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==Title:SPH JGM HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Visits Kailasa in Hyderabad, Sripuram Sarvajnapeetam for a 4 day Nithyananda Spurana Convention==
'''Nithya Spurana Convention ||Q & A session at the convention || Traditions of Kumbh mela || Addressed the nithyananda Order of Sanyasis || Kundalini awakening || The powerful truth that human beings by their very nature is Bliss ||'''
'''Nithya Spurana Convention ||Q & A session at the convention || Traditions of Kumbh mela || Addressed the nithyananda Order of Sanyasis || Kundalini awakening || The powerful truth that human beings by their very nature is Bliss ||'''
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His Divine Holiness shared important knowledge and Truths surrounding [[Kundalini Awakening]], the [[Causal Layer]], going beyond Desires, Death and revealed an intense [[Mystical Process]] to remove pain. He also revealed that Saints, Sages, & enlightened masters will express the truth based on their own experiences and teach 90% through body language. His Divine Holiness concluded by sharing the powerful truth that human beings by their very nature are Bliss.
His Divine Holiness shared important knowledge and Truths surrounding [[Kundalini Awakening]], the [[Causal Layer]], going beyond Desires, Death and revealed an intense [[Mystical Process]] to remove pain. He also revealed that Saints, Sages, & enlightened masters will express the truth based on their own experiences and teach 90% through body language. His Divine Holiness concluded by sharing the powerful truth that human beings by their very nature are Bliss.
==Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 1 || NSC==
==Nithya Spurana Convention videos==
===Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 1 || NSC===
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audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-04_be-present-with-the-mystic-part-1-nsc-4-feb-2010"/>
===Transcript Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 1 || NSC===
I welcome you all with My love and respects.
Let us understand the word Nithyananda Spurana. Ananda means the excitement or the energy which does not come down, which does not come down due to any reason. Causelessly being excited, please understand, not excited for some reason, some cause. Causelessly, without any reason, continuously overflowing with joy, with excitement, with life, with energy. This exact definition of ananda.
==Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 2 || NSC==
See, the planet earth millions of saints, sages, enlightened masters, avatar purushas have happened. Each one of them teach their own way, technique, method to this ananda, to this joy, to this bliss, to this source of life.
In sanskrit there is a proverb, if two masters say the same thing be sure someone is fake. Means the difference, different ideas, different opinions, different things becomes almost like a base. Each one expresses in his own way. Each one talks in their own way. For example, about food, if you ask Mahavira he will say ‘No, don't eat, fast completely.’ If you ask Buddha, he will say, ‘No, no, no, you can have one meal.’ If you ask Krishna, ‘No, eat whatever you want, just forget that you ate.’ Same way about marriage, if you ask Mahavira he will say, ‘No, no, no, no, no don't marry.’ If you ask Buddha he will say, ‘No, even if you are already married, escape.’ If you ask Krishna, ‘Don't bother, just forget the number.’ So each one will give their own solution. Each one will have their own approach. Each one will express the truth as they experienced or they expressed.
It's very difficult for these great masters to accept some common truth, accept something. It’s very difficult for them to accept something in common. If they accepted, some one or two things, then it must be the root or the base. I can say, this one truth, almost all of them accept, maybe in their own language, in their own words: ‘man by nature is bliss’. Please understand, I am not saying his quality is bliss. No, there is a big difference. I am saying he is bliss. If it is his quality, all qualities can be taken away at some point. I am not saying his quality is bliss. No, by his very nature he is bliss, he is life, he is radiating energy.
Almost all masters, all the incarnations, all the prophets, all the saints, all the sages, all the extraordinary beings who walked on the planet earth accept this one truth: Man by his very nature he is bliss. Then this must be basic truth. Other than basic truth, I don't think these masters can agree on any point. It's a basic truth. One side the masters go repeating, life is bliss, life is bliss, life is bliss. The other side for all of us normal people it doesn't seem to be real. Where is the gap? One side all these masters go on repeating… sometime that is why the humanity is not able to tolerate these masters. Either they poison them, or crucify them, do what they can, or kill them. Because these guys go on, it's almost like a teasing. They go on repeating ‘Life is bliss, life is bliss, life is bliss’, but in reality it is very difficult for people. Where is the gap? And one more thing. Surely they don't need to tell a lie, there is no need for those great masters to tell a lie. Then, where is the gap? How to bridge the gap? These two questions we will experientially go through.
Please understand. Experientially we will go through into these questions, go into these questions this next 4 days. When you go into these questions experientially, not intellectually, experientially, the very quality of your being will become different. I am not even saying, you will have the answer... See there are some questions your being is answer. For example, this Ramana Maharshi’s ‘Who am I?’ The question is not to be asked to found… a.... find the answer. No, you don't need to find an answer for that question. The question is asked to stop questioning. When you work on that question the transformation which happens in you is the answer. So we will work on this question: why this gap? How to bridge? experientially. That’ll do whatever need to be done in your being.
The physical health, mental health, all these things will be a side effect, side effect of this transformation. Basically, when we work on these questions many engraved memories, samskaras… Please understand this word because next four days we are going to work on this one concept. Many engraved memories or the samskaras will leave your system. When I say the word engraved memory - the ideas, memories which are inside your being, which has capacity, ability to make you go through the same experience or the action again and again and again, even if you don't want. That is the definition of samskara. These ideas, these memories stay in your being. They make you go through this same action and same experience even if you don't want.
For example if you have the habit of coffee, morning 7:00 o’clock, even if you don't remember it is 7:00 o’clock inside alarm with ring ‘coffee’. You know… coffee is a
simple habit. You know many other things whether it is a alcohol or cigarette or even irritation. Irritation is a samskara. Just for no reason you are just waiting to get irritated; you don't need any big reason. Just if somebody comes and appears in front of you that is enough they will have your blessings. 😃 They will have your blessings! 😃 Waiting to get irritated - even that is a samskara.
So the gap between us and the masters - when these guys go on saying ‘The life is bliss’ why we go on feeling life is pain, suffering, misery. The gap is this samskaras, this engraved memories. And experientially let us work on removing this gap, removing this samskaras, bridging.
Please understand I can say almost all your problems whether it is physical health, mental health, or relationship problems or having low mood like no self-confidence, no self-esteem, suffering with inferiority complex, fear, guilt all these problems are just because of different samskaras, different engrams. Please understand, many of your physical health related problems are because of these samskaras, many.
If I have to give example, one small example: if your mother teaches you and trains you from the young age that if you go and play in the rain you will catch cold. From the young age you listen to this continuously. Even after you have your grandchildren, you don't even need to go into the rain, if you just see through window that it’s raining you will sneeze aacch! The samskaras which you get inside at the young age, till, till you die not only it will be there it will be constantly be alive and active; whether it is physical health or mental health. Of course mental health all of you understand straight away it is because of samskaras. All the disease which comes from inside are because of samskaras. The disease which comes from outside - like a accident, maybe those things are from the outer world. All the disease which comes from inside are because of samskaras. Many disease even which comes from outside like accident sometime it can be because of alcohol. Then again the indirect cause is samskaras; directly or indirectly most of our problems are because of samskaras.
Same way relationship. See, only in the first few months you live with the other person you live with your spouse. Within six months you create an idea about her or him. Tsk it's a punishment given to me by god or I won't go to hell after death. Some idea you create. The problem is, the moment you create an idea after that you don't live with that person, you live only with that idea. Constantly whatever the other person does you look through this idea. If you just see the idea which you carry about the other person plays a major role.
See, you expect because you are updating yourself, the other should update her idea her or his idea about you, but you do not update your idea about the other. You constantly expect the other should update their ideas about you but we don't bother to update our ideas about them. We feel strongly ‘impossible for him or her to transform’ I have seen people come and challenge, “Swamiji you can transform anybody, try on my spouse. It will never work; no technique will work, no method will work”. Same thing, he doesn't understand the spouse is telling Me. He doesn't understand the same thing the other side they are telling me, “You work on anybody, you transform anybody Swamiji, but never on him, nothing will work on him” All the relationship problems again are rooted in samskaras, engraved memories.
Other day when guy came, in the program he was telling, “Swamiji please bless me for divorce.” I said, “Usually we bless only for marriage not for divorce. Why don't you tell Me what is the problem. I'll try to help whatever way I can”. He said, “No, no, no, no, no, you don't know all these things, you just bless me for divorce”. I said, “Without knowing how can I bless? Tell me” He said, “Today morning I had a fight, it was a terrible fight. I decided I can't live anymore with her.” I asked, “What was the reason for fight?” “No, she brought and kept the coffee on my table so much force, the coffee spilled all over my clothes.” I said that cannot be the reason for divorce, just coffee spilling! And even if it spills she's only going to wash the cloth. Why are you bothered?” The… very, what to say that, he says very clearly openly he's telling Me, “Swamiji you don't know, today she will pour coffee tomorrow she will pour acid.”!
No, he's telling straightaway without understanding… there is no logic - coffee and acid. I don't know how he is connecting. I told him, “Relax, slow down. Just think, why don't you think, coffee and acid! And why don't you just have little logic. Look into it.” He says, “No, no, no, you don't know. I am living with her for 10 years, I know her. I said, “Do not use big big words; just break those big words. Come to the incidents, come to the situations. Let's look in, don't suffer with this engrams, with this samskaras; come to the situation. Exactly tell Me incident by incident how you developed this hatred?” “No, no, no. You don’t know all these things.” And he started telling one or two incidents.
In Tamil Nadu, in marriages they will have a small ceremony. In a pot they will put a ring. Husband wife, both of them have to, try to pick up the ring and whoever picks up, they are the winner. It's like, you see in those days both of them will meet only during the marriage, not like… In those days we did not have that system of dating and all that. So only at that time they will meet each other. So it's almost like a games created to zero down the distance. It's like zeroing down the distance. Just for that these small games are created. This guy says even at that time she scratched my hands with her nails. 😃 Please understand, now you guys are laughing. He was very serious; he was very serious and suffering. Actually if you look in, you also many time suffer with this kind of engrams for which others will laugh. Now you are laughing because it is somebody else. Many time you will be suffering with the engrams for which others will be laughing. So the whole thing, most of your sufferings, whether it is physical or mental, psychological, emotional or relationship, it is engraved memories, it is samskaras.
So, next 4 days we’ll experientially work to remove these engraved memories. Side effect of this will be naturally physical health, mental health, peace, better relationships. If all these things happens, naturally the wealth, as a side effect the wealth, clear strategy planning, long working hours, able to take decisions without getting tired; these are enough to generate wealth. Apart from all these things, the spiritual experience. Please understand, I am introducing the whole program in these few words. All I am trying to do is remove the gap between you and the fulfilled enlightened beings. That gap is engraved memories - samskaras.
===Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 2 || NSC===
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===Transcriptof video  Be Present With The Mystic || Part 2 || NSC===
I wanted you to cooperate with Me in few ways, just simple few ways. First thing: please be physical here; when I say physical I mean be here. The biggest problem the modern-day humanity is facing is they completely lost touch with their body. If they are brushing their teeth morning in their bathroom, they are already in the office. Thinking of the office planning. If they are in the office they are already in the beach evening or in some park or in some temple planning for their vacation. If they are sitting in the temple or beach in the evening they are already in the house when to go back. If they are in the house already they are in the next day, planning for next day. So, we lost completely touch with our body. Our bodies are used more like a lodge; dump the luggage go round for sightseeing. It is not used as a house. It is used more like a lodge, put the luggage and just go around wherever you want. This four days decide please be physical, means if you are here, be here.
Understand. Usually we are always taught to be more imagining, visualizing all these things in the meditation programs. But I am telling you, no. Be physical, be inside the body. You are first body only then Atma. First be a  body. Do not believe you are atma before you experience. Do not believe you are a soul before you experience. As on now you know only one thing, you are body. So, just be a body. Just be a body. Be inside your boundary means inside your skin. How you feel you are alive continue to feel that. All these four days allow whatever is happening in your body to happen. Allow whatever is happening in your… inside your boundary to happen. Please understand.  Your boundary is only this body. So, be inside your body, work on your body. I do not want you to work on your mind. Working on your mind, working on your soul is My job. You just do your job. I wanted you to cooperate with Me by being with the body. Anything you do, be aware of only your body because most of your samskaras in your bio memory, in your body. So, work on your body; even the techniques I have developed on the deeper levels of your being, even those techniques work on your body. Your body is you at least as on now. As on now, you know only one thing you are body. So, work on that. See if you start working on the concepts you have, “O, I am the soul, I am the atma,” these so many ideas. You will be working only on ideas. I have seen many people, they go on work on ideas. Working on ideas will never lead to transformation.
Please understand. From My experience I am telling you, from… I worked on different kinds of technology, technique, methods. All the people, all the traditions which starts working on the body, starting from body they always have a deep powerful transformation. But people who just hang on with the concepts, it's all just mental game; only accumulating more and more load on the head. That's all. They will know more and more words.  They can talk to their families. They can argue in the parties. They can show to their friends, they know everything. But the transformation never happens in them. So, be physical. Do not… you don't need to close your eyes and sit. You don't need to take notes. Just sit with open eyes. I have seen many people saying, “No, no, no I meditate and listen intensely, Swamiji.” 
==Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 3 || NSC ==
Please understand. I have little experience in this field. I have seen people meditating and listening. First five minutes everything will go well. After that…[Swamiji imitates person sitting and sleeping] the next person pokes, “I am listening. You listen, why are you disturbing me”? 😃 Now I know in all cultures, in all traditions, all countries how people sleep by sitting. If you sit and close your eyes and listen, it will not be more than half an hour. So, please sit wide awake with open eyes; and you don't need to close your eyes. One more thing, by closing the eyes you start imagining, you start working with concepts. No. Just sit. Masters teach ninety percent through their body language, only five-ten percent through their verbal language. So, just sit with open eyes. You will learn more through the body language than verbal language. See the words I am uttering you can listen from YouTube. The whole thing is in YouTube. Six hundred hours the whole thing is in YouTube. You can listen from YouTube.
The words are not going to give the transformation. The confidence and the energy that I radiate when I utter those words, that is going to do the transformation. So, don't… no need to sit with closed eyes and sleep after half an hour. 😃 It’s the first thing. Second thing, no need for you to take notes. The whole thing is available in YouTube. Whatever I am going to teach, I am going to talk to you…. you see, we are going to do three things now.
Technical knowledge: means the ideas, the truths.
Second thing technique: Technique to go into that inner space and clear those engrams, clear those samskaras. 
Third initiation: Initiation means transmitting the pure bio memory.
Please understand. It's little mystical. Of course all of you are aware you are sitting with a Mystic. And the big problem is unfortunately one of the worst thing happened to India is an Indian Mystic cannot speak comfortably about Indian mysticism to Indians. That's the most unfortunate thing happened to India. Mysticism is backbone of our country. It's a lifestyle of our country. Unfortunately… see I don't feel uncomfortable at all talking about mysticism around the world to all different countries and cultures. They are so receptive, so strongly feeling connected. Unfortunately the moment it is Indian crowd, I feel I am little stuck.
Really, really; because so badly, so brutally Indians have been attacked. And the great Mystic lifestyle was snatched away from them by this Coca-Colonization. New way of colonizing - the Coca-Colonization. I am really … this is the worst thing has happened to India. A Indian Mystic has to be little reluctant to talk about mysticism to Indians… which is their lifestyle.
Nothing. Go to any village, you will listen at least ten to twenty stories of your elders, your grandfathers, grandmothers fixing their date and dying. Or grandfather will die within one day grandmother will die; not by suicide, she will just leave the body. Go to any of your native villages, you will listen at least ten stories. No, in My village this grandfather or elderly person, he fixed his date. He  said, clearly said and he relaxed, left the body. Means what? These guys, their intuition was strong enough to see very clearly about their death.
Understand. Only if you live worry-free life, fear-free life, you will be able to predict about your death. Why you are not able to predict about your death you know? It's a fear and the worry associated with the death takes away the intuition to predict the time of your death. You don't want to predict. It's too much. Too much of fear and insecurity, worry will arise if you know the time of your death. So, you just cover that dimension. If somebody is able to predict their death time very clearly, means they are living worry free, fear free life. He is a Mystic.
If you go to your village one generation before you, you’ll listen at least ten-twenty stories. How many of you have heard these kind of stories? In My village elder or grandfather or some of My relative or mother grandmother fixed the time and left the body. How many of you please raise your hand. Please raise the hand fully, completely.  Others please just look around and see. Every program I ask, please raise the hand. Raise the hand. I wanted to see. Every program I ask, at least twenty to thirty percent of the people raise the hand. Yes, now you can drop the hands.
Please understand.  I am not counting. I am just roughly saying twenty to thirty percent if I count it maybe even forty-fifty percent… forty percent. I don't know. Means Mysticism is our backbone. Spirituality is our backbone. Even one generation before people have lived as Mystics. People have lived fulfilled life. People have lived the jeevan mukti life. Somehow, unfortunately it has… it has been moved away from the mainstream thinking, the mainstream lifestyle, mainstream living.
If you go to Shirdi and just sit there for two-three hours, talk to some ten-twenty people who are walking there in the road, anybody, you will have ten stories which... out of which you can make a documentary. Ten solid miracle stories. You don't need more than two hours to get ten solid miracle stories of Sai Baba; more than two hours. I am just giving you one example, one example. Go to shirdi and sit there on the road, talk to anybody. You won't need more than two hours to have ten solid miracles. Solid miracles not simple miracle - No, no when I came, I just saw Baba sitting - not like this simple miracles, ten solid physical miracles out of which you can create a documentary. Means what? It is our lifestyle. Mysticism is our lifestyle.
Unfortunately we lost in touch and it is no more a mainstream thinking. It is looked down. Even people who practice intensely in personal life do not want to stand for it in public, do not want to stand for it in  public. I have seen hundreds of My disciples, they will come for healing, all program and so intensely devoted. If you go to their house my photo will be all over. When they come out to their office they will put the mala inside and remove the bracelet and put it in the handbag. I have seen, we have started feeling shy about our own backbone. We have started feeling shy about our own backbone.
Let Me explain the word initiation. I had a fortune of studying Yoga at the feet of a great Yogi, one Yogananda Puri. Sorry not the Paramahamsa Yogananda.  He was in Tiruvannamalai, Yogananda Puri. Yogananda was Yogananda Giri - he is different sampradaya. The swami I am talking is Yogananda Puri.
People will come to him to learn yoga. When people come all very fat, bulky people. He will tell them straight away, stand upside down- sirasasan. They will say “standing on the legs itself is difficult for us.  What are you talking Swamiji?  Telling us to stand upside down.” No, simple, he will just give them one tight hug and he will tell them, “Now stand.” I have seen with My own eyes just one hug. They will simply stand upside down without any difficulty. I have seen with My eyes; of course it's a shock for Me. I asked him what are you doing? You just give one hug and they stand upside down. He says very beautifully, “With any idea, if you are constantly living and breathing that idea, that becomes your bio memory. Bio memory is transmittable.” Please understand. Just how the memory is transmittable through words, Bio memory is transmittable through touch. That is what I call as initiation. Initiation is nothing but supporting your system, your body, your bio memory to incorporate, imbibe this experience physiologically.
Please understand.
Technical knowledge will clean your conscious mind.
Technique will clean your unconscious mind.
Initiation will bolt that experience into your system physiologically.
Cleaning your conscious mind and unconscious mind will create psychological experience in you, psychological revolution in you. That is what I call transformation. Initiation will bolt  that experience into your system so that that psychological revolution stays inside your system physiologically permanently as long as possible. As long as you cooperate it becomes your physical experience. This great truths becomes your physical experience. So, technical knowledge, technique, initiation - these three are the major things we are going to do in these four days.
See, technical knowledge is available in YouTube; whatever I am going to speak to you these next four days, the whole thing is already available in YouTube. It’s free. So, don't bother about taking notes. If you want notes sit with the YouTube, you will be able to take notes. Don't waste your time sitting here and taking notes. Sit and enjoy the presence physically, not mentally… physically.
There's a big difference between enjoying  mentally, enjoying physically. Enjoying mentally means maybe you are enjoying all the great  intellectual candy I am supplying, the stories I am telling or just the words I am uttering. That is what I am calling mental enjoyment. No.  Sit, be aware you are alive here. You are alive here in this body.
I can give you one simple technique; start breathing through fingertips; ten.. ten in the feet, ten in the hand, and the top of your head. Visualize you are breeding through this 21 points inhaling and exhaling. Then you will settle down into your body. Please understand. Visualizing you are inhaling and exhaling through this 21 points, ten points in the hands, ten points in the leg and the top of your head. Just feeling inhaling and exhaling through these points continuously you will settle down in your boundary. Enjoy the Presence physically that will allow the initiation process intensely.
See, just if you want technique you don't need to come here and waste your time four days and money. YouTube is more than enough. Actually I have put some of the… these Yoga Meditations teachers personally advised Me, “Swamiji don't put all Your classes in the YouTube then nobody will come to Your class.” I actually don't want people who want just technical knowledge around Me. Let Me be rid of them. That is the reason I put everything in YouTube. I want people who want experience around Me. I don't want to waste My time playing with intellectual candy. Little intellectual candy… and people who want only one that let them be with YouTube. Study, you can go on …. I think more than seven hundred hours is available. You can go on studying, studying, studying, acquiring intellectual knowledge. That's different. And moreover Vedic tradition we believe knowledge is free.
===Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 3 || NSC ===
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===Transcript of Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 3 || NSC===
We believe knowledge is free. Only when you want to experience, the organizing and everything the sanga needs little money. Sometime people ask Me, “Why should we pay for meditation program”? See, in those days kings were there. They were having the power of ruling the country. Same way they were doing the duty of taking care of the enlightened Masters and their mission. Now you are the king, you have the power of ruling the country. Then come on take the responsibility of taking care of Me. Who will take? When you have taken the power to rule the country and take the responsibility of taking care of the Master and his mission. No other way. So, anybody who wants just technical knowledge can be with the YouTube. And the whole thing is available as book also. I published the whole thing as book. I think Life Bliss program level 2 there is a book; whatever we are going to practice now, I am going to share with you, is available in book. So do not waste time in just taking notes or just with these intellectual ideas. Understand the truth. That's enough.
Second thing, very important truth, very important thing Vitarkā (விதர்கா). Please understand this word vitarkā. Tarkā means logic. A simple logic two plus two is four, simple logic. Kutarkā (குதர்க்க) means negating logic. Why should it be? Eh! Who knows? Simply He is telling, what is there? Kutarkā - constantly suffering by negating, by negating. See the people with kutarkā, you can just feel, the moment they come in your space you will feel. Even in their eyes that judging attitude will be there. They go… they will be constantly judging things, constantly judging. The big problem is people with kutarkā will be suffering with deep inferiority complex. Understand. When you constantly judge or abuse others, you will be using same word and mental structure towards you. So, the kutarkā people sometimes say, “No, no, no. I will have the judgmental attitude towards others but I will not have that same on me.” No, relax. We are not that intelligent. We are not that intelligent to have two weapons. One for others and one for yourself. No. Don't think you can have sword for others and rose for you. No. If you have sword for others you will use that only for you also. So, people with kutarkā that’s a second thing, the negating logic. They cannot tolerate anything. Anything they will have some complaint.
I have seen, some time people invite Me for these functions like a marriage functions and social functions, this house warming ceremonies. When I go there I have seen these poor guys to get her... get his daughter married this guy has to practically give his whole life, dowry and this, that, everything. And this fellow will be running around doing all the arrangements. These guys who come as guests, they will do everything, eat nicely. After eating they will talk with each other, “I think in the rasam little.. more salt na? In payasam sugar was little less.” Something to show that you are more intelligent. Something just to show you are more intelligent or you know things. This is what I call kutarkā. Constantly negating, negating, negating. Tarkā (தர்கா) means simple logic, kutarkā means negating logic. Vitarkā understand this word, completely very friendly logic.
Logic with a deep friendliness. I am not saying foolishness, no, friendliness. Logic which functions with friendliness. It will have its uniqueness. It will retain it’s logical sense. It's not that anything you said you just believe. No. It will retain it logical sense but with a lot of friendliness, feeling connection. I can say vitarkā can lead you to a very strong spiritual experience in these four days. Even if you don't have vitarkā, the power of technical knowledge and technique will give you lot of healing. Physical, mental healing will happen. Just because of the power of the technical knowledge and technique. If you have vitarkā the initiation will happen in a very strong way. So, initiation is your cooperation. For initiation your cooperation is also needed. Just for technical knowledge you don't even need to be here. YouTube is enough. For technique you need to be here physically but your corporation is not needed, your vitarkā is not needed, just move your body as I say that's enough. Your vitarkā is not required but for initiation your vitarkā is required; with vitarkā you will have that deep experience of initiations.
You will see, the bio memory gets transmitted into your system, means this experience you will have - that psychological revolution will get bolted physiologically into your system. It will become lifestyle for you. Please understand. I am not just giving you one product like little yoga or little pranayama or one some kriya or some technique. No. If you sit here without vitarkā with the just tarkā. Then this program is just like one product. You will have one product - little pranayama you learnt, little kriya you learnt, little yoga you learnt, little meditation you learnt; product, that's all. But if you sit with vitarkā, this is not just a product, this is a lifestyle. This will just become your lifestyle; way in which you think, way in which you act, way in which you respond to your life.
So, I sincerely request all of you just these two: one be physical here, second have little friendly logic vitarkā. You will see the whole program transforms your being and it becomes your lifestyle. It becomes just your lifestyle.
Simple practical instructions, some of the instructions: please don't sleep in the class, don't miss sessions, be here sharp. Actually if I tell you to come for ten o'clock, I will come at least ten minutes late, ten-ten for you to settle down. But after one or two sessions people understand I will come ten minutes late so they come ten minutes late. Then I have to come twenty minutes late. The next day they understand I come twenty minutes late, they come thirty minutes late. Then it's the Tom and Jerry problem. It will be just be a problem. So please be here on time and do not sleep in the class. Even if it's not your sake, at least for My sake please don't sleep in the class.
Anyhow, the essence I wanted to share with you is, be physical. Don't bother too much about these words; whatever you understand, understand. Don't plan you should understand everything and remember everything after you leave the program. See, the stress are planning to remember everything after the program itself will take away the joy of the program. Don't have that stress you are not preparing for any examination. Understand. I am talking to your being. Whatever your being need to remember I will record it inside. It will remember whatever your being does not remember it is not worthy of remembering just forget about it. Whatever you need to remember you will remember, whatever you are not remembering you don't need to remember. So, just forget about it. You are not preparing for any exam.
Sometime I have seen people so serious, like a preparing for exam they will take notes of everything, everything, every statement and they will miss the next statement. So, neither have mental pressure nor try to go on working on this to remember. I liberate you from any stress or idea you need to remember all these ideas after the program. Forget about it. Just forget about it. Whatever you need to remember you will remember.
So, sit with complete relaxed feeling, complete stress free being. So, imbibe whatever you can; just be physical, that's all I am saying. If you are physical, sitting here, that is enough. That is enough and little friendly logic will allow you to have initiation happen in you. Initiation happen in you. Please understand. Little vitarkā can connect you mystically, can lead to deeper level experiences. That's all. See, when I say I am a Mystic it is not like a pride or ego or claiming something. Nothing, it's My lifestyle. See when a doctor comes and says he's a doctor. He means only if he says he's a doctor you will trust him and take the medicines. Only if he says about his experience and what he is doing and everything you will trust him and take his medicines. Sameway if a lawyer says he's a lawyer and he is experienced for so many years only then you will trust him and listen to his opinions, listen to his ideas.
Same way when I say I am a Mystic there is nothing like claiming. I am simply telling the fact, stating the fact. Understand I am a Mystic happened to share the jeevan mukti with people. So, it's a simple introduction. It is not I am neither claiming something arrogantly or which is not there. I am neither claiming something big. Sameway I am not saying something humble… I am not saying I am too humble or anything. I am just Me. See, I am not humble, I am sitting in the throne, see very clearly. I am neither saying I am humble nor I am claiming something too big. I am just stating the fact. I am just stating the truth. Sometime people ask Me, “Why are you sitting in this throne, big, big thrones, golden throne”? I tell them, “Arrey, first… first of all it is not golden throne, gold painted throne. 😃” Understand first.
Second thing anyhow I have to sit only in the higher way. Otherwise you won't be able to see Me. I have to sit somewhere little higher. It's a practical thing. It's nothing, it's neither humble nor arrogance or claiming I am just stating the fact simply. A little friendly logic can avoid thousands of…. I can say missing points with little friendly logic. You will catch all the truths. You will catch all the initiations. You will experience the whole program completely. Otherwise I have seen sometime people suffering with this kutarkā, little kutarkā. I have seen, just one or two small kutarkā they waste their whole life. They waste their whole life.
Sometime people have their own idea about how a Swami or a Master should be and they have a big problem. I have seen many time, people very difficult for them to settle down or connect with Me. Because first qualification is a big belly which I don't have and a long beard and a constipated face. No, these are all usually people associate. These are all the ideas they carry, about this big Guru or big Masters or this kind of ideas. That's a big problem. When you have your own frame, kutarkā is inevitable, suffering is inevitable. Just have little friendly logic, you will see millions of things happening in your system and really you can go into the whole initiation.
So, I sincerely request all of you to be physical and to have vitarkā and go through the whole program successfully and experience the Nithyananda and Nithyananda spurana. Maybe you can have few minutes break, then I will enter into the program. I'll start the program the next session; just ten-fifteen minutes break. I'll explain how this science happened. This whole program, how this science happened. If you know the science then you will have the deep interest and enthusiasm to go into this technology, to go into this technology and experience this technology. So, ten-fifteen minutes break. Please come back after ten-fifteen minutes for the next session. Let's gather for the next session. Thank you.
===Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 1 || NSC===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEryM8eGCf8 |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-04_mystical-death-formula-physical-layer-part-1-nsc-04-feb-2010"/>
===Transcript of Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 1 || NSC===
Let’s enter into the sessions. I’ll introduce how this technology happened; how this whole science happened in Me. Knowing this, you would really have the strong vitarka and inspiration to enter into this whole science. Introduction is never waste of time, it’s a right investment. Person who creates formula to reproduce the outer world understandings on every mind is a scientist. Person who creates formula to reproduce the experiences of the inner world on everybody is a mystic. Person who creates outer world experiences to reproduce the outer world experiences into others, outer world understanding into others, who creates formula is a scientist. Person who creates formulas to reproduce the inner world experiences on others is a mystic.
Let’s enter into the sessions. I’ll introduce how this technology happened; how this whole science happened in Me. Knowing this, you will really have the strong vitarka and inspiration to enter into this whole science. Introduction is never waste of time, it’s a right investment. Person who creates formula to reproduce the outer world understandings on every mind is a scientist. Person who creates formula to reproduce the experiences of the inner world on everybody is a mystic. Person who creates outer world experiences to reproduce the outer world experiences into others, outer world understandings into others, who creates formula is a scientist. Person who creates formulas to reproduce the inner world experiences on others is a mystic.
