when I see you behaving with integrity and authenticity, responsibility and enriching in your day to day small small actions like a morning you come for yoga, and you take the responsibility for who is not coming for yoga and call him back, call him to do the yoga - I know now you are a rooted supporting root. Hanging root is part of the sangha but weight on the branch, original tree. When you declare irrevocably, now you have become rooted root, trusting you, banyan tree can extend its branches. How many of you cognise it? That’s it. Trusting you, banyan tree can take further steps. Sangha is like a banyan tree. Giving shadow, cleaning the environment, purifying, reducing the carbon dioxide. If you are not giving, I don’t want to say it is right or wrong - it is just the hanging root. The tree cannot trust the hanging root and extend itself. Understand. So it has to wait, and tree will not give up on hanging root. It’ll wait till the hanging root becomes a rooted supporting root. Tree will continue to supply energy to the hanging root. It’ll not give up on hanging roots.


Jnanatma okay? Jnanatma has a question - Swamiji, me staying with the sangha should be because of inspiration and excitement to be part of it, not because I gave a commitment to someday. You already have started planning one day you will lose the excitement and inspiration. Listen! You already started planning, ‘There will be someday I may lose the inspiration and excitement, that day I should have a freedom to walk out. If I give the commitment, it will be bondage.’ Am I right? So you have planned to lose the inspiration, excitement. How are you not going to lose at one day? Drop the plan to lose the inspiration and excitement. Plan to become the Peethadheeshwar. Now, without even knowing unconsciously, you already have strong plan. ‘One day I am going to lose my inspiration and commitment. That day this world will be a bondage for me. How can I be?’ Am I right? Catching the inauthenticity, and lack of integrity?

It is lack of integrity constantly visualizes that part. ‘One day, if I lose the excitement and inspiration and feel suffocated, this commitment will be a bondage.’ You should be visualizing other way. ‘By now giving this commitment, I break the pattern of one day possibility of losing the inspiration and excitement, and I’ll make sure not only I don’t lose, I’ll make sure others also don’t lose.’ Then you are a wild river - Ganga. Otherwise, you are the Koam?, already planning… for disappearing. Clear?


How many of you cogniszed what I said? Now only I am exposing all your fears to you. Still Nirvikalpa is shivering inside, I can see. Am I right? Emm. But you are not able to cognize what I am saying? Emm. That is what I am saying, that lot of things only is iz shivering. How many people tried that I should give up My commitment to you guys. How many people! They promised, I will not have any harassment, I can live happily, and they were even ready to give all the money to My hand, but I should not run this sangha. How many people were asking! I said no. What I have given to My disciples is irrevocable commitment. It cannot be revoked even by My death. That is why I am going to live without dying eternally. I am going to live in the space I am living eternally! Because, I do not plan for breaking from this space one day. I do not have a doubt, ‘if one day if I lose my enlightenment, what will happen? What will I do? I have committed to the all My disciples, I’ll liberate all of them.’ I know, I am not going to break from My enlightenment.


Turiya has a question - ‘Swamiji, I feel irrevocable commitment to Master and Dhamma, Dharma, but not same for sangha.’ No!! That is what is not taking responsibility and not ready to enrich. Then, I tell you, your integrity and authenticity will just die down. It is not going to complete you. Integrity and authenticity lives and completes you, only when it extends as responsibility and enriching. Irrevocable commitment to sangha is the completion of irrevocable commitment to Buddha and Dhamma. Because, the intensity, integrity and authenticity will expand and lead you to the next level of its experience, next level of his space only when you feel responsible, and enriching others and you. Now if you take responsibility, listen, if you take responsibility you may create few beings with integrity and authenticity. And decide to continue to enrich, then few more beings integrity, authenticity.

Listen! By the time you take responsibility for few hundred peoples’ inauthenticity, you will be so pure! You will be so pure, because everytime you see inauthenticity in others, you will be doing prayaschitta taking responsibility. It is going to purify you so much.


Me coming to the morning yoga is nothing but Me doing prayaschitta for your inauthenticity, laziness. So now finally I am getting more pure. My body is getting more pure. How many of you cognize this? So, you’ll become so pure, you will not only create the space of completion here, you will create the space of completion even without body you will be able to reside in that space. That is what I call mukti. The space where you can be alive without body just because of your strength of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching is akshara dhama. Only when you create more and more integrated and authentic beings around you, you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. That is the only way you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. Commitment to sangha constantly raises you to the next, next level of integrity and authenticity, because any level of integrity and authenticity you know now is not complete. Only when you take the responsibility and enriching, it becomes complete, complete and complete.


Bhaktika has a question - Swami, I have a so many unkept commitments. Though I feel the energy to commit, the current unkept commitment is pulling me back. I am moving from non-integrity to more non-integrity. Unkept, commitments are all, after all revocable. They are not irrevocable. Complete them by declaring that I am dropping those commitments. And start from now in completion. Now in complete completion. The irrevocable commitments will never make you incomplete. What will be? That will be like a brahmacharya and being with the Master forever or being with the sangha; those things will not have any problem. Any of the unkept commitments related to work and your incompletion and all that - now complete all of them, that I am dropping from that commitment. I am declaring that I will not be able to take up this job, I am completing it. Complete from all of them! And now have completion, from the completion - begin. All revocables complete. Then now you have the place. You have the space to start.


You see, authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Listen! Sometime… I’ll give an example of what Ma Jnanatma can understand. With authenticity you have to commit for the next Inner Awakening - thousand participants, but that should not be destroying your integrity. So integrity always gets the first priority. Clear? With integrity expanding, stretching is authenticity. Leaving integrity, stretching is not authenticity. How many of you are clear? Authenticity… Jnanatma, you understand? Supriya, understand this? See, now Jnanatma, if she sees from authenticity, she has to commit thousand for the next Inner Awakening. She will enrich thousand people’s life in the next Inner Awakening. But will it be integrated? No. Then, she has to stretch but she cannot say ten people. With integrity, ten she can manage. Understand. With integrity if you, if she says ten, it is living authenticity. With authenticity if she says thousand, it is leaving integrity. With integrity, authentic should go up to two hundred. Clear? Now, your declaration has integrity but not authenticity.


Emm, what’s the question? Type. So all of you understand, authenticity without leaving integrity. Jnanatma says, ‘if Jnanatma commits to two hundred and it does not happen, then Jnanatma again comes back to…’ so when you commit itself, you know it is two hundred, your planning two hundred will not happen. Noo… noo… noo… with a clear authentic feeling, by now you will be able to, you should be able to easily judge at least near future. Authenticity gives you to judge the near future; it does not allow surprises in your life. If you are still feeling constantly surprises waiting in your life, something is lacking in your authenticity. Again, this is a planning for failure. See, if you say thousand, and you plan for, you feel it may fail, then I can say it may, it is not even planning for failure, it’s a right thinking of failure. But by now because of all your work, based on all this work, if you have this doubt, I tell you, there is a inauthenticity in the work which you performed earlier. Now at least get back to integrity and let you not be inauthentic in the work you perform now. So that in the next near future, you are able to perform with authenticity. Authenticity is being in the state of integrity and stretching yourself.

>>> Hindi<<< sampoorthi ke stithi mein rehkar apne aap ko vistharith karna shraddha hota hai.


I have a commitment declaration, collective responsibility declaration from Malaysia Sangha. When I read it, I tell you, I just want to send Kalabhairava immediately to Malaysia to bless all of them. I am sending. I’ll read out their declaration. Please listen, they are stretching themself from the state of integrity without leaving the state of integrity. “We declare in front of Swamiji, Kalabhairava and the sangha with integrity, sampurti, authenticity, responsibility and enriching ourself and others that the Malaysia Palani Sangha declares that we are enriching the world by building self sustaining Nithyananda Nagar in over five years period of time. Tsk! The Nithyananda Nagar is distributed in various places across Malaysia.” Nirantaras, alter your plan based on this! Alter your plans based on this Master plan. Master’s plan is the plan going to be executed. Master’s plan is planning to make Masters. They say “enriching the community through setting up of three different organization to overlook and run the whole project in different areas.”


“Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Malaysia already started the registration process, mainly to run all the charitable activities and community service projects. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end of October 2013.

Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society Limited: enriching the members to uplift their economic status through various business opportunities by obtaining grants from government and also funding various projects such as building temple and ashram. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end October 2013.” Blessings! Blessings to both the projects.

Nithyananda Foundation Malaysia enriching the members by providing assistance to their children to pursue the higher studies by providing scholarships and loans.” Blessings! Successful, you will be successful. “This Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society can be like getting best things from India, importing to Malaysia and selling.” And we will give you the all the support from India.


I tell you, start create shops, ‘Anything Indian - we have it or we will get it.’ That’s your tagline. Shop should be called as ‘Anything Indian.’ That’s the name. Start the chain stores - Anything Indian, title. Tagline is ‘We have it or we will get it.’ So Malaysia guys, I give you the clear business plan. Anything Indian, that should be the shop name. ‘We have it or we will get it.’ If you wanted a Tamil name, I give you the name - Madurai Kedai. That’s a Malaysian thing. ‘Madurai, anything you want, we have it or we get it.’ Do this, we will give you complete support from India to get all the best things. Nirantara, plan for employing all the devotees who are living these tattvas; who are living these tattvas, employ them. Have a huge group of employees. Think like a Walmart. You’ll be able to do.

And, third plan: “Representing as an official and the largest living Hindu Vedic community in Malaysia.” Yes! I bless you guys! “And Southeast Asia.” I bless you guys, it’ll happen. “We will be the largest living Hindu community in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.” Blessings.


“Enriching hundred thousand people for living the four tattvas as a way of life by creating Brahmanas.” I can give even Tamil Inner Awakening in Malaysia. Plan for it. So understand, the fourth commitment you guys gave is naivedya. Now the updation I gave and I am giving it back to you is prasada. Whatever you guys sent is naivedya. Now what I am giving back to you guys as updated it’s a prasada.

“Fifth, enriching thousands of youths by creating the biggest Hindu monastery by educating and training sannyasis and rishis.” Blessings, you guys will be successful. Do it. Do it. By then you will have start the work. Soon you will have lot of sannyasis, and rishis happening. As I said, we will start the next, residential rishis. “Creating a temple based on the Bogar’s concept of Palani Navapashana Murugan, we’ll also include multi storey complex with Nithyananda Sabha, accommodating five thousand people at a time, accommodation for visitors and ashramites, Nithyananda Annalaya serving thousands at a time, and Vedic Library and international standard gym and yogalaya.” Blessings.


Only one line I wanted to add in this “creating a temple based on Bogar’s concept of Palani Navapashana Murugan.” “Palani” name I gave for one center - Kuala Lumpur. For whole Malaysia, we may have some other name. Please understand, Malaysia Palani was given to only Kuala Lumpur Center. So for each different centers, we’ll give different-different spiritual name.

“And, enriching five thousand families living this tattva as community.” Tathastu! So be it. “Enriching the community by establishing agriculture business based on these four tattvas, as oil palm estate plantation and rubber plantation which is the main income generation in Malaysia. Also various small-medium enterprises such as textiles, tailoring and food based industry. Enriching people through setting up of Nithyananda Research Institute of Science and Technology based on the Gaumara.” I get, just add only one addition - based on the Nithyananda Sampradaya itself. So Nirantara, do Research Institute of Science and Technology based on Nithyananda Sampradaya.


“Enriching Ayurvedic and Siddha knowledge to the world by forming Ayurvedic and Siddha research center and university.” Wow! Blessings. Nithyananda Ayurvedic and Siddha, I tell you, N-A-S-A, NASA - Nithyananda Ayurvedic Siddha Academy. Make NASA, you call it as… great. Hmm. Make a university, beautiful.

