March 02 2020

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How Can Practising Non-Violence (Ahimsa) Be An Active Lifestyle?


The Anti Spiritual Elements Suicide Day was celebrated on this day, when in 2010 a morphed CD was published by a group of media house to malign spirituality and tried to show Hindu Swamis and Saints in a bad light. Time however showed that it was the start of the destruction of the anti-spiritual elements as spirituality stood at a higher pedastel than the low-rung anti-spiritual elements. Nithyananda Sanga celebrates this with Soora Samhara, as it's similar to Lord Subramanya's destruction of Asura Soorapadman In Satsang, Swamiji elaborately talked about AHIMSA(Non Violence) as a active lifestyle.

Video Audio



nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Samajis, Satsanghis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Nithyananda E-Gurukul Students, Nithyananda Hindu University Students, Deeksha into Power Manifestation participants, all those watching us on live on Kailasa's Nithyananda TV, Kailasa's Nithyananda Youtube Live, Facebook Live, Kailasa TV, Hinduism Now TV, Enlighten App, Twitter and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today the fourth day of the Sri Rajarajeswari Nithyanandeshwari ParaShakti Brahmotsavam, Devi Sri Rajarajeshwari Nithyanandeshwari ParaShakti is gracing in Sarva Alankara in Rajatanaga Vahanam along with Sri Laxmi and Sri Saraswati and also today is 2nd of the Vijayotsavam, Kalabhairava and ParaShakti are gracing in Sarva Alankara in Bhoota Vahanam, RajataSimha Vahanam and Hamsa Vahanam in Adi Kailasa Nithyanandapeetham. Let's receive their blessings by offering our worship.


Devotional offering - Puja


Paramashiva’s message directly from ShriKailasa. Listen, Tyaga, nonviolence, Unclutching all these are not inactive, tamasic, inertia, lazy, tired, bored, withdrawn lifestyle. Nonviolence means not only you will be nonviolent, ahimsa, established in ahimsa, you will actively practice ahimsa and enrich everyone to live ahimsa. You will create a ecosystem where ahimsa can be practiced with integrity.


Understand. All the infrastructures needed to keep the nonviolence ahimsa alive - media, media is the nonviolent way of reaching out to people and telling the real truths and facts, like media, education mechanisms, everything should be actively filled with the truths, ideas about nonviolence, Tyaga, spiritual strength, powerful cognitions, all these great truths. Listen.

Again and again and again, many are trying to harass me through the social media and all other way saying that, “Oh you are teaching constantly nonviolence, ahimsa, peace. Don't you see you are making Hindus weaker and weaker?” Understand, if Hindus listen to what I am saying sincerely, they will understand I am trying to make them really stronger. Understand. Strength is intelligent way of existing. Strength is not violence, strength is not terrorism, strength is not conversion. Understand, neither by conversion nor by terrorism, any religion is going to survive in the future. Future of the religions is not going to be decided by their capacity of conversion or terrorism. No! That period is over. The next generation is not interested in conversion or terrorism. It is interested in living the life and life positive.


Understand, the biggest mess, mistake, Hindus did in the name of nonviolence, in the name of Tyaga, withdrew from the life. Real tyagi means, you will be so alive, active, you will be teaching, enriching the whole world for Tyaga. Real nonviolence means not only you will be living the nonviolence, through all possible infrastructures, media, education system, through every possible infrastructure, you will be enriching the whole world actively about nonviolence, about Tyaga. Understand, actively enriching, actively reaching out to people about nonviolence, about Tyaga, about ahimsa, the great principles of Hinduism, is the survival need of the world, humanity, not just Hindus, humanity. Hindus have missed this part very badly. I appreciate Hindus holding on to the principle of ahimsa, nonviolence, Tyaga but I want you to understand where you missed. In the name of ahimsa and Tyaga, you withdrew from the life completely. Always human beings think only aggression is activity, either conversion or terrorism is the religious activity. No, no, no.


