1978 - Family astrologer casts the Divine horoscope

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The First Divine Prediction of His Divine Holiness=

Upon His happening on Planet Earth, Ma Lokanayaki and her father, Raju Mudaliar, arranged for the traditional horoscope to be read for The Avatar. They called upon a renowned astrologer, Venkatasamy Chettiar, who had known their family very well since they had lived within five houses of each other on Kumara Kovil Street in Thiruvannamalai.

Accompanying Ma Lokanayaki was one of her friends to witness the prediction which was about to take place who would not forget this moment even a half-a-century into the future. Upon reading the horoscope for His Divine Holiness, Venkatasamy Chettiar was stunned and perplexed as to how to reveal this news to a traditional, affectionate mother without uprooting her peace.

“Your son will be successful in all things He takes up” He said first. “He will create a breakthrough in all fields that He enters” He continued.

Then finally he revealed the first divine horoscope of His Divine Holiness, “He will be a Rajasanyasi, the king of sanyasis (monks)”

Venkatasamy Chettiar later confided in the biological parents of His Divine Holiness that, “If you tell this to Him quickly, He will become a sanyasi quickly, but you can delay the process by keeping this information from Him”

Unbeknownst to the astrologer, however, His Divine Holiness was born with the tremendous clarity for His own life and the lives of 210 million souls who all follow His lead as He forges a new world itself upon the Planet Earth. The jeeva nadi reading of The Avatar reveals He sent 7 crore to Planet Earth before him, 7 crore who came down with Him and 7 crore whom He called after His descent. Totally, 21 crore souls are predetermined for the path which His Divine Holiness is paving, and millions more are destined to become inclined just by the immense positive energy created by the nuclear force in the physical form of His Divine Holiness.

The original verse and translation of the revelation of jeeva nadi

It was foretold thousands of years ago that Paramashiva would appear once again on Planet Earth, revive, leading the enlightened civilization of KAILASA just as the Rajasanyasis would guide and lead the kingdoms of the great Vedic civilization. Aptly, the first name, of many, beheld by The Avatar of Paramashiva in this form was therefore A.A Rajashekaran.

HDH at the age of one year old, from around 1979


  1. Venkatasamy Chettiar’s son and another astrologer by the name of Ramalingam have both shared their experiences regarding the divine horoscope given for HDH YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5IHEJ_VFV8
  2. Revealed in 2010 in a spontaneous jeeva nadi, which is originated from Agasthya Muni, one of the saptarishis and father of the crores of Nadi readings which are now famously sought out by seekers.