So how this formula to reproduce this experience on others happened in Me is an introduction about  this science, this technology. The young age I was spending lot of time in traveling, doing pilgrimages and wanderings. So I was near Varanasi, a small place near Gazipur there was a, there was a small town. I was staying there and taking care of one  sadhu, a very eldery sadhu. He was in his deathbed. I was staying in the hospital ICU. ICU means don’t visualize Hyderabad ICUs; the village hospital ICU’s. I can say town hospital ICU, kind of a two broken steel cot and but for a town it was well equipped. For that size town it was well equipped. I was taking care of him. In North India that’s tradition is all the young sadhus will take care of the old sadhus.  
So how this formula to reproduce this experience on others happened in Me is an introduction about  this science, this technology. The young age I was spending lot of time in traveling, doing pilgrimages and wanderings. So I was near Varanasi, a small place near Gazipur there was a, there was a small town. I was staying there and taking care of one  sadhu, one very eldery sadhu. He was in his deathbed. I was staying in the hospital ICU. ICU means don’t visualize Hyderabad ICUs; the village hospital ICU’s. I can say town hospital’s ICU, kind of a two broken steel cot and but for a town it was well equipped. For that size town it was well equipped. I was taking care of him. In North India that’s tradition is all the young sadhus will take care of the old sadhus.  
Taking care of sadhus is considered as a great punya, especially when they are sick and old. I was taking care of this sadhu. At that time I happened to face, I happened to see one guy dying in the hospital, in the ICU - next bed, next bed. I was with this sadhu. I saw that next bed that guy started dying. Please understand, I am describing as I experienced and I am responsible for what I am talking. I know many people follow the instructions I give; many people practice these teachings. Because of that I have become, I have to be more responsible about what I am talking. See, nobody is listening. Nobody is caring. Nobody is practicing I can talk what I want. But I know millions of people are practicing what I am talking, listening to what I am talking so I am responsible for what I am uttering. With that responsibility I am telling you as exactly I experienced.
Taking care of sadhus is considered as a great punya, especially when they are sick and old. I was taking care of this sadhu. At that time I happened to face, I happened to see one guy dying in the hospital, in the ICU - next bed, next bed. I was with this sadhu. I saw that next bed that guy started dying. Please understand, I am describing as I experienced and I am responsible for what I am talking. I know many people follow the instructions I give; many people practice these teachings. Because of that I have become, I have to be more responsible about what I am talking. See, if nobody is listening, nobody is caring, nobody is practicing, I can talk what I want. But I know millions of people are practicing what I am talking, listening to what I am talking, so I am responsible for what I am uttering. With that responsibility I am telling you as exactly I experienced.
I saw this person dying. It was such a strong experience for Me. Still even when I remember, even now I can just see visually the whole thing in front of Me, including that old glass on that steel table near the patient. I can see everything so vividly. That guy was, he has  started dying. The doctors were standing around and trying to help, support him whatever medically they can do, giving oxygen or whatever medically they can do, they were trying to do. But of course they were not able to, they were not able to save him. He started leaving the body. First time I was seeing a death directly.
I saw this person dying. It was such a strong experience for me. Still even when I remember, even now I can just see visually the whole thing in front of me, including that old glass on that steel table near the patient. I can see everything so vividly. That guy was, he has  started dying. The doctors were standing around and trying to help, support him whatever medically they can do, giving oxygen or whatever medically they can do, they were trying to do. But of course they were not able to, they were not able to save him. He started leaving the body. First time I was seeing a death directly.
At the young age I saw my old mother, old grandmother dying. I didn’t have the vision or the spiritual experience to see what is happening in the being. Here, I was able to see very clearly what is happening in that being, but I was not able to help. I was not able to do any help to that person, but I was able to see what was happening in that being.  
In the young age I saw My old mother, old grandmother dying. I didn’t have the vision or the spiritual experience to see what is happening in the being. Here, I was able to see very clearly what is happening in that being, but I was not able to help. I was not able to do any help to that person, but I was able to see what was happening in that being.  
I saw very clearly….. first that physical body suffering. It’s almost like a tremendous pain raising in the system. It’s like a thousands of scorpions biting at a time. Every pore, I saw intense pain happening in that body, thousands of scorpions. You see, you know if you cut yourself just half inch you know how you feel. It’s almost like a peeling the skin. I saw that intense pain happening in that body; every pore intense pain.
I saw very clearly….. first that physical body suffering. It’s almost like a tremendous pain raising in the system. It’s like a thousands of scorpions biting at a time. Every pore, I saw intense pain happening in that body, thousands of scorpions. You see, you know if you cut yourself just half inch you know how you feel. It’s almost like a peeling the skin. I saw that intense pain happening in that body; every pore intense pain.
In few minutes I saw that, that person’s soul was not able to tolerate that pain. It just dived into coma; means like a, see, in your system you have an automatic pain killer mechanism, that is the coma. The pain is too much, you fall into coma, That’s a kind of a pain killer mechanism. It’s not that you will not have pain. You will not feel the pain when it becomes too much. Like a sound, if it is too less you can’t hear. If it is too much you can’t hear. The frequency is more, you can’t hear. The same way, if the pain is beyond certain frequency, you push yourself into coma. You don’t, you can’t experience it anymore. You can’t see anymore. I saw that person just jumped into coma. The moment he fell into the coma his being, his soul started leaving the body.
In few minutes I saw that, that person’s soul was not able to tolerate that pain. It just dived into coma; means like a, see, in your system you have a automatic pain killer mechanism, that is the coma. The pain is too much, you fall into coma, That’s a kind of a automatic pain killer mechanism. It’s not that you will not have pain. You will not feel the pain when it becomes too much. Like a sound, if it is too less you can’t hear. If it is too much you can’t hear. The frequency is more, you can’t hear. The same way, if the pain is beyond certain frequency, you push yourself into coma. You don’t, you can’t experience it anymore. You can’t see anymore. I saw that person just jumped into coma. The moment he fell into the coma his being, his soul started leaving the body.
See, because he fell into the coma, all his old engrams, samskaras became alive, awakened. It's like ah when you fall into the dream state all your desires will be awakened. Desire, fear, guilt everything will be wildly playing on you. You can see very clearly, sometime early morning if you wake up, the moment you wake up, if you remember, just few moments before because you were not aware of yourself, you were not aware of the self, the self was not alive, individual, clear; how your fears were possessing you. For example, if you had the dream like you are being, you are running, escaping from a snake or elephant. You can see very clearly, the moment you wake up how the whole thing is empty. But when you are in that coma stage how it was looking really like a reality, truth.
See, because he fell into the coma, all his old engrams, samskaras became alive, awakened. It's like a when you fall into the dream state all your desires will be awakened. Desire, fear, guilt everything will be wildly playing on you. You can see very clearly, sometime early morning if you wake up, the moment you wake up, if you remember, just few moments before because you were not aware of yourself, you were not aware of the self, the self was not alive, individual, clear; how your fears were possessing you. For example, if you had the dream like you have been, you are running, escaping from a snake or elephant. You can see very clearly, the moment you wake up how the whole thing is empty. But when you are in that coma stage how it was looking really like a reality, truth.
I saw very clearly, same way that soul dropping into that coma and all the desires, unfulfilled desires just become alive. See when you don’t have logic, the individual awareness, you will not see the difference between the dream state and waking state. That is why kids till they develop the logic, if they feel hungry in the dream state they will cry in the waking state. If they, whatever they experience in the dream state they will feel in the waking state. They can’t differentiate between the dream state and waking state. In the dream if they feel that somebody has beaten them or some problem, they will be crying in the waking state. They can’t see the difference. If the logic is not sharp enough, if the individual awareness is not there. In sanskrit we have a word pratyagatma chaitanya jagratam -  means individual awareness. If that is not there you will not have the difference between the dream and waking state.
I saw very clearly, same way that soul dropping into that coma and all the desires, unfulfilled desires just become alive. See when you don’t have logic, the individual awareness, you will not see the difference between the dream state and waking state. That is why kids till they develop the logic, if they feel hungry in the dream state they will cry in the waking state. If they, whatever they experience in the dream state they will feel in the waking state. They can’t differentiate between the dream state and waking state. In the dream if they feel that somebody have beaten them or some problem, they will be crying in the waking state. They can’t see the difference. If the logic is not sharp enough, if the individual awareness is not there. In sanskrit we have a word pratyagatma chaitanya jagratam -  means the individual awareness. If that is not there you will not have the difference between the dream and waking state.
I saw in this person, please understand, through this story I am revealing some of the important truths related to death and I am responsible for all the words I am uttering. I’ll answer all your questions related to the subject I am talking. Any doubt you have you can note down and write a question. The next session I will answer. Just like if you go to a lawyer he is ethically bound to give you the right opinion about the problem. So an enlightened being is ethically bound to tell you the truth exactly as it happens about the cosmos. The cosmic questions like life and death and everything.
I saw in this person, please understand, through this story I am revealing some of the important truths related to death and I am responsible for all the words I am uttering. I’ll answer all your questions related to the subject I am talking. Any doubt you have you can note down and write a question. In the next session I will answer. Just like if you go to a lawyer he is ethically bound to give you the right opinion about the problem. So an enlightened being is ethically bound to tell you the truth exactly as it happens about the cosmos. The cosmic questions like life and death and everything.
So, even it was a little shocking, even if it was little against your religious beliefs, your ideas, I am sorry. I am sorry about offending you, but what I am saying is truth. I am expressing it as it happened. Because the person fell into a coma, I saw very clearly all his desires become alive, almost like the frequency of the desires is much more than frequency of his individual soul. So he is just kicked left and right by those desires. This guy has just become four feet and the desires are standing twenty thirty feet. Like a football, he is being played by those desires. They are kicking him left and right.
So, even it was a little shocking, even if it was little against your religious beliefs, your ideas, I am sorry. I am sorry about offending you, but what I am saying is truth. I am expressing it as it happened. Because the person fell into a coma, I saw very clearly all his desires became alive, almost like the frequency of the desires is much more than frequency of his individual soul. So he is just kicked left and right by those desires. This guy has just become just four feet and the desires are standing twenty thirty feet. Like a football, he is being played by those desires. They are kicking him left and right.
Anyhow, it was a terrible suffering for that person. He has felt very deeply depressed that he did not live all these desires. He wants to stay back in the body and live all those desires but body is telling, “No. I am tired. I can’t host you anymore. Please get out.” Body says, “I am pushing you out.” But the desires are so tall, so imposing, so influencing, the soul wants to stay back in the body and enjoy, but unable to. This fight, conflict is what I call suffering, the death suffering. Understand, do not think you will go to hell and you will be put in the hell and boiled. NO! This process is hell. There is no separate hell. This process is hell.  All the engrams, your engrams which you carry as, which you cherish, which you think as life will be awakened the moment you fall into the coma.
Anyhow, it was a terrible suffering for that person. He felt very deeply depressed that he did not live all these desires. He wants to stay back in the body and live all those desires but body is telling, “No. I am tired. I can’t host you anymore. Please get out.” Body says, “I am pushing you out.” But the desires are so tall, so imposing, so influencing, the soul wants to stay back in the body and enjoy, but unable to. This fight, this conflict is what I call suffering, the death suffering. Understand, do not think you will go to hell and you will be put in the hell and boiled. NO! This process is hell. There is no separate hell. This process is hell.  All the engrams, your engrams which you carry as, which you cherish, which you think as life will be awakened the moment you fall into the coma.
So I saw that soul was moving through the desires with tremendous suffering, deep suffering. Then slowly, slowly, slowly that soul moved to the next level. Next level I saw, instead of desires, that soul was attacked by the guilt. See, when you feel, “I should live like this”, it’s a desire. When you feel, “I should have lived like that”, it’s a guilt. When your soul goes towards the future is desire, if it goes towards the past, it’s guilt. I saw this soul getting caught with a deep guilt. “Oh! I should have done this. I should have done this. I should have lived like that. I should have finished that fellow that time. I did not fight properly. I did not do this properly.” You can see even now in your life morning you if finish your fight in the house and go to the office, office where you are working all the points would come. “Oh! I missed this point. I missed that point.” You’ll prepare your notes and come back in the evening. The moment you enter the house, shoes will fly and start the session again with all the points which you remembered. And again, when you are in front of the spouse, in that heat, you will forget points by points to answer. So that night when you are in the bed you will start taking the notes and the next day you are ready.  
So I saw that soul was moving through the desires with tremendous suffering, deep suffering. Then slowly, slowly, slowly that soul moved to the next level. Next level I saw, instead of desires, that soul was attacked by the guilt. See, when you feel, “I should live like this”, it’s a desire. When you feel, “I should have lived like that”, it’s a guilt. When your soul goes towards the future is desire, if it goes towards the past, it’s guilt. I saw this soul getting caught with a deep guilt. “Oh! I should have done this. I should have done this. I should have lived like that. I should have finished that fellow that time. I did not fight properly. I did not do this properly.” You can see even now in your life morning you if finish your fight in the house and go to the office, office where you are working all the points will come. “Oh! I missed this point. I missed that point.” You’ll prepare your notes and come back in the evening. The moment you enter the house, shoes will fly and start the session again with all the points which you remembered. 😊 And again, when you are in front of the spouse, in that heat, you will forget 4-5 points to answer. So that night while you are in the bed you will start taking the notes and next day you are ready. 😊
Anyhow, the guilt, guilt of that person was so strong, that soul immediately wanted to go back to that body and want to relive all those incidents as he wants; wanted to redo everything but body says, “No. I am tired. Get out.” And with that load, please understand, when that soul was going through every desire the stress on that soul was getting increased. The layer, the load was getting increased Then that soul started moving towards the guilt. Then again more load getting addedhi. This load is what I call Karma.
Anyhow, the guilt, guilt of that person was so strong, that soul immediately wanted to go back to that body and want to relive all those incidents as he wants; wanted to redo everything; but body says, “No. I am tired. Get out.” And with that load, please understand, when that soul was going through every desire the stress on that soul was getting increased. The layer, the load was getting increased. Then that soul started moving towards the guilt. Then again more load getting added. This load is what I call Karma.  
Line 92: Line 282:
Please understand, your life is not direct result of your past actions. It is your decisions made about the past actions is this life. For example, last life you gave hundred thousand rupees to somebody or you cheated two thousand rupees from somebody. You killed two people. You saved ten people. Your life in this life is not totality of those actions. Your decisions about all those actions. For example, you see, “Oh! Saving gave me so much of joy. This time I will save a hundred people.” “Oh! Killing gave me real joy. This time I am going to kill hundred people.” “No, no, no! When I swindled money I felt very bad. This time I won’t swindle.” “No, no, no! Last time when I served the money, gave money to others, I felt very joyful. This time I will give more.” What decisions you make about those incidents when you leave the body is this life. Please understand, I am throwing one important light on the concept of karma. I am breaking the traditional idea of karma.
Please understand, your life is not direct result of your past actions. It is your decisions made about the past actions is this life. For example, last life you gave hundred thousand rupees to somebody or you cheated two thousand rupees from somebody. You killed two people. You saved ten people. Your life in this life is not totality of all those actions. Your decisions about all those actions. For example, you see, “Oh! Saving gave me so much of joy. This time I will save a hundred people.” “Oh! Killing gave me real joy. This time I am going to kill hundred people.” “No, no, no, no, no! When I swindled money I felt very bad. This time I won’t swindle.” “No, no, no! Last time when I served the money, gave money to others, I felt very joyful. This time I will give more.” What decisions you make about those incidents when you leave the body is this life. Please understand, I am throwing one of the important light on the concept of karma. I am breaking the traditional idea of karma.
Ends at (17:26)
==Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 1 || NSC==  
===Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 2 || NSC===  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEryM8eGCf8 |
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwLD9VKVQbE |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-04_mystical-death-formula-physical-layer-part-1-nsc-04-feb-2010"/>
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-04_mystical-death-formula-physical-layer-part-2-nsc-04-feb-2010"/>
===Transcript of Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 2 || NSC===
Your life in this janma is not the totality of all the actions you did in the past. It is the decisions you made about your past. Let Me be very straight. For example: Somebody has done a hundred murder in the last birth. When he left the body he was very clear: “No, it brought so much suffering to me. I am not going to do anymore.” Then that hundred death, that will not have any impact on your present life. You may think: “Oh, it is unfair, he should suffer, he should go through.” I do not know whether it is fair or unfair, I am stating as it happens. This is the way the law of Karma is functioning; whether it is fair or not, you can sue him when you see him. That I do not know. I am giving you the straight clarity.
==Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 2 || NSC==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwLD9VKVQbE |
Please understand, these understandings will really help you to develop a strategy planning about your life. If you develop a strategy planning, just with idea of seventy or eighty years as your life, it is called materialistic life. If you develop a strategy planning, knowing all the secrets of life, death, life after death, from your existent till your disappearing into the cosmos; not death, understand not death, disappearing into cosmos means enlightenment. If you develop a strategy planning, having all those ideas clearly, it is called spiritual life that’s all.
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-02feb-04_mystical-death-formula-physical-layer-part-2-nsc-04-feb-2010"/>
The material life and spiritual life, the only difference is: Not the way in which you act or live or anything. If you have the strategy planning, thinking you are going to live only eighty years or ninety years. Of course Indians don’t live that much, because of belly fat. All of you should be aware, Indians die 13 years, one three years earlier, just because of the belly fat. The researchers are proving, your liver, kidney, brain everything can function 13 years more average, but you die thirteen years ahead just because of the belly, fat means heart problem.
All over the world, sick… the cardiac patients, heart heart patients, sixty percent are Indians and Indians have 600% more heart problems and heart attacks. These are some of the statistics… than any other race. See the, in that uh whole list, next to Indians, whatever race is there, that race is the second level, we are 600% more than the second level person. Then understand the difference between us and the next level is 600%. Our lifestyle and uh what is it, just lifestyle that is the main reason, main reason why we suffer.
Anyhow, if you think you are going to live only in this body and do strategy planning - its material life. If you are clear about you start happening until you merge with the cosmos, till your enlightenment, if you are clear about the happenings and the secrets of what happens during the climax moments of your life, like a life happening - birth or death, different climax moments. With this clarity if you develop a strategy planning that is spiritual life. Understand with this clarity if you develop a strategy planning for your life, you will not be surprised or shocked during your climaxes.
For example if you have insurance to face certain, certain accident in your life, you will not be completely pulled down. You may be shaken little bit, it’s not that you’ll become, you will completely fall, you can stand up again, you will be able to manage. Same way, if you have a strategy planning knowing this basic truths of life and death, you will not be completely shaken. You will be shaken little but you can always stand up. You have a back-up plan. Please understand, so whatever I am sharing, if you imbibe intensely, you can revise your strategy planning, you will have a back-up plan for your death and life.
One more thing, anything which you clearly think again and again, any idea which you keep as a base for your strategy planning will not be forgotten even during your death. Even during your death you won’t forget these ideas, if you again and again take decisions based on these ideas. See, whatever idea you carry about you and make decisions will not be forgotten even in the end. Now these truths can give so much of clarity about your strategy planning.
So when I saw that soul leaving the next level through the guilt, it was such a strong pain, such a heavy pain that: “I did not do this. I should have lived like that. I should have done this. I should have done this.” That guy says: “I want to go back and live.” Body says: “No. Get out.” Then this fellow says: “Alright, at least next janma I’ll undo all this.” Whatever was strongly influencing him, whatever decision he made: “Next janma I will do.” That became one layer of karma on him. So when he leaves the body, first, he acquires a strong pain and falls into coma. Second he sees all his desire engram, acquires the layers and layers of desires which he wants to fulfil in the next body. Sees all the guilt engram, acquires all the ways, guilts he wants to relive or undo in the next body, means accumulating karma.
It's like a shopping mall. Both side too much is there. Whatever attracts your attention too much, you buy that. If nothing attracts your attention, you are too tall than anything displayed, you are too shining than anything displayed, you don’t need, you are joyful by yourself, you don’t need these things to give joy to you, you just walk through. Sometime how you walk in the airport, both side too much is displayed, but you are fulfilled. You don’t feel those things can add joy to you. So even though all those karmas are there, you are not accumulating, you are just walking. All the items which are in the airport displayed are sanchita, whatever you buy is your prārabdha, after landing in the body, here what you buy in your āgāmya. I have clearly described three level karmas. Whatever is displayed in the airport, duty free. Actually it is not duty free, when you buy you start the duty.
I saw this soul walking, when it crossed the guilt area, he buys so many things, “Oh I will fulfill all this”, then he walks through all the pains he suffered in the life, all the pains. Kind of a… all those pains are displayed there alive, either he picks up anger or vengeance or depression from those pains. If he has courage he says: “I’ll go and finish that fellow off. I will… this time I will kill him.” Anger. If he is not courageous, he gets depression “Oh God, if I go once more he may kill me again” depression or fear. He buys all these things in that shop, he walks through step by step like this different layers of his own being, his own engrams. Finally I saw that guy just loaded so much, with so much of karma, he just took the body within few seconds, within few seconds he assumed the body.
Please understand. Yama Dharma describes this process in Kato Upanishad. If any of you have read the book: Tibetian book of the dead. Any of you have read that book? That describes this process very clearly. See the end of the Upanishad in the commentary, one master writes, not the upanishad itself, in the commentary: “Don’t tell these secrets to people who are not qualified, your head will burst.” I thought why is… why are they putting this condition. I saw really, people who are not qualified, if they listen all these things, they are not only not able to understand they start abusing the person who told these truths: “Ahh, he is telling some stories. He is frightening us. He is threatening us.” Please understand, I have no vested interest to frighten you. I am not funded by any company who is promoting death. I don’t have any reason or process. I am just stating the fact as it is to you, presenting it to you. Maybe these ideas will change your strategy planning about life. That's all I expect. That’s all I expect nothing else.
Anyhow he took the body immediately, the whole process took I can say maybe four to five hours. I don’t know exactly but very long. But long before doctors have declared that he is medically dead and went away. Please understand, I am coming back to the place where I was seeing this death. Doctors declared he is medically dead and they went away. This whole process was going on for a long time. I was able to see the whole thing. One worst thing happened was, this was such a strong experience on Me and I was not able to help to that person. It was such a strong experience because, see, I had My own experience of enlightenment at the age of twelve but My… I did not have that system or technology or energy to help the person. I Myself had My own experience. It’s like I can swim and escape but I am not able to save somebody. I was not able to drag. I did not have a boat to save somebody. So I was able to see the problem, I was not able to save.
It's like a, if you see an accident directly you can’t eat for next two, three days. Same way, I saw the whole thing. It was such a strong pain on Me… and one more thing: Of course it was not a pain on personal, like a personal-personal but er sympathy or the empathy; because of that it was such a strong experience. Anyhow, this Swami recovered, I really thought this Swami will die and that guy will recover. It happened in the other way and still I am not able to solve this mystery. I have seen twenty, thirty incidents. If somebody in the neighbour, next house dies, the old lady or old man who was sick in this house will recover; still I am not able to understand that mystery but er it’s happening. So this guy recovered, I didn’t know how. Why? This guy recovered. This Swami, whom I was taking care, he recovered. Because he recovered I left the hospital and I started continuing My journey and after some time I had My own death experience, very strong experience in Varanasi.
That experience gave Me the, I can say the technique or method to help others who are in death bed, to heal them and help them very peacefully relax. Anyhow. It was a very strong experience happened in me. After that I Myself had realised My avataric mission or whatever I wanted to do in My life. That's what, clarity about My future happened.
Then I came and settled down in the South India in Bangalore. Again I had a chance of attending one more death. Please understand. In Bangalore I was attending, taking care of one of our devotee, I was healing her. The next bed I saw one person was dying. The moment I saw this person is dying, I wanted to run away because I do not want to go through that same experience once more. But this devotee whom I was taking care, very old lady, she caught hold of My hand and said “No, no, don't leave me and go away. I am afraid, please be here.” She just caught My hand very strongly, I used to have a, in those days a bracelet. She just held my bracelet very strongly and did not leave Me, did not let Me go. I stood there; because no other way, I stood there. Anyhow I had to watch the second death.
But one great thing, this death was completely different. I saw very clearly the moment that intense pain was awakened this guy instead of falling into coma, he became more alive, more strong. Because he became more conscious and alive that pain just disappeared, started subsiding. Please understand, even if you have knee pain, a very simple technique: just become… close your eyes and see what is happening there, become aware of what is happening there, without labeling it as a pain. Just see what is happening, like how kids see, look at a rose, they will look fresh, alive. Same way look at that pain very alive without labeling it as a pain, just as it is. You will see that pain will disappear, so the more awareness, pain will disappear.
I saw, this guy is become a strong and more aware; the pain disappeared and he started walking through his engrams. I saw very clearly he was standing tall, alive, aware. He was standing twenty feet and desires are all like four feet, three feet. He just walked through the desires, did not pick up even one. It’s almost like a royal salute; all the desires are like a soldiers standing and saluting him and he is walking through tall, he is walking tall. Then I saw he was walking through his guilt, all the guilts are like a small ponies standing and he was straight walking through; did not even see the guilts. Then through his pains, he did not pick up a single pain or anger or vengeance. I was shocked actually, it’s like er if you put a knife through the butter how it will come out that beautiful way he was coming out, it was too much.
Then finally I saw he was passing through his pain. Did not pick up single guilt or depression or anger. He just walked through his causal body; causal body is a… where all the engrams are dumped, like your garage, your car garage or in India, always below the steps, below the first floor steps you will have that small shoe box where you dump everything. That’s your causal layer, where all the useless, broken unwanted, unused, worry diagram, engrams are dumped. He walked even through that engrams, layer, did not pick up anything. He just walked through. Suddenly I saw, because he did not have any engram, he just became enlightened. He just left the body, it was beautiful enlightenment. I was really shocked. I saw how come that first guy had such a worst death and this second guy is having such a beautiful, peaceful relaxed process and he became enlightened. It was very revealing for Me.
I enquired the family, the family was standing next. I enquired: “Is he a great Mahatma or enlightened being?” They said: “No, why? What are you talking? He had a business and two wife and he was managing his family.” I asked: “No, no, is he used to meditate or he used to go to temples regularly or very spiritual person?” They said: “No, no, nothing doing. He is actually atheist, not only will never meditate, will not even go to temples.” I asked: “Did he had some guru who blessed him or assured, gave him abhaya?” They said: “No. He never had any guru.”
Then I started meditating: Then what can be the reason? That guy had such a worst death and this second guy had such a beautiful death. It’s not even death, it’s practically enlightenment. How did it happen? When I started contemplating a strong truth was revealed to Me. Please understand, not for pride, I am just stating the honest truth. If you are not able to catch it, forgive Me, but I have to tell the honest truth as it is: I just realised this guy has died in the Presence of somebody who has, who can support and assist through energy.
==Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 3 || NSC==
===Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 3 || NSC===
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===Transcript of Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 3 || NSC===
I did not have any will to support him. Please understand, I did not have any will to support him or assist him. But the intense Presence. I saw very clearly when I, later on when I meditated, I suddenly understood. See, when he got into the pain he should have fallen into coma, then all the side effects would have happened. But because of My intense Presence, instead of falling into coma, he became more aware, more aware. See that simple one shift from instead of falling into coma, he has fallen into higher awareness. That took care of everything and just because of that one shift. He peacefully passed through his desires, his guilt, his pain and his causeless engrams and relaxed into enlightenment.
Please understand, then I really felt, “Oh god! If at all I can do this one help to human beings My whole life is over, done. Iam done”. Because, see any other help can be done by anybody else. But this one help beautiful, peaceful relaxation at the time of death, it’s a ultimate gift. If somebody can give this to people, then he doesn't need to do anything else. That’s the best thing can happen to humanity. But unfortunately I cannot go and stand in all the hospitals and tell people ‘quickly die, I have to go to next hospital.’ That doesn't, that cannot happen. Then what is the way to reproduce this same second death experience on everybody?
When I started meditating I realized few things. See an enlightened being's energy is not limited to time and space. Even though he experienced because he was in that same space, but it was not always limited to time or space. It can be contacted at any day, any place, anywhere. What is really needed for this experience to be reproduced on every being while they leave the body? When I meditated, it took two and a half days for Me. After two and a half days, kind of a light ball, like a intense golden light ball, some understanding landed in Me. That is the technology to reproduce, that same experience on every being. Means, if the power of the engrams are reduced while they are in the body, the engrams are taken out and the frequency of the individual consciousness is raised than the frequency… it’s like you see, now you are… your engrams are ten feet tall, you are only three feet tall. If you are made twenty feet tall and engrams are reduced to two feet tall, you will simply walk through them when you leave the body.
So if this can happen then death will not be painful, it’ll be just beautiful, blissful. You will be given a choice whether to take one more body or just to relax in the cosmos. So the technology which happened in Me at that time as a revelation is this Nithyananda Spurana. This is the technology which happened in Me. I am opening up as it happened in Me in you, as it happened in Me in you. Please understand, I am expecting two things to happen through this: One when you leave the body, you will have peaceful, without any suffering or pain through engrams you will leave the body. Second, you will have clear choice and freedom to take one more body or to be in the cosmos, means live as a Jeevan Muktha.
If you want to take one more body you will have the clear idea where to, what to, when, why. Then naturally that life will be joyful. If you did not have, if you don’t want to take one more body you can just be a Jeevan Muktha. This is what I expect for you to happen through this technology, first thing. Second thing when I started working with this technology on thousands and thousands of people, I suddenly realized after this technology not only people's death become blissful and beautiful, even their life becomes blissful and beautiful because of no engrams, because of less engrams.
You see actually the originally the technology itself  happened in Me for peaceful death. But when I saw people who went through this technology, even their life has become peaceful and blissful, I started offering this program not only for death for life also, for life also. Because when the engrams are reduced when your frequency is increased, naturally you become more healthy, more peaceful, better relationships, more energy. Because of all these things naturally creating more wealth apart from that, the spiritual experience. I saw even for life this helps.
So please understand, these are the few words I wanted to share about the technology. One more thing, whatever I uttered is truth, I am responsible for these words. Now I know I have created many questions in you about death, about life. You can write anything you want about this subject, I’ll answer your questions.
You are not actually one thing, you are a seven part. The first part of you is that physical bone, flesh, this body. Please understand, physical body which is made out of blood, bones and flesh, this is a first layer. Your second layer is your breathing energy, inhaling, holding, spreading, exhaling and releasing. See, you have five air process happening in you. We call in Sanskrit Pancha Prana: prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana, means inhaling, holding, the prana which is inhaled spreading inside your body to all the parts, oxygen being supplied to all the parts and unnecessary air being exhaled, exhaling and the stomach cleaning itself through gas, so apana. Five process, please understand this five process; if it is happening properly naturally you will be healthy.