Actively enriching is the real spirituality-based religious activity. Hinduism is spirituality-based religion, enlightenment-based tradition. Hindus should have reached out to the whole world through international media, to tell the right narrative of Hinduism, how it is non-violence centered ahimsa basic, Tyaga based. Hindus should have reached out to United Nation, should have reached out to the whole world. Understand, Hindus missed this important action. ShriKailasa is formed to fill this gap and do this important action. Not only to spread, to enrich actively the narrative of ahimsa, nonviolence, Tyaga. Understand, the purpose of ShriKailasa is to make Hindus understand what is real ahimsa, nonviolence, Tyaga, sacrifice, Unclutching, Completion, all that and Hindus should start actively enriching Hindus first about real Tyaga, nonviolence, ahimsa, sacrifice, renunciation, completion, powerfulness - these great truths of Hinduism, powerful cognitions of Hinduism. Then, we should reach out to the whole world, through international media, to the UN, all other human act, human rights activists organization, international communities, to give the right narrative about Hinduism, to eliminate the wrong narratives about Hinduism and I really want the Hindus to actively enrich the world. Actively tell the world, the real nonviolence, real Unclutching, real Tyaga, the real narrative of Hinduism. Hinduism neither believes in conversion nor believes in terrorism. It neither supports conversion nor supports terrorism. The oldest life-positive tradition, life-positive religion. This country, ShriKailasa nation is formed to spread nonviolence, ahimsa, Tyaga, renunciation, sacrifice, great human values, Enlightenment, Science of Superconsciousness, all the best things which need to be given to humanity. Understand, the purpose of ShriKailasa is actively take it to the world.


Understand, precisely I will give you one line answer for all the sufferings Hindus are going through now all over the world. The one line answer is Hindus missed enriching, actively enriching and causing, reaching out to people. In the name of nonviolence, understand, nonviolence means dropping aggression, terrorism, anger, not dropping activism, enriching, not withdrawing from life. Hindus misunderstood and still now I am not able to convince Hindus to understand the importance of enriching. Almost last 500 years, absolute life-negative ideas, "Oh, if something is great truth, spirituality is real, it will spread by itself, it will go by itself, we don't need to do anything." Absolute life negative ideas. Understand, no terrorism, no violence, no conversion and same way no inactivism. Terrorism and inactivism is one and the same. Terrorist is murderous, inactive person is suicidal. When you are suicidal and waiting to get killed and invite people to come and kill you. Why will terrorists not feel encouraged? He knows you are not even going to cry, you are not even going to tell the world what is being done to you. Why will they not encouraged? Why will they not feel waiting? That is why people harvest your soul through conversion, kill you through terrorism.


Understand, today is March 2nd. Worst assassination attempts I faced on this very day. Literally, March 2nd and 3rd 4th, 5th, this one week, at least ten times they tried on different years very aggressively. There were small small attacks but some of the very aggressive, very planned attack; locking me inside my room, Ashram, Tapovan, Kutiya and putting the petrol bomb and burning. That kind of a sure-shot methods they tried. By the grace of Paramashiva, protection of MahaBhairava I am still alive. I am saved by the grace of Paramashiva protection of MahaBhairava, I am still alive. I am saved by the grace of Paramashiva and protection of MahaBhairava, MahaKalabhairava. Still, I am continued to be protected by the grace of Paramashiva and protection of MahaKalabhairava. You can see the photos and videos. It is not created even by us. It was done, a live-reality show by national news channels of India. They were tried about burning me live. They were not interested in legally dealing with me. First of all I have not done anything wrong, anything illegal or immoral or anti-social. I have not done anything wrong in any level. They just want to eliminate me because I am working for the revival of Power Manifestation science and Hinduism, Spiritual Enlightenment Science stored in Hinduism. I never worked against any other religion. I never spoke against any religion. I just started working to revive Hinduism, that's all. I have faced so much aggression, terrorist attacks on me, assassination attempts, lawfare, hate speech, every level. Today I am here by the grace of Paramashiva, with the protection of MahaKalabhairava to declare the victory of ParaShakti, victory of Paramashiva, victory of MahaKalabhairava. By the grace of Paramashiva, with the protection of MahaKalabhairva, we won in this whole war imposed on us.


Understand, I have not become violent because violence was forced on me. I have not decided to lose my goodness because of the bad people entering into my life. No. I said very clearly, I will continue to retain my goodness. I will only tell the whole world what all has been done to me and ShriKailasa. Understand this Kailasa, revival of Enlightenment Civilization is not started two years before or three years before. It is hereditary, handed over to me by my Gurus. I have started actively doing it, that is why I have been attacked. I have started actively doing it, I have started legally doing it, I have started doing it in a foolproof way, I have started telling the world the persecutions Hindus are going through. I have started telling the world the nonviolent tradition of Hindus. Because of nonviolent tradition, how they are being tortured, killed, attacked, hate speeches done against them and they also withdrew from life and got into inactivism, helplessness, did not reach out to the world to tell the right narrative, the truths, facts. Even now Hindus are being portrayed all over the world as terrorist even after being attacked, they are attacked but they are projected as terrorists. They are killed but they projected as aggressors. Because we did not tell the world. In the name of nonviolence and Tyaga we become inactive. Ahimsa, nonviolence should be practiced actively, should be told to the world with the right narrative. How, even after being abused, attacked, hate speech, destroyed, killed, assassination attempts, still we continue to maintain nonviolence and ahimsa because we believe in it. We live it. We Be and Live and Believe. We are Be, Being, Living and Believing nonviolence and ahimsa. We just missed actively enriching the world, reaching out to the world. ShriKailasa is formed for this purpose of telling the great ideals, nonviolence, ahimsa, Tyaga, all the great human values Lived, Practiced, Be, Lived, Believed, Be, Lived, Believed by Hindus actively, to the whole world.