“And the eleventh project - enriching the world by providing Nithyananda Vedic Library to do further study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality. Study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality will be setup by 1st October 2013, also includes internet cafe with interactive technology.” Blessings, you will be successful. You will be successful. “Enriching the beautiful meaning of goshala to the world and make people understand and sacred value of cows to rear… rear five hundred cows in the first year and gradually increase every year.” Wow! (Swamiji clapping his hands👏)

“And thirteenth project - enriching through free medical camp known as the Nithyananda Mobile Clinic conducted every two weeks. Also creating physiotherapy and rehabilitation center by January 2014.”


“All the above declarations will be described in detail by next meeting on 23rd March 2013. By then all the volunteers who have taken up responsibility to do the land search, various licensing needs and planning, organising various activities to raise fund. Every one of the sangha members will have at least one responsibility for collectively enriching in this declaration.” Tathastu. Bless you guys. My blessings. It’ll become reality.

First thing I want to tell, the headquarters of the Malaysia should be near Kuala Lumpur. Plan, look for everything near Kuala Lumpur. And, this is My commitment to you guys - smoothly money, land, people, everything will flow. The whole thing will be successful. Power of your integrity and commitment will make everything reality… will make everything reality. So first, first thing you guys need to do - start enriching hundred thousand lives through Inner Awakening.

Create a beautiful... already English website for the four tattvas is getting created by Seattle. You guys can think of creating... I don’t think you need to even create a separate website. No need. Everybody in Malaysia knows English. And start enriching people with four tattvas. And enriching them through Inner Awakening at least hundred thousand lives. That is the first goal.


I tell you guys, only if hundred thousand people live these tattvas, a group consciousness for all these things to happen is created. Then you don’t need to struggle, simply it’ll happen! To make an ashram, I don’t need to struggle now because I made people who want to live in ashram. Then simply ashram will happen. I already made people who want to worship in temple. Temple will happen. I made people who want to study this knowledge, monastery will happen. So make people who want to live these tattvas, simply this community will happen. Nithyananda Nagar will happen. Understand. So the first job is making people to live these tattvas. [01:04:52]

Video Audio



How many of you feel “I am not greedy” or “I am not interested in peetha and all these things. I’ll just live as a sadhu at your feet and then tsk… great.” How many of you feel that way, please raise your hand?

Ma Achala is asking a question - ‘what is giving irrevocable commitment? I am able to understand in a negative way only. Not giving it means keeping the threat of fear of leaving the sangha.’ Yes. You are right. You are keeping the threat means sangha will not be able to trust you on bigger responsibilities. Where sangha, you see, sangha will be able to feel only you as a hanging root, not rooted hanging root! Understand! The hanging root and rooted hanging root. Both of them are completely different for banyan tree. If you are a hanging root, you are part of the sangha, no doubt. If you have given a irrevocable commitment, you are a rooted hanging root. It means what? Now, not only you are part of the sangha, sangha is part of you. You’ve rooted! Now you are standing. Not only you are part of the sangha, you are supporting part of the sangha. Clear?


When you give a irrevocable commitment, and when I see you behaving with integrity and authenticity, responsibility and enriching in your day to day small small actions like a morning you come for yoga, and you take the responsibility for who is not coming for yoga and call him back, call him to do the yoga - I know now you are a rooted supporting root. Hanging root is part of the sangha but weight on the branch, original tree. When you declare irrevocably, now you have become rooted root, trusting you, banyan tree can extend its branches. How many of you cognise it? That’s it. Trusting you, banyan tree can take further steps. Sangha is like a banyan tree. Giving shadow, cleaning the environment, purifying, reducing the carbon dioxide. If you are not giving, I don’t want to say it is right or wrong - it is just the hanging root. The tree cannot trust the hanging root and extend itself. Understand. So it has to wait, and, tree will not give up on hanging root. It’ll wait till the hanging root becomes a rooted supporting root. Tree will continue to supply energy to the hanging root. It’ll not give up on hanging roots.


Jnanatma okay? Jnanatma has a question - Swamiji, me staying with the sangha should be because of inspiration and excitement to be part of it, not because I gave a commitment to someday. You already have started planning one day you will lose the excitement and inspiration. Listen! You already started planning ‘There will be someday I may lose the inspiration and excitement, that day I should have the freedom to walk out. If I give the commitment, it will be bondage.’ Am I right? So you have planned to lose the inspiration, excitement. How are you not going to lose at one day? Drop the plan to lose the inspiration and excitement. Plan to become the Peethadheeshwar. Now, without even knowing unconsciously, you already have strong plan. ‘One day I am going to lose my inspiration and commitment. That day this world will be a bondage for me. How can I be?’ Am I right? Catching the inauthenticity, and lack of integrity? It is lack of integrity constantly visualizes that part. ‘One day, if I lose the excitement and inspiration and feel suffocated, this commitment will be a bondage.’ You should be visualizing other way. ‘By now giving this commitment, I break the pattern of one day possibility of losing the inspiration and excitement, and I’ll make sure not only I don’t lose, I’ll make sure others also don’t lose.’ Then you are a wild river - Ganga. Otherwise, you are the Koam?, already planning… for disappearing. Clear?


How many of you cognized what I said? Now only I am exposing all your fears to you. Still Nirvikalpa is shivering inside, I can see. Am I right? Emm. But you are not able to cognize what I am saying? Emm. That is what I am saying, that lot of things only is shivering. How many people tried that I should give up My commitment to you guys. How many people! They promised, I will not have any harassment, I can live happily, and they were even ready to give all the money to My hand, but I should not run this sangha. How many people were asking. I said No. What I have given to My disciples is irrevocable commitment. It cannot be revoked even by My death. That is why I am going to live without dying eternally. I am going to live in the space I am living eternally! Because, I do not plan for breaking from this space one day. I do not have a doubt, ‘If one day if I lose My enlightenment, what will happen? What will I do? I have committed to the all My disciples, I’ll liberate all of them.’ I know, I am not going to break from My enlightenment.


Turiya has a question - Swamiji, I feel irrevocable commitment to Master and Dhamma, Dharma, but not same for sangha. No!! That is what is not taking responsibility and not ready to enrich. Then, I tell you your integrity and authenticity will just die down. It is not going to complete you. Integrity and authenticity lives and completes you, only when it extends as responsibility and enriching. Irrevocable commitment to sangha is the completion of irrevocable commitment to Buddha and Dhamma. Because, the intensity, integrity and authenticity will expand and lead you to the next level of its experience. Next level of his space only when you feel responsible, and enriching others and you. Now if you take responsibility, listen, if you take responsibility you may create few beings with integrity and authenticity. And decide to continue to enrich, then few more beings integrity, authenticity. Listen! By that time you, you take responsibility for a few hundred peoples’ inauthenticity, you will be so pure! You will be so pure because everytime you see inauthenticity in others, you will be doing prayaschitta - taking responsibility. It is going to purify you so much.


Me coming to the morning yoga is nothing but me doing prayaschitta for your inauthenticity, laziness. So now finally I am getting more pure. My body is getting more pure. How many of you cognize this? So you’ll become so pure. You will not only create the space of completion here, you will create the space of completion even without body you will be able to reside in that space. That is what I call mukti. The space where you can be alive without body just because of your strength of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching is akshara dhama. Only when you create more and more integrated and authentic beings around you, you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. That is the only way you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. Commitment to sangha constantly raises you to the next, next level of integrity and authenticity, because any level of integrity and authenticity you know now is not complete. Only when you take the responsibility and enriching, it becomes complete, complete and complete.


Bhaktika has a question - Swami, I have a so many unkept commitments. Though I feel the energy to commit, the current unkept commitments is pulling me back. I am moving from non-integrity to more non-integrity.’ Unkept, commitments are all, after all revocable. They are not irrevocable. Complete them by declaring that I am dropping those commitments. And start from now in completion. Now in complete completion. The irrevocable commitments will never make you incomplete. What will be? That will be like a brahmacharya and being with the Master forever or being with the sangha forever; those things will not have any problem. Any of the unkept commitments related to work and your incompletion and all that - now complete all of them, that I am dropping from that commitment. I am declaring that I will not be able to take up this job, I am completing it. Complete from all of them! And now have completion, from the completion - begin. All revocables complete. Then now you have the place. You have the space to start.


You see, authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Listen! Sometime… I’ll give an example of what Ma Jnanatma can understand. With authenticity you have to commit for the next Inner Awakening - thousand participants, but that should not be destroying your integrity. So integrity always gets the first priority. Clear? With integrity expanding, stretching is authenticity. Leaving integrity, stretching is not authenticity. How many of you are clear? Authenticity… Jnanatma, you understand? Supriya, understand this? See, now Jnanatma, if she sees from authenticity, she has to commit thousand for the next Inner Awakening. She will enrich thousand people’s life in the next Inner Awakening. But will it be integrated? No. Then, she has to stretch but she cannot say ten people. With integrity, ten she can manage. Understand. With integrity if you, if she says ten, it is leaving authenticity. With authenticity if she says thousand, it is leaving integrity. With integrity, authentic should go up to two hundred. Clear? Now, your declaration has integrity but not authenticity.


Emm, what’s the question? Type. So all of you understand, authenticity without leaving integrity. Jnanatma says, ‘if Jnanatma commits to two hundred and it does not happen, then Jnanatma again comes back to…’ so when you commit itself, you know it is two hundred, your planning two hundred will not happen. Noo… noo… noo… with a clear authentic feeling, by now you will be able to, you should be able to easily judge at least near future. Authenticity gives you to judge the near future; it does not allow surprises in your life. If you are still feeling constantly surprises waiting in your life, something is lacking in your authenticity. Again, this is a planning for failure. See, if you say thousand, and you plan for, you feel it may fail, then I can say it may, it is not even planning for failure, it’s a right thinking of failure. But by now because of all your work, based on all this work, if you have this doubt, I tell you, there is a inauthenticity in the work which you performed earlier. Now at least get back to integrity and let you not be inauthentic in the work you perform now. So that in the next near future, you are able to perform with authenticity. Authenticity is being in the state of integrity and stretching yourself.

>>> Hindi<<< sampoorthi ke stithi mein rehkar apne aap ko vistharith karna shraddha hota hai.


I have a commitment declaration, collective responsibility declaration from Malaysia Sangha. When I read it, I tell you, I just want to send Kalabhairava immediately to Malaysia to bless all of them. I am sending. I’ll read out their declaration. Please listen, they are stretching themself from the state of integrity without leaving the state of integrity. “We declare in front of Swamiji, Kalabhairava and the sangha with integrity, sampurti, authenticity, responsibility and enriching ourself and others that the Malaysia Palani Sangha declares that we are enriching the world by building self sustaining Nithyananda Nagar in over five years period of time. Tsk! The Nithyananda Nagar is distributed in various places across Malaysia.” Nirantaras, alter your plan based on this! Alter your plans based on this Master plan. Master’s plan is the plan going to be executed. Master’s plan is planning to make Masters. They say “enriching the community through setting up of three different organization to overlook and run the whole project in different areas.”


“Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Malaysia already started the registration process, mainly to run all the charitable activities and community service projects. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end of October 2013.

Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society Limited: enriching the members to uplift their economic status through various business opportunities by obtaining grants from government and also funding various projects such as building temple and ashram. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end October 2013.” Blessings! Blessings to both the projects.

Nithyananda Foundation Malaysia enriching the members by providing assistance to their children to pursue the higher studies by providing scholarships and loans.” Blessings! Successful, you will be successful. “This Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society can be like getting best things from India, importing to Malaysia and selling.” And we will give you the all the support from India.


