May 27 2015

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Aligning Bio & Muscle Memory Through Mandala Process | Connect With Paramashiva Through Shodasi Mandala


Name Of The Program - Inner Awakening (IA)
Session on - Shivoham Third Eye Mandala Process & Shodasi Initiation
Venue - Varanasi, India
Date - 27 May 2015

Link to video

'Session on - Shivoham Third Eye Mandala Process'
This video is an excerpt from the Inner Awakening program conducted on 27 May 2015 at Varanasi. Here HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam guides participants through a Shivoham Process. Through this process, Swamiji aligns everyone’s bio- and muscle-memory to the fundamental lines and sounds of the cosmos. Using His energy, He surgically removes the chaotic lines and sounds from everyone – leaving the participants in the space of Shivoham

Audio: Aligning Bio & Muscle Memory Through Mandala Process

Link to video

'Connect With Paramashiva Through Shodasi Mandala || Part 1'
This video is an excerpt from the Inner Awakening program conducted on 27 May 2015 in Varanasi, India. Here HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam guides participants through a special Shodasi Iniation during Inner #Awakening Mandala Process. #Shodasi is used to invoke the energy of Paramashiva as the Ishta Devata and help participants connect to every Saharanama the chanting of 1008 names, and achieve the space of Paramashivatva.

Audio: Connect With Paramashiva Through Shodasi Mandala || Part 1


(5:21) So, my blessings to all of you. (5:28) Please understand, Inner Awakening can only start, can never end. (5:39) There are some things which has a beginning and end, like a body, it has beginning, it has end. (5:48) There are some things, no beginning, only end. Delusion. Ignorance. You don't know when it begin, but it has a end, when you become enlightened. (6:00) There are some things which has only beginning, no end. That is Inner Awakening. (6:14) I bless you all. Continue for next few days playing with your third eye. (6:21) Just playfully, casually. You will see at any moment it will just cracks, top, top, top. Even now you are going to have Energy Darshan. One more ultimate blow. It can break up, it can just open up. So just play, it’s already cracked. It just have to break and open up. Initiation has happened. It just need to open up, it will open up. (7:00) So, actually, if I've started this third eye ten days before, means just tenth day of the IA or immediately after the, the second week, eighth day, eighth day, ninth day itself, we could have by now finished 100%. But have to finish the whole Inner Awakening syllabus and prepare you with the completion. That is the reason. But anyhow, next IA I already clearly understood or I, I have a clear plan where we will be able to… It is only a little practice, nothing more. Nothing more is required. If I have a few more days of IA I’ll finish all the 100% of you guys, able to read blindfolded and send you back. It's only a few more days question, nothing else. (8:05) Because Varanasi has a unique special energy connection with third eye. It really supports the third eye awakening and all the Gods and Goddesses of Varanasi want us here to (Swamiji making a pause) (8:43) Thank you guys for being here, sharing the joy, bliss with me. (8:55) Understand. How much you feel I am making your life joyful, meaningful, that much you mean to me. (9:09) How much you feel I’m important to your life, be very clear, that much you are also important to my life. (9:20) Somebody asked a boy: “What's your father's… what's your age?' He said: “14.” They asked:” “What's your father's age?” He said: “14”. They asked: “How come” ? He said: “Only when I am born he became father”. (9:38) Understand, same way it is you guys, disciples, make me a Guru. So it is how much you enjoy, you feel I am into your life, I want to tell you guys, that same way you all mean to my life. And I do enjoy all your presence in my life.

(10:29) We have lot to do to revive this great Vedic Tradition, to move this Dharma Chakra. I invite everyone of you to shoulder this responsibility, to move this Dharma Chakra along with me. (11:10) I think that's it, for now. (11:19) Blessings to all you guys. (11:29) I know, not only you guys will be missing this chair, even I will be missing (11:37) Just turning around and seeing everyone. "Come on, shall we start?" Alright. Let's get ready for Pada Puja and Energy Darshan. Ultimate, but not final; Ultimate, but not last. (12:14) Touch of the Divine, Energy Darshan (12:22) I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Advaita, the Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.

Link to video

'Connect With Paramashiva Through Shodasi Mandala || Part 2'
This video is an excerpt from the Inner Awakening program conducted on 27 May 2015 in Varanasi, India. Here HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam guides participants through a special Shodasi Initiation during Inner Awakening Mandala Process. #Shodasi is used to invoke the energy of Paramashiva as the Ishta Devata and help participants connect to every #Sahasranama the chanting of 1008 names, and achieve the space of Paramashivatva.

Audio: Connect With Paramashiva Through Shodasi Mandala || Part 2


(5:21) So, my blessings to all of you. (5:28) Please understand, Inner Awakening can only start, can never end. (5:39) There are some things which has a beginning and end, like a body, it has beginning, it has end. (5:48) There are some things, no beginning, only end. Delusion. Ignorance. You don't know when it begin, but it has a end, when you become enlightened. (6:00) There are some things which has only beginning, no end. That is Inner Awakening. (6:14) I bless you all. Continue for next few days playing with your third eye. (6:21) Just playfully, casually. You will see at any moment it will just cracks, top, top, top. Even now you are going to have Energy Darshan. One more ultimate blow. It can break up, it can just open up. So just play, it’s already cracked. It just have to break and open up. Initiation has happened. It just need to open up, it will open up. (7:00) So, actually, if I've started this third eye ten days before, means just tenth day of the IA or immediately after the, the second week, eighth day, eighth day, ninth day itself, we could have by now finished 100%. But have to finish the whole Inner Awakening syllabus and prepare you with the completion. That is the reason. But anyhow, next IA I already clearly understood or I, I have a clear plan where we will be able to… It is only a little practice, nothing more. Nothing more is required. If I have a few more days of IA I’ll finish all the 100% of you guys, able to read blindfolded and send you back. It's only a few more days question, nothing else. (8:05) Because Varanasi has a unique special energy connection with third eye. It really supports the third eye awakening and all the Gods and Goddesses of Varanasi want us here to (Swamiji making a pause) (8:43) Thank you guys for being here, sharing the joy, bliss with me. (8:55) Understand. How much you feel I am making your life joyful, meaningful, that much you mean to me. (9:09) How much you feel I’m important to your life, be very clear, that much you are also important to my life. (9:20) Somebody asked a boy: “What's your father's… what's your age?' He said: “14.” They asked:” “What's your father's age?” He said: “14”. They asked: “How come” ? He said: “Only when I am born he became father”. (9:38) Understand, same way it is you guys, disciples, make me a Guru. So it is how much you enjoy, you feel I am into your life, I want to tell you guys, that same way you all mean to my life. And I do enjoy all your presence in my life.

(10:29) We have lot to do to revive this great Vedic Tradition, to move this Dharma Chakra. I invite everyone of you to shoulder this responsibility, to move this Dharma Chakra along with me. (11:10) I think that's it, for now. (11:19) Blessings to all you guys. (11:29) I know, not only you guys will be missing this chair, even I will be missing (11:37) Just turning around and seeing everyone. "Come on, shall we start?" Alright. Let's get ready for Pada Puja and Energy Darshan. Ultimate, but not final; Ultimate, but not last. (12:14) Touch of the Divine, Energy Darshan (12:22) I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Advaita, the Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.


Swamiji with chief Guests in Varanasi InnerAwakening on 27-May-2015

Link to video:

SUpreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam with Mahanth for Maha Nirvani Akadha and Guests from Govindha Mutt

Audio: Swamiji with Chief Guests in Varanasi InnerAwakening


'Nithyananda Times 27/May/2015'