Sometime people come and complain about the gastric trouble. Please understand, if you don’t release the gas that is the problem. As per ayurveda… as per British technology, see, the British has their own ideas about the body, their own ideas about the body. If the apana is not clear, getting cleaned, that is the real problem. Somehow this social etiquette and so many confusions got added with the body and maintenance of the body. British have their own idea, we started swallowing British idea. Five process is a basic process of the body: inhaling, holding, the air circulated inside your body and exhaling and inside cleaning, inside cleaning. So this five process is pancha prana, this is the second layer of you.
And third layer is your inner chattering, continuous inner chattering happening in you; that’s your third layer.
Fourth layer is the emotion, your emotions is your fourth layer.
And fifth layer in the deep sleep which you experience, or the peace that is your fifth layer.
Sixth layer is causeless joy, you experience very rarely in your life, that’s your sixth layer.
Your seventh layer is enlightenment. All these seven put together is you. Unfortunately you don’t experience more than three or four in your life, maximum four.
So now I’ll make you experience all the seven and remove engrams from all the different layers. Why you don’t experience your prana layer properly -  because of the engrams stored there. Why you don’t experience, you are not aware of all your inner chattering - because of the engrams stored there. Why you don’t experience all the emotions happening in you properly, you have so much of chaos - because engrams associated to the emotions, engrams associated to the memory. That’s why you don’t have the clarity when those emotions happen in you.
So we will work on each layer, experience each layer clearly and remove the engrams from each layer. Now we will have a break. So let’s gather for next session. Thank you.
==Video - Kumbh Mela, Kundalini and More! || Q & A || NSC==
===Video - Kumbh Mela, Kundalini and More! || Q & A || NSC===
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==Video - Birth, Abortion and More! || Q & A || NSC ==
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===Link to Video: Mystical Truths about the Causal Layer || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010===
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===Transcript:to Video: Mystical Truths about the Causal Layer || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010===
Now we will be going back to that same causal layer from which your body was created consciously and recreate your whole being. That causal layer only is called Kali. In sanskrit Kali means darkness. That’s all. The exact translation of the word Kali means darkness. This technique is beautifully described in Kularnava tantra. Intensely meditating on cosmic darkness; that is your sleep. See, your sleep is nothing but darkness being covered in darkness. Unfortunately we have wrong idea about  darkness, as if it is life negative. No, understand, it is not. All our life comes from the darkness which is in your mother’s womb and goes back to cosmic darkness. So that is our mother. That is our source from where we come out and where we go and merge.
That is why it is such a deep peace. The word Kali means darkness. Now we are going to meditate on quality of Kali. Not just the form of Kali. You see, even the form of Kali is very beautiful. On one hand she is holding the sword - the left raised hand sword. The lower hand - the cut head, severed head. And this hand [right hand] she is giving abhaya and varada;  means, if your ego is cut by the knowledge sword you are blessed and protected. That’s all. That’s what she symbolizes. See, unfortunately somehow that darkness is associated with negativity. It is not. It is not negative. The dark, the Kali’s darkness is motherly darkness - the darkness which gives you the deep peace and healing in which your body and mind is rejuvenated every day. The only problem you have you have is your fear about that darkness. If you just drop your fear and enter into the darkness you will see you are in mother’s lap. You are in mother’s lap. You are in cosmic mother’s energy again.
I have seen in My experience hundreds of people walk out of their sleeping pills and any other problems related to insomnia, chronic fatigue just with this one session. When I say I am  really responsible. So put all your energy… even the eye problem because you see the eye problem is nothing but having too much of stress during the sleep. Now the recent studies says if you don’t have deep sleep if your constantly eye balls are moving during the sleep that creates a stress and all the eyes related problems happens in you. Eye related problems are happening in you. So please understand this one process can work and help even to heal your eyes. Too much of eye ball movement during the sleep, they call it REM rapid eye movement. And during the sleep, if your stress and dreams are too much, the eye ball movement will be too much. That creates stress. That creates all disease related to eyes.
So go into this process. Go into this meditation. It will heal you in so many ways. Not only physically and mentally, you will carry a deep peace in you, a kind of a light being. This process will help you to carry a light being. Many time having a light being itself solves many problems. If you carry that light being you won’t have a problem. Many time the people who wanted to torture you when they see you are not tortured, they just disappear. They just can’t understand what is going on. They’ll just disappear. Many time you will not create enemies if you carry light being. Carrying the light being can happen if  you meditate on Mother. The mother energy is such a solid energy, such a peaceful energy, the meditation on Kali… please understand, when I say meditation on Kali, the qualities, gunas of Kali - deep peace and deep eternal darkness - Healing darkness - alive, living, peaceful, eternal darkness.
When you meditate on this Kali energy you will have the light being. Your ego, the strong ego will be cut by the knowledge sword. And you will carry a deep light being. See after this layer, it’s all too mystical. Logically I cannot relate exactly and with your logic and tell you exactly what is happening. I am really, actually struggling.  Big traffic jam in My throat; how to connect and logically convince you to meditate on this darkness. I am telling, telling, telling so many things. But I Myself feel very clearly still I am not able to completely talk in your language. Because after this subtle body the logic does not work. It’s only straight process and mystical techniques. That is why your logic can be useful  only to a certain level. Beyond that just straight away going into the process and experiencing only solves the problem.
Because many thing relate… You see, now I have said that just through this process I have helped many people to walk out of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's. But still I am not able to logically connect why they got healed because of this process. I am only able to see that the disease is related to causal layer problem. And healing the causal layer heals the disease. That's all I am able to say. I am not able to exactly pinpoint. But there are many things I am able to pinpoint. The engram and the disease, I am able to straight away connect.  But still with this causal layer I am not able to connect the problem and the solution. I am only able to feel this heals the causal layer, because the causal layer is healed that problem gets solved.
It’s something I know the solution, but not the root. How I arrived, came to the solution? If you read this Ramanujam’s life, mathematic… great mathematician; all his, many of his solutions, he just knows the solution. If you give the problem, he will give you the solution within microseconds, not even seconds. Before even you complete the problem, he will give you the solution. But if you ask him “how did you come to this conclusion?” He doesn't know. He says that “Solingapuram Mahalakshmi gave the solution.” That is his causal layer. Solingapuram Mahalakshmi that is his ishta devata. He was born and brought up near the Solingapuram. In Tamil Nadu there is a beautiful Narashimma Swamy temple, old temple. That Mahalakshmi gave him darshan and blessed him.
So “the Solingapuram Mahalakshmi gave me the solution.” That is unimaginable intuition. That happens from this causal layer. But the problem is he is not, he was never able to give the steps. That will take five, six days for him to come to the steps. Many of his steps has still holes. I have studied some of his problems and the solutions. The problem is right, solution is right. But how he connects, that steps have lots of holes. You can’t say that is the right step, but the solution is right. So this is the expression of causal layer. So when the causal layer is healed you will just know beyond your logic, you will start seeing beyond your logic, you will start experiencing many things beyond your logic.
I can give you one more example of this causal layer. Sometime in some parties or when you go to some new places suddenly you will have a thought. Either some person is going to come or some incident is going to happen in next five, six minutes. You will see exactly that will happen. Or, you will go to a new place, suddenly you will have the feeling you know that house thoroughly, every room, every corner, every object. First time you may be visiting. But you think, you suddenly feel you know everything. When you go inside, it will be exactly the same way. How many of you felt this in your life at least once? This is causal layer. Understand. This is causal layer. Those few moments you just fell into the causal layer accidently. You fall into the causal layer accidentally.
You see, sometime people say, no, no, no it is coincidence. If it happens in one person's life once, you can call it coincidence. So many of you. Please raise your hand once more. Let  me see. See practically 90% are raising the hand. How can be this coincidence, if it is 90%? Something more than coincidence. There is a science behind it. The, when you are in that causal layer you will just see beyond logic you jump. And the decisions are made revelations happen. That is the mother energy. That is the mother energy. Mother energy and the intuition are very closely connected. That is why around the world all mother worshippers will be carrying this intuition power. You can see mother worship is always connected to intuition power. All cultures please understand. I am not talking only about Indian culture. All cultures wherever the mother worship is accepted and revered you will see intuition in that civilizations, in that countries, in that places intuition will be there.
Wherever mother energy, mother worship not accepted, they all will be logic worshippers. The whole civilizations can be classified as two; logic worshipers, intuition worshipers. All logic worshiping civilizations are built on money, currency, wall street. All mother worship civilizations are built on heart - the agriculture, the land based. These are the only two civilizations. Understand.  I am connecting some of the deep basic secrets of different civilizations. All mother worshiping civilizations not only in India all over the world, they are all built on agriculture, land based. They are not built on currency based. They are built on land based. And they will all be based on the intuition. They will all be intuition worshiper’s. They will all be radiating the intuition. If you go to our Indian villages, still you will  see  every Indian village will  have at least two, three guys who is giving that oracle. Who is giving, that he will be predicting what will happen. They will just simple villagers they will be sitting in village.
I had My own one experience in My life. I was, during My yatra, in one village under a tree there was a small stone applied all the turmeric, kumkum and all those things, all those things. I did not have any idea that somebody was worshipping that.  I thought something. I put my head on that and slept to rest. From two and a half miles distance one farmer is running and coming to Me within one hour. That guy is telling “Come on get up. Because You are sadhu I am leaving You. Otherwise I would have killed. It’s my deity Devi. She appeared in my dream and I saw that somebody was disrespecting so I ran and came here.”
All you need to do - meditate on your sleep. That’s all. Nothing else. See what you experience during sleep? Deep peace and deep darkness. Meditate on that peaceful darkness. That’s all. Only one condition head should be straight. I don’t want you to be sleeping, I want  you to be meditating on sleeping. You see I wanted you to enter into that space consciously. So that you can enter whenever you want  and you can come out wherever you don’t want. As on now sleep is not under your control. It will come when it wants, it will go when it wants. I,  through this process I am bringing sleep under your control. You can enter when you want, you can come out when you don’t want. So once the sleep comes under your control, many problems will be completely solved. The freshness, being alive, so many problems will be completely solved.
Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010
===Link to Video: Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010===
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===Transcript:to Video: Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010===
The third body is mental layer, inner chattering. Inner chattering which is constantly happening in you. The engram we store in this layer is guilt. Please understand. If you feel ‘I should live like this’ about the future, it is desire. If you feel ‘I should have lived like that’ about the past, it is guilt. Your consciousness going to the future is desire, getting into the past and messing the whole thing is guilt. Let Me define the guilt - scanning, judging your past life incidents with updated intelligence is guilt. Please understand. Judging your past life incidents with updated intelligence is guilt.
For example at the age of seven you are playing with your toys, your mother comes and says come and eat drop the toys. You say “No. I don’t want to eat.” If your mother snatches your toys, the kids will shout “No, you go and die. Give me my toys, get lost. Give me my toys.” At that moment for that intelligence the toys were looking much more important than the mother. Now you know mother is more useful than the toys. If you start creating guilt, “Oh at the, at that time I abused my mother without knowing that she is more important than the toys.” No. That is not intelligence. But that is what we do. At the age of seven you had only that much intelligence. The toys were looking much more important than the mother. Please understand. When you grow your intelligence gets updated. Use your intelligence to celebrate your life, not to punish yourself through the guilt. Now you have the intelligence mother is more important than the toy. Use this intelligence to celebrate your life, celebrate your understanding, not to judge your decisions. Please understand. Every moment what you think as right and do, can become guilt if you revisit the same decision after few days. Because in few days you would have grown.
If you revisit the same incidents after few days and you don’t feel guilty, something is wrong with you because your intelligence is not updated. Understand. All you need is neither revisiting nor having guilt. Go on updating intelligence and just go ahead, go ahead, go ahead with it. Don’t revisit, don’t rejudge any incident; if you revisit with the updated intelligence you will create guilt. You will create guilt. One more thing, there is no such thing as a right or wrong. There is no scale. There is no scale. Understand. Life is constant expansion. Today what was wrong for you will be right for you tomorrow. Today what was right for you may be wrong for tomorrow. So it is a constant expansion. It is a constant experiment. All I wanted to tell you is at this moment whatever intelligence you have, be honest with that intelligence. That’s all. There is no such thing, there is no scale; who is here to tell Me… the tell, come on tell the scale, come on. Where is the scale? There is no scale. There is no scale to say right, wrong to create any guilt in you.
So this moment be honest to your core to yourself as much as you can. That’s all. Nothing else can be done. Somebody came and asked Me the other day “I have a deep guilt in me Swamiji, so much of guilt is put on me. I don’t know how to get out of it.” I said “Come on, tell Me who can say what is wrong and right.” The person who says something is right, something is wrong and puts guilt in you; can he come with you after you die? He can’t. After your death you are going to go alone. Ask him, “Are you going to come with me, then judge me?” You are not. He can’t even take one simple headache which you have. He can give headache but he can’t take it. See in your life, all the fellows who go on judging you putting that guilt layer in you, constantly creating the self abusal technology… that’s what I call, the guilt is nothing but self abusal technology. Who inserts this system into you, he can’t help you, he can’t support you.
People ask Me, “No, no, no without guilt how are we going to grow?” Please understand. With guilt you can never grow. With guilt you can never raise your moral standard. You can never raise your consciousness. I tell you, with guilt even if you raise your moral standard it is not worth it. It will only lead to more depression. See, when a horse is running you can stop the horse in two way. One holding the rope, other one throwing a big stone on the horse. Holding the rope means understanding through which you stop. Throwing a stone on it, in that way also you can stop. But the horse will never run again. So if you stop your mind, by putting the guilt, if you bring morality by putting the guilt on it you will have, but the horse will no more useful, useful for you.
So, one more thing, guilt is like a wedge inserted into your system. If you have seen in the villages, when they cut wood they will insert a wedge. Same way in your consciousness the wedge inserted into your consciousness is guilt.
I will tell you one small incident. It’s really happened. One person, in this session, when I was sharing about guilt, in that meditation process she started weeping profusely. After the session I had few minutes with her. I have healed her, guided her. In the root chakra she had a tumor for 11 years. She says she underwent three surgeries, but within one month the tumor will come back. So she was suffering for years with the tumor. Anyhow she went through this process and went away. After three months she came back and said “Swamiji I don’t know what happened to me. The tumor has disappeared automatically.” And now this has happened two and half years before. Till now she has not got the tumor back, it has disappeared once for all. See in the guilt session when she was talking to Me, she had a very deep guilt. In the young age she had some, somebody has abused her, something has… wrong has been done to her. That guilt has gone so deep into her system she started hating that part of the body. Literally through energy she disconnected herself from that part. Just almost like a energy clot, like a blood clot, energy clot. That energy clot was responsible for her disease again and again happening. Once she came out of that energy clot completely the disease disappeared and never returned.
Understand. I am giving you one example, we carry 1000’s of energy clots. I can say all problems related to wheezing  - the prana movement, whether it’s a particular part pains or the skin disease, all these diseases. These are all because of prana movements only. Prana movements, especially psoriasis, all these things directly related to guilt. Please understand. When I say this I am responsible. If you have any problem related to wheezing or skin disorders or this particular parts paining, it’s directly related to guilt. Go into this session completely. You will see that completely disappears.
When I say this word I am responsible. Because I worked with this one technique with this one process, millions of people come out of their problems. See I can say at least 200 people I have walked out of their cancers with this one session; in My experience of last eight years, at least 200 cancers, because if you google and see the top ten reasons for cancers one is guilt. In the top ten reasons one is guilt. Guilt creates I can say at least 20% of the cancers. For 20% of the cancers, guilt is responsible. Directly responsible. Just if you can walk out of the guilt I can say 20% cancers can melt down. It can just disappear. Not only cancer, even the suffering in the lifetime; there are so many sufferings.
See in the initial level, below the age of seven the family puts lot of guilt into you; because there are many rules, they don’t have patience or intelligence to explain to you. For example why you should not eat with left hand? Ask your parents. They don’t have reason. They just beat you ‘hey don’t touch; don’t do.’ But for a child he doesn’t know right, left or anything. Still I have a problem of right, left. Sometimes people feel little offended when I give energy darshan or initiation through left hand. But the problem is what is there, it's your skin, how much you are alive in this corner, you are alive same way in this corner. But unfortunately there are so many things which is put on you. You see I am not saying start using left hand, but there is no ... if you..when you say..when you tell your kids, ‘don’t use’, you should have little patience or intelligence to spend time with them and make them understand. See in those days we did not have better soaps, so this hand was used for washing. Just the five minutes job for that you need to leave one full hand for 24 hours. Really unproductive. Now you have soaps, detergents use everything. Why are you leaving one hand without using just for five minutes job? Too costly. No just think of productivity. It’s too costly.
There are so many rules we dump on kids without giving them logical reason, without understanding, to relate with their level of logic. That is the first layer guilt. Understand. The first layer guilt cripples child’s logic. So many ways… you see the kids have the habit of whirling; around the world, all tradition, the kids have the habit of whirling, because whirling balances their energy. Sufi’s use that technique. One part of Islam there is a tradition called Sufi tradition, they are a great mystics - Sufi’s - they use this technique of whirling. Whirling balances your energy. When kids whirl you shout at them ‘hey keep quiet, don’t do’. The problem is, the deep down you have jealous, jealousy. We are suffering, depressed, and these guys are so happy, jumping around. No, really, it’s a deep down jealous. You can’t tolerate somebody happy in front of you. That is the problem. And you give your own reasons, ‘no, no no kids may fall.’ If you have the concern just put two, three mattress and let them whirl around it, whirl on the mattress.
Actually kids if they fall on their own they will never hurt themselves. Only if you stand there they will start crying. Observe, if they fall first thing they do, they will just look around. If there is nobody they will just get up and walk coolly. They will simply walk. Only if somebody is around and showing that sympathetic face ‘oh what happened? What happened?’ Then they will start ah..h. Otherwise if they fall on their own they won’t, they will, not only they will not be hurt, they will not shout, they will not do anything. They will simply do things on their own.
Understand. The first layer guilt put on the kids is rules forced on them without explaining to their logic. That’s the first layer guilt which is forced below the age of seven.
Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010
===Link to Video:Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010===
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===Transcript:to Video:Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010===
We will work on the second layer now. As I was describing yesterday I am trying to take you into the, all the deep experiences step by step. Working on death is the first layer - physical layer, working on all your bio memory, working on very physical layer. First we started working on fear of death, fears and worries related to death - That's the first layer - physical layer. The second, now we will work is, allow all your desires and thoughts to come up illogically, irrationally. You see, do not judge whether it is a right desire or wrong desire. The moment you start judging your mind will stop telling you the truth. It's like a ... the moment you start controlling your kids they will just stop telling you what they are doing. That's all. It's not that they are going to stop what they are doing. They will only stop telling you what they are doing. You will just teach them how to hide. That's all, nothing else.
So we will open your second layer. Second layer is the prana sarira. As I was describing, the prana sarira is the place where you store all your desire engrams. All your desire engrams are stored in the prana sarira.
Inhaling, holding, spreading, exhaling, cleaning; these are the five activities of the prana, pancha prana. In this all your desire engrams get stored. That is why when your desires change, the prana activity will change. If you're caught with lust suddenly you will see your breathing is totally different. You have a different breathing pattern. Every desire has a different breathing pattern, different breathing system. So, if you work on breathing you can open all the desire engrams. All the desire engrams can open up. It can be made available to you.
If you remember, I was describing the first death. I told you, that person fell into the coma. The moment he fell into the coma all his desires woke up, became alive, started harassing him. You can see this happening even in your dream state. The moment your logic stops functioning, all your desires will be awakened, alive and it will start moving your consciousness as it wants.
Now we are going to consciously enter into the same energy field or the same space where your logic will not be standing and judging. Your logic will not be standing and verifying. But all your desires will be alive, activated. I am trying to help you pass through the stage of prana sarira now itself, consciously, which you will go through any way when you are leaving the body. So, we will be doing two step: one reducing the power of your acquired desires, second increasing the frequency of your consciousness. As I said yesterday, raising your height to thirty feet and reducing the height of the desire to three, four feet.
See you have two layer desire in you.
One Prarabdha: The desire which you brought with you.
Second Agamya: The desire which you acquired here after landing.
See desire itself is not wrong; because your life source is desire. Desire is your fuel. Without desire you can't even get up from your bed. Early morning you can see even if you are out of sleep, unless you have a strong desire you will not jump out of the bed. You will not feel your whole body. Either you should have a desire to do something or you should have the fear if you don't do, you will miss something. Indirectly that is also a desire. Only desire can get you out of your bed. So, desire is your life force. Desire itself is nothing wrong. Nothing is wrong with your desire itself. But the problem is the agamya - accumulated desire.
Very beautifully Mahavira says, “When you land in the world God sends everything you need including the amount of food; whatever you need to enjoy in the world, everything is sent. He doesn't deprive you.” But we all feel we don't have enough. Why? The problem is when you land in the world you have certain ideas. You see, this many years I want to live. This much I want to enjoy. For this much only I can take the responsibility. More than this I cannot handle. With this clarity you land. All the things needed for you is sent. Unfortunately after landing you forget your prarabdha what for you landed and you see everything else everybody else and start accumulating their desires also.
It’s like a …. you go to the main market with ten thousand rupee to buy your clothes. Suddenly one of your friend sees you there and takes you for jewellery shop and you blow away the money in the jewellery. Now for clothes you don't have money. And you want to... then immediately go for credit card, credit card or bargaining whatever or borrowing the money. Sameway when you land in the body what for you land you have enough for that. For your prarabdha you have enough. Unfortunately after that you start accumulating more desires. The desires which are accumulated are agamya. Accumulated desires naturally leads to the feeling of poverty.
You feel, ‘No, this is not there, that is not there, life is not enough, time is not enough, money is not enough, things are not enough.’ Not enough happens to you when you accumulate agamya; when you accumulate agamya. Agamya is the main reason, accumulated desires are the main reason for feeling poverty - for feeling not enough. Now the big question is how to find out, “What I am living or doing is agamya or prarabdha?” See, the innate desire, the desires which you brought - prarabdha - while they are there in you, they will give you inspiration. When you fulfill them they will give you deep fulfillment - You lived your life.
Agamya - accumulated desire - while they are there they will give you deep irritation. When you fulfill them, complete them again the big problem is you will suddenly feel empty. See the quality with your…. the desires which you brought before fulfilling it will be very inspiring. The moment you remember, it will be inspiring. After fulfilling it will give you deep satisfaction. You lived your life. But the accumulated desire before fulfilling it will be having, it will be giving you deep irritation.
You can see many time, you hate that but you want that. You hate him but you need him. Sometime you hate something, means, it creates deep irritation it is not there, but you want it. Even though it creates irritation, you work for it. But once you achieve suddenly you feel empty, “Oh God, just for this I worked so much. Just for this I wasted my whole life. Just for this I have spent my life.” So, even before acquiring very beautifully Ramana Maharishi says about this agamya, “Before acquiring the desire even the mustard seed will look like a mountain. After acquiring even a mountain will look like a mustard seed.” That is agamya - accumulated desire.
Now we need to work on prarabdha and agamya. The desires which we brought and desires which we accumulated. One important thing when you… see, when you shake a tree all the dead leaves, old leaves will fall and the strong leaves will stay with it. All the fallen dead leaves will become manure for the tree for its further growth. Sameway when you shake your prana sarira where are all these desire engrams are hanging, your prarabdha will stay with it. The agamya will drop by itself. And the dropped agamya, dropped accumulated desire will become manure for your prarabdha to be fulfilled.
So, you will… the tremendous energy which is getting wasted in the accumulated desires, please understand, with accumulated desires, even if you remember you will have shoulder pain. You can see in your life; if you just go and sit morning in your office you don't need to do any work, just sit in your office morning. One hour think about all these things. You will have a shoulder pain; you are tired already. And you don't want to take any more decisions, you don't want to do any more things. If you work on your desires, suddenly you will see, energy which is getting wasted in unnecessary directions - the agamya, those things will drop.
I always tell people ‘don't renounce what you have, renounce what you don't have.’ See there are thousands of things you don't have but you are living with it through fear or worry or fantasy or your ideas. So, renounce what you don't have, that's enough. I always insist on looking into the agamya and prarabdha. This will clear 90% of your confusions, save more than 80% of your energy. Because 80% of your energy goes either in unwanted or confused directions; not in a proper way, not in a straightforward way. You don't even know how the energy is flowing because all this accumulated desires, you are so deluded you do not know what you really want.
Please understand. When we go into the experience you will understand you yourself will be able to very clearly see which is your prarabdha and which is your agamya; in this one session you will be able to see it very clearly.
Now let us start the process. I will guide you step by step. We will go through some three-level different process. First thing: you would have been given two notebooks. One with My photo. That is for your notes. That for you to take it to the home. Another one just papers, pinned. That is the samskara notebook. Keep it ready and just sit. First listen to Me. Please listen. Later on you can do. Now sit with closed eyes. See whatever you have inside you as desires - whether it is already fulfilled or unfulfilled, whatever you know as desires, from the young age whatever you accumulated - your childhood fantasies or youth fantasies or the old age fantasies. Whatever you accumulated, sit and take accounts of everything, means, pen down vividly.
Please understand. Don't show it to anybody first thing. Second thing don't look at other desire and write. You already accumulated agamya from others desires only. At least when you write, look into you and write. But people are very happy looking through that corner of the eyes. What is she writing? Now at least look within yourself. Two thing: do not judge - If you judge your mind won't reveal itself to you - first thing. Second thing pen down as vividly as possible. You need to know; only when you record you will know. Third thing, write in the same language you think. If you think Telugu and English mix or Hindi and English mix, the same way, write. Don't edit. Because many of the inner truths will be revealed to you when you write as it is. Please do not change the language, change that sentence formation, change the grammar, write as you feel.
Usually your desires will be these four classification:
One - sense enjoyment. Seeing, taste, smell, sound, sex, five sense enjoyment. That's the first layer.
Second: name and fame, rewards, recognition.
The third: accumulating more than what you need just for the sake of accumulation. Like a .. let me have one house in Kodaikanal. Let me have a house in Visakhapatnam beach. Like this just.. just for the sake of accumulation. Accumulating, but you will not be enjoying. You will not be using it. It is there, legally it is yours. That kind of accumulation.
Then fourth: desires related to spiritual desires. Understand. Sometime people will not have spiritual experience because of their intense stressful greedy desire for spiritual experiences. I have seen, their very greed will be so strong, so disrespectful, they will not allow the experience to happen in them. They will not allow the experience to happen in them. So, even in that field, wait, have deep patience.
See, for spiritual experience not only passion, you need patience also. You need patience also. Passion and patience, when both of them are together in you, you will have the experience. So, write even if you have desires for spiritual experiences. Because people have all weird ideas.
Yesterday somebody asked Me in the energy darshan, “Can you prove… I have lost something, can you predict and tell me and then prove you are an incarnation or Enlightened.” I said, “I am not interested in proving.” Actually if I try to look inside I will see all the dirt which you have inside. Which one you want Me to tell? So, you yourself tell I can support. Otherwise, relax. I am not interested in proving anything. Anyhow, sometime we have our own ideas. I don't know whether he's here today. Okay. Anyhow, sometime we have our own ideas, so even that spiritually if you have too much of desires, too much greed or your own ideas you will miss it. You will miss it.
Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010
===Link to Video:Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010 ===
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===Transcript: to Video:Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010 ===
Now we will sit and start writing. We will start the process now. Please understand. It is a very powerful technique to infuse awareness into your individual consciousness, means awakening your Self and reduce the depth of your desire engrams. The influence power of desire engrams over your being.
It's a two step. The first step: changing your breathing pattern, bringing your awareness to the prana sarira. Please understand. Changing your breathing pattern and bringing your awareness to the prana sarira. Inhale as slowly as possible, hold as long as possible. Exhale as slowly as possible, hold your lungs empty without inhaling as long as possible. Please understand this whole cycle: inhaling as slowly as possible, holding as long as possible, exhaling as slowly as possible, holding lungs empty as long as possible. Repeat this same cycle as slowly as possible continuously. This is the first step.
The second step: sit, you see, by the time you enter into the second step, your whole awareness will be on the prana sarira. Your whole awareness will be from the… now your awareness is in the body - sthula sarira. It will move to the second layer because of the first step. That time, visualize… Understand, it's a very powerful process. Throughout your life you lived having the feeling that, “Oh I don't have this, I don't have this, I don't have this.” Just for half an hour live with the feeling that you have everything. Whatever is your fantasy, give life to it. Allow your mind to run as much as it can. Have your fantasy land. See that all your desires are alive. Just live them. Suddenly you will see mind is not running behind many of your desires, it is coming back again and again only to few desires. Those few are your prarabdha. Many desires you wanted to imagine, you wanted to visualize, you wanted to fantasize, but your mind is not interested in going towards it. That is your agamya. You will see in this one session very clearly your agamya dropping means you, yourself will feel, “Oh”. Even while you write you can see, many things you don't even want to write. You don't want to give even that much attention to it. But when you are thinking you will always be thinking, ‘Oh this is an important thing.’ But when you work suddenly you will see, when you bring awareness suddenly many desires do not hold any influence over you.
Two step, first changing the breathing pattern to move your…. your energy, consciousness to the parana sarira. Second step, live all your desires. Let your body and mind go behind the desires. Always you are taught to suppress. Now I am saying, “Just allow it.” Let your body and mind go behind the desires as much as it can, it wants. You will suddenly see many of the desires are no more having any influence over you. Even if you want to visualize, you want to see you are not feeling connected. You are not feeling attracted. Suddenly only few desires again and again your mind will come back. Those few are your prarabdha. Many desires which you thought are very important. But when you start living they don't…. you don't feel like even thinking of them, visualizing them. They are only agamya.
You will see many of your desires which you never thought are important will become alive. Many of your desires which you thought really important will never even come up in your inner space. A big shift and the clarity between the agamya and prarabdha will automatically happen. That is the power of this process. You don't need to do anything else. Simply it will happen. It will happen bringing awareness to the deepest layers of your being will remove many of the agamya, many of the accumulated desires.
I'll guide you. I'll see that you successfully complete the process. Please stand and spread all over the hall.
==Photos of the day==
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=== Devotees Offered  Prathyaksha Paadapooja to SPH===
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===Darshan ===
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==== Paadapooja ====
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=== Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji ===
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==== Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji ====
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==== Nsp-Intro-Session ====
=== Nsp-Intro-Session ===
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==== At-Registeration-And-Galleria ====
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==Photos Of The Day:==
===SPH in Kailassa in Hyderabad temple and meeting with Volunteers===
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Latest revision as of 15:09, 22 June 2022