I tell you, start create shops, ‘Anything Indian - we have it or we will get it.’ That’s your tagline. Shop should be called as ‘Anything Indian.’ That’s the name. Start the chain stores - Anything Indian, title. Tagline is ‘We have it or we will get it.’ So Malaysia guys, I give you the clear business plan. Anything Indian, that should be the shop name. ‘We have it or we will get it.’ If you wanted a Tamil name, I give you the name - Madurai Kedai. That’s a Malaysian thing. ‘Madurai, anything you want, we have it or we get it.’ Do this, we will give you complete support from India to get all the best things. Nirantara, plan for employing all the devotees who are living these tattvas; who are living these tattvas, employ them. Have a huge group of employees. Think like a Walmart. You’ll be able to do.

And, third plan: “Representing as an official and the largest living Hindu Vedic community in Malaysia.” Yes! I bless you guys! “And Southeast Asia.” I bless you guys, it’ll happen. “We will be the largest living Hindu community in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.” Blessings.


“Enriching hundred thousand people for living the four tattvas as a way of life by creating Brahmanas.” I can give even Tamil Inner Awakening in Malaysia. Plan for it. So understand, the fourth commitment you guys gave is naivedya. Now the updation I gave and I am giving it back to you is prasada. Whatever you guys sent is naivedya. Now what I am giving back to you guys as updated it’s a prasada.

“Fifth, enriching thousands of youths by creating the biggest Hindu monastery by educating and training sannyasis and rishis.” Blessings, you guys will be successful. Do it. Do it. By then you will have start the work. Soon you will have lot of sannyasis, and rishis happening. As I said, we will start the next, residential rishis. “Creating a temple based on the Bogar’s concept of Palani Navapashana Murugan, we’ll also include multi storey complex with Nithyananda Sabha, accommodating five thousand people at a time, accommodation for visitors and ashramites, Nithyananda Annalaya serving thousands at a time, and Vedic Library and international standard gym and yogalaya.” Blessings.


Only one line I wanted to add in this “creating a temple based on Bogar’s concept of Palani Navapashana Murugan.” “Palani” name I gave for one center - Kuala Lumpur. For whole Malaysia, we may have some other name. Please understand, Malaysia Palani was given to only Kuala Lumpur Center. So for each different centers, we’ll give different-different spiritual name.

“And, enriching five thousand families living this tattva as community.” Tathastu! So be it. “Enriching the community by establishing agriculture business based on these four tattvas, as oil palm estate plantation and rubber plantation which is the main income generation in Malaysia. Also various small-medium enterprises such as textiles, tailoring and food based industry. Enriching people through setting up of Nithyananda Research Institute of Science and Technology based on the Gaumara.” I get, just add only one addition - based on the Nithyananda Sampradaya itself. So Nirantara, do Research Institute of Science and Technology based on Nithyananda Sampradaya.


“Enriching Ayurvedic and Siddha knowledge to the world by forming Ayurvedic and Siddha research center and university.” Wow! Blessings. Nithyananda Ayurvedic and Siddha, I tell you, N-A-S-A, NASA - Nithyananda Ayurvedic Siddha Academy. Make NASA, you call it as… great. Hmm. Make a university, beautiful.

“And the eleventh project - enriching the world by providing Nithyananda Vedic Library to do further study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality. Study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality will be setup by 1st October 2013, also includes internet cafe with interactive technology.” Blessings, you will be successful. You will be successful. “Enriching the beautiful meaning of goshala to the world and make people understand and sacred value of cows to rear… rear five hundred cows in the first year and gradually increase every year.” Wow! (Swamiji clapping his hands👏)

“And thirteenth project - enriching through free medical camp known as the Nithyananda Mobile Clinic conducted every two weeks. Also creating physiotherapy and rehabilitation center by January 2014.”


“All the above declarations will be described in detail by next meeting on 23rd March 2013. By then all the volunteers who have taken up responsibility to do the land search, various licensing needs and planning, organising various activities to raise fund. Every one of the sangha members will have at least one responsibility for collectively enriching in this declaration.” Tathastu. Bless you guys. My blessings. It’ll become reality.

First thing I want to tell, the headquarters of the Malaysia should be near Kuala Lumpur. Plan, look for everything near Kuala Lumpur. And, this is My commitment to you guys - smoothly money, land, people, everything will flow. The whole thing will be successful. Power of your integrity and commitment will make everything reality… will make everything reality. So first, first thing you guys need to do - start enriching hundred thousand lives through Inner Awakening.

Create a beautiful... already English website for the four tattvas is getting created by Seattle. You guys can think of creating... I don’t think you need to even create a separate website. No need. Everybody in Malaysia knows English. And start enriching people with four tattvas. And enriching them through Inner Awakening at least hundred thousand lives. That is the first goal.


I tell you guys, only if hundred thousand people live these tattvas, a group consciousness for all these things to happen is created. Then you don’t need to struggle, simply it’ll happen! To make an ashram, I don’t need to struggle now because I made people who want to live in ashram. Then simply ashram will happen. I already made people who want to worship in temple. Temple will happen. I made people who want to study this knowledge, monastery will happen. So make people who want to live these tattvas, simply this community will happen. Nithyananda Nagar will happen. Understand. So the first job is making people to live these tattvas.


Even to Bidadi Sangha I am saying very clearly, work in all these village, go round in these villages. Don’t expect them to come to you for a typical ASP or NSP. No! Go and spend time with them. Small small groups, even four-five people - talk to them about integrity, authenticity, responsibility. That is why with all these only Swamiji is having so much power. You also start practicing, this power will be supporting you, healing you, bringing you health, bringing you peace in the life, bringing you intelligence, bringing you success in money, economy. Give them these tattvas. Then if they want money to start business, give them the interest free loan - The Nithyananda Lakshmi, Nithyananda Lakshmi Project. Enrich them in all their dimensions of life. This should be done by Bidadi Sangha. Enriching them with four tattvas. Giving them the loans, interest free loans for standing up, enriching themself economically. And constantly helping them to live these tattvas and showing the power of these tattvas - how they can grow economically, mentally, physically, in socially and in the relationships, family, in every way through these four tattvas.

>>>Hindi<<< aapke pehla uttardaayi hai manushyon ko in char tattvon ke saath jeevan jeene ka tareka sikhana hai.


Anybody with integrity and authenticity, that you are going to fulfill, will commit this project of Nithyananda Lakshmi by enriching people with these tattvas and supporting them, whoever is need, in need by giving them interest free loans; see to it they know the power of these tattvas and live these tattvas. Anybody is committing? In and around Bidadi. Raise the hand. You should be knowing Kannada. Come on. Come to the front, let me see the team, group. Come and stand as a group. Oh God! So many. That is great. Get the mic for them. Let’s see. Aye, all you guys listen. Now when you commit... listen. It is your life! You will not commit anything which is contradicting to this commitment. You can commit any more projects which you can be doing being here. No, this project is supposed to be done around Bidadi, this… this whole district, around two hundred-three hundred village I want this to happen. So, is already the commitments you guys made, is it anyway going to contradict this commitment? Are you guys clear? Can you read your Book of Heart once and come back. Come on, listen. You have to read your Book of Heart, and you have to be very integrated and authentic. You should make sure you are going to complete it.


Any of you, is your other projects which you already committed will suffer because of this commitment? Anybody thinks like that, please leave. See, it is only more stretching, not replacing. Clear? It is only more stretching, not replacing.

Listen! This group first thing, do you… is your other commitments are going to suffer in anyway because of this new commitment? Raise your hand. If your earlier commitment is going to suffer in anyway because of this new commitment, don’t commit. Are you clear? How many of you are clearly declaring because of this new commitment, my earlier commitments will not suffer in any way? Raise your hand. I am only stretching with more responsibility and authenticity. Raise your hand. So clear? Aye, Jagdish, you committed to me that you will go to Mau… err… Sri Lanka and create the sangha. Is it not? Then, how are you committing now?


மைக்குக்கு வா. இலங்கைக்கு போயி வர்க் பண்றேன்னு தானே சொன்ன. என் கிட்ட கம்மிட் பண்ண. அப்பறம் என்ன இங்க கம்மிட் பண்ற?

"இல்ல சாமி ஃபர்ஸ்ட் நா எந்த ரெஸ்பான்சிபிலிட்டியும் எடுக்கல. ஆனா இன்னைக்கு சாமியோட சத்சங்கம் இது பண்ணதுக்கு அப்புறம் தான் ஃபர்ஸ்ட் ஃபைட் பண்ணனும் சொல்லி ஒரு இது வந்திருக்கு சுவாமிஜி."

சரி கரெக்டு. அப்போ இலங்கைக்கு கம்மிட்..இலங்கைக்கு டிக்ளார் பண்ணு. இதே பிராஜெக்ட் இலங்கையில போயி பண்றியா? சொல்லு.

"கண்டிப்பா சுவாமிஜி. பண்றேன் சுவாமிஜி. இப்போ அது இருக்கு. ஆனா எனக்கு இப்போ நா இன்னும் கம்ப்ளீட் பண்ல. கம்ப்ளீட் பண்ற சில விஷயங்கள் டிஸ்கஸ் பண்ணி அம்மா கிட்ட சொல்லனும். 1 இயர், நா சாலெஞ்சு பண்றது என்னன்னா, 1 இயர் வந்து தமிழ் நாட்ல,"

சாலெஞ்சு இல்ல டிக்ளர்.

"டிக்ளர் டிக்ளர். எதாவது ஒரு ஜோன்ல. சாலெஞ்சு பண்ணி 1 இயர் ல, எனக்கு இது பண்ணினேன் அப்டிங்கரது இல்லாம, ரிசல்ட், அந்த 1 இயர் ல நா என்ன ரிசல்ட், ஜதீஷ் என்ன ரிசல்ட் காட்டி இருக்கிறான். அபடிங்கரது. அதாவது 4 ஜோன் ல எவ்ளோ பேர் வேணும்னாலும் சாலென்ஜ் பண்ணட்டும். டிக்லர் பண்ணட்டும். அந்த எனக்கு குடுக்குற.. ஜதீஷ்க்கு குடுக்குற 1 இயர்ல ஜதிஷ் என்ன ரிசல்ட் காட்டுறான்? அப்டிங்றது வந்து நா புல்ஃபில் பண்ணி காட்டனும்னு விரும்புறேன், சுவாமிஜி."

இது வந்து காம்பட்டிஷன் ஸ்பிரிட் ல தான் சொல்ற. நல்லா கம்ப்ளீட, நல்லா தெரிஞ்சுக்கோ. அவங்கள பத்தி எல்லாம் கவலைப்பட வேண்டாம். நீ என்ன சாதிக்க போறேன்னு டிக்ளர் பண்ணு.

"கண்டிப்பா சுவாமிஜி"

அத சொல்லு. அப்போ அத திங்க் பண்ணிட்டு வா. திங்க் பண்ணிட்டு வா. இப்போ நீ தமிழ்நாடு எடுத்தீனா இல்ல ஶ்ரீலங்கா எடுத்தீனா, இங்க பண்ண முடியாது. நீ ஏற்கனவே ஶ்ரீலங்காவுக்காக கம்மிட் பண்ணி இருக்க. புரிதா? அப்போ கம்ப்லீஷன் பண்ணி முடிச்சு ஶ்ரீலங்காவுக்கு பிளான் பண்ணு.