Hindus only need one thing - actively enriching. You should have worked on all the mass communications infrastructures and reached out to the world through the entertainment industry, through the mass communications methodologies, through mass media methods and to the United Nation and to every human rights organization and to the whole world, how nonviolent we are, and why we believe in ahimsa, nonviolence, all these great principles. Actively enriching, organized way enriching should have been done, which Hindus missed. ShriKailsa is created, revived for that purpose. ShriKailasa is age-old nation, age-old Enlightened Civilization, I am only reviving it. I am not creating it, I am reviving it. I am so happy so many of you becoming part of it. Today on this Vijayotsava, declaration of victory day, I thank every one of you standing with Me, to celebrate this victory, by the grace of Paramashiva, with the protection of MahaKalabhairava, ParaShakti.


I sincerely welcome, thank, everyone all over the world for being with Me, with us; especially thanking, from Hollywood, Los Angeles is joining today in two-way video conferencing with us, my love and blessings to you and thank you for being part of ShriKailasa. The most nonviolent, ahimsa-based spiritual tradition, non-converting, nonviolent, ahimsa based spiritual tradition. I thank you sincerely for being here, supporting us and being part of ShriKailasa and thank you Lauren King, thank you. I am honored by every one of you being part of Shrikailsa, here celebrating this great victory. I really wanted all of you to know, if Hinduism is actively enriched, world will become great place. Not only we are a nonviolent tradition, we believe in Consciousness. We have the Science of Consciousness, raising the quality of the humanity. We believe in it, we spread it, we live it. We Be, Live, Believe. Let us all understand nonviolence need to be actively lived, Be, Lived, Believed and actively Enriched, actively Enriched. All I wanted all of you to know - what Hindus missed, ShriKailasa should do. We should tell the whole world. It's not that just last 10 years we are suffering. Last 10 years our Sangha is personally suffering, but it is 10,000 years of aggression we are suffering. The false narrative built on Hindus for last... almost 10 centuries, thousand years, all over the world. The false narrative built about Hindus, especially aggressively last hundred years. After this mass media communication methods have evolved on planet earth. Last 100 years so much of hate speech, atrocity material, was generated on Hindus.


The right narrative was never actively taken to the world. Even though Hindus are successful, richest ethnic community all over the world, they missed telling the whole world right narrative about Hinduism. All the sufferings they went through. That is why still Hindus are being projected as aggressors, even though they suffered the most, the worst holocaust, religious persecution happened on the planet earth is done on Hindus. Unfortunately in the name of nonviolence and Tyaga, we become inactive. We started justifying our inactivism, laziness, inertia, in the name of Tyaga and nonviolence. Ravi Iyengar, this is the answer for your question. Do Tyaga to tell the world actively, enrich the world actively about Hinduism. “Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaha”, Ahimsa is the highest value as per Hinduism. “Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaha”, that is the grand narrative of Hinduism. Nonviolence is the grand narrative of Hinduism. We need to tell that grand narrative to the whole world. Actively, actively we need to tell that grand narrative to the whole world. Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaha. Nonviolence does not mean inactivism. Through every mass media communication methods, entertainment industry, universities, education systems, through United Nations, through all the human rights organizations, we should reach out to the whole world and tell the grand narrative of Hinduism is “Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaha”. Nonviolence is ultimate value. And tell the whole world how we only suffered, we never attack, neither retaliated. We did the only one mistake, did not enrich the whole world, reach out to the whole world, with the real narrative and the real facts. We allowed hate speech and false news and fake narratives, that is why we are suffering. We did not tell the whole world, all the great Conscious gifts we have for the whole world and why we are being attacked, targeted, so much abuse with hate speech, persecution, murders, assassinations, genocide in every level. Shrikailsa, revived to tell these truths to the world.