Title:SPH JGM HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Visits Kailasa in Hyderabad, Sripuram Sarvajnapeetam for a 4 day Nithyananda Spurana Convention

Nithya Spurana Convention ||Q & A session at the convention || Traditions of Kumbh mela || Addressed the nithyananda Order of Sanyasis || Kundalini awakening || The powerful truth that human beings by their very nature is Bliss ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, during the Nithya Spurana Convention held in Andhra Pradesh, India, hosted an intimate Q&A session where several questions, received from delegates present at the convention were answered. His Divine Holiness shared further shared insights about the traditions of Kumbh Mela, the role of the Mahamandaleshwars and the Naga Sampradaya. He briefly addressed the Nithyananda Order of Sanyasis and explained that Kirtans should be kept alive, with children given the freedom to dance and be playful in a safe space. His Divine Holiness shared important knowledge and Truths surrounding Kundalini Awakening, the Causal Layer, going beyond Desires, Death and revealed an intense Mystical Process to remove pain. He also revealed that Saints, Sages, & enlightened masters will express the truth based on their own experiences and teach 90% through body language. His Divine Holiness concluded by sharing the powerful truth that human beings by their very nature are Bliss.

Nithya Spurana Convention videos

Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 1 || NSC

Video Audio

Transcript Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 1 || NSC


I welcome you all with My love and respects. Let us understand the word Nithyananda Spurana. Ananda means the excitement or the energy which does not come down, which does not come down due to any reason. Causelessly being excited, please understand, not excited for some reason, some cause. Causelessly, without any reason, continuously overflowing with joy, with excitement, with life, with energy. This exact definition of ananda.