"Ok , Swamiji. Thank you. Swamiji "


All of you are very clear? And you will, you will only be residing in this campus, only then you will be able to do this. Am I right? All of you know Kannada? Communicate means you should be able to communicate to the villagers. Hmm, then okay. So, come on, come as a group collectively. Emm. Wow! Nithyananda Lakshmi Project starts. I tell you, it will not only enrich the people around, it’ll enrich us also. So now you guys have to sit, plan. You guys will do the collective responsibility meeting now. Am I right? You will do the meeting … and when you will come back and declare how many cities you are going? See, how many village you are going to enrich? How many people you are going to enrich? How many families you are going to enrich? If you work sincerely, you will create a real Nithyananda Nagar with these two hundred-three hundred villages. Two-three hundred village will be Nithyananda Nagar. [technical glitch] Ashramite commits: Okay, I will be joining your team and commit fully for this sangha.


So Malaysia Sangha, listen. Make hundred thousand people live these tattvas. That’s the first thing you need to do. Everything else will simply follow. Now, with the local newspapers, magazines, TV channel - you have to start putting the discourses on these four tattvas, and start conducting house to house, house meetings, home meetings. Immediately you may not be able to start the ASP, that is okay. Home meetings, house satsangs on the four tattvas - Chaturveda (छतुर्वेद) meeting, four Vedas meeting. Start house to house. Each one of you should become acharya and go to house to house and start conducting four tattva meeting. Understand, you can’t expect just Rishi Nirantara and Ma Nirantara to come. Each one of you go to different different houses, places and start teaching these four Vedas, four tattvas. Okay? Start.

My blessings to Malaysia Sangha. Blessings. We will win. Now only I feel life is happening. So much life is happening everywhere. Shiva is so happy. Kalabhairava is so happy. Life is happening.

I’ll move to the next part of the satsang - Dial the Avatar.



sadāshiva samārambhām jñānasambandar madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us around the world at this moment, four hundred and ninety nine places through Nithyananda TV, forty places two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in two hundred and forty three cities in thirty one countries around the world as per the statistics.

02:35 Cities sitting with us in two-way video conferencing: Nithyananda Nagar - Thiruvannamalai, Los Angeles - Arunachalam, Source Yoga - Los Angeles, Sharjah, Oklahoma - Somanatham, Nithyananda Nagar - Hyderabad, Phoenix - Kanchipuram, Toronto - Kailasam, >>>?<<< - Chennai, Ohio - Prayag, Seattle - Chidambaram, San Jose - Madurai, Araiyadu? - Chennai, Bengaluru North, Paris Home Temple, Mananda Fans, Kulim - Malaysia, Kathmandu - Nepal, Lawspet - Pondicherry, Hyderabad Sri and Ann Delta. Ann Delta from? Place. Okay, blessings. Gangamasla, Bangalore, London- Kashi, Houston, San Diego - Tirualavai, Bangalore Electronic City, Dubai Thirukovil, Hong Kong - Sirkazhi, Oman - Sivagangai, Guadeloupe - Rameshwaram, Kathmandu - Nepal, Hyderabad Sri.

04:07 Ah, that’s all Ma? Kulim - Malaysia, emm… emm. I read out all the name. No, no, whatever is shown, I read out. Kulim - Malaysia, Kathmandu - Nepal, Lawspet - Pondicherry, Hyderabad Sri. I can see now all you guys. I’m… we have some more cities in two-way video conferencing. We are just re-starting those cities also. Please wait for few seconds, few minutes. Alwarpet - Chennai, few seconds also not wrong. If I say even few... few janas, okay? Is Paris - Kalighat, St Louis - Tirumala, Atlanta - Ujjaini, and London - Kashi, Singapore - Singapuram, Devon - UK, Vancouver - Puri, Anna Nagar - Chennai. What is next? Dakota Dunes, New York - Varanasi, Monterrey - Mexico, Charlotte Srisailam, Guadeloupe - Rameshwaram. That’s it. Devon - UK. That’s it Ma? So now, I welcome all of you with my love and blessings. Ma, any other city? Not right? St Louis - Tirumala, yes. That’s it. Ma, any other city? I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

07:34 Looking back socially, I am not interested in judging what happened in last three years, but spiritually I tell you, I have successfully created the foundation on which my sangha is going to stand. Because, understand my sangha has to be built on rock. Not on sand. It is going to be too tall! If it is just going to be few feet, it can stand on the sand. Because it is going to be too tall! Few thousands of feet. It has to stand on the rock. I dig, dig, dig, found my rock on which my sangha can stand. The hearts of the people which is radiating the four tattvas as satyas - integrity, authenticity and responsibility and enriching. That is the rock on which my sangha stands tall. Three years, along with the war, three major achievements. People with these four tattvas forming Nithyananda Sangha - >>>?<<< Aadheenam and Mahanirvani Peetha Mahamandaleshwar. Woww!

10:25 Spiritually we have achieved amazing things in these three years. We created the right foundation for whole sangha to stand - tall. Alright. Today, 9th batch Nirahara Samyama, first level, second day. 4th batch, THE Samyama - fourteenth day. 15th Inner Awakening and eN-Genius - fourteenth day successfully. Austin, Paneir Selvam, Tenmurli Karvya - I accepted your Pada Puja. Blessings, I’ll talk to you guys, and bless you guys during the Dial The Avatar. And Lauraine Rovera, River Saint California - I accepted your Pada Puja. I’ll bless you during Dial The Avatar.

12:15 I tell you, honestly I tell you with authenticity and integrity, only after the four tattvas have become our life, the air we breathe - sangha is getting formed. Yesterday I was shocked when Bhakta came and told me, one gurukul kid - Ananda Priyan; Bhakta came and told me after living around me for I think eight or ten years now. Eight or ten? Nine years? Nine years around me. He comes and tells me yesterday, “Swamiji, I spoke to a gurukul kid, in first five minutes he changed my life.” No, I was amazed about two thing. One, a gurukul kid can enrich a senior Swami. And second, a senior Swami is ready to get enriched by a gurukul kid. I felt so liberated, please understand, I got liberated once more. Because, continously the unconscious pattern, “I came for Swamiji,” but, then you should be fulfilling my anyakara. When I give my anyakara, “No, that is not practical.” Anything which is trying to transform you, you destroy them!

14:08 “I came for Swamiji,” “I came for the sake of Swamiji,” “I came for the love of Swamiji,” “I came just to be with Swamiji.” Alright. Then, you should be raising yourself to Swamiji’s anyakara. “No, no, no, no, no, how can? An enlightened Master should not have an expectation about anybody. It is wrong! Why is he constantly having expectation and drilling us, driving... screaming at us? Enlightened Master should be polite, humble, loving… peaceful… blessing.” Anything which is about to expose your inauthenticity to you, you don’t want them. And you know how to shut them off! All the spiritual knowledge has been used by many of these fellows to shut all the situations and persons exposing their inauthenticity to them! How many of you cognise you were playing this game? So anything which is going to expose your inauthenticity to you, you know how to shut them off by using your logic or a spiritual knowledge or ideas! Relax. I tell you, that is the worst cunningness.

16:18 I was so happy. I tell you, so happy. When he told me in three minutes, or five minutes, I don’t know, whether three, huh? Five minutes. “Five minutes Ananda Priyan changed my life Swamiji.” And Bhakta is not telling inauthentically, he was excited about it! I could see the excitement in his eyes! No, that gave me the assurance he is going to practice it. He’s going to live. He’s going to transform himself. He’s not just going to leave it. He’s serious about it! He’s sincere about it. Actually I did not give him any further guidance, because he was so sincere, I didn’t want to meddle up or mess up. I want to leave him to Moksha, Ananda Priyan itself. No, really! When you start listening to Nachiketa, you have no yama. You have no death. It was so beautiful. A gurukul child can enlightened a senior Swami. One is capable, another one is re... receiving. One is capable of giving, another one is capable of receiving. Both are miracle. Listen! A gurukul kid able to give, how miraculous it is. Same way, a senior Swami is able to receive is also miraculous. You don’t know.

18:29 Whatever exposes your inauthenticity to you, you use all your spiritual knowledge to shut that. Dhyaan se suniye (ध्यान से सुनिये). Listen. I felt liberated. Because I know now, we have given enough power to satya which can guide itself by its own strength all of us!

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः | dharmo rakṣati rakṣitaḥ |

Give power to satya. Don’t be afraid to be exposed to inauthenticities. Whoever is ready to stand naked in front of your inauthenticity, you are Naga. You are Nirvani! Only if you are ready to stand naked in front of your own inauthenticity, you are Nirvani. You belong to Nirvani Peetha. You inherit the Sankhya Tattva of Kapila. Now it is my responsibility, I have to speak on Sankhya philosophy, Kapila Sutras.

20:10 Now we have a complete, formal, official connection with all Shaktashanas through Raghupati Yogi, Patanjala, and through Mahanirvani Akhada - Sankhya and Vedanta; Kapila and Shankara. And, through Jnanasambandar and Sarvajna Peetha. All the philosophies, the source of all the philosophies directly from Mahadeva, the Vedic tradition, Shaiva Sampradaya. Let’s come back to the tattvas. I tell you… only if you are ready to stand in front of your inauthenticity naked, you are Naga, you are Nirvani. Whether your inauthenticity is exposed to you by a gurukul kid or your Guru... I tell you, ability to face your inauthenticity constantly helps you to become authentic.

22:28 It seems Bhakta went and started in every meeting, “I take over.” Immediately, Moksha, Ananda Priyan said, “No. You control. You don’t take the responsibility.” You control but you don’t take ownership. He said, “That's it, I got the click, Swamiji. I got my root pattern.” Thanks to Ananda Priyan for giving. Thanks to Bhakta for receiving. >>>Hindi<<< Ability to face your inauthenticity constantly puts you in a more authentic state, more authentic space. I literally felt wow! Now, Nithyananda Sangha in US will grow exponentially. He will make people live authenticity. I tell you, any, I tell you, human beings create sangha.

24:17 As I said, if the matter is moving in a high velocity, it attracts other matters around it. For mass is moving, it’ll attract more mass towards it. If consciousness is moving, it’ll attracts more consciousness towards it. If you are vibrating with these four tattvas, you will just attract people to vibrate in these four tattvas of pure consciousness. Each… ah listen! Each mass rotating in high speed creates a galaxy around it. Each consciousness rotating in high speed of these four tattva creates a loka around him. That is what is Indra Loka, Chandra Loka, Brahma Loka, Bhuloka, and all lokas. If you are purely radiating these four tattvas, you create Akshardham around you. All the souls who wants to radiates these four tattvas and live in the high space just get attracted to you, and you create a world around you. Not just in this matter world - Bhuloka, in the space, in a higher space.

25:43 If you can create a blissful sangha on the planet earth, understand, you are already ready with the beautiful, blissful sangha in a highest space - akshara dham. In the world of shara, if you create a sangha with these highest principles - tattvas and satyas, in the world of akshara, akshara, your dham is ready. >>>Hindi<<< Sangha is created only with human beings. Go just with the strength of your authenticity, nothing else! Decide the power of my conscious clearance - this integrity and authenticity and responsibility and ability to enrich is my only wealth! Go and sit there just with this only wealth. Guruvak is enough. Out of that Guruvak, I’ll attract, create whatever auspicious things required whether it’s a Lakshmi or Saraswati, or Kali. It’ll happen. I tell you, that’s a strength.

27:46 First enrich human beings. Human beings are the sangha. >>>Hindi<<< Really, really I wanted, now it’s time each one of you come up with your commitments. What do you want to commit? What do you want to do? Take up your responsibilities. I tell you, without taking up the responsibility and enriching, your old patterns will not die down, how much ever you sit and do completion! Because nothing new is forming. Only when the new forming, without the old, the new being will be forming! Understand, why I tell all the ashramites to take whatever is re… required, even vegetarian protein and build new muscle you know? When the new muscles are build with the new bio memory, only then the old will die! Old will not have place over you! Same way, do the work responsibly with this new thought pattern of English, with the four tattvas. Only then the old patterns are going to die, the svapurnatva will become purnatva! You will achieve purnatva! Otherwise, how many hours you sit in front of the mirror, it can be catharsis. Okay you will complete with that pattern. But, you are not going to be transform.

29:32 Completion of the pattern is not the transformation. Transformation is only when you build the new personality! So along with demolition of the old personality - completion, building the new personality should continue in the same speed. Let us have Shivaratri as a declaration day. By this Shivaratri, let everyone be clearly prepared, think through and declaration. Same way, Krama Brahmacharya, you take up the same vows of sannyas, but you have the freedom to drop and get married. Naishtika Brahmacharya, you take the same vows, but you have no freedom to drop. If you’ve... as a extreme, somewhere if you have missed - you can have prayaschitta and stand up again. With sannyas, you can’t even be in the space of missing. You can’t have even the space of asampurti (असंपूर्ति, asaṃpūrti). Listen

Till today, not a single day, single session I missed and then completed. No! Even one minute. How? Because, if the time for all of you nine thirty, I committed to me nine twenty five. Because five minutes before I am there. At least few minutes before I am there. Even the space of asampurti (असंपूर्ति, asaṃpūrti) does not happen. Clear? So now, you declare. Do you want Krama Brahmacharya, or do you want Naishtika Brahmacharya? Naishtika Brahmacharya has a one point, that somewhere beyond your… if you have failed once, immediately you can stand back, with proper prayaschitta. But, if you are declaring for sannyas, no space for in… lack of integrity or inauthenticity can exists in you. No space for asampurti or shraddha, irresponsibility can exists in you. Now decide! Now decide. You decide and you have time - March 10th, you declare.

02:28 Construct yourself with the new patterns, only then you experience true transformation. I tell you, only when you take up the Purna Sannyasa, your pattern of abrahmacharya gets destroyed. Not before. I tell you, yesterday Rishi Manesha was successful. Only now, he will build his new personality! If you say, “I’ll build the space of no lack of integrity,” this is what is Jnanatma will be thinking now, and be planning. Am I right? (Swamiji guffawing away) I can say PHD in the Science of Pachadi. Pachadi means what? All confusion mixed together, and have to eat because no other option. Bhaktika, Jnanatma, a spicy pachadi, PHD in spicy pachadi - achala. PHD in dirty pachadi - Priya. PHD in tamas pachadi - Priya. Rajas pachadi. Achala - confused pachadi: Shanta, Jnanatma, Bhaktika. What Shivaratri? Jnanatma is sending a message - she is not ready for initiation in Shivaratri. With this confusion, not Shivaratri, you’ll never be ready. You by declared, “It’s my life. Future is my life. The future is waiting for me. Am I going to put the same mental setup on that and walk?” Then, whenever, whenever you’re going to break? That’s all! Break!

04:53 It is like a in the army tanks, they will have a kind of a chain. You have seen? On that wheel itself, the chain will move and create a imprint and move. You are like a chain only. If you don’t remove that chain now, your whole life is going to be only imprinted by that chain. Don’t think, “Ooh, all the ten kilometer I came is ah… same imprint is there, naturally that ten kilometer I am going to travel, the same imprint is going to be there.” It will be there because you have not given up the chain! Deciding “I am not going to have sympathy towards me.” Not physically but mentally committing suicide. “I am not going to have sympathy towards any of my patterns.” But you always think of physical suicide. Why you know? That is the best inauthentic way to hide your inauthenticity, escape from your inauthenticity. Inauthenticity always makes you do wrong prayaschitta, so that it can save itself.

06:17 Inauthentic kids, you can always see they will always create a chaos and put everybody in blame and they will hiding in one corner and crying, “Aah, seee… aah… haaa… aah... this has been donee...!” When mother comes, she will think this kid is suffering, he should not be punished. She will beat everyone else, and this fellow who is reason for the whole thing is escaped. Inauthenticity puts everybody else in trouble other than himself. And his prayaschitta will put everybody in trouble other than himself. You punish your body, you punish your everything else, your punish, you punish your consciousness, but not the mind which is inauthentic. The patterns which are inauthentic. You sometime even punish the mind which is authentic. That part you punish! And you safely guard part of inauthenticity. It is like a fellow who is swindling the country is sitting on the top job of the country. Punishing everybody else!

07:35 Shanta is sending a message - I am not pachadi anymore. I am ready. Then now you are a khichdi! (Swamiji guffawing away) No, if you are ready, I am ready to give you sannyas! I am only inspiring millions and millions of you. Evolve, practice these four tattvas and declare yourself to a, to be a sannyasi. And live it!

>>>08:27 - Hindi<<<

Whenever you demolish old patterns, construct yourself with the new patterns, only then you experience true transformation. The new patterns are not even patterns, new energy. Declare! That is the only way you grow. In the young age, I used to feel whenever I take a big commitment, if I fail, what will happen? Means, already I planned to fail. Arrey, my future I am doing. How can I fail? There is nobody else involved in it. “No, I don’t trust myself that much.” What do you mean? Integrate yourself. No question of it’s okay. And cute, “I do so much, little okay.” No! Life is not going to give you teddy bear to hug and sleep. Only the real bear is going to come. Decide what to do. Life is not going to entertain you with the teddy bear for your cute feeling. Be authentic to yourself. Don’t be disrespectful to you by being inauthentic.

11:49 I can see, when this Sundal Sundananda is carrying that bag la for last few days. I can see he is, he’s standing up! He’s standing up! You will see in a few days he will be out of that pattern. Otherwise, which would have destroyed his life for ages! For ages he would have suffered with that pattern. He’s supposed to go now to Sri Lanka. Three sannyasis are going to Sri Lanka - Sri Nirvikalpananda, Ma Atmapriya, and Sundal Sundananda. Even to all of them, he is giving the name as Sundal Sundananda. Everybody is asking what Sundal Sundananda? Then he explains, “Once breaking our rule, I ate sundal in the train. So that is why I am called Sundal Sundananda.” And I told, “No. After that also you continue to do the same pattern, instead of sundal, some other items, so you are given that name. Not because once you did.” He said, “Yes Swamiji. I’ll change my introduction. Sri Nithya Sundal Sundananda, a direct disciple of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The name “Sundal” means, denotes, it was given as a title, because breaking the rule that I am not supposed to eat in that train outside food due to its impurities, contamination. I broke the rule because of my taste buds, that taste pattern and ate, and continue to break the rules for my taste bud in many times. I was given this title to remind myself to establish in authenticity by my Guru - Sri Sundal Sundananda.” True.

>>>14:14 - Hindi<<<

14:29 Don’t be disrespectful to you by being inauthentic. Be in the state of authenticity. Continuously clear yourself, drill yourself. Listen. It is through your declaration and commitment, the spiritual umbilical cord connection between you and me exists. If you want to be a volunteer, declare to a city coordinator who has already declared to country coordinator, who has already declared to headquarters coordinator, whose already declared to Swamiji their commitments. Only through this commitment declaration, the spiritual connection between you and me exists. If you are Ananda Samaji, declare to your city coordinator whose already declared to the country coordinator, whose already declared to headquarters coordinator, whose already declared to the Master. It is through declarations, the spiritual commitments exist. Same way, when you want to be relieved from that commitment - declare it, and be relieved, be complete. Let everything happen with integrity, and authenticity, whether you taking up or completing. But things like brahmacharya, the commitment to sangha of not leaving - all these are irrevocable.

>>>16:46 - Hindi<<<

16:58 I tell you, with this clear commitments only, you will have stability with sangha. Sangha can have stability with you. So much you can enrich the sangha and the world, and sangha can enrich you through the world. Listen. You can enrich the world through the sangha, sangha can enrich the world through you, if both of you give stability to each other as a commitment. Understand. When you declare irrevocable stability to the Sangha, and, the Buddha and Dhamma - you can do so much to the world through sangha. Enrich so much yourself and the world through sangha. Sangha can enrich you and the world so much through you. How many of you cognise what I am saying? I literally wanted each ashram, each one of you sit as a Peetadhipathi, Jagadguru!

18:30 I literally wanted to give Jagadguru title to everyone and I have the right to give legally and socially and dharmically. What is stopping us? What is stopping us? Your non-committal, irresponsible attitude. If you can declare irrevocably with the authenticity - really, really, I tell you, with the authenticity and integrity, responsibility and enriching, I declare, “I want each one of you, each one of my sannyasis, rishis, brahmacharis, brahmacharinis to sit as the head of a peetha, which I had created in so many countries and states. And teach people all these truths - enrich.” This is not only I want. This is my anyakara about each one of you. My anyakara about you will continue to exists till you become me. Till you are anya (अन्य) to me, my anyakara to you will exists. If you fulfil it, you will become ananya (अनन्या, ananyā). If not, you will become anyaya (अन्याय, anyāya). 20:24 I wanted each one of you, not only sannyasis and rishis, even devotees. Muktananda is capable of heading a peetha! And he is capable of being a rishi! And Chennai, Atmaniranjana, the Uma Sundar - each one of them can sit in a peetha, can guide the world. Girish and Chirantana can sit in a peetha. They live this tattva, can guide. I am giving you few example. Sri Priyan in Oman can sit in a peetha. He can guide the world radiating these tattvas. I am also opening the next door of residential rishi, rishis. Means, you stay in your place and live a life of rishi. It is only the strength of your commitment that’s all, nothing else. Strength of your commitment - integrity, authenticity and responsibility and enriching. Nothing else. There are so many rishis who don’t stay in the campus.

>>>22:07 - Hindi<<<

22:39 I can tell you guys, you can literally enrich the world in umm… unimaginable way. If you can give a irrevocable stability to sangha, all the sangha resources, everything will be directly available to you. And when you give a irrevocable stable commitment to me, all the my resources will be available to you. Whether it is a spiritual or everything... intellectual, everything.

>>>23:25 - Hindi<<<

How many of you cognise this truth because of your instable, instability and the insecurity you give it to sangha and the Buddha is responsible for still not you flowering to your ultimate reality. Listen, dhyaan se suniye (ध्यान से सुनिये). The instability and insecurity you show to, sorry, instability is the right word, instability you show to the sangha and Buddha, makes sangha and Buddha not to make big decisions based on you. Understand.

24:35 If Buddha smells authenticity and responsibility, integrity in you, he immediately puts you in the seat of Buddha, and ask you to enrich the world. You are not competitor for me. You are a compliment for me. Listen. Even if I make exactly the same throne and the same infrastructure and the same thing for you - never I am going to feel you are a competitor for me. I am only going to feel you are complimenting me. I wanted everyone of you carry the same pravara, introduction, resume, trust, grace, everything I carry and enrich the world. Then you will understand, it is the grace I carry enriches the world. You will also decide to carry that. If you carry that grace, peetha carries you, or you will be carrying the peetha. Whether peetha sits on you or you sit on the peetha. I know there are some people, peetha is sitting on them, means, they are so stressed out, afraid, inauthentic, when the peetha will disown them. I tell you, when you are carrying the grace, you grace the peetha, not peetha gracing you. Now all you guys should think in this language, becoming Peethadheeshwar.

