ATA:Core Values of Sanatana Dharma? Conflict Free Life with Understanding Jeeva, Jagat and Ishwara

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This clip was taken from the Ask the Avatar interview conducted by TV Mohandas Pai on 4 March, 2017. Swamiji beautifully explains that living life with understanding of Self, World and God, Jeeva, Jagat and Ishwara, is the core Dharma that unifies all practicing Hindus, as these are described in all the core Vedic sourcebooks. All the core values of Sanatana Dharma lead to bringing bliss with the understanding of these three. "Conflict Free, Blissful life with understanding of Jeeva, Jagat and Ishwara is Sanatana Hindu Dharma." Blissful life is a conflict free life. See the whole thing here:

Link to Video: