New Clear Bomb-How Anti Hindu Forces Tried to Kill Me by Burning My Ashram on Live TV

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How Anti Hindu Forces Tried to Kill Me by Burning My Ashram on Live TV


Video Audio


This anti-Hindu think tank, first they’ll usually create some false evidence to show ‘’That leader or a Sadhu is an anti-social element’’, how they did it on me. First, March 2nd, they will release a video, they release a video showing I am a rapist and then March 4th, they filed a false F.I.R., false case saying I am a rapist and pervert. Funny thing, they released a morphed video on me, and then they say I hurt the Hindu’s sentiments, they filled the case on me for hurting the Hindu’s sentiments. Brutally my ashrams were burnt and attacked and destroyed, fortunately, some of my Sanyasis gave their life and saved me. My quarters where I was staying, that hut, the traditional thatched roof, they pushed me, the terrorist gang pushed me inside that hut, putting the fire for the hut knowing that I cannot get out, they locked the door from outside, this whole thing is been shown in live in national televisions and police standing, not to protect me, to take care none of my disciples come and put the fire off or save me. All my Sadhus, my devotees were rushing to protect me, to put the fire off were stopped by the police, live relay is happening, this is shown live in national television, police is there, police handing me over literally to the terrorist gang to kill me. Fortunately, two of my Sadhus broke the window using their bare hands and pulled me out through the backside and took me out, safeguarded me, that is why I am here now seating in front of you all and talking, if not by March 4th, the news would have been released in sex scandal ‘’because of the illegal, immoral, anti-social activities, the social leader's responsible mob killed Nithyananda’. Over! The news and not a single one would have been convicted or punished.