27:03 Bhanu should be Peethadheeshwar of Oklahoma Somanatham. And, Snehamayi should be the Peethadheeshwar of San Jose Madurai. Muktananda, Peethadheeshwar of Nithyananda City, Seattle. Shivananda has a right to be Peethadheeshwar of Ohio Prayag. Each one of you guys come up with your commitment and declaration. Have the collective responsibility meeting. Kripaya suniye (कृपया सुनिये). Only when you take the responsibility, life happens to you. Don’t tell me, “No, no, no, no, no, I don’t want peetha and all. I don’t want all these, I just came to be around you, and just be bless by you.” No. Then you have not come for me. At least don’t tell a lie that you came for my sake. No. If you have come for my sake and fulfil my anyakara, I want you to be Peethadheeshwar, responsible Peethadheeshwar. If you say, “No, no. no, I am not interested in all that. I don’t have greed. I don’t have all that attachment. I don’t want to be Peethadheeshwar. I just came for your sake.” Then tell very clearly, you came for your own fantasy, not for me.

>>>29:41 - Hindi<<<

How many of you feel “I am not greedy” or “I am not interested in peetha and all these things. I’ll just live as a sadhu at your feet and then tsk… great.” How many of you feel that way, please raise your hand?

30:26 Ma Achala is asking a question - what is giving irrevocable commitment? I am able to understand in a negative way only. Not giving it means keeping the threat of fear of leaving the sangha. Yes. You are right. You are keeping the threat means sangha will not be able to trust you on bigger responsibilities. Where sangha, you see, sangha will be able to feel only you as a hanging root, not rooted hanging root! Understand! The hanging root and rooted hanging root. Both of them are completely different for banyan tree. If you are a hanging root, you are part of the sangha, no doubt. If you have given a irrevocable commitment, you are a rooted hanging root. It means what? Now, not only you are part of the sangha, sangha is part of you. You’ve rooted! Now you are standing. Not only you are part of the sangha, you are supporting part of the sangha. Clear?

31:42 When you give a irrevocable commitment, and when I see you behaving with integrity and authenticity, responsibility and enriching in your day to day small small actions like a morning you come for yoga, and you take the responsibility for who is not coming for yoga and call him back, call him to do the yoga - I know now you are a rooted supporting root. Hanging root is part of the sangha but weight on the branch, original tree. When you declare irrevocably, now you have become rooted root, trusting you, banyan tree can extend its branches. How many of you cognise it? That’s it. Trusting you, banyan tree can take further steps. Sangha is like a banyan tree. Giving shadow, cleaning the environment, purifying, reducing the carbon dioxide. If you are not giving, I don’t want to say it is right or wrong - it is just the hanging root, the tree cannot trust the hanging root and extend itself. Understand. So it has to wait, and, tree will not give up on hanging root. It’ll wait till the hanging root becomes a rooted supporting root. Tree will continue to supply energy to the hanging root. It’ll not give up on hanging roots.

33:45 Jnanatma okay? Jnanatma has a question - Swamiji, me staying with the sangha should be because of inspiration and excitement to be part of it, not because I give a commitment to someday. You’re already started planning one day you will lose the excitement and inspiration. Listen! You’re already started planning there will be someday I may lose the inspiration and excitement, that day I should have the freedom to walk out. If I give the commitment, it will be bondage. Am I right? So you have planned to lose the inspiration, excitement. How are you not going to lose at one day? Drop the plan to lose the inspiration and excitement. Plan to become the Peethadheeshwar. Now, without even knowing unconsciously, you already have strong plan. One day I am going to lose my inspiration and commitment. That day this world will be a bondage for me. How can I be? Am I right? Catching the inauthenticity, and lack of integrity. It is lack of integrity constantly visualises that part. One day, if I lose the excitement and inspiration and feels suffocated, this commitment will be a bondage. You should be visualising other way. By now giving this commitment, I break the pattern of one day possibility of losing the inspiration and excitement, and I’ll make sure not only I don’t lose, I’ll make sure others also don’t lose. Then you are a wild river - Ganga. Otherwise, you are the Koam?, already planning… for disappearing. Clear?

36:28 How many of you cognise what I said? Now only I am exposing all your fears to you. Still Nirvikalpa is shivering inside, I can see. Am I right? Emm. But you are not able to cognise what I am saying? Emm. That is what I am saying, that lot of things only shivering. How many people tried, that I should give up my commitment to you guys. How many people. They promised, I will not have any harassment, I can live happily, and they even ready to give all the money to my hand, but I should not run this sangha. How many people were asking. I said no. What I have given to my disciples is irrevocable commitment. It cannot be revoked even by my death. That is why I am going to live without dying eternally. I am going to live in the space I am living eternally! Because, I do not plan for breaking from this space one day. I do not have a doubt, if one day if I lose my enlightenment, what will happen? What will I do? I have committed to the all my disciples, I’ll liberate all of them. I know, I am not going to break from my enlightenment.

38:48 Turiya has a question - Swamiji, I feel irrevocable commitment to Master and dhamma, dharma, but not same for sangha. No!! That is what is not taking responsibility and not ready to enrich. Then, I tell you your integrity and authenticity will just die down. It is not going to complete you. Integrity and authenticity lives and completes you, only when it extends as responsibility and enriching. Irrevocable commitment to sangha is the completion of irrevocable commitment to Buddha and dhamma. Because, the intensity, integrity and authenticity will expand and lead you to the next level of its experience. Next level of his space only when you feel responsible, and enriching others and you. Now if you take responsibility, listen, if you take responsibility - you may create few beings with integrity and authenticity. And decide to continue to enrich, then few more beings - integrity, authenticity. Listen! By that time you, you take few hundred pee… responsibility for a few hundred peoples’ inauthenticity, you will be so pure! You will be so pure because everytime you see inauthenticity in others, you will be doing prayaschitta - taking responsibility. It is going to purify you so much.

41:01 Ma, me coming to the morning yoga is nothing but me doing prayaschitta for your inauthenticity, laziness. So now finally I am getting more pure. My body is getting more pure. How many of you cognise this? So you’ll become so pure. You will not only create the space of completion, here you will create the space of completion even without body you will be able to reside in that space. That is what I called mukti. The space where you can be alive without body just because of your strength of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching is akshara dhamma. Only when you create more and more aut… integrated and authentic beings around you, you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. That is the only way you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. Commitment to sangha constantly raises you to the next, next level of integrity and authenticity, because any level of integrity and authenticity you know now is not complete. Only when you take the responsibility and enriching, it becomes complete, complete, complete.

43:17 Bhaktika has a question - Swami, I have a so many unkept commitments. The door I feel the energy to commit, the current unkept commitment is pulling me back. I am moving from non-integrity to more non-integrity. Unkept, kept commitments are all, after all revocable. They are not irrevocable. Complete them by declaring that I am dropping those commitments. And start from now in completion. Now in complete completion. The irrevocable commitments will never let, make you incomplete. What will be? That will be like a brahmacharya and being with the Master forever or being with the sangha, those thing will not have any problem. Any of the unkept commitments related to work and your incompletion and all that - now complete all of them, that I am dropping from that commitment. I am declaring that I will not be able to take up this job, I am completing it. Complete from all of them! And now have completion, from the completion - begin. All revocables come complete. Then now you have the place. You have the space to start.

45:03 You see, authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Listen! Sometime, I’ll give you an example of what Ma Jnanatma can understand. With authenticity you have to commit for the next Inner Awakening - thousand participants, but that should not be destroying your integrity. So integrity always gets the first priority. Clear? With integrity - expanding, stretching is authenticity. Living integrity, stretching is not authenticity. How many of you are clear? Authenticity… Jnanatma, you understand? Supriya, understand this? See, now Jnanatma, if she sees from authenticity, she has to commit thousand for the next Inner Awakening. She will enrich thousand people’s life in the next Inner Awakening. But will it be integrated? No. Then, she has to stretch but she cannot say ten people. With integrity, she, she ten, she can manage. Understand. With integrity if you, if she says ten, it is living authenticity. With authenticity if she says thousand, it is living integrity. With integrity, authentic should go up to two hundred. Clear? Now, your declaration has integrity but not authenticity.

47:05 Emm, what’s the question? Type. So all of you understand, authenticity without living integrity. Jnanatma says, Jnanatma commits to two hundred and it does not happen, then Jnanatma again comes back to… so when you commit itself, you know it is two hundred, it is not your planning two hundred will not happen. Noo… noo… noo… with that clear authentic feeling, by now you will be able, you should be able to easily judge at least near future, authenticity gives you to judge the near future, it does not allow surprises in your life. If you are still feeling constantly surprises waiting in your life, something is lacking in your authenticity. Again, this is the planning for failure. See if you say thousand, and you plan for, you feel it may fail, then I can say it may, it is not even planning for failure, it’s a right thinking of failure. But by now because of all your work, based on all these work, if you have this doubt, I tell you, there is a inauthenticity in the work which you performed earlier. Now at least get back to integrity and let you not be inauthentic in the work you perform now. So that in the next near future, you are able to perform with authenticity. Authenticity is being in the state of integrity and stretching yourself.

>>>49:17 - Hindi<<<

49:57 I have a commitment declaration, collective responsibility declaration from Malaysia Sangha. When I read it, I tell you, I just want to send Kalabhairava immediately to Malaysia to bless all of them. And I am sending. I’ll read out their declaration. Please listen, they are stretching themself from the state of integrity without leaving the state of integrity. “We declare in front of Swamiji, Kalabhairava and the sangha with integrity, sampurti, authenticity, responsibility and enriching ourself and others that the Malaysia Palani Sangha declares that we are enriching the world by building self sustaining Nithyananda Nagar in over five years period of time. Tsk! The Nithyananda Nagar is distributed in various places across Malaysia.” Nirantara, alter your plan based on this! Alter your plans based on this Master plan. Master’s plan is the plan going to be executed. Master’s plan is planning to make Masters. They say “enriching the community to setting up of three different organization to overlook and run the project in different areas.” 51:55 “Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Malaysia already started the registration process, mainly to run all the charitable activities and community service projects. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end of October 2013. Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society Limited: enriching the members to uplift their economic status through various business opportunities by obtaining grants from government and also funding various projects such as building temple and ashram. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end October 2013.” Blessings! Blessings to both the projects. “Nithyananda Foundation Malaysia: enriching the members by providing assistance to the, to their children to pursue the higher studies by providing scholarships and loans.” Blessings! Successful, you will be successful. “This Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society can be like getting best things from India, importing to Malaysia and selling.” And we will give you the all the support from India.

53:06 I tell you, start create shops, Anything Indian - we have it or we will get it. That’s your tagline. Shop should be called as Anything Indian. That’s the name. Start the chain stores - Anything Indian, title. Tagline is we have it or we will get it. So Malaysia guys, I give you the clear business plan. Anything Indian, that should be the shop name. We have it or we will get it. If you wanted a Tamil name, I give you the name - Madurai Kedai. That’s a Malaysian thing. Madurai, anything you want, we have it or we get it. Do this, we will give you complete support from India to get all the best things. Nirantara, plan for employing all the devotees who are living these tattvas. Who are living these tattvas, employ them. Have a huge group of employees. Think like a Walmart. You’ll be able to do. “And, third plan representing as an official and the largest living Hindu Vedic community in Malaysia.” Yes! I bless you guys! “And Southeast Asia.” I bless you guys, it’ll happen. “We will be the largest living Hindu community in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.” Blessings.

55:26 “Enriching hundred thousand people for living the four tattvas as a way of life by creating Brahmanas.” I can give even Tamil Inner Awakening in Malaysia. Plan for it. So understand, the fourth commitment you guys gave is naivedya. Now the updation I gave and I’m giving back to you is prasada. Whatever you guys sent is naivedya. Now what I am giving back to you guys as updated is a prasada. “Fifth, enriching thousands of youths by creating the biggest Hindu monastery by educating and training sannyasis and rishis.” Blessings, you guys will be successful. Do it. Do it. By then you would have start the work. Soon you will have lot of sannyasis, and rishis happening. As I said, we will start the next, resident… residential rishis. “Creating a temple based on the bogus concept of Palani Navapashanam Murugan. We’ll also include multi storey complex with Nithyananda Sabha, accommodating five thousand people at a time. Accommodation for visitors and ashramites, Nithyananda Annalaya serving thousands at a time, and Vedic Library and international standard gym and yogalaya.” Blessings.