See, the planet earth millions of saints, sages, enlightened masters, avatar purushas have happened. Each one of them teach their own way, technique, method to this ananda, to this joy, to this bliss, to this source of life. In sanskrit there is a proverb, if two masters say the same thing be sure someone is fake. Means the difference, different ideas, different opinions, different things becomes almost like a base. Each one expresses in his own way. Each one talks in their own way. For example, about food, if you ask Mahavira he will say ‘No, don't eat, fast completely.’ If you ask Buddha, he will say, ‘No, no, no, you can have one meal.’ If you ask Krishna, ‘No, eat whatever you want, just forget that you ate.’ Same way about marriage, if you ask Mahavira he will say, ‘No, no, no, no, no don't marry.’ If you ask Buddha he will say, ‘No, even if you are already married, escape.’ If you ask Krishna, ‘Don't bother, just forget the number.’ So each one will give their own solution. Each one will have their own approach. Each one will express the truth as they experienced or they expressed.


It's very difficult for these great masters to accept some common truth, accept something. It’s very difficult for them to accept something in common. If they accepted, some one or two things, then it must be the root or the base. I can say, this one truth, almost all of them accept, maybe in their own language, in their own words: ‘man by nature is bliss’. Please understand, I am not saying his quality is bliss. No, there is a big difference. I am saying he is bliss. If it is his quality, all qualities can be taken away at some point. I am not saying his quality is bliss. No, by his very nature he is bliss, he is life, he is radiating energy.


Almost all masters, all the incarnations, all the prophets, all the saints, all the sages, all the extraordinary beings who walked on the planet earth accept this one truth: Man by his very nature he is bliss. Then this must be basic truth. Other than basic truth, I don't think these masters can agree on any point. It's a basic truth. One side the masters go repeating, life is bliss, life is bliss, life is bliss. The other side for all of us normal people it doesn't seem to be real. Where is the gap? One side all these masters go on repeating… sometime that is why the humanity is not able to tolerate these masters. Either they poison them, or crucify them, do what they can, or kill them. Because these guys go on, it's almost like a teasing. They go on repeating ‘Life is bliss, life is bliss, life is bliss’, but in reality it is very difficult for people. Where is the gap? And one more thing. Surely they don't need to tell a lie, there is no need for those great masters to tell a lie. Then, where is the gap? How to bridge the gap? These two questions we will experientially go through.


Please understand. Experientially we will go through into these questions, go into these questions this next 4 days. When you go into these questions experientially, not intellectually, experientially, the very quality of your being will become different. I am not even saying, you will have the answer... See there are some questions your being is answer. For example, this Ramana Maharshi’s ‘Who am I?’ The question is not to be asked to found… a.... find the answer. No, you don't need to find an answer for that question. The question is asked to stop questioning. When you work on that question the transformation which happens in you is the answer. So we will work on this question: why this gap? How to bridge? experientially. That’ll do whatever need to be done in your being.


The physical health, mental health, all these things will be a side effect, side effect of this transformation. Basically, when we work on these questions many engraved memories, samskaras… Please understand this word because next four days we are going to work on this one concept. Many engraved memories or the samskaras will leave your system. When I say the word engraved memory - the ideas, memories which are inside your being, which has capacity, ability to make you go through the same experience or the action again and again and again, even if you don't want. That is the definition of samskara. These ideas, these memories stay in your being. They make you go through this same action and same experience even if you don't want.


For example if you have the habit of coffee, morning 7:00 o’clock, even if you don't remember it is 7:00 o’clock inside alarm with ring ‘coffee’. You know… coffee is a simple habit. You know many other things whether it is a alcohol or cigarette or even irritation. Irritation is a samskara. Just for no reason you are just waiting to get irritated; you don't need any big reason. Just if somebody comes and appears in front of you that is enough they will have your blessings. 😃 They will have your blessings! 😃 Waiting to get irritated - even that is a samskara. So the gap between us and the masters - when these guys go on saying ‘The life is bliss’ why we go on feeling life is pain, suffering, misery. The gap is this samskaras, this engraved memories. And experientially let us work on removing this gap, removing this samskaras, bridging. Please understand I can say almost all your problems whether it is physical health, mental health, or relationship problems or having low mood like no self-confidence, no self-esteem, suffering with inferiority complex, fear, guilt all these problems are just because of different samskaras, different engrams. Please understand, many of your physical health related problems are because of these samskaras, many.


If I have to give example, one small example: if your mother teaches you and trains you from the young age that if you go and play in the rain you will catch cold. From the young age you listen to this continuously. Even after you have your grandchildren, you don't even need to go into the rain, if you just see through window that it’s raining you will sneeze aacch! The samskaras which you get inside at the young age, till, till you die not only it will be there it will be constantly be alive and active; whether it is physical health or mental health. Of course mental health all of you understand straight away it is because of samskaras. All the disease which comes from inside are because of samskaras. The disease which comes from outside - like a accident, maybe those things are from the outer world. All the disease which comes from inside are because of samskaras. Many disease even which comes from outside like accident sometime it can be because of alcohol. Then again the indirect cause is samskaras; directly or indirectly most of our problems are because of samskaras.


Same way relationship. See, only in the first few months you live with the other person you live with your spouse. Within six months you create an idea about her or him. Tsk it's a punishment given to me by god or I won't go to hell after death. Some idea you create. The problem is, the moment you create an idea after that you don't live with that person, you live only with that idea. Constantly whatever the other person does you look through this idea. If you just see the idea which you carry about the other person plays a major role.


See, you expect because you are updating yourself, the other should update her idea her or his idea about you, but you do not update your idea about the other. You constantly expect the other should update their ideas about you but we don't bother to update our ideas about them. We feel strongly ‘impossible for him or her to transform’ I have seen people come and challenge, “Swamiji you can transform anybody, try on my spouse. It will never work; no technique will work, no method will work”. Same thing, he doesn't understand the spouse is telling Me. He doesn't understand the same thing the other side they are telling me, “You work on anybody, you transform anybody Swamiji, but never on him, nothing will work on him” All the relationship problems again are rooted in samskaras, engraved memories.


Other day when guy came, in the program he was telling, “Swamiji please bless me for divorce.” I said, “Usually we bless only for marriage not for divorce. Why don't you tell Me what is the problem. I'll try to help whatever way I can”. He said, “No, no, no, no, no, you don't know all these things, you just bless me for divorce”. I said, “Without knowing how can I bless? Tell me” He said, “Today morning I had a fight, it was a terrible fight. I decided I can't live anymore with her.” I asked, “What was the reason for fight?” “No, she brought and kept the coffee on my table so much force, the coffee spilled all over my clothes.” I said that cannot be the reason for divorce, just coffee spilling! And even if it spills she's only going to wash the cloth. Why are you bothered?” The… very, what to say that, he says very clearly openly he's telling Me, “Swamiji you don't know, today she will pour coffee tomorrow she will pour acid.”! No, he's telling straightaway without understanding… there is no logic - coffee and acid. I don't know how he is connecting. I told him, “Relax, slow down. Just think, why don't you think, coffee and acid! And why don't you just have little logic. Look into it.” He says, “No, no, no, you don't know. I am living with her for 10 years, I know her. I said, “Do not use big big words; just break those big words. Come to the incidents, come to the situations. Let's look in, don't suffer with this engrams, with this samskaras; come to the situation. Exactly tell Me incident by incident how you developed this hatred?” “No, no, no. You don’t know all these things.” And he started telling one or two incidents.


In Tamil Nadu, in marriages they will have a small ceremony. In a pot they will put a ring. Husband wife, both of them have to, try to pick up the ring and whoever picks up, they are the winner. It's like, you see in those days both of them will meet only during the marriage, not like… In those days we did not have that system of dating and all that. So only at that time they will meet each other. So it's almost like a games created to zero down the distance. It's like zeroing down the distance. Just for that these small games are created. This guy says even at that time she scratched my hands with her nails. 😃 Please understand, now you guys are laughing. He was very serious; he was very serious and suffering. Actually if you look in, you also many time suffer with this kind of engrams for which others will laugh. Now you are laughing because it is somebody else. Many time you will be suffering with the engrams for which others will be laughing. So the whole thing, most of your sufferings, whether it is physical or mental, psychological, emotional or relationship, it is engraved memories, it is samskaras.


So, next 4 days we’ll experientially work to remove these engraved memories. Side effect of this will be naturally physical health, mental health, peace, better relationships. If all these things happens, naturally the wealth, as a side effect the wealth, clear strategy planning, long working hours, able to take decisions without getting tired; these are enough to generate wealth. Apart from all these things, the spiritual experience. Please understand, I am introducing the whole program in these few words. All I am trying to do is remove the gap between you and the fulfilled enlightened beings. That gap is engraved memories - samskaras.


Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 2 || NSC

Video Audio

Transcriptof video Be Present With The Mystic || Part 2 || NSC


I wanted you to cooperate with Me in few ways, just simple few ways. First thing: please be physical here; when I say physical I mean be here. The biggest problem the modern-day humanity is facing is they completely lost touch with their body. If they are brushing their teeth morning in their bathroom, they are already in the office. Thinking of the office planning. If they are in the office they are already in the beach evening or in some park or in some temple planning for their vacation. If they are sitting in the temple or beach in the evening they are already in the house when to go back. If they are in the house already they are in the next day, planning for next day. So, we lost completely touch with our body. Our bodies are used more like a lodge; dump the luggage go round for sightseeing. It is not used as a house. It is used more like a lodge, put the luggage and just go around wherever you want. This four days decide please be physical, means if you are here, be here.


Understand. Usually we are always taught to be more imagining, visualizing all these things in the meditation programs. But I am telling you, no. Be physical, be inside the body. You are first body only then Atma. First be a body. Do not believe you are atma before you experience. Do not believe you are a soul before you experience. As on now you know only one thing, you are body. So, just be a body. Just be a body. Be inside your boundary means inside your skin. How you feel you are alive continue to feel that. All these four days allow whatever is happening in your body to happen. Allow whatever is happening in your… inside your boundary to happen. Please understand. Your boundary is only this body. So, be inside your body, work on your body. I do not want you to work on your mind. Working on your mind, working on your soul is My job. You just do your job. I wanted you to cooperate with Me by being with the body. Anything you do, be aware of only your body because most of your samskaras in your bio memory, in your body. So, work on your body; even the techniques I have developed on the deeper levels of your being, even those techniques work on your body. Your body is you at least as on now. As on now, you know only one thing you are body. So, work on that. See if you start working on the concepts you have, “O, I am the soul, I am the atma,” these so many ideas. You will be working only on ideas. I have seen many people, they go on work on ideas. Working on ideas will never lead to transformation.


Please understand. From My experience I am telling you, from… I worked on different kinds of technology, technique, methods. All the people, all the traditions which starts working on the body, starting from body they always have a deep powerful transformation. But people who just hang on with the concepts, it's all just mental game; only accumulating more and more load on the head. That's all. They will know more and more words. They can talk to their families. They can argue in the parties. They can show to their friends, they know everything. But the transformation never happens in them. So, be physical. Do not… you don't need to close your eyes and sit. You don't need to take notes. Just sit with open eyes. I have seen many people saying, “No, no, no I meditate and listen intensely, Swamiji.”


Please understand. I have little experience in this field. I have seen people meditating and listening. First five minutes everything will go well. After that…[Swamiji imitates person sitting and sleeping] the next person pokes, “I am listening. You listen, why are you disturbing me”? 😃 Now I know in all cultures, in all traditions, all countries how people sleep by sitting. If you sit and close your eyes and listen, it will not be more than half an hour. So, please sit wide awake with open eyes; and you don't need to close your eyes. One more thing, by closing the eyes you start imagining, you start working with concepts. No. Just sit. Masters teach ninety percent through their body language, only five-ten percent through their verbal language. So, just sit with open eyes. You will learn more through the body language than verbal language. See the words I am uttering you can listen from YouTube. The whole thing is in YouTube. Six hundred hours the whole thing is in YouTube. You can listen from YouTube.


The words are not going to give the transformation. The confidence and the energy that I radiate when I utter those words, that is going to do the transformation. So, don't… no need to sit with closed eyes and sleep after half an hour. 😃 It’s the first thing. Second thing, no need for you to take notes. The whole thing is available in YouTube. Whatever I am going to teach, I am going to talk to you…. you see, we are going to do three things now. Technical knowledge: means the ideas, the truths. Second thing technique: Technique to go into that inner space and clear those engrams, clear those samskaras. Third initiation: Initiation means transmitting the pure bio memory. Please understand. It's little mystical. Of course all of you are aware you are sitting with a Mystic. And the big problem is unfortunately one of the worst thing happened to India is an Indian Mystic cannot speak comfortably about Indian mysticism to Indians. That's the most unfortunate thing happened to India. Mysticism is backbone of our country. It's a lifestyle of our country. Unfortunately… see I don't feel uncomfortable at all talking about mysticism around the world to all different countries and cultures. They are so receptive, so strongly feeling connected. Unfortunately the moment it is Indian crowd, I feel I am little stuck.


Really, really; because so badly, so brutally Indians have been attacked. And the great Mystic lifestyle was snatched away from them by this Coca-Colonization. New way of colonizing - the Coca-Colonization. I am really … this is the worst thing has happened to India. A Indian Mystic has to be little reluctant to talk about mysticism to Indians… which is their lifestyle. Nothing. Go to any village, you will listen at least ten to twenty stories of your elders, your grandfathers, grandmothers fixing their date and dying. Or grandfather will die within one day grandmother will die; not by suicide, she will just leave the body. Go to any of your native villages, you will listen at least ten stories. No, in My village this grandfather or elderly person, he fixed his date. He said, clearly said and he relaxed, left the body. Means what? These guys, their intuition was strong enough to see very clearly about their death.


Understand. Only if you live worry-free life, fear-free life, you will be able to predict about your death. Why you are not able to predict about your death you know? It's a fear and the worry associated with the death takes away the intuition to predict the time of your death. You don't want to predict. It's too much. Too much of fear and insecurity, worry will arise if you know the time of your death. So, you just cover that dimension. If somebody is able to predict their death time very clearly, means they are living worry free, fear free life. He is a Mystic. If you go to your village one generation before you, you’ll listen at least ten-twenty stories. How many of you have heard these kind of stories? In My village elder or grandfather or some of My relative or mother grandmother fixed the time and left the body. How many of you please raise your hand. Please raise the hand fully, completely. Others please just look around and see. Every program I ask, please raise the hand. Raise the hand. I wanted to see. Every program I ask, at least twenty to thirty percent of the people raise the hand. Yes, now you can drop the hands.


Please understand. I am not counting. I am just roughly saying twenty to thirty percent if I count it maybe even forty-fifty percent… forty percent. I don't know. Means Mysticism is our backbone. Spirituality is our backbone. Even one generation before people have lived as Mystics. People have lived fulfilled life. People have lived the jeevan mukti life. Somehow, unfortunately it has… it has been moved away from the mainstream thinking, the mainstream lifestyle, mainstream living. If you go to Shirdi and just sit there for two-three hours, talk to some ten-twenty people who are walking there in the road, anybody, you will have ten stories which... out of which you can make a documentary. Ten solid miracle stories. You don't need more than two hours to get ten solid miracle stories of Sai Baba; more than two hours. I am just giving you one example, one example. Go to shirdi and sit there on the road, talk to anybody. You won't need more than two hours to have ten solid miracles. Solid miracles not simple miracle - No, no when I came, I just saw Baba sitting - not like this simple miracles, ten solid physical miracles out of which you can create a documentary. Means what? It is our lifestyle. Mysticism is our lifestyle.


Unfortunately we lost in touch and it is no more a mainstream thinking. It is looked down. Even people who practice intensely in personal life do not want to stand for it in public, do not want to stand for it in public. I have seen hundreds of My disciples, they will come for healing, all program and so intensely devoted. If you go to their house my photo will be all over. When they come out to their office they will put the mala inside and remove the bracelet and put it in the handbag. I have seen, we have started feeling shy about our own backbone. We have started feeling shy about our own backbone.


Let Me explain the word initiation. I had a fortune of studying Yoga at the feet of a great Yogi, one Yogananda Puri. Sorry not the Paramahamsa Yogananda. He was in Tiruvannamalai, Yogananda Puri. Yogananda was Yogananda Giri - he is different sampradaya. The swami I am talking is Yogananda Puri. People will come to him to learn yoga. When people come all very fat, bulky people. He will tell them straight away, stand upside down- sirasasan. They will say “standing on the legs itself is difficult for us. What are you talking Swamiji? Telling us to stand upside down.” No, simple, he will just give them one tight hug and he will tell them, “Now stand.” I have seen with My own eyes just one hug. They will simply stand upside down without any difficulty. I have seen with My eyes; of course it's a shock for Me. I asked him what are you doing? You just give one hug and they stand upside down. He says very beautifully, “With any idea, if you are constantly living and breathing that idea, that becomes your bio memory. Bio memory is transmittable.” Please understand. Just how the memory is transmittable through words, Bio memory is transmittable through touch. That is what I call as initiation. Initiation is nothing but supporting your system, your body, your bio memory to incorporate, imbibe this experience physiologically.


Please understand. Technical knowledge will clean your conscious mind. Technique will clean your unconscious mind. Initiation will bolt that experience into your system physiologically. Cleaning your conscious mind and unconscious mind will create psychological experience in you, psychological revolution in you. That is what I call transformation. Initiation will bolt that experience into your system so that that psychological revolution stays inside your system physiologically permanently as long as possible. As long as you cooperate it becomes your physical experience. This great truths becomes your physical experience. So, technical knowledge, technique, initiation - these three are the major things we are going to do in these four days. See, technical knowledge is available in YouTube; whatever I am going to speak to you these next four days, the whole thing is already available in YouTube. It’s free. So, don't bother about taking notes. If you want notes sit with the YouTube, you will be able to take notes. Don't waste your time sitting here and taking notes. Sit and enjoy the presence physically, not mentally… physically. There's a big difference between enjoying mentally, enjoying physically. Enjoying mentally means maybe you are enjoying all the great intellectual candy I am supplying, the stories I am telling or just the words I am uttering. That is what I am calling mental enjoyment. No. Sit, be aware you are alive here. You are alive here in this body.


I can give you one simple technique; start breathing through fingertips; ten.. ten in the feet, ten in the hand, and the top of your head. Visualize you are breeding through this 21 points inhaling and exhaling. Then you will settle down into your body. Please understand. Visualizing you are inhaling and exhaling through this 21 points, ten points in the hands, ten points in the leg and the top of your head. Just feeling inhaling and exhaling through these points continuously you will settle down in your boundary. Enjoy the Presence physically that will allow the initiation process intensely.


See, just if you want technique you don't need to come here and waste your time four days and money. YouTube is more than enough. Actually I have put some of the… these Yoga Meditations teachers personally advised Me, “Swamiji don't put all Your classes in the YouTube then nobody will come to Your class.” I actually don't want people who want just technical knowledge around Me. Let Me be rid of them. That is the reason I put everything in YouTube. I want people who want experience around Me. I don't want to waste My time playing with intellectual candy. Little intellectual candy… and people who want only one that let them be with YouTube. Study, you can go on …. I think more than seven hundred hours is available. You can go on studying, studying, studying, acquiring intellectual knowledge. That's different. And moreover Vedic tradition we believe knowledge is free.


