New Clear Bomb - Apply Oneness is Every Situation of Your Life - Oneness is a Cosmo Electro Magnetic Force

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Apply Oneness is Every Situation of Your Life | Oneness is a Cosmo Electro Magnetic Force


Video Audio


Even if you have a simple headache, apply Oneness as the first solution. You may ask how to apply oneness on headache. I’ll give you very simple understanding, just see where the pain is and see me, oneness within me cannot be uncomfortable within me, if something is uncomfortable within me, then, that Me is not in oneness with me. Let me see where Me is not in oneness with me. Just start searching for that, you will see Me becomes one with me, and headache disappears. If there is a headache, Me is not in oneness with me, let me see which part of me is not in oneness with me. Just start searching, I tell you, simply headache will disappear. And, please listen, I am not giving you false ideas, just take little sacred ash, tell Paramashiva « Oh Mahadeva, Paramashiva, I know oneness is an energy which can be mixed with any object and that object will manifest and radiate it, electromagnetic energy of oneness; so let this sacred ash mix, be mixed with that electromagnetic energy of your oneness, let your oneness be invoked in this sacred ash » and apply it on your forehead. With the Mahavakya: Nithyananda Paramashivoham. It is equivalent to applying oneness on your forehead. And you will see headache disappears. I am not giving you some method like a placebo, fluke, No ! Understand what I am talking is far beyond placebo, it is oneness effect, not placebo effect. The electromagnetic force, maybe I can use a new word, cosmo-magnetic force of oneness can be infused into any object, you can infuse that within you and without you, both.