I thank every one of you for being with Me, standing by ShriKailasa, every one of you, and let us all stand together and take the great gifts Hinduism has to offer to the whole world - Superconscious breakthroughs. We have so much to give it to the world. Not just nonviolence as a human value, we have great spiritual treasures to be shared with the world. I thank every one of you for standing by Me and sharing your time, talent, treasure, your good offices in supporting ShriKailasa. Once again I sincerely want to thank every one of you, especially Srimati Lauren King, a high achiever Hollywood celebrity joining us from Los Angeles. Thank you again, once again and it's wonderful to have you and all of you standing by Me and supporting ShriKailasa and the great principles of nonviolence, ahimsa, and the Science of Superconsciousness.


Understand. Hinduism has a reason to exist. We have something great to contribute to the world. Let's not forget, we have a great science to offer to the world - Superconscious Science. Our ancestors worked, gave their whole life to develop this science, to realize this science of Superconsciousness. For thousands of years, we worked on Superconscious medicine, Superconscious physics, Superconscious chemistry, Superconscious metallurgy, Superconscious biology, Superconscious cosmology, Superconscious astrology, Superconscious astronomy, Superconsciousness-based lifestyle, health, Enlightenment-based infrastructure building, Enlightenment-based art, science, knowledge, everything. It is time we offer all these gifts actively to the whole world and enrich the whole world, reach out to the whole world and tell the whole world loudly, in a loud clear voice, the need for Hinduism to be alive and the right grand narrative of Hinduism. Cleanup all the fake narrative and false narrative and false news. Hindus have suffered a lot because we did not attend to atrocity materials and fake narratives and false news. ShriKailasa is revived to tell the whole world the right narrative of Hinduism and the greatest contributions we have and contribute it to the whole world. Thank you all for sharing your time, talent, treasure, especially SJP Yajamans, Kartas, I know you all have given literally not just the hard earned money, your life. Money is equivalent to time, life you spent on it. I know how many vacations you skipped and worked to support me economically. I appreciate each one day, each one hour you spent working to generate money to support ShriKailasa, missing your vacations, missing spending time with your family or missing doing what you want to do but worked day and night to support Kailasa. And I sincerely want to thank all of you for sharing your time, treasure, talent and your good offices, supporting us in every possible way. Once again I want to thank Lauren King and I give you my blessings, I will make sure you are completely healed. I heard, I will make sure you are healed. My blessings and healing for you, also everyone sitting with us all over the world.


So now, it is time I will lead you all into the Vishesa Deeksha. Listen, now we will have the Vishesa Deeksha process, take your Atmalinga in your hand, sit in the mandala. With the grace of Paramashiva, by the grace of Paramashiva I'll connect all of us to Paramashiva, ShriKailasa. Sit with Atmalinga in your hand and chant the Mahavakya intensely. Let's start the Vishesa Deeksha, Paramashivoham process. Process by Paramashiva


My Blessings to all of you. Aum Nithyananda Paramashivoham. So with this, I Bless you all, get ready for Jeevan Mukti Jayanti tomorrow, birthday of the greatest spiritual, classic “Living Enlightenment”. With this I Bless you all, let's all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living Shuddhadvaitashaivam, living and radiating the State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness and Shrikailisa of Paramashiva, the Eternal Bliss. Paramashivoham. Aum Nithyananda Paramashivoham. The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you, Be Blissful.


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No of temples participated around the world

16 temples from around the world participated

ATA Component

Shri Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsavam - Day 4, 8th Anniversary
Vijayotsavam - Day 2
The Anti Spiritual Elements Suicide Day - 9th Anniversary



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Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0516-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0529-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0529-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0530-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0535-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0537-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0538-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0540-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0541-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0543-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0549-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0556-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0557-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0558-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0559-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0563-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0564-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0565-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0565-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0568-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0568-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0569-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0569-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0570-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0570-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0571-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0571-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0572-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0572-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0575-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0575-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0576-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0576-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0579-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0579-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0581-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0589-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0589-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0592-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0594-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0595-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0597-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0601-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0602-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0607-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0608-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0609-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0618-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0626-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0627-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0657-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0681-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0682-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0687-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0688-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0696-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0697-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0702-2-nithya-satsang.jpg Satsang - 2020-03-02-IMG_0702-nithya-satsang.jpg


Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_0001-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_0002-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_0004-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_00062-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_0008-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_0012-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_0020-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_0021-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_0023-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_0030-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_0034-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 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2020-03-02-IMG_0462-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_9986-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_9987-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_9991-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_9992-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_9993-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg Swarnakarshana-Bhairava-Homa-Houston - 2020-03-02-IMG_9993-swarnakarshana-homa-houston.jpg