Video - Be Present With The Mystic || Part 3 || NSC

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We believe knowledge is free. Only when you want to experience, the organizing and everything the sanga needs little money. Sometime people ask Me, “Why should we pay for meditation program”? See, in those days kings were there. They were having the power of ruling the country. Same way they were doing the duty of taking care of the enlightened Masters and their mission. Now you are the king, you have the power of ruling the country. Then come on take the responsibility of taking care of Me. Who will take? When you have taken the power to rule the country and take the responsibility of taking care of the Master and his mission. No other way. So, anybody who wants just technical knowledge can be with the YouTube. And the whole thing is available as book also. I published the whole thing as book. I think Life Bliss program level 2 there is a book; whatever we are going to practice now, I am going to share with you, is available in book. So do not waste time in just taking notes or just with these intellectual ideas. Understand the truth. That's enough.


Second thing, very important truth, very important thing Vitarkā (விதர்கா). Please understand this word vitarkā. Tarkā means logic. A simple logic two plus two is four, simple logic. Kutarkā (குதர்க்க) means negating logic. Why should it be? Eh! Who knows? Simply He is telling, what is there? Kutarkā - constantly suffering by negating, by negating. See the people with kutarkā, you can just feel, the moment they come in your space you will feel. Even in their eyes that judging attitude will be there. They go… they will be constantly judging things, constantly judging. The big problem is people with kutarkā will be suffering with deep inferiority complex. Understand. When you constantly judge or abuse others, you will be using same word and mental structure towards you. So, the kutarkā people sometimes say, “No, no, no. I will have the judgmental attitude towards others but I will not have that same on me.” No, relax. We are not that intelligent. We are not that intelligent to have two weapons. One for others and one for yourself. No. Don't think you can have sword for others and rose for you. No. If you have sword for others you will use that only for you also. So, people with kutarkā that’s a second thing, the negating logic. They cannot tolerate anything. Anything they will have some complaint.


I have seen, some time people invite Me for these functions like a marriage functions and social functions, this house warming ceremonies. When I go there I have seen these poor guys to get her... get his daughter married this guy has to practically give his whole life, dowry and this, that, everything. And this fellow will be running around doing all the arrangements. These guys who come as guests, they will do everything, eat nicely. After eating they will talk with each other, “I think in the rasam little.. more salt na? In payasam sugar was little less.” Something to show that you are more intelligent. Something just to show you are more intelligent or you know things. This is what I call kutarkā. Constantly negating, negating, negating. Tarkā (தர்கா) means simple logic, kutarkā means negating logic. Vitarkā understand this word, completely very friendly logic.


Logic with a deep friendliness. I am not saying foolishness, no, friendliness. Logic which functions with friendliness. It will have its uniqueness. It will retain it’s logical sense. It's not that anything you said you just believe. No. It will retain it logical sense but with a lot of friendliness, feeling connection. I can say vitarkā can lead you to a very strong spiritual experience in these four days. Even if you don't have vitarkā, the power of technical knowledge and technique will give you lot of healing. Physical, mental healing will happen. Just because of the power of the technical knowledge and technique. If you have vitarkā the initiation will happen in a very strong way. So, initiation is your cooperation. For initiation your cooperation is also needed. Just for technical knowledge you don't even need to be here. YouTube is enough. For technique you need to be here physically but your corporation is not needed, your vitarkā is not needed, just move your body as I say that's enough. Your vitarkā is not required but for initiation your vitarkā is required; with vitarkā you will have that deep experience of initiations.


You will see, the bio memory gets transmitted into your system, means this experience you will have - that psychological revolution will get bolted physiologically into your system. It will become lifestyle for you. Please understand. I am not just giving you one product like little yoga or little pranayama or one some kriya or some technique. No. If you sit here without vitarkā with the just tarkā. Then this program is just like one product. You will have one product - little pranayama you learnt, little kriya you learnt, little yoga you learnt, little meditation you learnt; product, that's all. But if you sit with vitarkā, this is not just a product, this is a lifestyle. This will just become your lifestyle; way in which you think, way in which you act, way in which you respond to your life. So, I sincerely request all of you just these two: one be physical here, second have little friendly logic vitarkā. You will see the whole program transforms your being and it becomes your lifestyle. It becomes just your lifestyle.


Simple practical instructions, some of the instructions: please don't sleep in the class, don't miss sessions, be here sharp. Actually if I tell you to come for ten o'clock, I will come at least ten minutes late, ten-ten for you to settle down. But after one or two sessions people understand I will come ten minutes late so they come ten minutes late. Then I have to come twenty minutes late. The next day they understand I come twenty minutes late, they come thirty minutes late. Then it's the Tom and Jerry problem. It will be just be a problem. So please be here on time and do not sleep in the class. Even if it's not your sake, at least for My sake please don't sleep in the class.


Anyhow, the essence I wanted to share with you is, be physical. Don't bother too much about these words; whatever you understand, understand. Don't plan you should understand everything and remember everything after you leave the program. See, the stress are planning to remember everything after the program itself will take away the joy of the program. Don't have that stress you are not preparing for any examination. Understand. I am talking to your being. Whatever your being need to remember I will record it inside. It will remember whatever your being does not remember it is not worthy of remembering just forget about it. Whatever you need to remember you will remember, whatever you are not remembering you don't need to remember. So, just forget about it. You are not preparing for any exam. Sometime I have seen people so serious, like a preparing for exam they will take notes of everything, everything, every statement and they will miss the next statement. So, neither have mental pressure nor try to go on working on this to remember. I liberate you from any stress or idea you need to remember all these ideas after the program. Forget about it. Just forget about it. Whatever you need to remember you will remember.


So, sit with complete relaxed feeling, complete stress free being. So, imbibe whatever you can; just be physical, that's all I am saying. If you are physical, sitting here, that is enough. That is enough and little friendly logic will allow you to have initiation happen in you. Initiation happen in you. Please understand. Little vitarkā can connect you mystically, can lead to deeper level experiences. That's all. See, when I say I am a Mystic it is not like a pride or ego or claiming something. Nothing, it's My lifestyle. See when a doctor comes and says he's a doctor. He means only if he says he's a doctor you will trust him and take the medicines. Only if he says about his experience and what he is doing and everything you will trust him and take his medicines. Sameway if a lawyer says he's a lawyer and he is experienced for so many years only then you will trust him and listen to his opinions, listen to his ideas.


Same way when I say I am a Mystic there is nothing like claiming. I am simply telling the fact, stating the fact. Understand I am a Mystic happened to share the jeevan mukti with people. So, it's a simple introduction. It is not I am neither claiming something arrogantly or which is not there. I am neither claiming something big. Sameway I am not saying something humble… I am not saying I am too humble or anything. I am just Me. See, I am not humble, I am sitting in the throne, see very clearly. I am neither saying I am humble nor I am claiming something too big. I am just stating the fact. I am just stating the truth. Sometime people ask Me, “Why are you sitting in this throne, big, big thrones, golden throne”? I tell them, “Arrey, first… first of all it is not golden throne, gold painted throne. 😃” Understand first. Second thing anyhow I have to sit only in the higher way. Otherwise you won't be able to see Me. I have to sit somewhere little higher. It's a practical thing. It's nothing, it's neither humble nor arrogance or claiming I am just stating the fact simply. A little friendly logic can avoid thousands of…. I can say missing points with little friendly logic. You will catch all the truths. You will catch all the initiations. You will experience the whole program completely. Otherwise I have seen sometime people suffering with this kutarkā, little kutarkā. I have seen, just one or two small kutarkā they waste their whole life. They waste their whole life.


Sometime people have their own idea about how a Swami or a Master should be and they have a big problem. I have seen many time, people very difficult for them to settle down or connect with Me. Because first qualification is a big belly which I don't have and a long beard and a constipated face. No, these are all usually people associate. These are all the ideas they carry, about this big Guru or big Masters or this kind of ideas. That's a big problem. When you have your own frame, kutarkā is inevitable, suffering is inevitable. Just have little friendly logic, you will see millions of things happening in your system and really you can go into the whole initiation.


So, I sincerely request all of you to be physical and to have vitarkā and go through the whole program successfully and experience the Nithyananda and Nithyananda spurana. Maybe you can have few minutes break, then I will enter into the program. I'll start the program the next session; just ten-fifteen minutes break. I'll explain how this science happened. This whole program, how this science happened. If you know the science then you will have the deep interest and enthusiasm to go into this technology, to go into this technology and experience this technology. So, ten-fifteen minutes break. Please come back after ten-fifteen minutes for the next session. Let's gather for the next session. Thank you.


Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 1 || NSC

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Let’s enter into the sessions. I’ll introduce how this technology happened; how this whole science happened in Me. Knowing this, you will really have the strong vitarka and inspiration to enter into this whole science. Introduction is never waste of time, it’s a right investment. Person who creates formula to reproduce the outer world understandings on every mind is a scientist. Person who creates formula to reproduce the experiences of the inner world on everybody is a mystic. Person who creates outer world experiences to reproduce the outer world experiences into others, outer world understandings into others, who creates formula is a scientist. Person who creates formulas to reproduce the inner world experiences on others is a mystic.


So how this formula to reproduce this experience on others happened in Me is an introduction about this science, this technology. The young age I was spending lot of time in traveling, doing pilgrimages and wanderings. So I was near Varanasi, a small place near Gazipur there was a, there was a small town. I was staying there and taking care of one sadhu, one very eldery sadhu. He was in his deathbed. I was staying in the hospital ICU. ICU means don’t visualize Hyderabad ICUs; the village hospital ICU’s. I can say town hospital’s ICU, kind of a two broken steel cot and but for a town it was well equipped. For that size town it was well equipped. I was taking care of him. In North India that’s tradition is all the young sadhus will take care of the old sadhus.


Taking care of sadhus is considered as a great punya, especially when they are sick and old. I was taking care of this sadhu. At that time I happened to face, I happened to see one guy dying in the hospital, in the ICU - next bed, next bed. I was with this sadhu. I saw that next bed that guy started dying. Please understand, I am describing as I experienced and I am responsible for what I am talking. I know many people follow the instructions I give; many people practice these teachings. Because of that I have become, I have to be more responsible about what I am talking. See, if nobody is listening, nobody is caring, nobody is practicing, I can talk what I want. But I know millions of people are practicing what I am talking, listening to what I am talking, so I am responsible for what I am uttering. With that responsibility I am telling you as exactly I experienced.


I saw this person dying. It was such a strong experience for Me. Still even when I remember, even now I can just see visually the whole thing in front of Me, including that old glass on that steel table near the patient. I can see everything so vividly. That guy was, he has started dying. The doctors were standing around and trying to help, support him whatever medically they can do, giving oxygen or whatever medically they can do, they were trying to do. But of course they were not able to, they were not able to save him. He started leaving the body. First time I was seeing a death directly.


In the young age I saw My old mother, old grandmother dying. I didn’t have the vision or the spiritual experience to see what is happening in the being. Here, I was able to see very clearly what is happening in that being, but I was not able to help. I was not able to do any help to that person, but I was able to see what was happening in that being.


I saw very clearly….. first that physical body suffering. It’s almost like a tremendous pain raising in the system. It’s like a thousands of scorpions biting at a time. Every pore, I saw intense pain happening in that body, thousands of scorpions. You see, you know if you cut yourself just half inch you know how you feel. It’s almost like a peeling the skin. I saw that intense pain happening in that body; every pore intense pain.


In few minutes I saw that, that person’s soul was not able to tolerate that pain. It just dived into coma; means like a, see, in your system you have a automatic pain killer mechanism, that is the coma. The pain is too much, you fall into coma, That’s a kind of a automatic pain killer mechanism. It’s not that you will not have pain. You will not feel the pain when it becomes too much. Like a sound, if it is too less you can’t hear. If it is too much you can’t hear. The frequency is more, you can’t hear. The same way, if the pain is beyond certain frequency, you push yourself into coma. You don’t, you can’t experience it anymore. You can’t see anymore. I saw that person just jumped into coma. The moment he fell into the coma his being, his soul started leaving the body.


See, because he fell into the coma, all his old engrams, samskaras became alive, awakened. It's like a when you fall into the dream state all your desires will be awakened. Desire, fear, guilt everything will be wildly playing on you. You can see very clearly, sometime early morning if you wake up, the moment you wake up, if you remember, just few moments before because you were not aware of yourself, you were not aware of the self, the self was not alive, individual, clear; how your fears were possessing you. For example, if you had the dream like you have been, you are running, escaping from a snake or elephant. You can see very clearly, the moment you wake up how the whole thing is empty. But when you are in that coma stage how it was looking really like a reality, truth.


I saw very clearly, same way that soul dropping into that coma and all the desires, unfulfilled desires just become alive. See when you don’t have logic, the individual awareness, you will not see the difference between the dream state and waking state. That is why kids till they develop the logic, if they feel hungry in the dream state they will cry in the waking state. If they, whatever they experience in the dream state they will feel in the waking state. They can’t differentiate between the dream state and waking state. In the dream if they feel that somebody has beaten them or some problem, they will be crying in the waking state. They can’t see the difference. If the logic is not sharp enough, if the individual awareness is not there. In sanskrit we have a word pratyagatma chaitanya jagratam - means individual awareness. If that is not there you will not have the difference between the dream and waking state.


I saw in this person, please understand, through this story I am revealing some of the important truths related to death and I am responsible for all the words I am uttering. I’ll answer all your questions related to the subject I am talking. Any doubt you have you can note down and write a question. In the next session I will answer. Just like if you go to a lawyer he is ethically bound to give you the right opinion about the problem. So an enlightened being is ethically bound to tell you the truth exactly as it happens about the cosmos. The cosmic questions like life and death and everything.


So, even it was a little shocking, even if it was little against your religious beliefs, your ideas, I am sorry. I am sorry about offending you, but what I am saying is truth. I am expressing it as it happened. Because the person fell into a coma, I saw very clearly all his desires became alive, almost like the frequency of the desires is much more than frequency of his individual soul. So he is just kicked left and right by those desires. This guy has just become just four feet and the desires are standing twenty thirty feet. Like a football, he is being played by those desires. They are kicking him left and right.


Anyhow, it was a terrible suffering for that person. He felt very deeply depressed that he did not live all these desires. He wants to stay back in the body and live all those desires but body is telling, “No. I am tired. I can’t host you anymore. Please get out.” Body says, “I am pushing you out.” But the desires are so tall, so imposing, so influencing, the soul wants to stay back in the body and enjoy, but unable to. This fight, this conflict is what I call suffering, the death suffering. Understand, do not think you will go to hell and you will be put in the hell and boiled. NO! This process is hell. There is no separate hell. This process is hell. All the engrams, your engrams which you carry as, which you cherish, which you think as life will be awakened the moment you fall into the coma.


So I saw that soul was moving through the desires with tremendous suffering, deep suffering. Then slowly, slowly, slowly that soul moved to the next level. Next level I saw, instead of desires, that soul was attacked by the guilt. See, when you feel, “I should live like this”, it’s a desire. When you feel, “I should have lived like that”, it’s a guilt. When your soul goes towards the future is desire, if it goes towards the past, it’s guilt. I saw this soul getting caught with a deep guilt. “Oh! I should have done this. I should have done this. I should have lived like that. I should have finished that fellow that time. I did not fight properly. I did not do this properly.” You can see even now in your life morning you if finish your fight in the house and go to the office, office where you are working all the points will come. “Oh! I missed this point. I missed that point.” You’ll prepare your notes and come back in the evening. The moment you enter the house, shoes will fly and start the session again with all the points which you remembered. 😊 And again, when you are in front of the spouse, in that heat, you will forget 4-5 points to answer. So that night while you are in the bed you will start taking the notes and next day you are ready. 😊


Anyhow, the guilt, guilt of that person was so strong, that soul immediately wanted to go back to that body and want to relive all those incidents as he wants; wanted to redo everything; but body says, “No. I am tired. Get out.” And with that load, please understand, when that soul was going through every desire the stress on that soul was getting increased. The layer, the load was getting increased. Then that soul started moving towards the guilt. Then again more load getting added. This load is what I call Karma.


Please understand, when you go through the desire or guilt all the load happens on you, all your decision, “No! I did not live that way. Now I will live. I did not do this. Now I will do.” All those decisions you make is your prarabdha, with which you assume the next body.


Please understand, your life is not direct result of your past actions. It is your decisions made about the past actions is this life. For example, last life you gave hundred thousand rupees to somebody or you cheated two thousand rupees from somebody. You killed two people. You saved ten people. Your life in this life is not totality of all those actions. Your decisions about all those actions. For example, you see, “Oh! Saving gave me so much of joy. This time I will save a hundred people.” “Oh! Killing gave me real joy. This time I am going to kill hundred people.” “No, no, no, no, no! When I swindled money I felt very bad. This time I won’t swindle.” “No, no, no! Last time when I served the money, gave money to others, I felt very joyful. This time I will give more.” What decisions you make about those incidents when you leave the body is this life. Please understand, I am throwing one of the important light on the concept of karma. I am breaking the traditional idea of karma.


Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 2 || NSC

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Transcript of Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 2 || NSC


Your life in this janma is not the totality of all the actions you did in the past. It is the decisions you made about your past. Let Me be very straight. For example: Somebody has done a hundred murder in the last birth. When he left the body he was very clear: “No, it brought so much suffering to me. I am not going to do anymore.” Then that hundred death, that will not have any impact on your present life. You may think: “Oh, it is unfair, he should suffer, he should go through.” I do not know whether it is fair or unfair, I am stating as it happens. This is the way the law of Karma is functioning; whether it is fair or not, you can sue him when you see him. That I do not know. I am giving you the straight clarity.


Please understand, these understandings will really help you to develop a strategy planning about your life. If you develop a strategy planning, just with idea of seventy or eighty years as your life, it is called materialistic life. If you develop a strategy planning, knowing all the secrets of life, death, life after death, from your existent till your disappearing into the cosmos; not death, understand not death, disappearing into cosmos means enlightenment. If you develop a strategy planning, having all those ideas clearly, it is called spiritual life that’s all. The material life and spiritual life, the only difference is: Not the way in which you act or live or anything. If you have the strategy planning, thinking you are going to live only eighty years or ninety years. Of course Indians don’t live that much, because of belly fat. All of you should be aware, Indians die 13 years, one three years earlier, just because of the belly fat. The researchers are proving, your liver, kidney, brain everything can function 13 years more average, but you die thirteen years ahead just because of the belly, fat means heart problem.


All over the world, sick… the cardiac patients, heart heart patients, sixty percent are Indians and Indians have 600% more heart problems and heart attacks. These are some of the statistics… than any other race. See the, in that uh whole list, next to Indians, whatever race is there, that race is the second level, we are 600% more than the second level person. Then understand the difference between us and the next level is 600%. Our lifestyle and uh what is it, just lifestyle that is the main reason, main reason why we suffer.


Anyhow, if you think you are going to live only in this body and do strategy planning - its material life. If you are clear about you start happening until you merge with the cosmos, till your enlightenment, if you are clear about the happenings and the secrets of what happens during the climax moments of your life, like a life happening - birth or death, different climax moments. With this clarity if you develop a strategy planning that is spiritual life. Understand with this clarity if you develop a strategy planning for your life, you will not be surprised or shocked during your climaxes.


For example if you have insurance to face certain, certain accident in your life, you will not be completely pulled down. You may be shaken little bit, it’s not that you’ll become, you will completely fall, you can stand up again, you will be able to manage. Same way, if you have a strategy planning knowing this basic truths of life and death, you will not be completely shaken. You will be shaken little but you can always stand up. You have a back-up plan. Please understand, so whatever I am sharing, if you imbibe intensely, you can revise your strategy planning, you will have a back-up plan for your death and life. One more thing, anything which you clearly think again and again, any idea which you keep as a base for your strategy planning will not be forgotten even during your death. Even during your death you won’t forget these ideas, if you again and again take decisions based on these ideas. See, whatever idea you carry about you and make decisions will not be forgotten even in the end. Now these truths can give so much of clarity about your strategy planning.


So when I saw that soul leaving the next level through the guilt, it was such a strong pain, such a heavy pain that: “I did not do this. I should have lived like that. I should have done this. I should have done this.” That guy says: “I want to go back and live.” Body says: “No. Get out.” Then this fellow says: “Alright, at least next janma I’ll undo all this.” Whatever was strongly influencing him, whatever decision he made: “Next janma I will do.” That became one layer of karma on him. So when he leaves the body, first, he acquires a strong pain and falls into coma. Second he sees all his desire engram, acquires the layers and layers of desires which he wants to fulfil in the next body. Sees all the guilt engram, acquires all the ways, guilts he wants to relive or undo in the next body, means accumulating karma.


It's like a shopping mall. Both side too much is there. Whatever attracts your attention too much, you buy that. If nothing attracts your attention, you are too tall than anything displayed, you are too shining than anything displayed, you don’t need, you are joyful by yourself, you don’t need these things to give joy to you, you just walk through. Sometime how you walk in the airport, both side too much is displayed, but you are fulfilled. You don’t feel those things can add joy to you. So even though all those karmas are there, you are not accumulating, you are just walking. All the items which are in the airport displayed are sanchita, whatever you buy is your prārabdha, after landing in the body, here what you buy in your āgāmya. I have clearly described three level karmas. Whatever is displayed in the airport, duty free. Actually it is not duty free, when you buy you start the duty.


I saw this soul walking, when it crossed the guilt area, he buys so many things, “Oh I will fulfill all this”, then he walks through all the pains he suffered in the life, all the pains. Kind of a… all those pains are displayed there alive, either he picks up anger or vengeance or depression from those pains. If he has courage he says: “I’ll go and finish that fellow off. I will… this time I will kill him.” Anger. If he is not courageous, he gets depression “Oh God, if I go once more he may kill me again” depression or fear. He buys all these things in that shop, he walks through step by step like this different layers of his own being, his own engrams. Finally I saw that guy just loaded so much, with so much of karma, he just took the body within few seconds, within few seconds he assumed the body.


Please understand. Yama Dharma describes this process in Kato Upanishad. If any of you have read the book: Tibetian book of the dead. Any of you have read that book? That describes this process very clearly. See the end of the Upanishad in the commentary, one master writes, not the upanishad itself, in the commentary: “Don’t tell these secrets to people who are not qualified, your head will burst.” I thought why is… why are they putting this condition. I saw really, people who are not qualified, if they listen all these things, they are not only not able to understand they start abusing the person who told these truths: “Ahh, he is telling some stories. He is frightening us. He is threatening us.” Please understand, I have no vested interest to frighten you. I am not funded by any company who is promoting death. I don’t have any reason or process. I am just stating the fact as it is to you, presenting it to you. Maybe these ideas will change your strategy planning about life. That's all I expect. That’s all I expect nothing else.


Anyhow he took the body immediately, the whole process took I can say maybe four to five hours. I don’t know exactly but very long. But long before doctors have declared that he is medically dead and went away. Please understand, I am coming back to the place where I was seeing this death. Doctors declared he is medically dead and they went away. This whole process was going on for a long time. I was able to see the whole thing. One worst thing happened was, this was such a strong experience on Me and I was not able to help to that person. It was such a strong experience because, see, I had My own experience of enlightenment at the age of twelve but My… I did not have that system or technology or energy to help the person. I Myself had My own experience. It’s like I can swim and escape but I am not able to save somebody. I was not able to drag. I did not have a boat to save somebody. So I was able to see the problem, I was not able to save.


It's like a, if you see an accident directly you can’t eat for next two, three days. Same way, I saw the whole thing. It was such a strong pain on Me… and one more thing: Of course it was not a pain on personal, like a personal-personal but er sympathy or the empathy; because of that it was such a strong experience. Anyhow, this Swami recovered, I really thought this Swami will die and that guy will recover. It happened in the other way and still I am not able to solve this mystery. I have seen twenty, thirty incidents. If somebody in the neighbour, next house dies, the old lady or old man who was sick in this house will recover; still I am not able to understand that mystery but er it’s happening. So this guy recovered, I didn’t know how. Why? This guy recovered. This Swami, whom I was taking care, he recovered. Because he recovered I left the hospital and I started continuing My journey and after some time I had My own death experience, very strong experience in Varanasi. That experience gave Me the, I can say the technique or method to help others who are in death bed, to heal them and help them very peacefully relax. Anyhow. It was a very strong experience happened in me. After that I Myself had realised My avataric mission or whatever I wanted to do in My life. That's what, clarity about My future happened.


Then I came and settled down in the South India in Bangalore. Again I had a chance of attending one more death. Please understand. In Bangalore I was attending, taking care of one of our devotee, I was healing her. The next bed I saw one person was dying. The moment I saw this person is dying, I wanted to run away because I do not want to go through that same experience once more. But this devotee whom I was taking care, very old lady, she caught hold of My hand and said “No, no, don't leave me and go away. I am afraid, please be here.” She just caught My hand very strongly, I used to have a, in those days a bracelet. She just held my bracelet very strongly and did not leave Me, did not let Me go. I stood there; because no other way, I stood there. Anyhow I had to watch the second death.


But one great thing, this death was completely different. I saw very clearly the moment that intense pain was awakened this guy instead of falling into coma, he became more alive, more strong. Because he became more conscious and alive that pain just disappeared, started subsiding. Please understand, even if you have knee pain, a very simple technique: just become… close your eyes and see what is happening there, become aware of what is happening there, without labeling it as a pain. Just see what is happening, like how kids see, look at a rose, they will look fresh, alive. Same way look at that pain very alive without labeling it as a pain, just as it is. You will see that pain will disappear, so the more awareness, pain will disappear.


I saw, this guy is become a strong and more aware; the pain disappeared and he started walking through his engrams. I saw very clearly he was standing tall, alive, aware. He was standing twenty feet and desires are all like four feet, three feet. He just walked through the desires, did not pick up even one. It’s almost like a royal salute; all the desires are like a soldiers standing and saluting him and he is walking through tall, he is walking tall. Then I saw he was walking through his guilt, all the guilts are like a small ponies standing and he was straight walking through; did not even see the guilts. Then through his pains, he did not pick up a single pain or anger or vengeance. I was shocked actually, it’s like er if you put a knife through the butter how it will come out that beautiful way he was coming out, it was too much.


Then finally I saw he was passing through his pain. Did not pick up single guilt or depression or anger. He just walked through his causal body; causal body is a… where all the engrams are dumped, like your garage, your car garage or in India, always below the steps, below the first floor steps you will have that small shoe box where you dump everything. That’s your causal layer, where all the useless, broken unwanted, unused, worry diagram, engrams are dumped. He walked even through that engrams, layer, did not pick up anything. He just walked through. Suddenly I saw, because he did not have any engram, he just became enlightened. He just left the body, it was beautiful enlightenment. I was really shocked. I saw how come that first guy had such a worst death and this second guy is having such a beautiful, peaceful relaxed process and he became enlightened. It was very revealing for Me.


I enquired the family, the family was standing next. I enquired: “Is he a great Mahatma or enlightened being?” They said: “No, why? What are you talking? He had a business and two wife and he was managing his family.” I asked: “No, no, is he used to meditate or he used to go to temples regularly or very spiritual person?” They said: “No, no, nothing doing. He is actually atheist, not only will never meditate, will not even go to temples.” I asked: “Did he had some guru who blessed him or assured, gave him abhaya?” They said: “No. He never had any guru.” Then I started meditating: Then what can be the reason? That guy had such a worst death and this second guy had such a beautiful death. It’s not even death, it’s practically enlightenment. How did it happen? When I started contemplating a strong truth was revealed to Me. Please understand, not for pride, I am just stating the honest truth. If you are not able to catch it, forgive Me, but I have to tell the honest truth as it is: I just realised this guy has died in the Presence of somebody who has, who can support and assist through energy.


Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 3 || NSC

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Transcript of Video - Mystical Death Formula (Physical Layer) || Part 3 || NSC


I did not have any will to support him. Please understand, I did not have any will to support him or assist him. But the intense Presence. I saw very clearly when I, later on when I meditated, I suddenly understood. See, when he got into the pain he should have fallen into coma, then all the side effects would have happened. But because of My intense Presence, instead of falling into coma, he became more aware, more aware. See that simple one shift from instead of falling into coma, he has fallen into higher awareness. That took care of everything and just because of that one shift. He peacefully passed through his desires, his guilt, his pain and his causeless engrams and relaxed into enlightenment.


Please understand, then I really felt, “Oh god! If at all I can do this one help to human beings My whole life is over, done. Iam done”. Because, see any other help can be done by anybody else. But this one help beautiful, peaceful relaxation at the time of death, it’s a ultimate gift. If somebody can give this to people, then he doesn't need to do anything else. That’s the best thing can happen to humanity. But unfortunately I cannot go and stand in all the hospitals and tell people ‘quickly die, I have to go to next hospital.’ That doesn't, that cannot happen. Then what is the way to reproduce this same second death experience on everybody?


When I started meditating I realized few things. See an enlightened being's energy is not limited to time and space. Even though he experienced because he was in that same space, but it was not always limited to time or space. It can be contacted at any day, any place, anywhere. What is really needed for this experience to be reproduced on every being while they leave the body? When I meditated, it took two and a half days for Me. After two and a half days, kind of a light ball, like a intense golden light ball, some understanding landed in Me. That is the technology to reproduce, that same experience on every being. Means, if the power of the engrams are reduced while they are in the body, the engrams are taken out and the frequency of the individual consciousness is raised than the frequency… it’s like you see, now you are… your engrams are ten feet tall, you are only three feet tall. If you are made twenty feet tall and engrams are reduced to two feet tall, you will simply walk through them when you leave the body.


So if this can happen then death will not be painful, it’ll be just beautiful, blissful. You will be given a choice whether to take one more body or just to relax in the cosmos. So the technology which happened in Me at that time as a revelation is this Nithyananda Spurana. This is the technology which happened in Me. I am opening up as it happened in Me in you, as it happened in Me in you. Please understand, I am expecting two things to happen through this: One when you leave the body, you will have peaceful, without any suffering or pain through engrams you will leave the body. Second, you will have clear choice and freedom to take one more body or to be in the cosmos, means live as a Jeevan Muktha.


If you want to take one more body you will have the clear idea where to, what to, when, why. Then naturally that life will be joyful. If you did not have, if you don’t want to take one more body you can just be a Jeevan Muktha. This is what I expect for you to happen through this technology, first thing. Second thing when I started working with this technology on thousands and thousands of people, I suddenly realized after this technology not only people's death become blissful and beautiful, even their life becomes blissful and beautiful because of no engrams, because of less engrams.


You see actually the originally the technology itself happened in Me for peaceful death. But when I saw people who went through this technology, even their life has become peaceful and blissful, I started offering this program not only for death for life also, for life also. Because when the engrams are reduced when your frequency is increased, naturally you become more healthy, more peaceful, better relationships, more energy. Because of all these things naturally creating more wealth apart from that, the spiritual experience. I saw even for life this helps. So please understand, these are the few words I wanted to share about the technology. One more thing, whatever I uttered is truth, I am responsible for these words. Now I know I have created many questions in you about death, about life. You can write anything you want about this subject, I’ll answer your questions.


You are not actually one thing, you are a seven part. The first part of you is that physical bone, flesh, this body. Please understand, physical body which is made out of blood, bones and flesh, this is a first layer. Your second layer is your breathing energy, inhaling, holding, spreading, exhaling and releasing. See, you have five air process happening in you. We call in Sanskrit Pancha Prana: prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana, means inhaling, holding, the prana which is inhaled spreading inside your body to all the parts, oxygen being supplied to all the parts and unnecessary air being exhaled, exhaling and the stomach cleaning itself through gas, so apana. Five process, please understand this five process; if it is happening properly naturally you will be healthy.


Sometime people come and complain about the gastric trouble. Please understand, if you don’t release the gas that is the problem. As per ayurveda… as per British technology, see, the British has their own ideas about the body, their own ideas about the body. If the apana is not clear, getting cleaned, that is the real problem. Somehow this social etiquette and so many confusions got added with the body and maintenance of the body. British have their own idea, we started swallowing British idea. Five process is a basic process of the body: inhaling, holding, the air circulated inside your body and exhaling and inside cleaning, inside cleaning. So this five process is pancha prana, this is the second layer of you.


And third layer is your inner chattering, continuous inner chattering happening in you; that’s your third layer. Fourth layer is the emotion, your emotions is your fourth layer. And fifth layer in the deep sleep which you experience, or the peace that is your fifth layer. Sixth layer is causeless joy, you experience very rarely in your life, that’s your sixth layer. Your seventh layer is enlightenment. All these seven put together is you. Unfortunately you don’t experience more than three or four in your life, maximum four.


So now I’ll make you experience all the seven and remove engrams from all the different layers. Why you don’t experience your prana layer properly - because of the engrams stored there. Why you don’t experience, you are not aware of all your inner chattering - because of the engrams stored there. Why you don’t experience all the emotions happening in you properly, you have so much of chaos - because engrams associated to the emotions, engrams associated to the memory. That’s why you don’t have the clarity when those emotions happen in you. So we will work on each layer, experience each layer clearly and remove the engrams from each layer. Now we will have a break. So let’s gather for next session. Thank you.


Video - Kumbh Mela, Kundalini and More! || Q & A || NSC

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Transcript of Video - Kumbh Mela, Kundalini and More! || Q & A || NSC


Question: “In Kumbh Mela the first dip will be taken by persons from Naga Sampradaya. I came to know that this Kumbh Mela you will be taking the first dip. Are you from Naga Sampradaya?” Swamiji: No no no. I am not going to take the first dip. There are thirteen Mahamandaleshwars. One-three Mahamandaleshwars of the Nirvani Akhada. All thirteen will take the first dip. Last time they allowed Me to take first dip because in that thirteen, I am the only person who created an order, order of Sanyasis. All others are imbibed. They are like hereditary. Their Gurus have created the organisation; they came to the seat. Last time they allowed Me to take the first dip because I created the Sangha. They have respect for Me, that's all. And this time, all these thirteen will take dip. Please understand it is not that I’ll be taking the dip, all the thirteen will take the first dip. I am also from, I’m from Naga Sampradaya.


Naga Sampradaya means, he says he’s asking the question: “Can you explain Naga Sampradaya?” Naga Sampradaya means the Sanyasis who are from Shankara Parampara, Shankara's Parampara who accept the sky as the cloth and whatever comes in their way as their food. And it's a initiated into Paramahamsa order. I think day before yesterday I was explaining; they will wear the cloth only when they come inside the city to teach. If I am not inside the city, if I am not teaching and the sky is the dress, means living with nature. It’s a traditional way of living and we are supposed to eat whatever comes in our way.


That rules belongs to all the Sanyas Parampara like carrying the stick and all does not apply to us. As I said that avadhoota and Paramahamsas, it does not apply. It’s a tradition created to keep the enlightenment science alive. We are supposed to dedicate our time to practice and preach the Enlightenment science. There are like this few restrictions and few understandings. That's all.


This time all the thirteen will be taking bath. That is the traditional right. Last time they allowed Me. In that thirteen, nobody else has created an organisation, created a Sangha. It's like a understanding between the thirteen. Totally there are 30,000 Mahamandaleshwars and 300 Akhadas. Akhada means group, the organisation. So the first leading organisation is the Nirvani Akhada, which is our organisation, which we belong to. It is the leading organisation. It has only one-three Mahamandaleshwars.


In this organisation they have lot of restrictions. If to ordain somebody as Mahamandaleshwar. Somebody asked the question, how the Mahamandaleshwar is being ordained and all that. Who put the question? How the titles are given.


They have their own screening method. They should have had this kind of experiences. They should have initiated this many number of Sadhus and they should have written this many number of books and they go through their, some of their, they have their own calculations. Then they ordain.


Again a few questions on what is meant by Mahamandaleshwar. It is nothing. It is a traditional title given, honour given to somebody to recognise their contribution. Question: “Awakening Kundalini is not good for married couple.” Swamiji: Don't worry it is good. Nothing wrong, nothing wrong. Question: “Tea, alcohol, sex should stop, to practice Kundalini.” Swamiji: Nothing like that. See awakening of kundalini, you may drop alcohol. But other than that, nothing like a tea, coffee, the regular married life, or nothing. It's no way involved in that. So don't worry. Kundalini can be awakened for all the people.


Question: “Is the causal layer linked anyway predominantly to the throat chakra?” Swamiji: No. It is not linked to the throat chakra. It is beyond the seven chakras. Question: “What about kirtans?” Swamiji: Evening Kirtan and all that. All that should be kept alive. All these beautiful things, juicy things should be kept alive. Because you don't give chance to, chance for kids to jump in the temple, they go to the bar and jump. That's all. They drink and jump there. That's the problem. If you give them the space here itself they won't do there.


Video - Birth, Abortion and More! || Q & A || NSC

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Link to Video: Mystical Truths about the Causal Layer || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010

Transcript:to Video: Mystical Truths about the Causal Layer || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010


Now we will be going back to that same causal layer from which your body was created consciously and recreate your whole being. That causal layer only is called Kali. In sanskrit Kali means darkness. That’s all. The exact translation of the word Kali means darkness. This technique is beautifully described in Kularnava tantra. Intensely meditating on cosmic darkness; that is your sleep. See, your sleep is nothing but darkness being covered in darkness. Unfortunately we have wrong idea about darkness, as if it is life negative. No, understand, it is not. All our life comes from the darkness which is in your mother’s womb and goes back to cosmic darkness. So that is our mother. That is our source from where we come out and where we go and merge.


That is why it is such a deep peace. The word Kali means darkness. Now we are going to meditate on quality of Kali. Not just the form of Kali. You see, even the form of Kali is very beautiful. On one hand she is holding the sword - the left raised hand sword. The lower hand - the cut head, severed head. And this hand [right hand] she is giving abhaya and varada; means, if your ego is cut by the knowledge sword you are blessed and protected. That’s all. That’s what she symbolizes. See, unfortunately somehow that darkness is associated with negativity. It is not. It is not negative. The dark, the Kali’s darkness is motherly darkness - the darkness which gives you the deep peace and healing in which your body and mind is rejuvenated every day. The only problem you have you have is your fear about that darkness. If you just drop your fear and enter into the darkness you will see you are in mother’s lap. You are in mother’s lap. You are in cosmic mother’s energy again.


I have seen in My experience hundreds of people walk out of their sleeping pills and any other problems related to insomnia, chronic fatigue just with this one session. When I say I am really responsible. So put all your energy… even the eye problem because you see the eye problem is nothing but having too much of stress during the sleep. Now the recent studies says if you don’t have deep sleep if your constantly eye balls are moving during the sleep that creates a stress and all the eyes related problems happens in you. Eye related problems are happening in you. So please understand this one process can work and help even to heal your eyes. Too much of eye ball movement during the sleep, they call it REM rapid eye movement. And during the sleep, if your stress and dreams are too much, the eye ball movement will be too much. That creates stress. That creates all disease related to eyes.


So go into this process. Go into this meditation. It will heal you in so many ways. Not only physically and mentally, you will carry a deep peace in you, a kind of a light being. This process will help you to carry a light being. Many time having a light being itself solves many problems. If you carry that light being you won’t have a problem. Many time the people who wanted to torture you when they see you are not tortured, they just disappear. They just can’t understand what is going on. They’ll just disappear. Many time you will not create enemies if you carry light being. Carrying the light being can happen if you meditate on Mother. The mother energy is such a solid energy, such a peaceful energy, the meditation on Kali… please understand, when I say meditation on Kali, the qualities, gunas of Kali - deep peace and deep eternal darkness - Healing darkness - alive, living, peaceful, eternal darkness.


When you meditate on this Kali energy you will have the light being. Your ego, the strong ego will be cut by the knowledge sword. And you will carry a deep light being. See after this layer, it’s all too mystical. Logically I cannot relate exactly and with your logic and tell you exactly what is happening. I am really, actually struggling. Big traffic jam in My throat; how to connect and logically convince you to meditate on this darkness. I am telling, telling, telling so many things. But I Myself feel very clearly still I am not able to completely talk in your language. Because after this subtle body the logic does not work. It’s only straight process and mystical techniques. That is why your logic can be useful only to a certain level. Beyond that just straight away going into the process and experiencing only solves the problem.


Because many thing relate… You see, now I have said that just through this process I have helped many people to walk out of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's. But still I am not able to logically connect why they got healed because of this process. I am only able to see that the disease is related to causal layer problem. And healing the causal layer heals the disease. That's all I am able to say. I am not able to exactly pinpoint. But there are many things I am able to pinpoint. The engram and the disease, I am able to straight away connect. But still with this causal layer I am not able to connect the problem and the solution. I am only able to feel this heals the causal layer, because the causal layer is healed that problem gets solved.


It’s something I know the solution, but not the root. How I arrived, came to the solution? If you read this Ramanujam’s life, mathematic… great mathematician; all his, many of his solutions, he just knows the solution. If you give the problem, he will give you the solution within microseconds, not even seconds. Before even you complete the problem, he will give you the solution. But if you ask him “how did you come to this conclusion?” He doesn't know. He says that “Solingapuram Mahalakshmi gave the solution.” That is his causal layer. Solingapuram Mahalakshmi that is his ishta devata. He was born and brought up near the Solingapuram. In Tamil Nadu there is a beautiful Narashimma Swamy temple, old temple. That Mahalakshmi gave him darshan and blessed him.


So “the Solingapuram Mahalakshmi gave me the solution.” That is unimaginable intuition. That happens from this causal layer. But the problem is he is not, he was never able to give the steps. That will take five, six days for him to come to the steps. Many of his steps has still holes. I have studied some of his problems and the solutions. The problem is right, solution is right. But how he connects, that steps have lots of holes. You can’t say that is the right step, but the solution is right. So this is the expression of causal layer. So when the causal layer is healed you will just know beyond your logic, you will start seeing beyond your logic, you will start experiencing many things beyond your logic.


I can give you one more example of this causal layer. Sometime in some parties or when you go to some new places suddenly you will have a thought. Either some person is going to come or some incident is going to happen in next five, six minutes. You will see exactly that will happen. Or, you will go to a new place, suddenly you will have the feeling you know that house thoroughly, every room, every corner, every object. First time you may be visiting. But you think, you suddenly feel you know everything. When you go inside, it will be exactly the same way. How many of you felt this in your life at least once? This is causal layer. Understand. This is causal layer. Those few moments you just fell into the causal layer accidently. You fall into the causal layer accidentally.


You see, sometime people say, no, no, no it is coincidence. If it happens in one person's life once, you can call it coincidence. So many of you. Please raise your hand once more. Let me see. See practically 90% are raising the hand. How can be this coincidence, if it is 90%? Something more than coincidence. There is a science behind it. The, when you are in that causal layer you will just see beyond logic you jump. And the decisions are made revelations happen. That is the mother energy. That is the mother energy. Mother energy and the intuition are very closely connected. That is why around the world all mother worshippers will be carrying this intuition power. You can see mother worship is always connected to intuition power. All cultures please understand. I am not talking only about Indian culture. All cultures wherever the mother worship is accepted and revered you will see intuition in that civilizations, in that countries, in that places intuition will be there.


Wherever mother energy, mother worship not accepted, they all will be logic worshippers. The whole civilizations can be classified as two; logic worshipers, intuition worshipers. All logic worshiping civilizations are built on money, currency, wall street. All mother worship civilizations are built on heart - the agriculture, the land based. These are the only two civilizations. Understand. I am connecting some of the deep basic secrets of different civilizations. All mother worshiping civilizations not only in India all over the world, they are all built on agriculture, land based. They are not built on currency based. They are built on land based. And they will all be based on the intuition. They will all be intuition worshiper’s. They will all be radiating the intuition. If you go to our Indian villages, still you will see every Indian village will have at least two, three guys who is giving that oracle. Who is giving, that he will be predicting what will happen. They will just simple villagers they will be sitting in village.


I had My own one experience in My life. I was, during My yatra, in one village under a tree there was a small stone applied all the turmeric, kumkum and all those things, all those things. I did not have any idea that somebody was worshipping that. I thought something. I put my head on that and slept to rest. From two and a half miles distance one farmer is running and coming to Me within one hour. That guy is telling “Come on get up. Because You are sadhu I am leaving You. Otherwise I would have killed. It’s my deity Devi. She appeared in my dream and I saw that somebody was disrespecting so I ran and came here.”


All you need to do - meditate on your sleep. That’s all. Nothing else. See what you experience during sleep? Deep peace and deep darkness. Meditate on that peaceful darkness. That’s all. Only one condition head should be straight. I don’t want you to be sleeping, I want you to be meditating on sleeping. You see I wanted you to enter into that space consciously. So that you can enter whenever you want and you can come out wherever you don’t want. As on now sleep is not under your control. It will come when it wants, it will go when it wants. I, through this process I am bringing sleep under your control. You can enter when you want, you can come out when you don’t want. So once the sleep comes under your control, many problems will be completely solved. The freshness, being alive, so many problems will be completely solved.