57:47 Only one line I wanted to add in this “creating a temple based on bogus the concept of Palani Navapashanam Murugan.” “Palani” name I gave for one Spiritual Embassy - Kuala Lumpur. For whole Malaysia, we may have some other name. Please understand, Malaysia Palani was given to only Kuala Lumpur Center. So for each different Spiritual Embassies, we’ll give different different spiritual name. “And, enriching five thousand families living this tattva as community.” Tathastu! So be it. “Enriching the community by establishing agriculture business based on these four tattvas as oil palm estate plantation and rubber plantation which is the main income generation in Malaysia. Also various small-medium enterprises such as textile, tailoring and food based industry. Enriching people through setting up of Nithyananda Research Institute of Science and Technology based on the Gaumara.” I get, just add only one addition - based on the Nithyananda Sampradaya itself. So Nirantara, do Research Institute of Science and Technology based on Nithyananda Sampradaya.

59:52 “Enriching Ayurvedic and Siddha knowledge to the world by forming Ayurvedic and Siddha research center and university.” Wow! Blessings. Nithyananda Ayurvedic and Siddha, I tell you, N-A-S-A, NASA - Nithyananda Ayurvedic Siddha Academy. Make NASA, you call it as… great. Hmm. Making university, beautiful. “And the eleventh project - enriching the world by providing Nithyananda Vedic Library to do further study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality. Study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality will be setup by 1st October 2013, also includes internet cafe with interactive technology.” Blessings, you will be successful. You will be successful. “Enriching the beautiful meaning of goshala to the world and make people understand and sacred value of cows to rare… rear five hundred cows in the first year and gradually increase every year.” Wow! (Swamiji clapping his hands) “And thirteenth project - enriching through free medical camp known as the Nithyananda Mobile Clinic conducted every two weeks. Also creating physiotherapy and rehabilitation center by January 2014.”

01:01:51 “All the above declarations will be described in detail by next meeting on the 23rd March 2013. By then all the volunteers would have taken up responsibility through land search, various licensing needs and planning, organising various activities to raise fund. Every one of the sangha members will have at least one responsibility for collectively enriching in this declaration.” Tathastu. Bless you guys. My blessings. It’ll become reality. First thing I want to tell, the headquarters of the Malaysia should be near Kuala Lumpur. Plan, look for everything near Kuala Lumpur. And, this is my commitment to you guys - smoothly money, land, people, everything will flow. The whole thing will be successful. Power of your integrity and commitment will make everything reality. Will make everything reality. So first, first thing you guys need to do - start enriching hundred thousand lives through Inner Awakening. Create a beautiful... already English website for the four tattvas is getting created by Seattle.

01:03:29 You guys can think of creating... I don’t think you need to even create a separate website. No need. Everybody in Malaysia knows English, and start enriching people with four tattvas. And enriching them through Inner Awakening at least hundred thousand lives. That is the first goal. I tell you guys, only if hundred thousand people live these tattvas, a group consciousness for all these things to happen is created. Then you don’t need to struggle, simply it’ll happen! To make an ashram, I don’t need to struggle now because I make people who want to live in ashram. Then simply ashram will happen. I already make people who want to worship in temple. Temple will happen. I make people who want to study this knowledge, monastery will happen. So make people who want to live these tattvas, simply this community will happen. Nithyananda Nagar will happen. Understand. So the first job is making people to live these tattvas. How many of you feel “I am not greedy” or “I am not interested in peetha and all these things. I’ll just live as a sadhu at your feet and then tsk… great.” How many of you feel that way, please raise your hand?

Ma Achala is asking a question - what is giving irrevocable commitment? I am able to understand in a negative way only. Not giving it means keeping the threat of fear of leaving the sangha. Yes. You are right. You are keeping the threat means sangha will not be able to trust you on bigger responsibilities. Where sangha, you see, sangha will be able to feel only you as a hanging root, not rooted hanging root! Understand! The hanging root and rooted hanging root. Both of them are completely different for banyan tree. If you are a hanging root, you are part of the sangha, no doubt. If you have given a irrevocable commitment, you are a rooted hanging root. It means what? Now, not only you are part of the sangha, sangha is part of you. You’ve rooted! Now you are standing. Not only you are part of the sangha, you are supporting part of the sangha. Clear?

02:16 When you give a irrevocable commitment, and when I see you behaving with integrity and authenticity, responsibility and enriching in your day to day small small actions like a morning you come for yoga, and you take the responsibility for who is not coming for yoga and call him back, call him to do the yoga - I know now you are a rooted supporting root. Hanging root is part of the sangha but weight on the branch, original tree. When you declare irrevocably, now you have become rooted root, trusting you, banyan tree can extend its branches. How many of you cognise it? That’s it. Trusting you, banyan tree can take further steps. Sangha is like a banyan tree. Giving shadow, cleaning the environment, purifying, reducing the carbon dioxide. If you are not giving, I don’t want to say it is right or wrong - it is just the hanging root, the tree cannot trust the hanging root and extend itself. Understand. So it has to wait, and, tree will not give up on hanging root. It’ll wait till the hanging root becomes a rooted supporting root. Tree will continue to supply energy to the hanging root. It’ll not give up on hanging roots.

04:18 Jnanatma okay? Jnanatma has a question - Swamiji, me staying with the sangha should be because of inspiration and excitement to be part of it, not because I give a commitment to someday. You’re already started planning one day you will lose the excitement and inspiration. Listen! You’re already started planning there will be someday I may lose the inspiration and excitement, that day I should have the freedom to walk out. If I give the commitment, it will be bondage. Am I right? So you have planned to lose the inspiration, excitement. How are you not going to lose at one day? Drop the plan to lose the inspiration and excitement. Plan to become the Peethadheeshwar. Now, without even knowing unconsciously, you already have strong plan. One day I am going to lose my inspiration and commitment. That day this world will be a bondage for me. How can I be? Am I right? Catching the inauthenticity, and lack of integrity. It is lack of integrity constantly visualises that part. One day, if I lose the excitement and inspiration and feels suffocated, this commitment will be a bondage. You should be visualising other way. By now giving this commitment, I break the pattern of one day possibility of losing the inspiration and excitement, and I’ll make sure not only I don’t lose, I’ll make sure others also don’t lose. Then you are a wild river - Ganga. Otherwise, you are the Koam?, already planning… for disappearing. Clear?

07:02 How many of you cognise what I said? Now only I am exposing all your fears to you. Still Nirvikalpa is shivering inside, I can see. Am I right? Emm. But you are not able to cognise what I am saying? Emm. That is what I am saying, that lot of things only shivering. How many people tried, that I should give up my commitment to you guys. How many people. They promised, I will not have any harassment, I can live happily, and they even ready to give all the money to my hand, but I should not run this sangha. How many people were asking. I said no. What I have given to my disciples is irrevocable commitment. It cannot be revoked even by my death. That is why I am going to live without dying eternally. I am going to live in the space I am living eternally! Because, I do not plan for breaking from this space one day. I do not have a doubt, if one day if I lose my enlightenment, what will happen? What will I do? I have committed to the all my disciples, I’ll liberate all of them. I know, I am not going to break from my enlightenment.

09:21 Turiya has a question - Swamiji, I feel irrevocable commitment to Master and dhamma, dharma, but not same for sangha. No!! That is what is not taking responsibility and not ready to enrich. Then, I tell you your integrity and authenticity will just die down. It is not going to complete you. Integrity and authenticity lives and completes you, only when it extends as responsibility and enriching. Irrevocable commitment to sangha is the completion of irrevocable commitment to Buddha and dhamma. Because, the intensity, integrity and authenticity will expand and lead you to the next level of its experience. Next level of his space only when you feel responsible, and enriching others and you. Now if you take responsibility, listen, if you take responsibility - you may create few beings with integrity and authenticity. And decide to continue to enrich, then few more beings - integrity, authenticity. Listen! By that time you, you take few hundred pee… responsibility for a few hundred peoples’ inauthenticity, you will be so pure! You will be so pure because everytime you see inauthenticity in others, you will be doing prayaschitta - taking responsibility. It is going to purify you so much.

11:34 Ma, me coming to the morning yoga is nothing but me doing prayaschitta for your inauthenticity, laziness. So now finally I am getting more pure. My body is getting more pure. How many of you cognise this? So you’ll become so pure. You will not only create the space of completion, here you will create the space of completion even without body you will be able to reside in that space. That is what I called mukti. The space where you can be alive without body just because of your strength of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching is akshara dhamma. Only when you create more and more aut… integrated and authentic beings around you, you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. That is the only way you can expand in your integrity and authenticity. Commitment to sangha constantly raises you to the next, next level of integrity and authenticity, because any level of integrity and authenticity you know now is not complete. Only when you take the responsibility and enriching, it becomes complete, complete, complete.

13:50 Bhaktika has a question - Swami, I have a so many unkept commitments. The door I feel the energy to commit, the current unkept commitment is pulling me back. I am moving from non-integrity to more non-integrity. Unkept, kept commitments are all, after all revocable. They are not irrevocable. Complete them by declaring that I am dropping those commitments. And start from now in completion. Now in complete completion. The irrevocable commitments will never let, make you incomplete. What will be? That will be like a brahmacharya and being with the Master forever or being with the sangha, those thing will not have any problem. Any of the unkept commitments related to work and your incompletion and all that - now complete all of them, that I am dropping from that commitment. I am declaring that I will not be able to take up this job, I am completing it. Complete from all of them! And now have completion, from the completion - begin. All revocables come complete. Then now you have the place. You have the space to start.

15:36 You see, authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Authenticity should not be destroying your integrity. Listen! Sometime, I’ll give you an example of what Ma Jnanatma can understand. With authenticity you have to commit for the next Inner Awakening - thousand participants, but that should not be destroying your integrity. So integrity always gets the first priority. Clear? With integrity - expanding, stretching is authenticity. Living integrity, stretching is not authenticity. How many of you are clear? Authenticity… Jnanatma, you understand? Supriya, understand this? See, now Jnanatma, if she sees from authenticity, she has to commit thousand for the next Inner Awakening. She will enrich thousand people’s life in the next Inner Awakening. But will it be integrated? No. Then, she has to stretch but she cannot say ten people. With integrity, she, she ten, she can manage. Understand. With integrity if you, if she says ten, it is living authenticity. With authenticity if she says thousand, it is living integrity. With integrity, authentic should go up to two hundred. Clear? Now, your declaration has integrity but not authenticity.

17:38 Emm, what’s the question? Type. So all of you understand, authenticity without living integrity. Jnanatma says, Jnanatma commits to two hundred and it does not happen, then Jnanatma again comes back to… so when you commit itself, you know it is two hundred, it is not your planning two hundred will not happen. Noo… noo… noo… with that clear authentic feeling, by now you will be able, you should be able to easily judge at least near future, authenticity gives you to judge the near future, it does not allow surprises in your life. If you are still feeling constantly surprises waiting in your life, something is lacking in your authenticity. Again, this is the planning for failure. See if you say thousand, and you plan for, you feel it may fail, then I can say it may, it is not even planning for failure, it’s a right thinking of failure. But by now because of all your work, based on all these work, if you have this doubt, I tell you, there is a inauthenticity in the work which you performed earlier. Now at least get back to integrity and let you not be inauthentic in the work you perform now. So that in the next near future, you are able to perform with authenticity. Authenticity is being in the state of integrity and stretching yourself.

>>>19:51 - Hindi<<<

20:30 I have a commitment declaration, collective responsibility declaration from Malaysia Sangha. When I read it, I tell you, I just want to send Kalabhairava immediately to Malaysia to bless all of them. And I am sending. I’ll read out their declaration. Please listen, they are stretching themself from the state of integrity without leaving the state of integrity. “We declare in front of Swamiji, Kalabhairava and the sangha with integrity, sampurti, authenticity, responsibility and enriching ourself and others that the Malaysia Palani Sangha declares that we are enriching the world by building self sustaining Nithyananda Nagar in over five years period of time. Tsk! The Nithyananda Nagar is distributed in various places across Malaysia.” Nirantara, alter your plan based on this! Alter your plans based on this Master plan. Master’s plan is the plan going to be executed. Master’s plan is planning to make Masters. They say “enriching the community to setting up of three different organization to overlook and run the project in different areas.”

22:29 “Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Malaysia already started the registration process, mainly to run all the charitable activities and community service projects. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end of October 2013. Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society Limited: enriching the members to uplift their economic status through various business opportunities by obtaining grants from government and also funding various projects such as building temple and ashram. Completion of registration and setting up process to be done by end October 2013.” Blessings! Blessings to both the projects. “Nithyananda Foundation Malaysia: enriching the members by providing assistance to the, to their children to pursue the higher studies by providing scholarships and loans.” Blessings! Successful, you will be successful. “This Nithyananda Family Cooperative Society can be like getting best things from India, importing to Malaysia and selling.” And we will give you the all the support from India.

23:40 I tell you, start create shops, Anything Indian - we have it or we will get it. That’s your tagline. Shop should be called as Anything Indian. That’s the name. Start the chain stores - Anything Indian, title. Tagline is we have it or we will get it. So Malaysia guys, I give you the clear business plan. Anything Indian, that should be the shop name. We have it or we will get it. If you wanted a Tamil name, I give you the name - Madurai Kedai. That’s a Malaysian thing. Madurai, anything you want, we have it or we get it. Do this, we will give you complete support from India to get all the best things. Nirantara, plan for employing all the devotees who are living these tattvas. Who are living these tattvas, employ them. Have a huge group of employees. Think like a Walmart. You’ll be able to do. “And, third plan representing as an official and the largest living Hindu Vedic community in Malaysia.” Yes! I bless you guys! “And Southeast Asia.” I bless you guys, it’ll happen. “We will be the largest living Hindu community in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.” Blessings.

25:59 “Enriching hundred thousand people for living the four tattvas as a way of life by creating Brahmanas.” I can give even Tamil Inner Awakening in Malaysia. Plan for it. So understand, the fourth commitment you guys gave is naivedya. Now the updation I gave and I’m giving back to you is prasada. Whatever you guys sent is naivedya. Now what I am giving back to you guys as updated is a prasada. “Fifth, enriching thousands of youths by creating the biggest Hindu monastery by educating and training sannyasis and rishis.” Blessings, you guys will be successful. Do it. Do it. By then you would have start the work. Soon you will have lot of sannyasis, and rishis happening. As I said, we will start the next, resident… residential rishis. “Creating a temple based on the bogus concept of Palani Navapashanam Murugan. We’ll also include multi storey complex with Nithyananda Sabha, accommodating five thousand people at a time. Accommodation for visitors and ashramites, Nithyananda Annalaya serving thousands at a time, and Vedic Library and international standard gym and yogalaya.” Blessings.

28:21 Only one line I wanted to add in this “creating a temple based on bogus the concept of Palani Navapashanam Murugan.” “Palani” name I gave for one Spiritual Embassy - Kuala Lumpur. For whole Malaysia, we may have some other name. Please understand, Malaysia Palani was given to only Kuala Lumpur Center. So for each different Spiritual Embassies, we’ll give different different spiritual name. “And, enriching five thousand families living this tattva as community.” Tathastu! So be it. “Enriching the community by establishing agriculture business based on these four tattvas as oil palm estate plantation and rubber plantation which is the main income generation in Malaysia. Also various small-medium enterprises such as textile, tailoring and food based industry. Enriching people through setting up of Nithyananda Research Institute of Science and Technology based on the Gaumara.” I get, just add only one addition - based on the Nithyananda Sampradaya itself. So Nirantara, do Research Institute of Science and Technology based on Nithyananda Sampradaya.

30:26 “Enriching Ayurvedic and Siddha knowledge to the world by forming Ayurvedic and Siddha research center and university.” Wow! Blessings. Nithyananda Ayurvedic and Siddha, I tell you, N-A-S-A, NASA - Nithyananda Ayurvedic Siddha Academy. Make NASA, you call it as… great. Hmm. Making university, beautiful. “And the eleventh project - enriching the world by providing Nithyananda Vedic Library to do further study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality. Study on Vedic knowledge and spirituality will be setup by 1st October 2013, also includes internet cafe with interactive technology.” Blessings, you will be successful. You will be successful. “Enriching the beautiful meaning of goshala to the world and make people understand and sacred value of cows to rare… rear five hundred cows in the first year and gradually increase every year.” Wow! (Swamiji clapping his hands) “And thirteenth project - enriching through free medical camp known as the Nithyananda Mobile Clinic conducted every two weeks. Also creating physiotherapy and rehabilitation center by January 2014.”

32:24 “All the above declarations will be described in detail by next meeting on the 23rd March 2013. By then all the volunteers would have taken up responsibility through land search, various licensing needs and planning, organising various activities to raise fund. Every one of the sangha members will have at least one responsibility for collectively enriching in this declaration.” Tathastu. Bless you guys. My blessings. It’ll become reality. First thing I want to tell, the headquarters of the Malaysia should be near Kuala Lumpur. Plan, look for everything near Kuala Lumpur. And, this is my commitment to you guys - smoothly money, land, people, everything will flow. The whole thing will be successful. Power of your integrity and commitment will make everything reality. Will make everything reality. So first, first thing you guys need to do - start enriching hundred thousand lives through Inner Awakening. Create a beautiful... already English website for the four tattvas is getting created by Seattle.

34:02 You guys can think of creating... I don’t think you need to even create a separate website. No need. Everybody in Malaysia knows English, and start enriching people with four tattvas. And enriching them through Inner Awakening at least hundred thousand lives. That is the first goal. I tell you guys, only if hundred thousand people live these tattvas, a group consciousness for all these things to happen is created. Then you don’t need to struggle, simply it’ll happen! To make an ashram, I don’t need to struggle now because I make people who want to live in ashram. Then simply ashram will happen. I already make people who want to worship in temple. Temple will happen. I make people who want to study this knowledge, monastery will happen. So make people who want to live these tattvas, simply this community will happen. Nithyananda Nagar will happen. Understand. So the first job is making people to live these tattvas.

35:30 Even to Bidadi Sangha I am saying very clearly, work in all this village, goes, go around in these villages. Don’t expect them to come to you for a typical ASP or NSP. No! Go and spend time with them. Small small group, even four-five people - talk to them about integrity, authenticity, responsibility. That is why with all these only Swamiji is having so much power. You also start practicing, this power will be supporting you, healing you, bringing you health, bringing you peace in the life, bringing you intelligence, bringing you success in money, economy. Give them these tattvas. Then if they want money to start business, give them the interest free loan - The Nithyananda Lakshmi, Nithyananda Lakshmi Project. Enrich them in all their dimensions of life. This should be done by Bidadi Sangha. Enriching them with four tattvas. Giving them the loans, interest free loans for standing up, enriching themself economically. And constantly helping them to live these tattvas and showing the power of these tattvas - how they can grow economically, mentally, physically, in socially and in the relationships, family, in every way through these four tattvas.

>>>37:10 - Hindi<<<

37:35 Anybody with integrity and authenticity, that you are going to fulfil, will commit this project of Nithyananda Lakshmi by enriching people with these tattvas and supporting them. Whoever is need, in need by giving them interest free loans. See to it they know the power of these tattvas and live these tattvas. Anybody is committing? In and around Bidadi. Raise the hand. You should be knowing Kannada. Come on. Come to the front, let me see that team, group. Come and stand as a group. Oh God! So many. That is great. Get the mic for both of them. Let’s see. Aye, all you guys listen. Now when you commit... listen. It is your life! You will not commit anything which is contradicting to this commitment. You can make any more projects which you can doing being here. No, this project is supposed to be done around Bidadi, this… this whole district, around two hundred-three hundred village I want this to happen. So, is already the commitments you guys made, is it any way going to contradict this commitment? Are you guys clear? Can you read your Book of Heart once and come back. Come on, listen. You have to read your Book of Heart, and you have to be very integrated and authentic. You should make sure you are going to complete it.

41:14 Any of you, is your other projects which you already committed will suffer because of this commitment? Anybody thinks like that, please leave. See, it is only more stretching, not replacing. Clear? It is only more stretching, not replacing. Listen! This group first thing, do you… is your other commitments are going to suffer in anyway because of this new commitment? Raise your hand. If your earlier commitment is going to suffer in anyway because of this new commitment, don’t commit. Are you clear? How many of you are clearly declaring because of this new commitment, my earlier commitments will not suffer in any way? Raise your hand. I am only stretching with more responsibility and authenticity. Raise your hand. So clear? Aye, Jagdish, you committed to me that you will go to Mau… err… Sri Lanka and create the sangha. Is it not? Then, how are you committing now?

>>>43:03 - Tamil<<<

44:40 All of you are very clear? And you will, you will only be residing in this campus, only then you will be able to do this. Am I right? All of you know Kannada? Communicate means you should be able to communicate with the villages. Hmm, then okay. So, come on, come as a group collectively. Emm. Wow! Nithyananda Lakshmi Project starts. I tell you, it will not only enrich the people around, it’ll enrich us also. So now you guys have to sit, plan. You guys will do the collective responsibility meeting now. Am I right? You will do the meeting, when you will come back and declare how many cities you are going? See, how many village you are going to enrich? How many people you are going to enrich? How many families you are going to enrich? If you work sincerely, you will create a real Nithyananda Nagar with these two hundred-three hundred villages. Two-three hundred village will be Nithyananda Nagar. Okay, I will be joining your team and commit fully for this sangha (Jagdish answered Swamiji).

48:34 So Malaysia Sangha, listen. Make hundred thousand people live these tattvas. That’s the first thing you need to do. Everything else will simply follow. Now, with the local newspapers, magazines, tv channel - you have to start putting the discourses on these four tattvas, and start conducting house to house, house meetings, home meetings. Immediately you may not be able to start the ASP, that is okay. Home meetings, house satsangs on the four tattvas - Chaturveda (छतुर्वेद) meeting, four Vedas meeting. Start house to house. Each one of you should become acharya and go to house to house and start conducting four tattva meeting. Understand, you can’t expect just Rishi Nirantara, Ma Nirantara to come. Each one of you go to different different houses, places and start teaching these four Vedas, four tattvas. Okay? Start. My blessings to Malaysia Sangha. Blessings. We will make… Now I only feel life is happening. So much life is happening - everywhere. Shiva is so happy. Kalabhairava is so happy. Life is happening.

I’ll move to the next part of the satsang - Dial the Avatar. 50:36


Paramashivoham Oneness capsule

Photos Of The Day:



morning satsang

Inner Awakening - Tamil Session

His Divine Holiness is welcomed at the temple

temple procession - sura-samharam

temple procession - sura-samharan-set 2

Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:

Surasamharam Procession

Photos Of The Day:

Temple Procession

Photos Of The Day:

Akashic Reading

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Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:

1-Surasamharam Procession



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