Title Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010

Link to Video: Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010

Transcript:to Video: Eliminate Guilt Now! || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010


The third body is mental layer, inner chattering. Inner chattering which is constantly happening in you. The engram we store in this layer is guilt. Please understand. If you feel ‘I should live like this’ about the future, it is desire. If you feel ‘I should have lived like that’ about the past, it is guilt. Your consciousness going to the future is desire, getting into the past and messing the whole thing is guilt. Let Me define the guilt - scanning, judging your past life incidents with updated intelligence is guilt. Please understand. Judging your past life incidents with updated intelligence is guilt. For example at the age of seven you are playing with your toys, your mother comes and says come and eat drop the toys. You say “No. I don’t want to eat.” If your mother snatches your toys, the kids will shout “No, you go and die. Give me my toys, get lost. Give me my toys.” At that moment for that intelligence the toys were looking much more important than the mother. Now you know mother is more useful than the toys. If you start creating guilt, “Oh at the, at that time I abused my mother without knowing that she is more important than the toys.” No. That is not intelligence. But that is what we do. At the age of seven you had only that much intelligence. The toys were looking much more important than the mother. Please understand. When you grow your intelligence gets updated. Use your intelligence to celebrate your life, not to punish yourself through the guilt. Now you have the intelligence mother is more important than the toy. Use this intelligence to celebrate your life, celebrate your understanding, not to judge your decisions. Please understand. Every moment what you think as right and do, can become guilt if you revisit the same decision after few days. Because in few days you would have grown.


If you revisit the same incidents after few days and you don’t feel guilty, something is wrong with you because your intelligence is not updated. Understand. All you need is neither revisiting nor having guilt. Go on updating intelligence and just go ahead, go ahead, go ahead with it. Don’t revisit, don’t rejudge any incident; if you revisit with the updated intelligence you will create guilt. You will create guilt. One more thing, there is no such thing as a right or wrong. There is no scale. There is no scale. Understand. Life is constant expansion. Today what was wrong for you will be right for you tomorrow. Today what was right for you may be wrong for tomorrow. So it is a constant expansion. It is a constant experiment. All I wanted to tell you is at this moment whatever intelligence you have, be honest with that intelligence. That’s all. There is no such thing, there is no scale; who is here to tell Me… the tell, come on tell the scale, come on. Where is the scale? There is no scale. There is no scale to say right, wrong to create any guilt in you.


So this moment be honest to your core to yourself as much as you can. That’s all. Nothing else can be done. Somebody came and asked Me the other day “I have a deep guilt in me Swamiji, so much of guilt is put on me. I don’t know how to get out of it.” I said “Come on, tell Me who can say what is wrong and right.” The person who says something is right, something is wrong and puts guilt in you; can he come with you after you die? He can’t. After your death you are going to go alone. Ask him, “Are you going to come with me, then judge me?” You are not. He can’t even take one simple headache which you have. He can give headache but he can’t take it. See in your life, all the fellows who go on judging you putting that guilt layer in you, constantly creating the self abusal technology… that’s what I call, the guilt is nothing but self abusal technology. Who inserts this system into you, he can’t help you, he can’t support you.


People ask Me, “No, no, no without guilt how are we going to grow?” Please understand. With guilt you can never grow. With guilt you can never raise your moral standard. You can never raise your consciousness. I tell you, with guilt even if you raise your moral standard it is not worth it. It will only lead to more depression. See, when a horse is running you can stop the horse in two way. One holding the rope, other one throwing a big stone on the horse. Holding the rope means understanding through which you stop. Throwing a stone on it, in that way also you can stop. But the horse will never run again. So if you stop your mind, by putting the guilt, if you bring morality by putting the guilt on it you will have, but the horse will no more useful, useful for you. So, one more thing, guilt is like a wedge inserted into your system. If you have seen in the villages, when they cut wood they will insert a wedge. Same way in your consciousness the wedge inserted into your consciousness is guilt.


I will tell you one small incident. It’s really happened. One person, in this session, when I was sharing about guilt, in that meditation process she started weeping profusely. After the session I had few minutes with her. I have healed her, guided her. In the root chakra she had a tumor for 11 years. She says she underwent three surgeries, but within one month the tumor will come back. So she was suffering for years with the tumor. Anyhow she went through this process and went away. After three months she came back and said “Swamiji I don’t know what happened to me. The tumor has disappeared automatically.” And now this has happened two and half years before. Till now she has not got the tumor back, it has disappeared once for all. See in the guilt session when she was talking to Me, she had a very deep guilt. In the young age she had some, somebody has abused her, something has… wrong has been done to her. That guilt has gone so deep into her system she started hating that part of the body. Literally through energy she disconnected herself from that part. Just almost like a energy clot, like a blood clot, energy clot. That energy clot was responsible for her disease again and again happening. Once she came out of that energy clot completely the disease disappeared and never returned. Understand. I am giving you one example, we carry 1000’s of energy clots. I can say all problems related to wheezing - the prana movement, whether it’s a particular part pains or the skin disease, all these diseases. These are all because of prana movements only. Prana movements, especially psoriasis, all these things directly related to guilt. Please understand. When I say this I am responsible. If you have any problem related to wheezing or skin disorders or this particular parts paining, it’s directly related to guilt. Go into this session completely. You will see that completely disappears.


When I say this word I am responsible. Because I worked with this one technique with this one process, millions of people come out of their problems. See I can say at least 200 people I have walked out of their cancers with this one session; in My experience of last eight years, at least 200 cancers, because if you google and see the top ten reasons for cancers one is guilt. In the top ten reasons one is guilt. Guilt creates I can say at least 20% of the cancers. For 20% of the cancers, guilt is responsible. Directly responsible. Just if you can walk out of the guilt I can say 20% cancers can melt down. It can just disappear. Not only cancer, even the suffering in the lifetime; there are so many sufferings.


See in the initial level, below the age of seven the family puts lot of guilt into you; because there are many rules, they don’t have patience or intelligence to explain to you. For example why you should not eat with left hand? Ask your parents. They don’t have reason. They just beat you ‘hey don’t touch; don’t do.’ But for a child he doesn’t know right, left or anything. Still I have a problem of right, left. Sometimes people feel little offended when I give energy darshan or initiation through left hand. But the problem is what is there, it's your skin, how much you are alive in this corner, you are alive same way in this corner. But unfortunately there are so many things which is put on you. You see I am not saying start using left hand, but there is no ... if you..when you say..when you tell your kids, ‘don’t use’, you should have little patience or intelligence to spend time with them and make them understand. See in those days we did not have better soaps, so this hand was used for washing. Just the five minutes job for that you need to leave one full hand for 24 hours. Really unproductive. Now you have soaps, detergents use everything. Why are you leaving one hand without using just for five minutes job? Too costly. No just think of productivity. It’s too costly.


There are so many rules we dump on kids without giving them logical reason, without understanding, to relate with their level of logic. That is the first layer guilt. Understand. The first layer guilt cripples child’s logic. So many ways… you see the kids have the habit of whirling; around the world, all tradition, the kids have the habit of whirling, because whirling balances their energy. Sufi’s use that technique. One part of Islam there is a tradition called Sufi tradition, they are a great mystics - Sufi’s - they use this technique of whirling. Whirling balances your energy. When kids whirl you shout at them ‘hey keep quiet, don’t do’. The problem is, the deep down you have jealous, jealousy. We are suffering, depressed, and these guys are so happy, jumping around. No, really, it’s a deep down jealous. You can’t tolerate somebody happy in front of you. That is the problem. And you give your own reasons, ‘no, no no kids may fall.’ If you have the concern just put two, three mattress and let them whirl around it, whirl on the mattress. Actually kids if they fall on their own they will never hurt themselves. Only if you stand there they will start crying. Observe, if they fall first thing they do, they will just look around. If there is nobody they will just get up and walk coolly. They will simply walk. Only if somebody is around and showing that sympathetic face ‘oh what happened? What happened?’ Then they will start ah..h. Otherwise if they fall on their own they won’t, they will, not only they will not be hurt, they will not shout, they will not do anything. They will simply do things on their own. Understand. The first layer guilt put on the kids is rules forced on them without explaining to their logic. That’s the first layer guilt which is forced below the age of seven.


Title Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010

Link to Video:Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010

Transcript:to Video:Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 1 || NSC || 04 Feb 2010


We will work on the second layer now. As I was describing yesterday I am trying to take you into the, all the deep experiences step by step. Working on death is the first layer - physical layer, working on all your bio memory, working on very physical layer. First we started working on fear of death, fears and worries related to death - That's the first layer - physical layer. The second, now we will work is, allow all your desires and thoughts to come up illogically, irrationally. You see, do not judge whether it is a right desire or wrong desire. The moment you start judging your mind will stop telling you the truth. It's like a ... the moment you start controlling your kids they will just stop telling you what they are doing. That's all. It's not that they are going to stop what they are doing. They will only stop telling you what they are doing. You will just teach them how to hide. That's all, nothing else.


So we will open your second layer. Second layer is the prana sarira. As I was describing, the prana sarira is the place where you store all your desire engrams. All your desire engrams are stored in the prana sarira. Inhaling, holding, spreading, exhaling, cleaning; these are the five activities of the prana, pancha prana. In this all your desire engrams get stored. That is why when your desires change, the prana activity will change. If you're caught with lust suddenly you will see your breathing is totally different. You have a different breathing pattern. Every desire has a different breathing pattern, different breathing system. So, if you work on breathing you can open all the desire engrams. All the desire engrams can open up. It can be made available to you.


If you remember, I was describing the first death. I told you, that person fell into the coma. The moment he fell into the coma all his desires woke up, became alive, started harassing him. You can see this happening even in your dream state. The moment your logic stops functioning, all your desires will be awakened, alive and it will start moving your consciousness as it wants. Now we are going to consciously enter into the same energy field or the same space where your logic will not be standing and judging. Your logic will not be standing and verifying. But all your desires will be alive, activated. I am trying to help you pass through the stage of prana sarira now itself, consciously, which you will go through any way when you are leaving the body. So, we will be doing two step: one reducing the power of your acquired desires, second increasing the frequency of your consciousness. As I said yesterday, raising your height to thirty feet and reducing the height of the desire to three, four feet.


See you have two layer desire in you. One Prarabdha: The desire which you brought with you. Second Agamya: The desire which you acquired here after landing. See desire itself is not wrong; because your life source is desire. Desire is your fuel. Without desire you can't even get up from your bed. Early morning you can see even if you are out of sleep, unless you have a strong desire you will not jump out of the bed. You will not feel your whole body. Either you should have a desire to do something or you should have the fear if you don't do, you will miss something. Indirectly that is also a desire. Only desire can get you out of your bed. So, desire is your life force. Desire itself is nothing wrong. Nothing is wrong with your desire itself. But the problem is the agamya - accumulated desire.


Very beautifully Mahavira says, “When you land in the world God sends everything you need including the amount of food; whatever you need to enjoy in the world, everything is sent. He doesn't deprive you.” But we all feel we don't have enough. Why? The problem is when you land in the world you have certain ideas. You see, this many years I want to live. This much I want to enjoy. For this much only I can take the responsibility. More than this I cannot handle. With this clarity you land. All the things needed for you is sent. Unfortunately after landing you forget your prarabdha what for you landed and you see everything else everybody else and start accumulating their desires also. It’s like a …. you go to the main market with ten thousand rupee to buy your clothes. Suddenly one of your friend sees you there and takes you for jewellery shop and you blow away the money in the jewellery. Now for clothes you don't have money. And you want to... then immediately go for credit card, credit card or bargaining whatever or borrowing the money. Sameway when you land in the body what for you land you have enough for that. For your prarabdha you have enough. Unfortunately after that you start accumulating more desires. The desires which are accumulated are agamya. Accumulated desires naturally leads to the feeling of poverty.


You feel, ‘No, this is not there, that is not there, life is not enough, time is not enough, money is not enough, things are not enough.’ Not enough happens to you when you accumulate agamya; when you accumulate agamya. Agamya is the main reason, accumulated desires are the main reason for feeling poverty - for feeling not enough. Now the big question is how to find out, “What I am living or doing is agamya or prarabdha?” See, the innate desire, the desires which you brought - prarabdha - while they are there in you, they will give you inspiration. When you fulfill them they will give you deep fulfillment - You lived your life. Agamya - accumulated desire - while they are there they will give you deep irritation. When you fulfill them, complete them again the big problem is you will suddenly feel empty. See the quality with your…. the desires which you brought before fulfilling it will be very inspiring. The moment you remember, it will be inspiring. After fulfilling it will give you deep satisfaction. You lived your life. But the accumulated desire before fulfilling it will be having, it will be giving you deep irritation.


You can see many time, you hate that but you want that. You hate him but you need him. Sometime you hate something, means, it creates deep irritation it is not there, but you want it. Even though it creates irritation, you work for it. But once you achieve suddenly you feel empty, “Oh God, just for this I worked so much. Just for this I wasted my whole life. Just for this I have spent my life.” So, even before acquiring very beautifully Ramana Maharishi says about this agamya, “Before acquiring the desire even the mustard seed will look like a mountain. After acquiring even a mountain will look like a mustard seed.” That is agamya - accumulated desire.


Now we need to work on prarabdha and agamya. The desires which we brought and desires which we accumulated. One important thing when you… see, when you shake a tree all the dead leaves, old leaves will fall and the strong leaves will stay with it. All the fallen dead leaves will become manure for the tree for its further growth. Sameway when you shake your prana sarira where are all these desire engrams are hanging, your prarabdha will stay with it. The agamya will drop by itself. And the dropped agamya, dropped accumulated desire will become manure for your prarabdha to be fulfilled.


So, you will… the tremendous energy which is getting wasted in the accumulated desires, please understand, with accumulated desires, even if you remember you will have shoulder pain. You can see in your life; if you just go and sit morning in your office you don't need to do any work, just sit in your office morning. One hour think about all these things. You will have a shoulder pain; you are tired already. And you don't want to take any more decisions, you don't want to do any more things. If you work on your desires, suddenly you will see, energy which is getting wasted in unnecessary directions - the agamya, those things will drop. I always tell people ‘don't renounce what you have, renounce what you don't have.’ See there are thousands of things you don't have but you are living with it through fear or worry or fantasy or your ideas. So, renounce what you don't have, that's enough. I always insist on looking into the agamya and prarabdha. This will clear 90% of your confusions, save more than 80% of your energy. Because 80% of your energy goes either in unwanted or confused directions; not in a proper way, not in a straightforward way. You don't even know how the energy is flowing because all this accumulated desires, you are so deluded you do not know what you really want.


Please understand. When we go into the experience you will understand you yourself will be able to very clearly see which is your prarabdha and which is your agamya; in this one session you will be able to see it very clearly. Now let us start the process. I will guide you step by step. We will go through some three-level different process. First thing: you would have been given two notebooks. One with My photo. That is for your notes. That for you to take it to the home. Another one just papers, pinned. That is the samskara notebook. Keep it ready and just sit. First listen to Me. Please listen. Later on you can do. Now sit with closed eyes. See whatever you have inside you as desires - whether it is already fulfilled or unfulfilled, whatever you know as desires, from the young age whatever you accumulated - your childhood fantasies or youth fantasies or the old age fantasies. Whatever you accumulated, sit and take accounts of everything, means, pen down vividly. Please understand. Don't show it to anybody first thing. Second thing don't look at other desire and write. You already accumulated agamya from others desires only. At least when you write, look into you and write. But people are very happy looking through that corner of the eyes. What is she writing? Now at least look within yourself. Two thing: do not judge - If you judge your mind won't reveal itself to you - first thing. Second thing pen down as vividly as possible. You need to know; only when you record you will know. Third thing, write in the same language you think. If you think Telugu and English mix or Hindi and English mix, the same way, write. Don't edit. Because many of the inner truths will be revealed to you when you write as it is. Please do not change the language, change that sentence formation, change the grammar, write as you feel.


Usually your desires will be these four classification: One - sense enjoyment. Seeing, taste, smell, sound, sex, five sense enjoyment. That's the first layer. Second: name and fame, rewards, recognition. The third: accumulating more than what you need just for the sake of accumulation. Like a .. let me have one house in Kodaikanal. Let me have a house in Visakhapatnam beach. Like this just.. just for the sake of accumulation. Accumulating, but you will not be enjoying. You will not be using it. It is there, legally it is yours. That kind of accumulation. Then fourth: desires related to spiritual desires. Understand. Sometime people will not have spiritual experience because of their intense stressful greedy desire for spiritual experiences. I have seen, their very greed will be so strong, so disrespectful, they will not allow the experience to happen in them. They will not allow the experience to happen in them. So, even in that field, wait, have deep patience.


See, for spiritual experience not only passion, you need patience also. You need patience also. Passion and patience, when both of them are together in you, you will have the experience. So, write even if you have desires for spiritual experiences. Because people have all weird ideas. Yesterday somebody asked Me in the energy darshan, “Can you prove… I have lost something, can you predict and tell me and then prove you are an incarnation or Enlightened.” I said, “I am not interested in proving.” Actually if I try to look inside I will see all the dirt which you have inside. Which one you want Me to tell? So, you yourself tell I can support. Otherwise, relax. I am not interested in proving anything. Anyhow, sometime we have our own ideas. I don't know whether he's here today. Okay. Anyhow, sometime we have our own ideas, so even that spiritually if you have too much of desires, too much greed or your own ideas you will miss it. You will miss it.


Title Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010

Link to Video:Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010

Transcript: to Video:Be Bigger Than Your Innate Desires || Part 2 || NSC || 4 Feb 2010


Now we will sit and start writing. We will start the process now. Please understand. It is a very powerful technique to infuse awareness into your individual consciousness, means awakening your Self and reduce the depth of your desire engrams. The influence power of desire engrams over your being. It's a two step. The first step: changing your breathing pattern, bringing your awareness to the prana sarira. Please understand. Changing your breathing pattern and bringing your awareness to the prana sarira. Inhale as slowly as possible, hold as long as possible. Exhale as slowly as possible, hold your lungs empty without inhaling as long as possible. Please understand this whole cycle: inhaling as slowly as possible, holding as long as possible, exhaling as slowly as possible, holding lungs empty as long as possible. Repeat this same cycle as slowly as possible continuously. This is the first step.


The second step: sit, you see, by the time you enter into the second step, your whole awareness will be on the prana sarira. Your whole awareness will be from the… now your awareness is in the body - sthula sarira. It will move to the second layer because of the first step. That time, visualize… Understand, it's a very powerful process. Throughout your life you lived having the feeling that, “Oh I don't have this, I don't have this, I don't have this.” Just for half an hour live with the feeling that you have everything. Whatever is your fantasy, give life to it. Allow your mind to run as much as it can. Have your fantasy land. See that all your desires are alive. Just live them. Suddenly you will see mind is not running behind many of your desires, it is coming back again and again only to few desires. Those few are your prarabdha. Many desires you wanted to imagine, you wanted to visualize, you wanted to fantasize, but your mind is not interested in going towards it. That is your agamya. You will see in this one session very clearly your agamya dropping means you, yourself will feel, “Oh”. Even while you write you can see, many things you don't even want to write. You don't want to give even that much attention to it. But when you are thinking you will always be thinking, ‘Oh this is an important thing.’ But when you work suddenly you will see, when you bring awareness suddenly many desires do not hold any influence over you.


Two step, first changing the breathing pattern to move your…. your energy, consciousness to the parana sarira. Second step, live all your desires. Let your body and mind go behind the desires. Always you are taught to suppress. Now I am saying, “Just allow it.” Let your body and mind go behind the desires as much as it can, it wants. You will suddenly see many of the desires are no more having any influence over you. Even if you want to visualize, you want to see you are not feeling connected. You are not feeling attracted. Suddenly only few desires again and again your mind will come back. Those few are your prarabdha. Many desires which you thought are very important. But when you start living they don't…. you don't feel like even thinking of them, visualizing them. They are only agamya. You will see many of your desires which you never thought are important will become alive. Many of your desires which you thought really important will never even come up in your inner space. A big shift and the clarity between the agamya and prarabdha will automatically happen. That is the power of this process. You don't need to do anything else. Simply it will happen. It will happen bringing awareness to the deepest layers of your being will remove many of the agamya, many of the accumulated desires. I'll guide you. I'll see that you successfully complete the process. Please stand and spread all over the hall.


Photos of the day

SPH Visits Kailassa in Hyderabad Sripuram Aadhenam

Devotees Offered Prathyaksha Paadapooja to SPH

Paadapooja - IMG_7235.jpg Paadapooja - IMG_7237.jpg



At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6756.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6757.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6759.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6778.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6779.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6797.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6799.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6800.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6801.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6804.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6837.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6838.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6839.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6840.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6843.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6844.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6845.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6846.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6847.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6858.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6859.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6860.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6861.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6862.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6863.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6864.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6865.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6866.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6867.jpg At-Registeration-And-Galleria - IMG_6868.jpg


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Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7194.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7195.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7197.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7203.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7204.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7206.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7207.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7208.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7209.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7214.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7215.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7220.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7221.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7253.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7254.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7255.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7258.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7261.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7262.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7263.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7264.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7265.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7266.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7269.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7270.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7280.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7281.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7283.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7284.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7285.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7290.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7291.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7292.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7306.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7309.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7314.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7315.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7316.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7317.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7318.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7319.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7320.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7321.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7322.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7323.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7324.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7326.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7327.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7328.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7330.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7331.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7342.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7343.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7346.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7347.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7348.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7349.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7350.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7351.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7354.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7355.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7356.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7371.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7372.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7373.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7374.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7376.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7377.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7379.jpg Nsp-Q&A-Session-With-Swamiji - IMG_7381.jpg




Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6900.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6904.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6905.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6906.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6907.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6908.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6909.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6910.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6911.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6912.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6916.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6917.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6918.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6919.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6920.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6924.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6926.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6927.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6929.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6931.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6932.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6933.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6934.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6936.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6937.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6939.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6941.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6942.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6948.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6951.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6952.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6959.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6964.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6965.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6969.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6972.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6974.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6980.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6981.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6997.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6998.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_6999.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7000.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7005.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7006.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7012.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7014.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7015.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7017.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7018.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7020.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7021.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7026.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7032.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7033.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7034.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7039.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7042.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7043.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7044.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7049.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7051.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7054.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7055.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7056.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7057.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7058.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7059.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7062.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7070.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7073.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7074.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7076.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7078.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7079.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7082.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7085.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7087.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7088.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7091.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7095.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7097.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7098.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7100.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7101.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7102.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7105.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7106.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7107.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7108.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7110.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7111.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7113.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7114.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7118.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7119.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7120.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7124.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7126.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7127.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7131.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7134.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7143.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7154.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7155.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7159.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7160.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7161.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7164.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7165.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7166.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7170.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7172.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7173.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7174.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7175.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7176.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7178.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7179.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7181.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7182.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7183.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7184.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7188.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7190.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7191.jpg Nsp-Intro-Session - IMG_7192.jpg








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SPH in Kailassa in Hyderabad temple and meeting with Volunteers